
=== Wewt is now known as Shy
nasalynhow do i make a lenovo win 8 preinst. computer run lubuntu?  failed with reboot for demo and install01:07
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holsteinthiefy: i would try to connect locally.. see that the server is running.. ping from each machine02:49
dandyflossheh is everyone idling08:26
sue1lubuntu os successfully loaded; how do i make a check of the drivers to ensure saliency in install?14:15
inductiveloadsue1: do you mean check which drivers you have loaded?14:19
inductiveloadlsmod will tell you which driver modules are loaded into memory14:20
sue1i have a lenovo computer that may not fully function with lubuntu14:20
sue1so i need a sound to test it with14:21
sue1at leeast14:21
inductiveloadwell, you could try to play a file with mplayer?14:22
sue1sound plays successfully, any leads as to where else i should test before installing?14:24
inductiveloaddepends on what you use it for14:27
sue1laptop workstation14:27
inductiveloadi mean, what _you_ use it for14:27
inductiveloadtest the things you want to make sure are working14:28
sue1so much happy :D14:37
sue1it even tooks a picture14:37
* sue1 selected install14:37
sue1im a happy ass burger nau14:38
sue1(PROFFERS hug)14:38
sue1i may not sue freenode after all14:39
sue1for religiosu discrimination et cetera14:39
sue1and other butthurt asshattery from ##windblows14:40
holsteinsue1: try the offtopic channel for chat... thanks!14:40
=== sue1 is now known as lunu2u
cerebratei didnt expect abuse on a network like freenode *sob*15:14
cerebratehu hu lu here15:14
cerebratelu peng15:14
holsteincerebrate: try the #lubuntu-offtopic channel.. cheers!15:16
cerebrateplease elucidate location of profile photo15:25
cerebrateor how to take another one to share over irc15:25
holsteincerebrate: just open a photo taking application, such as cheese (installable if you dont have it) and post where you like (imagebin)15:28
cerebrateaye aye,15:28
cerebratepassword prompt seemingly disappeared, something about updating software, alreadyhave synaptic running, couldn't i use synapic insteadt15:31
holsteincerebrate: you can only install software from one thing at a time.. if you are updating, you will need to wait.. if you are installing cheese, you will need to wait to upgrade15:32
cerebratehow do i get quick launching icons for other apps et cetera on my analog to a taskbar?15:44
cerebratein lxde15:44
holsteincerebrate: what other apps?15:46
cerebratecant enumerate or elucidate others15:46
cerebrateperhaps some functions like the one preinstalled on the analog15:46
holsteinwhat do i do? i use kupfer, or gnome-do, or synapse15:49
cerebrateno 'prende15:49
holstein!info kupfer15:49
ubottukupfer (source: kupfer): fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0+v208-2 (quantal), package size 810 kB, installed size 2862 kB15:49
cerebratei lack answersufficient research to effectively15:49
cerebratei have issue with my touchpadh15:50
holstein^^ i use that instead of the menu15:50
holsteini would read the link above for information about how to add items manually to the menu15:50
cerebratecant ask in ##linux how to disable touchpad , any leads-18:53
cerebratedisabling the driver would stop the annoying malfunctions18:54
inductiveloadcerebrate:  synclient TouchpadOff=118:59
cerebratealright, functions nonannoyingly :D18:59
Ville_hi! i've been trying to install lubuntu on my new netbook. The problem is that instead of launching to gui it sends me to a commandline enviroment. there it asks login and recognises the user i made while installing. any ideas on whats wrong?20:03
cerebratei want to extra beautify my lubuntu20:04
cerebrateknoppix style20:04
holsteincerebrate: try like this "i would like to make x look like y" or " make the panel this color" etc... as specific as you think would help the volunteers here help you20:05
holsteinVille_: try nomodeset http://useranswer.com/answer/can-i-install-ubuntulubuntu-on-a-pc-with-a-video-card-that-is-not-supported-if-i-add-nomodeset-in-using-the-live-cdusb/20:05
zleapwhat is the best way to upgrade nvidia drivers ?20:12
holsteinzleap: i just use the upgrade manger.. or sudo apt-get upgrad and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:13
zleapok thanks20:13
genii-aroundzleap: If you have successfully installed the proprietary drivers from Jockey, it will just upgrade them as needed through DKMS20:13
zleappartrly as steam wants newer drivers20:13
cerebratei would like dark subdued colors on my 'theme'20:13
holsteinzleap: when updates are available, they will be there.. if you want something "newer", you can try the xorg ppa that steam suggests20:13
cerebratein lxde20:13
holsteincerebrate: i would pick a darker theme20:14
cerebratei dont see any theme selector20:14
zleapi would rather let the system do it and not risk screwing things up20:15
holsteincerebrate: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3131220:15
Ville_holstein: followed the insructions, problem didn't goa way20:15
holsteinzleap: i have chosen to wait til i find i *need* to upgrade the drivers20:15
holsteinVille_: can you get to the live CD desktop with nomodeset?20:15
zleapyeah best way20:15
zleapi don't NEED steam at the moment20:15
zleapi guess the newer drivers will eventuallyfind their way in to the update stuff20:16
zleapafter they have been screened and know to work problem free20:16
holsteinzleap: depends...20:16
zleapi guess i can just keep trying steam as it may have the new drivers already20:16
holsteinthe versions (like 12.04) usually are "locked" or "frozen" and recieve security updates. but drivers like that might go differently20:17
zleapwell my system is working fine atm20:18
zleapi do actually need to upgrade at some ppoiint and replace linpus with newer lubuntu20:18
zleapit wants 304.2220:18
zleapok 304 is in additional drivers but is beta I will wait20:20
Ville_Holstein: it gives error on update-grub command, cant get /cow-path20:22
holsteinVille_: boot the live CD, and try nomodeset20:22
holsteinVille_: boot the live CD, and after the bios.. tap shift til you see options at the bottom.. F6 is where "nomodeset" is located20:22
Ville_holstein: it doesn't open anything to F6, only F-button thatt opens anything is F1 for help, in help I can acces pages with the othe F-buttons so physical malfunction seems unlikely20:30
holsteinVille_: this is from boot time20:30
holsteinVille_: when you have the machine *off* and the cd in the drive.. you hit the power button20:30
holsteinafter the bios screens, you start tapping or holding shift.. then you'll see a menu.. at the bottom are options.. one of those options is F6.. in that F6 menu, you'll see "nomodeset".. select that and continue to "try live". *not* install20:31
holsteinsee if you get to the live CD using nomodeset... or any other other other options there20:32
Ville_found it20:32
zleaplinux file size 37mb  windows file size 210mb20:33
zleapthe 37 seems odd whenb you look at the versiob number being 304.37 but even so one heck of a difference20:34
Ville_holstein: still launches to commandline20:38
holsteinVille_: try "startx" and see what error20:39
Ville_is it another booting option, or is do i type it to the commandline?20:40
holsteinVille_: you can type that, right there, where im asuming you are only seeing a place to type things20:41
holsteinVille_: type this... exactly.. "startx" without the quotation marks, and press the "enter" key20:41
Ville_fatal server error: no screens found20:42
holsteinVille_: what would i do? boot a knoppix live cd.. get the desktop loaded and looking the way i want.. copy the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file from there, and put it in lubuntu which i would istall using the alternate iso20:43
holsteinVille_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/58488/x-does-not-want-to-start-at-all-no-screens-have-a-usable-configuration lists an xorg.conf file that i think would work20:45
Ville_holstein: looking at the log file, I know that I'm way out of my league to find the specific problem. Your advice is to try a different distro?21:00
holsteinVille_: my advice is to try the vesa driver21:01
Ville_how do i try it?21:01
holsteinVille_: using the live knoppix CD is an easy way to get a nice xorg.conf file, similar to the one above i linked, but one that you know will work with your hardware21:01
holsteinVille_: you can use the xorg.conf i linked above21:01
Ville_how do I edit xorg.conf?21:04
tagavacan i use password parameter in encfs?21:05
holsteinVille_: you just put one in place.. like the one i linked above21:05
holsteinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5556278/ Ville_ , and you'll do that from the installed os that is not working21:06
Noskcajping to anyone who is part of the artwork team21:19
zleapdoes lubuntu offer the same install options as ubuntu as in install side by side and auto pull over files from a windows install ?21:22
Ville_holstein: It went from bad to  xworse, it no longer gives me even the commandline, the screen just goes black. I'm calling it for to day and trying it next21:25
Ville_time with just the basic ubuntu21:26
bastardenhello...anyone knows what is the default root password for lubuntu 12.10 live cd?21:27
zleapi didn't think there was a password on the cd21:28
zleapit just boots straight in to it21:28
bastardeni booted but when i try to su it requires a password21:28
bastardenroot/lubuntu is not working21:28
zleaptry no password just press enter21:29
bastardenthat doesn`t work either :(21:29
zleaphmm dunno then21:29
wxlbastarden: afaik there is no root pw21:34
bastardenyeah i figured it out now...tried sudo ...etc and worked...thks21:35
wxlsudo passwd root works too21:35
bastardenall good now...thanks again21:35
cerebrateneed to raise sound volume21:38
wxlcerebrate: alsamixer21:39
Vivekanandahey everyone. First time install of lubuntu and testing it out. Have a lot of questions . Any takers.21:54
holstein^^ how to edit menu21:56
Vivekanandaholstein: was that meant for me?21:57
holsteinVivekananda: yes.. that is how you edit the menu21:57
Vivekanandaholstein: nope I dont want to edit the menu. I want the upper panel bar to allow me to "move" the placement of icons on it as I did in gnome .21:59
holsteinVivekananda: you edit that in the panel config21:59
VivekanandaSecond I need to employ keyboard shortcuts for some of the most common things. It was easy there but here I apparently have to write xml to do it ?22:00
holsteinhttp://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/464429-lxde-keyboard-shortcuts.html or exmple22:01
VivekanandaOn gnome I could right click on panel bar on any icon and it showed an option of "move" along with other options. I am not getting that option here22:01
holsteinVivekananda: this is not gnome.. its different in lxde22:01
holsteinin lxde, you right click and change the order22:01
holsteinthere is no "move" like that.. its lighter, which is a compromise22:02
Vivekanandaso no placement according to my wish . Ok. I was just making sure what I would and what I would not find here.22:02
Vivekanandasure sure. Just makign sure22:02
holsteinVivekananda: i cant imagine where you would want it that you cant get it22:03
holsteinyou can add empyt space, expand.. remove.. customize22:03
holsteinits all open.. and there are other panels, like the XFCE one that is more like gnome2 was22:03
holsteinrather than just tweaking lxde to be more like XFCE, you might want to just try it22:04
holsteinthere is "move" options in the panel... menu editors... and keyboard shortcut GUI22:04
Vivekanandaholstein: so what happenned is that Installed cairo doc and then removed the section of the panel that displays open windows ( like in windows) . When I did that all icons from the right ( viz the clock , shut down) just alingned themselves to the left. Now everytihng is clubbed together on the left ( my panel is at the top and horizontal)22:05
holsteinVivekananda: you can just remove the panel config in your /home to return to default22:07
Vivekanandaoo ok so spacer helped me out22:07
holsteinVivekananda: i would make a new user and test, or try the guest account22:07
Vivekanandanow everything is spaced out on the whole of the panel . That is better.22:07
Vivekanandaholstein: One biggie. Suppose I install say eclipse in lubuntu with different plugins as I did in gnome. will there be lesser features in its gui ? I might have misunderstood but read somewhere that the packaging of some programs is not very conducive to lubuntu ( eg awn ) ...22:10
holsteinno.. even awn will just be awn... awn needs 3d drivers in lxde or xfce or unity.. or gnome.. or whatever22:10
VivekanandaAlso what do I do about the graphics troubleshooting ( I am going to try looking this up online )22:11
holsteinVivekananda: its the same22:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:11
holstein^^ thats for *all* ubuntu's...22:11
holsteincommon sense might need be applied when certain applications native to the desktop environments are referenced22:11
VivekanandaI did not do any setups for gnome lucid though. not sure why the video is in slow motion now.22:12
VivekanandaI mean for the video card22:12
holsteinVivekananda: lucid is older.. that is the difference.. not gnome to LXDE..22:12
holsteinVivekananda: you are on a different kernel.. different graphics driver.. this is not an LXDE specific issue22:12
VivekanandaI have a lot of questions so keep on asking if it is okay. Pleas feel free to skip unimportant ones :)22:13
holsteinVivekananda: you can install lucid, and get it back just the way it was, and install lxde and test22:13
holsteinOR, you can just try to find the proper graphics drive for your current system22:13
holsteinVivekananda: ask away.. thats what we are here for22:13
Vivekanandaholstein:  I understand and hence trying to trouble shoot. I cannot so so many installs so fast coz it takes 40 mins for one install to complete :(22:13
VivekanandaI am going to address each of the issues one by one22:14
Vivekanandaso first onto keybindings22:14
VivekanandaI would like to install gedit though or something better than the lightweight one here22:15
holsteinVivekananda: "better" is a matter of opinion.. just open the package manager of your choice and install gedit22:16
holsteinsudo apt-get install gedit22:16
holsteinto say "better than the lightweight one here" is uncessesary, since you dont know who of the volunteers here might maintain that package..22:16
VivekanandaI just meant more suited to coding and things like syntax highlight and formatting. can the leaf thingy here do that  also ?22:18
holsteini dont know.. install gedit if you want. or geany22:18
VivekanandaI dont see a sound app for headphones/ mic etc.22:19
VivekanandaI mean one that has options for them.22:19
holsteinVivekananda: you can install pulse and install pavucontrol if you want/prefer22:19
holsteinotherwise, you can use alsamixer, or the GUI one22:19
VivekanandaI dont know what the difference is between pulse and also but the video I tried running ( an flv) had no sound when trying pulse so switched to alsa22:20
holsteinVivekananda: no.. lubuntu has alsa, not pulse22:21
Vivekanandayou suggested pulse above though ?? Did you mean it is not there by default but I could install it ?22:22
VivekanandaOne thing I want to do is add a terminal launcher to the panel on top. but it does not have that ( although it allows for creating customized launchers )22:23
holsteincorrect.. if you prefer, and are used to pulse, you can install it, and pavucontrol22:25
cerebrateoperation already pending on potential playback of video recording dvd :/22:30
cerebratefor like 30 minutes ;-;22:30
tagavacan i use password parameter in encfs?22:32
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:03
holsteincerebrate: ^^23:03
cerebratey thank u :O23:08
Vivekanandahey holstein you there23:14
Vivekanandahey there anyone here. I was trying to include the keybind alt+a to open a terminal23:20
Vivekanandait does not work23:20
cerebrateid like that too23:20
cerebratemaybe if we pool our research efforts we can achieve some sort of success viv.23:20
cerebratebut holstein will just come up with the correct approach i guess23:20
Vivekanandacerebrate: it was my bad23:53
Vivekanandasloppy , very sloppy23:53
Vivekanandait did work23:53
VivekanandaIn case you were referring to me above23:53
Vivekanandaanyone here23:54

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