
InHisNameI have a / with grub and wish to add to it a /boot partition, what do I change in grub to fix it besides the fstab ?03:05
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and anyone else who doesn't fit any of those categories13:14
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon!14:41
ChinnoDogi wish i had some bacon14:51
* InHisName might have a cold15:49
waltmancold bacon?15:52
ChinnoDogCold bacon compress. Doubles as lunch.17:03
ChinnoDogI found the keyboard of my dreams but it is $222 :-(17:16
InHisNameBut, ChinnoDog, the keytops aren't OLEDs that are reprogrammable.18:47
ChinnoDogBut it looks comfy and it fits on my keyboard tray and it does no thave the tenkey18:48
ChinnoDogAnd really, I'm never going to reprogram the keys.18:48
ChinnoDog(Unless I change the language of the keyboard but I depend on the keys to be the same for that)18:48
InHisNameLots cheaper than the lighted one,  Maybe 93% less than last price I saw for that fancy-smancy one.18:49
ChinnoDogI just want a comfortable ergonomic keyboard that is narrow enough that I can keep my mouse on my tray. I don't use tenkey so tenkeyless is ideal.18:51
ChinnoDogAnd I don't want to do this --> http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=21534518:51
InHisNameGo for it then18:51
ChinnoDogI am not going for it. I do not have $200 to burn18:52
InHisNameHe sawed it off, HA!18:52
ChinnoDogYou would think that would break the keyboard, right? lol18:52
InHisNameSure would expect the circuit board to be ruined.  Unless designed to be 'separate' enough to saw in right place.18:53
ChinnoDogI don't think Microsoft intended for users to hack off the tenkey18:54
ChinnoDogI have an urge to try it but I am not going to.18:55
ChinnoDogMaybe I will just use a mouse bridge18:55
InHisNamedo like an organ with two ranks.  Put the mouse on shelf over the keyboard.  You don't stare at keys do you ?18:56
ChinnoDogI don't look at the keys at all.18:59
ChinnoDogI never have. I learned to type properly. My roomies in college thought it was weird that I would turn to look at them while speaking even though I was still typing on IRC19:00
MutantTurkey5~I dunno I dont look at keys  but I also mess up a lot19:00
MutantTurkeybut I don't need to look at my messups, I k just know that I made them19:01
JonathanDMy mouse is already in my keyboard. Can't get it any closer.19:01
MutantTurkeyi need to work onm my typing skills really.19:01
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: that's what I'm saying19:01
MutantTurkeyi wann nub keyboard for the deskop19:01
JonathanDYou can get one.19:03
MutantTurkeyI know19:03
JonathanDthey're under $60 now19:03
ChinnoDogWhere? (besides the Thinkpad one)19:04
MutantTurkeythat's the one19:04
JonathanDChinnoDog: the thinkpad one.19:05
ChinnoDogThe reviews I've seen on those suggest there is a technical problem with typing over 40wpn19:05
ChinnoDogI type at 115wpm so that would be a serious impediment.19:05
ChinnoDogI mean, I used to type at 115. I'm getting old, typing is getting slower. Right, jedijf?19:06
MutantTurkeymy tying is terrible anyway19:09
waltmanChinnoDog: You need one of these -- http://www.pfusystems.com/embedded-keyboard/hhkb/index.html19:09
MutantTurkeydoesnt matter when you are programming19:10
waltmansure it does!19:10
waltmanwell, it depends on the language, I guess19:11
* waltman wants a clicky keyboard that plays well with OSX.19:11
MutantTurkeyI got 89 wpm on a tester wiht 6 mistakes19:12
waltmanI mean, I'll use it 99% of the time with linux, but it would make me happy if it had an apple key instead of a windows key.19:12
waltmanMutantTurkey: correction, *7* mistakes!19:12
MutantTurkeywaltman: do they make aftermarket mac keybaords?19:12
JonathanDI am out of red jelly beans19:12
waltmanMutantTurkey: they do19:13
MutantTurkeywaltman: I don't think the mac keyboards would be good form someone with typing issues and wrist problems19:13
MutantTurkeythey are nice otherwise though19:13
ChinnoDogwaltman: That is neat but not ergonomic19:13
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: 6 month follow up on my dad's T61. His biggest complaint is the lack of a ergonomic keyboard.19:13
MutantTurkeyI was sort of shocked19:13
waltmanthe cs dept sysadmin has one. it's nicely compact19:13
MutantTurkeythe hhk?19:13
JonathanDI like my thinkpad keyboard, personally19:14
JonathanDMutantTurkey: but at work I elevate it so theres a bit of a angle19:14
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: I think we are going to buy him one to plugin in. HE types a lot.19:14
ChinnoDogJonathanD: how fast do you type?19:14
JonathanDChinnoDog: no idea.19:14
MutantTurkeyI mean one of his projects was transposing entire books19:14
waltmanWe've got big ol' logitech wireless keyboards in the lab. They're big and have way too many keys, but they're the first ergonomic keyboards I've tried that don't annoy me.19:14
waltmanit's only a tiny bit ergo19:15
MutantTurkeyI got a new logitech mouse for like 15 bucks used on amazon - it's awesome19:15
MutantTurkeyand no visible laser! (I guess it's infared?19:15
MutantTurkeyhmmm... drexel med is joining drexel full19:18
JonathanDMutantTurkey: it actually reads your mind. The eye is just for show.19:19
ChinnoDogI think it is down to Logitech wireless wave, MS comfort desktop 5000, or MS natural ergonomic 700019:19
JonathanDMeanwhile it's broadcasting each thought to the government.19:19
ChinnoDogmental keylogger19:19
ChinnoDogwaltman: I agree they are all only a little bit ergo. sigh19:20
ChinnoDogThe logitech one is a monstrosity19:21
waltmanhttp://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-keyboard-k350 is the one we have19:23
ChinnoDogMaybe I should just buy a mobile keyboard. The problem is that I need to be sure it has full sized keys. http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/sculpt-mobile-keyboard/T9T-0000119:28
MutantTurkeybtw anyone see google glasses yet?19:32
ChinnoDogMaybe I will take my measuring tape to Microcenter later and play with some keyboards19:33
ChinnoDogwhat are google glasses?19:33
InHisNamedigital display glasses.    ie. bicyling mph, bpm, rpm etc right in the glasses.19:34
InHisNameSorta like what terminator saw19:34
MutantTurkeythe first wave of AR devices to hit the market I think19:35
ChinnoDogOh yea, I saw those. I've been waiting for those to appear for so many years now...19:35
ChinnoDogI first saw those on TV in... 1997?19:36
MutantTurkeylate 2013 early 2014 introductory price: 1,50019:37
MutantTurkeytotally worth it19:37
ChinnoDogThis is not the only technology that provides this type of display19:37
ChinnoDogIt is interesting this is the first one that made it19:38
ChinnoDog(to mainstream)19:38
waltmanYou think we've got problems with driver distraction *now*?19:38
ChinnoDogYou don't have to look down with the glasses though19:39
MutantTurkeythey'll say "turn right now"19:39
ChinnoDogI suspect people aren't going to be all that good at focusing on both distant and near field areas of their vision at the same time though19:39
MutantTurkeywith a binkly error19:39
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: yeah I don't know how that works19:39
InHisNameMost of the previous ones, required to be in dark room, not outdoors.19:40
MutantTurkeyI assumed that sort of fkaed it or something19:40
MutantTurkeycan you make something look far away?19:40
ChinnoDogThere was a competing technology that used a prism embedded on the surface of a pair of glasses to refract the display image. idk what ever happened to that19:40
ChinnoDogI think the glasses use a moving mirror but I haven't researched it extensively. It looks similar to the moving mirror prototype I saw.19:41
ChinnoDogI've always wondered if this fancy display technology is really necessary. I mean, the body is capable of converting recignizable signals any any serves into the proper sensory inputs19:44
ChinnoDogThere are people that "see" through electrodes implanted in their tongue as well as through cameras that convert visual information into sounds19:44
MutantTurkeyI'd prefer juts a signal19:45
MutantTurkeywhy even bother with tounge?19:45
ChinnoDogAnd if you wear a pair of goggles that inverts your field of vision after a few days you won't be able to tell it is inverted anymore19:45
MutantTurkeyjust hook me up to usb19:45
ChinnoDogThat is what I am saying... Can't we just convert the signal into a form our body will recognize and plug it in?19:45
MutantTurkeycouldn't we just sever some useless nerves or add new ones and hook that up to signals?19:45
MutantTurkeyyou do need to train the body though19:45
ChinnoDogThat is true but most of the "traning" is biology... our brain just does it.19:46
MutantTurkeyright, easy for babies, not for people maybe19:46
ChinnoDogI wouldn't make assumptions like that. Some things change as we get older but not everything.19:47
waltmanbabies aren't people?20:51
pleia2ChinnoDog brings abortion debates to whole new levels20:53
ChinnoDogHey. I didn't differentiate between babies and people. That was all turkey talk.20:55
InHisNamestarting anac(h)ronistic cron     (spelled wrong, from memory)21:07
InHisNamerunlevel compatibilty21:07
InHisNameI see those after logging into ubuntu, then returns to login screen21:08
InHisNameI'm guessing something to do with video drivers ?21:09
jedijfzip up your usb port21:15

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