
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
tjaaltonboo, bug 113161409:01
ubottubug 1131614 in llvm-3.2 (Ubuntu Raring) "libllvm3.2 3.2-2ubuntu3 upgrade (r600-snapshot.diff) breaks ABI, makes clang emit crashing code" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113161409:01
brycehtjaalton, fun09:08
tjaaltoncan't do anything to it today09:15
brycehneed any help?09:19
tjaaltonnot sure how urgent it is09:19
tjaaltonand would like to hear from tstellar first09:19
tjaaltonogra_: upstream now has a test case for the touch bug, will be fixed next week09:48
* ogra_ dances ..... 09:48
ricotztjaalton, hi, as i said using an independent snapshot of llvm-3.3 svn trunk seems better which won't interfere with llvm-3.209:50
tjaaltonricotz: doko didn't want that..09:50
tjaaltonbesides, -3.2 is fooked anyway09:51
ricotzi see09:51
gemahey, we are seeing a regression in bootspeed and xorg seems to be the culprit10:06
gemafrom the 9th of Feb to the 13th has gone up from under 6 secs to over 2510:06
gemabryce: ^^10:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
brycehgema, oh?  what's the cause?11:25
gemabryceh: we seem to have correlated this problem with bug 112433011:26
ubottubug 1124330 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "[raring] Latest whoopsie 0.2.13 slows down boot process by 29 seconds!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112433011:26
gemaor suspect it is due to that11:27
gemabryceh: but you may want to have a look and make sure11:27
gemabryceh: e.g. http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/bootspeed/machine/1/amd64/11:27
brycehgema, I would be doubtful it would be X; nothing really significant has changed on the X side.  whoopsie seems more plausible.11:28
gemabryceh: ok11:29
brycehgema, the bar charts are interesting11:30
gemabryceh: good, let us know if you find ways of making them more useful11:30
brycehgema, well, I wonder if the xorg chart is just xorg, or an aggregate of all gui startup.11:49
brycehgema, a link to the Xorg.0.log would be helpful as well11:49
gemabryceh: we use bootchart, there are logs here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/bootspeed/machine/1/amd64/raw/11:51
gemabryceh: but we can definitely add Xorg.0.log to them11:51
gemabryce: I will find out what is included in the xorg bundle, but I am pretty sure it is only xorg, since we have the desktop on a separate bundle11:53
tjaaltongema: I've seen that authenticating the lightdm user takes ~20s12:18
gematjaalton: where?12:21
gematjaalton: in our jobs logs or in your machine?12:21
tjaaltongema: on my machines12:22
tjaaltoncheck lightdm.log12:22
gematjaalton: ack12:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== chrisccoulson is now known as rmadison
=== rmadison is now known as chrisccoulson
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan

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