
phillwxnox: do you want me try again with xubuntu?00:27
phillwxnox: very different splash screen in xubuntu to that I saw in lubuntu.00:36
phillwxnox: as in totally different.00:36
phillwHi Guys, my apologies for taking my eye off the ball, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1080674 is still alive and casin g01:18
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1080674 in cairo "[QEMU] Corrupted desktop screen for raring desktop installation in QEMU guest (Cirrus graphics). Affects KVM but not VBox." [Medium,Confirmed]01:18
phillwcausing issues for testing01:19
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gemacjwatson: I see a bootspeed regression on Xorg between the 9th and the 13th of Feb10:00
gemacjwatson: who should I talk to about it?10:00
gemacjwatson: it's gone from under 6 seconds to over 2510:01
cjwatsongema: Start with bryceh/mlankhorst/tjaalton, I guess10:02
gemacjwatson: ack10:03
Laneyaka #ubuntu-x10:03
gemaLaney: ta x)10:05
gemaI was trying to find the appropriate channel x)10:05
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gemacjwatson: pitti has pointed me to bug 112433010:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1124330 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "[raring] Latest whoopsie 0.2.13 slows down boot process by 29 seconds!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112433010:56
gemaxnox: I am seeing that delay in xorg, is that possible?10:56
gemaxnox: do you have an ETA for this bug?10:57
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robruseb128, why was unity-lens-friends rejected? also where's qml-friends?12:11
seb128robru, not sure about qml-friends, ken did the uploads, I'm just doing the reviews12:14
seb128robru, it's not in the queue, maybe he forgot to upload?12:14
robruseb128, hmmmmmm12:14
robruseb128, that's an important one for the phone...12:15
seb128robru, well I guess we will get it in on monday12:15
seb128was it needed today?12:15
robruseb128, ok12:15
robruseb128, I dunno12:15
robruseb128, ok, I've uploaded new libfriends and unity-lens-friends into our ppa at https://launchpad.net/~super-friends/+archive/ppa12:30
seb128robru, thanks12:30
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robruseb128, thanks!12:46
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gemaslangasek: ping14:21
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slangasekgema: pong15:59
gemaslangasek: we found a regression in bootspeed and believe it to be due to whoopsie, bug 1124330... I just wanted to know if this should be on your radar or on someone else's?16:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1124330 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "[raring] Latest whoopsie 0.2.13 slows down boot process by 29 seconds!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112433016:13
slangasekgema: has the bug been confirmed as present with the latest whoopsie (0.2.14)?16:13
slangasekgema: the new whoopsie would also make the installer fail altogether in some cases, which was higher priority; we were hoping that fixing that would also fix the boot speed problems16:14
gemaslangasek: when did the latest whoopsie land?16:15
Laneyit wasn't fixed - it was just worked around16:15
Laneythat makes whoopsie not start if ubiquity-dm is running16:15
gemaLaney: when did you guys introduce that change?16:15
slangasekLaney: no, whoopsie 0.2.14 has a fix for the crash.16:15
Laneythat's not /the/ crash16:16
Laney(at least it's not the one we were having on the N7; certainly fixes a crash in some situations though)16:17
slangasekright, it fixes the whoopsie crash - there's still the workaround in place for ubiquity-dm16:36
slangasekgema: so the whoopsie crasher fix was in whoopsie 0.2.14, uploaded on the 20th16:37
slangasekgema: that's been in the dailies starting 2013022116:40
* cjwatson fixes Lubuntu build failure16:43
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slangasekcjwatson: I notice that the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12042 redirect points to a release notes landing page; didn't we once upon a time have per-flavor redirects that would be linked from the installer?  or am I hallucinating that?19:06
cjwatsonslangasek: We still do19:58
cjwatson./tools/add_live_filesystem:109:                                RELEASE_NOTES="http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes?os=$PROJECT&ver=${DEBVERSION%% *}&lang=\${LANG}"19:58
cjwatson$ GET -E -S http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes?os=ubuntu\&ver=12.04\&lang=en | grep ^Location:19:59
cjwatsonLocation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes19:59
slangasekwhich is the landing page20:00
slangasekshouldn't that go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop ?20:00
cjwatsonOh, err, I see what you mean20:02
cjwatsonPossibly, yeah - I believe ubuntu-website-content is the LP project for bugs on that20:02
slangasekack, will file - thanks20:02
slangasekbug #113191120:04
antaruscjwatson: slangasek either of you at SCALE?21:36
slangasekantarus: nope21:44

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