
shelbydzhi all, I've installed the Ubuntu sdk and QT Creator. But when I launch QT Creator, I get a pop up that says it couldn't load a bunch of plugins becuase of missing dependents. Has anyone else had this problem?01:20
shelbydzOkay, got it. I was missing libbotan-1.10.so.0 for some reason. Installed the corresponding package and I'm good to go.01:38
GuidoPallemansanyone else having trouble with qt creator since installing the sdk?13:28
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GuidoPallemansanyone else having trouble with qt creator since installing the sdk?13:59
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GuidoPallemansdoes anybody have qt creator with the sdk plugins?17:30
stqnno (which sdk?)17:42
dpmGuidoPallemans, what's the exact problem?17:45
GuidoPallemansI updated my system through sudo apt-get update and the update manager17:53
GuidoPallemansand now not one of my plugins in qt creator will load17:54
GuidoPallemansqt creator is version 2.7 now (beta17:57
GuidoPallemans, from the software-center)17:57
GuidoPallemansseems a bit wierd, a beta in the software cetner17:58
GuidoPallemansdpm: bump18:03
dpmGuidoPallemans, does running the following command solve the problem?18:05
dpmsudo apt-get install libbotan-1.10-018:05
dpmsudo apt-get install libqt5declarative518:05
GuidoPallemansreinstalling everything qt now...18:06
GuidoPallemansah, now it works, thanks anyway!18:11
pavolzetorhi, why does 'closed' signal does not work for notifyOSd?19:05
pavolzetorsince I need to know if notification is closed, so if it is, I display new one, if not I do not19:11
stqnI know nothing :)19:30
stqn(except that notifications are broken under Unity, IMO)19:30
pavolzetorI see19:30
stqn(I prefer how they work under Xfce)19:30
pavolzetorwhat I got is19:31
pavolzetorModel notifiing notification class about new items19:31
pavolzetorevery time new item arrives =>show notification19:31
pavolzetorbut if 50 items arrives in row19:31
pavolzetorI do not want to show 50 notifications19:31
pavolzetorso I need to know if notification is being displayed19:32

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