
eduardosanzbi was installing ubunti on a nexus7, but after pushing all the files and, i guess flash the .img, the tablet never reboots!!00:02
belakeduardosanzb: how did you install it?00:02
eduardosanzbi follow the steps of the wiki00:03
eduardosanzbmy n7 was unlocked already00:03
eduardosanzbright now is pushing the files00:03
eduardosanzbfor third time00:04
belakI had better luck doing it manually...00:04
eduardosanzbhow do u do that?00:05
eduardosanzbinstall the zip from clockword?'00:05
eduardosanzbthere are 2 .zip00:06
eduardosanzbin the downloads00:06
Courtenayanyone tryed multirom yet? i think i need a .img.gz00:06
belakYou use fastboot to install the boot00:06
belakAnd then flash both the zips00:06
eduardosanzbbut, never was downloaded the boot00:07
belakeduardosanzb: well, that's how I did it00:07
eduardosanzbwell, i dont know what just happend00:08
eduardosanzbbut the screen when the .img is installing has an error00:08
eduardosanzbthe progress bar is super large and has red pixels00:09
eduardosanzbi found this00:12
AlanBellhi eduardosanzb00:12
roastedquestion - will this dev preview get OTA updates as time goes on?00:17
roastedor will we have to manually install/flash/etc to get updates?00:17
GuidoPallemanswhere can I find the source for the ubuntu phone internet application?00:19
robertjwapt-get is not in the path, it looks like there are no provisions in this early version for installs or updates00:19
roastedI opened a picture in gallery... and I can't seem to get out of full screen mode of this picture. lol??00:26
roastedoh, I see. I can scroll up and bring up a back button.00:27
eduardosanzbi did the manual install00:32
eduardosanzbbut the tablet, never rebots00:32
eduardosanzbim going to do a full wipe00:33
eduardosanzbi need to wait too mucho for the first boot?00:35
GuidoPallemanswhat apps have settings?00:43
robertjwI should correct a statement I made earlier.  apt-get is in the path after you change context with 'ubuntu_chroot shell'00:50
robertjwroasted: so you should be able to do updates from a usb shell00:52
robertjwI just tried doing updates and apt-get went through all the right motions, but there were no packages needing update00:53
roastedhow on earth did you get to apt-get?00:53
roasteddid you find terminal?00:53
robertjwthere are two ways00:53
robertjwfirst, the device supports adb00:53
roastedare you experiencing any slowness as you load on more apps?00:54
robertjwso you can do "adb root; adb shell"  and that will give you a root command prompt on the device00:54
robertjwthen on that command prompt, do "ubuntu_chroot shell" to get into a context with access to apt-get00:55
robertjwthe second way, is to use your usb adb connection to install openssh-server and then you can ssh directly through your wifi connection00:56
robertjwthat's what i'm doing now00:56
usererroranyone else getting a blank screen?  tried redownloading and flashing the files again using phablet-flash 3 times now.. just a black screen.. gave it about 35 minutes and so far nothing past black.. am I not giving it long enough or is should I try manually pushing the files?01:13
usererrorokay I got a loading bar now01:16
usererrorprogress bar* on a gray screen01:16
usererrorso apparently 4th time is the charm?01:16
usererror:) okay well it sorted itself out01:25
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LarrySteezehello my friends!02:49
LarrySteezejust wanted to check in to see if anyone knew where I could find a list of devs for this project02:49
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ethana3I just installed Ubuntu Touch Preview on my Nexus 10, how long should I wait for it to boot up?04:36
ethana3I waited for what felt like an hour, and it was just a black screen with the backlight on04:37
ethana3and then restarted it.. and reflashed it04:37
ethana3now it's sitting there black with the backlight on again04:37
ethana3oops, sorry, forgot the /join04:38
ethana3I can't turn it off, no matter what I do it just starts back up, does nothing, and slowly decreases the life of the screen LEDs04:41
rsalvetiethana3: can you check the amount of disk space you have at /data?04:44
rsalvetiyou need at least 2gb there04:44
rsalvetirun adb shell04:44
ethana3rsalveti: I thought it wiped everything?04:45
* ethana3 runs adb shell04:45
rsalvetisee if you have /data/ubuntu/04:45
rsalvetiethana3: we're still not formating /data/ by default04:45
ethana3can't cd, permission denied04:45
ethana3cd /data/ubuntu says no such file or directory04:46
rsalvetiethana3: yeah, probably not enough disk space04:46
ethana3rsalveti: I backed everything up04:46
rsalvetiwe're working on a fix, but meanwhile just boot to recovery, format /data and flash it again04:46
ethana3should I just start deleting videos from my DCIM?04:47
rsalvetiethana3: that is also an option, but formating is always the safe choice04:50
rsalvetias you got backup going already04:50
ethana3ok, I can't boot into recovery with actual options; i'm trying to do this through adb04:50
ethana3ok, ran "recovery --wipe_data" in adb shell.04:51
ethana3looks like it's doing things.04:51
ethana3ok, it's going through the flashing process on the tablet again04:56
doomlordwhat do you get access to in c++ on ubuntu-tablet04:57
ethana3rsalveti: do you know how long I should wait for it to boot up before I conclude that something failed? Is an hour excessive?05:05
rsalvetiethana3: yeah05:06
rsalvetiit should come up right away05:06
rsalvetithe black screen usually means it didn't flash the ubuntu file correctly05:06
ethana3rsalveti: ....ah. then it failed again05:06
rsalvetiethana3: then go to recovery05:06
rsalvetiethana3: install zip05:06
rsalvetiand install the quantal-....ubuntu.zip05:07
ethana3I don't think I can get there...05:07
rsalvetisee if that works05:07
rsalvetiadb reboot recovery05:07
ethana3it went straight to the open-chassis android with the spinny icosatertradacteron or whatever05:08
ethana3and a progress bar05:08
rsalvetiright, that's probably the autoflash working now05:08
rsalvetithat should take 1 minute05:08
ethana3that bar always seems to get to about 80% before it just restarts or whatever it does next05:10
ethana3it rebooted O.o05:11
ethana3it looks AMAZING05:12
ethana3rsalveti: you have saved my sanity tonight, I haven't been this excited for quite some time05:12
ethana3rsalveti: thank you SO MUCH05:12
ethana3I can't wait to show everyone at work :D05:13
ethana3hmm, it froze05:13
rsalvetiI'd suspect that the flash kind of worked05:14
rsalvetidue the reboots05:14
ethana3booting it up again..05:14
rsalveticopy quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip to /sdcard/05:14
rsalvetithen recovery and install that via the zip option05:15
rsalvetimake sure you don't have /sdcard/autoflash.zip05:15
ethana3hmm, i'm at the home screen, it's responsive now05:15
ethana3adb shell still works; I guess it's not running on the tablet... or running on a part of the Android kernel that Ubuntu still uses?05:16
ethana3I don't see autoflash.zip in /sdcard05:17
rsalveticool, then the flash procedure was done05:17
rsalvetijust weird that it rebooted 2 times05:17
rsalvetiit shouldn't05:18
rsalvetiin case of big issues and big crashes try flashing just the ubuntu part again05:18
rsalvetithere's one ui freeze that we know and if you open too many apps the shell will crash05:18
rsalvetiwe're working to fix that asap05:18
ethana3does wifi work on the Nexus 10?05:20
ethana3AHA, found it05:20
doomlordubuntu website says c++/gl is supported .. are there SDK samples for this..'hello triang;e'  in ubuntu-tablet05:21
rsalvetitime to go, cya05:23
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gurixhey hey, great work as far as i can see13:33
ali1234gurix: everyone is in #ubuntu-phone13:34
gurixso phone and tablet is almost the same technicaly speaking?13:34
Walthergurix: that is pretty much the reason the repository is called "phablet", no matter how much many people hate that "word"13:35
ali1234gurix: they use identical root filesystem13:36
gurixsounds logical to me, but i am not an ubuntu coder so i don't know their repositories13:36
gurixhalf a your ago I bought an adroid tablet and after all I am really disappointed13:37
gurixso is there any chance to get ubuntu tablet working an older tablet or is the first versions only for dedicated hardware?13:39
ali1234unofficial ports are in progress13:41
ali1234what tablet do you have?13:41
gurixAcer Iconia Tab A51013:42
k1lgurix: make sure they meet the minimum requirements13:42
k1lgurix: and then you will need someone to port it to your device.13:42
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k1l(and keep in mind its not a full working OS yet. just in preview state)13:42
ali1234gurix: that should be doable13:42
ali1234hardware is good enough at least13:43
ali1234tegra3 = same as nexus 713:43
gurixis there any documentation how to build and install it?13:44
ali1234yes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting13:45
gurixoh yeah just found it too. That would help for the moment. Thanks guys13:47
WaltherAny news on dualboot support?14:12
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ptlwhat's the URL of the hangout?15:09
ptlubuntuonair.com does not show it15:09
bcurtiswxin the tablet edition, what editor can i install to edit system files ?16:37
genii-aroundHeh, Jose Antonio seems to be on every *buntu video16:46
bcurtiswxseems the nexus7 can't connect to secure networks, and when i have to login to a non-secure network it only lets me type in 2 characters to the login field before it acts funny16:56
bcurtiswxcan i launch the browser from shell ?16:57
doomlordfor C++ applications, what libraries/interfaces are available.. how does your program interact with the rest of the UI17:13
bcurtiswxhow do you quit an app? seems like i'm just missing something17:46
mhall119bcurtiswx: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109919666334513536939/posts/ELTLYHFqNdo17:54
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bcurtiswxmhall119, weird that icon to close doesn't light up for me..18:05
bcurtiswxreboot fixed it18:08
doomlordanyone here using c++ to develop for ubuntu-tablet?19:23
doomlordubuntu-arm only runs on N7 ?19:36
doomlordi think from what i've seen its ubuntu-arm that interests me more19:37
doomlordthe desktop19:37
doomlorddual boot that + android would be perfect19:42
doomlordrework desktop apps to be more touchfriendly generally19:43
doomlordwill optimization of browser on ubuntu-tablet feed back into ubuntu-arm-desktop..19:46
ali1234i doubt it considering that desktop uses firefox and tablet uses some qt webkit thing :)19:49
doomlordso perhaps its possible to get a desktop browser based on the same qt webkit19:50
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ali1234that would likely run faster than firefox today19:52
doomlordkde is all qt based right? konqueror19:52
ali1234it would also lack most features19:52
doomlordoh maybe there isnt much precompiled for arm19:52
myusdatAli1234 :-D21:06
myusdatHi everybody21:06
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oreneeshymyusdat: conversation is on #ubuntu-phone21:50
darentdoes somebody know what are the requirements to run ubuntu on a tablet?22:09
darenti mean, any dual core tablet will do?22:09
k1lno not any22:11
k1ldarent: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/tablet/partner22:12
k1land open bootloader and such. today there are only nexus7 and nexus10 officially supported. but the community will port it to other tablets.22:13
darenti see... no chance to have it done with any  100€ tablet hehe22:13
k1lbut there is the demo version only, yet.22:13
darentalso, does it run a whole ubuntu system with debian repositories and all that or is it a different system22:14
k1lits different22:14
darentthat's kind of dissapointing... at least for me22:14
darentbut i supose we'll have to wait and see22:15
k1lread the ubuntu.com pages i gave you22:15
darentok, thanks k1l22:16
darenti got a little confused between the ubuntu tablet, ubuntu phone and the ubuntu for android things xD22:17
darenti supose i'll get a new tablet soon, but a cheap one, and install ubuntu in a chroot22:19
darentok, good night people, and thanks22:26
doomlordwill ubuntu tablet applications run in a window in regular desktop ubuntu (however bad it may be with mouse)23:29
ali1234doomlord: maybe, with some hacking23:39

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