
bkerensaoppan jono style ;)02:24
jonobkerensa, lol02:24
jonobkerensa, so dude, you in for the cook off?02:24
jonowould be fun to smoke some ribs together02:25
bkerensajono: i cant possibly... but I will use BBQpad.... I just got four new client projects this week and have deadlines =/02:25
jonobkerensa, I am gonna be announcing it soon, and would be cool if you can join02:25
jonobkerensa, ahhhh no worries, man :-)02:25
vibhavbkerensa: haha02:38
dholbachhey dpm07:07
dpmmorning dholbach07:07
JoseeAntonioRdpm: hey, bobweaver is going to do a 4h session on saturday, on how to write apps for phone, tablet and tv, maybe we want to spread that07:15
dpmJoseeAntonioR, ack. Thanks for the heads up!07:21
dholbachdpm, I think most people can't use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - maybe we should link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs instead?08:15
dpmdholbach, whatever you think it's best, yes. I added a link simply because we said "file bugs against Ubuntu" without pointing people at how to actually do it08:16
dholbachI'll also include the disclaimer in a few other places08:17
dholbachgood thinking08:17
elfydholbach: just from a more or less non-tech point of view and not knowing what you're talking about08:18
dholbachelfy, we're looking into the wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch pages right now08:19
elfyif I was told to read either of those pages before reporting a bug (something I might not have done ever before) then I'd wander off and not bother08:19
elfyperhaps I'm just more used to the 'how do I turn this thing on' type of people :)08:20
dholbachif you think there's a better way to explain how to file a bug - I'm sure nobody will mind if you update the wiki08:22
elfyI might try and do a simpler version08:22
dholbachnot sure if you were saying that it'd be better if people could file bugs in LP directly, but the problem was that we got a gazillion of useless bug reports before, ie "does not work" (without any indication of what the package was, which version, etc.), this meant that we had to do lots of bug triage ping pong before eventually closing the bug... which is why we moved to "ubuntu-bug"08:22
elfybut I'm not complaining as such - just saying08:22
dholbachgood good :)08:23
elfydholbach: I understand that :)08:23
elfytricky path to walk that one is08:23
dholbachyes, it is08:23
elfyand I'm absolutely not saying lets fill LP with it doesn't work bugs :)08:23
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: hey, I'm off now, but will be back 15-30 mins before the hangout just in case08:25
dholbachoh man, I remember those days - seb128 was constantly hassling me to do more bug triage08:25
dholbachand I had hundreds of new mails every single day08:25
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, perfect - thanks a lot!08:25
elfydholbach: I've nothing but respect for people who do bug stuff :)08:25
dholbachme too08:26
elfymostly :p08:26
dholbachdpm: do you have time for a quick hangout?12:16
dpmdholbach, sure, give me 512:16
dholbachdpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3d773b1ac71edc4f0c2a7c0e297845db10667ded?authuser=0&hl=de12:22
dpmdholbach, coming, just 2 minutes more12:23
vibhavQML is a beauty12:25
vibhavYou guys made a great choice12:26
dpmvibhav, indeed, I love QML too12:49
dpmhelp us upvoting, folks. Thanks!12:50
* popey upboats12:51
dpmdholbach, and smartboyhw wins the price for the first image being added as WIP on the devices list :)13:43
smartboyhwdpm, LOL (I need testers for that, my Android device is a damning ARMv6)13:43
dpmsmartboyhw, awesome. How are you getting on? Is the porting guide clear enough? Let us know if it needs any improvements and how it works for you13:45
smartboyhwdpm, OK I am getting it anyway:)13:45
dpmdholbach, here's another one: http://rootzwiki.com/topic/39299-romwip-ubuntu-touch-on-d2vzw-dev-previewphantom-022213/13:47
dpmah, that's the one you already pointed me too13:48
=== dpm is now known as dpm-lunch
smartboyhwdholbach, LOL14:11
SergioMeneseshi all14:14
smartboyhwHello SergioMeneses14:14
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, btw congratulations about your ubuntu membership14:16
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, thanks:)14:16
SergioMenesesvibhav, hi! is this real? Help with adding our LoCo to the Portal14:22
vibhavSergioMeneses: The Mars Loco?14:23
SergioMenesesvibhav, yes, :S14:24
vibhavSergioMeneses: actually, even I don't have an idea. Randall Ross told me that we could work to get it on the team portal. Maybe you could add to the Locos belonging to no country14:24
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, what's the Mars LoCo!!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?14:24
vibhavThe Mars loco was never my idea :|14:24
vibhavsmartboyhw: a joke14:24
smartboyhwvibhav, lol14:24
SergioMenesesvibhav, ok ok let me see... :)14:25
vibhavI am in an awkward position, maybe a should hand over the team leader to somebody else taking it seriously14:26
vibhavLeadership *14:26
smartboyhwvibhav, where's the team link? LOL14:26
SergioMenesesvibhav, :O14:27
vibhavsmartboyhw: dine be mad at me :) https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mars14:28
smartboyhwvibhav, LOL14:29
=== dpm-lunch is now known as dpm
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, is it awake o clock over there already? :)14:37
vibhavSergioMeneses: I've handed over the team leadership to Randall Ross, maybe you could talk with him :)14:40
SergioMenesesvibhav, Joseph Liau sent us the email, we're going to answer it as soon as possible14:43
vibhavSergioMeneses: the team was always a joke14:43
SergioMenesesvibhav, I don't think your leadership was a problem14:43
vibhavJust like ubuntu-smokers14:43
smartboyhwvibhav, you really like jokes don't you>14:44
SergioMenesesvibhav, it is not a big deal, dont worry14:44
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, lol14:44
vibhavSergioMeneses: I hope I've not upset the Loco council14:44
vibhavSergioMeneses: Maybe Randall could eventually bring the loco some publicity14:45
vibhavAfter all, he is the "Ubuntu Buzz Generator"14:45
SergioMenesesvibhav, lol... upset? jejeje14:46
SergioMenesesUbuntu Buzz Generator, :O14:46
vibhavsmartboyhw: I like jokes, but not when they unnecessarily trouble other people14:46
vibhavAfter all, we are building an operating system.14:47
vibhavAnd if there re Martians out there, they might be using something already more superior than Linux14:48
smartboyhwvibhav, /me agrees14:48
SergioMenesesok guys I have to go14:49
SergioMenesessee you later smartboyhw vibhav14:49
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, see ya14:49
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: I was awake, but had some connectivity problems15:16
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, want to join in or relay questions or anything? I can do it too15:17
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: if you give me a min15:17
dholbachsure, take your time - I'm still asking questions :)15:17
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: ok, I'm ready for questions time15:23
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, invited you15:25
ejatsee ya SergioMenesesAFK15:25
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: I updated the kernel and not the G+ plugin that day, maybe that's the problem?16:36
dholbachno idea16:36
dholbachI think I updated everything16:37
dholbachand restarted16:37
JoseeAntonioRI'm seeing the update list right now, and only thing I installed (updated) that day is the kernel, will try rebooting with another kernel for the hangout we have later on16:38
JoseeAntonioRdpm, dholbach: hey guys, would any of you mind doing a blog post about tomorrow's hangout?17:30
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, I'm trying to finish my day right now :-/17:31
JoseeAntonioRnp then17:31
dholbachall right my friends - I've got to run - have a great weekend!17:47
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: ping19:09
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: pong19:09
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: can you hang out in #ubuntu-website  - mhall119 is going to try to help you (hopefully soon) with your import issue19:09
JoseeAntonioRyeah, but bare in mind I have a hangout (with him and Randall Ross) in about 35mins19:09
cjohnstonthats fine. I don't know that it would be bfore that anyway19:10
mhall119oh right, forgot about that19:10
cjohnstonmaybe you can fix it on the hangout ;-)19:10
komputesI had an idea of having an Ubuntu LDAP directory for Ubuntu members like Debian has with db.debian.org20:07
komputesIt would be great if it pulled information from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+members#active20:08
JoseeAntonioRballoons: hey, I don't know if you're available right now, but we're having a hangout on global jams, and would love to hear from you on how to help with QA20:26
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, ohh really?20:27
JoseeAntonioRballoons: yep! still 30mins to go :)20:28
JoseeAntonioRwant to pitch in?20:28
JoseeAntonioRballoons: coming in?20:35
balloonstrying to eat20:35
balloonsalmost done20:35
JoseeAntonioRlet me know20:35
balloonsyou can send me the invite20:35
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, sorry g+ hates me20:41
balloonsbah.. I keep dropping20:41
balloonsthis might not work20:41
balloonsthat was fun.. thanks rrnwexec and JoseeAntonioR20:59
JoseeAntonioRballoons: same here, thanks for the last-minute join!21:00
rrnwexecthanks all. splendid job :)21:01

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