
inetproGood morning 04:15
inetproMaaz: tell kilos good morning 04:15
Maazinetpro: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode04:16
magespawngood morning05:53
Kilosmorning all06:01
Kiloshi henkj 06:21
henkjhi Kilos 06:24
superflymmmm, the smell of Kubuntu 13.0406:44
superfly(it's good)06:44
superflymorning maiatoday06:47
maiatodayhi superfly06:47
maiatodayare people going to the jam in ct?06:47
superflyI plan to06:47
maiatodayI am also trying to organise my life so I can :D06:48
inetprowb Kilos06:49
Kilosty inetpro thats from looking at stuff you dont understand06:50
inetprosuperfly: you upgraded already?06:50
Kiloswhat is USSD06:50
Kilosin modem-manager-gui06:50
inetproUnstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) is a protocol used by GSM cellular telephones to communicate with the service provider's computers. 06:50
inetproUSSD can be used for WAP browsing, prepaid callback service, mobile-money services, location-based content services, menu-based information services, and as part of configuring the phone on the network.06:51
Kilosit sent received some message and some message in weird writing and removed my launcher06:51
Kilosty , but will leave it alone in future06:52
inetproKilos: USSD is what you use when you purchase a data bundle06:52
inetproon your mobile phone06:52
Kilosmaybe one must put something in before sending06:53
Kilosbeyond me06:53
Kiloswas a long night06:53
Kilosbut 12.04.2 iso is burned to cd06:53
Kilosi love k3b06:54
inetproAfter entering a USSD code on a GSM handset, the reply from the GSM operator is displayed within a few seconds06:54
inetprolike IM06:54
inetproalmost like pidgin06:54
Kiloslol only gonna lose 27m nightsurfer this time06:54
Kilosyeah but it was in kinda strange writing like chinese or jap or something06:55
Kilosk3b also makes the iso smaller somehow06:56
Kilos735m iso was burned as 698m06:56
Kiloshi jrgns 06:57
jrgnsmorning Kilos, all06:58
Kiloshi superfly 06:59
Kilosinetpro, no?06:59
inetproKilos: how do you measure the difference in size?07:00
Kilosi read what it says07:00
Kilosalso now we mention it when we spoke about larger cds i read a link where someone couldnt burn an iso to cd with brasero because cd was to small and he was advised to try k3b and it fitted07:02
Kilosmy kde that i downloaded the iso wouldnt work with brasero that started the discussion07:03
Kilosthen k3b worked and i got kubuntu 12.0407:03
Kilosso retract your no07:04
magespawnand the ai?07:04
Kiloshi magespawn 07:04
Kilosk3b rocks07:04
magespawnhey Kilos 07:04
Kilosmagespawn, do you supply cds from downloaded isos to peeps?07:05
Kilosif so you must try the zsync and supply updated cds rather07:05
Kilosworks wonderfully07:06
inetproKilos: it's probably just a difference in options07:06
magespawni will give it a go, not many people want it though unfortunately07:06
Kiloseven for yourself then you will do installs with updated cds07:07
Kilosi will slexy the instructions07:08
Kilosgotta watch data bit though07:08
Kilos60m for 6 days07:09
Kiloswish 8ta would change rechges to valid for 2 months from date of purchase07:09
Kilosoh ill give on my channel07:12
magespawnty Kilos 07:12
Kilosnot much and no threat of being kicked for spam07:12
magespawnlol by the pro07:13
Kilosyeah the evil one07:13
* Kilos ducks07:13
magespawnget ready for an'ai'07:13
inetproKilos: you still have not answered my question07:14
Kilosnow he will try confuss my head to get away from his retraction07:14
magespawn<Kilos> 735m iso was burned as 698m 07:14
Kiloswhat question inetpro 07:14
inetproKilos: how do you measure the difference in size?07:14
Kilosi didnt measure k3b told me it was gonna burn 698m07:15
Kilosi read everything while it works07:15
inetprothe data on the cd is no longer an iso07:15
Kilosits an image?07:16
inetproit's just data07:16
inetprok3b is not touching your original iso07:17
Kilosok ill check up on the two cds i have and go properties and see whats the outcome07:17
inetproand thus not making it smaller07:17
inetproso what you are doing is you are comparing apples with pears07:18
superflyhi Kilos, inetpro07:18
Kilosyeah i prefer pears07:18
superflyinetpro: yes, I upgraded yesterday... KDE 4.10 is pretty sweet07:18
inetprosuperfly: good to hear that07:18
Kilosyo Vince-0 07:19
inetproKilos: obviously you can take the data on the cd and make an iso from that again, then you compare apples with apples07:19
inetpromorning Vince-007:20
Kilosinetpro, all thats of any importance is that k3b fits data to cd when brasero cant07:21
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:21
ThatGraemeGuyhi Kilos 07:21
ThatGraemeGuymorning all07:21
inetproKilos: that is a different topic07:21
Kilosyou in one of those moods again07:21
Kilosbut seriously dont you think its a good idea to do the zsync bit inetpro 07:22
Kilosthen all the early bugs are sorted arent they07:23
inetpronothing wrong with zsinc, I love it07:23
Kilosme too now and it helps to not lose night surfer data07:24
Kilosbad for the sleep pattern though07:26
Kilosnow unity wants to update 93m. sigh. hope i got everything blocked07:27
Kilosmaybe the peeps that give out cds at parties and UH's should rather give out zsynced cds07:30
Kilosthat will make it easier for noobs methinks07:31
Kilosam i wrong?07:31
KilosVince-0, zsync rocks07:38
magespawnKilos: finally cleared 'work', now going back to work on the donated pc to see if i can get in running08:09
Kilosgood work, whats wrong that one again?08:09
Kilosmagespawn, ^08:10
magespawnold pc no hard drive or os08:10
Kilosthe lappy?08:11
Kilosthe one you ran from the stick08:11
magespawnno this is that old desktop that dropped off her, think we decided on a minimal ubuntu f or the install08:12
magespawn^someone s/her/here08:12
Kiloswith no drive?08:12
Kilosor you put one in08:12
magespawntypo gremlins here today08:13
magespawnhad drive but was broken08:13
Kilosbroken how08:13
Kilosdid you try fixing it yet08:13
magespawnbut was also not booting with cd drive plugged on the board08:13
magespawnread/write heads sound stuck08:14
Kilosclack clack08:14
Kilosdo you hear it trying to find the boot sector08:16
magespawnmore of a ting noiuse08:27
Kilosover and over or just once?08:32
magespawnover and over08:32
Kilosmaybe mbr messed08:32
Kilosyou wanna try fix the drive or put another one in08:33
Kilosif fix go my channel08:33
Kilossucks talk08:33
charl_good morning08:56
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:56
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:56
Kiloshi charl_ 08:56
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!09:00
* staticrat waves hello 09:04
* Kilos waves09:04
staticrathey kilos, how u doing09:04
Kilosgood ty and you?09:04
staticratso got a new one for you clever linux users to help me with09:05
Kilosive never even seen one09:06
staticratlol.....well im trying to install komodo-edit09:06
staticratwhich I am not getting right09:06
Kiloswhat does google tell you09:06
staticratit tells me how to install but when I run the commands from terminal it doesnt work09:07
staticratcheck this link09:07
Kilosi cant browse till the 1st09:07
staticratout of cap?09:07
Kilosya 60m for 6 days09:07
Kiloswhat is komodo edit09:08
staticrathehehe....thats not to bad was yesterday in a vodashop and they could not help because they reached their cap limit09:08
staticrati mean wtf09:08
ThatGraemeGuyi'm looking at the URL, which part are you stuck on?09:08
staticrathey ya ThatGraemeGuy ...well the last command sudo apt-get install komodo-edit09:09
staticratwhen I run this my terminal display the following message:09:09
staticratstaticrat@LinuxRule:~$ sudo apt-get install komodo-edit09:10
staticratReading package lists... Done09:10
staticratBuilding dependency tree       09:10
staticratReading state information... Done09:10
staticratE: Unable to locate package komodo-edit09:10
ThatGraemeGuydid the 'add-apt-repository' and 'apt-get update' commands complete without error?09:10
staticratthe apt-get update failed09:11
staticratfailed to fetch this update 09:12
ThatGraemeGuywhat does 'lsb_release -c' say?09:12
* staticrat just need everyone to know I am still rather new to linux09:13
staticrathow and where do I run that command?09:13
ThatGraemeGuyin a terminal09:13
staticratwell ya lol09:13
staticrat~$ lsb_release -c09:14
staticratthat all I get09:14
staticrati also used this website09:14
staticratjust substituted the package name to the new one 7.1.309:15
staticratall commands worked but I cannot find the app 09:15
ThatGraemeGuymmm that's odd, if you didn't get any errors along the way, those instructions looks as if they should work fine :-/09:17
ThatGraemeGuyif you don't come right now i'll give it a try a bit later09:17
staticratthx much appreciated....also thought one of these should work but its not even displaying in search results from my dash yet it did go through the install process09:18
staticratrunning komodo-edit or komodo from terminal also doesnt start the app09:19
staticratok when running sudo apt-get update it stops at the following 09:20
staticrat100% [Connecting to ppa.launchpad.net (]  09:20
Kilosmaybe the site is down09:21
Kilosoh not launchpad09:21
staticratit is after this when it starts to say: 09:21
staticratErr http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release.gpg     09:21
staticrat  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:21
staticratIgn http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release09:21
staticratIgn http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main TranslationIndex09:21
staticratErr http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Sources09:21
staticrat  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:21
staticratErr http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main i386 Packages09:21
staticrat  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:21
staticratErr http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Translation-en_ZA09:21
staticrat  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:21
staticratErr http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Translation-en09:22
staticrat  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:22
staticratFetched 452 kB in 1min 3s (7 115 B/s)09:22
staticratW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mystic-mirage/komodo-edit/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:22
staticratW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mystic-mirage/komodo-edit/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:22
staticratW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mystic-mirage/komodo-edit/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:22
staticratW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mystic-mirage/komodo-edit/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/i18n/Translation-en_ZA  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:22
staticratW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mystic-mirage/komodo-edit/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/i18n/Translation-en  Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http:09:22
staticratE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:22
staticratlol sorry dont mean to spam you folks09:22
Kiloslotsa stuff like that you must put in a pastebin09:22
Kiloslike slexy.org09:22
ThatGraemeGuypastebin that stuff next time: http://slexy.org/09:22
staticratsorry did not know09:23
ThatGraemeGuyyou paste a lot of stuff there and just give us the link09:23
Kilosthen you copy paste it to there and it will gfive a link09:23
Kilossorry ThatGraemeGuy 09:23
staticratoh ok i see will remember that one09:23
staticratthx guys09:23
magespawnlater all09:26
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
superflystaticrat: it's called pastebin.com10:01
superflyafternoon, ThatGraemeGuy :-)10:06
ThatGraemeGuyso it is! :)10:06
ThatGraemeGuytime flies when you're tearing your hair out10:06
superflyThat it does...10:07
staticratthank you superfly 10:21
inetproKilos: there's no difference between a zsynced cd and the latest release on cd11:08
Kilosya ty inetpro . meant for those who have first release cds and min data11:10
nuvolario/ aloha11:11
charl_trying out Kubuntu 13.04 Alpha 211:20
Kiloslo nuvolari 11:21
charl_hi nuvolari, Kilos, zeref, inetpro 11:21
charl_does anyone still use identica/statusnet ?11:24
charl_well obviously some people use it but i mean, any of the people here :)11:25
Kilosisnt inetpro and some the floss peeps there11:30
charl_oh the floss.pro thing, but i thought the whole site closed down11:30
Kilosi stopped using it when i got rib of gwibber11:31
Kilosi dunno11:31
Kilosinetpro, comments?11:31
charl_it seems like the site is kaput and last post is from a year ago, although it's still online11:31
charl_what was the name of the guy who was running it... i forgot it11:32
Kilossomething with an f methinks11:34
charl_ah karl fischer11:34
zerefhey guys11:34
Kilosya thats it11:34
charl_thought it was something german sounding but i forgot it11:34
Kilosyo zeref 11:34
zerefi'm having troule with some bash script: http://pastebin.com/Erer0yYv11:37
zerefecho ${size[5]} comes up empty11:37
zerefbut when i run only the for loop for that array, the value shows up???11:38
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
confluencyzeref: where is i initially defined? Is it some kind of implicit variable? Should it be reset between loops? 11:59
confluencyAlso, you need spaces around + for your expr to work.12:06
charl_hi back12:07
charl_yup that would be the problem as far as i can see - i12:07
charl_and you need to initialise it12:07
charl_i=0 before both loops12:08
confluencyYou definitely need spaces around the plus, otherwise you just keep appending +1 as a string. I'm guessing nothing (the initial value of i) is evaluated as zero, so the first loop works, and then i is set to the last position so the second loop doesn't.12:08
charl_oh i see, so that's why the first iteration works...12:09
confluencyThe first loop works by fluke, because Bash is tolerant like that. :P12:09
charl_i hate implicit, big fan of explicit12:09
charl_sounds like php :P12:10
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
zerefthanks confluency 12:12
charl_you wouldn't normally have had this problem due to scoping but i guess bash doesn't have that either :P12:14
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
staticratI sorta got komodo to work...12:40
staticratthe only thing is: komodo edit is not showing in my dash.....found a shortcut to start komodo edit in my /home/username/komodo-edit-7/bin12:42
staticratwill have to poke around some more to figure this one out12:44
ThatGraemeGuymaybe a Unity boffin can help with that, i don't know the first thing about unity :(12:44
* tonberry352_ rage quited unity a long time ago12:44
zerefstaticrat: whats the prob?12:52
staticrathi zeref 12:53
staticratI was trying to install komodo-edit12:54
staticrathowever with sudo apt-get update 12:54
staticratit hangs at: 100% [Connecting to ppa.launchpad.net (] 12:55
staticratseems it could not connect to launchpad to download additional files12:55
staticrati then tried the following 12:56
staticratthis installed komodo in /home/username/komodo-edit712:56
zerefoh, so you looking to add it to the dash launcher?12:57
staticratnot exactly...I cannot start the app from terminal just by typing komodo or komodo-edit and there no icon in the dash under applications12:58
staticratI can only start the app in /home/username/komodo-edit-7/bin/komodo-edit-712:59
staticratjust think it bit weird for the app not to show under applications, or am i wrong?12:59
zerefmaybe the app does not have a .desktop file13:00
zerefyou will need to create one. /usr/share/applications13:00
zerefyou will see all the .desktop filesthere13:00
zeref* files there13:00
zereflook at one of them to see how they are created. very easy13:01
staticratcool gimme a sec while i check13:10
charl_wow the upcoming kubuntu looks sexy13:35
charl_they finally decided to get a decent default wallpaper too haha http://i.imgur.com/gzT5j7w.jpg13:36
charl_i'm quite surprised at how responsive it is, even inside a virtual machine13:37
charl_ah i see, it's kde 4.1013:40
Kiloshi psyatw you still alive?13:47
superflyKDE 4.10 FTW13:47
charl_so far i am impressed, i might put this on my laptop too13:48
charl_after it's released, of course ;)13:48
charl_two more months to go13:48
tonberry352_i have some issues with the new oxygen theme and icon tasks, but nothing a bit of hackery can't fix13:49
superflyHaven't tried the Oxygen plasma theme13:49
charl_considering how kde4 was at the start, we have come a long way13:49
tonberry352_oh no I meant air13:49
tonberry352_the default one13:49
tonberry352_it no longer draws borders around the non foreground tasks13:50
charl_trying oxygen now, susprised at how fast it switches themes13:50
tonberry352_which is fine until you use unity/windows7 style shortcuts on the taskbar13:51
tonberry352_then it becomes impossible to see which of the shortcuts are running programs13:51
charl_i am quite impressed with linux mint kde as well although it uses a slightly older version of kde4 (4.9)14:38
ThatGraemeGuyciao peeps, its weekend time!14:59
Kilosinetpro, gaan huisetoe15:16
Kilosjy's moeg15:17
Kilosen omdat jy daar bly thats why15:18
Kiloslo ludo15:33
ludolo Kilos 15:45
charl_good evening all!15:48
inetproek's moeg man15:53
Kilosdis wat ek se gaan huistoe15:53
Kilosen was jou ore vanaand laat jy kan hoor en luister nie net hoor nie15:53
ludoSo wat maak almal vanaand?16:19
superflythe usual... running after children16:20
Kiloshehe poor fly16:20
Kiloshi Cantide 16:20
Cantidehello :)16:21
ludosuperfly, het jy nou al twee?!? Hoe oud is hulle, want as ek? 4 jaar?16:22
superflyludo: the eldest is a little older than 3 and a half16:23
superflythe youngest turned 7 months yesterday16:23
ludo4 is close enough ;) Congrats. But it just reminded me how time flies(no pun intended)16:24
Cantidehas anyone here played with the developer preview of Ubuntu Touch?16:46
magespawnevening all17:22
Kiloshi magespawn 17:22
* Kilos cries17:23
Cantideand now i will cycle a few km to watch the rugby~17:23
magespawnwhat up Kilos ?17:23
Kilosmy weller soldering iron element died as i wanted to start soldering the sata cable onto that 500g drive17:23
Kilosnow i gotta use a ordinary iron and file the tip till its tiny17:24
Kilosmind you it has lasted since 1986 so shouldnt complain17:25
Kilosonly tips been replaced in all that time17:25
Kiloshows things your side magespawn 17:26
Kiloshi nlsthzn 17:26
magespawnokay, well at least you have a back up17:26
Kiloswe min here again17:26
magespawnnot bad early morning, so will need bed time early tonight17:27
magespawnmaybe the others have social lives17:30
Kiloslol yeah17:30
magespawnsuperfly busy with the family probable17:31
Kilosya but he still shows. the others are gone17:31
magespawnsay something off and get an 'ai' from inetpro17:32
magespawnthere we go got a 'eh?' and a 'huh?' hey Kilos 17:34
Kilospears are better than apples17:34
Kilosyeah now we not so lonely anymore17:35
magespawnquick ask them something before they leave17:38
magespawnor go back to sleep17:39
Kilossuperfly, are you on kubuntu or kde debian17:43
superflykubuntu still17:44
Kilosand its better than the old ones?17:44
Kilossmooth doesnt explain in a way i can savvy17:45
superflythings like switching between applications, minimizing, maximising, it's all smoother, less judders, less sudden movements17:47
superflyeverything flows17:47
superflyanyways, housework calls17:47
Kilosah then ill try get with night surfer next week17:48
magespawnnight all18:04
inetpronight all? already?18:07
inetpromind you, I'm also tired18:08
Kilosnight magespawn sleep tight18:08
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:27
Kilosgaan slapp inetpro 18:27
Kilosslaap ook18:27
superflyNo rest for the weary... c'mon guys18:52
Symmetriahrm, wonder why 'safe' temps for a cpu are so much lower than 'safe' temps for a gfx card18:54
SymmetriaI mean, safe for my cpu under load is like, 65 - 70 *MAX*, gfx card though apparently is safe at 9018:55
superflytumbleweed: ping19:16
tumbleweedsuperfly: hi19:30
superflytumbleweed: just trying to remember my package building skills 19:35
superflybut have had to take a slight detour around a few other things19:35
superflyhoping to get it done tonight though19:35
superflyOK, I'm getting there... just running through the packaging process locally to make sure it works, and that the patch works properly too19:46
* superfly installs build-depends19:56
superflytumbleweed: btw, I should be able to attend UGJ19:56
superflytumbleweed: OK, almost done, just getting someone to review my patches to make sure I'm not doing something crazy to OpenLP. Once that's done, I'll merge into the main branch, tag it, and notify you again20:48
superflylolzor, a diff of a diff :-)20:49
superflytumbleweed: All done :-)20:54
superflylet me know if I need to do anything else20:54
* tumbleweed looks21:01
tumbleweedsuperfly: your upstream tarball contains a .orig file21:11
superflyhrm, OK21:11
superflymust have crept in somewhere21:11
tumbleweedobviously that isn't a problem, just noting it21:11
superflyI can remove it if you think necessary?21:11
tumbleweeddebian policy 3.9.4 is out (again, not urgent)21:11
tumbleweedyour copyright file doesn't acknowledge anything after 2004, but that's not new21:12
tumbleweeddo I see python3 support?21:13
tumbleweedoh, just in the vlc bits21:13
tumbleweedcome to think of it, those bits aren't acknowledged in debian/copyright either21:14
superflyoh... heh. that file was added later, after the initial package was made21:15
tumbleweedalso, not new21:17
tumbleweedshould I upload?21:19
superflyIf you're happy with it, sure. Then I don't have to rush to make those fixes now (which my wife would appreciate ;-) )21:20
tumbleweedyeah, I'm happy21:20
superflyCool, thanks.21:20
tumbleweedThank you for your contribution to Debian :)21:22
superflytumbleweed: Thank *you*!21:22
superflytumbleweed: I've noted those issues you've mentioned, and I'll see about getting them fixed in the next few weeks21:23
tumbleweedheh, I'm just saying what dak will tell you in a couple of hours21:23
superflytumbleweed: I know :-)21:23
superflyright, bed time for me. Good night all.21:24
tumbleweedsuperfly: if I remember, I'll sync to Ubuntu tomorrow21:24
tumbleweedif I don't, prod me21:24

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