
ment0s_I just upgraded to 13.04 and my adeskbar stops working properly. gnome-menus dissapeared and cannot go to settings.01:40
ment0s_could anyone advicew?01:40
Phosphate-Anyone have the latest touch build running on a Nexus 7? I can boot up fine but can't get the initial screen (with the clock etc) to respond. I'm sure I'm missing something terribly obvious...02:40
Phosphate-Nevermind, guess it just needed about 10 minutes to get itself settled.02:45
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magn3tsSigh, ffmpeg/avconv is still a mess in 13.04?04:59
magn3tsOr is that upstream's fault?05:00
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Humanoidssomeone knows to modify grub for uefi?13:11
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philinuxHumanoids: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting13:13
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BluesKajHiya all14:07
smallfoot-compizconfig-settings-manager is broken? ccsm15:50
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mmmbudhey there is a weird twitter add that appears over windows19:27
mmmbudis that built into ubuntu?19:27
trismmmmbud: screenshot?19:39
mmmbudit dosnt show up in a screen shot19:40
trismmmmbud: weird19:40
mmmbudit says follow vice on twitter and cycles a bunch of pictures19:41
mmmbudits annoying as flip19:41
Bauer1Is there any forum to raise questions and issues I have with Ubuntu 13.04? I have several, and have been unable to get answers here...21:55
Bauer1not to all of them at least21:55
trismBauer1: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=427 I believe21:57
Bauer1ah, awesome, thanks trism :) BTW since you are here.. perhaps you can answer, why I cant install everpad on 13.04? https://github.com/nvbn/everpad21:59
Bauer1using those instructions, I still cant find the everpad package21:59
trismBauer1: haven't looked but they probably don't have builds in the ppa for raring yet21:59
trismBauer1: nope I see a build there, strange22:00
trismBauer1: ahh it failed to build22:01
Bauer1trism: are you attempting to build from source, not using apt-get?22:01
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bjsniderit's in dependency wait22:01
trismBauer1: no, I mean it failed to build on the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~nvbn-rm/+archive/ppa/+build/4219349 (well technically never started because it's waiting on a dependency)22:02
Bauer1ahh :(22:02
bjsniderit is waiting on a package that isn't in raring22:03
Bauer1bjsnider, any way to know eta for that dep package?22:03
trismBauer1: it seems it is actually there but there is one in -proposed that is also waiting on another dep, and i think that's messing everything up22:04
bjsniderpyside is already in raring22:05
bjsniderstatus deleted22:08
Bauer1huh, catch22 :)22:08
Bauer1hmm, so how can this be resolved?22:08
bjsniderdunno why it was deleted22:09
bjsnidermaybe it caused a bug22:09
bjsniderBauer1, you _did_ decide to use an unstable distro22:11
bjsnideryou are not blameless in this thing22:12
_Bauerbjsnider, well I thought to give it a try and help iron out bugs, as long as it wont have fatal bugs preventing usage22:14
jtaylorlooks like shiboken fails to build22:15
jtaylorI'll try the version from debian exp22:15
bjsniderjtaylor, there a bug about that?22:15
jtaylorprobably not, build failures only rarely get bugs filed22:16
bjsniderlaunchpad says it built before it was deleted22:16
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jtaylorit fails because it hardcodes the python3 versinons ...22:20
jtaylor3.3 is not listed22:20
bjsniderisn't there a metapackage that can be used instead?22:21
* jtaylor filing bug22:21
jtayloryes python3, but its some moronic cmake check22:21
jtaylorself made22:21
Bauer1:) so I guess that means once the source package is fixed, should be a matter of days until the chain fixes itself?22:22
jtaylorI'll upload a fix today22:22
* Bauer1 is happy :)22:25
Bauer1thanks guys22:25
jtaylorhm it failed at a later stage, due to python3 multiarch ...22:26
Bauer1well meanwhile another issue I have problems resolving, trism: Which package should I install to have Java support in Chrome and otherwise? I have OpenJDK 7 installed, but in about:plugins Java still does not show up, and tests that java is working are failing/get stuck22:29
Bauer1I do have IcedTea plugin, but the Java website does not say anything about that instead of a "Java" plugin..22:31
vividBauer1: the icedtea plugin is the java plugin.  make sure you have the 64bit plugin installed for 64bit chrome (32 for 32)23:54

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