
davecheneyhello, thumper told me to complain in here about the 'my machine is too fast for lightdm' bug00:27
jasoncwarner_hey bryce, rickspencer3 just started to get a weird visual corruption on his desktop with his i945 device. Any reason he would be getting that?00:40
jasoncwarner_he is pretty sure it just started happening.00:40
rickspencer3hi bryce00:40
thumperhi jasoncwarner_00:40
thumperhi rickspencer300:40
jasoncwarner_they thumper00:40
rickspencer3well< I just started noticing it in the sound indicator00:40
thumperI have no desktop00:40
jasoncwarner_hey, rather00:40
rickspencer3hey thumper00:40
thumperI just upgraded to raring00:41
thumperand I get a wallpaper00:41
thumperand that's it00:41
rickspencer3dang it!00:41
rickspencer3what is going on these days00:41
thumperyou can't look at me now for that :)00:41
rickspencer313.04 has been really unstable for the last few days00:41
jasoncwarner_thumper did it get uninstalled? like, partial update or someting?00:41
thumperunity is there00:41
thumperbut unity-panel-service is not00:41
thumperWhen I try to start untiy00:42
jasoncwarner_thumper: not installed? or not running?00:42
thumperI get compiz started00:42
thumpercore initialises00:42
thumperthen it says "unity-panel-service: no process found"00:42
thumperthere is no unity-panel-service installed00:42
thumperthere should be00:42
jasoncwarner_thumper: aye...seems you might have had a partial update. rickspencer3 had one of those yesterday (unrelated)...00:43
jasoncwarner_no bueno00:43
bschaeferthumper, is this your problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/113067900:43
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1130679 in Compiz "[2013/02/20] compiz/unity don't run, just loading cpp" [Critical,In progress]00:43
jasoncwarner_can you manually install it?00:43
thumperI'm not sure what package it is supposed to be00:43
bschaefer(if you did a dist-upgrade)00:43
thumperhi bschaefer00:43
bschaeferthumper, hello!00:43
thumperbschaefer: I had the same problem with quantal this morning00:43
thumperand I thought that upgrading to raring would fix it00:43
thumperbut no :(00:44
bschaeferthumper, o interesting, someone else was as well00:44
thumperI know that veebers had the issue on the testing laptop00:44
bschaeferChrisTownsend was00:44
jasoncwarner_bryceh in case you missed the above (I messaged bryce nick instead ;) ) - rickspencer3 just started to get a weird visual corruption on his desktop with his i945 device. Any reason he would be getting that?00:44
bschaeferthumper, hmm have you tried starting u-p-s manually?00:44
bschaeferthen starting unity00:45
thumperbschaefer: I can't, it isn't installed00:45
bschaeferthumper, really? very strange, is unity installed?00:45
thumperbschaefer: yes00:45
thumperbschaefer: which may be the reason there is a problem00:45
bschaeferthumper, hmm possibly a --reinstall could bring it back00:46
bschaeferas mine is here; /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service00:46
rickspencer3thumper, could you please log a bug00:46
thumperbschaefer: actually, I see the panel service there00:46
rickspencer3and I think there are log files from the update process that might help00:46
bschaefervery strange, as just doing a 'unity00:47
thumperbschaefer: why is it there and not /usr/bin??00:47
bschaefer ' should start it up00:47
* bschaefer has no clue00:47
rickspencer3thumper, have you been abusing this machine for development in your past as a Unity dev?00:47
rickspencer3like, what crazy PPAs are you running? ;)00:47
jasoncwarner_thumper: aye, file a bug and send my way...in the meantime, can you manually install it and get it running? (like will it allow you to install it?)00:48
thumperrickspencer3: none now, another benefit of upgrading00:48
thumperit seems I do have /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service00:48
thumperit is executable00:48
thumperbut not in the default path00:48
thumperrunning u-p-s manually didn't help unity start00:49
bschaeferright, which the 'unity' script should be starting that anyway hmm00:49
bschaeferthumper, you could try /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service; compiz --replace ccp&00:50
bschaeferthumper, because looking at the unity script it seems to kill u-p-s...00:50
bschaeferand if it can't find it, then it'll just kill it...leaving you nothing00:51
* thumper sighs00:52
thumperit fails trying to load the ini backend00:52
thumperwith a programmer error00:52
thumpercan't find interface type 600:52
* thumper looks at old env file00:52
* thumper set to ubuntu profile00:53
thumperccp still fails00:53
thumperUnable to find interface type 1200:53
bschaeferthumper, thats this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/113067900:53
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1130679 in Compiz "[2013/02/20] compiz/unity don't run, just loading cpp" [Critical,In progress]00:53
bschaeferwhich will be fixed soon (when it merges)00:53
thumperbschaefer: what is the ETA on that?00:54
bschaeferthumper, idk, I approved this like 6 hours ago...00:54
thumperwhat is the auto-merger doing?00:54
bschaeferim not sure, even CI green lighted it 5 hours ago00:54
bschaeferthumper, you could compile compiz from trunk ;)00:55
thumperbschaefer: not any more thank you :)00:55
thumperjasoncwarner_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/113148901:07
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1131489 in Unity "Unity fails to start" [Undecided,New]01:07
jasoncwarner_thanks thumper01:08
thumperjasoncwarner_: my laptop is going to sit here mostly useless until this is fixed :(01:12
thumperunless I can run metacity?01:13
thumperdo we even still ship that?01:13
thumperwe do01:13
thumperat least I have window management back01:13
thumperand can move and resize01:14
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
thumperok, at least I now have email, irc and a terminal running01:16
thumperand can work01:16
thumperbut using metacity not unity01:16
bschaeferhow dare you! (though i do wish that branch would merge...)01:19
bschaeferthumper, I think all people who handle the auto merger are away atm01:19
* bschaefer re-approves the branch01:20
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
thumperveebers: do you know anything about the automerger?01:27
veebersthumper: not enough to be helpful in this instance I fear01:28
veebersthumper: where is the issue? are you looking at a specific MP?01:28
bschaeferveebers, https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/compiz.fix_1130679/+merge/14957401:28
thumperbschaefer: can you point veebers at it?01:28
thumperbschaefer: ta01:28
bschaeferveebers, I just re-approved it01:28
bschaeferthumper, np01:28
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veebersbschaefer: I'm taking a look at it now01:40
bschaeferveebers, thank you!01:40
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pittiGood morning06:24
jibelgood morning08:01
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seb128happy friday desktopers09:19
pittibonjour seb128, hereux vendredi!09:20
seb128pitti, salut, ca va bien ?09:20
desrtbonan vendredo, ĉiuj09:20
pittioui, merci! wrestling with gnome :)09:20
pittihey desrt09:20
tkamppetermlankhorst, should we do the Pandaboard stuff now?09:23
mlankhorstsure ill be there in a bit, looking for something before i go to the office09:25
mlankhorstah nm found it, going to the office :P09:25
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czajkowskimorning folks10:06
* czajkowski hugs TheMuso I have sound! 10:06
czajkowskiseb128: this was the bug I was trying to explain yesterday. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/113137210:10
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1131372 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "When logging in user name and machine name become highlighed" [Undecided,New]10:10
seb128czajkowski, hey10:10
seb128mterry, ^ saw such issues before?10:11
mterryseb128, no10:12
czajkowskiwell if it's meant to highlight I'll be happy, :)10:12
czajkowskibut just seems odd10:12
seb128when did that start?10:12
czajkowskiseb128: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/113132110:13
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1131321 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Emptying Rubbish bin doesn't bring you to focused folder" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:13
seb128is that raring?10:13
czajkowskiI do like Raring btw :)10:13
mterryczajkowski, oh in that case "it's meant to highlight"10:13
mterryOne more happy user!10:13
czajkowskiit just has these little quirks :)10:13
mterryseb128, yeah raring10:13
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mterry(from bug)10:14
seb128czajkowski, that nautilus bug is weird as well, here "empty bin" doesn't open nautilus views10:14
czajkowskiI find unique bugs, what can I say10:14
mterryczajkowski, we love testers like you  :)10:15
czajkowskimterry: I shall remind you , you said that at some point when I find more unique ones :)10:20
mterryczajkowski, well, I also have a love of ignoring bugs  :)10:21
czajkowskiyeah but that empty recycling one is a bit odd, you really think you're about to empty /home and then you check10:21
m4n1shmvo: ping10:21
m4n1shmvo: i made the changes to the merge req as you asked for https://code.launchpad.net/~manishsinha/software-properties/fix-874766-updates-tab-failed-auth/+merge/14892410:21
mvom4n1sh: let me look10:22
m4n1shmvo: thanks10:22
TheMusoczajkowski: Good to hear.10:44
robruseb128, did you get a chance to look at uploading Friends to raring yet?10:50
mlankhorstLaney: g'day10:54
seb128robru, ken did upload, I need to review, thanks for the reminder10:55
seb128robru, doing that now10:55
robruseb128, ok, thanks10:55
desrtrobru: stop distracting seb.  he has gtk to upload.10:58
mlankhorstI read abstracting seb for some reason11:02
m4n1shmvo: you want me to update the branch or will merge it?11:24
mlankhorstoh anyone sitting nearby and wanting to sign my canonical gpg key by any chance so I can become a debian dev? :P11:26
mvom4n1sh: its fine, I just wanted to mention it as its a neat python thing, I will merge11:26
desrtmvo: enjoying brno? ;)11:33
mvodesrt: yeah, very different but good11:36
pittimvo: err, you are in Brno?11:36
desrtmvo: having fun with the czech?11:37
mvodesrt: hm? now I'm confused11:39
mvopitti: im in büro ;)11:39
desrtmvo: a few days ago a guy named mvo on gimpnet was talking about how he was going to brno11:39
mvodesrt: woah, yet another mvo - there is also marius volmer (mvo) who is a free software guy. I guess I simply need a longer nick11:40
* mvo needs to leave for some minutes to get some food11:40
desrtmvo: yes.  it was that one :)11:41
desrtmvo: for about 3 minutes everyone on the desktop team was wondering why you would go to the redhat conference :)11:42
didrockshey guys, long time no see :)11:44
seb128didrocks, hey11:44
seb128didrocks, already at the trains station?11:44
didrocksseb128: yep, security done, passport control as well11:45
didrocksjust waiting for my train now :)11:45
seb128didrocks, what time is your train?11:45
didrocksseb128: 12:58, I was a little bit too pessimistic about the UK trains/subway11:45
didrocksafter what Laney told me… ;)11:45
didrocksthey still managed to have all trains 4 minutes late11:46
didrocks(better than 1h)11:46
desrtdidrocks: welcome to schengen11:46
didrocksdesrt: yeah, it feels like a totally different country here ;)11:47
didrocksno snow, nothing :p11:47
desrtdifferent plugs, i hear11:47
didrocksdesrt: normal ones, you meant I guess :)11:48
didrocksor rather "right ones"11:48
didrocksI see that desrt is always exhaustive in his reports :)11:50
didrockslike "and wrote that email" :)11:50
desrti forgot a few items, in fact11:50
desrtbut too late to add them now11:50
didrockslike "oh btw…"11:51
Laneyyou left just before we had some daily landing fun ;-)11:57
didrocks11:59:48   didrocks | ahah! seems it was the right time :)                                                                              │ bdrung12:02
didrocks11:59:50   didrocks | what happened?                                                                                                    │ bigon12:02
didrocksLaney: ^12:02
seb128didrocks, weird copy/paste12:03
didrocksseb128: copying lines in weechat…12:03
seb128didrocks, some libindicator/libappindicator issues in the landing12:04
seb128didrocks, incorrect path in a .install for the gtk3 version of the lib apparently12:04
seb128breaking builds12:04
didrocksinteresting, needed some tests then? I guess cyphermox is on top of the story :)12:05
seb128yeah, Laney and him are on it12:06
didrockscyphermox: don't worry if you need to trigger some rebuilds then to have this fixed before the week-end12:06
didrocksexcellent, thanks Laney, cyphermox :-)12:06
cyphermoxdidrocks: yeah we'll add autopkgtests to catch this in the future12:06
didrocksit's in the distro for quite some days, weird that the alarm bell didn't ring before :)12:07
seb128didrocks, people keep the fun for friday12:07
cyphermoxdidrocks: well it's the non-gtk3 one, and we build almost everything with the gtk3 version12:07
cyphermoxseb128: don't get me starting on friday changes12:07
didrockscyphermox: who cares about non gtk3? I think desrt will agree ;)12:07
cyphermoxdidrocks: I still don't undetstand why appindicator didn't go red in the faily builds12:07
cyphermoxdidrocks: hehe12:08
didrocksah ok, bug #1131708 :)12:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1131708 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "-dev symlink broken (shared library installed in non-MA dir)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113170812:11
cyphermoxLaney: dropping the .a file looks safe too, I'll file a merge for that and check the rdepends12:15
Laneythe bot rejected my MP because of no commit message in it12:16
Laneywill it automatically pick up the one I added?12:16
vibhavNot to trouble you guys, but what exact changes do you make to libnotify so that it both works with Unity and gnome-shell?12:17
vibhavOr does each shell prescribe notification routines which libnotify calls?12:19
Laneyzgrep "Ryan Lortie" /usr/share/doc/*/changelog.Debian.gz12:21
didrocksI do prefer with [ ], way more stylish :)12:23
mvodesrt: haha, indeed. funny, he uses "mv" on freenode12:44
davmor2mvo: Hey dude13:04
mvohey davmor2!13:06
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jbichabug 1131664 sounds like it's going to be a big headache to maintain, I mean why stop at those 3 apps, why not patch in the old menus to everything?14:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1131664 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Patch the menus of the 'Calculator' and 'System Settings' apps to fit with Unity" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113166414:09
seb128jbicha, because everything is like 5 GNOME apps14:16
seb128so we could do it for "everything" ;-)14:16
jbichaseb128: it's a lot more than 5, Contacts, Empathy, Totem, Disks, Font Viewer, Screenshot, Archive Manager, Mahjongg, Mines, Sudoku, etc.14:24
seb128yeah, I guess with the split games and utils you can go up to 1514:27
seb128on the 15000 sources we have14:27
mdeslaurcould just revert a bunch of those to older versions :P14:27
seb128but yeah, it's annoying14:27
seb128maybe we should just find applications to replace those with14:28
jbichaI'm sure it's even higher than 15 if you count universe14:28
seb128jbicha, right, I was speaking about things we use under Unity14:29
seb128if users decide to install apps that don't work well under Unity that's their problem14:29
seb128not something we recommend them doing14:30
jbichalol, the apps work fine under Unity14:30
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jbichaDesign's request to modify the System Settings menu doesn't make sense though; it's all of two items, Help & Close14:32
seb128they just have weird menus14:32
jbichaseb128: it's not weird if 2/3 of the pre-installed apps do it14:33
jbichaEvince 3.8 switched too14:33
seb128jbicha, well depends of what you define "weird", user testing showed that users don't get the difference between the shell menu and the cog dropdown one14:36
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jbichaseb128: I'm sure GNOME would be interested to see that user testing; since Nautilus has so many menu items I don't object to Ubuntu trying to use the "classic" menu structure15:06
jbichabut I don't see the point in trying to add complex menus to simple utilities and games and I don't think those patches will be fun to write or maintain15:07
desrtjbicha: did you talk to cosimo?15:07
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jbichadesrt: ?15:09
desrtabout menus in nautilus15:09
desrthe indicated during UDS that he may be willing to make some changes that would help us there15:10
desrti also talked to him about it at boston summit15:10
desrtTheMuso: fd leaks?15:10
jbichadesrt: no I haven't talked to him about that, maybe mterry should though15:11
TheMusodesrt: In Orca.15:15
ogra_seb128, do you want a meeting today ? (i havent much to report and ubuntu touch simply has taken over the world)16:00
ogra_(see the #ubuntu-phone channel if you havent yet, its like #ubuntu years ago)16:00
seb128ogra_, can do a quick round16:01
rickspencer3stgraber, hey, my webcam didn't start for my hangouts this morning16:02
rickspencer3is there some way I can check if this is due to the user session upstart as opposed to the hideous ball of binary goo we call the google plugin?16:03
stgraberrickspencer3: no easy way to check, though I can't think of how the user sessions would affect this. Is it working in other apps (luvcview being the lightest tool I know of to test webcams)?16:06
tintouhello all !16:18
tintouI'm trying to use Ubuntu Online Accounts in my App, but I'm missing something, can somebody help me ?16:19
rickspencer3hi tintou, unfortunately the desktop team is huddled together in a conference room today16:28
rickspencer3so, I think it may be slow for you to get an answer :)16:28
tintourickspencer3: okay, thanks for your response, I'll try to ask another day then :D16:28
mptmterry, did you have time to look at the partial upgrade problem?16:58
mterrympt, no16:59
mterrympt, it's on my TODO17:00
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