
xnoxstgraber: I remember chatting about refixing bug 944614 . But I don't see reference of refixing it in raring/precise. Can you please take a look at the bug and proposed branches once again and adjust the status as appropriate.01:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 944614 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in keyboard_variant_timeout(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'apply_keyboard'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94461401:10
* xnox doesn't have anything else.01:59
xnoxupload ?!02:15
cjwatsonBe my guest02:16
cjwatsonI was about to crash02:16
xnoxgood night =)02:20
cjwatsonAll flavours use gsettings now for everything that matters, then?02:20
xnoxwell.... lubuntu has it's own # of workspaces etc. which they don't change.02:20
cjwatsonWell, I guess it's more about keys rather than flavours02:21
xnoxthe whole lubuntu session is actually running and one can right click on the desktop, but I guess it's ok for power lubuntu users & novice don't discover it.02:21
cjwatsonCertainly nicer to get rid of that code if we can now02:21
xnoxhaven't checked xfce02:21
xnoxso lubuntu uses gsettings and some schemas are missing.02:23
xnoxbut it boots and works on flavours I have tried. and it's easier to test once landed.02:23
xnoxalso cleaned up merge proposals.02:23
xnoxstill kylin stuff to merge, but laters...02:24
cjwatsonThanks for your work!02:31
xnoxno problem. ;-)02:32
xnoxoh, also autopilot is having a hard time finding ubiquity's gtk mainloop so no automated gui testing just yet.02:50
TheMusoxnox: I forgot that my branch was still proposed... Still I am not surprised it doesn't apply, and we still need a way to get to he indicators via keyboard anyway...09:06
xnoxTheMuso: =)09:48
* xnox was trying to clean up and make sure that outstanding merge proposals are in fact outstanding ;-)09:48
TheMusoyeah fair enough.10:07
TheMusoActually, I think I know where we *could* find code to be able to register a keybinding grab to get to the top panel with the keyboard. I must make some time to dig tha tout and port it to the ubiquity panel code.10:08
xnoxTheMuso: well since our panel is fairly simplistic one window thing, we could just add GtkActions with keybindings.10:09
TheMusoWould that work when the ubiquity window has focus?10:10
TheMusoI thought such keybindings only worked if the window in question had focus.10:10
TheMusoAnd I know about action groups, I used them to implement keystrokes for screen rader activation.10:11
xnoxwe have g-s-d running and that's the thing that does make ctrl-alt-t work when ubiquity window is focused. I guess it can be tought how to jump to panel?!10:11
xnox(and bring up terminal)10:11
TheMusoyes but that means further patching gsd.10:11
xnoxTheMuso: well who/what does the current F10 functionality on normal desktop?10:12
TheMusoThe indicator-applet code from the panel days has code that allows a keybinding to be set up via X I think so it can focus the first indicator. I was thinking of taking the code from there.10:12
TheMusoxnox: Compiz.10:12
xnoxsince ubiquity is running compiz - i'ts mostly should be same......10:12
TheMusoCompiz/unity implements that code.10:13
xnoxwell the way I start compiz is minimalistic.10:13
TheMusoPlugins in compiz can add keyboard shortcuts to be executed.10:13
TheMusoBut we would probably have to write a new plugin just to do this.10:13
* xnox hopes it's not in the complete unity plugin.10:13
TheMusoI elieve it is.10:14
TheMusoHense, my thought to grab the keybinding grab code from indicator-applet, which actually was originall taken from tomboy.10:14
TheMuso*originally. Damn typing sucks this morning.10:14
xnox(all roads lead to tomboy?!....)10:15
* xnox does not like ^ saying10:15
TheMusooAnyway, I'll chase this up when I get time... Same as my other branch.10:19
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=== kentb-afk is now known as kentb
SpmPTrying to do pxe installs with 12.10 iso fails where it worked for previous releases. Seen quite a few forum posts on this but no solution. Here is the APPEND line from pxelinux.cfg/default: boot=live live-media-path=/casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= initrd=install-media/ubuntu-desktop-amd64-12.10/casper/initrd.lz --22:29
SpmPAny idea how to solve this?22:29
SpmPAha, tried a few things from different blogs etc. and found the 'doesn't work' again: IP-Config: eth0 hardware-adress..... IP-Config|: no response after 3 seconds, giving up. both cards are tg3, on old proliant server.22:55
SpmPtg4 seems to be in the initrd.lz, what gives?23:19
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SpmPrrrrr! giving it a static ip with the ip=<blah:blah> results in "mount call failed - server replied no such file or directory" Verified that the mount does work on other machines... omg, I am sure this has happened before.23:49

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