
=== Babbu_ is now known as Babbu
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ronnocanyone feel like answering a likely stupid question?01:41
ronnocIn session management it startup and shutdown one of the options is 'restore manually savred session', but it doesn't tell you how to manually save a session....any ideas how to?01:42
Lynxxhow do i run windows update01:54
ronnocLynxx: uhh hwhat?02:13
=== clay_doh is now known as claydoh
null01oh hi02:45
MichaelPjust installed the rox desktop.. but it did not show up in the login screen02:55
avihayronnoc: I believe you save by dbus-send --dest=org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.saveCurrentSession  never really worked for me though04:30
=== fred is now known as Guest53746
ronnocavihay: Thanks06:47
ronnocA clue to the user on that screen on how to that would be most helpful. Otherwise it should be taken out.06:48
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lewik_How to redirect all *.local to
ikonialewik_: a good way would be to not ask the same question in multiple channels10:32
lewik_ikonia:  ...  I just try to solve a problem without spam...10:33
ikoniaasking in multiple channels = spam10:34
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tomtehi there!11:58
tomteWhich kubuntu version is the last one that has support for non-pae cpus in its kernel?11:58
tsimpsontomte: lucid (12.04)12:08
tomtetsimpson: I will try that then...12:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BluesKajHiya all14:06
mahesh_Hello Everyone14:59
mahesh_I wanted to paste a ".php" file in to /var/www directory but I got an error "Permission denied" I do not want to login each time to root, only I want is the system should pop up the window for root password or there should be option for a program to run as root , is it possible ? I have Kubuntu  12.04 LTS and I wanted to run php programs15:03
mahesh_Could anyone help me in this?15:03
=== christopher is now known as Guest12826
mahesh_Can anyone advice me on the issue?15:11
yofelmahesh_: you can theoretically run 'kdesudo dolphin', but be very careful then (you will still need a webserver though to view a php site)15:13
yossarianukhi - does anyone know if /tmp has been mounted as tmpfs  and the size of /tmp = 2.5GB - is that using 2.5GB of system ram/swap15:14
yofelyossarianuk: it will at most use 2.5GB of ram/swap15:15
yofelthe size just states the limit15:15
yossarianukyofel: i did a du -hs /tmp to get the value.15:15
yossarianukyofel: thanks btw !15:16
yofelah, try df -h15:16
yossarianukits showing 3.9GB15:16
yofelsize is the limit, used is what's currently being used15:16
yossarianukthis is bad some one has tried to 'optimise 'a server with only 4 GB of ram ..15:17
mahesh_mahesh@Mahesh-System-Kubuntu:~$ kdesudo dolphin15:17
mahesh_QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory15:17
mahesh_QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /root/.config/ibus/bus15:17
mahesh_"/usr/bin/dolphin(5289)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"15:17
mahesh_"/usr/bin/dolphin(5289)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"15:17
FloodBotK1mahesh_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:17
yossarianukand I assume as its eating into swap the performance would be just as bad or worse than just using the disk....15:17
yofelit'll be worse15:17
yossarianukthanks for confirming that15:18
yossarianuksomeone is in trouble....15:18
yossarianuk(not serious trouble..)15:18
yofelit won't be *that* bad, but the real filesystem still has better performance then15:18
yofelit's a question of how much I/O actually goes through swap15:19
yossarianukyofel: cheers15:21
mahesh_@<yofel> : I try kdesudo dolphin, it works but getting error : http://paste.kde.org/678476/15:22
mahesh_@<yofel> : Can you advice on this?15:22
BluesKajmahesh_, just fyi , @ isn't required on irc , the nick is enough15:24
tsimpsonmahesh_: you can just ignore those debug messages, dolphin should still work properly15:25
mahesh_yes, it works absolutly fine.15:26
Guest12826good morning, gents.  =)  it's 10:30 a.m. here in North Carolina.  how are we doing today?15:28
yossarianukGuest12826: good thanks15:30
=== christopher__ is now known as Tuxas-Cowboy
ronalds_mhello everyone15:50
ronalds_mwhy qbittorent turns off by itself in some time15:50
ronalds_mI put some torrents to seed, and when I came home it was closed15:51
=== thomas is now known as Guest20769
Guest12826I've been using Ubuntu for 2 years now, but I just started using Kubuntu 2 weeks ago.  I am trying out both KDE irc apps at the moment and I think Konversation might be the better app.15:55
ronalds_mI'm using quassel15:56
ronalds_mon ubuntu 12.0415:56
ronalds_mwith unity15:56
ronalds_malso qbittorent15:56
ronalds_mand okular15:56
ronalds_mand some other kde apps15:56
bazhang!enter | ronalds_m15:56
ubotturonalds_m: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:57
ronalds_mwhy qbittorent turns off itself, that is the magical question15:57
=== cle is now known as lepetitclement
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vbgunzAnyone know why Virtualbox 4.1.8 OSE is painfully slow and most unusable?17:00
BluesKajvbgunz, try asking in #vbox , they might have an answer if you give them more details17:04
james147vbgunz: have you enabled visualisation support in your bois, does your cpu even support visualisation?17:06
vbgunzyes, it's enabled in my bios and my cpu supports it17:07
BluesKajerr virtulization17:07
BluesKajmost do17:07
vbgunzI have a moderately new AMD phenom 3.2 quad core processor. I am certain it supports virtualization and my bios has it enabled17:09
vbgunzvmware player runs flawlessly fast. Almost native and in fact, I can play games in vmware that I probably even shouldn't be able to17:09
murthyhello everyone17:27
=== daniel is now known as Guest19941
george_hello! Please help me! I can't pass login screen on Kubuntu 12.10. It says "could not start ksmserver. check your installation". How can I solve this?18:05
genii-aroundgeorge_: I would suggest: ctrl-alt-f1    then issue: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop         when this is done: alt-f7     and try login again18:10
george_genii-around: you mean go to advanced option, root terminal mode and do that?18:11
genii-aroundgeorge_: No18:11
genii-aroundgeorge_: The system boots up to a graphical login?18:12
george_genii-around: yes, but I can't pass login screen18:12
genii-aroundgeorge_: So then at that graphical login screen, to follow the instructions I just gave18:13
george_genii-around: ok, I'll try that and come back to report. thanks.18:14
genii-aroundgeorge_: You're welcome18:14
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest96147
=== Guest96147 is now known as CristianRoma
george_genii-around: it didn't work! :(18:32
george_genii-around: I've tried to xinit startkde too and got unable to connect to x server: connection refused.18:33
george_genii-around: I also got the following warning: no write access to &home directory (/home/george) KDE is unable to start.18:34
george_I have to fix this, I relly need to work.18:34
yofelis there any more meaningful error in your ~/.xsession-errors ?18:36
george_yofel: I guess not.18:37
genii-aroundgeorge_: The permisssions thing looks like it may be the issue. Apologies on lag, I'm at work and they called me away from the computer18:37
genii-aroundgeorge_: I would suggest fix permissions first: eg: sudo chown -R george: /home/george18:37
yofelgeorge_: what did you do before this happened?18:37
genii-aroundProbably used sudo on something, is my guess18:38
george_genii-around: Ok. But I've already run sudo chown -R george:george /home/george and also sudo chmod -R u+w /home/george18:38
murthyyofel:  libdlna successfully build. http://paste.kde.org/678590/ . I have to go thought the log one more to confirm it. this is the new rules file http://paste.kde.org/678596/18:38
george_yofel: I was trying to recover some files with TestDisk program.18:39
george_genii-around: yep.18:39
yofelmurthy: wrong channel18:39
genii-aroundgeorge_: Is /home on some separate partition or disk?18:40
genii-aroundeg: The one which was problemmatic18:40
yofelgeorge_: recover some files where? on / or /home?18:40
genii-aroundyofel: Thanks, work is calling again :/18:40
george_genii-around: no, i's not a separated partition. I was trying to recover from a flash disk.18:43
george_I really need to fix this issue. Any other ideas guys?18:47
genii-aroundgeorge_: Please: sudo apt-get install pastebinit       and then: ls -l /home | pastebinit         and: mount | pastebinit        and then please give us the URLs it tells18:48
genii-aroundgeorge_: I am currently back and forth from my computer, so please bear with me if I am not responding immediately18:49
george_genii-around: Ok, I'll try that.....18:49
george_genii-around: Ok, when I tried ls- l home | pastebinit, I've got a message saying that it was impossible to access file or directory, not found, and that i was trying to send an empty document,19:00
george_genii-around: The other command gave me the following url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5555949/19:00
OerHeksgeorge_,  2x type >>   ls -l /home19:02
genii-aroundgeorge_: So that would indicate either that /home does not exist, or else has no contents.19:02
OerHeks*2x typo19:02
george_genii-around: it became empty, after using TestDisk, but sudo dolphin could access it and all my data was there.19:03
genii-aroundgeorge_: "/home" by itself is not where user's stuff is. It's in "/home/theirusername/"19:04
george_genii-around: Now, does the pastebin tells you something?19:04
george_genii-around: Yes, you're right.19:05
genii-aroundAlso using sudo with dolphin is a further cause of problems....19:05
yofelwhat are the permissions on /home ?19:05
george_OerHeks: Don't understand what you're saying.19:05
george_yofel:look, I don't know, I've already run sudo chown - R george:george /home/george and sudo chmod -R u+w /home/george19:06
genii-aroundgeorge_: The pastebin of what is mounted was un-enlightening19:06
genii-aroundgeorge_: But you see, that would be not useful if /home exists but /home/george does not exist19:06
george_genii-around: Oh boy, What can I do? No, /home/george does exist19:07
yofelso what does ls -l /home say again?19:07
george_genii-around: I've got lots of text when I've run those commands, my data was appearing.19:08
george_yofel:  when I tried ls- l home | pastebinit, I've got a message saying that it was impossible to access file or directory, not found, and that i was trying to send an empty document.19:08
yofells -l home sure, but ls -l /home ?19:09
george_yofel: I' had to boot again and do that to know19:10
george_yofel: any other ideas before I do that?19:10
genii-aroundgeorge_: I believe he is still waiting to see your result of:  ls -l /home19:12
genii-around( with the slash in front of home )19:12
yofelhm... maybe wipe the /var/tmp/kdecache-george folder19:12
yofelthe stuff in /tmp should be reset by a reboot anyway19:12
george_genii-around: ok, I'll boot again to try that.19:13
george_yofel: ok, thanks, i'll try that now...19:13
yofelmeh, I should've asked him to pastebin xsession-errors while he's there19:15
genii-aroundI wonder if he got any error when he tried to chown -R the directory back to himself19:19
genii-around( that he neglected to tell)19:19
george_Ok, here we go again.19:22
george_ls -l /home gives me drwxr-xr-x 84 root root 69632 Fev 22 12:28 george19:22
george_ls -l /home/george shows my folder (Desktop, Documents, etc).19:23
genii-aroundSo how can it be that if you earlier did:   sudo chown -R george:george /home/george     ...that it gave no error?19:23
genii-around( seeing as it's still owned by root )19:24
george_genii-around: honestly I have no idea, I don't understand those stuff, i'm a noob.19:24
genii-aroundgeorge_: At any rate... please reissue the command: sudo chown -R george:george /home/george                .... and let us know if it says anything or just puts you back to command prompt19:25
george_genii-around: ok, i'll try that again... just have to boot again, oh boy.19:26
genii-aroundWhy do you have to keep rebooting?19:26
genii-around( or, what makes you think you need to reboot)19:26
george_genii-around: because I don't have another computer. I'm on my aging, never used, never updated windows 7 partition.19:27
mr-richJust updated 12.04 ... how do I have the password lock screen NOT show up?19:28
genii-aroundgeorge_: Ah, got it.19:28
george_genii-around: i'll try it. see you.19:28
genii-aroundWork, back in 4-5 minutes19:31
ronalds_moh kubuntu19:32
ronalds_mprobably system settings similary19:33
ronalds_m"Go to Settings > System Settings > Desktop > Screensaver19:34
ronalds_mYou can turn off the screensaver here, and also disable the password lock for the screensvaer."19:34
george_genni-around: it worked! thank you, I'm using quassel, right know, what a relief, But why it didn't work before19:34
mr-richRephrase: How do I disable the lock screen feature in 12.0.4 latest update?19:34
genii-aroundgeorge_: Most likely you forgot the / in front of "home" or some other typo... but glad to see you are back up and running. Please remember not to use sudo with graphical apps, only with command-line apps, use instead kdesudo with graphical apps19:35
george_genii-around: sure thing. However, something still is not wright.19:36
george_genii-around: Mt home folder is empty19:36
george_genii-around: but when i access via /home/george my data is there.19:36
genii-aroundgeorge_: The "/home" folder does not contain anyone's data. It only contains all the directories which belong to different users. In those separate directories which belong to different users, is where their data is19:37
genii-aroundeg: "/home" is EVERYONE'S home, for their own directory , which in turn is where their specific things are kept19:38
george_i meant my home folder (/home/george)19:39
ronalds_mmr-rich, you mean 12.04.2?19:42
ronalds_mit's not there, then I don't know19:42
mr-richronalds_m: How do I check my release level?19:43
ronalds_mlsb_release -a19:44
ronalds_min terminal19:44
mr-richronalds_m: yes. 12.04.219:44
ronalds_mbtw I have that also19:44
ronalds_mand I have the option19:45
mr-richronalds_m: disable lockscreen19:45
genii-aroundgeorge_: There are no subdirectories in /home/george like Documents and so on?19:45
george_genii-around: well, when i clicked on places at dolphin it showed an empty folder, but I've add another entry and deleted the old one, so I guess it's ok now?19:45
ronalds_mmine is translated to native, so maybe different path19:45
mr-richronalds_m: want to disable lockscreen password stuff ...19:45
mr-richronalds_m: don' t need it ...19:46
ronalds_mthere is check box19:46
genii-aroundgeorge_: I am unsure what you mean by "added another entry and deleted the old one"19:46
ronalds_mI think it's easy to find it19:47
ronalds_moh wait19:47
ronalds_mI failed19:48
ronalds_mmaybe it's cause there was lockscreen bug and they fixed by removing option19:48
george_genii-around: don't know if it's the same in English, please bear in mind, I'm translating from portuguese. Anyway, right click on places menu in dolphin, and add an entry (shortcut, place, whatever) pointing to /home/george, like the old one that was pointing to the same folder, but showed an empty one.19:48
ronalds_mbut lock is there19:49
ronalds_mprobably ask this question on ubuntu channel19:50
ronalds_mkubuntu is you know for kde and kubuntu mr-rich19:50
mr-richronalds_m: yup ... I think I found something ...19:51
genii-aroundgeorge_: If you open Konsole and type:  echo $PWD       what does it say?19:51
george_genii-around: /home/george     :P19:51
* genii-around ponders circular symlinks19:52
mr-richronalds_m: found it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/172052/disabled-lockscreen-on-ubuntu-accidently-how-to-renable-it19:53
george_genii-around:  so, is everything ok now?19:53
ronalds_mgood four you19:54
=== Tuxas-Cowboy is now known as Tuxas_Cowboy
george_genii-around: thank you very much for you help.19:59
george_genii-around: see you.19:59
genii-aroundgeorge_: I'm not sure if the problem is actually fixed, but please return if you have further issues20:00
george_genii-around: let's think positive lol.20:00
george_genii-around: ok, if I have any other issues i'll come back.20:00
george_genii-around: bye20:01
* genii-around waves and goes back to work20:01
=== Punda is now known as Shamladin
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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nurpanyone around?22:05
nurpugh, really trying not to install mint here22:07
nurpmight have to22:08
jsubl2nurp try asking a question and see of you get lucky22:08
nurpyeah kubuntu wont recognize my ide/ext4 partition with 1204 on it22:09
nurpmint does...22:09
jsubl2which version of kubuntu22:10
nurpim using the 1304 daily 64 image22:11
nurpof kubuntu22:11
nurphaha was going to type jubuntu22:11
nurpon accident of course22:11
nurpthe partition it wont recognize/give me the option to do anything with is the partition with 12.something LTS22:12
jsubl2any reason you tried the daily build rather than the alpha released recently22:13
nurpi want the most daily stuff man, wtf22:14
nurpwhats the purpose of daily?22:14
jsubl2i am not a dev22:14
nurppretty sure its going to end up failing anyway, are you trying to make me waste time downloading/burning a disk and doing the same fail all over again or something?22:15
jsubl2nope.  sorry i can't help you22:15
nurpawww thats too bad bro22:15
nurpso you're honestly telling me you have no idea why this is happening or are unwilling to help me?22:16
jsubl2no idea.  could be lots of things22:16
nurpdo you honestly have no idea?22:18
nurpare you just choosing not to help me?22:20
nurpprobably end up working if i get rid of the partition or something, idk22:21
nurpneed help here22:22
nurpstill waiting for help22:36
omicoHello there! I want to compile ultrastar-deluxe from svn, but it doesn't support current libav (libavcodec53)/ffmpeg libs. That's why I need to install an older version, like libavcodec52. What is the best way to do it? Can I e.g. download that older library from http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-updates/libavcodec-dev and install it parallel? Maybe into a separate directory and give that path22:36
omicoto configure?22:36
omico Or can I install the older ffmpeg 0.10 parallel to libav?22:37
omicono one?22:43
nurpjust use vlc bro22:43
nurpmy girlfriend wants me to install mint, should i do it guys?22:44
nurpim installing mint right now22:49
nurpseems less african22:49
nurpyeah what the hell does bemba have anything to do with an operating system22:51
nurpsomebody please explain this22:51
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