
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
Oblivion1500hello i have a recently installed version of ubuntu server long term and i was wondering if there was some sort of firewall installed by default that my not be allowing me ssh access to it03:30
Oblivion1500though, i am able to access it locally... well that was a dumb question03:30
sarnoldOblivion1500: there's the ufw front end to raw iptables ...03:30
Oblivion1500will that allow local connections but not public?03:31
sarnoldit may..03:31
Oblivion1500how do i change settings for it?03:32
sarnoldOblivion1500: check "sudo ufw status" output for information...03:32
Oblivion1500and it is inactive, great i have done almost everything i can to get ssh working.. i dont know what im doing wrong i have even gone to the extent of putting my router in dmz then from there my server in dmz03:33
sarnoldOblivion1500: does netstat -nl | grep :22 show sshd accepting connections from*?03:34
Oblivion1500interesting, let me give you a screen shot, it doesent show it now but i beleave i did it before and it did,, though im also trying to ftp into it and that doesent work and 21 is showing up.. let me get that screenshot03:38
devralmy server is acting really weird. it's taking a long time to execute commands. I did an strace on "echo hi" and it took 5 seconds to execute "brk(0) = 0x1594000" this just randomly started happening.03:39
sarnolddevral: check free output to see if you're deep into swap; vmstat 1 will show you swap in and swap out traffic03:40
Oblivion1500depending on how much ram i have i usually set swap to 10 or 003:41
sarnoldOblivion1500: ps auxw | grep ssh    -- that's odd, looks like sshd might not even be running.03:41
Oblivion1500that is a screen shot of me using ssh to log into that server, locally of course03:42
sarnoldOblivion1500: heh, indeed -- there's no process 2832. You'd expect to see a line like this one:03:45
sarnoldroot      1200  0.0  0.0  49968  2828 ?        Ss   Feb19   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D03:45
Oblivion1500so can you tell me how to fix it?03:45
sarnoldOblivion1500: I'd try another "service sshd restart" command..03:47
sarnoldOblivion1500: chcek the logs if it doesn't start03:47
Oblivion1500it doesent see it as a service...03:47
Oblivion1500how does the daemon not come with openssh03:48
Oblivion1500wtf lol03:48
sarnoldOblivion1500: oh, my fault. "service ssh restart"03:49
Oblivion1500nothing, actually did this, ill get you a screen03:50
Oblivion1500also if the service is restarted shouldnt i get disconected from the server?03:54
Oblivion1500like what happens if i do: ssh restart03:54
sarnoldOblivion1500: no, it only kills te listening daemon03:55
Oblivion1500oh i see03:55
sarnoldif it killed all sessions, that'd make it way harder to do server maintainence ;)03:55
Oblivion1500yea your right03:56
Oblivion1500so am i going to have to sudo apt-get remove openssh then reinstall or what am i to do?03:56
sarnoldOblivion1500: check your logs for some more information... hopefully it reports why it won't start03:57
sarnoldOblivion1500: check /var/log/auth.log first -- I see some "Server listening" messages in there...03:57
sarnoldOblivion1500: heh, those are from four days ago :)04:00
sarnoldOblivion1500: look towards the end of the file04:00
Oblivion1500oh wow04:00
Oblivion1500found the error, i think http://imgur.com/Gudkdh604:04
Oblivion1500or that was me trying to restart without root04:04
sarnoldOblivion1500: .. that04:05
Oblivion1500either way still an error lol04:05
sarnoldman. that's just confusing.04:05
devralsarnold: free says 0 used, 8514556 free, 8514556 total. doesn't seem to be using swap.04:05
sarnolddevral: I did not expect that.04:05
sarnolddevral: loadaverage? (not that that's great, but .. it's a start...)04:05
devralsarnold: how do you mean?04:06
sarnolddevral: well, a high load average doesn't necessarily mean anything, but if you're used to seeing '4' and you suddenly see '200', it means something. :D04:07
sarnoldOblivion1500: try this, "sudo sshd -D" -- and then try to log in from another terminal04:07
devralsarnold: in what command, I mean? cpu load in top?04:08
sarnolddevral: oh :) sorry. top or cat /proc/loadavg04:08
devralsarnold: it's not really going above 1, lol.04:09
Oblivion1500sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path04:09
sarnolddevral: wow.04:09
devralsarnold: "load average: 0.08, 1.05, 1.64"04:09
sarnoldOblivion1500: oh :) okay, sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -D04:09
sarnolddevral: well, it's dropped a lot -- is the machine still horrible?04:10
Oblivion1500ohhh, lol hold on04:10
devralsarnold: not so much right now, but it was rather sporadic before so we'll see04:10
Oblivion1500changed a yes no arg to all04:11
sarnolddevral: _maybe_ you hit an updatedb or automatic security update thing ...04:11
Oblivion1500just give me a min to change that04:11
Oblivion1500i was trying to allow tcp forwarding to see if that would fix my problem, well thought i could use arg all04:13
sarnoldOblivion1500: it's just about time for me to bail; if I'm gone and your latest effort doesn't fix it, try "sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d" -- not -D -- that'll give some debug info.04:13
sarnoldOblivion1500: but the sshd process is not started. tcp forwarding may _also_ be a problem :) but it might not be the only one.04:14
Oblivion1500ill just change AllowTcpForwarding to yes04:14
sarnoldoh, sshd option... yeah.04:15
sarnoldsorry, I thought you had a firewalling option somewhere :)04:15
Oblivion1500it should be yes by default though right, i think thats why i did all lol04:15
sarnoldalright, time to run :) good luck Oblivion1500 and devral :)04:16
Oblivion1500thanks, i wish you could stay you have been more help than most people04:16
Oblivion1500damn still didnt work.. anyone else want to give it a go?04:19
Oblivion1500and i will provide you with this http://imgur.com/JOBjIEw04:21
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Oblivion1500does anyone else maybe know why i cant connect to my server via ssh? http://imgur.com/W4kYm6805:08
Oblivion1500my on my modem my router is in dmz and im forwarding ports on my router to my server for port 2205:08
DarthEaronhey guys imtrying to install an email server on my website and i cave mbox squirmail installed but as far as i can tell i have no users, i go to %domain%/squirellmail, and i cant log in05:16
DarthEaronanyone? i fallowd alot fo guides on the ubuntu forums and i cant see were to add users05:21
DarthEaronalso i have dovecot and postfix installed05:21
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Oblivion1500can anyone here help me set up ssh on my server so i can access it via my public ip?08:31
nibalizeryou have to install the ssh server software08:38
nibalizerwhich you can do with apt-get install openssh-server08:39
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yolandaDaviey, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ceilometer/grizzly/+merge/15000410:21
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swordfischerHi, I am trying to set up heartbeat with my ubuntu server, and I've run into this issue where service heartbeat start / /etc/init.d/heartbeat start  returns no information (as opposed to my CentOS setup). The logfile I've specified is not created, so cannot debug from that. At a loss right now. Any ideas?10:45
nibalizerhave you read the init script?11:19
swordfischernibalizer: the one in init.d? not really, I guess I should then?11:58
nibalizermaybe there is a directory it is experting to exist that doesn't and the whole script just bails12:43
zulyolanda: +112:45
swordfischernibalizer: well I'll have a look later, but something like that should at least create a error/warning.. I followed a tutorial on ubuntus site :)12:49
nibalizeryou could also check syslog12:52
nibalizeror /var/log/* for heartbeaty things12:52
nibalizerlink to the docs youor following?12:52
swordfischernibalizer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHighAvailabilityTeam/Heartbeat - well I fixed it, ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib64/13:08
swordfischerthanks though :)13:10
yolandazul, thx13:14
gary_posterhallyn or stgraber, hi.  Odd question, but from official channels: am I right that LXC has no official or even semi-official associated icon/image?13:14
gary_posters/official channels/Canonical UX people working on company project who contacted us/ :-)13:16
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mskauNeed help: No image on newly installed 12.10 server - no boot progress or anything. Can access prompt via install cd rescue option.13:48
hallyngary_poster: like an icon for a running lxc process in unity panel?13:53
gary_posterhallyn, more juju related in this case, but exactly the right idea.13:54
hallyngary_poster: not that i know of13:54
gary_posterhallyn, cool.  You have now provided the official answer. ;-) Thanks!13:54
gary_posterhallyn, heh.  You want me to ask anyone else?13:55
hallyngary_poster: i wouldn't know who :)13:55
hallynstgraber might walk in with an idea13:55
gary_posterhallyn, :-)  OK, I'll wait for him to weigh in.  Thanks again13:56
zulhallyn = offical answer definently cringeworth ;)14:01
mskauHelp: 12.10. No image after boot. Shift does not bring up Grub menu, but I can see from disk activity that OS is loading. New installation, all default settings....14:09
mskauSee short flash of "Grub loading", and then I'm left out in the cold...14:12
stgrabergary_poster: no project logo/icon that I'm aware of14:17
gary_posterok thanks much stgraber14:17
zulyolanda:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/keystone-g3/+merge/15005514:30
yolandazul, ok14:31
yolandathat python-oslo-config is everywhere :)14:32
zulyolanda: thanks14:33
zuladam_g: http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/oslo-config_2013.1~b3-0ubuntu1~cloud0_source.changes14:43
zulyolanda: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/glance/glance-g3/+merge/15006415:09
zulyolanda:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/nova-g3/+merge/15006915:30
zulyolanda: 4 more after this15:30
yolandaready for that!15:30
yolandazul, done that one15:39
zulyolanda: next https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/horizon/horizon-g3/+merge/15007915:47
zulyolanda: you merged your ceilometer stuff right?15:55
yolandazul, yes, it's merged15:55
zulyolanda: excelente!15:55
yolandanice spanish!15:56
hallynzul: so libvirt now adds members of groups admin and sudo to libvirtd...  but the ubuntu netinst places the default user into....  group adm16:01
hallynjust a note.16:01
zulhallyn: okies16:01
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pythonirc1011If I install raid 10 on 4 drives, and install ubuntu on the drive, if one drive fails, does the server still boot?16:08
patdk-wkpythonirc1011, depends on your motherboard16:11
pythonirc1011patdk-wk: MB? My BIOS is setup up to boot from disk 1/2/3/4 in that sequence16:11
patdk-wkand if disk 1 fails?16:11
pythonirc1011it will try to boot from disk 216:12
patdk-wkwill the motherboard ignore disk 1? hopefully it will16:12
patdk-wkwhat if the disk isn't completely failed, but still responds?16:12
pythonirc1011but will RAID 10 keep grub ready on disk 216:12
patdk-wkgrub will keep itself ready16:12
pythonirc1011patdk-wk: then i'm willing to pull its cord out. But I want the machine to boot without my intervention16:12
zulyolanda:  next https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/quantum/quantum-g3/+merge/15008716:13
yolandazul, a little typo here: New usptream release16:16
zulyolanda: k ill fix it up16:16
pythonirc1011patdk-wk: do you have a raid 5/10 installation/mdadm?16:22
pythonirc1011do i have to manually create a /boot (128MB) or something similar so that RAID boots automatically after 1 disk failure?16:24
dodo3773Quick question guys: Aside from /var/www is there any other directories that lamp developers may need access to?16:46
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zulyolanda: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-g3/+merge/15010116:47
yolandazul, sorry, in changelog it says "add python-rtslib and python-mock", but in control shows that python-rtslib is removed?16:50
zulyolanda: hold on16:50
zulyolanda: nope its there16:51
yolandamm, diff is showing that as removed? 52- rtslib>=2.1.fb2716:51
yolanda53+ python-swiftclient16:51
yolandaResubmit proposal16:51
yolandaDelete proposal to merge16:51
yolandaPeople subscribed via source and target branches16:51
yolanda to all changes:16:51
yolandaChuck Short16:51
yolandaOpenstack Ubuntu Testers16:51
zulyolanda:  grr...lemme fix it16:51
zulyolanda: thats nto what im seeing16:53
dodo3773Okay another question: Can a "fully qualified hostname" be anything I want? Just make something up? I do not understand this16:53
macoi think it's "fully qualified" if it ends in .16:53
zulyolanda: nm16:53
yolandawhat do you see in lines 52 and 53?16:53
macolike example.com.16:53
macoas opposed to example.com16:53
yolandamm, the removal is in the patch16:54
dodo3773maco: So it doesn't really matter what I set it to?16:55
yolandazul, done16:56
macododo3773: as far as i know, not really. what's in the list or in /etc/hosts for your ip can determine some stuff about what apache will respond to (like "oh hey that domain's not me. *do nothing*" if you lack a * entry in apache...i think..been a while since i used apache) but the no fqhn error has never actually been a problem for me either (doesnt affect anything i notice)16:56
macomailservers might care?16:57
dodo3773maco: The reason I was looking into this is because it seems to be a requirement for virtualmin. I have webmin setup now but the current setup is a security nightmare in my opinion. So I need to get my developers onto usermin or virtualmin. That is why I was asking early about besides the /var/www directory if there is maybe anywhere else these guys might need acccess (for phpmyadmin, mysql, etc..). I am brand new to this server stuff.16:58
rbennacerhow can i see the last security patch installed on my ubuntu server ?17:01
macoah. ive never used that. i'm a web dev, but I live on the shell ;)  i presume this is an internal system? if so, do you have internal dns or are devs typing ip addresses?17:01
genii-aroundrbennacer: I usually do grep security /var/log/apt/term.log17:03
rbennacerwhat is the term.log?17:03
genii-aroundrbennacer: It's the terminal output that has been generated when apt-get is run17:04
rbennacersomeone told me about the apt history log but it is not really useful17:04
rbennacernice thanks17:05
dodo3773maco: I have the devs logging into webmin froma  web browser with an ip address17:08
dodo3773maco: So as a web dev yourself is there anywhere on the system besides /var/www that you need write access to if you were a regular user?17:09
macoas long as you have a login for whatever mysql client you're using, that should be it17:10
macoi suppose if the devs needed to go install ruby gems, there'd be that17:10
macobut i think they'd just as you to do "i need this dependency" type stuff17:10
dodo3773maco: Yeah. That's what they did for /var/www17:12
dodo3773maco: Just trying to get it setup right to make their lives a little easier17:13
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zulDaviey: ping17:24
Davieyzul: PONG17:30
zulDaviey:  python-wsme is still stuck in binary-new can you have a look at it17:32
adam_gzul: should build with -v, and17:35
Davieyzul: err, it's source NEW17:36
DavieyI don't have time to review it this very moment, but will later on.17:36
adam_gzul: 2013.1~b3 shouldn't that be 2013.1-g3 ?17:36
zuladam_g: nope thats not a typo17:37
adam_gzul: oh, ok :)17:38
zulDaviey: k ill upload ceilometer later then17:38
Davieyadam_g: 2013.1~b3 .. means, it is almost 2013.1 . milestone g3.  (~ means less than)17:39
Daviey(inverse of +)17:39
adam_gDaviey: right, i was talking about b3 vg g3. wasn't aware of the 'b' versioning17:41
DavieySorry.. And yes, i thought you knw about ~ :)17:42
Davieyzul: Sure it's not a typo?17:42
zulDaviey: sure17:42
zulDaviey: http://tarballs.openstack.org/oslo-config/17:43
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zuladam_g: can you check again? should be fixed17:51
adam_gzul: lgtm17:53
zuladam_g:  cool thanks17:53
zuladam_g: g3 uploaded for raring im going to get some lunch and start on precise17:54
dodo3773maco: thanks. take care.17:59
eccoHi room, just going to lurk for a while.18:14
* genii-around makes more coffee and passes the mugs around18:16
hallynafter hours of patch wranging for *)&$*)%*)% libvirt backports, that hits the spot18:19
hallynbut \o/, think i'ts done and working18:19
Davieyheck, i think the whiskey sould be opened18:19
eccoAfter all, its friday so a little whiskey would be nice18:20
RoyKDaviey: whiskey or whisky? ;)18:22
hiro5idHello guys.  Can anyone help with a problem installing Ubuntu Server?   My installation is stuck at "Configuring apt".   I have posted a questiona about it on stack exchange:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/259847/help-installing-ubuntu-server-and-it-is-stuck-at-configuring-apt18:22
RoyKhm... wierd18:23
RoyKhiro5id: for reference, could you try with 12.04.1? what hardware are you using?18:23
DavieyRoyK: i guess i've had a few already18:24
hiro5idVMware ESXi18:24
hiro5idits not physical hardware18:24
hiro5idBut i can try downloading 12.04.1 and restart the installation though18:24
RoyKhiro5id: haven't tried 12.04.2 on ESXi yet18:24
RoyKI have some 12.04.2 machines running in there, though, but they were installed on 12.04.118:25
hiro5idok... thanks for your quick reply..    i'll try 12.04.118:25
RoyKhiro5id: if it works with 12.04.1, please post a bug with whatever logs you have18:26
hiro5idOk Royk ... Oh.... do you guys think it might have something to do with using "VMXNET3" as the network adapter for the Virtual Machine configuration ?18:27
RoyKlemme check what I use18:27
hiro5idgreat :)18:27
RoyKvmxnet3 in use18:29
hiro5idhhmmmm.... k18:29
RoyKthis is in a 4-node cluster18:30
RoyKshouldn't matter, though18:30
hiro5idJust for kicks, i'm going to try again with a E1000 Ethernet adapter configured this time and see if it makes a difference with 12.04.218:32
RoyKmight do18:33
RoyKiirc 12.04.2 uses a newer kernel18:33
RoyKwhich I think is rather strange, since by doing that, the lads (or lassies) at canonical will have to patch up two different kernel trees or force people to upgrade18:34
hiro5id...i'll be afk for a bit.  By the way this is my first time trying to get help from the community.  I'm very surprised at the prompt response.18:36
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ModFatherhi there, how i can add a printer through ip:port to my ubuntu 12.10 ?18:56
ModFatheri've install cups and hplip but still i get: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip failed"18:56
holsteintheres a webgui as well that i have used before18:57
ModFatherholstein i have used that and i install successfully cups18:57
ModFatheralso i added my printer with the correct driver through Web GUI of Cups18:58
ModFatherstill get a weired error18:58
holsteini would try other drivers18:58
ModFatherppd file?18:58
holsteini dont know what printer you have.. but i would just try other ones18:59
ModFatherdrivers can cause that error: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip failed"18:59
holsteinsure.. that error is not very helpful.. "failed" coule mean anything19:00
sarnoldModFather: perhaps your problem is already documented? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip19:00
sarnoldModFather: check logs to see if you can find a more detailed error message19:00
holsteinideally, you would run a live CD, and test the printer with *some* functional driver, then you can add that, knowing the driver works19:00
ModFatherholstein i tried add another driver i got the same error19:08
holsteinModFather: i have sometimes tried 20 or so til i found one that worked.. i like to test from a live CD though since now you are troubleshooting several things at once, as well as the driver support19:09
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Queberthi guys. could someone here tell me what you would normally have your file permissions setup as e.g. user ubuntu group www-data or something else?20:01
RoyKQuebert: for the web stuff?20:09
Queberthey RoyK, yeah I was thinking from the public_html folder down20:09
Queberteverything below that I have owned as root20:10
RoyKQuebert: so long that www-data can read it, it's good20:12
RoyKQuebert: if www-data can write to it, it's normally not good, since things may be changed in case of a security breach20:13
Quebertso would it be safe to say all files below public_html could be owned by group www-data and user ubuntu with permissions of 755 ?20:15
RoyKQuebert: that should be safe, yes20:16
Quebertok cool, thank you Royk!20:16
RoyKQuebert: not sure why the group ownership would be needed, though20:17
QuebertRoyK doesnt each folder/file need to belong to a group?20:17
RoyKjust use root:root for the lot and 75520:18
resnoRoyK: you dont use www-data?20:18
sarnoldor user:user if you don't want to have to sudo to root to update the content..20:18
RoyKresno: why would I?20:18
resnosarnold: i was recommended to use suexec for that20:19
sarnoldresno: the apache config thingy?20:19
QuebertI'm using nginx, doesn't nginx need to write to cache files?20:20
Quebertnginx belongs to www-data20:20
RoyKQuebert: if nginx needs to write cache files, it shouldn't be in /var/www20:20
Quebertwhat do you mean RoyK20:21
QuebertI have a static folder just above public_html20:21
RoyKQuebert: nginx may need a cache dir20:21
Quebertyeah that's the static folder20:21
RoyKbut giving www-data write access to the whole thing, isn't too smart20:21
xslguys im lost... after 2 days the server always hangs ... i'm in a dead end... i dont see errors... i dunno what to do .. :( plz any pointers20:22
RoyKxsl: console access?20:22
xslit does not respond20:22
QuebertRoyk is execute ok?20:22
RoyKnot for files20:22
Quebertfor www-data20:22
resnoout of ram? out of hdd?20:22
Quebertjust foders?20:22
RoyKQuebert: +x is needed for directories20:23
resnoRoyK: you basically limit read to only folders apache needs to write to. essetnially.20:23
resnoerr, write i mean20:23
xslresno i tought of that ... maybe its a problem of inodes or something :(20:23
xslim running a server with several lx-containers20:24
RoyKresno: yes20:24
resnoxsl: if you asked me guess based on your symtoms thats what i would go after first20:24
sarnoldxsl: _nothing_ in the logs?20:24
xslnothing = 020:24
resnoi bet theres something there though20:24
xslinside or outside the containers20:24
sarnoldxsl: when I once had to troubleshoot an annoying system, we found it very useful to have something like this running: while true ; do sleep 1 ; mv /root/procs /root/procs.1 ; ps auxw > /root/procs ; done20:26
sarnoldxsl: it gave us some kind of snapshot of the system seconds before it got unusable.20:26
sarnoldxsl: .. you may find e.g. dmesg | tail -20   more useful. or free output...20:27
xslyeah i understand your point20:27
xsli'm asking some stuff on the #lxcontainers related to ext4 ( to know it they are supported as a container backend )20:28
xsli bet it i wanted to create a simple "LAMP" server it was still up ... but wen we go paranoid and do containers and tweaking .. ffs :(20:28
pmatulisam i the only person who is having trouble booting a kvm guest using 'bus=scsi'?  so far i'm reading this is not supported at the bios level20:41
alainghi guys any idea why when I try ftp to my /var/www on the ubuntu server  it timesout but if I use putty it works fine.21:41
alaingI'm filezilla client and I've tried dreamweavers built in ftp21:41
holsteinalaing: i would just put files up where you have permissions, and ssh in with putty and move them21:44
alaingi'm using the same username/password in filezilla and putty21:45
alaingI thought it would be a permissions but its strange seeing as I can access it from one app and not the other21:46
holsteinalaing: i would use filezilla to put files wher you know you have permission.. and use putty to move them21:46
holsteinalaing: test with other locations.. other users.. smaller test files21:46
holsteinalaing: you are probably ssh with putty and ftp with filezilla21:47
alaingits a web server that I'm running from my home broadband so I should have permission for all folders and system etc21:47
holsteinalaing: its likey that you are connecting ftp with filezilla, and ssh with putty21:47
alaingholstein: actually I'm using the same port21:48
holsteinalaing: i would move them to another location that you *can* connect filezilla to.. then move them with putty via ssh where you want them to be21:48
alaingactually could that be the problem filezilla and putty using the same port21:49
holsteinotherwise, you'll just need to troubleshoot permissions, and maybe enable a root login, which i wouldnt do, to be able to put things directly into /var/www21:49
holsteinalaing: they are clients.. ftp and ssh shouldnt be using the same port AFAIK21:49
holsteinalaing: how are you connect wiht putty? how are you connecting with filezilla? what user? does that user have access to the directory?21:50
alaingfilezilla is using sftp21:51
alaingport 222121:51
holsteini would put the files up in the user home, and ssh in with putty and sudo move them to /var/www21:51
alaingand putty is using port 222121:51
alaingusing ssh21:52
holsteinalaing: you are likely just able to navigate to that directory with putty.. try putting something there, and you wont have permission21:53
alaingls shows me the files/folders in there from putty21:54
holsteinalaing: sure.. but you probably dont have permission to put anything there... and thats why filezilla is failing to connect to that location.. just let filezilla connect to the /home of the user, and put the files there, and move them from putty to where you want them with sudo21:55
alaingok i've redirected filezilla to the /home/myUser and its still timing out21:56
holsteinalaing: what operating system are you connection from?21:57
alaingwin 7 home prem21:57
alaingit gets to "Listing directory /home/myuser"21:58
holsteinalaing: http://hartvig.de/2008/mounting-your-ssh-shares-in-microsoft-windows/ is an option21:58
alaingand then times out and gives this msg Error:Failed to retrieve directory listing21:58
holsteinalaing: sometime i just blow it out and start over. username, port.. IP.. everything21:59
alaingdownload link does work on that linky22:00
alaingyeah i was afraid you were going to say that22:00
fehwalkerare you sure filezilla is using sftp and not ftps?22:01
alaingfehwalker: well according to the site manaer its using sftp22:02
holsteinalaing: its using ssh, since you are connecting ssh22:02
alaingsorry still not quiet confident on the cmd line22:03
alaingwhat command could I use to create a document in /var/www22:04
alaingjust to see if it fails22:04
holsteinnano to make a text document... or touch22:05
alainghow do you save and exit from nano?22:06
escottalaing, touch22:06
uvirtbotalaing: Error: "x?" is not a valid command.22:06
holsteintouch filename.html will make that file22:08
sarnoldtouch /var/www/testing ; ls -l /var/www/testing22:08
uvirtbotxsl: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.22:09
alaingit createed it22:09
alaingso my user must have access to /var/www/22:09
alaingand permission to write22:09
alaingi think i use vsftp on the server22:14
sarnoldI thought you were using sftp? that'd be handled through sshd22:15
alaingactually it might be sshd - I'm just double checking22:15
alaingI was wondering whether there would be logs on the attempts which may give a clue as to why is failing22:16
sarnoldalaing: /var/log/auth.log ought to have the logins, at least22:17
holsteinalaing: if you can ssh in, you should be able to use filezilla... double check the credentials22:17
alaingholstein: filezilla is connecting22:18
alaingits just timing out when it tries to list the directory22:18
alaingactually I just had putty "hang" on me as well22:19
alaingi went into /var/log/ and dir dir and it only list about 3 items and then stopped22:19
alaingI cant escape it.22:20
alainglooks like I have to reset the session22:20
holsteinalaing: all i have been basing my comments on is a fully connected and fucntioning ssh connection from putty22:20
holsteini think you might have issues server side, or other issues with your connectitivy22:20
theriwolfRemoving sendmail-bin ...22:24
theriwolf/var/lib/dpkg/info/sendmail-bin.prerm: 91: /var/lib/dpkg/info/sendmail-bin.prerm: invoke-rc.d: not found22:24
theriwolfdpkg: error processing sendmail-bin (--remove):22:24
theriwolf subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 12722:24
theriwolfAny idea how to fix this?22:24
sarnoldtheriwolf: invoke-rc.d is supplied by the sysv-rc package -- is that installed?22:25
theriwolfI need to install a package to remove a package?22:26
theriwolfit is installed yes22:27
sarnoldtheriwolf: is there anything funny with ls -l /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d  ?22:27
theriwolfupdating that package helped22:28
alaingthanks for your help anyway guys22:29
alaingI'll try a few more things22:29
keithzgArghh, this is driving me crazy. One of my servers has entirely lost the ability to resolve names, despite having "dns-nameservers" defined with the same internal network nameserver that all the other servers are using just fine.23:51

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