
smartboyhwakgraner, JoseeAntonioR + dholbach how does one join the Ubuntu fridge?15:23
JoseeAntonioRI think pleia2 is the right person to be asked15:24
smartboyhwpleia2, ^15:24
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR, the weird thing: Aren't you in Ubuntu Fridge team?15:26
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: I'm not a full fridge editor15:27
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR, Grrrr that is weird15:27
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR, I thought you are Ubuntu's young public face + relations guy:P15:27
pleia2smartboyhw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge has details16:03
smartboyhwpleia2, OK. So how do I start writing?16:04
pleia2if he read the wiki page he'd know...16:07
pleia2so reading is a good first step16:07
pleia2I didn't write those pages for fun, I wrote them so I wouldn't need to repeat the process to everyone ;)16:07

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