
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: maybe, if it doesn't make my machine suddenly crash19:10
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: here I am19:11
mhall119hey JoseeAntonioR, I'm absolutely swamped atm, but pastebin the error you're getting and I'll take a look when I have a few minutes19:11
JoseeAntonioRhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5555988/ happens after doing ./manage.py lpupdate uds-r, it imports some users and that happens19:13
mhall119huh, ssl errors....19:14
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: try doing ./manage.py import_live_data -s uds-r19:14
* JoseeAntonioR tries19:22
JoseeAntonioRjust so you know, I'm getting no output from that19:29
JoseeAntonioRoh, it's working now19:29
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: where am I supposed to find those pages?19:41
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: push your branch to lp for me please so I can look at what you did19:41
JoseeAntonioRok, then19:41
cjohnstonmine.html would be the link to your personal schedule at the top right (where you click login)19:53
cjohnstonreview would be if a meeting is created in summit, not with a BP, the track leads can review the meetings19:53
cjohnstonthat one will take more work for you to test19:53
JoseeAntonioRoh, ok19:54
JoseeAntonioRwill do after the hangout19:54

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