
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pittiGood morning04:49
larsuhi pitti!05:16
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?05:16
larsugut, und dir?05:16
* larsu can't stop hacking05:16
pittilarsu: prima, danke05:19
dholbachI don't know what the plan is WRT gnome 3.7 - how do you feel about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-monitor/+bug/1130956?07:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1130956 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "Update gnome-system-monitor to 3.7.90" [Undecided,New]07:42
jibelgood morning08:09
highvoltagemorning jibel08:10
jibelHey  highvoltage08:10
m4n1shmvo: can you please have a look at the merge req in your free time08:50
seb128hey desktopers09:33
Sweetsha1kseb128: ho09:34
seb128Sweetsha1k, where are ... oh, other side of the table09:34
seb128got it09:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, how come i always end up with you sat next to me? ;)09:35
seb128Laney, btw ricotz pointed at http://git.gnome.org/browse/pango/patch/?id=6ee53b4e4567b4d7f2b8799d00ecea223ab4b28f to fix linking issues with the new pango09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, I didn't see you09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, hey09:35
Sweetsha1kseb128: really?09:35
* Sweetsha1k looks up.09:35
Sweetsha1kseb128: true dat.09:35
chrisccoulsonmterry, what was that? sorry, i didn't hear ;)09:36
seb128chrisccoulson, firefox failed to build in the ppa it seems09:36
seb128did you notice?09:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, WHICH PPA?09:36
seb128YOUR PPA09:36
* ogra_ shades his ears ... 09:37
Sweetsha1kmterry: we should finally switch from UDP to TCP for voice so that such communication fails dont happen09:38
Sweetsha1kchrisccoulson: ^^09:38
mterrySweetsha1k, :)09:38
chrisccoulsonhi ogra_. i bet you wish you were sat here next to seb128 too!09:39
ogra_did he shout in RL as well ?09:39
Sweetsha1kogra_: you dont wanna know about RL09:39
chrisccoulsonogra_, YES09:39
Sweetsha1kogra_: scary stuff09:39
ogra_managers ... tsk09:39
RAOFdesrt: What's up?09:44
RAOFdesrt: I'm driving the projector, but I can spare some cycles.09:44
desrtRAOF: weird trackpad issue09:47
desrtRAOF: i sum it up here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69434309:47
ubot2Gnome bug 694343 in mouse ""disable touchpad" doesn't completely disable touchpad" [Normal,Needinfo]09:47
desrtneat bug, eh? :)09:50
RAOFdesrt: So, synaptics has *two* ways to disable it - there's device-enabled and synaptics-off.09:54
RAOFHysterical raisins.09:54
desrtlemme guess which one *syn*daemon uses....09:55
desrtRAOF: can you put that info in the bug?09:55
desrtLaney: that's some nice looking code!09:55
Laneythe stroke of genius is evident09:55
desrtthe sort of genius that causes one to think that the best thing to do before creating a thread is to instruct the kernel to not allow us to create threads09:56
Laneyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1698116/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1698110/10:05
Laneywhen / how often / how soon are autopkgtests run after upload?10:21
Laneyfor the record - didier answered me irl: scanned every 15 mins10:22
desrtLaney: "i believe that the internet is real"10:24
Sweetsha1kdesrt: the cake is a lie10:28
dholbachasking again since now more poeple are up: I don't know what the plan is WRT gnome 3.7 - how do you feel about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-monitor/+bug/1130956?10:53
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1130956 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "Update gnome-system-monitor to 3.7.90" [Wishlist,New]10:53
desrtdholbach: that's a pretty low criticality component...10:57
desrtdholbach: do you know about gnome3-staging?10:57
desrtdholbach: they have gnome-system-monitor 3.7 in their PPA10:58
dholbachah, just saw pitti's comment10:58
dholbachdesrt, no, no idea about the ppa10:58
pittiyeah, just discussed in #u-devel10:58
desrtdesktop team will probably sync things out of this PPA10:58
pittiI'm sponsoring10:58
desrtpitti: 3.7 ALL the things!10:59
desrtseb looks unhappy :p10:59
desrtjdstrand: around?10:59
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didrocks_on_pidghum, interesting… at least it works11:45
didrocks_on_pidgfor some definition of working :p11:45
ogra_well, it gives you a weird nick11:45
didrocksogra_: it was _on_pidgin_and_crying :)11:46
didrocksogra_: I doubted for one second to upload the patch. People using IRC on pidgin doesn't even deserve the patch :p11:47
ogra_didrocks, ++11:47
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notgaryWhat are all the different lists of work items that someone could work on if they wanted to help out with packaging during the global jam?12:51
notgaryI've got: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html12:51
notgaryand was wondering if there were any others I could like to12:51
notgaryI've also got a lit of build failures reported by Jenkins http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/12:57
Laneypitti: could it be that the new gobject-introspection makes things ftbfs like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1698884/ ?13:17
Laneyo hai blue fin13:21
Sweetsha1kLaney: Icanhazcheeseburger?13:28
Sweetsha1kLaney: oh wait, I just had one.13:28
Laneyyum yum13:29
Sweetsha1kisnt that nomnomnom?13:31
* Sweetsha1k needs to retrain his lolcode ...13:31
pittiLaney: yeah, most likely; there have been some changes in that area13:33
pittiLaney: all the examples have <instance-parameter> wrapped in a <parameter> tag13:33
Laneypitti: The examples in g-i you mean? I see <parameters> <instance-parameter …> … </parameters> in both13:41
pittiright, forgot the 's', sorry13:41
xnoxcyphermox: are in you in BlueFin?13:43
Laneyhmm, so I don't see the difference13:43
Laneylooking in tests in g-i13:43
pittiLaney: I was looking at commit d1ac20f792013:49
pittiand 9c0bd59b0213:49
mitya57hi, can anybody please look at / sponsor lp:~mitya57/gnome-system-monitor/lp1110498 ?14:08
Laneyyou should propose a merge and get it on the sponsor list14:10
pittimitya57: we just got g-s-m 3.7.90 into raring14:10
pittimitya57: so I'm pretty sure that this is not relevant any more14:10
pittimitya57: indeed, verified; closing14:11
mitya57pitti: oops, didn't notice that (my branch is two days old) :)14:11
pittimitya57: yeah, the one I sponsored two hours ago or so was from today; sorry14:11
Laneyhmm, so there's http://git.gnome.org/browse/vala/commit/?id=9cd5d1d5eb8bdeecfcf544971b6a9f4c20718f8014:12
Laneybut not for start14:12
pittiLaney: would it actually be desirable to silently discard broken elements instead of failing on them?14:13
Laneyah: http://git.gnome.org/browse/vala/commit/?id=c755bb4bd3b078363193ea41495e4c9f2782a9d814:13
mitya57Laney: how can I make a merge against ubuntu-desktop branch show up there?14:13
Laneyno, it needs to explicitly ignore the ones it wants to14:13
Laneylike this14:13
pittiLaney: ah, so we need to backport that vala patch?14:14
Laneyseems so14:14
* Laney does14:14
desrtjbicha: we can talk here too14:19
jbichadesrt: in front of all these people?!14:23
pittiwhat on earth are you guys doing!?14:24
* larsu doesn't want to know14:25
desrtjbicha: gnome-shell actually has a direct depend on gconf as well14:27
desrtpresumably because a .convert file is installed14:27
desrti think it's probably safe to not have that as a depend14:27
Laneypitti: haha, you already sponsored that for ricotz in -0.1814:28
pittiLaney: ah, that's still using 16?14:29
jbichadesrt: maybe, how do we handle upgrades though?14:29
jbichadesrt: you're using gnome-terminal 3.7?14:29
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jbichaanyone want to sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/vte/ubuntu-vte3 ?14:35
mlankhorstwould be better to ask in ubuntu-devel?14:35
jbichadesrt: let me know if you figure out how to get new tabs to keep the same working directory ^ that fix is a prerequisite14:36
desrtoh ya.  that's sort of been annoying me a lot.14:37
jbichahttp://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-terminal/tree/NEWS#n12 but I couldn't get it to work14:38
jbichapitti: are you still patch piloting?14:39
pittijbicha: yes14:39
jbichapitti: cool, can you look at vte3? ^14:40
pittijbicha: hm, this really needs to run in each and every shell we are running? what does it do?14:44
pittijbicha: i. e. how does __vte_ps1() actually get used?14:45
jbichaand it's needed for gnome-terminal 3.714:47
margaSo, I'm trying to figure out a sound bug, and there's one thing that's driving me crazy.  If I open gnome-control-center sound from unity, it shows a completely different window than if I open it from cinnamon14:50
margafrom unity, there's no hardware tab14:50
margaand the contents of the tabs are different14:51
margaand, when I connect my usb headphones, I get no sound.14:52
pittijbicha: uploaded, thanks14:55
TheMusomarga: yes I believe we show a different UI depending on the desktop shell used.15:11
jdstrandinfinity: can you kill these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ppa/+build/4317384 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ppa/+build/431738515:11
jdstrandinfinity: asked in #ubuntu-release (where I meant to ask)15:12
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pittijdstrand: I don't think he can; you need to ask vanguard in #is15:18
jdstrandpitti: ok, thanks15:18
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Laneyhi mlankhorst15:39
czajkowskirandom 13.04 desktop question, on start up, when you get to the login screen, type in password. why does the user name and name of machine become highlighed?15:41
seb128czajkowski, they do?15:49
czajkowskithey do15:49
czajkowskieach and every time15:49
czajkowskiit's very odd15:49
czajkowskibut not as odd as the other issue I get where  it boots up and looks black15:49
czajkowskibut if I hite the contrast button there is my login screen15:49
czajkowskibut that only happens every 3/4th time15:50
TheMusoczajkowski: Your audio issue should be resolved now as of the latest pulse update.16:02
czajkowskiTheMuso: at least I wasnt imagining it :)16:02
mterryseb128, chrisccoulson: bug 1049046 is what you were talking about?16:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049046 in update-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) "Software updater stops complete update if only one source cannot be found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104904616:06
chrisccoulsonmterry, yeah, that's the one. thanks16:06
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qenghochrisccoulson: https://code.launchpad.net/~cmiller/chromium-browser/ppa-chromium-browser.raring.stable16:34
rickspencer3stgraber, hey, so when I started up this morning, it seemed that I had no pulseaudio16:36
rickspencer3I suspect this is due to having user session upstart running16:36
rickspencer3anyway I can get you some info so you can look into that?16:36
stgraberrickspencer3: what do you get if you do "status pulseaudio"?16:37
rickspencer3stgraber, well ... unfortunately I have restarted and it works now16:37
rickspencer3I forgot I was running user session upstart :(16:37
stgraberrickspencer3: ok. Anything interesting in ~/.cache/upstart/pulseaudio.log?16:37
* rickspencer3 looks16:37
rickspencer3stgraber, 12 lines of this:16:38
rickspencer3pulseaudio: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecommon-2.1.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:38
rickspencer3which is weird because I think I got pulse 3 yesterday16:38
stgrabermy guess is that pulse crashed and upstart failed to respawn it because of an existing pid file. I believe I saw that here at some point too. A simple workaround would be to add a pre-start of "pulseaudio -k || true" so that it'd cleanup before spawning it16:39
rickspencer3stgraber, should I log a bug for that or something?16:39
stgraberI'll do that change to the job in the next upload, hopefully that'll fix it (would still be nice to figure out exactly why pulse is dying and fix that too ;))16:39
rickspencer3stgraber, well, I suspect it had something to do with upgrading yesterday, tbh16:39
rickspencer3so is probably transient16:40
rickspencer3thanks stgraber16:40
stgraberrickspencer3: I just commited the change to bzr, so the job will workaround any issue like that with the next build. As the feature technically isn't in the archive, we don't need a bug report here. It'd probably be useful to log a bug for the pulse crash if we ever manage to reproduce it and get some debug info16:40
rickspencer3stgraber, ok, thanks16:41
stgraberseb128: hey there. I'm trying to debug the qt theme being wrong when running under user sessions. Can you suggest someone who has a clue as to how our qt theming is working?16:43
seb128stgraber, Riddell maybe?16:43
seb128stgraber, is that qt4 or qt5? what's the issue?16:44
stgraberseb128: well, the problem happens under a unity session. Outside of an upstart user session we get a theme that looks like gtk (testing with mumble), within a user session we get an ugly theme (all gray, probably some kind of default theme)16:45
seb128stgraber, it happens only with the new upstart though?16:45
seb128not sure what qt is using to determine what gtk is using...16:46
seb128could be xsettings16:46
Riddellstgraber: Qt has some magic to detect if its running under gnome and loads the gtk theme if so, maybe that's broken in unity?16:46
Riddellit's window manager atoms I believe16:46
seb128Riddell, do you know what's the magic? env variable?16:46
stgraberRiddell: ah, good idea. I looked at the environment but didn't find anything obvious. I'll go check the xatoms on the root window16:47
mitya57it's not xsettings definitely16:49
mitya57my patch that brings xsettings support to qt is awaiting review for longer than a month :(16:49
mitya57(they really should have dholbach^W patch pilots)16:52
stgraberseb128, Riddell: found it, it depends on GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID being set (to any value)16:59
stgraberI'll add that to the gnome-session job, should do the trick17:00
seb128stgraber, seems wrong17:00
seb128stgraber, something is/was setting it, why that something stopped working and shouldn't we fix that cause rather?17:01
mitya57funny comment @ https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/qt4-x11/raring/view/head:/src/gui/kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp#L237017:01
mitya57/ GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is deprecated for some reason, but still check it17:01
stgraberseb128: well, if you know what usually sets it, I'd be happy to look into it. I just grepped all of /usr/bin and /etc without finding a single match17:02
Riddella shame there's no reliable way to do that17:03
mitya57but well, GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is a fallback to "DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome" check17:03
seb128stgraber, gnome-session does17:03
seb128stgraber, gnome-session/main.c:        gsm_util_setenv ("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID", "this-is-deprecated");17:03
stgraberseb128: hmm, odd17:03
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~$ cat /proc/$(pgrep gnome-session)/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep SESSION_ID17:04
stgraberseb128: is that code conditional on something else?17:04
seb128stgraber, no17:05
seb128stgraber, but it's updating it by making a call over the dbus session bus17:05
stgraberseb128: hmm, right, so it'll only be set to things that are dbus activated, not for what's started by upstart or by a child of an upstart job (in this case, compiz/unity)17:09
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seb128stgraber, weird, compiz/unity are not dbus activated in the traditional workflow either17:09
stgraberseb128: hmm, indeed... maybe gnome-session explicitly sets it for things it spawns itself? I had a quick look here and compiz on a regular system definitely has GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID in the environment17:11
seb128stgraber, well, gsm_util_setenv() does g_setenv (variable, value, TRUE);17:15
seb128stgraber, so any child (e.g the autostarted .desktop) should have the env17:16
stgraberok, so it applies to both its children and to dbus activated stuff. That explains how compiz usually inherits it17:16
stgraberok, so the next upstart upload will have a simple trick in gnome-session.conf to export GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID to jobs depending on gnome-session. That should do the trick (at least it works here). Hopefully QT will stop depending on that variable soon and we can drop that workaround then.17:18
mterrympt, seb128 and chrisccoulson don't like the dialog that we added in bug 1049046.  A suggestion was that the "OK" button should be something like "Continue" or "Continue Anyway" or some such.  Thoughts?17:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049046 in update-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) "Software updater stops complete update if only one source cannot be found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104904617:19
seb128mterry, mpt: "OK" is not really informative on the what you are saying "OK" to17:20
mptmterry, what OK button?17:20
seb128or what's coming next if you ack it17:20
mterrympt, sorry...  let me get you context17:20
czajkowskirickspencer3: if you're on raring and booted up and have no sound, I logged that bug and it's just been fixed - may be seperate but just so you know.17:21
czajkowskirickspencer3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/112999017:21
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1129990 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Sound no longer works unless you kill it each time for each application" [High,Fix released]17:21
mterrympt, hmm, I don't see the addition to the spec promised by comment #5 in that bug?  But the dialog you proposed in that bug, I put an "OK" button on (because the rest of the error dialogs in update-manager use OK)17:22
mptmterry, well, you grabbed it so it fell off my to-do list ;-)17:23
mterrympt, you can see the dialog if you edit your sources.list and screw up one of the URLs17:23
mptmterry, and I'm running Ringtail?17:23
mterrympt, yes17:23
seb128stgraber, in the new upstart world the autostarts are not spawned by gnome-session anymore?17:24
seb128stgraber, I don't understand why the env is unset if gnome-session still starts those17:24
seb128stgraber, are we likely to have the same issue with some other variables?17:25
stgraberseb128: compiz has a separate upstart job with the setup in my PPA, so it's not spawned by gnome-session. Same thing applies to pulseaudio and gnome-settings-daemon17:26
stgraberseb128: from a simple environment diff, we seem to be missing two variables. GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID and XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP17:27
seb128stgraber, right17:27
TheMusoUm, I think Pulseaudio gets automatically spawned, it doesn't get explicitly loaded under normal circumstances.17:27
achiangmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/112651617:28
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1126516 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in <unavailable> in ??() (Nexus 7)" [Critical,New]17:28
stgraberTheMuso: right, the current jobs are just examples. It'll eventually be up to you guys to choose what you want to have started by upstart and what should be dbus activated instead.17:29
mterrybryce, you want help with the above bug?   Just want me to reproduce it?17:30
brycehmterry, yeah see if you can repro17:36
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Laneyricotz: what is the pango1.0-multiarch-modver?17:41
LaneyI see, it's automatically generated17:46
Laneyoh no, it's set in the rules file17:46
ricotzLaney, i guess it was suppose to be use by rdepends to track this version17:50
ricotzLaney, like plymouth17:50
czajkowskiI've a bit of an odd one on raring atm, and before I log a bug am curious if anyone else can replicate it.  if you click empty recycling bin - it opens up the folder of my /home and looks like this, is this now normal? http://ubuntuone.com/2UdQROWOWnq5yOrzCj2JUu17:51
Laneyit's some kind of abi then?17:51
Laneyricotz: will we have to rebuild packages for it?17:51
Laneyactually I only see pango-graphite depending on it17:52
ricotzLaney, in case of plymouth just the initramfs trigger will be affected and i already made infinity fix that a while ago17:52
ricotz(by the module location change ^)17:53
bschaeferczajkowski, hmm from that screen shot it looks like your trash icon has some trash in it17:53
bschaefer(the trash icon)17:53
bschaefernow if you don't have any trash, and the trash icon thinks its full then thats a bug17:53
czajkowskibschaefer: well it does, but I'd expect the folder to show up is the trash folder not the one wher all home is17:53
czajkowskiI'd have thought it should bring you to your trash folder17:53
czajkowskiso you could review the items, and empty17:54
Laneyah, it hardcoded the directory17:54
Laneyricotz: OK, uploading 1.32.5 to raring now17:54
LaneyI'll let it age in proposed some time though17:54
Laneylike a fine wine17:54
bschaeferczajkowski, right, it should open a trash window somewhere17:54
bschaeferbut im guessing its not focusing the right window17:54
ricotzLaney, oh i thought 1.32.4 was the target17:54
czajkowskibschaefer: bingo17:55
Laneyricotz: hope not!17:55
Laney.6 was the borked one17:55
bschaeferpossibly, which is a Nautilus focus bug17:55
Laneyseb128: confirm/deny17:55
* bschaefer tries to find that bug17:55
ricotzLaney, just saying i thought seb128 was working on .417:55
Laneygtk asks for .4 I think but .5 should also be good17:55
Laney.6 is bad17:56
seb128I was looking at .517:56
ricotz<seb128> ricotz, no, I want 1.32.4 then17:56
seb128so +117:56
seb128ricotz, I got confused by the versions17:56
bschaeferczajkowski, well im not sure where it is atm, Trevinho would know if its a bug already17:58
bschaeferhopefully :)17:58
czajkowskiif not I can log one for raring17:58
bschaeferczajkowski, I would file a bug, worst case it gets marked a dup of the real one :)17:58
bschaeferas I don't see a bug that describes your problem 100%17:59
czajkowskiagainst nautilus18:00
bschaeferczajkowski, hmm it could be unity/bamf or nautilus18:00
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thumperhi folks20:47
thumperI've just removed a ppa20:47
thumperand I want to revert packages that may have been upgraded back to the defaults20:48
* thumper has no working unity20:48
czajkowskisuspects many of the folks on sprint in london may be able to help but are all offline21:14
xnoxthumper: purge-ppa is your friend.22:09
xnoxczajkowski: purge-ppa for similar cases always helps =)22:10
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TheMusothumper: Did you use ppa-purge?23:04

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