
Unit193You broke all the things.10:17
Derath-SrvrYeah, that figures... lots of things have been breaking on me lately10:18
Derath-SrvrHow you doing?10:18
Unit193Alive, but wondering if sleep would be good.10:18
Derath-Srvrlol Would be, if I could sleep at the moment... 4 more hours before I can do that though10:18
Derath-Srvr<-- still at work10:19
Unit193Heh, babysitting computers. :)10:19
Derath-SrvrPretty much... and application patching10:20
Derath-SrvrAnd wondering if I will be able to make the 68 mile commute home today10:20
Unit193Right, is it bad out yet?10:21
Derath-SrvrDoesn't "look" hateful... but all I can see is parking lot... doesn't look like a sheet of ice, just lots of pellets...10:22
Derath-SrvrBut different story to try to drive on it10:22
Unit193...or walk. :P10:23
Derath-SrvrI was able to walk around my car and scrape the windows without an issue...10:24
skellatHmm...rawdog really, really does not play nice in Raspbian and fails a lot.  This is not cool.21:28
skellatNow to look for new means of RSS aggregation21:31

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