
=== imbrando1 is now known as imbrandon
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dholbachgood morning06:47
ESphynx'morning dholbach06:47
ESphynxyou're up early tonight :P06:47
dholbachhi ESphynx06:48
gesergood morning07:25
shadeslayeranyone around to upload a new telepathy-logger?07:50
dholbachshadeslayer, I'd suggest filing a bug or merge proposal and pointing it out here - I'm a bit busy right now, but could maybe take a look later on - in any case your request won't be lost if you file it :)07:59
shadeslayeralrighty :)08:00
shadeslayerthanks dholbach08:00
* dholbach hugs shadeslayer08:00
shadeslayer*hugs* :D08:01
shadeslayerdholbach: bug 113107908:04
ubottubug 1131079 in telepathy-logger (Ubuntu) "Please update telepathy-logger to 0.8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113107908:04
dholbachshadeslayer, I subscribed ubuntu-sponsors to it08:17
shadeslayerthx :)08:17
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
cousteauJust found out that Qucs has been ported to Qt4, so it could be put back on Ubuntu repositories10:29
cousteaudevelopment on that project is annoyingly slow, though10:30
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TheLordOfTimei've got a problem in my package: i'm trying to re-include a patch in it, but debuild -S is erroring saying that a Reversed or Previously Rejected patch was detected, and errors out.  Unfortunately, the patch needs to be included.  How can I work around the issue?21:33
jtaylordoes quilt pop -a; quilt push -a work?22:01
TheLordOfTimejtaylor, quilt has no issues with it, its debuild that has issues.22:03
TheLordOfTimeat least, quilt on its  OWN has no issues with it22:04
jtayloris the patch applied in the orig tar?22:04
jtaylordoes debian/rules have its own patching target?22:04
* TheLordOfTime sighs.22:04
TheLordOfTimejtaylor, this patch worked before.  its not upstream because all it modifies is the debian/ files: the init file and the logrotate file.22:05
TheLordOfTimeso that for Lucid, it works with /var/run rather than /run22:05
jtayloryou are patching debian/`22:05
jtaylordon't do that22:05
TheLordOfTimeso, modify it directly, then.22:05
TheLordOfTime... right...22:05
jtaylordpkg-source does not allow patching debian anymore I think22:06
jtaylorin 3.0 packages22:06
TheLordOfTimeehh, then there's a long term problem, and i'll have to consult with the team, because unless we can *easily* patch the init and logrotate files, every update we do (based on Debian upstream) will cause a regression.22:07
jtayloruse a vcs and merge?22:09
ScottKPatching the debian directory was never a good idea.22:12

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