
apachelogger    // FIXME: This code seems to be nonfunctional - it needs to be fixed somewhere (is it Qt BUG?)00:01
apachelogger    QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(service, path, interface, name,00:01
apachelogger                                         q, SLOT(dbusFilter(const QDBusMessage &)));00:01
* apachelogger sighs00:05
* apachelogger cries00:06
BarkingFishmorning guys :)  Just a quick check - is it ok for me to add untrusted ppa's into kubuntu while I'm beta testing?  The last thing I want to do is break stuff or wind up losing my install.00:08
apacheloggerppas are always a risk00:11
BarkingFishyeah, that's what I thought.  I'm looking to try hexchat as an irc client, since its url to browser capability isn't broken, like xchat's - but we don't have hexchat prepackaged.00:14
BarkingFishhexchat.org has it as a ppa though00:14
apacheloggerBarkingFish: use konversatin00:16
apacheloggerit has the best ever written url parser00:16
BarkingFishdoes konversation support sasl authentication?00:16
BarkingFishuntil april, I have to connect to IRC using Tor/Sasl, so whatever client I use needs to be able to handle sasl or i'm stuck00:17
apacheloggerkonversation can do all and everything00:17
apacheloggerthey even have nice documentation00:18
BarkingFishright, that's definitely worth looking at then.  00:18
BarkingFishIf it beats the hell out of xchat or quassel, I am sold :)00:18
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1131166] package libqt4-xmlpatterns 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1131166 (by kmkale)01:44
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soeeany idea why notifications or panel have no shadows ?06:53
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agateauScottK: apachelogger: just commented on bug 109291009:11
ubottubug 1092910 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "Merge notifications of two incoming messages from the same person" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109291009:12
agateauScottK: the MI plasma does not have any maintainer right now, unfortunately09:12
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1131647] Python version mismatches causes "Could not create script engine" errors @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1131647 (by Cole Mickens)10:14
Riddellyay webkit compiled on arm10:15
yofel_c++ headers are missing though10:15
yofel_ /build/buildd/calligra-2.6.1/stage/part/ui/KPrHtmlExportDialog.h:26:29: fatal error: QtWebKit/QWebPage: No such file or directory10:16
Riddellyofel_: still?10:16
yofel_that's 2.3-0ubuntu210:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellyofel: you mean it's missing QWebPage vs qwebpage.h?10:18
yofelit's missing those capitalized c++-style headers10:20
Riddellyeah, let me try again10:21
QuintasanHi 11:43
yofelJontheEchidna: when muon-updater needs to install/remove packages, is it intentional that the packages to be installed are listed above those that are to be removed?13:17
yofelmaybe I'm just making our users look stupid, but maybe switching that would make people more aware of what's happening13:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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BluesKajHiya all14:07
mikhasRiddell, perhaps you should tell them it's Kubuntu, not QUbuntu: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu/trunk/view/head:/src/platforms/ubuntulegacy/window.cc14:11
smartboyhwBah Riddell can you fix powerpc for qtwebkit-source? It's killing the calligra build (i386) for one day already and I don't want it to fail until 2.6.2 gets released:P14:23
* smartboyhw is really wondering why is packaging an application like calligra so difficult:P14:27
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yofelsmartboyhw: the calligra failure has nothing to do with powerpc14:38
smartboyhwyofel, than what?14:38
yofelthe -dev package is still missing files14:38
smartboyhwyofel, missing what files?14:38
* smartboyhw opens the buildlog14:38
yofel /build/buildd/calligra-2.6.1/stage/part/ui/KPrHtmlExportDialog.h:26:29: fatal error: QtWebKit/QWebPage: No such file or directory14:38
smartboyhwyofel, anyway to fix?14:38
yofelyeah, fix qtwebkit-source. Riddell was looking at it though I think14:39
* smartboyhw waits for eternity14:39
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer apachelogger yofel what devices do you want to port to Ubuntu Touch?14:39
yofelwhat's ubuntu touch? (the only touch device I have is a nexus 7)14:40
smartboyhwyofel, well Ubuntu for phones + tablets14:40
smartboyhwyofel, and it works for Nexus 7 now:P14:40
yofelah, well, we do want to have a plasma-active image at least for the nexus714:41
yofelunity on the nexus7 didn't really work out in quantal here ^^14:41
smartboyhwyofel, of course:P 14:41
smartboyhwyofel, try Ubuntu Touch yo see if it works14:41
Riddellsmartboyhw: about?15:30
smartboyhwRiddell, about?15:30
Riddellsmartboyhw: "are you about?"15:31
smartboyhwRiddell, yep15:31
Riddellsmartboyhw: I have a qtwebkit build with the headers fixed15:31
* smartboyhw finds that simplified version extremely weird15:31
smartboyhwRiddell, great15:31
Riddellsmartboyhw: but rekonq still doesn't compile15:31
smartboyhwRiddell, rekonq!?15:32
Riddellsmartboyhw: first thing I thought of that used qtwebkit15:32
smartboyhwRiddell, oh15:32
Riddellsmartboyhw: want to see if I'm missing anything?15:34
RiddellI'm installing those packages15:34
smartboyhwRiddell, OK15:34
Riddellthen dpkg --install the old libqtwebkit-dev15:34
Riddellrekonq cmake works fine15:34
Riddelland replacing each part of libqtwebkit-dev with the new files from libqtwebkit-dev_2.315:35
Riddellbut I can't track it down15:35
Riddellsmartboyhw: want to try something similar to see if you have any luck?15:35
smartboyhwRiddell, problem: I am about to sleep soon15:35
Riddellach it's the weekend :)15:36
smartboyhwRiddell, not that problem15:37
smartboyhwIt's 11:37 PM here:P15:37
Riddellsmartboyhw: hoorah, I got it15:45
smartboyhwRiddell, good15:45
smartboyhwRiddell, how about powerpc?15:45
smartboyhwWe don't care about it15:45
smartboyhwBut it's good to have it build too15:46
Riddelldon't know, don't really care15:46
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL15:46
Riddellthere's ment to be a powerpc team for people who want to care about powerpc15:47
smartboyhwRiddell, I saw in one of your blueprints you want powerpc builds15:47
Riddellyou can try trcking them down15:47
Riddellnot I, I've been for dropping them since my mac died15:47
Riddellothers take the view of "if they work and get tested we might as well release them"15:47
* smartboyhw doesn't care about powerpc either15:48
* Riddell just had a random phone call from someone who sounds like a hillbilly american wanting to know if he should use kubuntu15:56
RiddellI said yes15:56
smartboyhwRiddell, :)15:57
Riddellhe said companies in the US were so greedy15:57
Riddellmaybe he was a socialist hillbilly15:58
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL16:00
BluesKajRiddell, did he speak with colloquialisms or decent English with a hillbilly accent? ...sometimes the accent fools ppl .16:20
RiddellBluesKaj: just the accent I think16:24
BluesKajRiddell, right ..he .knows enough to look for advice in the right place :)16:25
Riddellwell, to look for my phone number to call me, not quite the right place :)16:27
BluesKajRiddell, inconvenient for you but not for him , he got the right answer :)16:37
yofelRiddell: can you re-upload qtwebkit please? i386 failed without log and launchpad crashes when I try to retry it16:39
Riddellyofel: ug16:41
Riddellyofel: yeah go ahead16:41
Riddellyofel: oh wait16:42
RiddellI see my problem16:42
Riddellanother stupid mistake16:42
yofelah, *now* the log is there16:43
RiddellI'll upload a fix, sigh16:43
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murthyhello everyone17:27
murthyhttp://paste.kde.org/678524/ This is the debian/rules for libdlna. From viewing this can you determine the source format and debhelper version ? 17:34
yofelno, source format is 1.0 unless debian/source/format says otherwise, debhelper compat level is set in debian/compat17:34
murthyyofel: If i want to convert the source format from 1.0 to 3.0 what should i do?17:36
yofel3.0 quilt I guess?17:36
yofelmkdir debian/source/; echo "3.0 (quilt)" > debian/source/format17:36
murthyyofel: done that17:37
murthyyofel: i removed the cdbs from builddeps and also put debhelper >=7 in control17:37
yofelthen make sure the compat level is actually 7, remove all cdbs references from rules and make sure your package still works17:38
yofeldh7 packaging actually needs debhelper >= 7.0.51 or so, not sure about the exact version17:38
yofellintian will tell you ^^17:38
agateauRiddell: new Ubiquity review for you!17:39
murthyyofel: i removed everything from the rules files except the default first line and put this "%:  dh $@"17:40
murthyyofel:  i am getting errors 17:40
murthyyofel: during the build process, it reports about an unknown option for the auto configure17:40
yofelI would assume so, you'll have to pretty much rewrite rules17:40
murthyyofel: its something like x86_64_linux_gnu17:41
murthyyofel: its something like "--build=x86_64_linux_gnu"17:41
yofel(at least not without context)17:42
murthyyofel: i will give you the link17:42
murthyyofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdlna/+bug/112997717:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1129977 in libdlna (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] libdlna" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:43
murthyyofel: read the last comment17:43
yofelok, but you could still use cdbs with source format 317:43
murthyyofel: in that case i have to remove only this line ? "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk"17:44
murthyyofel: from here http://paste.kde.org/678524/17:45
yofelthat and add a series file so quilt uses the patches17:45
murthyyofel: thats is done already17:45
yofelshould work then17:45
murthyyofel: so the control file should contain the cdbs deps right?17:45
murthyyofel: also what about the debhelper version requirement?17:46
yofel7 will work, that much I can say17:46
yofelwhat's compat set to now?17:47
murthyyofel: the previous default was debhelper (>= 5)17:47
murthyyofel: 517:47
yofelread the debhelper manpage, that shows the changes in the versions17:47
murthyyofel: ok17:47
murthyyofel:  libdlna successfully build. http://paste.kde.org/678590/ . I have to go thought the log one more to confirm it. this is the new rules file http://paste.kde.org/678596/ 18:40
murthyyofel: so is the new debian/rules ok?18:42
yofelyou should be able to drop DEB_CONFIGURE_PREFIXS too18:43
yofel"./configure" should be "dh_auto_configure --"18:43
murthyyofel: but the source contains a .configure18:45
yofelyou still don't call that directly18:45
yofeldh_auto_configure will do that18:45
yofelall you need here is pass some options to it18:46
murthyyofel: i need dh_auto_configure not to use the --build option how can i do that18:46
yofelmurthy: what's the problem with it?18:47
yofelmurthy: if it's actually breaking something you can call .configure18:47
murthyyofel: its reports --build="x86-64_linux_gnu" as an unknown option18:47
yofelah, probably non-standard configure script18:48
murthyyofel: ya18:48
yofelthen call configure the normal way, just make sure that dh_auto_clean really removes all build flies18:48
murthyyofel: how can i do that?18:49
yofelcalling make distclean in dh_clean it seems? 18:50
murthyyofel: i mean how can i check if auto_clean removes all the build files?18:50
yofelif I understand "DEB_MAKE_CLEAN_TARGET    := distclean" right18:50
murthyyofel: ya18:50
murthyyofel: should i override dh_clean?18:50
yofelcan someone familiar with cdbs answer that? ^18:51
murthyapachelogger: ^18:51
yofelmurthy: but a different question: *why* are you using a dh7 rules file?18:52
murthyyofel: to upgrade when ever possible18:52
yofelit's not like cdbs will vanish anytime soon18:53
murthyyofel: it was once a mandate which was dropped, if i am not wrong18:53
yofelsure, but what *breaks* by sticking to cdbs?18:53
murthyyofel: nothing, but i like to take this forward18:53
murthyyofel: why not try to update?18:54
* yofel leaves this to someone else then18:54
murthyyofel: anything wrong>18:54
yofelmurthy: I wouldn't do it since I'm not familiar with cdbs to be confident that I won't introduce bugs in the process18:54
murthyyofel: ok18:54
yofelbut someone of the folks that have been around longer than me should be able to help you18:55
murthyyofel: i have the legend for help the apachelogger18:56
murthyapachelogger: help?18:56
murthyyofel: are you laughing?18:57
yofelno, why?18:58
murthyyofel: I doubt that apachelogger will , after i got him piss off the other day18:59
murthyyofel: I doubt that apachelogger will *help , after i got him piss off the other day18:59
yofelthis is apachelogger we're talking about, he'll forgive you eventually19:00
murthyyofel: that would be very nice19:00
apacheloggermy quassel is all orange19:01
apacheloggerwhy is my quassel all orange?19:01
apacheloggerwhat's with all the orange19:01
murthyapachelogger: hi19:02
murthyapachelogger: how are you today?19:02
murthyapachelogger: yofel has some doubts :)19:03
apacheloggerI  bought me some guinness today \o/19:03
apachelogger<- happy lion19:03
murthyapachelogger: nice19:03
murthyapachelogger: I am like a ginne myself, except i try programming19:04
apacheloggerso what's with the highlights?19:04
murthyyofel: ^19:05
* apachelogger informs yofel that http://paste.kde.org/678596/ is not using cdbs :P19:06
murthyapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdlna/+bug/1129977   19:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1129977 in libdlna (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] libdlna" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:06
murthyapachelogger: I am asked to convert to 3.019:06
apacheloggerjolly pointless19:07
murthyapachelogger: and also i like to update it to 7+19:07
apacheloggeryeah well19:07
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage -us -uc && dpkg-buildpackage -S 19:07
apacheloggerif it fails or creates a patch that was not intended your clean target is not complete19:08
yofelapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/678596/ is his port of http://paste.kde.org/678524/19:08
apacheloggerif not then the rules look fine19:08
apacheloggeryofel: dh7 probably calls distclean anyway19:08
yofeloh, right, one can do that...19:08
apacheloggere.g. autotools stuff often requires distclean19:08
murthyapachelogger: when using the default dh_auto_configure , i get an error message about an unknow option --build="x86_64_linux_gnu" how can i disable that option19:10
apacheloggeryou simply don't call dh_auto_configure?19:11
yofeluse ./configure as you did at first 19:11
murthyyofel: ok19:11
apacheloggeralso you should probably send a mail to upstream19:11
apacheloggerif --build is not recognized they either broke something or their autogen is like ancient19:11
murthyapachelogger: ok19:12
murthyapachelogger: so for now the new debian/rules that i created is ok?19:13
murthyapachelogger: here is the build log http://paste.kde.org/678590/19:13
apacheloggerif the clean target is complete19:14
murthyapachelogger: i have to check that19:15
murthyapachelogger: how can i check if the clean target is complete?19:17
murthyapachelogger: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc && dpkg-buildpackage -S ?19:17
murthyapachelogger: building with builder doesn't do that?19:19
murthyapachelogger: building with pbuilder doesn't do that?19:19
murthyapachelogger: ok i will try that now19:20
murthyapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/678668/ there are no patches in debian/patches 19:25
murthyapachelogger: so is the clean target complete?19:27
yofelmurthy: I don't see the patches mentioned *anywhere* though, can you "export DH_VERBOSE=1" and run it again please?19:34
murthyyofel: ok19:34
murthyyofel: http://paste.kde.org/678680/19:36
murthyyofel: there is no series file in /debian/patches 19:37
yofelmurthy: different question: are there any patches left?19:37
yofelmurthy: and you said earlier that you created a series file19:38
murthyyofel: all the patches were applied upstream and so i removed them19:38
murthyyofel: previously since it was using simple patch there was no series file19:39
yofelah ok, then it's fine19:39
murthyyofel: so the clean target is complete?19:39
yofelyeah, but I got confused as you said that you created a series file but there were no patches19:39
yofelmurthy: looks like you're fine with the defaults19:40
murthyyofel: ??19:40
apacheloggeryofel: http://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/34/33809/patches.png there you go19:40
apacheloggerwhere's the shady slayer when you need him -.-19:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: P-I-N-G19:41
yofelapachelogger: stamp that on launchpad :P19:41
yofelmurthy: dh_clean already does everything you need to do, so you don't need to do anything19:41
murthyyofel: nice19:42
* apachelogger goes back to building qt519:42
murthyyofel: one last doubt about debian/rules19:42
murthyyofel: is it ok if i use "./configure $(DEB_CONFIGURE_NORMAL_ARGS) $(DEB_CONFIGURE_PREFIXS)" instead of "[ -f config.mak ] || ./configure $(DEB_CONFIGURE_NORMAL_ARGS) $(DEB_CONFIGURE_PREFIXS)"19:43
yofeldepends on what config.mak is supposed to be19:44
yofelif you can imply that it's there, yes19:44
murthyyofel: since the previous debian/rules http://paste.kde.org/678524/     used this     can i use the same in the new one?19:47
yofelshould work19:49
yofelI wonder why config.mak would even be there though19:50
murthyyofel: because of this ? line 65 in here http://paste.kde.org/678680/19:52
murthyyofel: also line 36419:52
yofelyeah, that's what I mean - the file should never be there. But maybe it was in some older version.19:53
yofeljust use the same command and it'll work19:53
yofelmurthy: do you have a config.mak after your dpkg-buildpackage -S run?19:54
yofel(I assume not)19:54
murthyyofel: no, no such file present19:55
murthyyofel: should i put something like this to reflect the dh change "switch to dh > "?19:57
murthyyofel: in the changelog19:57
murthyyofel: "switch to dh > 7 "19:58
yofelyes, but a bit more verbose19:58
murthyyofel: "switch to debhelper version grater than 7" ? 19:59
JontheEchidnayofel: no reason in particular, that's just how they happened to be listed. It does make sense to put removals first though19:59
yofelmurthy: you can use that as a general changelog item, but then please document the individual changes you did20:01
yofeli.e. changing compat level, build-dep, rules changing, dropping cdbs, ...20:01
murthyyofel: http://paste.kde.org/678716/20:02
murthyyofel: thats the changelog now, i will update it now20:02
murthywill be back after dinner20:03
yofelJontheEchidna: want a bug report?20:03
JontheEchidnayofel: it'd be for the best, yeah20:04
JontheEchidnaI'd probably forget otherwise ;-)20:04
* yofel retries calligra again20:52
Quintasan_that I'm trying to install Kubuntu on my laptop20:53
Quintasan_I wonder how does one use LVM when not using the entire disk, is it even possible?20:53
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofelQuintasan: more like: why would you want to do that?20:53
yofelyou usually create partitions *inside* LVM20:54
Quintasanyofel: Thanks for letting me know about downtime, I have been wondering if it wouldn't be too hard on my iMX53 to run a core20:54
Quintasanyofel: Oh, well, that's true20:54
Quintasanthe main problem is20:54
QuintasanCan I install windows then?20:54
yofelhaven't tried it on my raspi. I can tell you that an old Pentium1 166MHz was too slow for quassel ^^ (just barely though)20:54
yofelhm, good question20:55
yofelafter my last issues with grub2 and windows I never install linux and windows onto the same HDD20:55
QuintasanKubuntu discovered the system recovery partition from Lenovo and marked it as Windows 7 installation20:56
Quintasanhmm I wonder if I can get rid of that20:59
yofeldo that after you order an installation media from lenovo21:00
yofelunless you can get a windows license key from Uni21:00
QuintasanI have a win key sticker under my battery21:00
Quintasanit has a cd key on it21:01
yofelyeah, but you'll need the CD for it (I think)21:01
yofelwhich you don't have21:01
yofelI personally have linux on a different HDD and put my windows HDD into my thinkpad baydrive HDD adapter when I need it - that ofc. requires a spare HDD21:02
Quintasanyofel: Any idea how can I order such a disk? I don't see anything like that on lenovo.com21:03
yofelQuintasan: the recovery partition should only be like 2% of the whole disk though21:03
Quintasanoh well21:03
QuintasanI could try renaming the grub entry before I install windows 721:04
yofelthere is http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/detail.page?LegacyDocID=MIGR-4M7HWZ21:05
yofelbut I don't know more than that21:05
Quintasanyou can order one21:08
Quintasanand I would rather do that21:08
QuintasanI wonder what the CD you create at the boot does then21:08
* Quintasan tries upgrading KDE21:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: P-O-N-G21:17
yofelshadeslayer: how's the trip so far?21:21
murthyyofel: the author of the libdlna has aked to send bug reports to his mail id. He hasn't mentioned any bug management system. http://libdlna.geexbox.org/ . So what to do? 21:23
yofelsend him a mail?21:23
murthyyofel: http://paste.kde.org/678776/21:24
murthyyofel: ^ the changelog for libdlna21:24
murthyyofel: does the MOTO team maintain upstream bugs?21:25
yofelmurthy: line 10-11 belong to the part below, and "Switch to Debhelper version greater than 7", should be something like "Switch to dh7 style buildsystem" or so21:29
murthyyofel: ok21:29
yofels/dh > 7 incompatable/dh_auto_configure incompatible21:30
yofeldh_auto_configure existed before 721:30
Quintasanit did?21:30
yofelI thought it did21:30
QuintasanI think the whole auto stuff was introduced in dh721:30
Quintasanbut I may be wrong21:30
yofelgood point21:30
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1131926] package libqt4-qt3support 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.3 failed to install/upgrade: libqt4-qt3support:... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1131926 (by HÃ¥vard Korsvoll)21:31
yofelit would be still incompatible with dh_auto_configure though21:31
Quintasanbut generally  yeah, say we switched to dh7 build system21:31
murthyyofel: so i should mention"Override dh_auto_configure with custom command to workaround dh_auto_configure incompatable upstream configure script." ?21:32
yofelyeah, that's fine21:33
murthyyofel: isn't cdbs part of patch system so shouldn't be mention under the format change section?21:33
yofelcdbs is *not* a patch system, simple-patchsys which is part of cdbs is a patch system21:34
murthyyofel: ok21:34
yofelcdbs stands for "Common Debian Build System"21:34
yofelmurthy: I think you can remove "    -Create debian/source/format with value "3.0 (quilt)"" - switching to 3.0 (quilt) implies that21:36
murthyyofel: thats what i thought21:36
murthyyofel: i read about cdbs for sometime yesterday as part the homework you assigned to me :)21:38
Riddellcdbs is complex as anything21:41
RiddellI'm not sorry to see it go out of fashion21:41
murthyyofel: http://paste.kde.org/678788/21:42
murthyRiddell: also i like quilt very much21:42
murthyRiddell: 3.021:42
murthyRiddell: i will try to upgrade the packages to dh7, format 3.0 and to the latest standards 21:44
yofelmurthy: one thing about style, you should write it like this: http://paste.kde.org/67821221:45
yofelerm http://paste.kde.org/67879421:45
murthyyofel: i saw some package changelogs for examples and i found most containing the one i am using, so i followed it. I will change it now. But i feel grouping by the major change would be more helpfull21:48
yofeluh, it's still grouped by major change (*), but grouping changes by file is also common21:49
murthyyofel: i am on it21:49
yofelor rather you don't write the file you change on every line if you have more then one change in a file21:49
Quintasanmurthy: Usually when you do changes in .install files you don't really want to mention every single change, I usually write "Refreshed install files"21:53
murthyyofel: done http://paste.kde.org/678800/21:53
Quintasanthat was an example of course21:53
murthyQuintasan: ok21:53
yofelhm... ship it21:54
murthyyofel: nice21:56
yofelmurthy: from what i've seen now at least, would need to test build to verify that everything's right. The logs look ok though so I'll leave that to the sponsor21:57
Quintasanyofel: there is a small rectrangular button right below the display21:57
QuintasanI have no idea what it is suppoed to do21:57
Quintasanthe manual says21:57
Quintasanit's BLACK BUTTON21:58
yofelwhat o.O?21:58
Quintasannothing else21:58
Quintasannumber 7 - black button21:58
murthyi will do a test build now21:58
Quintasanyofel: well22:00
Quintasanapparently it is supposed to boot the system into recovery22:00
Quintasanso it's useless in windows22:00
Quintasanbut I can bind it to something in Linux :DDD22:00
yofelwhy do you need a *button* for that o.O22:00
yofelthe thinkvantage button was meant for stuff like hat22:01
Quintasani think that is the thinkvantage button22:01
Quintasanbut it's not blue22:01
=== emma is now known as em
Quintasanand on windows it did noting22:01
yofeldoes it send key events? the thinkvantage button doesn't according to xev22:02
yofelhm... which reminds me that I don't use those folder switching buttons for anything22:03
Quintasanit does22:03
Quintasanthe microphone mute button doesn't work22:04
murthyyofel: test build log http://paste.kde.org/678806/22:05
Quintasanyofel: do you know if it's possible to turn off the touchpad with a command of sorts?22:05
QuintasanI would bind that thinkvantage button to this22:05
yofelsynclient TouchpadOff=122:06
Quintasansynclient TouchpadOn would turn this on, right ?22:07
yofelno, =0 will22:07
* Quintasan writes a shell script to enable/disable22:07
yofelI tried to install 4.10 in a fresh precise VM, failed due to an overwrite error from kmahjongg22:09
* yofel goes fixing22:09
yofelmurthy: looks fine22:12
murthyyofel: ok, prepared the debdiff, going to attach it and subscribe to the sponsors team22:13
yofelshadeslayer does not backport fixes22:14
Quintasanpick one :P22:15
Quintasanhe is our general leader when it comes to breaking stuff22:15
yofel>qa :P22:15
yofelthe qa page look fits pretty well actually :D22:15
Quintasanwhy the heck the script doesnt get invoked22:19
Quintasan  ffffff22:24
yofelhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calligra/1:2.6.1-0ubuntu5/+build/4317151 \o/22:25
* yofel goes trying what do-release-upgrade does when you try to upgrade 12.04+4.10 to 12.1022:26
QuintasanRiddell: How do we handle restricted extras?22:40
QuintasanThere is a problem with flash now I believe22:40
Quintasanif you enable the partner repo there is adobe-flashplugin22:41
Quintasanand adobe-flash-properities-kde22:41
Quintasanthe latter package is particulary intertesting for us I presume and even after I install that, restricted extras installer keeps bugging me22:41
Quintasanthe bad thing is that the flash player kcm is under lost and found22:42
yofelno, the bad thing is that our extension installer patches don't to alternate deps. if you have adobe-flashplugin installed rekonq will constantly tell you to install flashplugin-installer22:43
apacheloggerput it on some todo for 14.0422:44
apacheloggeras a matter of fact22:46
apacheloggerwe should rethink the entire wanna-install-stuff solution we have in place22:46
apacheloggerperhaps come up with something more integrated22:46
apacheloggere.g. rekonq triggering a workspace notification is somewhat strange as installing flash is in fact a highly contextual feature22:47
yofelwell, true22:47
yofelrekonq has that password storage dialogue - maybe put it in the same place22:48
apacheloggerneeds investigation22:48
apacheloggeri.e. why I dont want to discuss it now but put a task somewhere to look into at uds or something22:48
Quintasanapachelogger: Could you write that down or you want me to do that?22:49
* Quintasan notes he is not the best person to take care of that22:50
RiddellQuintasan: cor what does adobe-flash-properities-kde do?22:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: mail -devel when in doubt22:52
apacheloggerRiddell: kcm to configure flash22:52
Riddellwhat needs configuring?22:52
Quintasanwhat logger said22:53
yofeltoday's paste fail day22:53
Quintasanwas to describe that22:53
apacheloggeryofel: at least it wasnt prn :P22:53
Riddelloh that's very nice of it actually22:54
murthyyofel: thats because i was spamming you will all those pastes22:54
Riddellflash cookies are a sneaky way to spy on people22:54
QuintasanThat's why I actually bothered to install that22:55
Quintasanand it turns out restricted installer still bugged me about missing flash22:55
yofelI wonder if it would make sense to request that adobe-flashplugin provies flashplugin-installer22:56
murthyyofel: isn't adobe had already dropped support ?22:57
yofelit already has "Provides: flashplugin-nonfree"22:57
yofelmurthy: not for the current one22:57
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
yofelhm. so. upgrading 12.04+kde4.10 to quantal ends up being 12.10+kde4.10(from 12.04) - which so far works fine...23:03
Quintasanwell yeah23:05
yofelexcept that digikam crashes - but that's the lcms issue I should be debugging23:06
Quintasanupgrade to kde 4.10 on 12.10 works fine as well23:06

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