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smspilla|zbschaefer: thanks for making those changes01:50
smspilla|zI figured something like that had happened01:50
bschaefersmspilla|z, np! Hopefully it merges soon...01:51
bschaefersmspilla|z, thanks for pushing it to ~compiz-team :)01:51
smspilla|zthats why I do that :)01:51
smspilla|zso that if I submit something, have to be away for a few hours and its minor, someone else can just fix it instead of blocking forevere01:52
smspilla|zwhat does "UNSTABLE" in the context of jenkins mean?01:52
bregmasounds like it describes Jenkins to me01:53
bregmaI believe it means there have been failures lately01:53
smspilla|zso why is it marking a 100% passing branch as "needs fixing"01:53
bschaeferi use to suggest offering a sacrifice for jenkins each MP, but that was turned down01:53
smspilla|zfeels like that sometimes01:54
smspilla|zbregma: I wonder what it would have been like if we used CDash01:54
bregmais that another alternative to jenkins?01:55
smspilla|zbregma: yeah, its built by Kitware and designed specifically for CMake/CTest01:55
smspilla|zbregma: they don't do a very good job of marketing it01:57
smspilla|zthe impression I get from their website is that it either doesn't do anything, or they just don't want to say what it does01:57
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smspillazmmrazik: hey, thanks for the advice, found the problem07:07
smspillazmmrazik: my wrapper script was returning "0" for failed tests, so the junit xml would mark it as failed, but ctest would mark it as passed07:08
mmraziksmspillaz: cool07:08
mmrazik(that we found the issue)07:08
smspillazI hadn't seen the "unstable" result before, so I was wondering what was up with that07:08
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jibelmterry, didrocks good morning09:12
jibelFYI, I wiped LP cache again and restarted the jobs that failed because of it, including unity09:13
mterryjibel, hello!09:21
didrockshey jibel09:33
didrocksejibel: cyphermox saw that we have some .skip file which were around09:33
didrocksjibel: ^09:33
didrocksfor the indicator stack09:33
didrocksso all tests were skipped09:33
didrocksI think we have a bug in this case then ;)09:33
jibelright, that's what I was looking t09:33
jibeldidrocks, in check the first step created a skip file with the condition09:36
jibelif [ -z "$(ls $WRKDIR/*.project 2>/dev/null)" -a "$CHECK_WITH_WHOLE_PPA" != "true" ]; then09:36
jibelthen autopilot fails09:36
jibeland the skip file is not removed09:36
didrocksjibel: but I added the rm on top, isn't it?09:36
didrocksI did that the other day09:36
didrocks(being last week)09:36
jibeldidrocks, make sense ?09:36
jibeldidrocks, I don't see any rm http://paste.ubuntu.com/1705556/09:37
didrocksyeah, interesting09:37
didrockslet me look at my bzr log09:37
didrocksjibel: rev 20609:37
jibeldidrocks, I confirm it's in rev 206 but did you update the jobs afterwards?09:39
didrocksjibel: I did09:39
didrocksthen cyphermox did the other day to add the HUD09:39
jibelor did someone updated them with the wrong revision09:39
didrockscyphermox: did you deploy after bzr pull?09:39
cyphermoxplease define deploy and bzr pull?09:40
cyphermoxor rather, deploy09:40
cyphermoxI did update-stack09:40
didrockscyphermox: right, that's what is deploying09:40
didrockscyphermox: did you get trunk before doing that?09:40
cyphermoxyeah, use the right words otherwise I can't follow09:40
cyphermoxyeah, should of09:40
cyphermoxI usually rm the branch before09:40
didrockscyphermox: weirdly, rev 206 seems to not being around09:40
didrockslike it's in the template09:40
didrocksbut not in the -check for indicator09:41
cyphermoxwhat should 206 contain?09:41
didrocksso I wonder if we missed something09:41
didrockscyphermox: can't you bzr diff -c 206?09:41
jibeldidrocks, I think we should add a safeguard, like inserting the revno in the job description and only update the job if the revno is higher09:41
didrocksjibel: yeah, I think it's the way to go09:41
cyphermoxI see09:42
didrockscyphermox: so I don't care if you didn't bzr pull, just trying to understand if we didn't miss something or it's just you used an old branch09:42
cyphermoxI don't think I did, I do have everything here right now09:42
cyphermoxI wouldn't if I had used an old branch09:42
didrocksjibel: do you see any other explanation?09:43
didrocksabout this missing?09:43
didrockscyphermox: you did use -U, right? IIRC09:43
jibeldidrocks, no, unless someone did a manual update09:44
cyphermoxyeah I did09:44
cyphermoxso I see, it's my fault09:44
didrockscyphermox: ? you didn't use -U, you mean?09:44
cyphermoxI deployed, and *then* updated the branch after noticing there was a discrepancy09:44
didrocksah ok :)09:44
cyphermoxI should have re-deployed09:44
didrocksphew, at least, we know09:44
cyphermoxtanks you extensive zsh history09:45
didrocksso at least the issue we see today was fixed last week09:45
didrockscyphermox: heh09:45
didrocksjibel: yeah, checking the bzr revno would be nice09:45
didrocksso that this doesn't happen anymore09:45
didrockscyphermox: thanks :) just trying to ensure we don't have any other weird case ;)09:45
cyphermoxbut in this case wouldn't it look like it's pushing the same revno again?09:45
cyphermoxhow does the deploy work?09:46
jibeldidrocks, anyway we need a better way to track updates, I'll think about it.09:46
cyphermoxcould it be trying to merge cupstream2distro remotely with a branch on just for that purpose?09:46
didrocksjibel: yeah, will be needed. We really need history09:46
cyphermoxe.g. and then explode as soon as there is a discrepancy09:46
didrockscyphermox: hum, like we push that somewhere09:46
didrocksand deploy is automagic?09:47
cyphermoxwell, that could be another way09:47
cyphermoxlike, push somehwere and then call something that just runs a simple jenkins job for deploying09:47
cyphermoxbut the remote branch over ssh is simpler I think09:47
didrockscyphermox: yeah, that's a good idea09:47
didrocksboth, don't have any strong idea :)09:48
cyphermoxif we push to the same place as jenkins pulls then it's more likely that the branch is always the same and always up to date09:48
cyphermoxthat's also why I went ahead and bound my local copy, too :)09:48
cyphermoxwill avoid any case of it not being up to date09:49
cyphermoxdidrocks: that's the checkout instead of branch we discussed the other day09:49
didrockscyphermox: yeah yeah, I remember about that09:49
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cyphermoxthen we can also start to do merge requests for the stack updates as well :)09:50
jibeldidrocks, I'll start with etckeeper on server's side, at least we'll have an history and can revert09:50
didrocksjibel: yeah, double safety bet :)09:50
cyphermoxstarting to sound like a rocket ship safety belt ;)09:51
didrocksheh ;)09:51
didrockscyphermox: jibel: once the right version is redeployed, do you mind relaunching the full indicator stack?09:51
didrockswith rebuild, and so on09:51
jibeldidrocks, that and maintenance time is close to zero :)09:52
cyphermoxthat's going to give me my compiz crash to retrace too09:52
didrocksjibel: heh, indeed ;)09:52
didrockscyphermox: exactly!09:52
jibeldidrocks, another topic, LP cache corruption09:52
didrocks(well, of course, it won't crash this time… :p)09:52
didrocksjibel: yeah, I need to have those in my process I think09:52
jibelwhich will happen more and more often with the increasing number of pacakges09:53
didrocksjibel: yeah, weird that we went from 0% to a lot more in few days, when we only added 2 packages09:53
didrocksjibel: I think I'll remove all the subprocesses for things using LP09:53
jibeldidrocks, I think LP manages concurrent accesses to the cache very badly09:53
didrocksand directly try to pass my own launchpad object09:54
didrockswhich has a cache per jenkins job09:54
cyphermoxcan we do almost everything in LP anonymously?09:54
didrockscyphermox: it's anonymous09:54
didrocksstill caching09:54
jibeldidrocks, this is for example the packages that failed this morning in unity http://paste.ubuntu.com/1705637/09:54
cyphermoxI thought the issues were with auth credentials cache09:54
jibelyou'll see they're all doing the same thing at the same time09:54
didrockscyphermox: no, launchpad cache, not creds09:54
didrocksjibel: yeah, from what you saw, it's only the system cache, isn't it?09:55
jibeldidrocks, couldn't you add a locking mechanism to avoid them accessing the cache simultaneoulsy09:55
cyphermoxwe don't need it to cache09:55
didrocksjibel: I prefer just using the commands from my process, and have the per jenkins job cache, as we already have for the rest09:55
didrockscyphermox: if only it was an option…09:55
jibeldidrocks, ok that's fine09:56
didrocksjibel: will work on that start of next week09:56
cyphermoxdidrocks: what I'm getting at is it might not be documented but I think there is a way09:56
didrocksjibel: I hope our libraries accept a random lp object :)09:56
didrockscyphermox: are you sure? If I pass None, it's still caching09:56
didrockscyphermox: but would be interested if you find anything09:56
didrockscyphermox: jibel: FYI, it's pull-lp-source and bzr lp-propose which are the 2 "external" LP consumers we are using09:57
cyphermoxdidrocks: I see you're passing a cache10:01
cyphermoxbut for a damn good reason :)10:01
didrockscyphermox: None is "use the system cache" IIRC ;)10:02
didrockswhich is how I avoid that in cupstream2distro10:02
didrocksby passing a per jenkins job cache10:02
cyphermoxdidrocks: ah, I'm reading launchpadmanager.py; passes something for launchpadlib_dir10:02
cyphermoxand that seems to be used for a cache10:03
didrockscyphermox: yep, but that's not the pb :)10:03
cyphermoxbut you kind of need that, because launchpad isn't multiproc10:03
cyphermoxit's where launchpad will cache its data10:03
didrocksthe pb is when I subprocess.call('pull-lp-source')10:03
cyphermoxah, yeah I guess so10:03
didrocksthis one is using the system cache10:03
didrocksand we do that in // for all projects :)10:03
cyphermoxthen it probably should be fixed so that you can tell it a different cache10:04
didrocksso that's what I meant by "we need to do the same than pull-lp-source and see if we can hook our launchpad object (with a cache per jenkins job) to it"10:04
didrockswould be more elegant than subprocess.call :p10:04
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cyphermoxah, guess so10:07
cyphermoxjibel: were you fixing the cupstream2distro deploy stuff / making changes where I need to wait before deploying?10:08
cyphermoxI mean, who are we waiting for right now, me? :D10:09
jibelcyphermox, I didn't change anything, it's all yours :)10:09
cyphermoxdidrocks: jibel: so I'll re-run the update-stack now, and we'll get everything latest10:10
didrocksthanks cyphermox10:10
cyphermoxthen run the indicator stack10:10
jibelcyphermox, unity is running, and IIRC jenkins doesn't like when you update configs under it's feet10:10
didrockscyphermox: you need to use the ui remember to rebuild everything :)10:11
cyphermoxuse the ui?10:11
cyphermoxwait, please, one thing at the time10:11
cyphermoxtoo many things going on at once10:11
didrocksjibel: I think cyphermox will run against the indicator stack10:11
didrocksnot unity10:11
cyphermoxyeah, just indicators, that should be fine10:11
didrocksso it's fine to redeploy there10:11
cyphermox ./cu2d-update-stack -U indicators10:12
didrockscyphermox: gogogo :)10:17
cyphermoxoh, that's done10:17
cyphermoxnow just checking on unity10:17
cyphermoxit's going to need to wait10:17
didrockscyphermox: hum, how so? the -check job will magically wait for the other to finish :)10:19
didrocksso we can start rebuilding! :-)10:19
cyphermoxyou and your automagic ;)10:19
andyrocksil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/lp-1131679/+merge/15001411:00
andyrockcan you take a look?11:01
sil2100andyrock: looking11:01
sil2100andyrock: ah, I see what you did there ;) Ok, looks like a solid way to workaround nicely! Approving in a moment ;)11:04
sil2100andyrock: we had a similar thing regarding previews btw.11:04
sil2100Wit the difference those leftover previews were staying in the list till infinity!11:04
andyrockcool yeah we have a 1 second timeout before removing the icon from the launcher model11:05
andyrockand 1 second can be an inifinity in autopilot ;)11:05
andyrockthx for the review11:06
andyrockMCR_, you too11:06
MCR_andyrock, I would do more reviews - but I can just do those I understand ;)11:07
MCR_but my understanding is getting better day-by-day11:08
MCR_andyrock, have you seen: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-fix1131152-cppcheck-issues/+merge/149801 ?11:10
MCR_andyrock, thx ;)11:12
mterryandyrock, yay for fixing tests!11:13
MCR_andyrock, this just was missing the debian/compiz-plugins-default.install adjustments and needs reapproval: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz0.9.9.merge-plugin-freewins/+merge/14629111:17
MCR_(freewins \o/)11:17
andyrockis distro ok with this?11:19
MCR_it is in the extra package11:19
MCR_and has to be manually installed AFAIK11:19
MCR_and is diabled by default also11:19
MCR_no more extra package, I just saw11:20
MCR_but still disabled11:20
MCR_and ofc manually tested to the extreme11:20
andyrockmmm but those are not good reasons to not test it ;)11:21
andyrocki can understand that test is diffcult11:21
MCR_I guess Sam will also want to get it under test11:22
MCR_but it is ready for merge still ;)11:22
MCR_it won't interfere with any default installation11:22
andyrockhave you asked distro?11:22
MCR_this is a upstream Compiz change11:23
MCR_no ?11:23
MCR_andyrock, the package is named compiz-plugins now: This package contains the plugins that come with compiz but not officially11:26
andyrockMCR_, let's wait sam for this ;)11:26
MCR_thx anyway ;)11:27
jibelcyphermox, compiz crash again during indicators tests11:44
jibelon intel and ati11:44
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tvwHi, can someone respond to this? I want to know how the notification works in unity, when someone responds to me.11:54
cyphermoxjibel: ack, I'm just about ready to go retrace that12:16
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cyphermoxor at least, grab the info I need to do it12:16
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cyphermoxsmspillaz: does 6 Mb sound like a reasonable size for the memory dump of compiz on a crash, assuming it crashes early on as it starts?12:52
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