
AlanBell-phone seems a bit calmer now01:11
CoreyAlanBell: Half term?01:26
IdleOnepopey: AlanBell flag me in any channels you need some eyes. I'm always here anyway.01:28
IdleOneI might not do actual /support/ though01:29
bazhang<kmentat> What kind of distro is this?!05:18
bazhanga superior one05:18
Ben64hey, if anyone is around, for the past ~80 minutes a guy, <milkshake_>, has been joining and getting disconnected due to flooding, can something be done about that?06:07
k1l<cnf> Jewfro-Macabbi: why the hell are you pasting me random stuff in pm?  from #ubuntu11:57
k1lyou have a schedule for the merging from -phone and -tablet into -touch?12:57
AlanBellk1l: this weekend, sometime quiet13:01
k1lkk. was just curious13:01
ikoniait's nice to see a channel merged rather than yet another channel added to the ever growing list13:25
ubottuIn ubottu, mdh said: uboutu is  pie15:39
AlanBellinsightful comment there from mdh16:06
ikoniaI'm sleeping easy with my extended knowledge16:07
bazhang<karpuragauram> hello again. I have a live USB xubuntu CD. it is working OK but clicking on install is crashing16:23
bazhangcrashing and working ok...16:24
IdleOnethat makes sense16:24
IdleOneit is working in live mode but when he clicks on the install icon, it crashes.16:25
genii-aroundThat was my reading also16:25
bazhangand the other shoe drops17:05
bazhangI love how the details always follow after one has provided an answer17:06
bazhangwe need minorityreportaskubuntu.com17:07
bazhangaugh agu17:36
ikoniaalready watching him17:36
bazhangwhy would superuser want to install amd drivers for nvidia card17:37
k1likonia: but dont watch too hard. not that we have another user complaining :)17:37
ikoniahe doesn't, !ati does the same web page as !nvidia17:37
ikoniak1l: I'll just dos him17:37
ikoniamakes the problem go away17:37
k1likonia: hehe17:38
genii-aroundHm, agu17:38
ikoniabazhang: already pm'd him17:40
bazhangI have no idea; he could say that for every single issue practically. it just adds noise to the channel17:40
ikoniaI've tried to explain this in pm, and reminded him of our conversation yesterday17:41
bazhanghe knows17:41
bazhangwhen it's something he doesn't want to do, he plays dumb17:41
ikonia@mark #ubuntu agu10^ reminded of conversation in #ubuntu-ops less than 12 hours ago about not speaking/helping unless he knows the answer for sure, again he confirmed17:46
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:46
bazhanghe just cant help himself17:58
ikoniahe thinks it's ubuntu related......he's just a bit lost I think17:58
bazhangabout wifes?18:13
IdleOneif it stays respectful. I see no problem.18:14
IdleOneI doubt it will though. I predict chaos and mayhem18:14
bazhangheh yeah18:15
bazhangand rww is back18:15
genii-aroundTeeth gnashing and hair-pulling!18:15
Fuchsrww was never gone?18:15
bazhangwell, back from the dax side18:15
Fuchshe switched in the past and I assume he'll switch again, else $somebody and me just have to convince him more18:17
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from mussa)22:02

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