
hyperairhi. i'm from #ubuntu-sg, and our team moderator (ziroday) hasn't been around for a while now, so we're unable to do any channel administration (e.g. changing of /topic). could someone add me to the access list for #ubuntu-sg as an op please?03:13
Unit193IRCC has the channel flags to do so, can you link to the launchpad group ?03:14
hyperairUnit193: ~ubuntu-sg-team03:26
Unit193Now the wait for one of the IRCC'ers to wake up.03:34
Tm_Thyperair: you're second person to ask that if I'm not counting wrong (:05:55
hyperairTm_T: yes, the other person is wickedpuppy.05:55
hyperairsomeone dragged him out of the void when some new people started posting on the ubuntu-sg list05:56
Tm_Thyperair: so you don't have active community leader in launchpad et al?05:59
hyperairTm_T: pretty much so.06:23
hyperairTm_T: the situation is more like rising from the dead.06:23
hyperairwe haven't had any activity for ~2 years now06:24
hyperairand we haven't seen ~nickhs for even longer than that.06:24
Tm_Thyperair: have you tried reaching him?06:41
hyperairTm_T: yes we have -- i've also filed a launchpad question for adding me to the list of team admins so that we can actually approve members.06:43
hyperairTm_T: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/22254006:43
Tm_Thyperair: could you bug loco council so the loco leadership could be handed forward if the guy holding the keys isn't actually aboard anymore?06:43
hyperairhmm, i don't think nickhs was the loco leader.06:44
hyperairjust that the team owner is nickhs and the channel operator is ziroday (same person)06:44
Tm_Thyperair: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sg-team06:44
hyperairyes, that.06:44
Tm_Tyes but who's admin on launchpad group does count (:06:45
Tm_Tso please try get that fixed too06:45
hyperairwell like i mentioned, i've filed that request.06:45
hyperairTm_T: is loco leadership recorded somewhere?06:45
Tm_Thyperair: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-sg-team06:46
hyperairoh hmm, so he is registered as the loco leader.06:46
Tm_T...which gets information from launchpad atleast06:47
Tm_Tyup, as launchpad groups are used for keeping track of things like that06:47
hyperairokay, so basically what happens now?06:47
hyperairfor the time being we can't seem to contact him, but like i mentioned in the launchpad question i'd like to wait a month or so before really declaring him as MIA06:48
hyperair..and switching leadership.06:48
Tm_Thyperair: is there any emergency going on on irc channel?06:58
hyperairTm_T: no, not at the moment.06:59
hyperairTm_T: i just thought it would be nice to be able to set the topic -- it's still stuck on 10.1006:59
Tm_Thyperair: hmmm, I wonder if that's enough for now07:05
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
AlanBellstaff can UbuntuIrcCouncil have +ARfiorstv in #ubuntu-touch please11:57
nikodone, AlanBell12:43
AlanBellthanks niko12:47
AlexandreMBMHello! Who make the Ubuntu IRC Logs?15:51
AlexandreMBMDo have search engine?15:52
k1lAlexandreMBM: they are just logged by a bot. i dont know a search for that15:52
jpdsAlexandreMBM: Google: "site:irclogs.ubuntu.com foobar"15:53
AlexandreMBMk1l, and if anyone want to make a search engine?15:54
AlexandreMBMjpds, old results15:54
AlexandreMBMk1l, the server pages have Python support?15:55
k1lAlexandreMBM: sry, i dont know about the technical specs behind that service15:55
AlexandreMBMk1l, Ubuntu Council is here?15:56
AlexandreMBMUbuntu IRC Council..15:56
k1lthe irc council,  IRCC , yes. just wait a bit for them to take a look in here15:56
AlanBellhi AlexandreMBM15:57
k1lthere we go :)15:57
AlanBellgoogle search of the logs is generally quite good, or you can scrape them all and grep them15:57
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, scrape... perharps15:58
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, a moment15:58
AlanBellAlexandreMBM: why do you ask?15:58
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, (I don't speak english and I am multiprocess)16:00
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, oops! multi task16:01
AlanBellAlexandreMBM: why do you want to search them?16:03
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, my chats, for build tutorials, and chats others16:04
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, I am back. Sorry.16:49
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, I would want a search engine on Ubuntu IRC logs.16:51
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, if possible, I could collaborate with research and/or implementation16:51
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, Python or PHP16:51
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, Python* or PHP16:51
AlanBellAlexandreMBM: ok, interesting, I do want to get more statistics and data out of the logs17:10
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, it is you who manages the files?17:11
AlanBellno, I don't have any more access than you do17:12
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, anyone linked YaCy..17:16
AlanBellAlexandreMBM: I don't think anyone has, but feel free to do so17:17
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, but I do not think is it something practical to have installed17:17
AlexandreMBM http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot18:41
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, see18:41
AlexandreMBMbetter: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/olpc-admin/18:42
AlexandreMBMperharps it not necessary to change bot18:44
AlexandreMBMAlanBell, http://royale.zerezo.com/irssistats/18:49
Myrttioh, the discussion has moved to stats now18:55
* Pici is confused18:57
AlexandreMBMMcPeter, log and stats19:05
AlexandreMBMMcPeter, sorry.19:05
AlexandreMBMMyrtti, logs, stats, search19:05
AlexandreMBMMyrtti, graphic interface19:06
AlexandreMBMMyrtti, union19:07
AlexandreMBMMyrtti, functionality19:07
PiciIs this just for yourself?19:17
=== emma is now known as em

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