
zoosehello everyone, wots occurin? been a long long long lordy long time01:17
zoosewhats going on?01:32
proverI need help creating a script, to run a game i must change to game directory and put a command before the game executable. so i cd /usr/local/games/ut    then type padsp ut   how can i create a script for this19:48
itnet7use an editor and put: cd /usr/local/games/ut && padsp ut save the file as launch.sh19:51
itnet7then make it executable19:51
provertried screen blinks once and thats it. thanks anyways19:55
itnet7prover: why are you disabling Pulse? What version of Ubuntu are you running?19:57
itnet7It's been a long time since I've ran classic ut19:57
prover12.04  only way sound works19:58
proverfound on forum somewere. it fixed my sound19:58
itnet7Oh, I see19:58
proveri started installing all the classics. i have them all working after much work.19:59
proverquake 1 - 2 and 319:59
proverduke nukem 3d also19:59
itnet7prover, if you open a terminal and just simply type: padsp /usr/local/games/ut does it run?20:00
itnet7prover: I had that one running too20:00
proverill try20:00
itnet7I still have the CD, that and Redneck Rampage ;-)20:00
proverno it fails.. i have to launch from game directory20:02
itnet7you could always add /usr/local/games to your path20:02
proverok it works like this  padsp /usr/local/games/ut/./ut20:03
itnet7Oh, der20:03
itnet7I should have realized that20:05
proverwere do i put the path.. im learning everyday20:05
itnet7I was trying to find concise documentation20:06
itnet7you would add it to .bashrc20:06
proveris this the file i would add path /home/prover/.bashrc20:08
itnet7Hold on a second... You can add it there for your own user, but I think you'd add it to /etc/profile for system wide20:08
itnet7that would be the one, just let me doublecheck something20:08
itnet7prover: see if this helps, and if it explains it well to you http://askubuntu.com/questions/60218/how-to-add-a-directory-to-my-path20:15
provernow that i know this works i can live with it---  padsp /usr/local/games/ut/./ut20:16
itnet7prover: cool!20:16
proverty anyways20:16
itnet7No problem20:16
itnet7Glad to see you're enjoying the classics ;-), I love them too... 20:17
itnet7I just went through and replayed PREY20:17
provergreat... i used a project called quakeforge for my quake 1. much improved graphics20:19
provertodays games dont compare in my opinion20:19
roaksoaxitnet7: /win 320:20
roaksoaxerr :)20:20
itnet7hey there20:20
DammitJimwow... this channel isn't dead after all!20:49
roaksoaxitnet7: howdy!!21:15
roaksoaxitnet7: so you have some free time I see... :)21:15
roaksoaxyou are back in the game apparently :P21:15
itnet7Well... I guess it doesn't matter much now ;-)21:15
roaksoaxitnet7: that's good.. irc is one of the things you can never really get away from for long21:15
roaksoaxitnet7: how so?21:15
roaksoaxoh i know what you mean21:15
itnet7yeah, I mean workwise ;-)21:16

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