=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === rsalveti is now known as rsalveti|afk === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:30] Could someone please mark the Ubuntu task on this report as Triaged please? [13:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/415725 [13:30] Ubuntu bug 415725 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "turning volume up/down with ctrl+up/down arrow" [Undecided,Triaged] [13:30] It was originally marked as fixed, but that was a mistake. [13:36] \query seb128 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === rsalveti|afk is now known as rsalveti === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === cheako911 is now known as cheako === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti [16:24] Hello. [16:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1131722 [16:24] Ubuntu bug 1131722 in Ubuntu "Touch keyboard won't hide when unlocking device" [Undecided,Confirmed] [16:24] Regarding this bug, the bot commented on my bug telling me that I should determine the exact package. [16:25] That's not quite simple with the Ubuntu Touch preview. [16:25] What am I supposed to do about that? [16:36] mainerror: perhaps it would be better to ask in #ubuntu-touch, since this is brand new [16:36] I see, thanks. :) [17:17] mainerror, plug the n7 into your laptop [17:17] mainerror, from a shell there: adb root; adb shell; ubuntu_chroot shell; dpkg -l | grep keyboard [17:17] nemo-keyboard [17:29] hggdh, its #ubuntu-phone (ubuntu-touch was from the multitouch guys and will likely be shot down soon to avoid confusion) [17:41] ogra_: thank you === chrisccoulson is now known as rmadison === rmadison is now known as chrisccoulson === francisco is now known as Guest16789 [18:03] brendand: Are you serious!? I just ate so much asparagus that I could burst and my USB cable is somewhere behind me in the room. Getting there would require me to stand up! :D [18:06] Right. Just did that, even though my body wasn't quite happy. [18:08] Great ... it doesn't let me save the changes when I select nemo-keyboard as the package. :( [18:11] "There is no package named 'nemo-keyboard' published in Ubuntu." ... of course there is, I can find it in the package search. [18:17] Oh never mind ... got it now. The package is "maliit-framework". :) === mainerror is now known as mainerror^away [21:01] hello [21:02] I met with a strange issue related to software-properties-gtk, update-notifier and update-manager, in a spin done around Ubuntu Precise [21:02] anyone here caring to talk about it with me ? [21:03] I'll shoot, incase someone comes bye [21:03] at the start of the live, software-properties-gtk wants to start, but crashes. [21:04] the message in the apport window is clear enough about that. when after that I have started update-manager I could see that it was the same program which was started normally by hitting the "advanced" button [21:05] so I wondered why software-properties-gtk was started at same time as the desktop anyhow, so I looked into /etc/xdg/autostart to seek for a related desktop file. [21:06] this is where I was a bit surprised : the only file related is update-notifier.desktop. I decided to rename it to itself-backup and logout, login, to see what. Guess what ? Problem solved. [21:08] I did a new spin with the file renamed to update-notifier.desktop-backup in /etc/xdg/autostart (don't want to remove it...) and since, first boot or not, the faulty window didn't appear anymore. [21:08] any comments welcome. [21:17] melodie: what Ubuntu version? [21:19] hi hggdh it is Precise [21:19] fully up to date... [21:19] melodie: 12.04.2 or 12.04.1? [21:19] I can provide the links to the two spins too if you wish [21:20] it seems it has switched to 12.04.2, I think I saw briefly during boot... [21:20] http://tyruiop.eu/~melodie/Downloads/ISOS/Ubuntu/ [21:20] I did the first two ones on top of the Ubuntu Mini Remix [21:21] and added lots, using file lists from lubuntu mostly [21:21] ah, then it is not a standard UBuntu. Not that this matters much, but it preempts some of my questions. [21:22] melodie: does it happen with the mini remix (standard)? [21:22] I don't use mini remix, I take it as a basis, to make it faster [21:23] Ubuntu Mini Remix, not Ubuntu mini the official which is a netinstall [21:23] some more reference here and here: [21:23] Ubuntu Openbox Remix RC1_2 - http://beta.linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,140.0.html [21:23] OK. But the .desktop is the same, correct? Question comes because on the Ubuntu 12.04.2 install I did not see such a problem [21:23] Ubuntu Openbox Remix RC2 - http://beta.linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,146.0.html [21:24] I don't know if the .desktop is the same, I have finished at 4 this morning and slept only 5 hours after. I have not even thought I could check this part [21:25] and I don't have a recent remix of lubuntu or such with all up to date to check, I just thought it is strange and would come here to talk about it. [21:26] it *is* strange. I wonder is update-notifier.desktop is doing something your environment is not happy with [21:26] hggdh it's again late here, I don't know where you are from, but if you want to suggest some tests to do to me, I will be opened. (contact on the forum, the website or here... ) [21:27] melodie: not as late for me, but still working... and I have no experience with the remix/lubuntu flavours. [21:27] hggdh would you consider downloading the two spins and see if you can find something which could be used ? I have put the error message on google and found many related bug reports with the same message at launchpad [21:27] it's not a lubuntu flavor [21:28] it's a pure openbox with a few additions [21:28] melodie: will do [21:29] ubuntu mini remix is a non official which has ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, casper, casper-lupin... and I used this script plus a few more packages installed after: http://meets.free.fr/debian/scripts/OBUbuntu.sh.txt [21:29] :) [21:34] hggdh any help or idea to seek for what's wrong would be welcome === mainerror^away is now known as mainerror === emma is now known as em [22:14] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1131945 [22:14] Launchpad bug 1131945 in lightdm "no session, back to login" [Undecided,New] [22:15] i'm not sure is rightly assigned to lightdm, can you help me ?