
surbsSourceSlayer, ls00:00
surbsSourceSlayer, nvm read that wrong00:00
SourceSlayerI mean a list of python directories.00:00
enigmuriatici'm not trying to be presumptuous in asking this because i'm sure it's hard, but are the new generation macbook multitouches going to be added to Ubuntu soon? that's the only reason that i don't use it exclusively00:01
KingPixelSourceSlayer, wanna print a script? cat it00:01
surbsSourceSlayer, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/120656/directory-listing-in-python00:02
Myrttienigmuriatic: it's more about the kernel developers adding support for it - I don't know how quickly they work but some of them seem to buy new macbooks just to get them working. It's not instantaneous though00:02
magn3ts13.04 works perfectly out of the box on my Macbook Air 201200:02
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SourceSlayersurbs: What I'm looking for is the $PYTHONPATH variable which is supposed to show where the directories for python modules are.00:03
SourceSlayerI would like to manipulate that variable.00:03
IronsightAnyone have a good ppa for java?00:03
enigmuriaticmagn3ts, does it work with four-finger swipe etc.?00:04
cinvokehello. i cant get upstart to load /etc/init/uwsgi.conf.  help please.00:05
ecenHello people! I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10 (first time Linux) through the windows installer on this laptop of mine. Bad thing is, Ubuntu is running much slower than native win7 64-bit, and I'm getting lots of app freezes and crashes. Any ideas on what I could do to boost performance/prevent crashes? Any noob mistakes I am likely to have done?00:06
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magn3tsenigmuriatic: well, they're not mapped. You can map swipes to things if you want sure.00:07
magn3tsThe unity multitouch handler is stupid though, I don't use it.00:07
PraxiI'm setting up an zmanda server, I'm going to be moving the backups off to a USB drive for off site storage.  Any recomendations for file systems that work between ubuntu, mac, & windows that can handle a 3TB drive?  I've been using exfat for mac/windows, but not sure how well that will play with ubuntu.00:09
enigmuriaticmagn3ts, does that mean you don't have mutlitouch?00:10
histoPraxi: With ext3 you'd have to install ext3 support into windows. With ntfs you need to installntfs support into linux so choice is yours. Either way one of htem needs to be extended.00:11
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histoPraxi: ubuntu will handle ntfs out of the box though I believe now. So I guess you would go with that.00:12
Praxithanks histo assumed as much.  Have you ever played with exfat on linux?00:12
Vivekananda How do I make a back up of my /home to another location. using cp without sudo skips files. Using with sudo changes permissions of some of the copied folders to root ( cannot open file). If I do chmod then All files will ahve permissions removed including some which should have it !!00:12
histoPraxi: No00:12
PraxiI see some ppa's for a fuse version of it, just fishing for thoughts on it00:13
ment0sI have a weird problem.., I am running ubuntu 12.04 and I cannot login to ebay :O I've tried chrome,firefox and midori and its the same on all of them , could anyone help ? ive tried to lookup google but it seems to be only me having this problme00:13
histoVivekananda: What other location are you trying to copy to?00:13
Praxiexfat works on latest windows & mac, so it seems the easiest to deal with00:13
histoPraxi: What is exfat?00:13
PraxiMS recognizing the need for an extended fat00:13
Praxicover big flash drives and the like00:13
histoVivekananda: rsync -av /home/Vivekanand /path/to/other/location00:14
Vivekanandait is an external hard drive. What should I use so all files are copied with proper permissions00:14
angsI have my files on ~/x/my_dir , but I want to directory as ~/my_dir how can I do it?00:14
ment0sexfat = fat6400:14
Praxihisto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExFAT00:14
histoPraxi: I wouldn't trust it for backups00:14
Vivekanandahisto: why would sudo cp -R /home /otherloction/ break or change permissions for folders ?00:14
Praxiroger histo.  do the ext3 work across ubuntu & mac?  if I was forced to choose between 2, those would be my first choice00:15
Praxiahh nm that was an easy enough google hehe00:16
tzerowhat's that system called that gets called by dpkg-reconfigure that prompts you to replace or keep an existing changed configuration file?00:17
tzeroI can't think of the actual binary00:17
Vivekanandahisto: I did the sudo cp and I understood tha with sudo nothing can go wrong now I see that the created copy says 1,018 items, totalling 420.7 MB(some contents unreadable) and the parent folder00:17
Vivekananda4,772 items, totalling 397.2 MB00:17
VivekanandaI am thoroughly confused of what is happenning00:18
Vivekanandahisto: any clues ?00:20
tzeronever mind, debconf00:20
Bray90820can someone help me every time i plug or unplug the charger from my dell insperon duo i get a kernel panic00:21
Bray90820itt does work if i close the cover first00:21
Bray90820or disable acpi00:21
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dr_willisBray90820:   you hvent fouind any bug reports on that issue?00:23
Bray90820people have reported the bug all over the place00:23
histoVivekananda: Becuaseit's copying the files as root and not their permissions00:23
Bray90820but no one has a fix00:23
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histoVivekananda: Why are you using sudo?00:23
TheAspHey guys, I'm having some problems with mountall in 12.10 with nfs mounts in /etc/fstab.  I have _netdev as an option, but it still tries to mount it before the interfaces are up.  Any suggestions?00:23
Bray90820sorry if i am asking to many times00:24
histoVivekananda: Are you copying to a fat drive?00:24
Bray90820i just really want this bug worked out00:24
dr_willisBray90820:  i imagine its a kernel bug. so normal people are not going to be having any fix.  have you tested this in 13.04 yet?00:24
histoBray90820: I would check in other kernels try a newer one try an older one. Or even try the latest from kernel.org00:24
Vivekanandahisto: no it is an ext3 drive. I would like to know if there are files on the /home which require root permissions to open. If this is not the case then a simple cp source/ dest/ should work or a cut and paste00:24
Vivekanandashouldnt it ?00:25
histo!kernel | Bray9082000:25
ubottuBray90820: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)00:25
histoVivekananda: Yes00:25
Vivekanandadoes copying the files as root change the permissions on the files too ??00:25
dr_willisVivekananda:  backing up the .gvfs directory is going to have issues.. since its a special directory00:25
dr_willisVivekananda:  cp has options to keep the oroginal peremissions/ownership00:26
Bray90820there is a thread about the netbook on the ubuntu forums00:26
histoVivekananda: Is there a reason you want to use cp?00:26
Vivekanandadr_willis:  Yes it is giving me the errors but everyone I was trying to do a simple copy all and paste. I did not hope to spend 2 hours on this00:26
PushResetHaving troubles with getting ubuntu to update, using the latest version..anyone care to help =X00:26
Bray90820ubottu it seems to work in other ubuntu based distros such as JollyOS00:27
ubottuBray90820: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
dr_willisVivekananda:  you dont try to backup .gvfs and use the proper options to cp or use rsync to backup - would be the normal way00:27
histoVivekananda: root takes ownership of the files when you cp the way you are doing it.00:27
Vivekanandahisto: no reason. I was just using the simplest command I know to cp and paste. Now I find that even if I do a sudo the source and dest have different no of files with different sizes and what not00:27
ment0sVivekananda: why dont you simply chown and chmod after copying ?00:28
dr_willisBray90820:  ubottu  is just a bot/scripted client00:28
Bray90820oh nevermind then00:28
Bray90820histo it seems to work in other ubuntu based distos such as Jolly OS00:28
dr_willisBray90820:  you mean JoliOS00:29
Vivekanandament0s: yes I can do that but that is not the problem . The first and foremost problem is that I believed that no matter the permissions and the problems with .gfvs folder the other folders will be copied to the destination and I should see the same size with same number of files with sudo00:29
Vivekanandathis is not happenning00:29
Bray90820sorry for the spelling00:29
histoVivekananda: rsync -ax /home/vivek /other/location    will copy the files you want and not try and copy .gvfs00:29
histoVivekananda: you can add --progress   if you want in there also you can see it go along it's merry way00:29
Vivekanandahisto: I get your point. rsync is great. My question is why does sudo cp not give me two identical folders except for the .gvfs00:30
histoVivekananda: Are you taking into account that .gvfs isn't there?00:30
dr_willisBray90820:  that is an interesting fact.. since im not sure what kernel JoliOs is curently using.. i ddient even think it was still being developed00:30
dr_willisVivekananda:  identical as in same owner/permissions? or whats differnt?00:31
Vivekanandadr_willis: Identical meaning same number of files and same size of parent and child folder ( excluding .gvfs of course)00:33
Bray90820dr_willis here is a bunch of into on the jolios kernel https://github.com/jolicloud/jolicloud-robby-kernel00:33
Vivekanandadr_willis: If I use sudo and cp will that copy the hidden , .files also ? I hope it should00:33
histoVivekananda: diff /home/vivek /path/you/copied/to00:34
histosee the difference00:34
Vivekanandalol histo; destination says 400 mbs source is 3 gbs00:34
dr_willisVivekananda: cp needs an option to copy hidden files.00:34
Vivekanandamy head is spinning now00:34
Bray90820would  there be any way to port the JolliOS kernel back to ubuntu00:35
Salastilis there a way to turn off chat join/leave messages in IRC over Empathy00:35
threex5I need to put win7 back on my ubuntu machine. I was hoping for single boot but my DAW is sucking me back into dual boot00:35
ment0sVivekananda: mbs ? gbs ?? you mean mb and gb right00:35
Salastilor set channels as persistent so I can minimize to tray00:35
Vivekanandadr_willis:  so  you mean if I do sudo cp -R source/ dest/ it will still need arguments before copying everything ?00:35
ment0sjust copy it with cp -rp again00:35
threex5somehow my /home partition ended up as a logical partition and not a primary one. I notice no performance problem but I need to cut this partition in half to get win7 back00:36
VivekanandaI am going to do it again00:36
Vivekanandatried grsyn now00:36
threex5does it matter if my windows7 partition is logical? maybe this is a stupid question00:36
Vivekanandaif this doesnot work I will just take a disk partition image and store it00:36
histothreex5: windows will not be happy on a logical00:36
ment0sVivekananda: I have joined in the middle of convo, could you quick exmplain what kind of files are you compying ? does have it anything to do with google drive?00:36
histothreex5: You can double check in #windows also windows will blow out grub when it installs.00:37
histoment0s: He's trying to cp his home with sudo for some reason.00:37
Vivekanandament0s: I have /home as a separate partition and I have /media/A/ As my external ext3 partitioned hard drive00:37
histoVivekananda: Why are you using sudo?00:38
VivekanandaI am trying to create a Complete copy of /home and later restore it and I tried cp then found that it leaves some files ( permission and hidden issues) so I figured I can deal with permisisons later but sudo cp -R should copy EVerything as sudo is the god command00:39
ment0sthats a good question in first place00:39
ment0sso if /home is separate partiton then use dd to file and then restore it with dd also00:39
histoVivekananda: Are there multiple users in /home  ?00:39
Vivekanandano it is a simple laptop one user , me only00:40
dr_willispeople  never seem to get sudo.. :-D00:40
histoVivekananda: you user should be able to copy his /home/username folder without issues what files did you find that it leaves?00:40
threex5histo, I can live with that as long as it gives me a similar boot loader00:40
threex5thanks for the advice about the logical partition. I'll make sure it's primary00:41
ment0sdd if=/dev/(home partiton) of=/media/A/home.img00:41
histothreex5: No you can't boot linux after windows blows out your boot loader. You'll have to reinstall grub. It's alwasy best to install windows first due to this issue with their installer00:41
Vivekanandahisto I will have to run that again to find out . I simply wanted to cut /home and paste it on /media/A/ ie either mv or copy00:41
dr_willisrsync would be a beter way i belive00:41
Vivekanandait is good that I did not mv or would have been a total mess now00:41
threex5histo, does the ubuntu live disk give you the option to recreate grub?00:41
histoVivekananda: Don't copy /home  copy /home/username00:42
ment0sVivekananda: Use dd, it will copy permissions and every hidden file00:42
nonchalantoI saw a few of the mark shuttleworth's recent videos and a few times how you can transparently use windows apps (like a thin client) on the desktop. daes anyone know how?00:42
Vivekanandament0s: I heard that dd was a scary command and not to be used unless required necessarily00:42
Vivekanandano ?00:42
Lynxxwhats sudo?00:43
histoVivekananda: It would allow you to backup the entire partition that /home is on.00:43
VivekanandaI dont want to store the alignment and all just the files for back up00:43
Bray90820yes or bo would this flag disable acpi00:43
histo!sudo | Lynxx00:43
ubottuLynxx: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:43
nonchalantoLynxx: ? check the man page or google00:43
Vivekanandahisto: yes i know but I was content with just folder backup without going for the overkill.00:43
MrKeunerhello, playing with orca... how can I perform key combination kp_Add00:43
histoVivekananda: I still want to know what files where left?00:43
Lynxxhow come windows update doesnt work on ubuntu00:43
nonchalantoLynxx: good question00:44
Vivekanandahisto: yes I will be glad to tell you but right now I ran sudo rsync :(  I am waiting for it to finish and then try the regular copy and then tell you what is missing :(00:44
Lynxxyes because im trying to update and it doesnt let me00:44
histoVivekananda: STOP USING SUDO you don't need it00:44
Vivekanandahisto: :) sure , right after I see this one through. Btw does the /home folder contain files normally, that require root permissions to open?00:45
g16lol, he's scared of dd and not of sudo00:45
MrKeunerhello, playing with orca... how can I perform key combination KP_Add00:46
histoVivekananda: no00:46
Vivekanandag16: :) Yes I know . But I did not want to use it . I however know only two ways of copying over files that say ( copy permission denied) either chmod / chown it to myself or become root so everything can be copied ? do you find this completely illogical ?00:47
MrKeuneraaaah KP must be keypad so keypad plus00:47
histoVivekananda: Although yours probably does with your missuse of sudo i'm sure root owns several files in /home for some odd reason.00:47
MrKeunerunfortunately this is a laptop... :(00:47
Vivekanandahisto: no harm done . I will just delete the child and copy over again with the ways you suggested. I am just testing my understanding of sudo in a harmless manner is all00:48
Vivekanandahisto: in the event that some files do have root permissions and I want to create a full back up of the /home. how do I copy those files over ??00:48
ment0schown and chmod everything inside /home/yourusername with your permissions from  root00:49
Vivekanandaand without sudo as you mentioned above what else do I do to copy ?? will dd do it ?00:49
awolfey1I have  new problem, where I can no longer access new localhost sites (apache) I try to access http://mysite and am redirected to http://www.mysite.com  This is only true for the most recent site I've added. Previous sites still load the correct local site.00:49
Vivekanandament0s_: but histo mentioned that some folder are by default under sudo in the /home too. In that case if I do what you say then it will ruin those folders wont it ?00:50
awolfey1I've tried completely renaming the site and flushing local dns.00:50
awolfey1The same thing happens on chrome and firefox00:51
SixtyFoldwhat CLI command do i use to remove a program and all it's dependencies?00:52
g16SixtyFold: apt-get remove00:53
SixtyFoldi did that00:53
Vivekanandament0s_: Also which lightweight ubuntu should I download to install on the computer for 12.04 and also to create a live usb drive for it first ?00:53
SixtyFoldit doesnt seem to remove as much as it installed00:53
g16SixtyFold: elaborate? what did you expect?00:54
awolfey1try apt-get autoremove to remove unneeded dependencies00:54
threex5are there any ways yet to get windows to read/write to ext4?00:54
* awolfey1 facepalm00:55
threex5awolfey1 was that directed at me?00:56
awolfey1threex5: no, at me00:56
threex5heh ok00:56
Vivekanandahisto: executing the simple cp -R command now for home to external media00:58
Vivekanandawithout the sudo00:58
dr_willishmm  -R does get hidden files? I dont recall00:59
Vivekanandadr_willis: -R is only recursive01:00
Vivekanandashould I try with hidden files ?01:00
dr_willisyou do want your settings?01:01
newubuntu12I just installed Ubuntu 12.04.2 and I want to know how to change it to Gnome 2, I installed Gnome-session-fallback but it installed Gnome301:02
dr_willisnewubuntu12: fallback is a feature of gnome301:02
newubuntu12is there a way to install Gnome 2 instead of 3 to get the old desktop manager?01:02
dr_willisits a gnome2 look alike01:02
newubuntu12well I have a top panel, can I remove the sidebar?01:03
newubuntu12it still looks like unity01:03
threex5ok, let me rephrase that then. If you have dual boot, with a linux OS, a windows OS and a data partition, what filesystem should i use? I want the data partition to mount as /home when on linus01:03
dr_willissounds like you dident select the right sessii01:04
dr_willissessiin at the login screen01:04
ment0s_newubuntu12: you should install gnome shell and then choose session to failback01:04
Vivekanandadr_willis: I to get back this home directory as it is now everything intact after I repartition01:04
dr_willisthreex5:  use ext2/3/4 for linux home mormallt01:05
Nach0zmostly 401:05
Nach0zcuz 4.01:05
g16threex: I'd rather have Linx own the /home and have a separate data partition mounted under that01:05
threex5thanks, dr_willis. I don't know of any tools that allow you to write to ext4 from windows, though01:05
dr_willisVivekananda: so yiu need  the .*  files01:05
g16As for the fs, you can choose  FAT if you do not need symlinks, ACLs, and such.01:05
Vivekanandament0s_: dr_willis : which version ofubuntu should I download for lightweight but can do everything for 12.04 ? L ubuntu or x ubuntu or ??01:05
g16NTFS is an alternative.01:06
Vivekanandadr_willis: yep I do01:06
threex5EXT2 IFS supposedly writes to ext3 but it doesn't say on their website that it does01:06
dr_willisthreex5:  I wouldn't trust any of those tools01:06
ment0s_Vivekananda: crunchbang :D01:06
Vivekanandaand all other files too . ( If I can get all files ie )01:06
bdmeyerscI'm trying to see what file is being denied access to. I no var/log/messages, and security in Ubuntu, I Don 'the see anything in syslog where do I find this in Ubuntu?01:06
dem0nkVivekananda, Lubuntu01:06
dr_willis! lubuntu01:07
dem0nkLightweight... simple... and much faster than any *ubuntu01:07
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:07
Vivekanandadem0n: ok I am downloading it now01:07
robin0800threex5ntfs is best for windows and linux can read ntfs01:07
ment0s_Vivekananda: xubuntu kubuntu bubuntu or whatever *buntu is still the same ubuntu just with different desktop enviroment.01:07
threex5dr_willis, then what do people do when they want to share their data across OSes?01:07
dr_willisthreex5:  linux can read/write  ntfs01:08
dem0nktrue... there is crunchbag, dirtbag and a thousand distros... but... ubuntu sure is the most reliable... and sensible distro :)01:08
ment0s_so If you have ubuntu right now, then install lxde and you have lubuntu or whatever its called and its the same lightweith as the other one01:08
threex5right but my /home partition shouldn't be ntfs01:08
dr_willisyu DONT use ntfs for home01:08
Vivekanandament0s_: yep I got that but I am not very familiar will all these and have used gnome mostly. I am not sure how different the usage for these would be as compared to gnome eg do I get multiple desktops or could I get compiz or similar effects if I wanted to ?01:08
dr_willisit wont work01:08
dem0nkno offense to other linux distros... but it's a fact.01:08
threex5ok but home is where I keep my files01:08
dr_willisyou can keep the files on a mtfs if you wanted01:09
dr_willisbut not all of /home01:09
dem0nkmtfs :  mother of tyranny file system :)01:09
ment0s_Vivekananda: damm simple :) its just gui. and this is power of linux. if you dont like file manager which is included to xubuntu then you have ability to install standard one etc. I currently upgrading to 13.04 but running openbox  and its damm lightweith01:09
ment0s_Vivekananda:  so in my opinion just stay with ubuntu and possibly install lxde and you are sorted.01:11
Vivekanandament0s_: yep so I am going to download lubuntu 12.04 as .iso and create a bootable usb with it . Then will use it to install ubuntu later on the system If I choose to format.01:11
ethanhcould some one help me installing drivers for a usb ethernet adapter?01:12
VivekanandaI am on lucid now and it is dying that is why I had to move on. Also I have a pretty oldie laptop. Not even sure if the newer systems would work on it esp graphics and all. If it does not then I will have nothing left:(01:12
dem0nkdr_willis, dude you're the same dr_willis from few years back right? are you employed by canonical for IRC support . :)01:12
dem0nkcan't recall a single time I've been here and not seen you...01:13
threex5ok i think I know what i'll do. I'll get rid of the /home partition and just have home on the root. dr_willis, can I just remove the line in fstab that mounts /home in a different directory and just make sure my home folder is in the root directory?01:13
threex5or is it more complicated to remove home01:13
ment0s_Vivekananda: linux is running on raspberry pi very smoothly .. dont worry about your old laptop. Linux will possibly run on pretty much everyting what have CPU and RAM01:13
ment0s_*smoothly   ( with proper setup)01:14
Vivekanandayes that I know kind of and like too . The only problem has been graphics card drivers compatibility01:14
dem0nkthreex5, you could mount home... and your ntfs... then... move the folders in home... to your ntfs.... and create symbolic links on your home folder...01:14
ment0s_Vivekananda: what laptop is this01:14
threex5dem0nk, that's what i plan to do01:15
threex5but for now, I need to move the files that are in /home01:15
threex5oh, my idea is a little different than yours01:15
dem0nkthree18ti, moving the home totally is not a good idea... as you can see.. there are lots of program files on it... hidden files... starting with dots...01:15
threex5it's basically the same, but there's no /home partition01:16
threex5just root or /01:16
Vivekanandament0s_: One thing, suppose I have lubuntu or Xubuntu,  can I install libre office on it ? It has a different word processor by default but I want something a little better like libre office for my college /work01:16
dem0nkthreex5, you will loose file permissions01:16
threex5but the home folder in the root partition has symbolic links01:16
dem0nkif you use ntfs01:16
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ment0s_Vivekananda: yes. you can install anything you want.01:16
Vivekanandathe laptop is inspiron 600m a centrino dual core01:16
dr_willisjust mount the ntfs to be like /home/yourusername/SharedDisk01:16
ment0s_Vivekananda: you can use KDE programs in gnome and vice versa etc.01:16
Vivekananda1.6 ghz max01:17
Vivekanandaok got it01:17
Vivekanandadr_willis: did you tell me what to use for copying the hidden files. histo asked me to tell him what a normal cp leaves behind and I would like to try it01:18
dr_willisVivekananda:  cp has some extra options you need01:18
ment0s_Vivekananda: this is great laptop for linux, most of network technicians using it. dont think there should be big problem with your graphics01:18
threex5alright i'll give it a shot. thanks for the help.01:18
dr_willisVivekananda:  ianything thats hidden .* would not get copied without the extra options01:19
Vivekanandament0s_: is it. nice to know . It lags sometimes though I dont know why although I once cleaned it up by opening it and removed the heatsync01:19
Vivekanandabut did not put the gel before resealing and that might be the isssue but it does not get very hot or loud. my hard drive and ram are also failing slowly01:20
ment0s_dr_willis: if he is copying /home/user/ then it should copy hidden files :| ?01:20
Sushi|LaptopOkay, so /boot just got filled up again and made another kernel update fail. This is obviously a bug, it should not be keeping so many old kernels. Where should I report this bug to?01:20
Vivekanandadr_willis: I looked at the cp --help and it does not give me anything specific for "hidden files"01:21
ment0s_hidden files looks like this  .file .folder01:21
ment0s_if you will copy parent folder then it will copy everyting including hidden files01:21
ment0s_if you want to copy only hidden files then you run cp /folder/.*01:22
VivekanandaI want to copy all to all then repartition and get back my home as it was01:23
Vivekanandathis is my intention :)01:23
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Sushi|LaptopWhat package should I report this /boot bug under? dpkg, apt-get, linux?01:23
ment0s_so so01:24
FloodBot1ment0s_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:24
dr_willisVivekananda:  check that url   - Ibelive (i  just skimmed  it) it suggestgs using cp -a .* /path/of/backup  to cp  the   hidden dirs..    then a cp *  to get the  normal files01:24
dr_willisand the -a option aparently is for archive/keep all permissions/ownership01:25
dr_willisId just cheat and use 'mc' to do the copy.. but im lazy01:25
dr_willisif i was smarter id learn to use rsync ;)01:25
Vivekanandadr_willis: I can use grsync/rsync but I want to know that if I use is will the hiddens get copied ?01:26
Vivekanandaif they would then I am by all means going to use it01:26
dr_willisif you tell  it to it should.01:26
dr_williscp caan copy the hidden  files IF YOU TELL IT TO01:27
dr_willis cp .*     foo     i  belive..01:27
Vivekanandaok let me try twice cp way first01:27
dr_willisif you were using rsync it would scan and only copy the changed files. :001:27
dr_willisthats like the powar of rsync01:27
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
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Vivekanandadr_willis: so cp in two steps would copy all normal ( files owned by me ) and all hiddens ones But I still have to copy the ones that are under root permissions01:30
Vivekanandawhat do I do then ?01:30
exearco_Hello, is anyone in here experienced with workstations that have a SAS controller such as a Dell Precision 690?01:30
dr_willisVivekananda:  what files in your users home are owned by root? i cant think of any that would normally  exist01:31
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compdocI have a sas controller, but no in a dell01:31
Vivekanandadr_willis: I dont know but vaguely recall something cannot be copied kind of thing happening. I will tell you if it happens again.01:32
Vivekanandasomeone said a little above that tere CAn be some files like that for the home folder too!01:32
exearco_Well, my problem is is that I am trying to Install Ubuntu 12.10 onto my Dell Precision 690.01:32
exearco_I have had issues with the SAS controller before.01:32
exearco_Basically, the Drive Shows up in /dev/sda01:32
exearco_but not in the installer itself01:32
histo!manual | Vivekananda This may be of help when you have some time.01:32
ubottuVivekananda This may be of help when you have some time.: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:32
dr_willisVivekananda:  ignore any  errors for .gvfs  its special01:33
ment0s_hmm my adeskbar stops working properly after upgrade to 13.04, when I trying go to setting it does noting ...01:38
dr_willisrun it from terminal - look for error messages..  trouble shooting basics  ;)01:39
dr_willisand #ubuntu+1 for 13.0401:39
ment0s_dr_willis: troubleshoot basis :) good one. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5010111 I cannot troublehsoot python lol01:42
Vivekanandadr_willis: histo  this is one in a series of errors I am getting using simple cp -- cannot open `/home/varun/.juniper_networks/network_connect/ncsvc' for reading: Permission denied01:42
dr_willisno idea what varun is.01:43
dr_willisor what .juniper is either.01:44
ment0s_dr_willis: varun must be  his home folder isnt it ?  :)01:44
Vivekanandavarun is just the my name01:44
Vivekananda.juniper was I guess something to do with oracle I installed its ide a whillllee back01:45
ment0s_dr_willis: troubleshooting basis :)01:45
ment0s_juniper networks = cisco stuff ?01:45
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Vivekanandahisto: was interested to know this so here I am . Now I guess should try rsync and see what happens01:46
dr_willisif you dont need the. juniper stuff  clean it out. ;-)01:47
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Vivekanandadr_willis: the two cps gimme 3 gbs in both source and dest02:06
ianharperHi there. Is there any way to group volumes on the left panel in Thunar? I have 4 OS's installed and i have a load like (500mb vol, 20G vol etc etc 20 of the to be exact) Just wonderin nothin serious.02:06
VivekanandaI am using another folder to use grsync and then compare the two child folder02:06
Vivekanandausing diff02:06
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dr_willisianharper: if you give the filesystems a label it may use that name instead of   300gb  volume02:08
ianharperI'll try it there ty Dr.02:09
dr_willisa lable change may not get noticed untill you reboot02:10
ianharperNah still lists them all if ya know what i mean, hummm maybe if it could just show the Extended partitions as a whole?02:12
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grendal-primei have a situation where my mic stops working untell i open the pulse audio mixer and toggle between the two mic's in the dropdown and then it starts working02:25
grendal-primeso i switch it from mic to internal then back to mic and it works02:25
grendal-primei have to do this after waking the laptop every time02:26
ejvgrendal-prime: sounds like you should file a bug report on launchpad02:27
datruthIs this a good start to writing ipv4/ipv6 iptables rules? http://pastebin.com/nTdEL9Zt02:32
jonathan_i've problem with python-kivy02:32
jonathan_Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.02:32
jonathan_It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre"02:32
jonathan_i will programm.py ---> to ---> programme.apk02:33
jonathan_i read this url :    http://kivy.org/docs/guide/packaging-android.html02:33
jonathan_./build.py and i have this error http://kivy.org/docs/guide/packaging-android.html02:34
jonathan_It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre"02:34
rajhow can I see which groups there are?02:35
rajuser groups02:35
rajall of  them02:35
rajas in, possible groups02:35
datruthraj: cat /etc/group ?02:36
budgreetings - i'm looking for some troubleshooting help - just installed liveCD 12.04 and it is not connecting to my wifi. where's a place i can troubleshoot this? thanks!!02:36
rajoh wow02:36
rajthat's a lot02:36
rajcan I make it alphabetical by any chance datruth ?02:37
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:37
cfhowlettbud, this is a broadcom wifi card??02:37
dr_willisraj:  command | sort02:37
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rajholy crap02:38
rajcan I see what users are in a group02:38
budbuffalo airstation wl13-cb-g54l02:38
rajand what is the meaning of fuse:x:104: ?02:38
budpcmcia card in toshiba lappie02:39
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jonathan_je vais prendre un traducteur car je suis vraiment nul en anglais.02:39
jonathan_J'essaie de transformer un script python en application apk pour la mettre sur mon téléphone android. je suis ce tutoriel http://kivy.org/docs/guide/packaging-android.html . Je bloque au niveau de build.py car j'ai cette erreur:02:39
jonathan_com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.02:39
jonathan_Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.02:39
jonathan_It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre"02:39
FloodBot1jonathan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:39
jonathan_merci d'avance02:39
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:39
dr_willisi rarely mess with groups02:39
budcfhowlett - from what i can google, it may be a Broadcom BCM431802:41
cfhowlettbud, then you're likely in luck.  Broadcom came be quickly and easily fired up with a current ubuntu ISO02:42
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:42
cfhowlettbud, fwiw: Dell 1545, no hard wire so couldn't use the "additional drivers" method.  Used the STA No Internet.  3 commands at terminal, 3 minutes and wifi was enabled.  no reboot required.02:43
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cfhowlettbud, if you go this way, note: step 2 of this method is not required ...02:44
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budshould have mentioned i'm total ubuntu newbie. running liveCD 1st time. so do i need to install drivers for this and how?02:44
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cfhowlettbud, well i see you have internet access at present so ... no?02:45
budnope, on (2nd) win machine02:45
dr_willisi got a cheap wifi dongle that works out of the box. so i can plug it into problem laptops and use the   additional drivers tool02:45
cfhowlettbud, OK, well. see that tutorial in the link ubottu sent.  You can set it up when you're ready02:45
rajto use sshfs, do I have to add the user to the 'fuse' group?02:46
budok, thx guys!!02:46
dr_willisraj: i dident need to02:46
cfhowlettdr_willis, thanks.  make/model of your dongle?  (Gee, THAT didn't sound porno now did it?)02:46
rajthis was saying to do that http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/02:46
dr_willisthey are allready in it i think02:46
LarrySteezewhere can I find the list of the dev team for the phablet project?02:46
rajdo you have something good I can follow dr_willis02:46
cfhowlett!table|LarrySteeze,   probably here somewhere02:46
ubottuThe Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.02:46
LarrySteezemy bad. Thank you cfhowlett02:47
cfhowlettLarrySteeze, no problem02:47
dr_williscfhowlett:  i got 4 different ones from amazon. from $5 to $20   i checked the reviews to be sure they worked out of the box.02:47
LarrySteezehave I missed an influx of people coming with questions about it? :D02:47
dr_willisone even worked on my media player box. automatically.02:48
cfhowlettLarrySteeze, well, enough to make an official channel to be sure.  enjoy02:48
LarrySteezeI see that, heh.02:48
cfhowlettdr_willis, good deal.02:48
LarrySteezeI just wanted to see if one of my canonical friends had anything to do with it :P02:48
dr_willisgot a micro usb dongle for $5  no idea what brand02:49
rambulunHello every one, do you help me with my dual monitors problem on ubuntu 12.04LTS, i setup dual monitors but after some minutes ubuntu auto change my settings to mirror display, or clone, or difference resolutions02:50
dr_williswhat chipset rambulun ?02:51
dr_willisthat narrows it down to like 200 different cards ;)02:52
rambulunScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2646 x 1024, maximum 8192 x 819202:52
rambulunLVDS1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm02:52
rambulun   1366x768       60.0*+   40.102:52
rambulun   1360x768       59.8     60.002:52
FloodBot1rambulun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
rambulun   1024x768       60.002:52
oldude67anyone else having issues with yahoo.com's homepage?02:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:53
oldude67oops threw google chrome?02:53
rambulun@dr_willis sorry, i dont understand02:53
tharkunWhat version of kvm does 12.04 LTS has?02:54
dr_willisrambulun:  we need a more specicif chipset then AMD..02:54
dr_willisrambulun:  and the  @person notation is for twitter..  not  irc.  ;)02:54
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:54
dr_willis@name on irc  normally is when a personis a  cchannel Op02:55
rambulundr_willis: ok, it is Radeon HD 5400M02:55
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dr_willisi dont really  use ati.. are you using the FGLRX drivers or the Open Sourced ones?02:56
rambulundr_willis: i use amd catalys driver setup in there https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installing_via_the_command_line02:58
dr_willisif its changveing stuff on the fly without your  input.. it could be a loose cable its seeing the monitor connect/disconnect.. is about all i  can think of.02:58
dr_willisunless you can be more specific about  when its doing the changeing02:59
dr_willisassuming there is a pattern  to when its doing it02:59
Vivekanandadr_willis: how do I use diff to compare two folders?02:59
rambulundr_willis:  I dont think that, when i use arch linux or window, it ok, but when i setup ubuntu i meet this problem02:59
dr_willisVivekananda:  i thougth diff compared 2 files..02:59
tharkunWhere can I find the tweaks made to KVM that makes it not a good tool to virtualized GUI based hosts?03:00
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dr_willisunstableme.blogspot.com/2008/03/compare-two-directories-using-diff-bash.html?m=1         First google hit on it Vivekananda03:01
nixbagis there a way to capture audio output from alsa (no pulseaudio is installed)? preferably with avconv.03:02
nixbageg, something like:  avconv -f alsa -i hw:0,0 file.wav03:02
nixbagbut that example does not work for me.03:02
rambulundr_willis: i want to setup  LVDS1 1366x768 left-of VGA1  1280x1024, when change it on display setting it ok, but after some minutes it auto change with random setting ( mirror display, clone or something eslse)03:03
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Vivekanandadr_willis: yep sorry03:04
dr_willisrambulun:  for ati cards with the fglrx drivers i would  think you would use that amdccle control  panel  tool. not the display settings tool03:04
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DarthEaronhello everyone i am trying to setup a mail server on my machine but i cant log into squirlmail...i fallowed all the guides..can someone please point me in the right diriection?03:07
Vivekanandais ment0s_ here ?03:08
Vivekanandadr_willis : the cp done twice and the grsync without sudo produce different results03:08
boom0917has anyone had good luck installing shoutcast to the menu of Rythmbox i tried using this link http://code.google.com/p/rhythmbox-shoutcast/wiki/HOWTO_Install and no go i am using ubuntu 12.0403:08
rajhow can I automatically sshfs when I start ubuntu?03:12
dr_willisraj:  start as in boot up.. or as in when the user logs in..03:12
rajdr_willis, when user logs in03:14
rajbut I have autologin03:15
dr_willisraj:  tjeres a .config/autorun directory you can put scripts in that get ran when they login.. may be called autostart03:15
rajawesome !03:15
rajdr_willis, what's your opinion on gedit3?03:15
rajshould I upgrade?03:16
rajfrom 203:16
dr_willisnever used gedit3. i rarely  use gedit03:16
dr_willisi tend to sue vim or geany03:16
rajoh ok03:16
rajgeany is cool03:16
harleyi prefer emacs more03:17
budgreetings again - can I check the md5 of a file with livecd and no internet connection? (e.g., is md5 checker built in?) and how do i run it for a file in my 'downloads' folder? thanks!03:17
dr_willismd5sum path/to//file03:17
dr_willisyou  still need the   actual  sum from  the download site to check against03:18
dr_willisor to at leasst look at.   to compare.  ;)03:18
bazhang!hashes | bud03:18
ubottubud: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases03:18
budi have the sum, thanks!03:18
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:19
kantlivelonganyone here use nvidia mosaic with GTX cards?03:20
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rajI have gnu screen open via ssh03:23
rajcan I view any files via gedit on my local machine?03:23
RezzafezHello, I need some support with my new ubuntu installation on an Asus A54H - The FN keys refuse to work despite Ubuntu obviously recognizing them (it comes up with a circle with a cross through it when I try to use the FN keys to adjust brightness and contrast)03:23
dr_willislocal machine? you just run gedit locally....03:24
lime_Is there any way to force all of ubuntu to display in black and white?  I have a disability that makes it difficult to see to many contrasting colors.03:24
rajbut how can I open the file on the remote machine03:24
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dr_willisraj:  mount the remote with sshfs03:25
raji'm looking at the file using screen03:25
rajI did03:25
rajbut it makes me use my local username03:25
rajI want to actually login using the remote user's username03:25
rajso I can edit his files03:25
dr_willisssjfs can use other usernames03:25
rajfor example, I can't edit files within ~/.irssi03:25
marenostrumThere's a new set of Ubuntu updates for 12.04. A couple of them are kernel packages. Synaptic says that, linux-generic-pae will be updated from to, in short from xxx60 to xxx61. On the other hand, both from Synaptic and dpkg, what I have currently installed seems to be xxx48 (that's to say not xxx60. Is there a contradiction, something unexpected? Is it a sign of an issue or is it fine at all?03:25
dr_willischeck the sshfs docs for the options03:26
rajso do I just need my local username to match up with the remote machine's username?03:26
Vivekanandalubuntu does not have any torrent sites to download too!! Is this a regular ubuntu distribution ?03:26
rajand they would be though of as the same user?03:26
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RezzafezSo nobody can help, then?03:27
Oblivion1500hello everyone, is there a separate chat for ubuntu server?03:27
Oblivion1500yes there is, thanks for your help03:28
packetfrogI like rice.03:29
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VivekanandaRezzafez: I am not sure I can be of much help but can try. Did you try to find out how the keybindings work in ubuntu for your model and try to reset them or something ?03:30
RezzafezVivekananda: I don't know how to do that at all unfortunately03:30
rajany thoughts dr_willis?03:31
dr_willishttp://linux.die.net/man/1/sshfs     read it..    sshfs user@host03:31
VivekanandaRezzafez: what is your model of the the computer and what ubuntu version ?03:31
RezzafezVivekananda: my laptop is an Asus A54H and I'm using Ubuntu 12.1003:31
dr_willislogin on as the other user03:31
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Vivekanandaok got it . Let me see if I can find something for you03:33
dr_williswow.. tons of advanced sshfs info at   http://www.howtoforge.com/mounting-remote-directories-with-sshfs-on-debian-squeeze03:33
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yigalmy FF 19 on 12.10 is force closing more than Windows03:36
yigalany suggestions03:36
VivekanandaRezzafez: Does this help ?? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91612203:36
yigalI'm thinking of just removing the config03:36
Vivekanandaread through it03:36
dr_willisyigal: trying a clean setup would be a good test03:37
yigaldr_willis: ya, I can't stand this03:37
Rezzafezyou know, what's interesting is the FN keys worked fine on version 1003:37
yigaldr_willis: I already removed all cached history03:37
Rezzafezbut now they don't03:37
RezzafezI don't get this with Ubuntu, how can they "lose" such support?03:38
dr_willisyigal: try a new profile perhaps. or with no extensions03:38
yigaldr_willis: good idea03:38
budi'm still a bit stuck on getting wifi working on liveCD with my buffalo card. anyone availble for some newbie handholding? thanks!03:38
yigaldr_willis: only extension is vimperator03:39
RezzafezI've already tried the "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux"" angle03:39
dr_willisRezzafez: kernel changes03:39
Rezzafezdidn't work no matter what I tried03:39
yigaldr_willis: I'm going to move .mozilla out of the way03:39
VivekanandaThat is why I dislike upgrading. I go from lts to lts coz that is unavoidable03:39
dr_willisI always clean install03:40
dr_willistakes less time03:40
Vivekanandadr_willis:  should I download lubuntu ? it is not an lts and I did not want to upgrade to it03:40
Vivekanandadr_willis: If you can suggest a way that I can get my old settings + programs back then I would do the same :)03:40
dr_willisI think yiu are worrying too much about lts03:41
dr_willisand you can just install the lubuntu-desktop package03:41
dr_willis! clone03:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate03:41
yigalough stupid ff is already running a defunct process, pkill -9 firefox what a bummer03:41
Vivekanandadr_willis: not worrying. On the contrary I do that to avoid worry for 3 yrs , now 5 yrs03:41
dr_willisin 5 years I will have a pent 9000 superbox with esp ....03:42
Vivekanandadr_willis: will this work if I do the upgrade fro lucid gnome to lubuntu 12.0403:42
dr_willisand who knows what else...03:42
budi'm still a bit stuck on getting wifi working on liveCD 12.04lts with my buffalo card. anyone availble for some newbie handholding? thanks!03:43
dr_willis! lucid03:43
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)03:43
dr_willisI rarelt03:43
dr_willisrarely do release upgrades... so no idea03:43
Vivekanandadr_willis: I have this comp for 6 yrs now. Dont plan to buy a newone unless money I have :( :)03:43
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
yigaldr_willis: ok, mv ~/.mozilla{,.bak} && apt-get purge firefox && apt-get install  --install-suggests firefox03:45
Vivekanandadr_willis: the instructions above are to replicate packages for reinstall but I will be upgrading.!! Will that work in that case ?03:45
yigaldr_willis: we will see if this does some good03:45
RezzafezVivekananda: Alright I'll try this one thing but I doubt it will work... I think I'm doomed but thanks anyway for the help, man03:45
yigalVivekananda: that's the spirit, why upgrade the hardware if the computer does what you need03:48
yigalVivekananda: and hopefully, what you want it to03:48
Vivekanandayigal: I dont want to even now but it is troubling me now03:48
Vivekanandaeg suddenly pdftk stopped working ( dependencies not present)03:49
dr_willisit saves a list of installed packages to a  file.. then rereads the list Vivekananda  so yes03:49
yigalVivekananda: pdftk was the primary reason for me to revert back to Ubuntu from Arch03:49
dr_willisyou reinstall the clean os.. then use the list.03:49
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Vivekanandathen had to install sml module in emacs and that too is not working ( dependencies not satisfied)03:49
veoozoIs this the place to come for help?03:49
yigalveoozo: what type of help, sir?03:50
Vivekanandaalso support for lucid is gone so I figured I might jump onto the next lts for the next 5 yrs :)03:50
dr_willisveoozo:  we try :) if its ubuntu support03:50
dr_willisi rarely worry about LTS or not..03:50
dr_willisactually i dont worry about LTS at all.. ;P03:50
dr_willisbut im a home user. ;)03:50
Vivekanandadr_willis: I wanted to worry even less than you !! :) . I wanted to install once in a lifetime and then just click for updates and keep using the system unless I buy a brand new laptop and then get a brand new OS :)03:51
veoozoWell, I have installed Ubuntu (and Mint) on my Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 13. I cannot get the wifi to work! No matter what I do, it won't work. There is a thread going about this, but nobody's posted in 4 hours. Woukld you like a link?03:51
shade34321when using dd from an internal drive to an external drive does the external drive need to be mounted?03:51
yigalveoozo: sure03:51
dr_willisVivekananda:  then you start having to get used to using old versions of apps...03:51
veoozoOkay, hold on.03:51
yigalshade34321: no03:52
yigalshade34321: well wait03:52
yigalshade34321: what are you doing with dd?03:52
Vivekanandadr_willis: I am fine with using oldies for now. Hell pdftk was working fine until it suddenly collapsed god knows why03:52
shade34321yigal: so if /dev/sda is the drive I want to copy and I'm copying it to the external /dev/sdi, dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdi03:52
shade34321and sdi is not mounted but is listed in fdisk03:53
Vivekanandabut I will try lubuntu once now03:53
dr_willisshade34321:  imageing to a DEVICE- you dont mount.. Imageing to a FILEit has to be on a mounted Filesystem of course03:53
veoozohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1911972 That's the link to the thread.03:53
shade34321dr_willis: so what I did is correct then03:53
shade34321should it take 3 hrs+ to copy over a 75GB hard drive?03:53
dr_willisif you want to clone sda to sdb  you DONTmount sdb.. In fact you should use a live cd. and not have sda mounted either03:53
yigalshade34321: depends on how the drives are connected03:54
dr_willisshade34321:  you DIDuse a  bs=4M option to dd?03:54
shade34321dr_willis: it's a production system we're cloning and we can't take it down:/03:54
shade34321dr_willis: internal is SAS 15K if I remember correctly and external is mounted via USB 2.003:54
dr_willisshade34321:  theres NOguarentees that clone will be correct03:54
dr_willisveoozo:  Jello?03:54
dr_williscloneing a IN use  filesystem - is not a good idea03:54
yigalshade34321: you may want to remount the disk to be copied as read only, if possible03:54
tgm4883For he's a jolly good fello?03:55
veoozoAnybody wlling to help?03:55
dr_willisat least not via DD03:55
shade34321dr_willis: I know but this is what I was told to do by my boss, so I do as he says but I've been waiting on it to finish to go home and now i'm just getting annoyed03:55
tgunrok, so I'm in xubuntu and accidently clicked on the calender thingee in the top menu bar, and now have a calendar that won't go away03:55
tgm4883!patience | veoozo03:55
ubottuveoozo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:55
dr_willisshade34321:  theres better ways to backup  an IN use filesystem03:55
shade34321personally I'm to scared to try this on a production server03:55
dr_willisveoozo:  did you ask a support question?03:55
shade34321dr_willis: well I have to have the disk be bootable so we can put it on another system03:56
shade34321personally I would of used clonezilla but I can't take it down to use it03:56
tgm4883dr_willis, he did, he's just being impatient03:56
dr_willisshade34321:  it should be bootable.. but the users data files.. are not guarrentied to  be correct..03:56
dr_willisshade34321:  if someone deleted files in mid -dd... well.. who  knows  what they will be like on the final image03:56
shade34321dr_willis: not copying those, /home /storage and /scratch are all not be copied over03:56
shade34321so it's just system files in /dev/sda which shouldn't be touched during the entire process03:57
dr_willisshade34321:  there are ways to remount  / read only for a short time to make the  DD03:57
shade34321dr_willis: How's that?03:57
dr_willismount -o remount03:57
dr_willisbut if its taking 4+hrs to image.... Id suggest getting some USB3 drives.03:57
shade34321that won't cause any problems with log files?03:57
shade34321dr_willis: no USB 3 ports on it because the drive is USB 3:/03:58
shade34321*no USB 3 ports on the server03:58
boom0917Hi all What  audio program  do you all use to listen to SHOUTCAST music streams I am using 12.04 Lts03:58
dr_willisYou can get pcie Usb3 cards for like $20  if it has a pcie slot03:58
shade34321dr_willis: they are being used with fiber connections to external raids03:58
shade34321dr_willis: the other option was take another hard drive and put it in but I couldn't find out if the server had hot swappable drives or not so rather than risking it going down in a ball of flames I went the external route03:59
Wolfgang__Hey i have a win 8 comp and i also want ubuntu04:00
BHXSpecterWell slowly getting my laptop back in working order....now all I'm getting is the libdrm-nouveau2 stuff but still not found a way to fix it -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1703872/04:00
Wolfgang__How can i acomplish this?04:00
dr_willisfiber connections to raids.. and you  are backing up the system over usb2 ? does that seem... weird to anyone else?04:01
shade34321dr_willis: it's not for a backup...need to make a clone to put it on another system, the other system was an experimental cluster but now it's needs to be used and nobody here was aroudn when either was put together04:02
dr_willisi backed up a 3TB usb2 to another usb2 the other day... took.. err.. days04:02
rajthanks dr_willis!04:02
shade34321dr_willis: but I understand what you're saying, they're should be a better way04:02
dr_willisshade34321:  clonezilla would let you clone pc1 to pc2 over the network..04:02
BHXSpecterdear god, a 3TB backup? not sure I love my data THAT much04:02
shade34321dr_willis: that was my original plan but I can't take down the first server04:03
dr_willisBHXSpecter:  its the wifes movies and so forth  :)  so she  has like 3 copies.. one for each media player in the house.04:03
shade34321dr_willis: the queue on the cluster are days long04:03
dr_willisshade34321:  clonezilla dosent need to take it down..04:03
dr_willisas far as i know04:03
Wolfgang__Hey i have a win 8 comp and i also want ubuntu04:03
Wolfgang__How can i acomplish this?04:03
shade34321dr_willis: how so? The only way I know how to use it is via live CD04:03
dr_willisI thought there was a clonezilla service.. but  i could be wrong04:04
shade34321dr_willis: I'm not aware of any but I'll look it up.04:04
BHXSpecteryeah a mad wife isn't something I like to deal with so I'd back up 3 TB too at that rate :)04:04
dr_willisi tend to  just backup data.. not the whole OS04:04
Wolfgang__can some one help me with this?04:05
shade34321dr_willis: apparently you can set up a clonezilla server to back up over the network...guess we could of gone that route if there was an extra comptuer laying around04:06
dr_willisshade34321:  hmm so the pc being cloned cant be its own server?04:06
shade34321dr_willis: no, or rather it can but has to have the clonezilla stuff booted, ie live CD or installed04:07
boom0917wolfgang  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_%28Ubuntu_installer%2904:07
dr_willisi thought thats how i read the clonezilla site as they cloned itself to a 100+ pcs at the same time as a test04:07
Wolfgang__boom0917, thank you04:07
dr_willisso a working server with clonezliia could clone itself to  other pcss on the lan  via the netboot features or some other ways04:08
boom0917your welcome04:08
dr_willisWolfgang__:  a wubi install is not a normal install.. I dont use windows8 so no idea onissues with a normal install on it.04:08
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:08
shade34321dr_willis: I see what you're getting at, but I don't think clonezilla is a package taht can be installed04:08
shade34321I'll double check04:08
Wolfgang__dr_willis, is it a bad idea to try then?04:09
dr_willisI  imagine the ubuntu forums and askubuntu.com have 1000s of posts on win8 installs04:09
dr_willisWolfgang__:  to TRY wubi is ok..  just rember  its a TEST setup04:09
shade34321dr_willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1483992 , yeah it's only a distro and not an application:(04:09
Wolfgang__Maybe i should try it in vm?04:09
shade34321dr_willis: I'll let it run overnight...thanks for your help!04:10
dr_willis12.10 lubuntu in a vm works very well.04:10
boytoyHi. I'm trying to list some dependencies needed to compile Ruby. Can someone list these in order of importance for such a compile? gcc automake libtool bison readline04:10
Wolfgang__Is virtual box the same as vm?04:10
dr_willisboytoy:  install the build-essential package  and let it go..04:10
dr_willisvbox is a VM. as is vmware. and others..04:11
boytoydr_willis: I need to know the order of importance04:11
dr_willisboytoy:  theres the apt-get build-dep  package           command to pull in needed deps to compile a package also04:11
dr_willisboytoy:  i  dont see how the order matters.. or what your asking is confuseing..04:11
boytoyThat's cool but that's not what I asked04:11
dr_willistime to clarify the quuestion then04:12
boytoyHi. I'm trying to list some dependencies needed to compile Ruby. Can someone list these in order of importance for such a compile? gcc automake libtool bison readline04:12
boytoyWhich is to say04:12
boytoyWhich of these tools are most important to a general build / compile process04:13
boytoyGenerally speaking04:13
dr_willissort of hard to compile anything without gcc installed. ;)04:13
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boytoydr_willis: hehe04:14
karpuragauramDr_Willis. Have xubuntu on a USB. Have logged into it. Trying to copy home folder using is giving me permission errors.04:14
dr_willisthis  sounds suspuciously like  a CS homework question...04:14
boytoyyes that is definitely #1 on the list04:14
karpuragauramThis is Vivekananda04:14
dr_williskarpuragauram:  you  need to use sudo rights to copy things if they are not owned  by your user. live cd user is  called 'ubuntu' and wont be the  same as your  installed system normally04:15
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Wolfgang__How can i get 12.04 in vm?04:15
Wolfgang__btw i dont have a vm.04:15
dr_williskarpuragauram:  and wherfe you are copying to has to  be writeable as a user.. or use sudo04:15
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox04:15
dr_willisinstall vbox.. get lubuntu 12.10 iso.. boot it in vboxx .. install04:16
dr_willisinstall vbox guest addations if they  dont get installed by default. ;)04:16
karpuragauramBut won't I have to set up the sudo first.  I don't have a password for it at the moment04:16
boytoydr_willis: it aint homework04:16
dr_williskarpuragauram:  sudo  on live cd has no password last i looked04:16
dr_willisboytoy:  its just a very vague general  question. ;)04:16
Wolfgang__downloads just has deb files.04:17
dr_willisvbox exists for windows...04:17
dr_willisi use it there all the time..04:17
kmentatHi all. I'm having trouble getting my BCM4401 NIC to work, and I think it's because ssb is getting in the way, but I can't do anything to unload it.04:19
kmentatWhenever I try and rmmod or modprobe -rv ssb the terminal soft-hangs (I can ctrl+c out of it).04:19
kmentatI'm running 12.04 from the Mythbuntu 64-bit distro.04:19
Wolfgang__My computer is warning me that it might be dangerous04:20
dr_willisyou could black the ssb module so  it never loads perhaps.04:20
Wolfgang__Im fine right?04:20
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »04:20
dr_willisWolfgang__:  we dont know  what you are doing exactly.. and Windows has all sorts of idiotic warnings..  then does dangerous/damageing things without asking....04:20
DarthEaronwhat is modprobe exactly?04:21
dr_willismodprobe loads a 'module' into the kernel.. which are normally  'driver files'04:21
DarthEaronokay what about dmesg04:21
kmentatdr_willis, oh hell. I blacklisted it, but I forgot about update-initramfs. It's been a while since I've monkied with Ubuntu and I've been playing with FreeBSD all week, so I'm a bit turned around.04:21
dr_willis  whatever.ko is normally a module file04:21
IveBeenBitis there a chuser type command that will let me temporarily operate as a different user? And if so, how do I do it and change back to my regular user once I'm done?04:21
dr_williskmentat:  ;) i rarely ahve to  mess with the kernels.04:21
DarthEaronoh my the way im stuck in windows for the time being, i have no computer at the moment04:21
mhazanyone know why there were two kernel updates this week?04:22
DarthEaronsu - %usernamehere%04:22
dr_willisIveBeenBit:   you can use su to run a command as a differnt  user. if thats what youneed04:22
DarthEaronsu - %usernamehere%04:22
tds5016hey. I'm having trouble installing libtinyxml. can someone help? http://pastebin.com/cAespAWZ04:22
kmentatdr_willis, How long should a new initramfs take to generate on an old Core2Duo? I don't imagine it should take nearly this long.04:22
tds5016this is stupidly frustrating. haha.04:23
dr_williskmentat:  no idea. I rarely ever pay  attention to such  things.. i  wouldent think more then a mion or 204:23
IveBeenBitdr_willis, Yes, I just thought of that - as in "sudo" but I am not after root access. I'm reading the su man page now and will report back if I need more info. Thanks.04:23
karpuragauramBtw Dr_Willis. Thanks for being so patient and being online for so long helping everyone.04:23
dr_willismain use of su in ubuntu is to switch to a NON root user. ;)04:23
kmentatdr_willis, oop, nevermind, now I'm getting some console output from it. Guess it really *is* taking its sweet time.04:24
dr_willissu billgates -c moneymaker.sh04:24
DarthEaronif i wanted to log in as zp from a terminal running with superman logged in i would run superman$ su - zp04:24
hermes123I'm trying to set up a virtual "range" for students to use to practice web administration. One of the computers is a ubuntu box that needs to host a forum. Trick is, the VM isn't allowed to connect to the live internet to download any packages to host. Is there a native forum that I can host on an out of the box ubuntu distro?04:24
dr_willisDarthEaron:  id check man su to verify its syntax04:24
kmentatdr_willis, come on. That joke is so old… it's su steveballmer -c loselotsofmoney.sh now04:25
dr_williskmentat:  whos that?04:25
DarthEarondr_willis: i used this a couple days ago on slackware... it should be the same04:25
tds5016I'm not sure how I can get those dependencies04:25
kmentatBallmer's the guy who's running Microsoft these days, since Gates stepped aside a couple years ago.04:25
mhazsu is root user04:25
IveBeenBitthanks dr_willis you cleared up some questions I had even after reading the su man page04:25
dr_willismhaz:  su switches user.. it Can switch to root...04:25
dr_willismhaz but not on a default ubuntu  setup04:26
mhaztrue dat...04:26
kmentatdr_willis, Steve Ballmer is the guy running Microsoft now, since Bill Gates stepped aside a few years ago. Remember "Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers"?04:26
DarthEaroneverytime i was in root and wanted to use irssi i would run "su - zp" my terminal would then be a non root user and i would run irssi from threr04:26
dr_williskmentat:  not really.  I dont pay  much attention to pc news lately.. got sick  of hearing  whos sueing who every day04:26
dr_willisDarthEaron:  you could jsut run  'login' for a similer effect i belive04:27
dr_willisbeing root and switching to a user..  is sort of  backwards to  the ubuntu mindset/setups04:27
phoenixsamprasW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found04:28
IveBeenBitWhy did this not work after I entered the password? I got a "missing operand" error: su billgates -c mkdir ./test04:28
phoenixsamprasy get this error when i do apt-get update04:28
tgm4883phoenixsampras, that isn't a valid PPA04:28
DarthEarondr_willis: never tried to use login command before... hmmm ill keep that in mind for when i get back04:28
dr_willisphoenixsampras:  that looks like  a totally wrong ppa.. looks like a geenric example ppa name04:28
chamunksIs there any sandboxing software like www.sandboxie.com for ubuntu?  I know about Chrooting and Virtual Machines but im thinking more specifically like sandboxie.04:28
tgm4883phoenixsampras, I'd bet money you copied and pasted and example as an actual command04:29
dr_willislike from the ppa help popup baloon. ;)04:29
phoenixsamprasdr_willis: should i remove it?04:29
DarthEarontgm4883: i agree04:29
dr_willisphoenixsampras:  its useless... so why wouldent you  want to remove  it?04:29
phoenixsamprasdr_willis: so after this error is safe to do apt-get upgrade ?04:30
dr_willisit shouldent be  breaking a apt-get update/upgrade in any case04:30
dr_willisits just a warning04:30
mhazdr_willis: do you know why there were two kernel updates this week?04:30
dr_willisW: Failed    <--------- W = warning04:30
Wolfgang__I have vm how do i get a linux installer for it?04:30
dr_willismhaz i never noticed.04:30
tds5016anyone able to help me with the libtinyxml headers issue?04:31
dr_willisWolfgang__:  clarify what you mean.. we dont have ESP.04:31
mhazok. must not be an issue.04:31
danoany mmorpgs for ubuntu04:31
Wolfgang__I installed virtual box how do i get an installer for linux?04:32
phoenixsamprasdr_willis: thanks!!04:32
kmentatdr_willis, This was back in like 2000. He started with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvsboPUjrGc and this was his encore at another event: http://youtu.be/8To-6VIJZRE04:32
dr_willisWolfgang__:  when using virtualbox. you  really  want  to read its manual  .. start downloading the lubuntu  12.10 iso  file.. and read the vbox docs as it downloads04:32
tgm4883Wolfgang__, you stick the virtual CD (ISO) into the virtual cd drive on the virtual machine04:32
Wolfgang__can you give me a link to the iso?04:32
dr_willisvbox hass some of the best manual/docs ive seen.. and no one ever reads it. ;)04:32
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Quantal, and help keeping the servers' load low!04:32
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.04:32
DarthEaronwow man, you could have definatly googled that one04:33
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:33
tds5016can someoneplease help me with this?04:33
tgm4883kmentat, I don't think "ubuntu download" would be considered google-fu04:33
DarthEarontds5016: whats your problem?04:33
dr_willistds5016:  its a good idea to give a summary  of  the  problem. not  just a paste.. (or did i  miss the question)04:34
kmentattgm4883, prolly not.04:34
tds5016sorry. tinxml won't install.04:34
IveBeenBitWhy did this not work after I entered the password? I got a "missing operand" error:  $ su billgates -c mkdir ./test04:34
tds5016neither the headers or the library04:34
Wolfgang__Um where do i get the iso? can you just give me a link to the right one?04:34
kmentatThe problem is pretty simple: tgm4883 is trapped in dependency hell.04:34
dr_willisWolfgang__:  im on my phone..  so  no..   the lubuntu homepage should have links04:35
DarthEarontds5016: taking a look now04:35
tds5016definitely dep hell... can someone help me grab these deps?04:35
BHXSpecterdoes this error mean the package is broke or my installation is? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1703872/ at first it was giving dependency errors but now it is just the one library04:35
kmentatWolfgang__, http://lubuntu.net/ — There's a big download link at the top.04:35
DarthEarontds5016: when is the last time you run sudo apt-get update?04:35
ethana3So, I installed Ubuntu Touch Preview on my Nexus 1004:36
dr_willisA Jolly Candy Like Download Button! but Will he  press it?04:36
tds5016seconds ago. that actually breaks too. haha.04:36
ethana3anybody have any idea how long I should wait for it to boot up?04:36
dr_willisethana3:   checkin #ubuntu-tablet04:36
Oblivion1500hello, i am having trouble connecting to ssh via my public ip i have put my router in dmz and in my router put my server in dmz so i should be able to access all of its ports04:36
ethana3dr_willis: thanks, will do04:36
DarthEarontds5016: can you put the attempt into pastebin?04:36
dr_willisOblivion1500:  router in the  dmz? you  got nested routers?04:36
histoOblivion1500: if router is in dmz then it will answer port. You still need to port forward since you ahve a router04:36
histodouble nat04:37
Oblivion1500really, well let me do that04:37
tds5016DarthEaron: ^04:37
histodr_willis: Most likely dsl/cable model > router > pC04:37
tds5016sorry about that.04:37
DarthEarontds5016: also could you please put DarthEaron: in the begining of your messages, it makes things easier for me04:37
tgm4883shttp? is that like a more quiet version of http?04:37
dr_willisi  never  noticed a dmz setting needed for  the router.04:37
tds5016DarthEaron: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1704058/04:37
tds5016tgm4883: or it's a really crappy version ;-)04:38
dr_williswhen using 2 routers. i put the 2nd one one in some sort  of hub/switch  mode.. i  recall04:38
histodr_willis: I use it to avoid a double nat. At one location the DSL modem puts thte internal router in the DMZ then I can control port forwarding on the internal router instead oon the dsl modem.04:38
tgm4883dr_willis, maybe the first router is some crappy ISP provided one that has the built in modem04:38
dr_willisive never really used DSL/ADSL04:39
Wolfgang__Do i create a hard drive04:39
histodr_willis: Same thing for cable modem.04:39
dr_willisWolfgang__:  do you  recall us mentionging how valueable reading the vbox manual  is?04:39
Wolfgang__Yes but that requires brain power04:39
dr_willisWolfgang__:   you  want to install a virtual os into  a virtual machine.. you  need a virtual  hd.. .... its not virtual rocket-surgery04:40
Wolfgang__Thank you!04:40
DarthEaronsomeone correct me if im wrong please because i lack confidence on this. but the errors your getting keep saying to use -tvv option so i think you should try sudo apt-get update -tvv04:40
dr_willishoweger there is a  real  virtual box manual  at their homepage.04:40
tds5016DarthEaron: I think the issue is with my firewall possibly. haha.04:40
Wolfgang__Do i want disk image or?04:40
tds5016what is tvv?04:41
DarthEarontds5016: how would that make a difference?04:41
dr_williswhen in doubt.. hit next...04:41
tds5016if it works, no. haha. but it would be nice to know what is broken :-)04:41
tgm4883Wolfgang__, https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch05.html04:41
dr_willisthere is a #virtualbox support channel  i  belive04:41
kmentatOk, so I think update-initramfs is hanging04:41
dr_willisthey will proberly  say to  read the manual also...04:41
Oblivion1500histo: so forwarded both the modem to the router and the router to the server on port 2204:41
tds5016DarthEaron: still no love with -tvv04:42
dr_willisbecause to be honest.. we dont have the vbox dialogs/wizard memorized...04:42
tds5016DarthEaron: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1704084/04:42
dr_willisthey  have a help button on them dont they?04:42
xadinanyone here have one of the korean monitors? shimian, catleap, etc. And has it working with nvidia twinview ?04:43
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xadinI have been able to get the 2560x1440 shimian working fine but the 21" 1680x1050 monitor beside it will only run in 800x600, been messing with xorg.conf to no avail04:43
tds5016is there a way to ignore checksum?04:44
dr_willisxadin:  evenif you just plug it in by itself?04:44
tds5016with apt-get?04:44
histoOblivion1500: You have a doulbe nat situation.04:44
xadinboth work fine by themselves04:44
xadinI want dual working04:44
dr_willisxadin:  as a test.. reduce the res on the other  monitor.. see if  you  can then up the 2nd one..04:44
Oblivion1500histo: do you want me to take off the dmz?04:45
dr_willisxadin:  ive seen some limited  cards not able to handle Huge dual monitor setuos04:45
Oblivion1500or what do you mean?04:45
histoOblivion1500: What I usually do to fix it if you can't put your modem in bridged mode and allow your router to handle the ocnneciton you need to: On the modem put the router in the DMZ also, then on the router forward ports to your internal ip of server.04:45
xadinit works in windows just fine04:45
xadinyou're saying reduce the 2560x1440 monitor?04:45
Guest7464Could any body do me a favour?04:45
dr_willisxadin:  and you are using thee windows drivers there also...  which are  not the same04:45
Guest7464My sd04:45
tds5016DarthEaron: any other ideas?04:45
kmentatGuest7464, depends on the favor04:45
dr_willisxadin:  try  differnt res;'s - i recall seeing this issue once  a few months back.04:46
Guest7464my sd card cann't be recongnised04:46
Guest7464system is 12.04 lts04:46
xadinI have been trying but no matter what rez I set the 21" to it defaults to 800x60004:46
DarthEarontds5016: take a look at pastebin.com/8nk6cq804:46
DarthEarontds5016: take a look at pastebin.com/8nk6cq804:46
dr_willisxadin:  what chipset?04:46
xadinI can only set the rez in the xorg.conf file, nvidia-settings won't let me choose a rez other than the 2560x1440 which is only for the 27"04:47
xadinnvidia 56004:47
DarthEarontds5016: see if that fits the issue your having04:47
xadintried a few different monitors04:47
xadinI mean, drivers04:47
xadinnvidia, not nouveau04:47
tds5016unkown paste id04:47
xadinworks fine in nouveau but I need the performance.04:47
dr_willisxadin:  sounds likesome buggy  drivers or other weirdness...04:47
Oblivion1500histo: on my modem my router is in dmz and forwarding port 22 to it, in my router my server is in dmz and having port 22 forwarded to it, what needs to be fixed with that? should i take my server out of dmz?04:47
dr_willisi was playigmn  Team Fortress  2 in Noveau  i  think .. ;)  by mistake the other day04:48
tds5016DarthEaron: sorry ot rewrite, forgot to add your name... it's an unkown paste id ;-)04:48
Oblivion1500dmz was only temp untill i figured out the problem anyway04:48
kmentatWhere does grub keep its blacklist?04:48
xadincan nvidia not do xinerama? does it require twinview?04:49
dr_williskmentat:  a blacklist of what>04:49
BHXSpecterdr_willis: you didn't have any issues with Steam and the error I have? It was installing steam that made me start getting the nouveau2 error04:49
dr_willisTwinview is Xinerama-supercharged04:49
DarthEarontds5016: goto dragonforge.org click on the tab that says help this guy04:49
dr_willisBHXSpecter:  i had some other steam quirks.. but its working now04:49
kmentatdr_willis, modules. My update-initramfs hs hanging after adding a certain firmware, and now I'm trying to follow this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209563104:49
histoOblivion1500: on your modem don't forward any ports just put router in DMZ. The on router just forward port 22 to server.  That's it and take server out of dmz04:50
dr_williskmentat:  i recall some kernel blacklist options  but i dont  recall  the syntax.. it would be a setting on the kernel line i think  in /etc/default/grub04:50
BHXSpecterhmm....I had some issues, but it told me to add the x-swat/x-updates to the list and now anything I try to update/upgrade/install/remove gives me the libdrm-nouveau2 error  so I thought I would ask04:51
DarthEaronhow do you make chages to your kernal04:51
kmentatdr_willis, that's fine, I'm just trying to find incongruities between the modprobe blacklist and the grub blacklist.04:51
kmentatWell, that was no-go.04:52
DarthEarontds5016: anything?04:52
xadinI found someone with the same issue, same shimian 2560x1440, and same res for second monitor, he describes it here. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1206170#p120617004:52
tds5016doesn't seem to have worked :-(04:52
DarthEarondid it change the output of apt-get update at all?04:52
xadincatleap and shimian are the same04:53
xadindr_willis: ya he has exactly the same problem.04:54
DarthEaronsorry guys that was the cat04:54
dr_willisheh.. silly kitty. this isent reddit04:56
Bray90820It turns out the current charging bug has been fixed04:56
Oblivion1500_histo: i did that and im still getting a econnrefused error04:56
IveBeenBitWhy did this not work after I entered the password? I got a "mkdir: missing operand" error:  $ su billgates -c mkdir ./test04:57
magn3tsAnyone use GLC/Gamecaster? Is it really superior to using a "regular" X-level recording software?04:57
kmentatNote to self: set up a fresh kernel to compile while I'm at work. This generic 3.5.whatever isn't thrilling me too much right now.04:57
DarthEaroni use vlc to record my screen, its not too bad04:57
BHXSpecterdidn't know vlc could record the screen....I always used recordmydesktop, but can't install it on my laptop due to the library error I get ..though I do have vlc installed04:59
jpmhhow do I change the descriptions that grub shows for the partitions on boot?05:00
kmentatOK, dr_willis, in answer to your question: yes, I blacklisted those modules, did an update-initramfs and I still can't use my network card. ssb is still loaded.05:00
AcidRain2012would it be safe to install directx in wine05:00
kmentatAcidRain2012, it's in a sort of sandbox, so I can't imagine why not.05:00
kmentatI mean, it's not like DirectX will be running when wine isn't.05:00
BHXSpecterdepends on the DX version as I've got errors about OS not being supported05:01
dr_willisit may be built into the kernel.. but that would be weird kmentat05:01
AcidRain2012kmentat, but my goal is to use directx to create a program that will poll ip addresses to get game data. so im kinda creating a program that needs to be ran 24/705:01
dr_williswine has its own directx05:01
kmentatdr_willis, suddenly compiling a whole new kernel from source doesn't seem totally crazy.05:01
DarthEarondr_willis: how to your mess with the kernal?05:01
dr_willisor use the winetricks tool05:01
kmentatCan I cross-compile a Linux kernel from within OS X?05:02
dr_willisDarthEaron: i dont any more05:02
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)05:02
Oblivion1500_histo: is there another answer?05:02
DarthEaronthanks guys, i just thought that the kernal was something really low level that we did not have contyrol over anymore05:03
=== Oblivion1500_ is now known as Oblivion1500
kmentatDoesn't know about KERNAL? What a crock. The bot should learn some history ;P05:05
vincentScould anyone help me with some modules i want loading on boot and making stuff automount http://pastebin.com/SAtCsTMi05:05
kmentatOblivion1500, KERNAL. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KERNAL05:06
dr_willisPopcorn Kernel05:07
tds5016what package would install the string library?05:07
DarthEaronKernal mustard05:07
tds5016#include <string> makes my C program explode.05:07
dr_willistds5016:   you did install the build-essential package?05:08
tds5016that's what's weird.05:08
dr_willisstrings are for lolcats.  But ive no idea..  i  tend to just shotgun install  dev packages  till  i get them all.05:09
Oblivion1500so nobody here can help me with my ssh issue?05:10
tds5016dr_willis: what dev packages might have it?05:11
Oblivion1500i guess ill just go over to mean old openssh05:11
kmentatoh ffs05:13
kmentatI don't even have ncurses?05:13
kmentatWhat kind of distro is this?!05:13
vincentScome on man it comes with gnome what did u expect :P05:15
icerootkmentat: install if if you need it05:16
Bray90820Anyone wanna help me install Florence Virtual Keyboard05:16
kmentaticeroot, this machine has no network connectivity (the problem I'm trying to fix), and I don't feel like manually chasing down the dependency tree like this is the stone age of package management.05:17
kmentatI'm going back to trying to patch around this stupid broken module.05:17
icerootkmentat: if you have a support question you are welcome to use this channel if you want to troll/flame please dont use this channel05:18
dr_williskmentat:  theres not  really any developer packages installed  by  default.05:18
kmentatdr_willis, yeah, I keep forgetting that...05:18
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
Starscream59I was wondering if 13.04 can be installed via wubi?05:18
dr_williskmentat:  there are ppa's out  for newer kernels ibelive05:18
kmentatI got used to FreeBSD and how everything is built from source.05:18
tds5016this library not existing sucks. haha.05:18
Wolfgang__13.04 is out?05:19
icerootWolfgang__: no05:19
MrHacksDoes anyone know how to get Bluetooth setup especially for a GC-WB300D network card? I've been reading on mail-archive there has been some activity with this issue and I would seriously like to use the bluetooth featueres on my WIFI+BT card.05:19
Wolfgang__Whats is the difference from lubuntu and ubuntu?05:19
icerootWolfgang__: the desktop, ubuntu is using unity, lubuntu is using lxde which is designed to use on not so powerfull pcs05:20
Wolfgang__What is unity?05:20
iceroot!unity | Wolfgang__05:21
ubottuWolfgang__: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:21
AcidRain2012dr_willis, when installing directx, i get an error saying one of the dlls couldnt be loaded05:21
dr_willisAcidRain2012:  as ffar as i  know   wine  comes  with directx. or you  use the winetricks tools to  instgall  needed dirextx bits.. you DONT run the directx installer in wine05:22
dr_willisi bet #winehq would  know  more05:22
dr_willisUnity  can be very slow when used in virtualbox.   but with vm;s its normallybest to  keep  them as light  as possible anyway05:23
Wolfgang__The iso is taking forever. before it finiished earlyer my laptop died05:23
Wolfgang__So i had to restart05:24
kmentatWolfgang__, is a torrent an option?05:25
kmentatThose are pretty quick, and resume nicely.05:25
Wolfgang__I dont have utorrent or anything though05:25
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:26
Wolfgang__im already like half way done05:26
Bray90820Anyone know how to install Florence Virtual Keyboard05:26
kmentatWell that was weird. Disk drive for /tmp was not ready...05:27
kmentatTHERE WE GO! Found out my b44 had been blacklisted by *grumblegrumble* 1@#!£ª¨¶ing Broadcom.05:27
demkantoranyone here know how to add a windows option back into grub? i lost mine and have been trying to get it back for two days, a few here have already tried to help but im still stuck!05:27
demkantorcurrently trying to use grub customizer to add it but .... im a noob05:28
MrHacksThe BluetoothSetup page is old05:28
boom0917whats the most common webpage used to get new themes and icon packages05:29
AcidRain2012dr_willis, dx9 failed to install properly. i gave up on it. not that big of an issue05:29
=== ThatOneGuy is now known as Guest33957
karpuragauramHey everyone. I shrunk the /home partition from a live CD then tried to boot into my os but getting home not found error and login not happenning. What should I do to set home again to the now shrunk partition05:30
dr_williskarpuragauram: check its uuid vs whats in fstab05:30
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:31
icerootkarpuragauram: have a look at /etc/fstab  there should be a line with a UUID and your home, see the new UUID with "sudo blkid" and enter the new UUID for your home in /etc/fstab05:31
grendal-primeinternal mic fails untell i switch it to mic then back to internal05:31
karpuragauramGot it05:32
demkantoranyone ever loose option to boot into windows after ubuntu install?05:32
dr_willisdemkantor: its possible grubs confused and not seeing the windows install05:33
karpuragauramCould I get blkid to gimme the sizes too. It is mixed up so i need to find the crrect juisi05:33
demkantordr_willis: yeah i think thats what up, i know windows is still on hard drive but i cant boot to it, ive tried everything the forums have to give to no avail05:34
dr_willisyou could  rerun sudo update-grub if that fails.. add a custome entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom05:34
surbsQuantal Quetzal: would it be ok to delete .local/share/Trash/expunged ? it currently contains 8.1GB05:34
dr_willisits your deleted files05:35
ubottuYour GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.05:35
demkantoralso a few helpfull people have tried to help me as weel, tried the update-grub, nothing helps, tried setboot+something, tried the boo repair05:35
dr_willisempty the trash via the filemanager is a better way05:35
demkantordr_willis: how do i add custom entry?05:36
demkantorim trying to do just that with grub customizer right now i think...05:36
dr_willisedit the file i gave earlier...05:36
surbsdr_willis, does sudo update-frub attempt to empty the trash via the filemanager?05:36
dr_willissurbs: err no. why would it touch user files05:37
surbsdr_willis, so what is meant by via filemanager?05:37
dr_willisthe default desktop filemanager you normally use when you click on a folder....05:38
dr_willisthats nautilus btw..05:38
surbsdr_willis, ok truth thats what i thought. was checking to make sure that we were on same page! and oh rele thank you will not make mistake again.05:39
dr_willisnot sure how it could get onfused with grub.....05:40
demkantori dont see etc/grub, do i have to add that folder into /etc ?05:41
dr_willisdemkantor:  i think i said   grub.d /05:41
surbsdr_willis, <--- becuase you are not tagging before your posts, was unable to distinguish who you were talking to.05:41
buttsHello! I'm having an issue I don't have in Windows. My trackpad seems laggy when I use it but my USB mouse I plug in is perfectly smooth. Any ideas?05:41
demkantorim blind.05:41
* MrHacks sighs because he will never get his bluetooth controller set up for steam because the bluetooth documentation is older than his grandma05:41
dr_willisgamepads for tf2? ;)05:42
buttsI'm using Ubuntu 12.10 with everything updated as well05:43
demkantordr_willis: what do i add inside the 40_custom? im new so not sure the exact words to add05:43
dr_willisdemkantor:  add whatever entry would be needed to boot the os you want.. I dont know what a stanza would look like for windows.. you would have to hit up the grub docs/guides.forums for that05:43
MrHackssixaxis. I just need to figure out why this m****f***ing GC-WB300D network device doesn't show up on 12.10 neither this targus bluetooth dongle05:44
MatthewLdr_willis: can I ask about ubottu?05:44
demkantordr_willis: thanks, ill dig up that forum!05:44
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dr_willisall i know about the bot.. would basically be at the bots homepage.  MatthewL05:45
surbsdr_willis, thank you for the help, why did 8GB get moved their? is there a way to prevent having files moved there after being deleted?05:46
surbsdr_willis, there*05:46
MatthewLHow are Debian packages put together as opposed to rpm?05:47
MatthewLAnd where are babies made from?05:47
MatthewLWhy is Ubuntu Debian based? Philosophy or technical?05:49
dr_willissurbs:  thats the function of the trashcan... just like in windows05:51
wei_how do I find the repo that libreadline5-dev is hosted at? want to add it to my sources.list05:51
dr_willis!find libreadline05:51
ubottuFound: libreadline-dev, libreadline-gplv2-dev, libreadline5, libreadline5-dbg, libreadline6, libreadline6-dbg, libreadline6-dev, libruby, libreadline-java, libreadline-java-doc (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libreadline&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all05:51
dr_willislibreadline5 seems to be in the repos05:52
dr_willis!info libreadline505:52
ubottulibreadline5 (source: readline5): GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2-12 (quantal), package size 122 kB, installed size 319 kB05:52
dr_willis!info libreadline5-dev05:52
ubottuPackage libreadline5-dev does not exist in quantal05:52
wei_thanks, this is the one I want but I can't find the source: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libreadline5-dev05:52
surbsdr_willis, i guess my novice status is showing quite a bit here hahaha. just find it interesting that when something something is deleted it still isn't "fully deleted"? unless ubuntu provides a process to do this?05:52
dr_willishmm.  perhaps its a diffent name package for the -devvv05:52
dr_willissurbs:  that would be the 'emptying the trash via the file manager' that works identically in windows...05:53
MatthewLMagical bot05:53
dr_willisthere is a way to directly delete i recall.05:53
dr_willisor use the command line05:53
john__Hello everyone05:53
=== john__ is now known as johncrist1988
MatthewL!Info Debian05:55
surbsdr_willis, so "rm" is sufficient for "fully deleting" files/directories/ect? or is a backup for recovery purposes always going to be stored in the trash?05:55
MatthewL!info packages05:55
ubottuPackage packages does not exist in quantal05:55
dr_willissurbs:  theres delete to trashcan tools for the cli if you  want them05:55
dr_willisrm does not move to the trash05:55
MatthewL!info ant05:56
ubottuant (source: ant): Java based build tool like make. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-4build2 (quantal), package size 1793 kB, installed size 2086 kB05:56
MatthewL!info maven05:56
ubottumaven (source: maven): Java software project management and comprehension tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.4-3 (quantal), package size 1265 kB, installed size 1490 kB05:56
MatthewL!info gcc05:58
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.117ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB05:58
lunitikMatthewL: you can /msg the bot05:58
IdleOnein fact, it is preferred05:58
surbsdr_willis, ahhh after reading the "man rm" i think im looking to use "shred" instead of "rm."06:00
surbsdr_willis, thanks once again for the help. your awesome :)06:02
dr_willis'secure deletion of stuff you dont want the wife to find' ;)06:06
bartley69anyone have torrentleech invite?06:10
surbsdr_willis, hahahaha good thing i wont be married at least 10+ years XD06:10
surbsdr_willis, am restarting to update06:10
yazrisalanyone can help me to make my USB tethering work? it keep attempting to reconnect but seems always failed :(06:11
yazrisalhelp me straight by teamviewer please06:11
Cealfuck you everyone06:11
Cealgo the hell fucks06:12
yazrisalim using 12.10 LTS06:12
BillyZane2when i'm in terminal, how do i complete a file name before I finish typing it?06:12
BillyZane2i thought it was tab, but tab is not working06:13
yazrisali mean 12.04 LTS06:13
dr_willisBillyZane2:  it is tab.. if you are using bash06:14
BillyZane2hey willis!06:14
dr_willisBillyZane2:  try echo $SHELL06:14
BillyZane2i am definitely in bash06:15
BillyZane2i start by typing the name, in a case sensitive manner, i press tab, no completion. so weird06:15
dr_willistheres a /etc/bash_completion scriot i  recall thats normally ran by the .profile or .bashrc06:15
BillyZane2i am using konsole06:15
dr_willisnot weird at all if bash did not  enable the bash_completion06:16
BillyZane2oh really06:16
dr_willisthe whole bash completion  is a some what recent thing. :)  i  rember  not  having it for years.06:16
dr_willisthen ubuntu i recall  started using it by default06:16
BillyZane2it's very convenient06:16
dr_willischeck your  .bashrc and .profile and other .* files compared to  whats in /etc/skel   see if they ahve been altered.  or missing06:17
beanmake sure that /etc/bash.bashrc doesn't have the lines about completion commented out06:17
BillyZane2i don't really need to get this fixed, but i'd like to know why it doesn't work and how to activate it06:17
beanbut that would be very odd.06:17
dr_willisyou are on a normal desktop install and not  a  vps?06:17
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
BillyZane2ok, i'll check06:17
dr_willisthere a command/script in /etc/ that bash runs. to enable the feature i recall06:17
lunitikdr_willis: doesn't really matter if they're missing, if they are it uses the /etc/skel stuff06:17
BillyZane2in /etc/skel , all i see is one file: examples.desktop06:17
BillyZane2oh wait06:18
BillyZane2i see more if i do ls -alh06:18
BillyZane2there's a .bashrc and a bash .profile06:18
dr_willisits in .bashrc06:18
dr_willislook at the file06:18
nameless`hi there06:18
dr_willis  /etc/bash_completion06:18
tgunris it sufficient to determine if a package is installed to use `'which' e.g. `whichaptitude'06:19
nameless`i was wondering if there exist any handwriting chinese virtual keyboard as in iphone06:19
beantgunr, one sec I actually read something about this06:19
BillyZane2dr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/170453006:19
tgunrI'm looking at a bash script which needs to find out if a package exists, and install it if not06:20
BillyZane2what should i be looking for? completion? ....06:20
nameless`i installed an Ubuntu laptop for my chinese family but they don't know pin yin and they need to write the glyphe06:20
dr_willislook at the  last few lines.. its in there BillyZane206:20
BillyZane2umm.. dr willis, i know there's a grep | completion i should be using, but i'm not sure how the full syntax goes06:20
dr_willisno idea why its not enabled.  try source .bashrc and se eif it starts working06:20
yazrisalsorry i just reconnect06:20
BillyZane2i see it dr_willis06:20
yazrisalplease help me to get my USB tethering work06:21
BillyZane2is it.... cat .bashrc grep| completion06:21
dr_willisBillyZane2:  could be  somthing else thats not getting ran or some other  chanvge that you did thats  not  running all  the  scripts06:21
xadinso, fresh install of ubuntu 12.10 on laptop, steam shows up in software center, installs and works. Fresh install of 12.04 on my desktop and steam is missing from the software center, what gives?06:21
dr_willisBillyZane2:  you  cansee the last paragraph of code in .bashrc looks for  the bash completion stuff.   and  runs it if its seen.  ;)06:21
BillyZane2dr_willis: i saw it after you pointed it out. how did you know it would be there?06:22
BillyZane2how do you even know how to find that file06:22
xjdesxcan someone help me06:22
xadindr_willis: a guy in #xorg helped me get the video working, the config that guy posted should not have worked for him, all I had to do was set a correct modeline.06:22
xadinthese korean monitors rock06:22
dr_willisBillyZane2:  its been in there for years06:22
* xjdesx pm me if you have time to kill, you know how to install aircrack and you want to make $10 via paypal right now!!06:22
BillyZane2you are truly gifted. i have so much to learn06:23
dr_willisBillyZane2:  and those are the standard bash  stgartup files06:23
dr_willisxjdesx:  download source.. compile source.. run binary06:23
xjdesxdoesn't work06:23
dr_willisxjdesx:  send the $$ to an aniumal shelter06:23
xjdesxi need someone to actually help me. I'm new to linux, new to ubuntu, new to Vmware06:23
dr_willisxjdesx:  or find a ppa for it06:24
Jeruvyxjdesx you should try #backtrack06:24
dr_willisrunning aircrack in vmware? is that even possible?06:24
beantgunr, use the "hash" command06:24
bean"hash git"06:24
beanand check the exit code06:24
tgunrbean: trying06:24
dr_willisxjdesx:  you are using ubuntu or backtrack?06:24
BillyZane2omg... something weird just happened... konsole crashed. and now half my applications are closed06:24
=== jericho is now known as Guest59582
dr_willisBillyZane2:  if the parent process dies.. so do the childern (launched from it ) processes - mostof the time06:25
BillyZane2you are awesome, you know that? thanks for all the help over the last few weeks06:26
beantgunr, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/592620/check-if-a-program-exists-from-a-bash-script seems to be the best reference on this06:26
beanGuest59582, hi06:27
tgunrI don't see much difference between `hash command; echo $?' and `which command; echo $?'06:27
dr_willis!find  aircrack06:27
ubottuFound: aircrack-ng06:27
dr_willis!info  aircrack-ng06:27
ubottuaircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4 (quantal), package size 816 kB, installed size 2084 kB06:27
dr_willisaircrack-ng seems to  be in the normal repos xjdesx06:27
dr_willissudo  apt-get install aircrack-ng06:27
Jeruvyit is and it's preinstalled on backtrack, no muss no fuss.06:28
* tgunr wonders why he needs aircrack, its only good for WEP which no one really uses06:28
dr_willisdescription says wep/wpa06:28
tgunrand yes, you can use backtrack in VM06:28
dr_willisbut can you use aircrqack in a vm06:28
beantgunr, yeah, things i've ready, like that stack overflow ? seem to say its best to use hash tho06:29
tgunrAKAIK no one has/can crack WPA yet except maybe NSA06:29
dr_willisor would it be cracking your  virtual  netsork.  ;)06:29
tgunrok, will use that for now, thanks bean06:29
xjdesxdeb http://ubuntu2.cica.es/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/aircrack-ng/06:31
xjdesxhow come i cant add that as a source?06:32
xjdesxi can't add a repo06:32
dr_willisthe  universe repo is one of the default repos.. you just enable it in the software-sources tool06:32
Jeruvyhow are you doing it?06:32
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:32
xjdesxcan someone PM me please06:33
xjdesxi really will pay $10 for a tutorial06:33
dr_willissoftware-sources.. click to enable universe06:33
xjdesxbut your undivided attention06:33
Jeruvyxjdesx you need to make more sense06:33
tgunrbean: ok hash is correct as a builtin as I need to chect the exit staus06:33
wiggmpktgunr: do you have any source to that claim? I thought WPA and WPA2 were both crackable for along time now06:33
dr_willisxjdesx:  you tried a simple 'sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng' yet?06:33
tgunr$100 might generate some interest06:33
=== andrew is now known as Guest51688
Jeruvyxjdesx you could consider listening and following some of the good advice you've been given for free :)06:34
dr_willisactually a 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng' would be better06:35
xjdesxi have tried EVERY tutorial06:35
xjdesxI've been working on this for a few days06:35
dr_willisxjdesx:  i dont know whatg sort of tutoriual you  need.. you just install it same as you would any other packabge06:35
xjdesxi even tried editing the common.stk06:35
dr_willisits in the default repositories06:35
Jeruvyxjdesx but you haven't told us what your problem is'06:35
xjdesxit doesn't work06:35
dr_willisso  we have no  idea what you  have been doing for 2 days06:35
xjdesxi get so many errors06:35
tgunrwiggmpk: negative, big difference on how the two work, WEP can be cracked easily notso WPA, unless things have changed in  the past few month, I was looking at it last fall for a client06:35
xjdesxhold on..how do I enable repos?06:35
xjdesxin terminal06:36
xjdesxhow do i install what i need for adding repos06:36
xjdesxcus in Ubuntu software mananger it does not work!06:36
dr_willisxjdesx:  edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and uncomment the ones you  need06:36
wiggmpktgunr: I would agree with you if it was WPA-Enterprise, but PSK encryption doesnt take much.. just time06:36
dr_willisxjdesx:   if your software manager  is  not working.. then  you got deeper issues..06:36
dr_willisxjdesx:  and we gave you the exact commands for the terminal to install the package06:37
xjdesxi've done all those cmds06:37
xjdesxim sorry for bugging you guys i know it's annoying being on the receiving end06:37
xjdesxi've done sudo apt-get install ..06:37
dr_willisxjdesx:  tried --> 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng' and tell us error  messages would be a good starting point06:37
xjdesxwget http://www...06:37
Jeruvyxjdesx if they didn't work pastebin the errors so we can help06:37
dr_williswget? what wget?06:38
xjdesxshould I be root?06:38
xjdesxor my own user06:38
dr_willisnote the use of SUDO....06:38
dr_willisyou  use sudo  to gain root rights as needed06:38
xjdesxdr_willis,  i'm new to linux06:38
xjdesxtotal noob06:38
xjdesxease up06:38
dr_willisxjdesx:  so we have to  wonder why you are wanting aircrack then...06:38
dr_willisisent the universe repo  enabled by default on 12.04+ ?06:39
xjdesxB/c I just moved into a new apartment and i can't get into the router to open ports formy xbox and amillion other devices06:39
tozenxjdesx: if u r noob so what 4 you trying to crack wifi?06:39
xjdesxi have no access to router06:39
wiggmpkdr_willis: it was for me06:39
xjdesxthey wont give me password, and believe me i'm really good w/ comps w windows06:39
dr_willisso on a clean new instgall.. the 'sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng' should just work06:39
xjdesxi know how to bypass stuff, get login info, etc06:40
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tgunrxjdesx: go get a bottle of wine, settle down and study the subject06:40
xjdesxhow do i do a clean install? how do i remove everything related to aircrack06:40
xjdesxtgunr, I'm going to. The problem is, I think my linux is messed up. It's not on a disc, i'm using VMware and i just feel like it wasnt properly installed06:41
dr_willisxjdesx:   when you first install - the universe repo should be  enabled and those commands  should just work.. whatever tutorials you  have followed  may havce broken things.. we  dont kno w what they did06:41
tgunrxjdesx: askubuntu.com, google, stackoverflow all are at your siposal06:41
xjdesxi have repos installed06:41
dr_willisxjdesx:  perhaps a clean install to a new vmware session would be the  best place to  start06:41
wiggmpkxjdesx: and you realize what your doing is most probably illegal right?06:41
xjdesxit just all of a sudden wont let me  add new ones06:41
* tgunr is no longer interested06:41
xjdesxi'm not doing it to "hack" im doing it just to have access to my router that I pay for monthly06:42
dr_willisi suggest a cleannew install in a new vm session, then try the commands gaven.06:42
dr_willisthen come back with any error messages06:42
xjdesxim gonna re-install06:42
xjdesxthank u06:42
dr_willisand read the ubuntu  manual while you install06:42
dr_willis!manual | Xjs|moonshine06:42
ubottuXjs|moonshine: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:42
dr_willishe left06:42
FloodBot1dr_willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:42
dr_willisits amazeing the things people think they  need to  do.. must be  windows mindset.06:43
tgunreighth day wonder if you ask me dr06:43
wiggmpkI don't get how cracking a wifi password would give him access to forward ports06:43
dr_williswiggmpk:  me either. ;)06:43
dr_willisof course.. aircrack has been ported to other os's i  imagine  also..06:43
dr_willisim still not sure how aircrack in a vm gets info from the wireless network..06:44
AdemanI'm trying to get a USB wifi adapter working because my internal is dead... I have the hardware switch OFF, because having it on causes some sort of short and my laptop hard powers off... However because of that network manager thinks that the USB wifi dongle should be disabled as well! How do I beat that thing into line?06:44
tozendr_willis: what i know isairkack-ng doesnt works properly under win os06:44
tgunrwiggmpk: i don't have my notes on the subject but if WPA/WPA2 can be cracked I'm sure the gates of hell would be opened06:44
wiggmpktozen: probably because Windows drivers wont support packet injection06:45
wiggmpktgunr: quick google search can give you more than a few links on the subject06:45
wiggmpktgunr: I've never personally accomplished it.. only exploiting WPS bugs06:45
VivekanandaHey everyone. Just starting the net upgrade to lucid. It is telling me that it can take a couple of hours!! Also can I choose to install lubntu right now rather than unity for 12.0406:47
Vivekanandaupgrade to precise pangolin sorry06:47
Ademanalso rfkill doesn't report the USB wifi device as being blocked (hard or soft)06:48
the_dark_knightHi, I am using "vim -O file1 file2" functionality to open two files into a single vim window instance. I wanted to scroll both the files simultaneously. I searched it on internet and foud ":set scrollbind and :set noscrollbind" to enable and disable it. But this doesn't work. Why? please help.06:48
Vivekanandadr_willis: I got back on and things are working ok after the shrink. NOw trying the upgrade06:48
Ademanthe_dark_knight: you'll have way better luck in #vim06:48
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Ademanthe_dark_knight: I think that's specific enough of a question there's little hope of getting help here06:49
Ademanwhy do you want to scroll them simultaneously though? are you comparing them?06:49
Ademancause there's :diffthis if you are06:49
VivekanandaShould I start the upgrade ?? I am waiting for someone to comment before I do06:49
VivekanandaAdeman: any comments ?? dr_willis still around ??06:50
rtp4i have problem with connecting to a web service (soap) on the network from ubuntu, its working on a windows os06:50
rtp4any idea why is that happening ?06:51
AdemanVivekananda: the only way I can think of is to remove ubuntu-desktop meta-package and install in its place lubuntu-desktop, then do the upgrade. But I would recommend keeping a fairly "standard" software loadout for upgrades...06:51
Ademanrtp4: if networking is working, there's no reason why a soap request would be different, what's the service?06:52
the_dark_knightAdeman: How do I undo :diffthis06:52
Ademanrtp4: and what error are you getting, how are you accessing the service? etc etc06:53
VivekanandaAdeman: Then I proceed with it and later change things. :) I also want to clean up the system as it is taking 10 gigs now whearas it started with 4 ~5. Any ways to accomplish that?? Also I would like to try libreoffice. will that automatically replace oo that I have here ?06:53
rtp4am able to reach the host from my browser and the soap request is working when i try from soapui06:53
rtp4am getting timeout06:53
rtp4i think06:53
rtp4since its taking long and then giving me an error06:53
rtp4the problem is with php soap call06:53
rtp4but am sure the php is correct because its working on my co-worker06:54
rtp4which uses windows os06:54
AdemanVivekananda: I believe that ubuntu-desktop in precise should include libreoffice so it should be installed06:54
dominic_rtp4 how are connecting to the host? by ip address? or domain?06:54
dominic_how are you*06:55
=== ThatOneGuy is now known as Guest60916
son_hey guys do I need a bind server for the mail server?06:55
AdemanVivekananda: sudo apt-get autoremove # this will remove unneeded packages, I don't know how much space that will reclaim for you though06:55
rtp4by ip06:55
robotnuthi all06:55
the_dark_knightAdeman: How do I undo :diffthis ?06:55
Ademanson_: I don't believe so but you need an MX record somewhere06:55
son_I already have a MX record06:55
VivekanandaAdeman: already tried and not much help :(. But is okay. Am upgrading now06:56
dr_willisVivekananda:  im not even sure what you  are doing. ;)06:56
son_but I always get an error saying status=bounced06:56
rtp4so dominic any idea why is this happenening ?06:56
Ademanthe_dark_knight: :diffoff06:56
Ademanthe_dark_knight: I didn't remember, I just went to :h diffthis   and it was below06:56
Vivekanandadr_willis : lol  ok . I had less space on my root partition so I created more by shrinking the one right next to it which was the  / home. Now with enough space on root I am starting the upgrade to precise06:57
dominic_hmm seems like this is not a networking issue rtp4..your calling it from php right? hmm can you please somehow tell us what is the error message?06:57
Ademanrtp4: are the computers on the same network? You'll need the exact error to correctly diagnose this06:57
son_Ademan will you help me?06:57
Ademanson_: sorry, I don't have an answer06:58
rtp4yes they are on the same network06:58
Ademanson_: what's the body of the rejection email?06:58
Ademanson_: paste it at pastebin.ca or something06:58
rtp4when i use nusoap i get this error "HTTP Error: Unsupported HTTP response status 303 See Other (soapclient->response has contents of the response)"06:59
son_ok wait06:59
linda666hi... im having problems with my laptop's network driver. my laptop is lenovo G480. im using ubuntu 12.04. i have already followed this: http://pastebin.com/L8QhmJRn but still im facing problems, and i cant connect using cable. and sometimes my laptop hangs which based on logs i guess is caused by netwwork.06:59
=== patrick is now known as Guest33925
Vivekanandadr_willis: My stance now ?? any clearer :)07:00
Ademanrtp4: 303 is a redirect, what service is this?07:00
dr_williswell i got some real work to do... bbl07:01
son_Ademan here it its http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=hbcKLsfi07:01
rtp4Ademan, what do you mean what service is this ?07:02
the_dark_knightAdeman: thanks07:02
Ademanson_: hrm, that's odd. You put in placeholders for user@yahoo.com etc right?07:03
Ademanrtp4: what service are you accessing?07:03
son_do you have any idea what my error is?07:03
son_I already contacted godaddy for that issue07:03
son_but still no reply07:03
Ademanson_: it sort of sounds like a whitelist issue. google smtp 553 though, that's all I'm doing07:04
Ademanthe_dark_knight: np07:04
rtp4Ademan, am trying to call a method  ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14997805/php-soapclient-timeout-ubuntu )07:04
Ademanrtp4: right, what service are you calling the method on? Is this custom?07:05
rtp4Ademan, the webservice is custom, its java web service07:05
rtp4Ademan, but the client is php07:06
Ademanrtp4: does the client run on your computer, or is it on another server?07:07
rtp4Ademan, the client is on my pc and the webservice is on the network07:08
rtp4the webservice in on another pc on the network07:09
Ademanrtp4: you said it's written in php, do you have a web server running on your PC for it?07:09
maman_#update repository07:10
maman_help me07:10
Ademanmaman_: what is your question?07:10
rtp4Ademan, yeah i  have apache2 running07:12
cfhowlettmaman_, Miss Cleo has the day off.  Please ask your question so we know what you want help with.07:12
maman_how to install theme on ubuntu07:12
maman_how to install theme on ubuntu07:12
Ademancfhowlett: had no idea she used ubuntu!07:12
=== silver is now known as Guest66114
cfhowlettmaman_, use Ubuntu Software Center to install themes07:13
maman_oh ,,07:13
Ademanrtp4: can you put some logging code in the php to find out the exact error?07:14
maman_install VGA Sis07:14
maman_install VGA Sis07:14
rtp4Ademan, what should i log ?07:14
robotnutanyone have a simple named.conf how to walkthrough for bind 9.8.1 - btw already tried the bind channel07:15
maman_ademan_ I am not too fluent in English07:16
maman_ademan_ I am not too fluent in English07:16
Ademanmaman_: what language?07:16
Ademan!indonesia | maman_07:16
ubottumaman_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:16
stuck_I am having a weird problem, I can't seem to connect to IRC with either xchat or smuxi. On a whim, I tried connecting via a web client, and was able to get in07:17
Ademanstuck_: freenode is now requiring SASL for certain IP address ranges, that bit me the other day07:18
Ademanthat might be what's going on?07:18
stuck_Please translate that french into english07:18
stuck_What should I do?07:19
stuck_How do I modify my irc clients so they can do this SASL thing?07:19
MatthewL!info iptables07:20
ubottuiptables (source: iptables): administration tools for packet filtering and NAT. In component main, is standard. Version 1.4.12-2ubuntu2.1 (quantal), package size 357 kB, installed size 1224 kB07:20
Ademanstuck_: first, what happens when you try to connect to freenode?07:20
=== silver is now known as Guest58500
maman_help me07:21
maman_help me07:21
stuck_It keeps on searching servers, trying different ports and stuff07:21
stuck_Odd thing, it  seems that when I am connected via this web client, I was then able to connect via my installed clients07:22
maman_tolong saya07:22
maman_tolong saya07:22
Ademan!indonesia | maman_07:22
ubottumaman_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:22
stuck_Why would being logged in via a web client allow me to log in via installed clients, when i have tried countless times before without webclient unsuccessfully07:23
cfhowlettstuck_, just for fun: install the xchat addon to firefox and see if you can get it that way...07:24
stuck_I was unable to find xchat in addons via the addon search function, it found other irc clients, but not that one07:25
cfhowlettstuck_, sorry.  chatzilla is there07:25
cfhowlettstuck_, as is a freenode irc client07:26
stuck_Ok, I will install chatzilla07:26
stuck_hmm, the download seems stuck, the progress bar hasn't budged a inch07:29
cfhowlettstuck_, patience07:29
stuck_You mean even though the progress bar is completely empty, it could be fine?07:29
cfhowlettstuck_, look around and see if there's an approval tab or pop-up requiring your input ...07:30
cfhowlettSaiPhen, greetings07:30
cfhowlettmaman_, hmmm?07:30
maman_your name07:30
SaiPhencfhowlett, how are you?07:31
stuck_minimed windows and brought em back, and nothing on task bar,07:31
cfhowlettstuck_, are you at school or work?  someplace where policies may be blocking your access?07:31
cfhowlettSaiPhen, good.  what's your ubuntu question?07:31
stuck_no, home, private ISP07:31
pishkurquestion, i have the login disabled upon booting into ubuntu...after a minute or so of being "in" the system, I get a popup saying my login keyring didnt get unlocked or something...what's that all about?07:32
SaiPhendont' have one... was just saying hi to everyone07:32
cfhowlettstuck_, restart FF and failing that reboot ubuntu then run apt-get updates07:32
xiambaxUbuntu needs to get into the hardware game, now.07:32
xiambaxMicrosoft is in!07:32
xiambaxI want to head the department!07:33
stuck_cfhowlett, restart ff for getting chatzilla?07:33
maman_hi ,, help me07:33
maman_hi ,, help me07:33
cfhowlettstuck_, yes.07:34
maman_malas ah07:34
cfhowlettxiambax, please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic so we can keep the support channel ... supportive07:34
aeon-ltdxiambax: i'm not sure how rich shuttleworth is, but i don't think they can just copy google and sell devices at near loss/no profit07:34
maman_ok sip07:35
pishkurcfhowlett, any ideas?07:36
cfhowlettpishkur, over my head.  osrry.07:36
stuck_cfhowlett is installing chatzilla that useful for determing why my regular installed clients are having issues? BTW, I shut down Xchat and smuxi when they were connected, then restarted xchat and tried connecting again, and its doing it again07:36
stuck_Endless "* Connection failed. Error: Network is unreachable  Cycling to next server in FreeNode..."07:37
stuck_But somehow connecting here, allowed me to connect there07:37
stuck_but it was apparently the act of connecting, not being connected.07:38
cfhowlettstuck_, on the theory that xchat was blocked as an app or that xchats defaults ports were blocked, i suggested chatzilla to see if a non-web based irc client could connect ... if so, you've got a setting somewhere in your system blocking access.  Ports?  I don't know.07:38
stuck_I have lots of windows up with firefox, how can I restart it and keep those windows?07:39
stuck_without restarting my PC07:39
cfhowlettstuck_, save the open tabs07:39
cfhowlettstuck_, bookmark all tabs07:39
stuck_AS a session? Any way to avoid that?07:39
=== andrew is now known as Guest44741
stuck_I mean just to have it restart in the same way as when I restart my PC?07:40
cfhowlettstuck_, to retain the tabs you currently have open in FF?  You've got to save them somehow ...07:42
cfhowlettstuck_, or am I misunderconstruing what you're saying07:42
linda666hi... im having problems with my laptop's network driver. my laptop is lenovo G480. im using ubuntu 12.04. i have already followed this: http://pastebin.com/L8QhmJRn but still im facing problems, and i cant connect using cable. and sometimes my laptop hangs which based on logs i guess is caused by netwwork.07:42
stuck_When I restart my PC, all my current tabs autoreload when I start FF, is there a way to get that without reloading my PC?07:43
cristian_cI can't browse from pc to my android device via bluetooth07:43
cristian_cI've found 'Browse Files on Device'07:44
stuck_cfhowlett: get what I mean?07:44
dr_williscristian_c: using  the vaious wifi stuff on android would be much faster then bluetooth07:44
cristian_cbut I get an error07:44
dr_willislike airdroid or the ssh or samba servers07:45
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cristian_cdr_willis, I'm not looking for speed07:46
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cfhowlettstuck_, so you want certain tabs to pop-up in FF ... it's in FF settings07:46
stuck_cfhowlett: BTW, when it cycles to next server to try its the IP that changes, not the port07:47
stuck_cfhowlett: No, I want my current tabs to pop up07:47
cristian_cdr_willis, I'm searching a local adn simple connection between two bluetooth devices07:48
cfhowlettstuck_, FF preferences Startup When FF starts show my windows and tabs from last time07:50
makarai want LibreOffice to break a word over the line without hyphenation. Possible? (There's noone in #libreoffice today)07:50
leaf______Hello, running 12.04, need to know the default permissions on the passwd and shadow files, thanks07:50
cfhowlettmakara, probably.  Check LO settings & preferences07:50
makaracfhowlett, done. Nothing to report.07:51
stuck_cfhowlett: Already set to that, but how can I restart FF without clicking the little x in the corner?07:52
stuck_since I have multiple FF windows07:52
cfhowlettstuck_, set preferences to open new TABS not new WINDOWS07:53
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
stuck_cfhowlett: I want multiple FF windows, I got 3 of them with multiple tabs within. So how can I restart firefox without restarting my PC?07:54
iteryou can kill the process and then relaunch stuck07:54
iterff should restore your tabs/windows07:54
cfhowlettstuck_, you 've got multiple instances of FF running.  quick kill is to run a terminal: killall firefox07:54
dr_willisis each window an instance? ive never noticed07:55
iterI think not acutally07:55
iterI seem to only have one firefox process on the work pc07:56
stuck_cfhowlett: only way? OK, brb07:56
cfhowlettI ran another FF and now have 2 processes07:56
stuck_cfhowlett: BTW, chatzilla finally switched to saying "error downloading" do you still want me to restart FF to try to install it?07:57
cfhowlettstuck_, I'm inclined to say that so long as you have IRC, even if web based, smile and move on ...07:57
dr_willisand get a better irc client...  ;-)07:58
iteryep time to upgrade to irssi07:58
stuck_cfhowlett: Seems a second try installing chatzilla worked, no restart necessary, I want to use my installed clients anyway, so if you would please help me figure out what is going on here07:58
cfhowlettdr_willis, weird error.  Xchat wouldn't connect but web-based IRC would ...07:58
stuck_cfhowlett: restarting FF to finalize chatzilla instal07:59
dr_willishmm odd.07:59
cfhowlettstuck_, ok07:59
torkildr_thiago: Sharing the git index between OS's is asking for trouble.08:00
stuck_I missed the last thing you said08:01
stuck_I have chatzilla installed, now how do I use it?08:02
cfhowlettstuck_, join freenode network then join #ubuntu08:02
stuck_I meant how, but I figured it out08:04
stuck2Ok, chatzilla works08:04
stuck2Got any better idea about why the regular installed clients aren't working?08:04
=== rosenzweig_ is now known as Rosenzweig
RosenzweigIs there an easy way to restart the default touchpad driver on ubuntu?08:07
RosenzweigIt's spazzing out.08:07
RosenzweigI can't highlight anything, I can't maximize windows with a double click.08:07
RosenzweigIt's acting funky.08:08
RosenzweigI can't click and drag.08:08
stuck2cfhowlett:   Ok, chatzilla works Got any better idea about why the regular installed clients aren't working?08:08
cfhowlettstuck2, gotta be a setting issue is my theory.  Others have suggested you use a different IRC client.  Look in software center and see if you find one you like.  If same error/behavior comes up, it's either YOUR settings or a connection setting/block/error with your router I would guess08:08
stuck2cfhowlett: I am having trouble with two different IRC clients, xchat, and smuxi, I did mention this before08:09
stuck2cfhowlett: should I install a third? If so what?08:09
itertry this first stuck208:10
iteropen a terminal and run 'telnet irc.freenode.com 6667'08:10
cfhowlettiter, doesn't connect for me ... it's going down a list of ip's now08:12
iteryou get a response though08:13
iterwe're seeing if he's firewalled off or what08:13
stuck2iter: "Trying" I assume it will eventually go down the list of ips08:13
stuck2I don't have any firewalls installed08:13
stuck2Still  "Trying"08:14
iterwell you didn't get a response08:14
iterso something is preventing that connection08:14
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stuck2OK, so how do I check what?08:14
iteryou should see trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx08:14
iterconnected to chat.freenode.net08:14
cfhowlettiter, same thing here.  My FW are defaulted and unconfigured ...08:14
stuck2iter: Saying something is preventing that connection, without giving me a means to find out what, isn't particularly useful08:15
iterwell, that really makes me want to continue to help you out there stuck!08:16
stuck2iter: I am sorry that offended you somehow, I did not mean to offend or see how it could offend.08:16
iterall your other network connectivity works as far as you can tell right?08:16
stuck2iter: well I have had connectivity problem to a specific flash game server08:17
stuck2but only with that one game, but its a real head scratcher why08:17
iterwho is your isp08:18
stuck2Wait, they go by a new name, i forget it08:19
=== Mike is now known as Guest80045
stuck2iter: ?08:20
iterwondering if they are blocking outbound irc traffic08:21
stuck2iter: And browser & plugin clients wouldn't be effected by such a block?08:21
stuck2fyi "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable"08:23
itertry telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl08:23
iterthat's default port 2308:23
nearsthi ppl08:24
stuck2iter: Trying , so no different08:26
iterwhy do you have that IP for towel.blinkenlights.nl08:27
iterI get
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iterwhich dns server are you using08:27
itercat /etc/resolv.conf08:28
zalmoxesany ops in here?08:30
aeon-ltdzalmoxes: let's pretend i am; why?08:31
stuck2iter: What do you mean by cat?08:31
aeon-ltdstuck2: it's a command that can read and merge files08:32
iterit will show the contents of that file08:32
Oblivion1500can anyone help me set up ssh so i can access it via my public ip?08:32
dr_williscat /etc/motd08:32
zalmoxesaeon-ltd: i'm curious about the floodbots. i've been experiencing some difficulties with spam and wanted to know if it's something i could run on my own08:32
iterzalmoxes: you can run eggdrop no problem08:33
iterit's got plenty of anti-flood options08:33
stuck2iter: domain domain.actdsltmpsearch domain.actdsltmpnameserver
iterlet's change your DNS to for now08:34
itercomment out or delete those namserver lines and change one to
TakeItEZOblivion1500: install openssh-server, create a dyndns account for your host, then configure portforwarding in your router (if you have one) and connect from WAN to your dnydns-hostname08:35
stuck2iter: How?08:35
Oblivion1500TakeItEZ: can you allow pm's real quick08:36
TakeItEZOblivion1500: no08:36
Oblivion1500then that08:36
angsI copied a file from my usb stick, I want to install a deb file by dpkg -i but it outputs dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system I cannot do chmo or chmod u+x to the file, it says read-only filed08:37
angshow can I install that file?08:37
TakeItEZOblivion1500: and i don't watch images on my phones irc-client08:37
TakeItEZ!details | Oblivion150008:37
ubottuOblivion1500: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:37
Oblivion1500http://imgur.com/DLQGjQg is my details08:37
Oblivion1500it has everything you need to know08:38
stuck2iter: I found the file in question, but how do I make it so I can make changes/give it PW permission, and what exactly should I put as a line, just
dr_willisangs: you are booted normally or in recovery mode!08:38
Oblivion1500i need to access my server from the public08:38
aeon-ltdTakeItEZ: it's a picture of a notepad with internal ips, and some netgear configuration pages08:38
angsdr_willis: I am powered the device normally and loged in as usual08:38
Oblivion1500and a command prompt with information08:39
iterstuck2: 'sudo sed -i 's/'08:39
iterstuck2: sudo sed -i 's/' /etc/resolv.conf08:39
Oblivion1500theres just too much information that your going to need for me to just say it here08:39
dr_willisangs:  so  the cmmand  'touch testfile' works?08:39
itersorry, left the filename off there08:39
angsdr_willis, touch: cannot touch `testfile': Read-only file system08:40
Oblivion1500i have been working on this for days and gathered a lot of information i just cant seem to figure it out...08:40
angsdoes it mean I am on recovery mode?08:40
stuck2iter: OK done, now try xchat?08:40
angsis it possible to figure out why I am there08:40
iternow try nslookup towel.blinkenlights.nl08:41
dr_willisangs: i dont know how you booted the system.. you tell us08:41
keplerOblivion1500: change the port to some high port, send 5022 to 22 -- your ISP might block it08:41
aeon-ltdfor security reasons too08:42
angsdr_willis: it is an embedded board, I have not define the ubot, I just used the pre-defined ones.08:42
TakeItEZsecurity by obscurity. changing ssh-port reduces logs but won't really increase scurity08:43
dr_willisangs: well its mounted read only for sme reason.  you can use the remount option of mount. or just try rebooting08:43
stuck2iter: It told me "Non-authoritative answer:  Name:towel.blinkenlights.nl Address:
Oblivion1500TakeItEZ: ok im running ubuntu server LTS, im trying to connect to ssh via public ip, i get econnrefused     and all the information that is going to be needed lies here http://i.imgur.com/DLQGjQg.png08:43
iterstuck2: ok much better08:43
Oblivion1500i will change when i get it working but for now this will work08:43
iterstuck2: now try telnet irc.freenode.com 666708:43
Oblivion1500and i taked to my isp and port 22 is not blocked08:44
TakeItEZOblivion1500: you try to connect your external IP from inside LAN? has your router nat-loopback enabled?08:44
keplerdid you restart your router since you enabled port forwarding?08:44
Oblivion1500no im accessing from my phone08:45
belgianguyhi, is there a way to make grub reindex its list?08:45
Oblivion1500for testing08:45
belgianguylike it does after upgrading the OS08:45
Oblivion1500witch is not on my network08:45
belgianguy(looking for new partitions and OS'es)08:45
TakeItEZOblivion1500: is that one of these amazon ec2...?08:46
Oblivion1500arris modem provided by isp and netgear n600 router08:46
iterOblivion1500: why do you have two subnets? why not just have router as and server as
Oblivion1500i have a modem and a router08:47
keplerlooks like he is daisy chaining08:47
kepleris it a DSL modem?08:47
cfhowlettbelgianguy, sudo update-grub08:47
Oblivion1500were talking brighthouse lightning08:48
stuck2iter:  Looking up your hostname...  Checking Ident   Found your hostname  No Ident response ERROR :Closing Link: (Connection timed out)08:48
iterstuck2: very good, now try xchat or whatever you prefer08:48
keplerwhat IP is your router assigned?08:48
belgianguycfhowlett: d'oh, thanks :)08:48
cfhowlettbelgianguy, no worries big guy08:48
Oblivion1500and i dont want to bridge my modem because i need the wireless on the modem to be working08:49
Oblivion1500that information is in the picture08:49
kepleri dont think you're going to get SSH working then08:49
iterOblivion1500: I would venture to guess your router has no idea how to get to 192.168.1.x net08:49
aeon-ltdhello hello08:50
cfhowlettaeon-ltd, echo08:50
Oblivion1500kepler why do you say that?08:50
kepleryou're operating on two different subnets08:50
kepler192.168.0.0/24 can't talk to (unless you do some static routing or something in your router)08:51
stuck2iter: So what was the problem in the end?08:51
Oblivion1500well what if i hardwire my server to my modem with a switch?08:51
keplerdo you have two wireless access points?08:51
iterstuck2: so xchat is working now?08:51
SerenE_SparKHow to define udev rule to run a sh script when a usb is plugged in?08:51
Oblivion1500static routing, like port forwarding?08:51
kepleryou can do that, if your server is getting an IP in the block08:51
angsdr_willis, I had an issue with /etc/fstab the kernel and rootfs are on an sd card. and /etc/fstab uses http://paste.ubuntu.com/1705196/ I had fschk error (error code ), then someone told me to replace "/dev/sda2" with "/" on /etc/fstab ... but when I boot the device with a usb device plugged, it was not able to mount mmcblkp2 (where the rootfs installed). do you know how I should edit that file?08:51
keplerno, i dont know if your modem would support static routes08:52
linda666hi... im having problems with my laptop's network driver. my laptop is lenovo G480. im using ubuntu 12.04. i have already followed this: http://pastebin.com/L8QhmJRn but still im facing problems, and i cant connect using cable. and sometimes my laptop hangs which based on logs i guess is caused by netwwork.08:52
* jdesx hey i reinstalled ubuntu...i have ubuntu 12.10..where can i find a list of good Repos to install?08:52
Oblivion1500i have 3 2 comming from the router because the 5gz08:52
cfhowlettjdesx, software center08:52
jdesxwhere do i find the repos tho?08:53
keplereasiest is to do one gateway total. you can use your n600 as an AP/switch08:53
jdesxthe actual URLS to input08:53
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keplerturn off DHCP in the n600, and plug the modem into a non-wan port08:53
cfhowlett!ppa|jdesx, you seem to be talking about NON-standard repos AKA.  Good luck with that.08:53
ubottujdesx, you seem to be talking about NON-standard repos AKA.  Good luck with that.: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:53
keplerset the n600's IP to something like, so you can log in if you need to08:54
keplerthen set your server IP to whatever, as long as it is 192.168.0.x08:54
stuck2iter:  yes08:55
kepleryou'll retain all wireless features, but you won't be daisy chaining routers. you'll just let the modem be the DHCP server/default gateway08:55
makaraeverytime I update and upgrade there's some Flash update. How can I turn off updates for Flash, or at least make them only update occasionally?08:55
iterstuck2: you are welcome08:55
ubottuiter,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:56
jdesxcan someone help me install aircrack? i need to get into my router and test security08:56
cfhowlett!aircrack|jdesx, nope.  not supported here.08:56
Goranek:) :) test your routers sercurity? hahaha08:56
stuck2iter: I planned to say TY btw, but I still had one last question, what was the problem?08:56
Goranekoh cmon just check if its WPA2, and WPS disabled you're safe08:56
cfhowlettjdesx, see aircrack support for support08:56
jdesxmy neighbor said they hacked my network08:56
iterstuck2, your dns was messed up08:57
cfhowlettjdesx, it is not supported here.08:57
Goranekjdesx: create a new WPA2 passphrase, and disable WPS..it's crutial to disable WPS..all new routers have it08:57
TakeItEZjdesx: change wpa-passphrase then and be happy08:57
stuck2iter: Is that why you asked what ISP I had? To find out the right DNS relay IP or something?08:57
jdesxi dont know my password lol08:58
TakeItEZjdesx: then ask your neighbour08:58
iterstuck2: nope I wanted to know if your ISP was blocking outbound traffic to port 666708:58
stuck2jdesx: Put a fork in you, your done :p08:58
cfhowlettTakeItEZ, LOL!08:58
cfhowlettjdesx, nice try.08:58
stuck2iter: why replace my internal IP with this number in that file?08:59
jdesxno, lol im actually serious08:59
jdesxhard reset wont change pw09:00
cfhowlettjdesx, and seriously aircrack, backtrack and other such are - not-supported-here.09:00
Goranekdude it will reset to a default09:00
Goranekand then google for a default password09:00
iterstuck2: because you got some wack ass IP result for towel.blinkenlights.nl09:00
stuck2iter: I don't follow, but in the end its working now, TY!09:00
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* bbiao hello09:05
truepurpleI created a partition and formated it, but how come it isn't letting me put files in it?09:05
truepurpleUsed gparted partition editor09:06
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aeon-ltdtruepurple: is it mounted?09:06
truepurpleaeon-ltd, It says it is09:06
ShehrazadSay, I have version 1.1 of something09:06
ShehrazadAnd along came 1.2 and one day later 1.309:06
truepurpleaeon-ltd, there is a unmount option09:07
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ShehrazadWhat happens if I update directly to 1.3?09:07
ShehrazadDo I need to update to 1.2 first?09:07
Shehrazadapt-get resolves this kind of update business, right?09:08
funchhdmi work on ubuntu livecd ?09:08
funchamd/ati gfx laptop09:09
rkidgive it a try and find out most probably09:09
truepurpleaeon-ltd,  So any idea then?09:09
TakeItEZtruepurple: what filesystem? use chown/chmod to adjust permissions09:11
TakeItEZ!permissions | truepurple09:11
ubottutruepurple: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions09:11
truepurpleext 409:12
truepurplebut I tried several others too09:12
TakeItEZtruepurple: does the new partition only hold your users data or wht do you want to use it for?09:12
truepurpleIt doesn't hold anything, its for storage09:13
truepurplewell once I can put something in it09:13
TakeItEZtruepurple: for only one user ?09:13
bbiaoCan I change my username in Ubuntu?09:13
TakeItEZtruepurple: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /mountpoint                replace mountpoint by the real mountpiont09:13
truepurpleIs that last part with replace part fo the command?09:14
TakeItEZtruepurple: no a comment09:14
rkidmy 10,1 macbook does not work with the logitech unify thing. I have to unplug it and plug it back in. I read about the logitech bug, when I write modprobe -r hid_logitech_dj modprobe hid_logitech_dj  it does nothing and ontop of that is disables my trackpad... It is a long shot but anyone else know what I can do09:15
truepurpleTakeItEZ, Even if that works, isn't there a way to do it in gparted or other less complicated methods?09:15
TakeItEZtruepurple: i don't know09:15
truepurplereplace user with my username?09:15
truepurpleOr literally USER?09:16
truepurplechown: cannot access `/mountpoint': No such file or directory09:16
TakeItEZtruepurple: its a var holding your username09:16
TakeItEZtruepurple: ... where is the new partition mounted?09:16
truepurpleWhat do you mean, where?09:17
TakeItEZtruepurple:what mountpoint, what directory? then: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /ThatDirectory09:18
truepurplethe thing at the beginning in gparted?09:18
TakeItEZtruepurple: leafe gparted, run "mount|grep sda3"  if sda3 is the new partition09:18
KorbitIs it safe to use DD to make a backup of / while mounted, or should I use a livecd to do that?09:19
TakeItEZKorbit: better to use a live-cd09:19
Korbit@TakeItEZ That's what I though. Thanks09:19
truepurpleTakeItEZ,  /dev/sda3 on /media/32610eef-29fb-44ef-9078-c91a2e1d20dc type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)09:20
TakeItEZtruepurple:sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/32610eef-29fb-44ef-9078-c91a2e1d20dc09:20
truepurpleTakeItEZ, Ok, I can put files in it now. But the thing is, right now I am just trying to test a few things, I need a less complicated method of making these partitions work09:21
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LinaSovereignHey !09:23
truepurpleSo, can you help please?09:24
* jdesx Hey I just installed ubuntu 12.10 and everything finally works with it...what are some cool programs to download?09:24
truepurpleTakeItEZ, ?09:26
truepurpleCan anyone help me with how to make a partition open to use from the start, or at least with a few easy measures, rather then needing complicated commands?09:29
dr_willistruepurple: you add an entry if the fstab to mount it.. yiu mean?09:30
dr_willisor yoy just want it open in rhe file manager?09:30
truepurpledr_willis, I am not sure what you mean. But when I make a partition with gparted, format it and mount it, I can't put files in it, TakeItEZ gave me a set of long commands that allowed me to use it, but I am experimenting with partitions and need something simpler to make them accessible09:31
dr_willistruepurple: what filestatem did you use?09:32
TakeItEZtruepurple: it just one command you have to issue09:32
truepurpledr_willis, I was told to type "mount|grep sda3" then "sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/32610eef-29fb-44ef-9078-c91a2e1d20dc"09:32
truepurpledr_willis, that long string in the second command was from the results of the first09:33
TakeItEZtruepurple: ask the gparted dev to integrate userhandling in their tool09:33
dr_willistruepurple:  you mount it somewhere. then chown it to be owned by your user09:33
dr_willistruepurple:  so is it mounted now?09:34
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truepurpledr_willis, filestatem, you mean system? And yes, it is mounted09:34
dr_willismounted where09:34
truepurpledr_willis, I do not know09:34
truepurplemain area I guess?09:34
dr_willisuse the mount command and look...09:34
TakeItEZtruepurple:the actual mountpoint is /media/32610eef-29fb-44ef-9078-c91a2e1d20dc09:35
truepurplethat absurdly long string09:35
truepurpleI guess09:35
TakeItEZtruepurple: next time give a label to the partition you create09:35
TakeItEZtruepurple: without, it uses the UUID, hard to recall09:35
dr_willishave gparted give it a label.. and it will use that for a name.....09:35
dr_willisinstead of the uuid#09:36
dr_willisyou chown the mountpoint to be owned by yur user.. what is your user name yu want to access it?09:37
truepurpleSo I make, format, and mount the partition, then sudo chown -R $USER:$USER <label>?09:37
utfhello i have my scripts into ~/bin/bash, but then when i try to use a bash script writing the name09:37
utfit doesn't work09:37
utfwhere should i tell my system09:37
utfi want to include ~/bin/bash directory09:37
utfin the path09:37
dr_willistruepurple:  its allready formated you said.09:37
utfpermanently ?09:37
sexy_boy_21hey, could someone help me out with ubuntu-phone??09:38
StephBotI was going to do a dist-upgrade, and when the upgrade finished fetching, I left for a moment. After back, I found that there is nowhere for me to type the password to get into the desktop. Any way to bring me back to the desktop?09:38
dr_willisutf you have a bash directory in bin? thars weird09:38
truepurpledr_willis, yes, but I am speaking of future partitions I will make too, which of course will be formated and mounted. What is your point?09:38
andyeganhello and good morning to all.09:38
utfdr_willis, yes i keep the bin directory root for my compiled files09:38
utfand the bash directory for my hand-written scripts09:39
dr_willistruepurple:  chmod and chown after mounted.. cirrect09:39
truepurpledr_willis, Is it possible to give a partition a label after making it, changing it from the UUID thing?09:39
dr_willistruepurple: yes09:39
andyeganif there is anyone here that can help wit a problem as I am new to ubuntu09:39
truepurpledr_willis, how?09:39
dr_willistruepurple:  tune2fs09:39
histo!ask | andyegan09:40
ubottuandyegan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:40
dr_willisor gparted09:40
truepurpleandyegan, just tell us the problem, rather then asking if anyone is willing to help09:40
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histotruepurple: You can't change uuid09:41
truepurpledr_willis, How do I use gparted to change that?09:41
truepurplehisto, I think willis just said I could09:41
andyegani have come accross this error when tryin to use synpatic manager and it stops all trys to install software .it is the following bug..linux (3.2.0-38.61) precise-proposed; urgency=low09:41
andyegan  [Luis Henriques]09:41
andyegan  * Release Tracking Bug09:41
andyegan    - LP: #113004409:41
andyegan  [ Upstream Kernel Changes ]09:41
FloodBot1andyegan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1130044 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "linux: 3.2.0-38.61 -proposed tracker" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113004409:41
histotruepurple: tune2fs -L volumename /dev/blah09:41
truepurplehisto, Sorry, I don't understand09:42
histotruepurple: You can use tune2fs to assign a volume name to it.09:43
StephBotandyegan: to give us the website which contains the whole detail is enough. you don't need to paste them to here.09:43
truepurplehisto, Does that change its "location"?09:43
histotruepurple: ahh aparently you can change the uuid as well for the filesystem.09:43
andyeganthis is the problem i have encountered and it causes problems when i want to use the package managers to install software.this is the pastebin for it http://pastebin.com/WhgJCr7x09:44
histotruepurple: What do you want to do exactly??09:44
histoandyegan: Are you running some proposed updates?09:45
andyeganhisto:i was trying to run a simple apt-get update followed by upgrade09:45
truepurpleHisto Well dr_willis said that if I don't use a label, I have to use a long ass string command to do things like make the partition available for files. Would giving it a label after the fact be the same as giving it a label when it is made?09:45
lukicathi folks, did an update from 11.10 to 12.04 on a thinkpad t420s. now touchpad, graphics and network is not workung. any1 an idea what to do?09:46
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truepurplehisto, Also, I want to be able to make partitions, format and mount em, without having to run command strings to make them open for files as well09:46
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dr_willistruepurple:  you can change the label. it just may not be seen as changed untill you rebot. or theres some command i recall to make the kernel rescan the disks09:48
rewarplukicat: Try inputting the following into Grub yet? "quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor"09:48
histoI'm so confused.09:48
dr_willistruepurple:  and you can setup the fstab line to be like   label='labelname'  instead of 'uuid='#####'09:48
truepurpledr_willis, and is giving a unlabeled partition a label, the same as using that label from the start?09:50
dr_willistruepurple:  of course09:50
dr_willisthe label from the 'start' is ""  (null)09:50
dr_willissame as renameing a drive in windows basically.. the os really  dosent care.. it uses the uuid09:50
dr_willisand you CAN  change the uuid if you  wanted to with  tune2fs09:51
truepurpledr_willis, Ok, so exactly what command do I need to run after setting up the partition, to make it open for files? And is there a way/program that will allow me to make partitions already opened or openable without command lines?09:51
dr_willistruepurple:  you make it owned by the people/groups you want to have permission for it09:51
dr_willistruepurple:  same as you  would for a directory09:51
andyeganhisto:are you confused by my problem?09:51
dr_willisbut you change the modes AFTER its mounted09:51
dr_willisfind a gui tool to set the owner i guess.. i never looked for one.09:52
truepurpledr_willis, But none of that makes much sense to me. Of course its especially confusing since I am the one and only user, so when you talk about having it owned by other people or groups, its weird09:52
dr_willisnever noticed any options for mkfs or in gparted to set the owner either.09:52
dr_willisnever really looked.09:53
truepurpleHow about tune2fs?09:53
dr_willistruepurple:  there is NOT only ONE user.. the system has the root user. and your added user..09:53
dr_willisand other service type users09:53
truepurpleCan tune2fs set ownership?09:53
dr_willislinux is multi user from the beginning09:53
histodr_willis: why doesn't he just mount it to a different directory.09:53
TakeItEZhisto: thats not solving his problem09:54
dr_willistruepurple:  i doubt it.. since thats not its job.09:54
TakeItEZtruepurple: tune2fs cannot09:54
truepurplehisto, I just make and mount, I am not picking any directory when I do so, or know how09:54
histoI though he just doesn't want to use UUID09:54
dr_willistruepurple:  you set the label when it formats and it will use that as the mount directory09:54
dr_williswell gparted can set the label befor or after formating09:55
kerfAnyone else have their ubuntu not get passed GRUB?09:55
dr_willisformat, label . mount. chown.09:55
truepurpledr_willis, and if I change/add a label after formating, the mount directory changes to that?09:55
dr_willistruepurple:  the automounting serice uses the label when it first mounts the volume. next reboot.. it will use the new label. or if it gets unmounted/remounted it will use the new one.09:56
dr_willisthis does NOT apply  if you  have a fstab entry for the filesystem..09:56
andyegananyone can help with this problem please http://pastebin.com/WhgJCr7x09:57
dr_willisif this is a internal filesystem/drive. then you can just make a fstab entry to mount it whever you  want..09:57
dr_willisyou  can for external media as well.. but it can be quirky09:57
truepurpledr_willis, too technical for me to understand09:57
dr_willistruepurple:  time to read some guides then i guess09:58
dr_willissecurity basics.. the  location has to be owned by the user, or set to allow them to access it.09:58
truepurpledr_willis, Anyway so how do I set ownership again? That is what we are talking about here, right?09:58
dr_willisthe users home directory is owned by them.. as would any  external ext2/3/4 filesystems on other devices09:58
dr_willischown command sets ownership09:59
dr_willischmod sets modes09:59
dr_willisls -l   in your home and look at who owns your files..09:59
dr_willisit will be your username:username09:59
dr_willisor should be at least. ;)09:59
wiggmpkdr_willis: i thought its was username:groupname?10:00
dr_williswiggmpk:  and each user is also a member of a group the same as their username10:00
TakeItEZsince we use usergroups, its username=groupname10:00
wiggmpkdr_willis: right, was just making sure10:00
dr_willisi rarely do more advanced stuff with groups.10:00
truepurpledr_willis, The reason why I can't put files into newly created and mounted partitions is ownership hasn't been set yet, right?10:00
dr_willistruepurple:  you got it..10:01
dr_willissame reason your user cantg write to any other system directorys.. not owned by the user.10:01
dr_willispermissions Can allow more open access..  in that case10:01
truepurpledr_willis, And the only way to set that ownership is by a command line in terminal, that you know of, right?10:01
dr_willisthats why your user can 'read' from /bin/ and not write to it10:01
kerfMy ubuntu 12.04LTS is having trouble booting, it seems to be related to "gettext.sh" not being found, I think.  Does anyone know a cure for this?10:01
dr_willistruepurple:  ive never needed a gui  for it..  and it must  be done with  root rights for security reasons of course10:02
* jdesx what are the basic commands to enter into terminal to get sudo to work? etc10:02
dr_willissome of the file managers if ran as root mighjt be able to change owner.. but ive never reallyu looked. and  i dont reccomend  running  gui  file managers as root10:02
truepurpledr_willis, and how will this ownership setting thing work with a windows duel boot? Will I have any trouble accessing the new partition from windows?10:02
truepurpleObviously I wouldn't use ext410:03
dr_willistruepurple:  windows dosent read ext2/3/410:03
truepurpleI know10:03
TakeItEZtruepurple: windows won't even recognise your new partition10:03
dr_williswithoug special software10:03
dr_willistruepurple:  the owner/mode stuff doess NOT apply  to vfat or ntfs filesystems10:03
truepurpledr_willis, If I don't use ext2/3/4, I don't have to set ownership?10:03
dr_willisthose dont  have linux permissions or osnerships.10:03
dr_willisntfs/vfat are owned by options used when you mount them.10:04
TakeItEZtruepurple: you have to use mountoptions instead (uid, gid, umask) when using ntfs or vfat10:04
histo!mount | truepurple10:04
ubottutruepurple: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:04
dr_willisthe ntfs-config tool can set those where every  user has full access. or not..10:04
dr_willisother filesystems may or may  not need ownership. or mount options..10:05
histotruepurple: May I ask how you are currenlty mounting this filesystem you created?10:05
dr_willislinux supports a huge # of filesystems10:05
TakeItEZsomeone should correct the mount-factoid. one mounts filesystems not necessarily partitions10:06
truepurplehisto, trying now, but mounting ntfs seems more complicated10:07
histotruepurple: mount /dev/sdx /mountpoint10:07
histotruepurple: replace sdx with the location of the ntfs partition. The default behavior is to moutn rw That's why I'm really confused here.10:08
truepurplehisto why isn't the right click mount thing working with ntfs?10:08
histotruepurple: How exactly were you even trying to write to it before if you don't even know how to mount it?10:08
lukicathi folks, did an update from 11.10 to 12.04 on a thinkpad t420s. now touchpad, graphics and network is not workung. any1 an idea what to do?10:08
truepurplehisto, I am not trying to write to it yet, first I need to figure out why I can't mount it10:09
dr_willisits would be  sdx#   normally10:09
dr_willistruepurple:  so this is a ntfs now you are trying to access?10:09
truepurplehisto, previous partition was ext4, now I am experimenting with ntfs. But first I need to know why nothing happens when I right click it and choose "mount"10:09
TakeItEZ 10:48 < rewarp> lukicat: Try inputting the following into Grub yet? "quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux10:10
TakeItEZ                 acpi_backlight=vendor"10:10
truepurpledr_willis, this is a ntfs I am trying to mount10:10
histotruepurple: In nautilus you just click on a filesystem to mount it. Are you getting any sort of error?10:10
truepurplehisto, nope, just nothing happens10:10
histotruepurple: Can you please open a terminal. and lsblk10:10
dr_willistruepurple:  if the ntfs for some reason has been marked 'unmounted uncleanly' or other wise in a bad condition. it may refuse to auto mount it. You could still try to mount it by the command line   ntfs-3g command10:11
histotruepurple: get the /dev/sdx# location for the ntfs partition.  Then mkdir /tmp/test && sudo mount /dev/sdx# /tmp/test10:11
dr_willisim not sure if nautilus gives any errors if it fails for that reason10:11
truepurplehisto, dr_willis never mind, it was because gparted was open. Gparted is a bit of a pain that way that I have to keep closing it down to do anything with its new drives10:11
* histo there is a reason I don't use NTFS10:11
dr_willisfor ntfs you  would use   sudo ntfs-3g  /dev/sdX#   /media/MakeaDiretoryFirst10:12
Night_ElfHello all. I am trying to configure a printer, Xerox WorkCentre 5645, which should do acounting and needs accounting user id and group id. It is not working and the printer gives out a page with "The job was deleted due to invalid accounting IDs". By googling, I see that many people have the same problem. So then, is there a working PPD for this printer which we can use?10:12
histotruepurple: That's actually a feature10:12
dr_williswith extra options as needed10:12
truepurplehisto, How is it a good thing? Is there a way to disable this feature?10:12
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dr_willisone mans bug is another mans feature10:12
dr_willisyou  dont  format or resize or work on Mounted filesystems10:12
histotruepurple: No you shouldn't be editing partitions and filesystems with mounted drives10:12
dr_willisi think you can change the label  on a mounted fs..  but not much else10:13
truepurpleI wouldn't10:13
histoTakeItEZ: I know most people don't even understand the difference probably how the factoid got that way.10:13
truepurpleBut having to open and close gparted, and enter my PW every time is a real pain10:14
histotruepurple: Why do you keep opening gparted?10:14
dr_willisi tend to use gparted like once a month. ;)10:14
truepurplehisto, Because I am experimenting with partitions10:14
dr_willistruepurple:  thats the cost of experimenting10:14
histotruepurple: No way around it10:14
histoI don't use gparted10:15
dr_williswell no secure/safe way around it..10:15
truepurpleIf I delete a partition with data on it, is there a simply way to resurrect that partition with its data?10:15
dr_willissecurity should always be kept in mind.. system  seurity. system safety10:15
nyuszika7hhi, I've installed Kubuntu 12.10 using Wubi and when I boot it, I get this error:10:16
dr_willistruepurple:   theres some commands yes.. and if you really know what you  are doing they  may even work. ;)10:16
dr_willis!info testdisk10:16
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 516 kB, installed size 1201 kB10:16
dr_willisif you are really good.. you will never need to use the tools.10:16
truepurpleand if your a ignorant novice, is it like playing with fire or something?10:16
dr_willistruepurple:  a good way to play with partions and filesystmes is in a vbox install. that way you cant accidently  hurt anything10:17
nyuszika7h[Loop-mounted file systems already present] The selected partition (partition 1 of /var/lib/partman/devices/=dev=sda) already contains the following filesystem images: /ubuntu/disks/root.disk - Please uninstall these before trying again.10:17
dr_willisnyuszika7h:  you have used wubi befor?10:17
truepurpledr_willis, how can I hurt anything if no crucial data is on the partitions I make, modify, and destroy?10:17
dr_willistruepurple:  you tell us.. we dont know whats on your systems.10:18
histotruepurple: When you acidentally repartition a drive you didn't mean to.10:18
dr_willistruepurple:  dont accidently  format your windows partition..10:18
* dr_willis looks around and wonders who else has done this.....10:18
histotruepurple: mistakes happen all the time. Why I get paid good for data recovery.10:18
* dr_willis raises hand10:18
truepurpleis this vbox just as easy/complicated to use as normal gparted etc?10:19
nyuszika7hI did try to shrink the NTFS partition from an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS live CD (that's the only thing I have, live USBs fail with "EDD: Error X reading sector Y"), but ntfsresize complained about missing clusters. Windows XP still boots fine.10:19
dr_willistruepurple:  also  pay  attention to the actual drives/partions.. a extrrernal drive may be sdc one time.. and sdb the next time..10:19
histotruepurple: a slip up during a dd command or a rm could really create nightmares for you as well.10:19
histotruepurple: You could create a guest and boot the gparted live cd and partition to your hearts content.10:19
histoatleast until you hit 4 primaries.10:20
dr_willisnyuszika7h:  it sounds like your windows drive may  be in a somewhat confused state. it may be worth  scannng it  for errors10:20
truepurpledr_willis, When does this sdc/sdb thing come into effect?10:20
nyuszika7hdr_willis: chkdsk?10:20
histooh boy10:20
dr_willistruepurple:  it can depend on the order you plug them in.. or can happen at other times.. so dont realy  on  a usb you plug in to be sdb all the time...10:20
truepurplewhat kind of thing are you doing when that might come into play?10:20
histotruepurple: partitioning or mounting10:21
dr_willisnyuszika7h:  you  may want to ask in #windows about the best way to verify the windows files/disk10:21
histotruepurple: Take a look at the device names in gparted /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc... Those are different disks10:21
TakeItEZtruepurple: 1st drive in system = /dev/sda, 2nd drive /dev/sdb, 3rd drive /dev/sdc ....10:21
* dr_willis has like 6 extternal usb hds... 10:21
truepurpleBut the label won't change randomly, right?10:21
dr_willisthey can all be in differnt orders at each boot.10:21
dr_willislabel is part of the filesystem. dosent change10:21
truepurpleSo if I pay attention to the label... I will know, right?10:22
dr_willissame for the uuid10:22
nyuszika7hI'll try  chkdsk /F /R C:  and  sfc /scannow10:22
histodr_willis: What are you talking about changing at boot?10:22
truepurpleRight, so if the label never changes, why should I care about sda/sdb/sdc?10:22
dr_willishisto:  i have so many usb hds and some are faster/slower then others.. so sdh one time  may  be sdk the next..10:22
* dr_willis has a LOT of usb ports10:22
histodr_willis: It's based on addresses they shouldn't be changing.10:22
Ben64usb drives could change at boot10:23
Night_ElfHello all. I am trying to configure a printer, Xerox WorkCentre 5645, which should do acounting and needs accounting user id and group id. It is not working and the printer gives out a page with "The job was deleted due to invalid accounting IDs". By googling, I see that many people have the same problem. So then, is there a working PPD for this printer which we can use?10:23
z3rongodSwedish ubuntu channel = ?10:23
dr_willishisto:  assuming i havent moved themn.. and  i got the  power strips powered up in the  same order...10:23
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!10:23
dr_willisive seen some pcs that make whatever HD they boot from be sda... then the rest fall in line..10:23
dr_willisthat really really  had me confused for a while10:24
TakeItEZthats why we use UUIDs or labels10:24
TakeItEZs-ata hotplug etc. you never can be sure that /dev/sdb always will be sdb10:24
truepurpleWell I can tell which device it is by its size10:25
histotruepurple: Just use UUID10:25
truepurplehisto, you mean label?10:25
nyuszika7hno, UUID10:25
nyuszika7hlabel works if you don't change it10:25
histouniversal unique identifier10:25
nyuszika7hbut the UUID never changes afaik10:25
histonyuszika7h: you can change the UUID10:25
dr_willisi bought 2 identical external USB  hds once.. they even had the same UUID10:25
nyuszika7hyou can?10:26
dr_willisthat really really  confused things..10:26
nyuszika7hdr_willis: by default? nice coincidence10:26
Ben64ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/10:26
dr_willisyou can change the UUID yes.. and it can change10:26
truepurplenyuszika7h, yeah, so if I never change the label, then what is the problem with depending on the label?10:26
dr_willisresizeing, and other things10:26
dr_willisnyuszika7h:  i think they all had the same uuid... just how they were made10:26
Ben64i like setting my own uuid10:26
nyuszika7hnothing, I guess, but if you reformat it, the label will be lost/changed10:26
histonyuszika7h: tune2fs -U random /some/device/foo10:26
Ben64lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Feb  6 18:57 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000064 -> ../../sdc210:26
dr_willisuuid=000-000-000-000-0001  ;)10:26
TakeItEZnyuszika7h: so will the UUID10:27
ikonialabels are depreciated10:27
TakeItEZikonia: why?10:27
ikoniaTakeItEZ: they are unreliable in the event of file system corruption10:27
histoBecause some no talent clown decides were all going to suffer with this new BS label UUID10:27
ikoniahisto: UUID is a good concept but a failure for home computing, it it will improve as it matures10:28
histoJust like the people that can't handle nic device naming changing because they can't figure out which mac is which. So now new systemd naming is all jacked up.10:28
TakeItEZikonia: the UUID has the same problem when fs is corupted10:29
ikoniahisto: as it matures, it will become dependable10:29
ikoniaTakeItEZ: no, it doesn't10:29
wormA bad thing happened when I was trying to upgrade the dist: my gdm sucked and I can't get back to the desktop. Now all I can see is just a gnome3-style volume setting button and an accessibility setting button. No user password box is shown. What can I do?10:29
* dr_willis hides from systemd ;)10:29
dr_willisthat will be such a confuseing time when it gets here..10:29
truepurpledr_willis, is messing around with partitions in vbox work just like outside of vbox?10:30
histoikonia: Really then explain how specifying a UUID won't get corrupted but specifying a label will?10:30
LaykeI'm trying to get my microphone working.. where I would I do this?10:30
dr_willistruepurple:  it should.10:30
histotruepurple: yes you can even partition a file10:30
lewikHow to redirect all *.local to
ikoniahisto: it's where it's written/how it's generated10:30
dr_willistruepurple:  you can have severla hds in vbox. and parition/clone/format all you want10:30
histoikonia: Both would be stored with the filesystem if the user changes it.10:31
dr_willistruepurple:  virtual hard drives are fun.  ;)10:31
ikoniahisto: no, it's basically a checksum/md5 of the disk that's written to the blkid.tab10:31
ikoniahisto: corruption dosn't change that so it will still match10:31
ikoniahisto: that bring different problems with it though.....10:32
Dave89every fucken virtual machine i try ubuntu on10:32
Dave89it gives this msg10:32
Dave89This virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.10:32
TakeItEZikonia: the only difference is, that lables aren't necessarily unique. the effect of a corrupted fs would be the same. blkid.tab also contains labels10:32
FloodBot1Dave89: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
ikoniaDave89: that language isn't acceptable10:32
Dave89im sick of this shit10:32
Ben64well that solved itself10:33
ikoniaTakeItEZ: not sure I agree with that,10:33
dr_willisand here i was typing an answer.. ;P10:33
truepurpleSo how would I use test disk to recover a deleted partition? And is there a chance of data corruption if you delete then recover a partition, assuming you don't do anything with partitioning between the two?10:33
dr_willistruepurple:  theres always a chance10:34
histoikonia: They are both part of the filesystem I don't understand how you think corruption is not an issue.10:34
ikoniatruepurple: testdisks effectivness depends on a lot of things,10:34
dr_willistruepurple:  you could set up a vbox linux  install and try it.10:34
truepurpleEven if nothing is done between them?10:34
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truepurpleikonia, like?10:34
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ikoniatruepurple: changes on the file system, which can be as small as an atime change, the physical device, the inode distribution, etc etc10:35
ChrisReillyHello gentlemen, anyone help me with a dpkg configuration error?10:35
truepurpleikonia changes in the FS outside of the deleted partition?10:35
TakeItEZikonia: i'm not saying, i'm true (you're wrong). i just don't see the difference10:36
TakeItEZChrisReilly: just state your issue10:36
ChrisReillydpkg --configure -a > mkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/shm': File exists10:37
ChrisReillyHappened after I upgraded 12.04 > 12.1010:37
vandemarHow long does it take for a bugfix like this to hit the main repos (released a week ago for Quantal, but the fixed version is still not in Precise)?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iptables/+bug/98296110:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 982961 in iptables (Ubuntu Precise) ""RATEEST" and "statistic" modules are broken " [Medium,Fix committed]10:38
histotruepurple: No has nothing to do with data outside of the FS10:38
histotruepurple: You should run your own experiments and learn. Try recovering some deleted files.10:38
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truepurpleIs there good alternatives to test disk?10:40
LaykeI'm not sure where I can manage my audio and recording devices?10:40
ikoniatruepurple: have you actually lost data ?10:40
LaykeI want to set up my microphone? Where would I do this?10:40
wormI had just made a mistake: I forgot to check the battery status before running dist-upgrade. My laptop had just powered off and restarted. What can I do to resume the upgrade?10:41
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wormThat is a distribution upgrade (from 12.10 to 13.04 alpha). Is dpkg --reconfigure -a going to solve the problem?10:42
wormdpkg --configure -a10:42
truepurpleikonia I have before, but this is more for learning the ins and outs of it for the future10:42
TakeItEZ!ringtail | worm10:42
ubottuworm: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:42
ikoniatruepurple: the tools you use and techniques will very much depend on what's happened, rather than a generic process10:42
truepurpleikonia, Let's say you simply delete the partition, then turn around and bring it back, much chance of data corruption then?10:43
wormOK, fine... so I need to wait for several months to get that problem solved...10:43
ikoniatruepurple: have you done that ?10:43
lukicat[11:10:04] <TakeItEZ> no change10:43
yabesdThis virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.10:43
lukicatfyi, foudn a solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/+bug/90260310:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 902603 in taglib (Ubuntu Precise) "When installing Multi-Arch: same (meta-)package for two architectures, dpkg considers one arch as completely disappeared" [High,Fix released]10:44
yabesdwhat is this problem ?10:44
histo!undelete | truepurple here read this10:44
ubottutruepurple here read this: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel10:44
yabesdi have a high spec pc,and it isnt working10:44
histoyabesd: Processor doesn't support it10:44
yabesddoesnt i7 support it ?10:44
truepurpleHisto, that is for deleted files, not deleted partitions10:44
truepurpleAnd what FS is best for recovering lost data on?10:45
histotruepurple: Not it's not please read the first link10:45
histoyabesd: You have to look at your cpu flags to see.10:45
ikoniatruepurple: there really isn't a "best"10:45
TakeItEZi doubt there will be a 32bit-only i7 out there10:45
yabesdProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz10:46
yabesdwhat are cpu flags ?10:46
TakeItEZyabesd: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo10:46
truepurpleWhat it is talking about with ext 3, does that apply to ext 4 too?10:46
yabesdwhat ?10:46
ikoniayabesd: it won't be your CPU, it will be the virtualization software you are running10:46
yabesdwhat do you recommend ?10:46
ikoniatruepurple: ext4 is an evolution of ext310:46
ikoniayabesd: what are you using ?10:46
yabesdi tried virtual box10:47
vnc786i have shared a folder thru samba with 777 but when i am mounting on other ubuntu machine it give me this error http://pastebin.com/FkQgD8Yi10:47
yabesddidnt work10:47
truepurpleikonia, I figured, so do those same issues exist on ext4, or has it evolved out of them?10:47
ikoniayabesd: virtualbox supports 64bit machines, no prboem10:47
ikoniatruepurple: what issues ?10:47
yabesdi tried vm workstation10:47
yabesddidnt work10:47
ikoniayabesd: I suspect it is your config that doesn't work, as both of them support 64bit fine10:47
ikoniayabesd: is your host system running 64bit ?10:47
vnc786well  i m able to browse from xp clients...and there is already a samba share mounted10:47
histoyabesd: egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo10:48
yabesdlet me check10:48
truepurpleikonia, it says with ext3, you can't undelete files. Is that true of ext4 too?10:48
ikoniatruepurple: should be the same10:48
yabesd64 bit10:48
yabesdhisto whats that ?10:48
yabesdwhere do i get it form ?10:49
yabesdi need help10:49
yabesdim sick of this10:49
wormI have a question about flashplugin-installer: Why I can finish fetching the file manually by using wget in 2 minutes, and the application needs more than one hour?10:50
ikoniayabesd: please show me the output of "uname -a" from your HOST system10:50
yabesdi got a new pc for this stuff and it turns out that they dont work10:50
ikoniayabesd: they do work, stop complaining.10:50
HackuinHello all :]10:50
yabesdwhats uname -a10:50
yabesdhow do i get it10:50
an0nym0u8hey ! Can i set up a vpn connection on ubuntu?10:50
ikoniayabesd: a command you need to put in the terminal10:50
yabesddude im runing windoes10:51
ikoniayabesd: please open the terminal on your HOST system, not the VM, and type uname -a - then past the output into this channel10:51
ikoniayabesd: right.....so why are you in #ubuntu then ?10:51
ikoniayabesd: try ##windows10:51
HackuinNeed little help over here, I have few video files, of .avs format, could able to play in media player, but, the video is like fast forward. is there any avs player dedicated to ubuntu?10:51
yabesdim having a problem runnung ubuntu on a vm10:51
TakeItEZyabesd: what error10:51
Touhou11Hackuin: VLC is a good versatile media player10:52
ikoniayabesd: the problem is the host settings not providing the guest hardware correctly10:52
HackuinTouhou11: VLC couldn't play these files...10:52
yabesdThis virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.10:52
truepurpleCan one store a hard drive in freezing weather, and have it be alright, as long as it isn't operating while cold?10:52
ikoniayabesd: it is possible,10:52
TakeItEZyabesd: what error you get?10:52
yabesdand how can i fi it ?10:52
Ben64thats not an ubuntu error though10:52
yabesdThis virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.10:52
Ben64so i don't see how we could help with that10:52
TakeItEZyabesd: what error you get?10:52
ikoniayabesd: you'll need to talk tot he windows guys to configure your guest hardware correctly10:52
truepurplenever mind that question10:53
ikoniatruepurple: try ##hardware, that's not really an ubuntu issue10:53
yabesdTakeItEZ: you trolling mate >10:53
meiwesI am trying to install firefox 19 on ubuntu 8.04 and i get this error XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /opt/firefox/libxpcom.so:10:53
meiweslibxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:53
meiwesCouldn't load XPCOM.10:53
Ben64dude. upgrade10:53
meiwesNot an option10:53
Ben64upgrading is always an option10:53
Touhou11meiwes: What model toaster is this./10:53
vandemaryabesd: what kind of machine is it?  dell?10:53
meiwesvandemar:yea,its a  dell10:54
rurufufussis it possible to "cache" a particular directory into the ram?10:54
histomeiwes: Why is it not an optino?10:54
historurufufuss: You can mount stuff to tmpfs10:54
meiweshisto: I use it for some other things that would cost me if i upgraded,long story.10:54
ikoniahisto: can you do that with a bind to a physical directoy, so it's actually on the disk, but held in ram for access ?10:55
rurufufusshisto: so, for example, mounting a whole minecraft folder to tmpfs?10:55
swaikarritz, hey10:55
Ben64meiwes: desktop support for 8.04 ended in 2011, its not good to use anymore10:55
Ben64meiwes: furthermore, we can't support it10:55
histoikonia: Haven't tried that. hrm.....10:55
meiwesBen64: we... explain10:55
Ben64we = this channel10:55
historurufufuss: Why are you trying to do this?10:55
historurufufuss: is IO your problem?10:55
rurufufusshisto: trying to speed up compilation10:56
ChrisReillydpkg can't configure packages, gets stuck on first package initscripts. mkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/shm': File exists10:56
ChrisReillyany help?10:56
rurufufusslots of files to compile, and access to disk is pretty slow10:56
meiwesBen64:Okay.I thought installing ff on /opt/firefox would be easy10:56
historurufufuss: Really how long could minecraft possibly take to compile?10:56
rurufufussit also doesn't help that it's linking to .o files from everywhere, and not to mention the -l10:56
Ben64meiwes: not on a 5 year old install10:56
rurufufusshisto: minecraft was juts an example, it's for something else I'm developing10:56
Ben64meiwes: upgrade10:56
meiwesBen64:I wish there was a way i could upgrade firefox only.10:57
meiwesBen64:besides,i hate the latest version of ubuntu10:57
Ben64just upgrade the system. you've been missing security updates for almost 2 years10:57
Ben64you don't have to use unity10:58
vandemarand you might already have malware10:58
ejv8.04, oh my lucky stars... :)10:58
meiwesWHY MUST I UPGRADE????/10:58
histoikonia: I don't think you can. It's not a block device.10:59
dr_willisbecause you want newer stuff.....10:59
Ben64because you're running a 5 year old version of ubuntu!10:59
Ben64from 2008, there have been two more LTS versions since then!10:59
cnfhi, is there a guide somewhere on how to build .deb packages for kernel modules?10:59
historurufufuss: well tmpfs would not retain your files after reboot. So that option is outl10:59
ejvmeiwes: here's one reason you should upgrade:10:59
rurufufusshisto: yeah, hmm, oh well10:59
ikoniahisto: does bind have to be to a block device ?10:59
meiwesDoes this surprise anyone else?I want a new version of ubuntu,so what must i do,leave behind what has worked for me for 3 yrs + and install something i know nothing about.Its unfair.11:00
ikoniaI thought you could do it on directories too11:00
ikoniaI'm sure I have in the past11:00
Ben64ejv: i'm sure there are hundreds more reasons11:00
ejvyea but that's a major reason lol11:00
ikoniameiwes: you don't have to change anything11:00
TakeItEZthere is no need for  blockdevice11:00
Ben64meiwes: thats a silly mentality11:00
ikoniameiwes: you can use whatever version you want11:00
dr_willismeiwes:  people said same thing about windows 1.011:00
meiwesBen64:I meant a newer version of firefox11:01
Ben64why not just use a 486 with windows 3.1?11:01
ejvlet him use 8.04 if he/she wants to; we simply don't have to support him/her. ;)11:01
histoikonia: well if it's bind mounted would it cache automatically?11:01
ikoniahisto: I don't know without looking to be honest11:01
dr_willisyou are usng the windows 95 of ubuntu..   ;-)11:01
ejvno, the windows 95 of buntu was 6.0611:02
meiwesdr_willis:if it works,why upgrade11:02
Ben648.04 was great... before 201011:02
vandemarmeiwes: because it's not supported, which means bugs and security problems11:02
meiwesI could just upgrade firefox to newer firefox,problem solved,but that's not possible.11:02
dr_willismeiwes:  one word.... security11:02
Touhou11meiwes: If you want an OS which is supported for much longer, you should try Windows to be honest. You can still get the latest software for XP which released 11 years ago11:02
Ben64meiwes: no, that would not solve your problems11:02
ikoniameiwes: when canonical drops a distro's support, it gets no updates11:02
vandemarmeiwes: do you want your bank accounts hijacked?  email hijacked?  do you want your computer to be part of some botnet?11:03
Ben64Touhou11: theres a lot of stuff that is windows 7/8 only now11:03
meiwesvandemar:Nope,that would be scary.11:03
ikoniameiwes: so you have choices a.) upgrade ubuntu to a supported version b.) stay with the last versions canonical support c.) build and maintain your own software on 8.0411:03
ikoniameiwes: you need to pick one of those options.11:03
ejvok meiwes knows what he must do; let's not fall any further down this rabbit hole...11:03
ChrisReillyGuys, guys, help me fix dpkg11:03
ChrisReillyit's getting stuck on initscripts after an update11:04
histoI'm running 5.04 here11:04
Ben64i'm on redhat 7, its the best11:04
ChrisReillyerror is this: Setting up initscripts (2.88dsf-13.10ubuntu11.1) ...11:04
ChrisReillymkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/shm': File exists11:04
ejv!pastebin | ChrisReilly11:04
ubottuChrisReilly: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:04
ikoniaChrisReilly: what version of ubuntu are you running11:04
histoAnd my server is 4.1011:04
ikoniaChrisReilly: and you upgraded from what version ?11:05
ikoniaChrisReilly: ok, did the upgrade complete sucessfuly11:05
n0-clu-0bhi all11:05
ChrisReillyIt was a little bit... shakey11:05
ChrisReillyI got the same errors11:05
TakeItEZhisto:some people do stupid things :)11:05
ikoniaChrisReilly: could you expand on that please11:05
ChrisReillyikonia: dpkg complained at the end of the upgrade11:05
ikoniaChrisReilly: it's imporatnat to know the state of your machine11:06
histoI actually still have a 4.10 CD laying around. Was going through some old stuff.11:06
ChrisReillyikonia: the same error, failed on initscripts, then (as it was a dependency) the remaining 8 or so packages failed11:06
n0-clu-0bcan anybody help me with  vmware tools install11:07
histo!anyone | n0-clu-0b11:07
ubottun0-clu-0b: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:07
ejvyea, i've never, ever trusted ubuntu's upgrade tool; i prefer the time-tested burn disk / fresh install pathway to englightenment.11:07
TakeItEZhisto: i also have my slackware2-cd from 94, just no hardware/vm to install it on.11:07
ChrisReillyejv: would have done so, but the box is a VM in a datacentre11:08
ejva VM? should be easy then to wipe it out if need be11:08
n0-clu-0bpoint taken. lot to learn first time in irc11:08
silv3r_m00nhow can apt-get be used to search for a package in the installed packages only ?11:08
ChrisReillyejv: relatively so, but it's a little bit of a headache: the staff there don't get back to you very quickly11:09
TakeItEZsilv3r_m00n: dpkg -l '*pattern*'11:09
histosilv3r_m00n: dpkg -l | grep  patter11:09
ejvsilv3r_m00n: man dpkg11:09
n0-clu-0bdoes anybody know how to install vmware tools11:09
ChrisReillyejv: so if they don't pull off an image, I'll have to do it myself11:09
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware11:10
silv3r_m00nTakeItEZ: can't be done with apt-get or aptitude ?11:10
TakeItEZsilv3r_m00n: aptitude should do, apt-get... i doubt11:10
histosilv3r_m00n: can you kill a fly with a sledge hammer?11:10
silv3r_m00nTakeItEZ: aptitude search firefox shows all packages that are named firefox, I want only the installed ones, preferably without doing a grep11:10
Ben64then use dpkg...?11:11
dr_willisgee soo picky11:11
TakeItEZsilv3r_m00n: you need switches, man aptitude (was it ~i?)11:11
ChrisReillyikonia: I've googled around for the problem, and I think it's marked as a bug. But why is the configure script trying to create a directory that already exists anyways?11:11
Night_ElfHello all. I am trying to configure a printer, Xerox WorkCentre 5645, which should do acounting and needs accounting user id and group id. It is not working and the printer gives out a page with "The job was deleted due to invalid accounting IDs". By googling, I see that many people have the same problem. So then, is there a working PPD for this printer which we can use?11:11
TakeItEZsilv3r_m00n: aptitude search '~i' firefox11:12
TakeItEZsilv3r_m00n: like that11:12
Ben64ChrisReilly: you should really pastebin some stuff11:12
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n0-clu-0bdoes anybody no how persistent one has to be to get one's question answered11:13
ejv!patience | n0-clu-0b11:13
ubottun0-clu-0b: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:13
ejvi love this bot11:13
truepurpleI put this drive on my system that is partitioned kind of funny, and it created all these .. I suppose you could call them "dummy drives" that are identical to partitions on the drive, except it says filesystem at the end, rather then files, and can't be accessed11:13
Ben64n0-clu-0b: vmware isn't supported here though11:13
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware11:14
truepurpleAnyone know what might be going on here?11:14
n0-clu-0blol am just dicovering this great resource. thanks all11:15
ChrisReillyikonia, Ben64: http://pastebin.com/RrAWSNG111:15
histotruepurple: can you paste a screen shot please or pastebin lsblk11:15
PhysicistHello.. When I locked or close my laptop, my kubuntu does not return, look like a bug.11:16
PhysicistAnybody can help me?11:16
vandemarwhich version of ubuntu?11:16
truepurplehisto oops messed up, the mirror partitions have the same name, but are unmountable11:16
truepurplesame name and size11:17
Ben64ChrisReilly: ls -ld /dev/shm11:17
ejvIf you think it's a bug, then check out the project's launchpad, and see if it's been entered; if not, open a new bug.11:17
ChrisReillyBen64: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Feb 19 18:11 /dev/shm -> /run/shm11:17
truepurpleand now they vanished when clicked on histo11:18
dr_willisbbl. driving home.11:18
=== jDes_ is now known as jDes
Physicistdr_willis: I have a problem and need that you help me with it!11:18
Physicistdr_willis: When I locked or close my laptop, my kubuntu does not return, look like a bug.11:19
ejvPhysicist: If you think it's a bug, then check out the project's launchpad, and see if it's been entered; if not, open a new bug.11:19
Ben64Physicist: everyone here is a volunteer, don't demand things of people11:19
ejvPhysicist: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting11:19
silv3r_m00nTakeItEZ: aptitude search '~ifirefox'       thanks11:20
Ben64ChrisReilly: ls -ld /run/shm11:20
truepurplehisto, except there is nothing to screenshot, the weird phantom drives just disappeared. And i don't know how to lsblk11:21
ChrisReillyBen64: ls: cannot access /run/shm: No such file or directory11:22
=== hp is now known as Guest91517
Meyer2436Hey guys11:23
Meyer2436Somebody hère?11:23
Ben64ChrisReilly: well thats not normal11:24
Ben64Meyer2436: 1787 people11:24
k1l!ask | Meyer243611:24
ubottuMeyer2436: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:24
Meyer2436Ok sorry ;p11:24
sjihsHi all, 'sudo apt-get install debootstrap' results in a 'defunct' dpkg process. Because of this I am unable to upgrade other packages.11:24
ChrisReillyBen64: Any ideas?11:24
Ben64ChrisReilly: could you pastebin both "ls -ld /run" and "df -h"11:24
sjihsi am using ubuntu 12.0411:25
tozensjihs: sudo apt-get -f install ??11:26
ChrisReillyBen64: http://pastebin.com/Q4eEJFMu11:26
tozensudo dpkg --configure -a ??11:26
sjihstozen: That again fails with a defunct dpkg process11:26
Ben64ChrisReilly: oh a vps?11:27
ChrisReillyBen64: I mentioned that, I'm sure. Sorry.11:27
Ben64ChrisReilly: you'll probably need to contact your provider then11:27
Ben64ChrisReilly: you probably did mention it, but lots of lines go by here, its easy to miss stuff11:28
tozensjinhh: pastebin the error please11:28
tozensjihs: pastebin the error please11:28
sjihstozen: ok11:28
ChrisReillyBen64: OK, thanks. I'll open up a ticket. I'll have them dump out the homedirs and install 12.10. Thanks again.11:29
Meyer2436I've a problème with driver install for NVIDIA GC ( i need to because ubuntu is too slow ) but every proprietary driver doesn't work properly ( fast but no bar no icon and a 1024*768 resolution ) i tried to install NVIDIA drivers directly from the website but to install the command with ./N does not work11:30
Meyer2436Thank you11:30
=== brandon is now known as Guest36011
k1lMeyer2436: which card do you have and why dont you try the nvidia-current (or the experimental) from the repo?11:33
Meyer2436GT520 but i triied a11:33
Meyer2436And this does not work*11:33
k1lyou are sure you have the headers installed and the modul is build and running?11:34
Meyer2436Before changing anything all works good but very slow11:35
Meyer2436Headers and modul???11:35
GeorgeJ_I've installed ubuntu on a ssd. I've got LVM setup, and a sepparate partition for /home.11:36
sjihstozen: http://pastie.org/631594211:36
GeorgeJ_I'm trying to run fstrim -v /, but I get fstrim: /: FITRIM ioctl failed: Operation not supported. When running it on /home. There is no such issue.11:36
sjihsthat is the error msg11:36
k1lMeyer2436: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current"11:36
GeorgeJ_There's only one virtual group, and it only has one physical partition in it.11:37
k1lMeyer2436: after that show the whole output in a pastebin please11:37
GeorgeJ_Why can I run fstrim on /home and not on /?11:37
sjihstozen: 3685 pts/6    00:00:00 dpkg-deb <defunct>11:37
Meyer2436I'm on my phone to talk11:37
k1lMeyer2436: keep the support in here, please11:38
Meyer2436No problem but is there irc on ubuntu at the start?11:39
ikoniaGeorgeJ_: are you getting an error ?11:39
ikoniaMeyer2436: "at the start" ?11:39
tozensjihs: gimme a min11:39
Meyer2436By default*11:39
sjihstozen: sure11:39
ikoniaMeyer2436: what do you mean ?11:39
GeorgeJ_ikonia: Yes, I am, I've said so earlier.11:39
ikoniaGeorgeJ_: I didn't see it so I can't help, sorry11:39
ikoniagood luck11:39
Meyer2436I have installed no a11:40
GeorgeJ_This is the error I'm getting: fstrim: /: FITRIM ioctl failed: Operation not supported11:40
Meyer2436Programs for now11:40
ikoniaGeorgeJ_: that looks like the file system will not support it11:40
utf(you fail)11:40
GeorgeJ_Both / and /home reside on the same LVM virtual group, which only has one physical partition in it(which is on te ssd).11:41
GeorgeJ_running fstrim on /home works just fine.11:41
GeorgeJ_Both are ext4, mounted with the same options11:41
Meyer2436k1l: finishing install11:42
Meyer2436So what do i do now11:44
k1lMeyer2436: ok, can you show the output in a pastebin?11:44
Meyer2436What does it mean? Copy all the terminal and paste it here?11:45
k1l!paste | Meyer243611:45
ubottuMeyer2436: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:45
GeorgeJ_I didn't have this issue on 13.04, so perhaps it might be a known bug.11:45
Meyer2436If i do not have IRC on my pc can i do it?11:46
tozensjihs: did u tried to reinstall it? sudo apt-get install --reinstall debootstrap11:46
k1lMeyer2436: you get a short link, that can you post over your phone here. or use empathy, xchat or irssi to start irc on that computer11:47
sjihstozen: That again results in a defunct dpkg-deb process11:47
cnfback to compiling kernel modules for other machines11:48
cnffailing miserably atm :/11:49
Meyer2436Used paste.ubuntu.com but an error occured.. ( sorry )11:49
tozensjihs: so what u can try to do is: sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status and find the block named debootstrap after you'll need to delete all info between <Package Name: debootstrap> till the next <Package Name:>11:50
sjihstozen: ok. I will try that now11:50
tozensjihs: then sudo apt-get -f install11:50
k1lMeyer2436: mark that text in the terminal, copy that into the pastbin site and clikc enter. show the new url here. (its like uploading a picture)11:54
Meyer2436I did it but does not work11:55
Meyer2436( an error occured )11:55
tozensjihs: i mean from <Package name: debootstrap> till next <Package name:>11:56
Meyer2436Hold on a sec11:56
cnfJewfro-Macabbi: why the hell are you pasting me random stuff in pm?11:56
=== Xiol_ is now known as Xiol
tozenvlad_starkov: otkuda ty, brat?11:57
tvwHi, can someone respond to this? I want to know how the notification works in unity, when someone responds to me.11:58
AlanBelltvw: this isn't the best channel to use for testing things, but here you go11:58
tozentvw: what really do u mean?11:59
tvwAlanBell: I know, but it worked.11:59
k1lMeyer2436: "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."11:59
cnfweird o,O11:59
k1lMeyer2436: that is the problem. you need the kernel headers installed12:00
Meyer2436What can i do?12:00
Meyer2436Please* ;)12:00
cnfdamnit, i don't get why my kernel modules won't run on any system it wasn't compiled on12:01
k1lMeyer2436: "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic"12:02
k1lMeyer2436: shot that output again in a pastebin12:02
tvwtozen: I am new to unity and wonder a bit, whether and how the notification works with konversation, since it does not display an icon in the tray like in the gnome desktop.12:02
Meyer2436Now i cannot because xserver crashed so i  restarted and now i have no interface exept my mouse and my wallpaper12:03
Meyer2436I managed to launch the terminal with ctrl alt t12:03
Meyer2436Install done but how could i launch firefox with the terminal to send you pastebin plz12:05
Touhou11Ubuntu Pastebin appears to be broken12:06
jpdsTouhou11: How so?12:06
sjihstozen: At my work place, we have a local repository for pkgs provided by my company. When executing 'sudo apt-get -f install', dpkg fails to configure these packages12:07
One-Man-Buckethello, after applying updates today my gnome-classic shell added unity12:07
One-Man-Bucketwhat's up with that, and how can i revert it?12:07
Touhou11jpds: When submitting the form, it gives an error and tells you to contact the admin, but doesn't give any email12:07
sjihstozen: I am sorry that I cannot paste the error msg, since it is against the work rules12:07
Meyer2436k1l: ?12:07
jpdsTouhou11: Interesting, checking.12:07
k1lMeyer2436: alt+f2 and type firefox12:08
leonardo_panino tirolese12:09
k1lMeyer2436: did it say it installed the kernel headers for your kernel? like 3.5.0-17 was your kernel i think12:09
sjihstozen: Do you have any other suggestions12:09
Meyer2436I see a 3.5.0-2512:10
Meyer2436setting linux-headers-3.5.0-25 etc...12:11
tozensjihs: sorry i've none12:11
sjihstozen: np. Thanks for your help12:11
k1lMeyer2436: ok what does "uname - a" tell you?12:11
k1lMeyer2436: that will name the kernel you are running. you need that kernel headers for that because with that kernel headers the nvidia driver can be build properly.12:11
cabeehi guys, having a problem with rxtx libs.used minicom but it failed. Then installed rxtx and the reader connects but seems to not open any serial port.any1 know what the problem coulb be?12:13
aarferhello, i just installed my OS, and i did this:  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa   then after, this:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings                  at this site:  http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-geforce-driver-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/12:13
sjihstozen: I got 'sudo apt-get -f install' to return normally (i.e. without error code)12:13
aarfernow when i just rebooted, my screen is black, but the mouse is there.... and can move around.12:14
tozensjihs: so?12:14
sjihstozen: should i just do 'apt-get upgrade' now?12:14
sjihsto get rid of the debootstrap issue12:14
tozensjihs: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:14
sjihstozen: ok12:15
an0nym0u8Hey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:15
k1lMeyer2436: ok. we do 2 commands now: the first one to make sure the kernel headers for that kernel get installed and the reinstall the nvidia driver to get build proberly. wait a sec12:16
tozensjihs: also don't forget to activate restricted and recommended updates ;)12:16
Meyer2436Thank you12:16
sjihstozen: ok12:16
an0nym0u8 /msg alis anon * -min3012:17
k1lMeyer2436: "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.5.0-17-generic" and after that12:17
One-Man-Bucketlatest automatic updates broke gnome-classic (now starts unity), how do i fix this?12:17
srinivashi i accidentally executed sudo apt-get remove python12:17
k1lMeyer2436: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current"12:17
srinivasso i tried to connect to wifi to get my packages reinstall..so i have executed sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "name" key "password"12:18
srinivasbut it is giving me errors saying that "SET failed on device wlan0;Invalid argument"12:19
Meyer2436k1l: Done12:20
srinivashi i accidentally executed sudo apt-get remove python, so i tried to connect to wifi to get my packages reinstall..so i have executed sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "name" key "password",but it is giving me errors saying that "SET failed on device wlan0;Invalid argument"12:20
k1lMeyer2436: take a look at the last command if it still says: "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."12:21
Meyer2436I don't see it at the finish12:21
ubuntuw1204is there an official ubuntu gnome distro?12:22
k1lMeyer2436: ok than make a reboot12:22
k1lubuntuw1204: if you mean "gubuntu" no official one so far12:22
PhysicistI am really trouble.. Again, whemn I close my laptop my system crash anb I have to restart to use..12:23
L3mceif I install a backported kernel image, can i leave the headers alone?12:23
L3mcemeaning keep the current headers version12:24
PhysicistI read the page of lanchpad, but, do not resolved.12:24
Meyer2436k1l: It seems to work faster thank you12:25
k1lMeyer2436: ok. it should load the nvidia driver now12:26
Meyer2436k1l: ?12:26
Meyer2436k1l: what do you mean , load itself or i should be able to install it?12:27
k1lMeyer2436: you have the right driver now12:27
NoorideenUnity > gnome3?12:27
Meyer2436k1l: ah ok thank you a lot12:27
Physicist_I found one thing.12:33
joeliohmm... cifs mounting in 12.04 is broken (has been working and is broken across my estate of dozens of machines)12:33
joelioI'm getting codepage errors12:33
joelioFefora mounts fine the same shares12:33
joelioso does windows, OSX12:33
joelioUbuntu is broken12:33
joelioI can successfully smbclient, but mount -t cifs ... broken12:34
Physicist_Bug #995013 - "xorg freeze"12:34
ubottubug 966744 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Quantal) "duplicate for #995013 [i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96674412:34
Physicist_ubottu: yes little robot!!12:35
ubottuPhysicist_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:35
max3is it possible to have different workspaces on different monitors on a dual monitor setup?12:37
max3are you sure?12:37
L3mcePhysicist_: I did not see your original issue... but that bug is particularly annoying for me.12:39
sjihstozen: Thanks a lot. It works fine now.12:41
L3mce!info i965-va-driver | Physicist_ I find this improves the performance of all intel for some reason, however is very unlikely to resolve that bug. I am not on your release.12:41
ubottuPhysicist_ I find this improves the performance of all intel for some reason, however is very unlikely to resolve that bug. I am not on your release.: i965-va-driver (source: intel-vaapi-driver): VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.17-1 (quantal), package size 141 kB, installed size 675 kB12:41
dbeI need a user to pastebin some data; is there a pastebin package that I can pipe data into and it'll output a URL?12:42
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:42
=== pybe_ is now known as pybe
dbeL3mce: Thank you.12:42
Physicist_L3mce: When I close my laptop, it crash.. It not configured to suspend - "do nothing" - Me too actually, is not my problem. I just saw!!12:43
Vulcanohey can anyone help me install and configure ZNC on Cygwin?12:44
Physicist_My system is not an Intel. APU AMD 3500 - Radeon 6620G - 64bit12:44
L3mceThat's... weird... lemme think... dont have coffee yet.12:44
L3mcesorry Physicist_ was just looking at your bug, which is related to the intel gpu stuffs... are you running fglrx?12:45
Physicist_L3mce: No. 13.2 Beta driver AMD.. I did a clean installation. All dependencies right.12:46
lotuspsychjePhysicist_:you could try a 'nomodeset' option to boot just to test out12:47
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L3mcePhysicist_: for the record that is fglrx. +1 lotuspsychje might also try no-acpi (let me check that is the correct verbiage)12:50
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | Physicist_12:51
ubottuPhysicist_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:51
Asad2005What is the channel name for ubuntu touch?12:52
DJonesAsad2005: #ubuntu-touch12:52
grizmaweAsad2005, for the phone? #ubuntu-phone12:52
DJonesAsad2005: You could also try #ubuntu-phone or #ubuntu-tablet12:52
Physicist_Thank you all. I will see and return to tell.12:53
lotuspsychjeubuntu tablet..exciting :p12:53
Physicist_I am in the school now. :-)12:53
Touhou11Whatever happened to Ubuntu TV? Vaporware?12:53
L3mcePhysicist_: acpi=off I believe is correct12:53
Physicist_L3mce: Ok. Got it.12:55
marcusravenI'm trying to setup encrypted home partition; I have the correct entry in /etc/crypttab, the correct entry in /etc/fstab, and have loaded "dm-mod" and "dm-crypt" in /etc/modules. However, during boot i'm not asked for my password, and /dev/mapper/linux-encr-home device is never created. I have to manually run "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda4 linux-encr-home" and then mount my home dir. So it only works when run manually after boot, not during boo12:57
marcusravent process...12:57
johnflux_L3mce: hi - sorry I saw you talking about the intel drivers12:57
marcusravenAlso, using 12.0412:57
johnflux_L3mce: I have the i915 chipset, and I get video screen corruption12:58
L3mceHi johnflux_ have you tried the driver mentioned there?13:01
L3mceit isnt really a driver13:01
eric_99I have ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, but when I try cat /etc/debian_version it gives me wheezy/sid... wheezy/sid is testing/unstable debian version... Why does it give me that?13:01
L3mceit is a compliment of sorts... however it makes everything happier... most especially what it was intended for... your chipset.13:01
DJoneseric_99: No idea why it does that, but I get the same on 12.1013:02
rurufufussso I just got an SSD drive installed. How do I mount it so I can access it without being root (so it's like a normal folder etc)?13:02
L3mcerurufufuss: mount requires root priv.13:03
L3mceaccess does not13:03
aarferhi. i just installed nvidia drivers. now i have a black screen and can't do anything useful.13:03
aarferthis sucks.13:03
OghamDoes anyone have the new Dell project sputnik ultrabook with ubuntu?13:03
L3mceaarfer: how did you install the drivers?13:03
rurufufussL3mce: so basically, I have to mount it to a local folder after logging in all the time?13:04
L3mce!anyone | Ogham13:04
ubottuOgham: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:04
lotuspsychjerurufufuss:ntfs or ext?13:04
rurufufusslotuspsychje: ext313:04
L3mcerurufufuss: you can put it in /etc/fstab13:04
aarferL3mce,  i added a ppa, and then did the sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings nvidia-current13:05
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:05
lotuspsychje!ask | Ogham13:05
ubottuOgham: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:05
OghamDell Project Sputnik Ultrabook - Please, want lspci output :)13:05
rurufufussL3mce: ah right, any visual fstab system tools or should I go command line?13:05
L3mceaarfer: lspci -nn | grep VGA13:05
alvesjnrhi all13:06
lotuspsychje!patience | aarfer13:06
aarferi have a geforce 6800.13:06
ubottuaarfer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:06
alvesjnrdo you know any tutorial/howto/cookbook to port quickly-created applications to run on Windows?13:06
L3mce!ssh | aarfer13:06
ubottuaarfer: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:06
johnflux_alvesjnr: written in which language?13:07
lotuspsychjeOgham: this is a support channel mate, if you just tell us what you want to ask?13:07
srhbalvesjnr: That depends so much on what kind of application and what it's written in.13:07
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Oghamlotuspsychje: I'd like to see the lspci output for the new Dell Ultrabook (developer edition with ubuntu)13:07
lotuspsychjeOgham:for what purpose13:07
aarferit's quicker to format it than to fail at fixing it.13:08
Oghamlotuspsychje: To get an idea of what hardware is onboard.13:08
alvesjnrjohnflux_: python13:08
L3mceaarfer: Not really. Try booting with the nomodeset option.13:08
lotuspsychje!offtopic | 0gham13:08
ubottu0gham: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:08
johnflux_alvesjnr: using which gui toolkit?13:08
OghamJesus Wept13:08
* Ogham eats a yellow mold13:08
L3mce!nomodeset | aarfer13:09
ubottuaarfer: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:09
alvesjnrsrhb: my app is windows compatible, my issue is with the GUI13:09
alvesjnrjohnflux_: gtk13:09
srhbalvesjnr: Some of the common Python GUI toolkits are completely portable.13:09
srhbWell, at least tkinter is :-)13:09
johnflux_alvesjnr: maybe then13:09
srhbalvesjnr: With PyGTK for Windows you should be all set.13:10
alvesjnrsrhb: I'll google it. Tks13:10
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=== register is now known as gugaua
medemanHey guys, I'm using an Acer Aspire One 756 11,6" Notebook with Ubuntu 12.10 64-Bit - and it's a bit weird13:13
lotuspsychjemedeman:what your issue13:13
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medemanSometimes everything runs "butter-smooth", but then sometimes the Unity animations freeze or look weird13:13
lotuspsychjemedeman:did you enabled network boot in BIOS?13:14
medemanI think it was activated by default, but I'm booting from HDD13:14
lotuspsychjemedeman: aspire one got win7 by default right, i had to enable network boot to not freeze ubuntu13:15
medemanI got it without OS, I think some CLI-only linux came pre-installed but I replaced that with Ubuntu 12.1013:16
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medemanIt's not freezing, it is just not running as smooth as it should sometimes, while other times it works very well13:16
lotuspsychjemedeman: i would try this option mate, see what it does13:17
medemanOkay I'll see what it does, brb13:17
lotuspsychjemedeman: my acer netbook works flawless now on 12.10 64bit13:17
medemanAnd, thank you13:17
capoderra1I saw a video on youtube of someone who showed all his ubuntu applications and he had "nvidia settings".  Why don't I have that?13:20
MonkeyDustcapoderra1  better start from the beginning, what have you tried before you came here... in one line13:21
medemanlotuspsychje, network boot is enabled13:21
ubuntuw1204how much data do i download if i use ubuntu minimal.iso13:21
capoderra1I tried click on "additional drivers" but it didn't list anything.  I have a nvidia geforce 310m13:22
lotuspsychjemedeman:cool mate, check this url http://askubuntu.com/questions/82724/aspire-one-freezing-due-to-network13:22
Physicistnomodeset did not work. Crash in the same way.13:23
ubuntuw1204and is there any rolling ubuntu distro?13:23
Physicistubuntuw1204: I believe not!13:24
lotuspsychjePhysicist:did you clean install or upgrade13:24
medemanlotuspsychje, it's not freezing completely - it never crashed actually - it just feels weird because sometimes the GUI is super-smooth and sometimes the animations are all like 5 FPS or so...13:24
capoderra1MonkeyDust, I tried to click on "additional drivers" but it didn't list anything.  I have a nvidia geforce 310m13:24
ubuntuw1204Physicist: how much data is dowloaded in ubuntu minimal cd install process>13:25
lotuspsychjemedeman: strange, i have no animation issues here13:25
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Physicistlotuspsychje: No. Clean install - Kubuntu 12.1013:26
ubuntuw1204which rolling distro should i use?13:26
medemanI mean I'm not expecting ultra performance from a netbook, but the GUI should run smooth at least - seeing that the Amazon ratings suggest that it runs butter-smooth with Windows 7 for example13:27
MonkeyDustcapoderra1  start here and repeat your question ever 10 minutes, until someone enters who can help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:27
Physicistubuntuw1204: 720mb more or less..13:27
Physicistubuntuw1204: look at Home Ubuntu official site.13:28
capoderra1MonkeyDust, thanks buddy13:28
PhysicistI come back later, I am a little busy... Thanks13:28
medemanlotuspsychje, I mean even some games run very well for a netbook - like Minecraft ~28FPS - and GUI shouldn't be as demanding as a game, right?13:28
lotuspsychjemedeman: i have no trouble on my netbook here, did you also clean install 12.10?13:29
ubuntuw1204Physicist: where exactly at home ubuntu?13:29
ubuntuw1204is there any alternate to ubuntu rolling distro?13:29
OerHeksubuntuw1204, ubuntu is NOT a rolling distro.13:30
elijahHow would I find out when Compiz is going to get pulled into 12.04?13:30
medemanOh now the software update doesn't work anymore: W:Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-updates/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:30
medeman, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:30
elijahCurrent is Compiz
ubuntuw1204OerHeks: I know , that is why i want to know any alternate stable ubuntu distro which is rolling?13:31
lotuspsychjemedeman: no i mean did you clean install 12.10 fresh or did you update from previous ubuntu version?13:31
OerHeksubuntuw1204, rolling ?13:32
MonkeyDustelijah  in 12.10 it's compiz ... so maybe if you used backports you'd get a newer version13:32
ubuntuw1204OerHeks: yes!13:32
OerHeksubuntuw1204, what do you mean with rolling ? ubuntu is not.13:32
medemanlotuspsychje, I installed Ubuntu 12.10 fresh from USB - I created a new partition table and then let the Ubuntu installer do the rest13:33
lotuspsychjemedeman:should run smooth, did your grafix card install proper driver?13:33
medemanlotuspsychje, I don't know, but as I said, many games perform pretty OK for a netbook so I think it was installed properly - but now that you ask, I remember that the Steam Big Picture Mode for example produced some graphical glitches like only showing half of the buttons - also Minecraft had flickering chunks very often13:35
lotuspsychjemedeman: check lspci for your grafix card plz13:35
medemanlotuspsychje, paste.ubuntu.com doesn't work for me "An error has occured"13:37
lotuspsychjemedeman: lshw -c video13:38
lotuspsychjemedeman: and check card brand and driver activated for it13:38
medemanlotuspsychje, oh okay...13:38
lotuspsychjemedeman: i got this: product: Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290]  driver=radeon13:40
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medemanlotuspsychje, well I think it's some Intel HD graphics13:41
medemanlotuspsychje, http://pastebin.com/QJzgRRkH13:41
lotuspsychjemedeman: not sure about intel graphics card issues on acer and ubuntu13:42
medemanlotuspsychje, hmm okay...33MHz seems a little slow to me, or is it without some multiplicator stuff?13:43
lotuspsychjemedeman: i915 drivers seems activated13:43
medemanlotuspsychje, and is that good?13:43
mskauNeed help: No screen output on newly installed 12.10 server (only virtual machine host added to default settings)13:44
lotuspsychjemedeman: that driver is installed is a good thing for ubuntu, but im not sure about how good your card performs13:44
MonkeyDustmskau  #ubuntu-server13:44
lotuspsychjemedeman: ##hardware might know it for you13:44
mskauOk, thx13:44
medemanlotuspsychje, okay...Well I don't think it's a powerhouse, but it should handle GUI well seeing that it runs well with Windows 7 Aero13:45
lotuspsychjemedeman: maybe some bugs on intel and ubuntu, not sure bout it13:45
lotuspsychjemedeman: or other workarounds13:45
lotuspsychjemedeman: reask your issue once in a while in chat on your lags and card brand13:46
lotuspsychjesomeone might know13:46
medemanlotuspsychje, hmm okay thank you13:46
someone235when I do the cmd: "php /home/posFinder/script.php > /home/posFinder/log/script 2>$1" I Get "-bash: $1: ambiguous redirect". How can I fix this?13:47
jribsomeone235: change $ to &13:48
lotuspsychjemedeman: you can also try nomodeset13:49
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | medeman13:49
ubottumedeman: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:49
lobatoWhy ubuntu 12.04 never shutdown?13:50
medemanlotuspsychje, okay, thank you13:50
MonkeyDustlobato  in a terminal, type sudo shutdown -h now   does that work?13:51
lobatoyes, i'm aware of the commands13:51
lobatoi'm a linux admin on my work place13:51
someone235jrib, thanks!13:52
lobatoI admin about 13 machines running ubuntu, and some debian13:52
lotuspsychjelobato: you could asnwer him and say how that works out for you13:52
dr_willisso... that command does work properly?13:52
lobatowe have some fancy nfs system running too13:52
lobatothe command it works, but ubuntu fails to complete shutdown13:53
lobatoget stuck in the middle13:53
lobatoon several machines13:53
lobatoand also on debian weezy13:53
MonkeyDust!enter | lobato13:54
ubottulobato: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:54
lotuspsychjelobato: any logs on that?13:54
jn_I want to have the ssl lib 0.9.813:55
lobatoI tought had some to do with the nfs unmounting but looking on the stdout and says it umounted all. How can I log the shutdown output?13:55
jn_whren i do openssl version it's 1.0.1. I try this : sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8 but when i do openssl version, it's still Openssl 1.0.413:56
dr_willis!find ssllib13:56
ubottuPackage/file ssllib does not exist in quantal13:56
lotuspsychjelobato: /var/log13:56
amritim unable to remove crossplatformui13:57
amritplz anyone help13:57
amritit is creating a serious issue.13:57
lobatolotuspsychje,  wich log file is?13:57
Night_ElfHello all. I am trying to configure a printer, Xerox WorkCentre 5645, which should do acounting and needs accounting user id and group id. It is not working and the printer gives out a page with "The job was deleted due to invalid accounting IDs". By googling, I see that many people have the same problem. So then, is there a working PPD for this printer which we can use?13:57
dr_willisand how did you install it? amrit13:57
lotuspsychjelobato: kern.log13:58
dr_willisNight_Elf: checked askubuntu.com yet?13:58
MonkeyDustamrit  what's crossplatformui ?13:58
Night_Elfdr_willis: not yet. But have seen some other places around on the net. With the same outcome. Will check there too then.13:59
lobatowhat shall i look for on this log. seems all normal13:59
nino_Hello everyone,14:00
nino_Does anyone know why i cant go in ubuntu anymore after kernel upgrade from 3.2.0-23-generic to linux-image-3.2.0-38-generic??? I only get a black screen i want to go in the new kernel. If i go to the previous one everything is fine.14:00
Night_Elfdr_willis: It would also seem that this is not only Ubuntu speciffic, but somehow a more generic issue with the PPD file (maybe).14:00
amriti dont remeber, i had a reliance datacard and ubuntu 10.04 , i tried installing it , i manuall changed sone configuration files, still it did not help. after upgrading to 12.04 computer said it failed to remove crossplatformui. now whenever im trying to upgrade or download any software this crossplatformui is creating problem14:00
rurufufussso I just made a ramdisk by doing  "sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=2048M tmpfs ramtest"14:00
rurufufusshow do I unmount that?14:00
lotuspsychjelobato: http://askubuntu.com/questions/155733/ubuntu-12-04-not-shutting-down-properly14:00
amritits reliance datacard software14:01
nino_Hello everyone,14:02
thinknowwhen should openvpn get into the network manager again?14:02
nino_Does anyone know why i cant go in ubuntu anymore after kernel upgrade from 3.2.0-23-generic to linux-image-3.2.0-38-generic??? I only get a black screen i want to go in the new kernel. If i go to the previous one everything is fine.14:02
lobatonino_, , sometimes when i have this black screen issue on ubuntu kernel updates, normaly has someting to do with my video driver, wich is nvdia, so i need to edit my grub execution line14:02
thinknowas in ubuntu 10 and earlier ?14:02
dr_willisinstalled via a. deb or how amrit ?14:02
nino_Lobato how do i do that?14:02
amritno. i tried reading instructions from net to manually install it by typing some codes14:02
nino_I have Nvidia to14:03
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dr_willisamrit: and the exact issues are?14:04
lobatonino_,  when at grub menu, press 'e' to edit the startup command, and after the word 'splash' put 'nomodeset' and press 'Ctrl+F10' to start ubuntu without  try using your video card driver and uses generic video14:04
thinknowwhen should openvpn get into the network manager again? Or how to make it possible?!14:04
MonkeyDustamrit  i read here, it's some development tool, java and c++14:05
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!14:05
thinknowlobato, : on the startup command, what does the insmod_msdos  ++ means?14:05
nino_Lobato how do i het the Nvidia driver working againt after doing that?14:05
lobatothinknow, not sure14:05
thinknowdoes everyone have it?14:05
thinknowi can understand why msdos should be inside linux?14:06
lotuspsychje!fr | shantilove14:06
ubottushantilove: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:06
shantilove sur quel salon je pourrais trouver quelqun pour m'aider14:06
amritneither me nor the system is able to uninstall it. whenever i am trying to install any software , the crossplatformui is creating problem14:06
lobatonino_, after this you can reinstall nvidia driver with 'sudo apt-get reinstall nvidia-current'14:06
lobatoif you uses nvidia driver14:06
BluesKajHiya all14:07
lobatoi mean nvidia (recommended) driver14:07
nino_Okay , your information is very helpfull! Thankyou for your help i will try that:)14:07
dr_willisamrit: what issue. pastebin error messages..14:07
lobatocheers :)14:07
karpuragauramHey everyone. U was upgrading to precise from lucid via net. The disk space is full and it shows 25 mins remaining.  What should I do14:08
gene_anyone knows how to find chrome os cursor theme for linux?14:08
dr_williskarpuragauram: still downloading?14:09
MonkeyDust!themes | gene_14:09
ubottugene_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:09
amritis it visible14:09
dr_willisamrit: we cant see that.14:09
karpuragauramYes. I went to sleep with the comp on. I had freed up 2.2 more gigs but even that was not enough. :(14:10
MonkeyDustamrit  use imagebin to show it to the channel14:10
karpuragauramNow am stuck on the installing the upgrades section 25 libs remaining14:11
amritwhere is imagebin?14:11
mmghjkHello. When I turn on my laptop, the frequency of my CPU always goes to max. value, which increases the temperature to 70 C. How to set a default value always when I turn it on/awake from suspension?14:11
mmghjkI use CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 1.4.0 btw14:11
MonkeyDustamrit  http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add14:12
karpuragauramdr_willis what could I do now  ??14:15
amritis it visible14:15
MonkeyDustamrit  paste the url here in the channel14:15
dr_williskarpuragauram: how big was the hd?14:16
karpuragauramHD is only 60 gb.  but I freed 2.5 gb from root as agsinst 1.3 requested by the upgrade14:18
rajdr_willis, still at at it!14:18
rajyou're freaking superhuman14:19
MonkeyDustamrit  like so: http://imagebin.org/24773314:19
* karpuragauram agrees with raj14:19
MonkeyDustamrit  this is yours: http://imagebin.org/24773214:21
karpuragauramhelp.. if I don't do anything the system will be broken :(14:23
madpupQuick question, are amd 7870 stable under ubuntu??14:24
apfeltaschewhat version of ubuntu do you use ?14:24
apfeltaschewith unity?14:24
* Dowesas 2x2 on14:25
dr_willisits past my bedtime.. but the grandkid is getting  his tonsils out..14:25
dr_willisso hanging at the hospital. chat at ya laters.14:26
karpuragauramanyone. I am stuck at 'installing the upgrades ' can I shut the system down. the upgrading stopped at 25 libs left due to disk space problems14:26
karpuragauram25 mins left14:26
lotuspsychjelaters dr_willis14:27
BluesKajkarpuragauram, how much space did you create for your OS ?14:27
genii-aroundkarpuragauram: Turning the power off in the middle of a large operation like that usually doesn't end well14:27
madpupor should i just pull it, sell it and use the cpu's built in hd 4000 (i5 3570k)?14:28
karpuragauramI was net upgrading and it asked me to free 1.3 gb on root. I freed 2.5. I have a old system and 60 gb whole hdd.14:29
vandemarif you don't need high 3d performance for gaming, use the onboard intel gpu.  it'll save on your power bill too.14:29
JeffJasskyhey, guys. I have a 10.04 server box. I'm trying to permanently limit CPU usage for processes with a specific name. I tried googling around a bit but haven't found anything that would do it permanently.14:29
JeffJasskyMight anyone know of a solution?14:30
madpupcool, will it run flash, hd video?14:30
genii-aroundJeffJassky: If these processes are daemons which are started by upstart, you could do something like add a renice number for them into their conf file14:31
karpuragauramBlueskaj do I have a choice or is manual install the only option left.14:31
karpuragauramgenii-around any advice14:31
JeffJasskygenii-around: I'm a real noob when it comes to this stuff.. what is upstart?14:32
genii-aroundkarpuragauram: You said you made room, but how much room is on your /boot area?14:32
vandemarmadpup: yes, intel gma4000 will play hd video easily.  it's 3d where you start seeing significant differences in stand-alone ati/nvidia14:33
madpupi just found, google, a program called cpulimit, that claims to limit processes to a percentage.14:33
yownWhat is a good program for securely deleting data with ext4?14:33
=== TomyBook is now known as TomyLobo
madpupcheers vand will try14:34
karpuragauramI had a total of 10 gb on lucid and now _increased it to 12 gb.14:34
genii-aroundJeffJassky: It's the thing which starts up all the programs which need to run when you boot. So all the applications like maybe mysql, apache, etc have entries in /etc/init directory which upstart reads then starts them based on what it finds there14:34
=== madpup is now known as madpup_brb
dikiShell scripts have a line that starts with #! usr/bin/perl for instance14:34
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:34
dikiIs it possible to make it so, they don't look in that path, but another?14:34
JeffJasskymadpup: Unfortunately cpulimit runs in the foreground of terminal.. and as soon as you exit it stops limiting the process. For some reason it's more of a temporary solution.14:35
vandemaryown: `shred`14:35
JeffJasskygenii-around: Thanks! I'll take a peek in there.14:35
karpuragauramon lucid roughly 1..5 gb was free but now.14:35
genii-aroundkarpuragauram: Can you use a pastebin to show the result of: mount        and: df -h          please14:35
genii-aroundJeffJassky: Might also want to take a look at the mnual page for nice or renice as well so you get an idea how it works14:36
JeffJasskygenii-around: Yep was taking a look there. That might work out for me. Thanks a bunch.14:36
genii-aroundJeffJassky: No prob14:37
karpuragauramchatting from my phone. computer is frozen. how do I do pastebin now :(.14:37
karpuragauramI can tell u that / boot is full though14:38
karpuragauramand upgrade terminal icon is just sitting there blinking at me14:39
yownvandemar: Well this data is already deleted, but is there a way to wipe out the residue, It seems like shred is only for files that haven't been deleted yet14:39
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mehdi__anybody work with pyload here?14:41
johannes__problem solved?14:41
karpuragauramgenii-around I have 3 partitions.  first extended with 19 gb of which boot has 12 then us a 25 gB windows then is another for miscellaneous14:41
s9iper1_any body tell me how to create the iso file from simple windows 7 files in ubuntu14:42
k1lmehdi__: where is the issue?14:44
holsteins9iper1_: the same... what kind of iso are you trying to create?14:44
karpuragauramgenii-around if I have no choices of salvaging the system I would like to install frshly but want to do it. got a ton is work to complete.14:44
karpuragauram:(. advice??14:44
mehdi__i install pyload manager its dl manager but donno how to start it14:44
s9iper1_holstein: i want to make the bootable usb by it but i have just window 7 files not the iso file14:44
holsteins9iper1_: what are 'windows 7 files' ?14:45
jkjl Hello. When I turn on my laptop, the frequency of my CPU always goes to max. value, which increases the temperature to 70 C. How to set a default value always when I turn it on/awake from suspension? -- I use CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 1.4.014:45
vandemaryown: http://superuser.com/questions/19326/how-to-wipe-free-disk-space-in-linux14:45
genii-aroundkarpuragauram: A reinstall will actually take less time14:45
s9iper1_holstein: i have downloaded it from torrent just by typing window 714:46
s9iper1_mean window14:46
holsteins9iper1_: what do you mean by "it"14:46
k1lmehdi__: pyload.org got a got introduciotn14:46
karpuragauramI don't have a gnome disk had will loose wall my programs   I have a xububtu disk onlu14:46
mehdi__k1l, im in there but no clue i run but its merely open a terminal and says no plugin to update14:46
k1lmehdi__: then its running14:47
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mehdi__k1l, how can i dl ?14:47
k1l!rootirc > Guest1481214:47
ubottuGuest14812, please see my private message14:47
s9iper1_holstein: see i have downloaded windows from torrent but its not a iso so i wanted to make it iso to make it bootable14:47
k1lmehdi__: see the website. it explains what it is and how its used to run14:47
holsteins9iper1_: you have an illegal windows iso file? and you want to make a CD on ubuntu?... i wont help with that, but, i'll say, the process is the same as burning an iso on any operating system.. copy disc using iso as target and cd as source14:47
k1lmehdi__: its build for servers to run there in the background14:47
mehdi__http://pyload.org/pyload_stepbystep_linux im here but noithinn :(14:48
s9iper1__ holstein: see i have downloaded windows from torrent but its not a iso so i wanted to make it iso to make it bootable14:48
john38can somebody help me14:48
holsteins9iper1__: what is it?14:48
holstein!ask | john3814:48
ubottujohn38: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:48
karpuragauramhow do I keep my apps and Ger lububtu by a upgrade install of xub precise on lucid gnome14:48
john38Is there a Warty Warthog version with all the latest updates for that! version like 10.04.1....10.04.2..etc14:49
john38if so where? can i find it14:49
holsteinjohn38: you can search for it, but its EOL, so it will be as up to data as is was when support ended14:49
s9iper1__john38:i have downloaded  windows from torrent i want to make bootable usb  i run unet bootin but windows file not showing there bec they are not iso so i wanted to make it iso. how can i make it?14:50
holsteinhttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/4.10/ for example.. but its support is ended, and has been14:50
holsteinjohn38: ^14:50
john38holstein, i tried searching couldnt find it..i mean i did find warty warthog base installation14:50
holsteinjohn38: ^^ there is the install disc14:50
meetdoes pidgin integrate flawlessly like empathy?14:51
john38holstein, is there 4.10.1 or 4.10.2??14:51
holsteins9iper1__: if you have an illegally obtained windows image, it could be, at best, non-functional, if not malware14:51
s9iper1__holstein: no its windows14:52
b2wtheadmin: thank u for ur help.i am the runner up on that project presentation held at my college...14:52
holsteinjohn38: there doesnt have to be.. the support cycle would have ben different.. there is no "current ubuntu 4.10"14:52
s9iper1__holstein: i have downloaded  windows from torrent i want to make bootable usb  i run unet bootin but windows file not showing there bec they are not iso so i wanted to make it iso. how can i make it?14:52
k1lmehdi__: i dont really know what your acutal problem is.14:52
john38s9iper1__, you gotta make the computer boot from usb in Bios settings if! your  computer has that function14:52
holsteins9iper1__: corret.. and microsoft doesnt distrubute software via torrents.. so, i, nor you know what you actually downloaded14:52
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:52
john38holstein, damn14:52
karpuragauramgenii-around any suggestions.  anyone. upgrading us hung .14:53
john38holstein, and i have no way of getting updates since its dead14:53
holsteinjohn38: you are welcome to download, install, and maintain it manually14:53
john38holstein, you know how long that'd take lol14:53
Snake2kHello everyone, can anyone tell me what languages are supported for the Ubuntu mobile OS?.. like can I make apps in Python?14:53
holsteinjohn38: ? sure you do.. you get them, and build them yourself.. there is no reason to use it over ubuntu 10.0414:53
s9iper1__holstein: hang on i show u the torrent link14:54
john38holstein, the computer im repairing is old!14:54
john38holstein, 10.04 would be slow14:55
DJoness9iper1_: Please don't show links to torrents for Windows etc, they're not official windows releases14:55
holsteinstochasm: i dont want it... and you shouldnt link it here14:55
holsteinstochasm: sorry...14:55
holsteins9iper1_: i dont want it, and you shouldnt link it here14:55
johannes__ you can download windows 8 and 7 legal at thee microsoft website14:55
karpuragauramanyone.  how do I get apps back after new install.14:56
holsteinjohn38: you can try 10.04 live14:56
FloodBot1s9iper1_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
holsteinkarpuragauram: just reinstall them using the package manager of your choice14:56
theadminkarpuragauram: By reinstalling them, trying to use binaries from another system likely will lead to a bad result.14:56
b2wcan i install ubuntu inside  windows 8?14:56
theadminb2w: Yes, using VirtualBox: http://virtualbox.org14:56
johannes__or vmware14:57
b2wcan i install it using ubi.exe likewise in windows xp?14:57
k1lb2w: most users here dont recommend wubi14:58
theadminb2w: You can use that, yes (it's downloadable from http://wubi-installer.org ), although that tends to fail. You've been warned.14:58
karpuragauramI only have xububtu live disk. can I get lububtu later after fresh install.14:58
k1lb2w: go for a native install or use a virtualisation14:58
k1lkarpuragauram: install lubuntu-desktop14:58
b2wyes i tried it but it returned somee error msg...14:59
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theadminkarpuragauram: Sure, you can get any of the app sets that come with official Ubuntu variants via the software center, just search for "<name>-desktop". "lubuntu-desktop" in your case.14:59
TheGreyhow do I setup m-audio audiophile 2496? I've made asound.rc be for my card. I've heard it uses envy24control. How/what do I do? :)14:59
johannes__why lubuntu14:59
k1ljohannes__: why not? :)14:59
john38holstein, what are the system requirements for Xubuntu 10.0414:59
holsteinTheGrey: i would read about JACK14:59
holsteinjohn38: i would just fire it up live.. should be pretty lean.. what do you have??15:00
johannes__i think xubuntu is better15:00
theadminjohn38: Woah, 10.04 is fairly old, why not go for 12.04 or 12.10?15:00
karpuragauramI don't have its disk or ISO and my comp is hung now on an upgrade from lucid to precise.  no disk space on /boot15:00
k1ljohn38: be aware that 10.04 looses support in april this year15:00
b2wi have some problem with my audio device.it plays sound well but sometimes it shows some error messages15:00
theadminjohannes__: There's no "better", people have preference.15:00
k1ljohannes__: that is a choice every user has to make his own15:00
john38holstein, not mine im working on a Pentium II/CEleron 450mhz 256mb ram nividia 16mb15:01
bhaveshIs my Linux Kernel always going to remain 3.2.x on Ubuntu 12.04?15:01
theadminbhavesh: Yes15:01
b2whow to reinstall the audio driver to solve the problems with audio device.15:01
theadminb2w: Why do you think that's going to solve anything? Reinstalls normally don't fix anything.15:02
holsteinjohn38: i would try lubuntu or xubuntu 12.10 on that live15:02
b2wtheadmin:then what should i do?15:02
theadminb2w: What's your audio device?15:02
holsteinjohn38: theres always puppy linux and the others that are more catering to older specs15:02
Piciholstein: a live CD is not going be fun with only 256 mb of RAM15:03
theadminWell... you could go with Ubuntu Minimal, john3815:03
theadminjohn38: Add on to that later, you can get a fairly decent system.15:03
holsteinPici: i like to try them though, since i can see how the hardware support is15:03
b2wi dont know for sure.but the manufacturer has given realtek driver for it.my pc is a laptop.15:04
holsteinmy point is, i would try the current version john38 .. dont worry about going back to EOL versions15:04
johannes__go offline15:04
john38holstein, i tried lubuntu too slow15:04
holsteinjohn38: you installed lubuntu? if you did, then i would just go with something that caters to those specs15:05
TheGreyholstein: thanks, i've read but I still have little idea what I'm doing.15:05
theadminjohn38: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD - this will give you a minimal system. Put Openbox or such on top.15:05
holsteinTheGrey: im about to be in rehearsal for an hour, but try #ubuntu-studio and #opensourcemusicians .. folks in that second channel have that hardware15:05
theadminThere are better distros than Ubuntu for such old hardware, as holstein said, but this channel cannot support them.15:06
b2wtheadmin: its realtek.15:06
theadminb2w: Hm... I never had any problems with realtek. What's the issue?15:06
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john38holstein, if i use puppy do they offer newest version even for low spec comp15:06
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b2wtheadmin: i used espeak speech software.it says the given text but some error message like below appears:          ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side ALSA lib audio/pcm_bluetooth.c:1614:(aud15:08
holsteinjohn38: no.. but you can.. if you want to use legacy hardware, you might have to support it yourself.. but i always just try and load up a live CD to see what hardware support, or software versions are a "deal breaker"15:08
theadminb2w: Does other sound-related software work?15:09
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theadminb2w: To make sure sound works at all, you can play a sure-to-play sound file: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav15:09
john38holstein, doesnt xubuntu use less resource on pc than lubuntu because of xfce15:09
holsteinjohn38: no.. LXDE is arguably the lightest.. but again, just load them up live somewhere and see for yourself.. the 'L' in LXDE is 'lightweight'15:10
b2wtheadmin:it works but it shows some error messages when i use espeak15:11
theadminb2w: Then it's a problem with espeak, not your sound.15:11
karpuragauramare any of the lightweight ones Ltd15:11
b2wtheadmin:ok then suggest a solution for that.15:12
genii-aroundkarpuragauram: Apologies, work is requiring me to be away from the computer15:12
theadminb2w: If anything, espeak doesn't work on my machine either. Why not use some similar software?15:13
yossarianukhi - does anyone know if /tmp has been mounted as tmpfs  and the size of /tmp = 2.5GB - is that using 2.5GB of system ram/swap15:15
b2wtheadmin:tell me similar to that tool that converts text to speech and that must support english and indian languages like espeak.15:15
theadminb2w: Festival15:15
b2wcan it support "tamil" language?15:16
nickeyHi guys! Can't change screen resolution with xrandr.15:16
amaroksHello, I'm running this command ahmad@ubuntu:~/Downloads/dbi$ sudo perl Makefile.PL --mysql_config=/host/xampp/mysql/bin/mysql_config.pl15:16
amaroksgetting Can't exec "/host/xampp/mysql/bin/mysql_config.pl": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line 454.15:17
amarokseven though the file exists..15:17
b2wtheadmin:can it support "tamil" language?15:17
bazhang!xampp | amaroks15:17
ubottuamaroks: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.15:17
nickeyWill anybody help me? How to change resolution with xrandr?15:18
amaroksbazhang, its not xampp15:18
theadminb2w: Sorry, don't find support for that.15:18
theadminnickey: xrandr -s 1024x76915:18
theadminnickey: Or whatever.15:19
nickeytheadmin: should it work, but it don't... =( I doing it, command don't show any output, but resolution is still the same...15:20
b2wtheadmin:your tips helped me a lot which made me win the competition.15:20
b2wtheadmin:thanks a lot....15:20
theadminb2w: Sarcasm is not welcome. I was trying to help, you asked me for "indian languages". I figured you meant Hindi or such, and it had support for that. When you asked for "tamil", well, I didn't find it.15:21
theadminnickey: Is the resolution you're trying listed when you run "xrandr" without any arguments?15:22
nickeytheadmin: yes15:22
theadminnickey: Hm... Odd enough, it should just work then15:22
adacI try start ubuntu from my live cd, but it seems there are graphic issues. I always tries to load the x server but it doesn't succeed. How can I start in "low graphics mode"?15:23
theadminnickey: Do you have multiple monitors?15:23
nickeytheadmin: no, just one by HDMI15:24
b2wtheadmin:its ok admin. i am satisfied with espeak.15:24
theadminb2w: Hope you can get it to work15:24
theadminnickey: Hm, try: xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1024x76815:25
b2wtheadmin:yes.i want it to be make it as a handy device. tell me how can i install ubuntu in a mobile phone?15:26
theadminb2w: It's not really possible officially just yet, but you can search for "Linux Installer" in the Play Store.15:27
theadminb2w: If it's an Android device, that is. If not, then I have no idea15:27
b2wtheadmin:ok.can i install just the linux kernel not the whole ubuntu.15:29
theadminb2w: Uh, you already have that if it's an Android device. Android is Linux-based.15:29
bazhang!ot | b2w15:29
ubottub2w: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:29
mdhb2w the kernel itself isn't all that useful without tools15:29
nickeyteadmin: configure crtc0 failed15:29
nickeyteadmin: configure crtc0 failed15:32
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theadminnickey: Not sure what that can even mean... Sorry, no real ideas. Why do you need to use xrandr as opposed to graphical display configuration tools?15:40
nickeyteadmin: because i've only tty as my HDMI TV can't work in mode I have...15:41
karticki need a help about data recovery.can anyone pvt me and help me?15:41
theadminnickey: Ah, well, then that makes sense, you're not connected to an X display so xrandr doesn't know what to modify.15:42
ikoniakartick: what's the issue15:42
theadminnickey: export DISPLAY=:0 and try again.15:42
nickeytheadmin: I do exactly with DISPLAY15:42
kartickcan i pvt u ikonia ?15:42
theadminnickey: Ah, okay, bah, then I'm out of ideas again15:42
ikoniakartick: just ask in the channel15:42
nickeytheadmin: and xrandr -q is working15:42
theadmin!pm | karpuragauram15:43
ubottukarpuragauram: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:43
theadminSorry, karpuragauram15:43
trublwithnormlGnome question:  I just put Chrubuntu on an Acer Chromebook, and switched to Gnome Classic, can't stand Unity.  I can't modify the top panel, alt-right click, which is alt, two finger tap on a chromebook, doesn't do anything.  Any ideas?15:44
john38holstein, do you know if puppy 1 is still supported15:44
ikoniapuppy 1 ?15:44
kartickok i had installed windows xp then i want to use ubuntu i installed but i installed it over my windows xp.now what can i do? how can i recover my files? is there any way to recover?15:44
ikoniatrublwithnorml: chrububuntu ?15:44
ikoniakartick: that's not going to happen15:44
holsteinjohn38: puppy is not "supported" that way.. it just is.. you dont install it typically and get nice updates like ubuntu does.. its minimal15:44
trublwithnormlubuntu 12.04 LTS on a Chromebook.15:44
kartickrealy there is no way to recover that?15:45
ikoniatrublwithnorml: that's not an ubuntu distro though, that's googles version isn't it ?15:45
ikoniakartick: nope, you've put a new file system on the disk, and overwrite the files with more files15:45
karticki had my family photos and many files now all files are gone can i use any recovery software?15:45
theadminkartick: Try with Photorec (part of Testdisk suite). You can recover some files that way, but it won't be perfect (some parts of contents may be missing, the filenames will be messed up, etc)15:46
kartickok can i use recovery software?15:46
trublwithnormlIt's not a google product, they have their own OS.  It's out there somewhere,I just googled chromebook ubuntu Acer and it's the top response.15:46
robin0800trublwithn You may have to use the window key as well15:46
kartickok thanks theadmin15:47
trublwithnormlwhat window key, it's a chromebook.  There's no window key15:47
ikoniatrublwtit's not an ubuntu release.15:47
theadmintrublwithnorml: To get the panel menu you need to Alt+Super+right click, that's how it is in GNOME nowadays.15:48
mdhrestore from backup.15:48
trublwithnormlAh!  there's a key with a symbol that looks like a magnifying glass next to alt.  That plus alt plus two finger tap does it.  Thanks for the clues!15:48
RZAFCdoes anyone know how I can get social engineering toolkit on ubuntu 12.04lts for ppc?15:49
ikoniaRZAFC: does it exist ?15:49
theadminRZAFC: Umm. I'm not sure Ubuntu 12.04 has PPC support.15:50
guywithAITgfxDoes the free ATI driver support multiple monitors (not just showing the same on both monitors, actually having more screen space)?15:50
theadminguywithAITgfx: Not sure about the free one. But I know that fglrx does.15:50
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: is that the proprietary ATI driver?15:50
theadminguywithAITgfx: yep15:50
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: Is it usable?15:51
theadminguywithAITgfx: Rather, propretiary AMD driver for video cards. It's usable although has problems with older card models. You can get it from the "Additional Drivers" app (jockey-gtk) that comes with Ubuntu.15:52
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: How old? Mine is from 2010 or 2011 (I got this box in early 2011)15:53
ronalds_mwhy qbittorent turns off by itself in some time?15:53
phschwartzI installed 12.04 server on about 200 servers and had it setup a second disk (4TB raid6) mounted to /mnt/disk1 on each node. I decided now that I want to have this split into a single partition and an extra partition for lvm. I scripted running parted to rebuild the partition, now what is the easiest way to modify my fstab on all 200 servers to remove UUID=***** from the line for that mount point and set it to /dev/sdb115:54
ikoniaphschwartz: ssh, keys and a sed script15:54
theadminguywithAITgfx: Could you provide the exact model?15:54
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phschwartzikonia: I was hoping sed wasn't the suggestion. lol15:54
Touhou11phschwartz: A perl script would do the same thing much easier15:55
ikoniayeah, much easier than a 1 line sed command15:55
Touhou11ikonia: Agreed15:55
theadminTouhou11: That was sarcasm, I think.15:55
ikoniadon't know how you can get easier than a 1 line sed command15:55
ikoniacan't wait to find out though15:55
Touhou11sed has the most abysmal syntax15:55
RZAFCtheadmin: what do you mean by ppc support?15:55
rurufufusshow does one set a default "open with" in 12.10 for files?15:55
theadminikonia: Everything appears easier with Perl to Perl coders, even if it's actually harder.15:56
ikoniait's one line15:56
theadminrurufufuss: I'm pretty sure it's still the same way as before, in Properties.15:56
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: The card says HD-465X-ZD15:56
ikoniased -d '/UUID=kfjsdlkfjsd' /etc/fstab15:56
rurufufusstheadmin: thanks, found it15:56
ikoniahow does it get much easier than that15:56
Touhou11Much easier in Perl, worth learning imo15:57
theadminguywithAITgfx: That appears to be supported.15:57
guywithAITgfxTouhou11: Much easier in Python15:57
theadmin*ahem* guys, enough with the flamewar, this is offtopic15:58
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: Awesome, thanks for helping. However, there is one problem. Under the "additional drivers" menu, I do not see any drivers to install. The box is empty.15:58
theadminguywithAITgfx: Oh, then I've been wrong. Ubuntu won't let you install unsupported drivers easily, and it's better not to try. I suppose it's not supported then (ATI's confusing in that way)15:59
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: well, that's disappointing :(15:59
mdhthat's dissapointing advice16:00
guywithAITgfxHowever, I will try to figure out if the free driver supports multiple monitors (properly)16:00
theadminguywithAITgfx: You could still "sudo apt-get install fglrx" and reboot, but it might fail. If it does, then "sudo apt-get remove fglrx" from a TTY and reboot again, if it doesn't, well, yay.16:00
guywithAITgfxtheadmin: Thank you :-)16:01
theadminSpeaking of drivers, I have a GeForce GT 540M and right after the install of Ubuntu 12.04, the propretiary driver warning came up, but I didn't install it back then. Now all of a sudden the driver dissapeared from Jockey, what gives? Could it be a result of kernel upgrade or somesuch?16:05
theadminNoveau's fine for my purposes, but I'm confused.16:05
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FrekholmInstalled Ubuntu 12.10 beside Windows 7, but no dualboot comes up.16:08
pythonirc1011If I install raid 10 on 4 drives, and install ubuntu on the raid, if one drive fails, does the server still boot?16:09
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guywithATIgfxtheadmin: fglrx didn't work properly (which is odd and quite sad). However, I'll see if I can figure out how to configure the free driver. :-)16:10
daddeeyeegud eve!16:10
daddeeyeeany1 here from phil?16:11
theadmin!ot | daddeeyee16:11
ubottudaddeeyee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:11
theadminguywithATIgfx: Well, good luck, it should be possible for all I know16:12
FrekholmWhy install beside Windows if no dual boot is installed_16:12
Azertthe linux duds(aka NSA) have come up with a way to hide malware (security software) in the inods of ext4 fs16:14
bazhangAzert, wrong channel16:14
hs366can someone recommend a free and good  PDF editor plz ?16:16
Touhou11hs366: The official Adobe one16:17
bazhanghs366, apt-cache search pdf in terminal and take a look16:17
hs366ok thx i will check16:17
theadminhs366: PDF is mostly a read-only format. You can export to PDF from pretty much anywhere in Ubuntu by printing to the virtual PDF printer, but I know of no way to edit an existing PDF.16:17
Touhou11hs366: By editor, do you mean filling in PDF forms? Or creating PDFs?16:18
hs366i just need to highlight and use underline or cross line16:18
TheSovdoes anyone know why logrotate is breaking my syslog? every time it runs my syslog stops logging16:19
jhutchins_wkhs366: PDF was originally designed specifically to be non-editable.  It was meant to be the equivalent of a printed page, which can not be easily modified.16:19
hs366not very professional one like Adobe pro windows version16:19
jhutchins_wkhs366: That said, some Linux PDF viewers can cope with forms, and it's possible to hack it.16:19
jhutchins_wkTheSov: What did you mess with?16:20
hs366i c16:20
rajis `virtualbox-guest-utils` still a valid package?16:20
jhutchins_wkhs366: The Adobe policy is that you  edit the original document, not the PDF.16:20
aethelrickyou could try pdfedit... not sure how good it is16:20
hs366i found PDFSTUDIO from forum but i don't know if it's free or not16:20
theadminraj: Yes16:21
theadmin!info virtualbox-guest-utils16:21
ubottuvirtualbox-guest-utils (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.18-dfsg-1ubuntu1.1 (quantal), package size 303 kB, installed size 1540 kB16:21
hs366pdfedit sounds good some ppl recommend it too. it will try ,16:21
genii-aroundhs366: Perhaps check out pdfedit , or else just import the pdf you want to edit into libreoffice16:21
hs366bazhang, (apt-cache search pdf ) is it search all pdf application available on ubuntu ?16:22
karpuragauramhello again. I have a live USB xubuntu CD. it is working OK but clicking on install is crashing16:22
jhutchins_wkhs366: Also libre/open office, as genii-around suggested, inkscape, and pdftk.16:23
genii-aroundhs366: You can use the extensions manager of libre/open office to install the pdf import filter. It then will bring it into the Draw application for editing16:24
hs366i c16:24
rajtheadmin, is that all I have to do ?16:24
rajjust sudo apt-get it?16:24
hs366thank you for support i will try and if i got problem i ask you again16:24
hs366 thxxx16:24
rajrestart or something?16:24
theadminraj: Well, depends on what you want to get. You'll need "virtualbox-guest-dkms" for them to actually work.16:25
rtaincI'll be remaking my flash drive, because I kept getting "Installer crashed"16:25
pythonirc1011do i have to manually create a /boot (128MB) or something similar so that RAID 10 boots automatically after 1 disk failure?16:26
rajtheadmin, for "them" to work?16:26
rajwhat's them?16:26
theadminraj: The guest additions.16:26
rajoh, cuz it's multiple adcditions?16:27
theadminraj: ...Cause there's a kernel module that needs to be loaded for them to operate.16:27
killerhey i have a persistent usb and i installed on it ubiquity ...and now is it possible to insyall the persistent usb on d hd of my laptop16:29
sticky1hello, quick question here. I am using ubuntu Studio (quantal x64) and the launcher dock (which is Panel 1 on my workspace) doesn't autohide even though autohide is enabled16:31
sticky1it's blocking 1/20 of my screen, how do I fix this?16:32
MonkeyDuststicky1  there's also #ubuntustudio16:38
sticky1I know16:38
sticky1Wait, I'll restart my computer and see if it comes back16:39
rtaincCrap,I think my hard disk failed.16:40
LaserSharkuh oh16:41
LaserSharkdid you backup16:41
rtaincI FTPd my files over before the crash. The installation fails each time for Ubuntu :(16:41
killerhey i have a persistent usb and i installed on it ubiquity ...and now is it possible to insyall the persistent usb on d hd of my laptop16:42
ntzrmtthihu777help with getting midi to work? precise x64, hp dv516:43
BluesKajkiller, have you tried the install ubuntu icon ?16:44
rtaincTime to waste the last bit of my money on yet another hdd3 :@16:44
=== mimi is now known as Guest14337
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Guest14337hi, anyone willin' 2 elp?16:45
Guest14337sorry for the spellin' but my laptop kboard is dying16:46
killerBlueKaj:well i installed ubuntu on a usb and now i want to use this usb for further installation (ubiquity installed)....16:46
ntzrmtthihu777what's the prob, Guest14337 ?16:46
Guest14337i'm usin'16:47
Guest14337xubuntu 10.1016:47
bazhang!eolupgrades | Guest1433716:47
ubottuGuest14337: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:47
bazhangGuest14337, thats not supported. upgrade to a supported version16:48
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Guest14337i'm using xubunto 10.10, 'cause wifi does not work for latter versions does16:48
BluesKajkiller, then run ubiquity by clicking the install ubuntu and if you have an ext partition ready on your HDD you should all set , if not ubiquity will take you thru the partitioning phase to install ubuntu to it16:49
Guest14337i know is unsupportedjust wonder if there is any way to acces unnofficial or old repositories16:49
bazhangGuest14337, its not supported. it's end of like.16:49
rtaincGuest14337: All Ubuntu versions have WiFi support, you just have to install drivers.16:49
bazhangGuest14337, for the upgrade process, yes16:49
tgm4883Guest14337, yes there is16:49
Guest14337where update libraries and so oni'm really tired of doing everything "by hand"16:50
tgm4883Guest14337, you should really upgrade though16:50
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades   <----- Guest1433716:50
rtaincIf you can't do stuff by hand, Linux is not for you...16:50
tgm4883rtainc, I completely disagree with that statement16:50
rtainctgm4883: Tell me how many times a day you use Terminal commands as opposed to a GUI on Linux distress?16:51
Guest14337ok rtainc that's the most stupid thing that probably a new lamme linux-guru wannabe would say16:51
rtaincStupid auto-correct16:51
tgm4883rtainc, do I? or should a normal user?16:51
mdhrtainc: stop trolling16:51
bazhangtgm4883, rtainc lets move on16:51
Guest14337but thanks for your "support"16:51
bazhangmdh, thats not helping16:52
killerBlueKaj: well i did but installer fails after asking for desired password16:52
rtaincI wouldn't call it trolling, I'm just saying that Linux is a lot of commands.16:52
tgm4883rtainc, my wife never touches the command line. And I don't have to on her laptop either16:52
bazhangGuest14337, please read the end of life upgrades I've given you twice now16:52
bazhangtgm4883, lets move on...16:52
tgm4883Guest14337, why stay on 10.10?16:52
rtainctgm4883, why bring family into this?16:53
Guest14337ok bazhang, thxanother question16:53
mdhwas that a voluntary leave, or some scripted kick?16:53
bazhangmdh, lets get back to ubuntu support please16:54
BluesKajKiLaHuRtZ, describe fails , does it refuse or crash or stall or ...?16:54
BluesKajkiller, describe fails , does it refuse or crash or stall or ...?16:54
BluesKajKiLaHuRtZ, ignore that post ..typo16:55
killerBluesKaj :let me reproduce that problem16:55
guywithATIgfxI am trying to configure X to use my two monitors in a way that gives me more screen space, instead of the current configuration where it just mirrors the other display. I am using the free AMD/ATI driver on Xubuntu 12.10. I would appreciate it if someone could have a look at the xorg.conf I've made to see if I've done something dumb. Thank you. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5555637/16:56
mdhrtainc didn't leave of his own accord, for the record.16:56
mmmbudcan anyone help with a wifi connection problem16:57
mdhguywithATIgfx: did you try the proprietary driver/16:57
tgm4883!ask | mmmbud16:57
ubottummmbud: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:57
guywithATIgfxmdh, yes, it did not function properly16:57
bazhangmmmbud, which chipset, whats the exact issue16:57
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Guest14337well, bazhang maybe i did not explain myself clearly enough, i'll do it now16:58
Guest14337i dont want to upgrade16:58
mmmbudit drops connection when i download at full speed for a few mins the wifi dongle is an alfa AWUS036H16:58
bazhangGuest14337, thats clear. and 10.10 is not supported.16:58
killerBluesKaj: i think it failed as it says:"setting camerabin to STOPPED failed16:58
guywithATIgfxmdh, It claimed that my video card (HD 4650) is not supported, despite their own website claiming it is16:58
tgm4883Guest14337, then you have your answer16:59
iterGuest14337: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.10/16:59
Guest14337my laptop (fujitsu amilo) wifi card has a known issue and does not work with 3.x kernels16:59
bazhangmmmbud, with the dongle in, please pastebin the output of lsusb16:59
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ntzrmtthihu777perhaps Guest14337 hates unity (rightly so)16:59
rbennacerhey guys17:00
bazhang!pastebin | mmmbud17:00
ubottummmbud: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:00
tgm4883ntzrmtthihu777, not sure that has anything to do with this17:00
rbennacerhow can i see the last security patch installed on my ubuntu server ?17:00
MonkeyDustrbennacer  #ubuntu-server17:00
Guest14337well, then thanks for nothing17:00
rbennacerMonkeyDust, thanks17:01
itergotta love entitled users17:01
tgm4883rbennacer, tail /var/log/apt/history.log17:01
rbennacerthank youuu17:01
mdhwhy was rtainc banned for asking for installer help?17:01
ntzrmtthihu777rather rude, that guest.17:02
tgm4883mdh, he wasn't17:02
BluesKajkiller, do you have a cdrom drive ? if so burn the ubuntu image to a cd and try to install from that .. Seems to me usb media has more difficulty installing the OS than cds do.17:02
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, good thing ubuntu17:02
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, good thing ubuntu's iso is so small, just need a cd not a DVD17:02
tgm4883I've had more issues installing from CD than from USB17:03
phschwartzI have a script that is running against a cluster of servers (doing an install with apt-get). One of the packages is failing in debconf as it is prompting for a response due to a changed file but since I am doing it non-interactive I can't respond. Is there a way to have it automatically respond with the default.17:03
bazhangmmmbud, that appears to be supported by the linux backports modules17:03
tgm4883phschwartz, have you tried with -y?17:03
beanphschwartz, apt-get -y17:03
phschwartzI am doing the install with apt-get install -y libvirt-bin (file conflict in there. default is to keep my current which I want to do)17:04
OverlordQ|WSo evidently for some reason all my gtk apps have started imploding, is there a good way to diagnose this? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5555659/) I've tried reinstalling that package, but didn't help any. memtest hadn't returned anything, do I need to run it longer?17:04
mmmbudyeah bazhang it works untill i start torrenting then it disconnects and vanishes from the list untill i unplug and plug it back in17:04
mmmbudbut it works under windows17:05
=== qweras is now known as valandil
guywithATIgfxI am trying to configure X to use my two monitors in a way that gives me more screen space, instead of the current configuration where it just mirrors the other display. I am using the free AMD/ATI driver on Xubuntu 12.10. I would appreciate it if someone could have a look at the xorg.conf I've made to see if I've done something dumb. Thank you. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5555637/17:06
OverlordQ|WTop of the stack is usually __strcmp_ssse3 () at ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/strcmp-ssse3.S:7717:07
Jeatoni dont know if this would be an issue with gnome-classic, xchat, or ubuntu, but when I minimize xchat to the tray17:07
mdhguywithATIgfx: isn't there some easy gui tool to configure displays? i've never had to do it, but I would assume there would be one that worked like the display configuration panel in windows17:08
Jeatonit disappears completely off my desktop, even though the process is still running17:08
ntzrmtthihu777heh, there is one for AMD Catalyst Control Center17:08
guywithATIgfxmdh, I cannot find one for the free ATI driver17:09
SmilexI'm having problems with my ubuntu installation. I just updated it and when I restarted into it, it says that I have to log in in low graphics mode, but it just freezes when I press Ok. Also I'm unable to switch to the graphics configuration option17:09
guywithATIgfxmdh, but I know there is one for free proprietary nvidia driver, which is quite good. unfortunately that doesn't help me much17:09
mdhguywithATIgfx: does the second display not show up in the ubuntu display preferences config?17:09
guywithATIgfxmdh, I am using Xubuntu, so I don't know if Unity has a different dialog, but the one in Xfce only allows me to change resolution and refresh rate, not what I want to change17:10
mdhguywithATIgfx: have you tried to install and use arandr?17:12
guywithATIgfxmdh, No, I will try that17:12
tanveerhi all17:13
mdhguywithATIgfx: i honestly don't know if that would work, I just saw someone recommended it in a forum for setting up dual monior display in xfce17:13
n-iCehave anyone used hostpad? I keep getting Failed to set interface wlan0 to master mode.17:13
guywithATIgfxmdh, It worked!17:13
guywithATIgfxmdh, Thank you very much for helping me!17:14
mdhguywithATIgfx: no problem17:14
tanveerhi mdh17:15
tanveercan you help how to un install a program in ubuntu 12.0417:15
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MonkeyDusttanveer  let's hear it17:15
bazhangtanveer, with the package manager17:15
tanveeri want to use command line17:16
olegbtanveer, sudo apt-get install foo17:16
bazhang!apt-get | tanveer17:16
ubottutanveer: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)17:16
MonkeyDusttanveer  sudo apt-get purge blah17:16
tanveerthanks a lot friends17:18
MatthewLHi pi__17:21
SuperuserHey, I have an issue with my graphics drivers17:24
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SuperuserSo I had Intel HD graphics 2000 or whatever, whatever came with the CPU (building a new pc)17:24
Superuserand I just bought an NVIDIA GTX 550Ti17:24
Superuserand I keep getting all sorts of weird errors17:24
SuperuserI had to unplug it17:24
SuperuserI tried to install the proprietary drivers and that failed somehow (had to do it via the term, the gui program didn't come up for some reason)17:25
Superuserany ideas17:25
holsteinSuperuser: you tried the proprietary drivers for the nvidia? what is your goal?17:25
Superusermake it work17:25
holstein!ati | Superuser17:25
ubottuSuperuser: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:25
HylveSuperuser: Whats the issue?17:25
mdhhi Guest6861417:26
Superuserfirst it detects the screen as 'portable computer'17:26
holsteinSuperuser: i would just reinstall the proper prorietary driver and come back for troubleshooting17:26
Superuserthe launcher does not come up17:26
Superuserthe mouse keeps disappearing17:26
Superuserall I see is a section of my wallpaper17:26
Superuseretc etc17:26
Superuserand yes I have restarted X17:26
Superuserto no avail, it logs me out, when I log back in it's the same17:26
holsteinSuperuser: are you up to date with upgrades? also, try not to hit the enter keey so much.. type more in one line17:26
Superuseryeah, sorry, I know IRC etiquette. Yes, 12.1017:27
holsteinSuperuser: i might roll back to 12.04 and test.. assuming driver support is a deal breaker17:27
SuperuserI've downloaded gigabytes and gigabytes of apps, don't want to do a clean install17:27
Superuseroh wait that kind of upgrade17:27
Superuserno 12.10 clean17:27
SuperuserI installed it 2 days ago and been using it, GPU came today17:28
Superuser(the OS that is)17:28
holsteinSuperuser: i was talking about upgrades to your current install.. sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.. in case a kernel update "fixes" the driver issue you might be having17:28
SuperuserI can't even bring up the terminal when I'm using my borked drivers (defaults to VESA instead of nouveau after the failed install) holstein, but I'll do it now17:29
holstein!tty | Superuser17:29
ubottuSuperuser: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:29
ikoniaSuperuser: what video card do you have ?17:29
SuperuserEVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550Ti17:29
ikoniaSuperuser: I'm assuming you've tried the propritary nvidia drivers from the ubuntu package manager ?17:30
GeekSquidGreetings from UBUCON at SCALE!!!17:30
Superuserfrom the jockey-text terminal application17:30
tanveeri cant uninstall a package because it says it is not installed while it is. i think installation name is different than the screen name17:30
ikoniaSuperuser: have you checked on the nvidia.com site which drivers version are classed to support your card17:30
tanveerhow can i get the original name of the package?17:31
tgm4883tanveer, what are you trying to remove?17:31
ikoniatanveer: how did you install it ?17:31
Superuserwell, that's not the recommended method according to the wiki but I guess I'll try ikonia, I just hope they won't bugger up the Intel HD graphics drivers too17:31
ikoniaSuperuser: what's not the recommended method ?17:31
ikoniaSuperuser: ahhh is this a GPU ?17:32
ikoniaoptimus ?17:32
ikoniaSuperuser: is that a dual optimus card17:32
Superuserthese are meant to be well supported under proprietary17:32
tanveerit is a package name MouseTrap, it was a program for web cam. it uses webcam to move mouse curser17:32
ikoniaSuperuser: to be clear, I'm not telling you to download or install ANYTHING from nvidia.com17:32
Superuserno idea17:32
tgm4883tanveer, assuming you are trying to remove /usr/bin/mysql   do 'dpkg -S /usr/bin/mysql'17:32
ikoniaSuperuser: I'm telling you to research on nvida.com which driver versions support your card17:32
SuperuserI thought optimus are embedded cards for laptops, ikonia?17:32
ikoniaSuperuser: they are, but why do you have an intel card and nvida card on the same board ?17:33
Superuserhttp://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk <-- only Windows is listed :(17:33
holsteinikonia: Superuser has a machine built with integrated intel.. and the nvidia is added on17:33
tanveeri dont know where this package was installed17:33
SuperuserIntel is integrated into the motherboard/processor, duh17:33
SuperuserI *ADDED* the Geforce just now17:33
ikoniaSuperuser: please don't get smart with "duh"17:33
holsteinSuperuser: ikonia was just asking for clarification17:34
holsteinSuperuser: as i was asking, are you up to date with upgrades?17:34
ikoniaSuperuser: you've just made the command "I hope the nvidia drivers don't mess up my intel card" - which the only way that would happen is if it's a dual card17:34
Superuserdist-upgrade is running right now17:34
Karthihow to find the graphics card17:34
ikoniaSuperuser: good luck working out the the issue, I'm out thanks to your smart comments "duh..."17:34
Superuseryeah ikonia that was just doomsaying haha17:34
Superusergtx 550 ti17:35
Superuserhttp://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/linux-display-amd64-310.32-driver-uk.html anyway17:35
Superuserthat's the page17:35
holsteinSuperuser: try with upgraded kernel... try the drivers that the above links suggests for your device17:35
ikoniaKarthi: if you do an "lspci" you'll see your chipset17:35
holstein!ati | Superuser17:35
ubottuSuperuser: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:35
holsteinSuperuser: if it is still "messed up", we can troubleshoot from there17:36
Superuserso should I wire it up again and reboot holstein17:36
agu10^HEY guys!17:36
agu10^how are you today?17:36
SuperuserI know how to *restart* X but I don't know how to close it, as it's so borked atm I can't even get into a terminal... so how do I close X when I reboot holstein?17:36
jostycan anyone help me with converting from mbr to gpt ?17:36
holstein!tty | Superuser is how you get to a terminal17:37
ubottuSuperuser is how you get to a terminal: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:37
Superuserok thanks, be back in 20 min, have to do something17:37
agu10^Superuser, I think you can use ctrl+alt+f117:37
agu10^I'm not an expert though. I have got into problems for recommending without knowing much.17:37
bingowrtexcuse me i have a question how to disable the nouveau kernel in12.1017:39
agu10^bingowrt, no idea.17:39
bazhangagu10^, then dont say anything17:39
bingowrti want to install nvidia driver but i cant17:40
holsteinbazhang: you can blacklist the module.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/112302/how-do-i-disable-the-nouveau-kernel-driver may help17:40
mdhbingowrt: which nvidia driver17:40
holsteinbazhang: sorry... bingowrt ^^17:40
ikoniaagu10^: can you please check your private messages17:41
k1lbingowrt: install the "nvidia-current" package from the official repos and this will do the work for you17:42
solar_seaHi. Running 12.10 live cd, how can I debootstrap just a base system, like the one from the mini.iso netinstall image ?17:42
k1lbingowrt: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"17:42
bingowrtits 310.3217:43
k1lbingowrt: where is the issue?17:43
bingowrti tried blacklist but it doesnt work17:44
k1lbingowrt: again: you dont need to blacklist anything yourself17:44
umindedis their a way to share an internet connection with a dev board that has usb otg, but only using a standard usb cable?17:45
k1lbingowrt: see what i wrote. install the nvidia driver from ubuntu and he will do it for you17:45
bingowrtyou mean from program store?17:46
theadminbingowrt: Use the "Additional drivers" app.17:46
jeaton_anyone know a fix with xchat and ubuntu 12.10, where you can minimize xchat into the tray17:47
jeaton_everytime I try, it disappears completely, and the process continues to run17:47
bazhangjeaton_, works fine here17:47
xkernelI installed Team Viewer and teamviewerd is auto starting, how can I disable it?17:47
bingowrtokay ill try thx17:47
bazhangjeaton_, are you in gnome-shell or unity17:48
bazhangjeaton_, gnome-panel?17:48
theadminxkernel: echo "manual" | sudo tee -a /etc/init/teamviewerd.conf17:49
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AcidRain2012my xsessions-error file is 46gigs in size, i deleted it, but apparently it didnt delete. how can i look for it?17:49
AcidRain2012im at 100% disc capacity and cant open any programs17:49
judahitewarrior7I need help with creating an image ad in Ubuntu, what programs can I do this with?17:49
k1lbingowrt: open a terminal and type" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"17:49
bazhangjudahitewarrior7, an image of what17:50
theadminAcidRain2012: 1: clear /var/log with "sudo rm -r /var/log/*", 2: make sure your logs rotate with "sudo apt-get install logrotate"17:50
judahitewarrior7bazhang: An image ad for Craigslist17:50
kenperkinsis there a way to have dpkg install dependencies without having to run apt-get install -f after?17:50
bazhangjudahitewarrior7, libreoffice perhaps17:50
MonkeyDustjudahitewarrior7  there's inkscape and gimp17:50
mdhjudahitewarrior7: or gimp17:50
theadminkenperkins: dpkg itself is unaware of APT capabilities, so no. But, there are programs which can do it for you (try wajig, for instance, an all-in-one command-line APT tool)17:51
jeaton_bazhang, not sure, what about it?17:51
kenperkinsI'm hoping to do it without having more software to configure :D17:51
judahitewarrior7bazhang, MonkeyDust, mdh: Thanks!17:51
RZAFCanyone here know if you can download metasploit on a chromebook?17:51
AcidRain2012theadmin, but my xsessions file was located in the home dir17:51
bazhangjeaton_, gnome-panel gives the classic look. what about in unity and gnome-shell17:51
kenperkinstheadmin: thanks though17:51
umindedis their a way to share an internet connection with a dev board that has usb otg, but only using a standard usb cable?17:52
AcidRain2012theadmin, and though i deleted it through nautilus, it appears to have never deleted, instead its just not show9ing up17:52
jeaton_oh, yes, it works in both unity and gnome-panel17:52
jeaton_if by gnome-panel you mean the latest gnome?17:52
bazhangjeaton_, sounds like a bug then17:52
theadminkenperkins: You don't need to configure wajig, just use it: wajig install package-by-name|~/Downloads/package-by-path.deb|http://example.org/package-by-url.deb17:52
xkerneltheadmin, i did that and then killed the background process but it still starting up automatically17:52
AcidRain2012theadmin, bleachbit reports recovering 49gig disk space. but my drive is still 100% full17:53
theadminxkernel: Well, you need to stop it properly :/ "sudo stop teamviewerd"17:53
xkerneltheadmin, thanks :),  what's the difference between "service <srvc> stop" and "stop <srvc>"?17:54
theadminxkernel: The second one is shorter :P17:54
theadminxkernel: Other than that, nothing17:54
AcidRain2012theadmin, im kinda scared to restart my computer, with such little disck space. it may not boot17:54
MonkeyDustjudahitewarrior7  there's also xaralx, for DTP17:55
xkerneltheadmin, but when I tried to "service teamviewerd stop"  or press tab to complete team... , there wasn't such a service17:55
theadminAcidRain2012: Yeah that makes sense, um, you could boot from a LiveCD to do the cleaning17:55
AcidRain2012theadmin, seriously? its gonna be that much trouble?17:56
agu10^Will ubuntu for ARM (phone or tablets) run all my apps, or do they have to run on x86 emulator?17:56
theadminagu10^: You can't emulate x86 on ARM.17:56
agu10^why not?17:56
agu10^it sounds certainly possible.17:56
theadminagu10^: Well, x86 is superior... It's like trying to emulate amd64 on x8617:56
agu10^maybe too slow17:56
danielbw_AcidRain2012: why don't you use lsof and see whihc process might have that file open?17:56
agu10^theadmin, it's possible. maybe not practical for big apps17:57
danielbw_AcidRain2012: kill the process you might see your disk space correctly17:57
theadminagu10^: Hm, okay, my bad.17:57
k1lagu10^: that topic will suit better into #ubuntu-phone17:57
AcidRain2012daniel-gnu, how do i find what process?17:57
genii-aroundxkernel: service is an old-style sytem V init script which is being run underneath of upstart because it still has an entry in /etc/init.d    stop/start are native upstart17:57
agu10^k1l, great, a new channel17:57
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agu10^theadmin, it's ok, at least it seems x86 emulation is not normal under ubuntu, right?17:58
kenperkinstheadmin: thanks, I'll try it now on a newly provisioned vagrant instance :D17:58
theadmingenii-around: Really? "service" works with upstart-only services for me, i.e. those that don't have anything under /etc/init.d/17:58
k1lagu10^: the emulation in this case is not really a daily thing.17:58
agu10^ok. are most apps compiled for arm though?17:59
danielbw_acidrain: lsof|grep -i xsession17:59
ikoniaagu10^: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ?17:59
danielbw_the second parameter is the pid of the process17:59
theadminagu10^: Well, they *will* be. That is, Ubuntu Phone is still at the start stage, so...17:59
agu10^ikonia, i thought this was distro-dependent in the packages they include?17:59
danielbw_AcidRain2012: maybe restart the lightdm service?17:59
agu10^theadmin, sounds promising. thanks!18:00
ikoniaagu10^: ubuntu for arm will use arm built packages, ubuntu x86 will use x86 packages18:00
AcidRain2012daniel-gnu, im using gnom218:00
k1lagu10^: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/app-ecosystem  and i mentioned the other channel already18:00
agu10^I am discussing there. thanx18:01
clue_hHi, I'd like to see the log out messages for ubuntu, but i cant remember where to look, is it  a lightdm log18:01
theadminclue_h: something under /var/log/lightdm/ I suppose18:01
clue_htheadmin, cheers i'll keep looking too18:01
k1lclue_h: dmesg /syslog?18:02
k1lclue_h: in /var/log/18:02
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mdhclue_h: /var/log/auth.log ?18:02
apb1963_anyone familiar with cron??18:02
Superusero_O holstein you are my hero!18:02
SuperuserI will love you forever18:02
kenperkinstheadmin: that didn't seem to work (wajig install http://.......deb)18:02
kenperkinsit still didn't pre-install the deps18:02
Superuserit worked :o18:02
clue_hk1l, mdh i think it's var/log/ boot but im not sure, urgh logs.18:02
theadminkenperkins: It will first install the package and then run sudo apt-get -f install for you :P18:03
kenperkinsit didn't seem to18:03
theadminkenperkins: Seems sane for me18:03
Superuserjust wondering, how do I actually use the driver? The kernel module is enabled, but it's not in use... jockey says the following kmod:nvidia_experimental_310 - nvidia_experimental_310 (Proprietary, Enabled, Not in use)18:03
theadminSuperuser: It might want a reboot18:03
Superuserand --help doesn't help either18:03
kenperkinsis there an argument you need to add to -f after?18:03
Superuserokay, thanks, I'll try that18:04
theadminkenperkins: Nope, shouldn't be, if you're talking about wajig18:04
kenperkinsit tried to install it, but I got the same nodejs depends on rlwrap; however:18:04
kenperkins  Package rlwrap is not installed.18:04
AcidRainwhat is the search function to find the biggesst file on my computer?18:04
kenperkinssame error as when I did it with apt-get by hand18:05
kenperkinserr, dpkg18:05
apb1963_In /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root  it says:  # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.  Where is this master file it refers to?18:05
karpuragauramprepared a fresh live lububtu . on booting fromit It says unknown keyword in configuration file  boot18:06
theadminapb1963_: I think it'd be /etc/crontab18:06
iterAcidRain: you could do 'ls -RalrS | tail'18:06
tworkinwhat user does upstart run as / how can i give my job an ssh key18:06
Lynxxkarpuragauram, maybe you should have cooked it first.. just saying18:06
theadmintworkin: Upstart, like any init system, runs as root.18:07
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gimpy34How do I disable pings with UFW on 12.04?  I followed https://answers.launchpad.net/ufw/+question/26585 and `ufw disable`, `ufw enable` but pings are still allowed.18:07
iterAcidRain: or something like find / -type f -size +300000018:07
karpuragauramlol. but help plz18:07
clue_hgimpy34, tried sysctl.conf?18:07
tworkintheadmin: upstart itself yes, but the jobs as well?18:07
tworkinhow do i not run my jobs as root?18:08
WferrHi i need some help with my ubuntu desktop18:08
tworkinsurely you can jail apache or some such18:08
apb1963_theadmin: Nope.  The /etc/crontab file appears to be completely different18:08
theadminapb1963_: Oh, sorry18:08
Superusererr, rebooting didn't do it, how can I put the proprietary NVIDIA driver into *use*, anyone know? It is enabled as a kernel module, not used atm though :(18:08
apb1963_theadmin: can you check and see if you have the same comment in your file?18:09
gimpy34clue_h: Actually, it looks like ufw won't start unless I'm running gufw.  http://dpaste.com/969446/18:09
apb1963_theadmin: I'm wondering if perhaps it was put there by a third party app I'm running18:09
WferrIm trying to run a ubuntu 12.10 headless and im getting stuck at the error when you boot up saying that the monitor wasnt recognized18:09
clue_hgimpy34 thats weird ufw is installed by default, and starts by 'ufw enable'18:10
gimpy34clue_h: Note I did install the server version of ubuntu, not desktop.18:10
dyslexaijoin raspberrypi18:10
theadminapb1963_: Um. cat: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root: No such file or directory18:10
jeatonok, I was wrong, I don't believe it's working in unity either18:11
compdocWferr, never saw that. I run many headless servers, although using 12.04. Is there a bios setting?18:11
Wferrive checked the bios and there isnt a setting for it to boot with out a monitor18:11
Akiva-Thinkpadwhen I search store in ubuntu dash, it gives me a result with a promiscuous photo; an erotic romance novel, and I quote:18:11
Wferrand its with 12.10 desktop18:11
Akiva-Thinkpad5.0 out of 5 stars Candy Store (An Erotic Contemporary Romance January 2, 201118:11
Akiva-ThinkpadBy prunes0118:11
Akiva-ThinkpadFormat:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase18:11
Akiva-ThinkpadWhat a romance ! You could sense the sexual being of both main characters. I'm sure this story includes fantasies that everyone has had at one time or another. The outcome was exactly what I had hoped for. The story was so easy to read that I read the whole thing in one sitting.18:11
FloodBot1Akiva-Thinkpad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
apb1963_theadmin: ok thanks for trying18:12
Akiva-ThinkpadSo I don't mind store results really18:12
Akiva-Thinkpadbut I do mind when they peddle dope or pornography to me,18:12
Lynxxkarpuragauram, what was the error again?18:12
compdocWferr, sometimes theres an ignore all errors except mouse/keyboard. Sometimes theres actually a 'headless' option. What sort of pc is it?18:12
SuperuserAaany idea on how to use that Nvidia driver? Is enabled, can't use it :( also, the GUI for proprietary drivers and all that still hasn't come up.18:12
AcidRain:/ yall. something is filling up my drive. and i cant find it18:12
karpuragauramgot it fixed :)18:12
Akiva-ThinkpadWill this be fixed in future incarnations?18:12
Wferrcompdoc, i have it to ignore all errors but i still get a error when i boot saying that the monitor isnt recognized18:13
nivenHi, is there any ubuntu channel for social speaking, about wifes etc.18:13
AcidRainas fast as i can delete files, something is taking its place with space18:13
jpds!ot | niven18:13
ubottuniven: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:13
Smilexwhat do I need to install to run mesa instead of the proprietary driver?18:13
Wferrcompdoc, its a dell vostro 20018:14
ewertonmy empathy no connect with facebook18:14
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Wferrcompdoc, i18:16
Oblivion1500hello, just wondering if i am to port forward and direct it to a computer but there is no program using that port will i still be able to run canyouseeme.com and see that the port is open?18:16
DrZaiusis it possible to clone a lp bzr repository locally without login? i only want to checkout the code18:16
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clue_hgimpy34, i think you can block ping in ufw by editing the default, so 'sudo -e /etc/ufw/before.rules' changing echo request from accept to drop18:17
DrZaiusOblivion1500: how do you think that port is open if there is no program listening to it?18:17
Wferrcompdoc, ???18:17
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trismDrZaius: you don't need to login to checkout (at least, not with the public ones on launchpad), just: bzr branch lp:projectname;18:17
compdocWferr, I see no options online. Very strange18:17
DrZaiustrism: you are right, it did get the branch, it just warmed about logging in18:18
DrZaiusthank you18:18
Wferrcompdoc, ive tried the page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=988789 but that way doesnt work for me18:18
Oblivion1500DrZaius well i just want to make sure, i have a program listing i just want to see if i have actually opened the port.. i have a modem that is giving me trouble durring port forwarding18:18
wednesdayanyone know why lightdm  will not allow users to login?18:18
trismDrZaius: yeah it does complain but it does it anyway18:19
elisa87Do you know why so ? mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/jalal/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK': Permission denied18:19
k1lwednesday: see .xsession-errors from that user18:19
DrZaiusOblivion1500: sorry, maybe i missed the begining of your question. Where are you opening that port? in ubuntu firewall? your router?18:19
sergiufreenodeare there big performance difference if ubuntu installed with windows isntaller18:19
danielbw_AcidRaid, iotop18:19
user717Hi, I have an issue with the microphone. I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 and an Acer Aspire One AOD250. Audio works but microphone doesn't. I tried searching the web but with no luck so far.18:19
wednesdaysorry ubunut 12.04 lightdm issues: at login after providing password screen flashes and returns to login page.18:19
danielbw_find out which process it is18:19
k1lwednesday: maybe its a ICAuthority issue18:20
k1laka, fiddled with root priviliges18:20
holsteinuser717: i woud use pavucontrol to help with the routing18:20
wednesdayk11: have you seen that issue. If I use gdm I can login but lightdm freaked out, this happend after an update.18:20
user717holstein: I installed it and adjusted the micro but still nothing18:21
WferrIm trying to run a ubuntu 12.10 headless and im getting stuck at the error when you boot up saying that the monitor wasnt recognized and not letting my go without a monitor18:21
holsteinuser717: the microphone doesnt have to be supported.. i find, kernel and alsa version really make/break harware support.. sometimes i just load up some live CDs and see what, if any, just work18:21
compdocWferr, does the error you see come from the PC's bios, or from ubuntu?18:22
Wferrcomdoc, ubuntu18:22
wednesdayk11: I will check privs. I also adjusted mine so I can be in a admin group to mount certain drives.18:22
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k1lwednesday: see the log i mentioned and see if that .ICEAuthority file belongs to your user and not root18:22
judgetJust did daily updates to 12.10 x64 and notice that my secodn screen will no longer allow me to set its previoius resolution to 1280 x 1024\18:22
holsteinWferr: sometimes there is a setting in the bios.. ubuntu shouldnt care18:22
user717holstein: So there is no luck?18:22
Wferrholstein, ive check through all the bios18:22
wednesdayk11: thank you.18:22
holsteinWferr: i would go ahead and setup ssh or whatever, and see if you can connect... the error might not matter18:22
Wferrholstien, i can connect but i have to have a monitor on everytime i restart18:23
holsteinuser717: have you tried ubuntu 10.04? 12.04? and 12.10? maybe the upcoming beta? those are 4 different kernels and alsa versions18:23
Wferrholstien, the problem is that that error appears before i "login" so i cant VNC into it18:23
judgetwhat would be the correct forum to report my new screen resolution issue?18:24
holsteinWferr: i dont, though i have seen that error before, and gotten around it in the bios.. can you take a pciture of the error? you can type 'ho' and hit tab to auto complete my nick18:24
clue_hWferr, is the monitor connected through the graphics adapter's port or the standard vga port?18:24
user717user717: this is so fragmented, I've never thought linux would be like that18:24
Wferrclue_h: its connected via the built in VGA18:25
holsteinuser717: ? "linux" is not like anything.. this is a harware support issue, and it happens on *all* operating systems18:25
holsteinuser717: im just offering arguably easy-ish ways to test different kernels and alsa versions.. you can open a terminal and run "aplay -l" and search for the output of your card in the forums, or bug report.. or try alsamixer and tweak *everything*, since the labels can be incorrect18:26
Wferrholstein: what would be the easyest way to get a photo on here?18:27
holsteinWferr: im assuming you cant take a screenshot..i would use my phone and post.. you can just better describe the exacty error if you preffer18:28
solar_seaHi. How do I install a base ubuntu system, like the one installed by mini.iso, while running the live cd version ?18:28
holsteinsolar_sea: you get the mini iso..18:29
solar_seaholstein: that's ridiculous, i need the live for properly settings my disks. Isn't there a debootstrap alternative, or a way to call mini.iso's installer ?18:29
holsteinsolar_sea: otherwise, you install the full system from the live CD, and remove what you dont want/need https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:29
holsteinsolar_sea: not that im aware of.. but you can make whatever installation media you need18:30
theadminsolar_sea: Install the full system, then, using tasksel, remove every task but ubuntu-minimal18:30
Wferrholstein:  ill go for describing, it says "The system is running in low-graphics mode, Your Screen, Graphics Card, and input device settings could not be detedcted correctly. You will need to configure these yourself.18:30
holsteinWferr: thats a different issue.. i would get the desktop booting normally, and go from there18:31
Wferrholstein: i can get it booting but the problem i need it to be able to boot headless18:32
holsteinWferr: sure.. and thats it the issue when booting headless then?18:32
Wferrholstein:  yes, it boots just fine but i need to have it boot headless18:33
holsteinWferr: and, what is the exact error when trying to boot headless?18:34
Wferrholstein:   it says this"The system is running in low-graphics mode, Your Screen, Graphics Card, and input device settings could not be detedcted correctly. You will need to configure these yourself.18:34
compdocWferr, when you install ubuntu, do you enable vino, or install any packages dealing with the screen?18:34
Wferrcompdoc:  i didnt install any packages dealing with the screen and i have never heard of vino18:35
holsteinWferr: where? when you vnc in? that is not "you cant boot without a monitor connected".. i would put a simple xorg.conf in place with the vesa driver in place and a normal simple resolution18:35
compdocWferrm, that error goes away for me if I install the propritory vid driver18:35
Wferrholstein:  thats the message instantly after bios finished and can you help me setup a xorg.conf?18:36
holsteinWferr: something simple like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7711766 might do it18:37
AcidRainok does anyone else have any ideas? i restarted my comp. now it wont boot18:38
Wferrholstein:  i dont seem to have a xorg.conf file and i cannot make one either18:38
AcidRainand i put it on everything, that this 1 issue that i run into about every 6months makes windows not look so bad18:39
holsteinWferr: you can... gksudo gedit and make one and put it in /etc/X1118:39
jeywhere do i find release notes for the packages I get through the Software Updater? in particular I want to read about why I got two kernel upgrades (linux-generic) in the span of a week on quantal18:39
holsteinWferr: you should understand how to remove that file with a live CD if anything goes wrong18:39
holsteinWferr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5555912/18:41
Wferrholstein: im workig on getting the copy in right now18:41
Wferrholstein:  just made the file restarting now18:43
AcidRaincan i load a live cd onto a dvd?18:44
AcidRainand boot from it?18:44
lantiziaOK so I'm very new to Android and I now have a new Nexus 4... I miss how my N900 could install/run regular Linux desktop apps from APT repositories... I *would* install the Ubuntu Phone preview on my Nexus 4 but then I'd loose android - so what other ways can I run both ubuntu and android apps together?18:44
DJonesAcidRain: Yes, the live iso will only fit on a dvd now18:44
wednesdayJOIN #stonesoup18:44
AcidRainDJones, what software in windows can i use to burn the live cd?18:44
Wferrholstein:  i still get the log graphics error..18:44
holsteinlantizia: #ubuntu-phone , and the OS is not final.. you can run whatever apps are designed to run both places18:44
lantiziaholstein, didn't I just say that's not an option?18:45
ania_sudo su18:45
DJonesAcidRain: I've not used any for a long time, I would try infrarecorder18:45
lantiziaholstein, unless your saying Ubuntu Phone can run Android apps?18:45
holsteinlantizia: you cant /join the proper channel?18:45
lantiziaholstein, this *isn't* about ubuntu phone!18:45
holsteinlantizia: im saying, applications can be created to run anywhere18:46
lantiziaright - i'm saying you are entirely missing the point18:46
trismjey: once you've installed the updates, the changelogs are all in /usr/share/doc, so for your current kernel: less /usr/share/doc/linux-image-$(uname -r)/changelog.Debian.gz18:46
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holsteinlantizia: you can virtualize one or the other on one or the other, or look for native apps18:46
jeytrism: thank you18:46
AcidRainhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop is this a live cd?18:46
holsteinAcidRain: yes18:47
jeyon that note, is there a easy/simple way to get all the -doc packages for things i've already installed? I'm sure I could do it with a dash of sed and shell, but ...18:47
holsteinWferr: make sure you are using the vesa driver now, and consider setting resolution in the xorg.conf18:47
ModFatherhi there, is any method to add an external network printer to my Ubuntu box? i trying but without success18:47
holsteinModFather: depends on the unit. i usually just add and specify the IP address of the printer.. i would test ping the printer18:48
ModFatherholstein it works through my Windows Machine,18:48
AcidRainok. now lets say that my cd drive is not set to boot, how can i fix this when i cant get into bios because my disk that is full wont detect?18:49
AcidRainso the system hangs on it18:49
ModFatheri download the drivers of the printer, i selected Network printer, i browse the drivers, and now i can print from my home Windows machine, but through Ubuntu i cant make it work18:49
ModFatheri am using my Ubuntu with terminal18:49
holsteinModFather: doesnt matter. the printer manufacturer can create/provide a driver for you for linux that will give you a similar experience.. i would try pinging the printer, then just try adding it18:49
holsteinModFather: you downloaded windows drivers... those are irrelevant.. just try the add a printer wizard18:50
Wferrholstein: http://tinypic.com/r/ouzazs/618:50
ModFatherholstein: it works fine on my windows machine18:50
ModFatheri did it through ip and port 910018:50
holsteinModFather: correct, and that is irrelevant.. ubuntu doesnt use the windows drivers.. try and add the printer with the wizard, pointing to the IP18:51
ModFatherholstein: does the terminal has wizzard?18:51
ModFatherthat ubuntu is server edition without Graphicals or Screen on it18:51
Underyxhey, guys18:52
holsteinModFather: cups has a web GUI.. i would run a normal live CD.. install the printer, and note what gets installed, and try and do that from the server version18:53
Underyxa friend of mine's having this problem where she, when running specific apt-get commands, presses y to confirm installation of a package, and apt-get just instantly quits, saying 'Abort.'18:53
ModFatherholstein: no dont spend time to run live cd etc18:53
Underyxit seems to me to be related to modifying linux-headers18:53
ModFatherholstein: its okey, i have install cups and added the printer as Socket://ip:9100 and also added a 2n printer socket://ip and i choosed the corrected drivers18:54
holsteinModFather: i would have to have that printer in front of me to see how to add it.. that would be the easiest solution.. add from live CD, and see18:54
ModFatherwhen i am trying to print i am getting: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip failed"18:54
holsteinModFather: good luck with that.. maybe ask in the #ubuntu-server channel, or the server mailing list18:55
agu10^May I suggest that the UI default colors be changed from orange/brown to magenta/lila?19:04
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AcidRain_Issue fixed! after clearing the xsession-error file, i had to restart... for some reason my comp thought the file was still there without a restart19:05
AcidRain_either that or... it was taking more than an hour to delete a 49gig file19:05
DJones!brainstorm | agu10^19:05
ubottuagu10^: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!19:05
AcidRain_now to stop this issue from happening anymore19:05
holsteinagu10^: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ might be the place for that.. you can just change them on your system19:06
holsteinlike DJones suggested ^^ i just missed it :)19:06
agu10^holstein, sorry, it is impossible for me to change colors. They only change in some parts, but the rest seems to be hard-coded orange/brown.19:07
holsteinagu10^: its all open, so nothing is impossible.. just maybe too much hassle19:07
agu10^holstein, well i meant without editing code and config files one by one. Changing colors for the "system config" doesn't change them fully in all software.19:08
holsteinagu10^: sure.. then the brainstorm is the place!19:09
agu10^great. thank you! (:19:09
ErtanERBEKdo know ppa for gnome-shell 3.6.3 ?19:13
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holsteinErtanERBEK: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing maybe.. i would just search around for one19:14
daniel__are you19:14
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ErtanERBEKthak you holstein I try this morning that pppa but gnome every time hung at login screen19:15
holsteinErtanERBEK: it could.. its a "testing" ppa.. thats why i would just use whatever is in the repos "stable" unless you need functionality19:15
ErtanERBEKholstein, I need new versin gnome-shell because screen recorder have some bug19:16
ErtanERBEKand gnome team fixed that bug with gnome-shell 3.6.319:16
holsteinErtanERBEK: you can always build it yourself.. other than that, you'll just need to search and try PPA versions19:16
ErtanERBEKholstein, I am searching :D19:17
FCHMMRhi all19:19
FCHMMRi tried the forums but responses are too slow19:19
FCHMMRjust wandered what some people might think of this,19:19
FCHMMRI'm sure you are all aware of some concerns people have about privacy with regards to Ubuntu 12.10 and higher19:20
FCHMMRI'm neutral in the matter but,19:20
FCHMMRI thought about it,19:20
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ19:20
FCHMMRwhat people complain about is storing logs of string searches from the Dash19:20
mmmbudis xchat ad supported?19:20
FCHMMRin teh privacy policy they talk about how they share their data too19:20
FCHMMRbut I notice people are divided on the issue,19:20
clue_hFCHMMR, all that can be removed and  or disabled19:20
FCHMMRsome say it should be opt-in,19:21
holsteinFCHMMR: you'll just have to read, and decide for yoursefl.. we dont maintain those servers19:21
FCHMMRsome say it can be disabled19:21
FCHMMRsome say theres no problem19:21
DJonesFCHMMR: This isn't really a discussion channel, its for support issues, you'd be better saying this in either #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic19:21
af4qorim writing a bash script atm, does anyone know the command to open a new terminal from within the terminal (if it exists) ?19:21
FCHMMRi thought of a simple solution that would please everyone:19:21
holsteinFCHMMR: its all open, so everything can be disabled19:21
clue_haf4qor, file open19:21
FCHMMRdont keep logs (on cannonical servers) and dont share information at all19:21
FCHMMRthat way you leave it enabled by default19:21
FCHMMRbut there would be no privacy issue19:21
clue_haf4qor, ignore that i miss read19:21
FCHMMRwhat do you think?19:21
FCHMMRpeople wouild still search in dash,19:21
FCHMMRbut their data would not be logged (and not monitored)19:22
FCHMMRnoone really mentions that...19:22
PiciFCHMMR: Again, this isn't an issue for this support channel.19:22
af4qorclue_h, lol that confused me for a second19:22
DJonesFCHMMR: As I said, #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions like that19:22
genii-aroundFCHMMR: As DJones points out, the subject is better discussed in either #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic19:22
FCHMMRwhere do i go to discuss such matters?19:22
Akiva-ThinkpadI am developing for ubuntu, using launchpad and bazaar and any other parts of the ubuntu ecosystem, and I am wondering if there is an ubuntu developers blog where I could blog my own progress?19:22
clue_haf4qor,   apologies19:22
FloodBot1FCHMMR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:22
FCHMMRi will voice my concerns there instead19:22
FCHMMRthank you for your help,19:22
FCHMMRand i apalogise for the interruption19:22
DJonesFCHMMR: You could also suggest it on Ubuntu Brainstorm19:22
DJones!brainstorm | FCHMMR19:23
ubottuFCHMMR: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!19:23
FCHMMRthat would be prudent19:23
FCHMMRthank you19:23
FCHMMRi will do that also19:23
DrZaiusI come from git and i use giggle to see repositories... is there anything like that in bzr?19:23
FCHMMR<@FloodBot1> FCHMMR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
FCHMMRi dont flood19:23
FCHMMRi just type at 130WPM19:23
FloodBot1FCHMMR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
DimensionalWow. that's a lot of people.19:25
DrZaiusis there an ubuntu dev channel?19:25
af4qorI know in windows just typing new will open a new instance of the cli, is there an eqivalent in bash?19:25
DrZaiusaf4qor: what cli are you using19:26
FCHMMRi made an account on brainstorm now19:26
FCHMMRi'll post my idea there instead19:26
FCHMMRirc is not reliable for this thing19:26
FCHMMRbrainstorm is better19:26
clue_hDrZaius, #ubuntu-devel19:26
DrZaiusaf4qor: bash is the shell, but the shell is open within a terminal... what terminal are you using?19:26
kio415I got a ERROR. Pls help   Error mounting /dev/sda4 at /media/kio/40DCA33DDCA32BDA: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o19:26
af4qorrunning a terminal emulator with defualt shell19:26
PiciDrZaius: #bzr might be better for your question19:26
DrZaiusaf4qor: in ubuntu you cant ctrl-shift-t to open new terminal19:27
* Dimensional is looking to talk with some of the developers over a question/idea19:27
af4qorik but im looking for a command19:27
DrZaiusaf4qor: i use tilda as well :D ctrl +shift +t open new tab, alt + 2 to switch to second tab19:28
N105hello i have to desktop one with ubuntu and one with windows7 i connect a wlan card to the ubuntu pc and connect to my wireless network and internet is too slow, in windows with the same wlan card and internet is normal, what can be the Problem?19:28
DrZaiusty Pici19:28
af4qorTilda is very nice ^_^19:28
DimensionalHardware problem form the sound of it. Could also be configuration. Surprisingly, I get the opposite of that problem, but both computers are on the same machine.19:29
af4qorthe context is im writing a bash script to load instead of the default shell with an option to run the terminal.19:29
DrZaiusaf4qor: it is... but development is discontinued :/ actually a guy took over a month ago... and its fixing bugs again after 5+ years :D19:29
af4qorDrZaius, orly i didnt know that ty19:30
backboxI have extra laptop with built-in wifi a usb wifi adapter and a router all extra... how can I use these to make my laptop into a dedicated wifi repeater?19:30
DrZaiusaf4qor: what do you want to accomplish when you open tilda19:31
N105hello i have to desktop one with ubuntu and one with windows7 i connect a wlan card to the ubuntu pc and connect to my wireless network and internet is too slow, in windows with the same wlan card and internet is normal, what can be the Problem?19:31
DimensionalN105: Hardware problem form the sound of it. Could also be configuration. Surprisingly, I get the opposite of that problem, but both systems are on the same machine.19:31
backboxoooo looks like it's wifi network question day lol19:32
af4qorJust some options to save time, like pyradio, transmission, etc19:32
DrZaiusN105: ping www.google.com and ctrl-c after a while... look for packages loss after that19:32
af4qoralso it looks cool ^-^19:32
cirwinis there something like top that can show me memory bandwidth utilization?19:33
DrZaiusaf4qor: you want to start programs after you log into ubuntu? you dont need/cant/shouldnt do that from tilda19:34
DimensionalI have my own question, but it's directed more towards the developers of Ubuntu. Possibly an idea for them to use.19:34
N105DrZaius: all packages are lose now, but some time i get some package back19:34
N105i don't understand this Problem :D19:35
backboxlooking to make my laptop into a dedicated wifi repeater, have extra router and usb adapter... anyone game to help?19:35
N105i have installed wicd i still have the same Problem19:35
DimensionalWhat is the distance from your router?19:35
DimensionalDistance is a variable.19:35
N105Dimensional: you don't understand the Problem19:35
=== jgb is now known as Guest80397
DrZaiusaf4qor: to startup services google /etc/init.d/ and startup (actual name of the system), to start gui programs, depends on your window manager... what do you use?19:35
af4qorDrZaius, how come?19:36
mmmbudhey there is a weird twitter add that appears over windows19:36
mmmbud is that built into ubuntu?19:36
DimensionalExplain it then, n105?19:36
N105i use the same wireless card the two computer are in the same place19:36
DimensionalOh. So it's the same machine?19:36
DimensionalLike a dual-boot setup?19:36
af4qorAlso no, not when i start/log on. Just when i open a profile in tilda19:36
N105nope two different machine19:37
Goraneki guys19:37
DimensionalYou take the card out from each machine and put it in the other when you are going to use it?19:37
DrZaiusaf4qor: well, tilda spanw pseudo-terminals if you look at process tree (with pstree or htop and then press t) you dont want you gui windows spanw from within tilda19:37
N105Dimensional: yes it's a usb wireless card19:38
DimensionalThat explains most of it.19:38
N105what can be the Problem?19:38
af4qorhmm fair enough19:38
FCHMMRi was re-directed to #ubuntu-discuss for an issue,19:38
DimensionalAt least, clears up what I'm understanding19:38
DrZaiusaf4qor: do you autostart tilda? do you launch it after you log-in?19:38
FCHMMRbut then recommended for brainstorm,19:38
FCHMMRi made an account:19:38
FCHMMRthat is my idea19:38
backboxN105, that's the confusion not a card an adapter for usb lol19:38
FCHMMRtell me what you think :)19:38
FloodBot1FCHMMR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
af4qorIts not set to autostart i launch it when needed19:38
DimensionalUSB wireless adapter, not card.19:39
N105backbox okay sorry i'm not american ;)19:39
DrZaiusaf4qor: tilda is supposed to be running all the time, then you hide/show it with the hotkey19:39
af4qoralso what is the command to open a new terminal, thats been intriguing me external to this script19:39
N105know you understand the Problem, do you have any idea what's the cause of this Problem?19:39
DrZaiusyou are only supposed to start tilda once... autostart when you login if you dont want to complicate19:40
DimensionalHow are both the same distance from the wireless router when you are moving the adapter around?19:40
backboxN105, have you tried alternate (non-free) drivers?19:40
af4qorIk but i dont like having things run in background, we digress my question was about bash commands19:40
prashant_123456not able to copy data to my removable drive19:40
DrZaiuswhen do you want your programs to start? when you show tilda? you will want them when you login into ubuntu, dont you?19:40
backboxlooking to make my laptop into a dedicated wifi repeater, have extra router and usb adapter... anyone game to help?19:40
DrZaiusaf4qor: or do you wnat them to start/stop at will within a session?19:41
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N105backbox wich driver do yo umean?19:41
af4qoragain were digressing xD19:41
DimensionalWHat is the manufacturer of your usb adapter?19:41
DimensionalTest failed Josh. :P19:41
DrZaiusaf4qor: can i see your script to figure it out what are you after? paste.ubuntu.com19:41
N105my usb adapter is alpha awus036h19:41
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af4qorkk 1 sec19:42
backboxin you'r menue there is an app for finding alternate drivers... also you can use the windows driver that came with it on cd ... if one did19:42
DimensionalI think Josh____ was being a bot or something.19:43
KeyboardNotFoundIn ubuntu packages codeblocks last version is 10.05, but newest codeblocks version is 12.11, can i update codeblocks to newest version but using ubuntu packages ?19:43
N105backbox:Dimensional are you sure that's only a driver Problem?19:43
N105because i'm sure i use the right driver19:43
backboxon my menu it's in settings as 'Additional Drivers'19:43
marsfligthHow to keep the monitor always on? I tried to adjust the 'power' and 'brightness' from 'system settings' but after 5 mins it blanks the screen19:44
backboxso... sometimes alternatave drivers work better19:44
theadminWell, so I decided to give Unity a whirl and it's awesome, just one problem. The clock displays time in two locations, "Moscow" (the actual timezone) and "Volgograd". I have no idea how to get rid of the second one, it ain't in the other locations list.19:44
theadminmarsfligth: Could be the screensaver19:44
DimensionalN105, the free drivers you'd most likely be using have limitations. They aren't perfect. If there are drivers that came straight from the manufacturer that Ubuntu can use, then you'll find that it might work better.19:44
backboxthat's all I'm saying... cuz you said it works just not as fast as it does in windows right?19:44
intraderMy laptop is overheating (pSensor(temp2)>97C and shuts down while displaying video . The laptop is a lenovo t61 - same video on XP with same browser (firefox) does not overheat.19:45
af4qori started it literally 1 minute ago during our conversation so its not complete http://paste.ubuntu.com/5556086/19:45
N105backbox right19:45
DimensionalAnother problem could involve things around the machines. Something could interfere with the signal. That and the way the adapter is positioned, relative to the router.19:45
backboxthan what Dimensional said... 'N105, the free drivers you'd most likely be using have limitations. They aren't perfect. If there are drivers that came straight from the manufacturer that Ubuntu can use, then you'll find that it might work better"19:45
marsfligththeadmin: I removed the sceensaver from the 'startup applications' should be this the reason?19:46
KeyboardNotFoundIn ubuntu packages codeblocks last version is 10.05, but newest codeblocks version is 12.11, can i update codeblocks to newest version but using ubuntu packages ?19:46
N105okay thanks guys i will try the additional drivers and i will be back after that thanks a lot guys19:46
N105for your help19:46
backboxit's worth a shot19:46
theadminmarsfligth: May be.19:46
backboxno worries19:46
holsteinKeyboardNotFound: the short anwer is no.. you can always maintain it yourself, or try a PPA19:46
holstein!ppa | KeyboardNotFound19:46
ubottuKeyboardNotFound: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:46
backbox looking to make my laptop into a dedicated wifi repeater, have extra router and usb adapter... anyone game to help?19:46
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details19:47
brvitorioolá pessoal, como vão?19:47
DrZaiusaf4qor: okay... now i understand what are you tring to achieve :)19:47
KeyboardNotFound!addppa | KeyboardNotFound19:47
ubottuKeyboardNotFound, please see my private message19:47
Dimensionalbackbox, um.19:47
brvitoriotem brasileiro?19:47
af4qorDrZaius, cool c:19:47
DimensionalLast time I checked, not really possible without having 2 wireless adapters.19:47
marsfligththeadmin: I try to restore it and I reboot, if it woks I'll give you notice. Thanks19:47
backboxDimensional, is that a maybe19:47
DimensionalI checked 3 months ago.19:47
Dimensional1 adapter to be the access point, the other to connect to the real access point19:48
backboxI have and adapter and a router19:48
DimensionalWhen I tried configuring my wifi adapter, I couldn't make it be both an access point and connect to an access point.19:48
backboxI think it could work...19:48
DimensionalYou have a router that you laptop connects to?19:48
Dimensionalthe router connects to the internet?19:48
DrZaiusaf4qor: well... the best solution is to add functions to shell itself... really. with nohup to detach it from the shell19:49
backboxI can extend the range by forwarding my connection but it's on a different ssid19:49
DrZaiusaf4qor: i understand your cool idea, but it doesnt make much sense19:49
VilleviciousI was installin lubuntu 12.10 on my new netbook and ran into a problem. instead of launching the gui it sends me to a commandline enviroment. any ideas on how to find out whats wrong?19:50
Dimensionalbackbox, if you're connecting to your router wirelessly, then no, you can't use your laptop as a repeater without having a second adapter.19:50
backboxi want to run a lan site on my server as a home-brewed media server19:50
af4qorDrZaius, so there is no bash command well thats a bitch. Oh well, how would i go about adding a bash function ?19:50
Dimensionaljosh____: Your tests are passing. Stop spamming19:50
proverI need help creating a script, to run a game i must change to game directory and put a command before the game executable. so i cd /usr/local/games/ut    then type padsp ut   how can i create a script for this19:50
DrZaiusaf4qor: there is a new command... i guess the command you are looking for is gnome-terminal19:50
af4qorDrZaius, cool ideas dont need to make sense19:50
DimensionalBackbox, if you are connected to the router, to the internet, thorugh a wired connection, then yes, you can make your laptop a repeater by bridging a wireless signal through it.19:50
backboxI'm connecting to the main router via wifi the sharing that via ethernet to an other router19:51
DJones!test > josh____19:51
ubottujosh____, please see my private message19:51
backboxand that works but it has to be a different ssid19:51
DrZaiusaf4qor: but as i said is overcomplicated19:51
cakeboss!test > DJones19:51
ubottuDJones, please see my private message19:51
DJonescakeboss: Yes?19:51
cakebossDJones: Just making sure it works.19:51
josh____Im using irssi and I cannt figure out how to change my bloody nickname!!!19:51
af4qorill just use gnome-terminal, thanks for your help19:51
Dimensionaltype /nick <name>19:52
DJonesjosh____: /nick newnick19:52
jribjosh____: /nick notbloody19:52
cakebossjosh____: You type /nick MYNICK19:52
DrZaiusjust type in bash: function radio() {nohup pyradio;}19:52
=== josh____ is now known as JaySwizzle
backboxbut I want to bridge it to the same network19:52
JaySwizzleThank tou!19:52
cakebossYou know what is interesting about irssi?19:52
JaySwizzleThat was driving me mad.19:52
mrHatok, so i enabled quotas on the /home directory so i can manager user space... here is fstab : http://imagebin.org/247760  but when i do repquota /home i get http://imagebin.org/247761 .. wtf is doing bind, www-data and some other doing in the report ?? i hate setting up quotas damn it...19:52
cakebossNothing, JaySwizzle: get a better client unless you plan on scripting in irssi19:52
backboxI can use the same ssid, but then i just have two networks with the same name19:53
cakebossJaySwizzle: leave the manly tools to the manly men19:53
* Dimensional recommends KVIRC.19:53
JaySwizzlecakeboss: I am actually wanting to try and learn, beginners got to start some where though19:53
* Dimensional doesn't know how to help you, backbox.19:53
backboxand auto connections get confused and jump around19:53
cakebossJaySwizzle: right, start with something you can manage...like something with a gui19:53
DimensionalI made a client bridge with 2 routers, one that was connected to the other.19:53
cakebossJust because you were a guy fawkes mask doesn't mean you can computer.19:53
Dimensionalbackbox, just don't try it then. It's just going to cuase more harm than good.19:54
JaySwizzleWhat would you suggest I try first then?19:54
cakebossJaySwizzle: Try xchat or mIRC19:54
DimensionalJaySwizzle: It's a good idea to get another client. I recommend KVIrc, because it has a GUI, and not hard to configure.19:54
DimensionalAnd it's opensource19:54
cakebossJaySwizzle: you can make scripts in both of them. Then graduate to big boy programs like irssi19:54
Dimensionalcompletely free.19:54
JaySwizzleAlright i'll check those out, thanks!19:54
backboxI can get this I know I can...19:54
lesshastehow do I tell rygel which directory my music is in?19:55
* mikey_ yawn19:55
mrHathel anyone19:55
backboxI've seen it done on win xp... so i don't see why ubuntu couldn't do it19:55
holsteinlesshaste: where is your music? ~/Music ?19:55
bean!ask | mrHat19:55
ubottumrHat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:55
quick-hi guys can i install ubuntu on a windows 8 based pc ? i had heard that coz of UEFI it wasnt possible . Please help19:55
lesshasteholstein, no.. in another directory19:55
mrHatok, so i enabled quotas on the /home directory so i can manager user space... here is fstab : http://imagebin.org/247760  but when i do repquota /home i get http://imagebin.org/247761 .. wtf is doing bind, www-data and some other doing in the report ?? i hate setting up quotas damn it...19:55
Dimensionalbackbox, it requires installing bridging software and the works.19:55
holsteinlesshaste: i would just specify where it is then19:55
mrHatthis is the second time im pasting the question19:56
DimensionalQuick-, it's possible. Read up on Grub2 and UEFI19:56
beanmrHat, its likely that it just looks at ~all~ users on the box.19:56
backboxit would be worth the hastle for me... this would be a deticated repeater so i would set it up and leave it19:56
mrHatbean but i have only enabled quotas on /home19:56
mrHathow is that possible19:56
lesshasteholstein, how do you do that in rygel?19:57
VilleviciousI was installin lubuntu 12.10 on my new netbook and ran into a problem. instead of launching the gui it sends me to a commandline enviroment. any ideas on how to find out whats wrong?19:57
beanmrHat, because it doesn't care about what directory / mount point its enabled on. It will report for ALL USERS likely19:57
quick-Dimensional: You sure about that ?19:57
backboxdd-wrt isn't an optio either... doesn't support my routers19:57
Dimensionalquick-: Fairly. I looked at grub2-install, and one of it's options mentioned UEFI and secure boot.19:58
mikey_has anyone here used gnu screen?19:58
Picimikey_: many people19:58
beanmrHat, also, it is probably reporting group quotas as well19:58
quick-Dimensional:  Thanks mate :)19:59
holsteinlesshaste: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man5/rygel.conf.5.html seems like in the config file whatever uris is19:59
mrHatbean it kind of makes me wonder if quotas are only indeed setup for the /home and not /19:59
beanmrHat, do they appear when you do "repquota -u /home"20:00
backboxI use xfce have since gnome took a shit sorry micky_20:00
beanmrHat, seeing as how they're not reporting any limits, i wouldn't worry about it20:00
FCHMMR<mikey_> has anyone here used gnu screen?20:00
mrHatbut they also apear when i do repquota /20:00
FCHMMR^a then c -- make new screen20:01
FCHMMR^a then n - switch screen20:01
FCHMMR^a then d -- leave screen20:01
skorasaurusHi, I'm suddently unable to connect to my wireless network Although i'm able to connect to other protected ones.20:01
FCHMMR^a then x - lock screen20:01
PiciFCHMMR: stop20:01
skorasaurusand my android device can still connect to my home wireless network.20:01
beanFCHMMR, please use 1 line. Enter is not punctuation20:02
FCHMMRi will attempt to better emulate the required etiquette in the future.20:02
skorasaurusi receive a "wireless network authentication required" and enter in my correct password, but the message appears again after a minute or so.20:03
skorasaurusand here's the syslog as I've tried to connect to my network http://paste.ubuntu.com/1691288/20:03
GeorgHola a todos! When my system start (Ubuntu 12.10) appears this message: " unreliable CPU thermal sensor; monitoring disabled " Anybody knows how to solve it?20:04
prashant_123456not able to increase screen resolution using ubuntu 12.04 and onboard graphics intel dg41rq20:04
mikey_Pici: Any ideas why it would be introducing an extra terminal when I enable starting on screen 1 as indicated in the Arch Wiki (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNU_Screen)20:05
thetaruethetaGeorg:-) best to do is ignore it or maybe upgrade to the latest kernel, maybe.20:05
skorasaurusI have already unplugged my cable  modem, rebooted my computer, and have all of the information ready from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=618368120:06
mikey_https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNU_Screen#Start_at_window_1 For a more acurate link20:06
backboxokay than can I have my server service two networks simultaneously‎?20:06
lesshasteholstein, thanks20:07
Georgthetaruetheta: ok, thanks :). How can I upgrade my kernel?20:07
skorasaurushmm, how quickly do paste.ubuntu.com pastes expire ?20:08
Piciskorasaurus: never20:08
thetaruethetaGeorg:-) not difficult, but can be daunting for a newbie. I would suggest searching for debiqn or Ubuntu kernel howto's.20:09
sofyanplease some body im using backtrack 4r2 how to install modem cdma fast 220:09
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
fishwithapipemikey_ as I see it, a terminal is started in the screen session so that you can actually do stuff with it20:09
thetaruethetaGeorge:-) debian20:09
fishwithapipeif there was no terminal, how would you use the screen?20:10
DJonesGeorg: I'd suggest you have a look at this as well, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2097909 It looks like there is a bug that gives that error message as well20:10
DJones!backtrack | sofyan20:10
ubottusofyan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:10
skorasaurusinteresting, I made several pastes 2 days ago and all say they no longer exist.20:10
Georgthetaruetheta: Thanks! I'll read about that!20:10
mikey_fishwithapipe: yes. I've a few screens set up but when trying to use the code I linked to start with a screen (not sure of the correct terminology) number of 1 rather than 0 it adds one more to however many I have20:11
mikey_fishwithapipe: so I've 4 defined in my .screenrc and I end up with 520:11
=== Ig0r_ is now known as niee
BluesKajmikey_, 0 is screen 120:12
GeorgDJones: Thanks friend, I'll put an eye on that :)20:12
mikey_BluesKaj: ???20:12
thetaruethetaGeorg:-) http://blog.avirtualhome.com/compile-mainline-kernel-ubuntu/20:13
DJonesGeorg: This is one of the bug reports https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/653770 its an old bug, but still seems to have recent comments20:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 653770 in linux (Ubuntu) "k10temp unreliable CPU thermal sensor; monitoring disabled" [Medium,Expired]20:13
BluesKajmikey_, 5screens would be  0,1,2,3,4 in a Xconfig file20:14
mikey_BluesKaj: I'm using gnu screen. Which are indeed 0-3 by default with the code linked here (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNU_Screen#Start_at_window_1) to make it 1-4 but it seems to add in screen 520:15
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tozenvlad_starkov: otkuda ty, brat?20:18
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yeats!info unattended-upgrades20:20
ubottuunattended-upgrades (source: unattended-upgrades): automatic installation of security upgrades. In component main, is optional. Version 0.79.3ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 25 kB, installed size 232 kB20:20
xslguys im lost... after 2 days the server always hangs ... i'm in a dead end... i dont see errors... i dunno what to do .. :( plz any pointers20:22
iterxsl, hardware issue perhaps? maybe try livecd for a few days20:23
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ApplesouceHey, is here somebody that knows how to set up a mailserver on Ubuntu? I'm getting kinda frustraded here ...20:27
iterare you having a specific issue Applesouce20:27
ApplesouceYes, it's not working >.>20:27
elisa87how can I run a .exe application in Ubuntu?20:27
Applesouceelisa87: try "wine"20:27
iterelisa87: exe is a windows application, it can be run in wine20:27
SteevBWhat iter said20:28
iterApplesouce: could you be more specific?20:28
DJones!wine | elisa87 Some Windows programmes may work using wine, but if you can, you're better using a native application,20:28
ubottuelisa87 Some Windows programmes may work using wine, but if you can, you're better using a native application,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:28
Applesoucewell I tried to follow a thousand tutorials now, and I can't send any mails :> I now tried to send one via TELNET and it says "421 4.3.0 collect: Cannot write ./dfr1MKLYGC019862 (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=107): No such file or directory"20:29
xsliter its a server i cannot have that kind of downtime :(20:29
xslthx for the tip tough20:29
iterthat is probably a permissions error Applesouce20:29
iterxsl you are having downtime every two days now :\20:29
ApplesouceHow do I fix it? Or better question, is there a easy and nice way to set up a mailserver ....20:30
xsliter, true :S20:30
iteryou might try some hardware specific diagnostics20:30
xsli already requested the ISP hardware checks .. they say they didnt found anything20:31
iterApplesouce: you might start over and follow the falko perfect server guide, that's pretty straightforward20:31
xsli'm starting to doubt on my configurations ( a hard road to travel ) :(20:31
xslits a server with several lxcontainers20:31
iterso, by hangs you mean no response from console?20:32
itercan't ctrl-alt-f2 for example ?20:32
ApplesouceI don't remember what should I remove?20:32
iterApplesouce: no, start from scratch20:32
ApplesouceI could remove postfix, it's the only thing I remember :>20:32
Applesoucewhat from scratch?20:32
Applesoucethat is not possible20:32
iterif you've already "followed a 1000 tutorials" you probably have no idea of your current status20:33
ApplesouceI can not format the server >.>20:33
ApplesouceThat is kind of true20:33
elisa87What should I do for this error? Cannot locate flex binary.20:34
iterelisa87: sudo apt-get install flex?20:34
xsliter maybe its a filesystem problem20:36
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
iterxsl, what do you mean by hangs20:37
iternot responsive to pings? ssh? console commands? drop-kicking ;)20:37
skorasaurus2hi, how do I obtain a list of the available wireless networks, iwlist scan right ?20:39
parallel21I cannot seem to get rid of this error: "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"20:40
skorasaurus2because no results are returning when I do that.20:40
parallel21This is whenever I am using "apt-get -f install"20:41
iterwhat package are you getting that error with parallel2120:41
skorasaurus2parallel21, make sure that you don't have synaptic open20:42
xbox                  Русские есть?20:44
DJones!ru | xbox20:44
ubottuxbox: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:44
tozenxbox: est'20:44
elisa87I restarted my computer but yet I have this error: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)20:45
xboxжость, поставил на xbox 360 линукс. Я его в глаза первый раз вижу)))20:45
xboxХоть и ремонтом пк занимаюсь)20:45
walkertexGuys I need advice. Im shipping a tablet back to reclaim my warranty but theres sensitive info that might be construed as illegal on the tablet20:47
tozenelisa87: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock20:47
walkertexshould I have to worry about them searching my hard drive?20:47
tozenxbox: i chjo tam?20:48
walkertexmisconstrued* not construed20:48
elisa87what's the reason for Cannot locate wish binary.??20:48
elisa87tozen: thanks a ton20:48
tozenelisa87: glad to helpu20:49
mussaفي عرب20:49
xboxможно в нете лазить))) В принципе больше как я понял не чего не сделаешь((20:49
DJones!arabic | mussa20:49
ubottumussa: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:49
DJones!ru | xbox20:50
ubottuxbox: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:50
walkertexOh dear :(20:50
tozenxbox: ja tut na androud stavil, ta zhe hren', vot, zhdu oktjabrja kogda vyjdet reliz na smartfony...20:50
walkertexShould I have to worry about the OEM searching my hard drive when returning a tablet for warranty?20:51
apb1963_In /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root  it says:  # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.  Where is this master file it refers to?20:52
jribapb1963_: you should use the "crontab -e" command20:53
null_radixhey anyone know how hard it is to completey replace the window manager? im on 12.1020:54
graftanyone here use sshfs? i have issues with it hanging up20:54
jribnull_radix: install the one you want and choose it from the dropdown at the login screen20:54
holsteinnull_radix: i would just search "replace xfce with gnome in ubuntu 12.10" for example.. it really depends on from what to what, and you dont have to "replace".. you can run more than one20:55
parallel21iter: linux-image-2.6.32-39-server20:56
KI4ROWhat is signon-ul?  When I restart I get a message that says it is still running and should I restart anyway20:59
apb1963_jrib: thanks, but that doesn't really help.  An application I'm installing wants to modify that file.  I don't think crontab -e is going to do the trick21:00
jribapb1963_: what application is this?21:00
apb1963_jrib: a third party application I want to install21:01
jribapb1963_: be specific...21:01
apb1963_jrib; is the application relevant  to the answer to the question?21:02
jribapb1963_: yes, because that file should never be edited directly.  Applications generally use the directories in /etc/cron.* to install cronjobs21:02
lunitiknull_radix: Unity is a plugin for Compiz, so just install something else and choose that when you're logging in... usually it is just a case of using --replace but that isn't valid here.21:02
apb1963_jrib: so you are suggesting that the "master file" referred to is in /etc/cron.* ?21:04
skorasaurus2hi, i'm unable to connect to my home wireless network but i'm able to connect to my neighbor's; i have 12.04, and this problem just started occuring within the past 3 days, haven't done any hardware modifications since then.21:04
skorasaurus2my android phone can still connect to my network without any problems.21:05
jribapb1963_: no, probably not.21:05
skorasaurus2I have a repeated ""wireless network authentication required"21:05
skorasaurus2entered the correct password but the message still returns21:05
=== Pappashi is now known as k00pie7
jhutchins_wkskorasaurus2: Perhaps you do not have the correct encryption selected.21:06
hficHi All, I've got a question about vsftpd. service vsftpd restart says it restarted and gives me a pid, but ps -ef doesn't show ftp running. suggestions?21:06
skorasaurus2well, i haven't changed any of that, but how should I double check ?21:06
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: or its possible your card doesnt support the type of encryption your using.. is it a newer wireless card?21:07
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: and has it worked before?21:07
skorasaurus2i've been using this card with no problems for about 8 months.21:07
skorasaurus2it's a Atheros Communications Inc. AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)21:07
=== k00pie7 is now known as k00pie
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: are you using Ubuntu with Unity?21:08
skorasaurus2yes, 12.0321:08
unhumani notice that when i'm logged in to ssh i cannot log in to sftp on that server, so it seems it only allows one session of this user on ssh at one time... could it be so? how do i change it?21:08
skorasaurus2but i'm using unity2d, because of some video bugs :(21:08
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: have you tried "forgetting" the network and attempting to connect again?21:08
skorasaurus2wiggmpk, yes i have.21:08
skorasaurus2and i deleted my setting in the network manager, and rebooted.21:08
skorasaurus2i have syslogs, dmesg if you'd like21:09
jhutchins_wkunhuman: Who configured the server?21:09
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: have you tried connecting manually? like instead of selecting the broadcast, manually configuring it?21:09
jhutchins_wkskorasaurus2: No point in us looking at the syslogs if they don't say anything about the network connection.21:10
kgalahassa_are there some bugs with wine?21:10
jhutchins_wkskorasaurus2: dmesg might also be of interest.21:10
wiggmpkkgalahassa_: there are always bugs in wine21:10
kgalahassa_i'm willing installing it , but i'm not sure if my ubuntu can support it21:10
jhutchins_wkskorasaurus2: A wild guess is that the update added new types of encryption and now it doesn't match the router.21:10
kgalahassa_ what do you propose to me ?21:11
wiggmpkkgalahassa_: not sure I understand what your asking21:11
skorasaurus2jhutchins_wk, it does mention the network connection in it.21:11
jhutchins_wkkgalahassa_: We can give you basic support if you're using the stock Ubuntu packages.  Beyond that there's #wine.21:11
petraHello. Trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 from an USB stick with full disc encryption. Booted from stick, started installation, selected "encrypt system" and "use lvm", next choose passphrase. Now I start entering. The verification checker at the right first changes from "bad password" to "strong password", then once upon a character back to "password too short" and stays at that whatever else is entered.21:11
kgalahassa_I'm asking if ubuntu 12.10 supports wine bugs21:12
skorasaurus2http://pastebin.ca/2316700 is my syslog of when i was trying to connect to my network.21:12
jhutchins_wkkgalahassa_: Bugs in the ubuntu packages yes.21:12
petraI tried with various passwords, using different casing and special chars, and also tried only characters. The change back to "password too short" appears at different characters, I don't see a pattern. This seems really weird.21:12
petraAny idea what's going on there?21:12
kgalahassa_I'm asking if ubuntu 12.10 supports wine's bugs21:13
petraUppercase characters seem to make the "password too strong" (which also greys out the "continue with installation" button) appear sooner21:13
petraI searched bugzilla and googled quite a bit, but didn't find a single report of this.21:13
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect21:13
kgalahassa_is it a free dictionary english I can use?21:13
skorasaurus2i know my network password is correct.21:13
skorasaurus2i have tried it with my android device and it works.21:14
kgalahassa_is it a free dictionary english I can use?21:14
jhutchins_wkskorasaurus2: 4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect21:14
skorasaurus2kgalahassa_, wordnet21:14
Hyuristylehey, anyone having troubles with wired internet connection? specifically on ubuntu?21:14
jhutchins_wkNice verbose log at least.21:14
pkexec-nopass-plmy question in my nick21:14
DJoneskgalahassa_: Ubuntu 12.10 uses wine version 1.4, if there are bugs in wine, then the bugs will most likely be in the version used in Ubuntu21:15
jribapb1963_: by "master file" they probably just mean your own file where you like to write your crontab (instead of using crontab -e directly).  I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do.  Have you sorted your issue?21:15
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: are you using WPA or WPA2?21:15
pkexec-nopass-pli dont want enter password on package installing with synaptic everytime21:15
pkexec-nopass-pli wanna use pkexec without password21:16
skorasaurus2WPA personal21:16
KI4ROWhat is signon-ul?  When I restart I get a message that says it is still running and should I restart anyway21:16
skorasaurus2and i've verified that was I have in my settings in my network connection.21:16
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: and you have connected before with the same hardware and the same OS? when did you notice the probleM/21:17
petrawe just tried rebooting and doing it again, same thing. Are there some characters or length or so that are not allowed in dm-crypt/LUKS passphrases? Or what else could be the problem?21:17
MMloshHi! I think I am having a HDD-space leak with ecryptfs..   I deleted a 1GB file, but the space did not get freed up! :(   Is there a dedicated ecryptfs channel that could assist me?21:18
skorasaurus2wiggmpk, yes, i've tried with same hardware and same os. I had no problems for 7 months until suddenly about 72 hours ago.21:18
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: what changed in the past 72 hours? updates?21:19
pkexec-nopass-pli dont want pkexec ask password21:19
Hyuristyleskorasaurus2: having troubles with internet connection?21:21
skorasaurus2Hyuristyle, yes.21:21
Hyuristyleskorasaurus2: same here21:22
Hyuristylestarting from about 2 or 3 days ago21:22
hficHi All, I've got a question about vsftpd. service vsftpd restart says it restarted and gives me a pid, but ps -ef doesn't show ftp running. dmesg says 'vsftpd respawning too fast, stopped'21:22
pkexec-nopass-pli dont want write password everytime for install package with synaptic21:23
wiggmpkpkexec-nopass-pl: you have to..21:23
QuestI have windows 7 and ubuntu 12.(the latest). what is the easiest way to delete the windows 7 entry from the boot loader (grub) and make it appear to a new user that the computer only has ubuntu installed ?21:24
moon`is there a way to enable system updates without rebooting.  Like ksplice or something?21:24
moon`quest edit the bootloader and remove the windows entry?21:24
wiggmpkpkexec-nopass-pl: installing a package requires root, gained by using "sudo", prompting for a password is for security21:24
Questmoon` yes i think. how to do that?21:24
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: have you tried changing your password via your router?21:24
moon`Quest: I don't know let me google it, I haven't had to do it since I used gentoo21:25
pkexec-nopass-plbut its not matter for me. wiggmpk21:25
skorasauruswiggmpk: i have not yet.21:25
skorasauruschanged my router password.21:25
Questmoon` ok21:25
skorasaurusat least in several months.21:25
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: not your router password, the wifi password21:25
pkexec-nopass-pli can do it with sudo. but i cant with pkexec21:25
skorasaurusyes, that I haven't also changed in several months21:25
moon`Quest: http://askubuntu.com/questions/100232/how-do-i-change-the-grub-boot-order21:26
moon`I didn't read the page, read through that and see if it helps21:26
pkexec-nopass-plis "gksudo synaptic" same wsynaptic-pkexec"21:26
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: are you using any custom firmware or anything like Tomato or DD-WRT?21:26
MonkeyDust!find pkexec21:26
ubottuFile pkexec found in gnome-system-log, gparted, policykit-1, policykit-1-doc, synaptic21:26
skorasauruswiggmpk: no.21:26
Questmoon` let me see21:26
skorasaurusI don't belive so.21:26
wiggmpkpkexec-nopass-pl: if it requires root privileges it will prompt you for a password man.. im not familiar with what your doing, but it sounds like you need to escalate your privileges to do it.21:27
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: try just changing your password.. or changing the encryption to WEP.. or a combination of both, just to enure that you can still associate with the router..21:27
skorasauruslast packages i updated - http://pastebin.ca/231670421:27
=== baka is now known as Guest22113
pkexec-nopass-plWhy even ubuntu isnt user-friendly?21:28
MonkeyDustpkexec-nopass-pl  i guess nobody has ever heard of pkexec, maybe you should elaborate on it21:29
Questmoon` i wonder why the page is not loading correctly21:29
petrapuh, found it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1068391 . updating now then trying again.21:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1068391 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Raring) "Password strength bug" [High,Fix released]21:29
moon`Quest: can I pm you?21:29
Questmoon` of-course21:30
wiggmpkpkexec-nopass-pl: I just googled pkexec and its a graphical front end for PolicyKit, just taking a guess that it requires root =P, Ubuntu is very user friendly btw21:31
moon`is there a way to enable system updates without rebooting.  Like ksplice or something?21:31
bastardenhello...anyone knows what is the default root password for lubuntu 12.10 live cd?21:32
MonkeyDustbastarden  there is no root password21:33
bastardenwell there is...when i try to su it requires a password21:33
wiggmpk!root | bastarden21:33
ubottubastarden: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:33
bastardenblank password or root/lubuntu doesn`t work21:33
MonkeyDustbastarden  that's your own password21:33
wiggmpkbastarden: by default the root account is locked.. therefore it has no password21:33
bastardensudo apt-get....worked without password...thanks for the heads up21:34
r_a_fmussa_: i love u :)21:35
Hyuristyleskorasaurus2:  if my problem is the same that your, i think there's no relation with updates21:35
wiggmpkbastarden: if you already authenticated "sudo" in the same terminal, it wont prompt you again for some time, or if the screen is locked, or if you open a different terminal21:35
randomuser33hey guys, does the newest version of ubuntu have the memtest86 still built into the grub boot screen?\21:36
bastardengot it...thanks21:36
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: did you try changing the encryption type and/or password?21:36
skorasaurus2changed my password on my wifi21:36
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: same result?21:36
Hyuristyleskorasaurus2:  i am having the problem both in Ubuntu and Lubuntu. Lubuntu is updated and Ubuntu is very outdated21:36
MonkeyDustrandomuser33  yes, there's a memtest21:36
skorasaurus2network and it's now working.21:36
skorasaurus2thanks for the help wiggmpk.21:37
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: so just changing the WiFi password worked?21:37
randomuser33MonkeyDust, ah for some reason I didn't see it.21:37
skorasaurus2and i changed to wpa2 personal21:37
skorasaurus2from wpa1.21:37
skorasaurus2i didn't try only changing the password.21:37
skorasaurus2or only wp2.21:37
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: cool, still doesnt really answer your issue, but works around it.. I've given up on wireless encryption myself21:37
skorasaurus2it's been a pain for me over the years on ubuntu (With different computers)21:38
skorasaurus2i had mine unencrypted until neighbors started using my connection way too much21:38
wiggmpkskorasaurus2: WPA2 is better anyway, I use MAC address filtering and disable the broadcast21:38
nearsthiya people21:39
mussaمافي عرب هون21:39
FloodBot1mussa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
MonkeyDust!ubuntu-arabic | mussa21:39
r_a_fmussa: still love you :)21:39
mussa_اي اوكي ماشي21:40
mussa_كيف الحال21:40
DJones!arabic | mussa_21:40
ubottumussa_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:40
r_a_fmussa_: yes - I know that21:40
r_a_fmussa_: you're talking to me?21:41
mussaانت ام شب21:41
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead
MonkeyDustmussa  that's enough, english please21:41
mussaطيب بركي فصلوني هلا21:42
r_a_fmussa: sudo apt-get instal ... :)21:42
r_a_fsry apt-get install ;)21:43
mussar-a-f what21:43
SmilexI'm currently using Vesa for graphics, how do I change to mesa?21:43
mussai do not andrstand21:43
r_a_fmussa: sharm el shaikh?21:44
mussar-a-f am new in her help me21:45
mussahe he he21:46
r_a_fmussa: OK I help you !21:46
r_a_fmussa: problem ?21:47
mussayes speak with me in arabeck21:47
DJonesmussa: This channel is English only for Ubuntu support, if you have a support question, feel free to ask it, support in arabic is in #ubuntu-arabic21:47
r_a_fmussa: hello21:49
unhumanhow can i find out why being added to a certain group denies ssh access for a user?21:49
DunyaTo find out you must take your foot, and shove it up your ass21:50
r_a_fmussa: country? Egipt , Tunisia, Pakistan, Iran?21:50
ninjatomateAlready feeling at home in this channel21:50
mussago to arabick abuntu if u can21:50
r_a_fwow nice21:50
mussahe he he21:50
mussaand u21:50
VivekanandaHey everyone. I am back with a brand new install of lubuntu 12.04 and testing it out. Do we have a separate channel for it or shoudl I ask the general questions here. For one I want to get an easier way of arranging launchers and icons on a panel as was in gnome21:51
mussaاهلا وسهلا21:51
=== ninjatomate is now known as NinjaTomate
FloodBot1mussa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
Vivekanandaand second I need a way to get the keybindings working21:51
k1l!ot | mussa r_a_f21:51
ubottumussa r_a_f: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:51
mussaok ok ok sory21:51
mussahe he he he he21:52
mussar-a-f can you anderstand arabick21:52
Vivekanandaany suggestions anyone ?21:52
r_a_fmussa: no :/21:53
r_a_fmussa: but I like it :)21:53
mussai will learn u21:53
r_a_fhaha ok21:53
holsteinVivekananda: theres #lubuntu ..there are only these http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Main_Menu21:53
mussayou are mail or femail21:54
r_a_fyup I give you21:54
holstein!ot | mussa21:54
ubottumussa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:54
hficquestion about vsftpd. service vsftpd restart says it restarted and gives me a pid, but ps -ef doesn't show ftp running. dmesg says 'vsftpd respawning too fast, stopped'21:54
Vivekanandamussa:  what he means is this is a pretty busy channel and lots of people are dying without help 1! so ask help21:55
wiggmpkmussa: if you want to chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:55
k1lmussa: you were told several times not to drop that offtopic in here. go to the channel mentioned if you just want to chat21:55
Vivekanandaholstein: got to lubuntu. Let us see if anyone there would help. By the way the mplayer for lubuntu is suddenly like the movie is moving in slow motion thought the sound is fine21:56
Vivekanandaany suggestions? I tried to increase the buffer for each21:56
holsteinVivekananda: graphics driver21:56
Vivekanandaholstein: I tried running glxgears and glxinfo.21:57
axgbI was fiddling around with packages; I wanted to get an older version of CUPS, because the new version does not work with xerox workcenter, and it now says all about broken packages. What should I do. I tried sudo -f; but that does not work, it says error (1) and that is all it says to do online21:57
VivekanandaWhat else21:57
axgbShould I try again in recovery mode?21:57
Vivekanandaasking in lubuntu I should21:57
dikim33Hi, anyone can help me to resolve the conflict between libopensm2 and libopensm5 packages on ubuntu 12.04 ?21:58
r_a_fmussa: look in private channel22:01
k1lmussa: last time now! stop that or you will recieve a ban22:02
k1l!ot > mussa22:02
ubottumussa, please see my private message22:02
mussaas u like22:03
r_a_fmussa; /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:05
r_a_fI am there22:05
darenthello, good night22:05
darentor morning or whatever it is where you are...22:05
darentdoes somebody know what are the requirements to run ubuntu on a tablet?22:06
darenta mean, any dual core tablet will do?22:06
DJones!tablet | darent22:07
ubottudarent: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.22:07
darentok, thanks and sorry22:07
DaemonicApathyIs there a known reason for the manufacturer splash screen not showing on boot after upgrading Ubuntu 12.04.2 to use the 3.5.0-25-generic kernel? My laptop was trying to boot to an empty ODD, with no initial splash, before I booted into a 12.04.1 disc and restarted. Now the manufacturer screen is just skipped upon booting, this time to the SSD.22:07
DaemonicApathyI think I'm going to assume that my CMOS is dying.22:11
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: how old if your machine?22:12
FloodBot1setkeh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:12
DJonesstop that22:12
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: Not a year yet.22:12
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: unlikely an issue with CMOS, does your computer frequently loose its time?22:13
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: No, which was what confused me. I was going to reboot without an internet connection to check that out, in case of active syncing.22:14
Davorhow do I disable unity and boot to tty?22:14
kingbeasthey Davor22:14
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: this is a branded machine? originally with Windows 8? or later?22:15
NoiseEeehi, I'm running a server edition (10.04)....  should I be rebooting when there are new kernel/linuxheader updates?  i don't get prompted to (ie: the machine doesnt say "Reboot Required" when I ssh into it)22:15
wiggmpkNoiseEee: if you want to use the new kernel, then yes you would have to reboot22:15
guntbert!text | Davor22:15
ubottuDavor: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:15
NoiseEeewiggmpk: thanks.22:15
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: Toshiba, originally with Windows 7, using a different hard drive for several months now.22:15
darentwell, if you don't reboot, what's the point on upgrading the kernel?22:15
Davorthanks guntbert22:15
NoiseEeedarent: beats me, i just do all the updates.22:16
NoiseEeedarent: i just find it weird that most of my ubuntu boxes say 'reboot required' when i ssh in after such an update; this one never does22:16
guntbertDavor: You're welcome22:16
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: double check your BIOS settings to see if you or something disabled the splash screen.. do you see anything when the power is turned on? like a verbose mode?22:16
darentNoiseEee: don't know, in theory it should ask you for a reboot, but i've never installed server...22:17
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: Nothing - can't access the BIOS settings, no keypresses result in anything before the OS boots.22:17
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: laptop?22:17
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: Yes.22:17
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: disconnect the power and battery for like 30mins.. something may be fouled up.. do you have a reset button on the bottom somewhere?22:17
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DaemonicApathywiggmpk: No reset button. I tried a hard reset a couple times. I may just let it sit and drain for awhile tonight. For the moment, though, it seems fine other than the lack of splash and BIOS options.22:19
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wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: another theory, your display may not be getting a signal quick enough for you to see the splash screen (or the options to get into the BIOS)22:19
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: try to power down (not restart, turn off) then as soon as you hit the power button start hammering F2 or whatever your BIOS option was22:19
skywellJust push esc if that doesn't bring you to bios restart and try f2, if that doesnt work reboot and try f822:19
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: That's exactly what I was doing.22:19
skywellAnd I mean hammering.22:20
wiggmpkskywell: i've never seen F8 be an option for BIOS22:20
kingbeastDaemonicApathy, F12 should be the bios key, try repeated taps after hitting the power button22:20
DaemonicApathyskywell: Luckily, I've known my BIOS keys for quite a while now. I doubt they would change.22:20
skywellwiggmpk: My iBuyPower, gigabyte motherboard, has the f8. Same issue. My screen doesn't activate fast enough to see the bios so I had to brute fN force it22:20
wiggmpkskywell: you built your machine?22:21
skywellDaemonicApathy: I came in kind of late and didn't understand your problem but spewed a random solution so my bad :)22:21
skywellwiggmpk: no22:21
skywellwiggmpk: I bought it from iBuyPower22:21
DaemonicApathyAnyway, thanks guys. I'll play around with it. It was just an unwecome surprise after work.22:21
wiggmpkskywell: most vendors dont use F8 since thats the key for the advanced boot menu for Windows22:21
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: only thing I can tell you is call the manufacturer and dont tell them your using Linux lol22:22
sx2Hey I'm a linux newbie and just downloaded a program (Celtx) and wondered if sticking the whole folder in /usr/bin would allow me to boot it from the terminal like preinstall software or software install from the package manager(s).22:22
skywellBut windows isn't listening until after bios anyway so lol.22:22
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: Ikr? ;-)22:22
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: i know, its a shame22:22
darentdelete key, on my motherboard22:22
wiggmpkskywell: i know, just saying its not typical.. usually F2, F12, Del are the "typical" BIOS keys22:22
kingbeaston Toshiba's F2 is boot options, F12 is bios settings22:23
skywellYea, they need to standardize this stuff already.22:23
skywellwiggmpk: forgot to tag you last message22:23
wiggmpksx2: you would be better off making a script that calls the program, and using a symbolic link in /usr/bin22:24
wiggmpki think22:24
DaemonicApathyTimes like these, it pays to have some experience working on all major manufacturers' machines...otherwise, I may never have gotten back up, never mind in the 10 minutes it took.22:24
skywellsx2: You should just make a ~/bin folder and add it to your environment path in your .cshrc type file on linux.22:24
DJonessx2: There are installation instructions on the celtx wiki http://wiki.celtx.com/index.php?title=Installation#For_Linux22:25
skywellsx2: I think it is ~/.profile on ubuntu22:25
sx2skywell DJones: Thanks.22:26
skywellsx2: sudo echo 'alias celtx="./usr/local/celtx/celtx"' >> .profile22:26
skywellSomeone smite me if I am wrong lol.22:27
skywellsx2: sudo echo 'alias celtx="/usr/local/celtx/celtx"' >> ~/.profile22:28
escottskywell, an alias should never be local22:28
DJonessx2: I wouldn't normally recommend a ppa, but as celtx isn't in the ubuntu repo's, there is a ppa that might be worth considering https://launchpad.net/~dreamstudio/+archive/video?field.series_filter=quantal22:28
DJones!ppa | sx222:28
ubottusx2: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:28
skywellescott: Un-noob me, why?22:29
escottskywell, im pretty sure if you change the wd it wont follow22:30
skywellescott: sorry, wd?22:30
skywellworking directory22:30
skywellWith sudo right? just remove sudo22:30
newuserWhat is the hotkey to open the dash again?22:31
newuserThanks k1l22:31
DoWhileGeekok so I was derping in gparted, accidentally wiped my boot partition, what do22:32
AprosklitosHello! im using Ubuntu 12.10 and i have 2 problems, one with networking and one with image quality with nvidia hardware, if anyone can help with any of these problems please tell me.22:32
skywellreinstall grub22:32
wiggmpklol grab your ankles and....22:32
skywellDoWhileGeek: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd/22:33
escottskywell, sudo doesn't make a difference22:34
DoWhileGeekskywell: thanks22:34
wiggmpkDoWhileGeek: first I would re-create the /boot partition in gparted if your deleted it altogether, then reinstall grub22:34
skywellescott: so what is the danger in assigning alias in a users .profile?22:34
escottskywell, also "sudo echo >> ~/.profile does not do what you expect it to do22:34
escottskywell, because "echo" runs just fine without root permissions22:35
petruHi. Does anyone know of a tool that allows one to effectively change touchpad sensitivity? I have a Dell Inspiron N5050 and it's way too sensitive, although ubuntu settings are at a minimum. I've already tried gpointing-device-settings, without much success.22:35
omicoHello there! I want to compile ultrastar-deluxe from svn, but it doesn't support current libav (libavcodec53)/ffmpeg libs. That's why I need to install an older version, like libavcodec52. What is the best way to do it? Can I e.g. download that older library from http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-updates/libavcodec-dev and install it parallel? Maybe into a separate directory and give that path22:36
omicoto configure?22:36
omicoI am using 12.1022:36
skywellescott: sudo was a pointless addition but I still don't see a problem in putting an alias in your .profile22:36
escottskywell, your initial alias was a relative path not an absolute path22:37
NetvergentCom_If anyone can see if there ubuntu has a directory called /var/lib/gdm if they are running gnome because mind does not and I cannot log into the desktop.22:37
omicoOr can I install the older ffmpeg 0.10 parallel to libav?22:37
AprosklitosCan anyone help me to setup me network interfaces? i have one wired for LAN purposes only and one wireless for internet and i cannot access the internet without disabling the wired connection. i checked that option on routes menu without luck22:38
Aprosklitosplease help me22:38
wiggmpkAprosklitos: are the Wired and Wireless connection on the same subnet?22:38
wiggmpkAprosklitos: i meant IP range22:39
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wiggmpkAprosklitos: like 192.168.#.#22:40
Aprosklitoswired is set to manual ip config so i only give it IP and SUBNET, no default gateway or DNS22:40
* rootpt is back.22:40
Aprosklitosahh! yes, 192.168.1.x22:40
Aprosklitosthats the problem?22:40
wiggmpkAprosklitos: what exactly is the practical purpose to dictate which device access's the internet?22:40
Aprosklitosone router is and the other
wiggmpkAprosklitos: so you have 2 separate routers handing out IP's in the same network segment?22:41
RaYmAnLongshot, I know, but any canonical people around? It appears my ip got blacklisted for access to _any_ *.ubuntu.com site after attempting a repo sync of the ubuntu phablet android sources :/22:41
Aprosklitosi dont want to dictate witch device access the net, i need my computer to be able to use my LAN and internet simutainusly22:42
Aprosklitosyes, in windows this setup works correctly because i've set different ip's to the routers, but they're the same rage22:42
Aprosklitosalso the LAN router has DHCP disabled22:43
wiggmpkAprosklitos: I would assume, (and its a guess) that you would have to create iptables rules to do what your trying to do22:43
escottAprosklitos, http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt22:43
mussai need girl22:44
Aprosklitosi've tried this guide: http://log4aj.blogspot.gr/2011/03/using-wired-for-lan-and-wireless-for.html22:44
wiggmpkk1! =)22:45
Aprosklitoswithout lucj22:45
oprhi chaps how can i make the brightness keys on my laptop turn the brightness down by just 1 level, instead of 2 as it is doing now?22:45
wiggmpkAprosklitos: did you check out escott's link.. I'm not familiar with network bonding, and I cant really wrap my head around what your trying to do22:46
bartzyMy secondary drive on my laptop suddenly started not to spin down.22:46
bartzyIt's not mounted even, not doing anything.22:46
bartzyWhen I try doings22:46
Aprosklitosi need to connect to a home lan via wired with a router without internet access22:46
bartzysudo hdparm -S1 /dev/sdb , nothing happens after 5 seconds.22:46
Aprosklitosand connect to the internet with my wifi router22:46
bartzyOnly when I do hdparm -B1 /dev/sdb, that works22:46
bartzyBut that is very aggresive - Can someone explain how to get the secondary drive to spin down every X minutes ?22:47
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wiggmpkAprosklitos: I understand that part, but the reason why you would want or need to do it22:47
escottAprosklitos, do you want to bridge>22:48
hfiche needs ics22:48
wiggmpkAprosklitos: i do think, however, using 2 different routers with the same network segments, is probably not a good idea..22:49
Aprosklitoswiggmpk: because i need to be able to connect to my brothers computer for file sharing and stuff.22:49
Aprosklitosit worked fine in windows, can this be a problem for ubuntu?22:50
skywellSamba makes it less of a problem22:50
skywellI use Ubuntu to access the windows network shares at work22:50
wiggmpkskywell: by the information, its 2 completely separate networks.. with completely separate NAT rules22:51
Aprosklitosyeah i know that, the problem is i cant have lan and wlan run together and still be able to connect to the internet via wifi :p22:51
iterAprosklitos: set default gateway to wifi router IP, set static route to brother's IP via wired router IP22:52
Styler2goHello Guys. I have an Ubuntu Server with Apache2 and i want to configure subdomains. where can i get help for that? am i correct in here?22:52
Aprosklitoswiggmpk: ok im going to change ip range to wired router and see22:52
Aprosklitositer: thats my setup: WLAN: (DHCP) ip: default gateway: dns: ||| WIRED: (manual) ip: router ip: default gateway: none dns: none22:54
Aprosklitosim going to enable LAN so i can reconfigure the wired router and ill came back22:55
iterAprosklitos: ok, so you just need to do sudo route add -host 192.168.1.xxx netmask gw eth022:55
iterAprosklitos: where xxx is your brother's IP and eth0 is the correct wired interface22:55
Aprosklitositer: what that does?22:56
Styler2gono one an idea?22:56
Aprosklitosno thats not my problem22:56
Aprosklitosi can ping my brother22:56
Aprosklitosbut when i have both connections active i cant access the internet!22:56
iterplease re-read what I wrote22:56
Aprosklitosi can communicate with both networks but i cant connect to the net22:57
iterset default gateway to wifi router IP22:57
iterset static route to brother's IP via wired router IP22:57
Aprosklitosits already set by dhcp to the wireless interface22:57
Aprosklitoswired has no gateway set22:57
Aprosklitoswhat will static route do?22:58
LazyNoopStyler2go: look at VirtualHost section of Apache configuration (and setup DNS records)22:58
itertells your pc to look for your brother's IP via the wired router22:58
iterdefault gateway is where your pc looks if it doesn't know the route22:59
Aprosklitosbut i can already find my brother22:59
itermate, please don't argue with me if you don't know what you are on about22:59
Aprosklitoshow can i tell my pc to look at wireless for internet access only?22:59
iterthat would be the default gateway22:59
Aprosklitositer: ok im sorry23:00
Aprosklitoswait 2 mins and ill come back.23:00
Aprosklitosim ebaling wired now so i will disconnect23:00
Aprosklitosam i on?23:01
Aprosklitosok i diactivated23:01
Aprosklitostell me iter23:01
iterdefault gateway set to wifi router IP, static route to brother's IP via wired router IP with the command above23:02
escottAprosklitos, you keep saying "it doesn't work" without really describing what the network topology is and how you want it to work. you have lots of options including different routing tables, bonding, bridging etc23:03
bestdndhow can i open a *.bin image?23:04
AprosklitosWireless router: internet access, ip:, DHCP enabled, Automatic IP in my computer.23:04
AprosklitosWireless router: internet access, ip:, DHCP enabled, Automatic IP in my computer.23:04
AprosklitosWired router: no internet access, ip, DHCP disabled, manual ip in my computer23:05
iterbestdnd: is it a cdrom image? dvd? hard disk image? bios image?23:05
bestdndCD image23:05
Aprosklitoswireless ip settings: automatic, ip:, default route dns
escott!enter | Aprosklitos23:05
ubottuAprosklitos: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:05
Aprosklitoswired ip settings: manual, ip, no gateway or dns23:06
iterbestdnd: sudo mount file.bin /mnt -t iso9660 -o loop23:06
Aprosklitosok im sorry23:06
itergotta run23:07
bestdnd<iter>: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.  In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so23:08
Aprosklitoswhats disturbing me the most is that in windows the same setup runs out of the box, and in ubuntu i cant figure it out! same ip's same setup! :/23:08
tgm4883Aprosklitos, whats the issue?23:09
Aprosklitosusing LAN without internet connection and WLAN with internet connection in the same time and still being able to connect to internet23:10
tgm4883Aprosklitos, can you pastebin 'route'23:10
InAndOutLandI have a question!23:11
tgm4883!ask | InAndOutLand23:11
ubottuInAndOutLand: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:11
tgm4883!Hello | francis_23:11
tgm4883!hello | francis_23:11
tgm4883well I guess there isn't an entry for that23:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:12
InAndOutLandI want to boot from a sub. But, In oder for usb to be turned on, Windows has to be booted. How do I boot from the USB like this?23:12
escottInAndOutLand, what kind of broken hardware is that23:14
InAndOutLandIt's not broken23:15
InAndOutLandThe usb works.23:15
InAndOutLand(usb flash drive)23:16
tgm4883InAndOutLand, apparently not23:16
tgm4883InAndOutLand, did you enable booting from USB in the BIOS?23:16
InAndOutLandIt is first in the list23:16
tgm4883InAndOutLand, what do you mean by "In oder for usb to be turned on, Windows has to be booted."23:16
InAndOutLandIf Windows is not booted, the usb flash drive won't be turned on23:17
tgm4883InAndOutLand, yea, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Why would your USB power be controlled by windows23:18
InAndOutLandHow can I boot from the usb in this suitation?23:18
escottInAndOutLand, and it powers off on hot reboot?23:19
InAndOutLandWhat is hot reboot?23:19
escottInAndOutLand, don't power off23:20
InAndOutLanddon't power off what?23:20
escottInAndOutLand, reboot but dont power off23:21
tgm4883as in, restarting the computer without having to press the power button for it to turn back on23:21
InAndOutLandTrying that out23:22
InAndOutLandIt's taking so long to reboot from Windows..23:23
InAndOutLandStill not at the shut down screen23:23
tgm4883InAndOutLand, what kind of computer is this23:23
InAndOutLandWindows dosen't want to restart23:24
InAndOutLandI even tried shutdown -r -t 023:25
InAndOutLandThat did not do anything...23:25
hficWhat does windows have to do with ubuntu support?23:27
tgm4883InAndOutLand, what kind of computer is this23:27
tgm4883HP what?23:27
InAndOutLandHP comoaq23:28
ephesiushe wants the model number not just the brand23:28
sirstan2How can I get details about a SSL key on my server? .. like an apache .key file23:28
hfic<sirstan2> do you own this SSL key?23:29
InAndOutLandMsInfo32 is not opening.....23:30
InAndOutLandOh, there it is23:30
sirstan2hfic: irrelevant.  i have the public and private keys and want to get the details from them as you would from a browser.23:30
k1lInAndOutLand: is this a ubuntu support issue?23:30
tgm4883k1l, he's trying to boot from USB, but says it won't turn USB on unless windows boots23:30
evilfixhello all.. i followed the guide at http://paulkeck.com/ssh/ however when i try to ssh to the other machine, it asks me to type the passphrase and then the regular password. i thought this was supposed to stop that not add another layer?23:31
InAndOutLandIt is an HP dc710023:31
k1lInAndOutLand: you need to look up the key to get a bootmedium choose23:31
hfic<sirstan2> well apache support isn't here in #ubuntu and if you own the key or not is completely relevant.23:31
sirstan2hfic: its an openssl key pair, apache was a use example.23:32
InAndOutLandWhat does that mean?23:32
tgm4883hfic, I'm unsure how it is relevant23:32
k1lInAndOutLand: there is a key to press after the powerbutton to get a choice what to boot. just look into the manual from the laptop23:32
InAndOutLandIt's not a laptop23:33
evilfixhow can i get ssh key sharing to work between 2 linux machines? i followed the guide at http://paulkeck.com/ssh/ the key is created and scp over to each other machine but still asks for phrase and pass23:33
jrib!ssh | evilfix23:33
ubottuevilfix: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:33
k1lInAndOutLand: or pc23:33
jribevilfix: just use ssh-copy-id23:33
sirstan2hfic: openssl x509 -noout -in server.pem  -subject << is what I was looking for.23:34
InAndOutLandWhat do I do if Windows does not want to reboot?23:34
fishtechHello! Hoping to get some help. My usb jumpdrive will load for a sec and disappear. Never come or load up. How can I fix this?23:35
k1lInAndOutLand: just shut it down. if that is a problem ask the windows support what to do23:36
evilfixif i remove id_dsa and id_dsa.pub from my .ssh/ will it at least stop asking me for a phrase and password?23:36
InAndOutLandescoot told me to reboot23:37
evilfixnm just figurred it out23:38
evilfixssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'23:38
smikimsI've seen a lot of people on /r/unixporn use a program that displays some basic system info and an ascii art logo when they take a screenshot. Any idea what it is?23:40
jribsmikims: probably "archey"23:40
azathoth_yeah, that would be archey23:41
azathoth_or there's alis too I believe23:41
azathoth_not too sure on the second one.23:41
smikimsOK, thanks. Couldn't find what it was called.23:41
evilfixis ubuntus .bashrc file somewhere different?23:44
jribevilfix: what do you mean?  It's in ~/.bashrc23:44
HHTdoes any1 having problem with 12.04.2 in networking. Mine always show "networking stop/waiting"23:44
bombardlooking for some help with wine23:45
jribbombard: just ask your question (also consider #winehq for questions about using wine)23:45
bombardim in there23:45
evilfixnot seeing it... see .kde .bash_history .bash_logout .config23:46
bombardim having trouble installing dungeons and dragons online23:46
bombardrunning bash commands for a couple hours with no luck23:46
evilfixcould it be .profile?23:46
jribevilfix: what's the issue?  Create one if you don't have one for whatever reason.  By default an account will have one though (as long as it was created in a "nice" way).  The default one is copied from /etc/skel/.bashrc23:46
jribevilfix: what do you actually want to accomplish?23:47
nwertmanQuick question.  I have a MacBook Air that will not boot any of the USB drives I have (firmware issue).  I've installed rEFIt and done a 'dd' to install the LiveCD onto a 2 gig partition that I have.  When I boot from there, I'm told 'isolinux.bin missing or corrupt'23:47
evilfixadd an alias that wont disappear on logout23:47
nwertmanI've double checked the MD5 of the download and it checks out.  This is 12.10.  Any suggestions?23:47
jribevilfix: you can put it in ~/.bashrc23:47
SonikkuAmericanwertman: What version of OS X?23:48
evilfixi did a locate .bashrc and 4 found, best one looks like /etc/bash.bashrc should i copy and modify it or create new?23:48
jribevilfix: no.  Read what I've told you23:49
evilfixalright ill create the file then23:49
SonikkuAmericanwertman: Have you tried Unetbootin?23:49
nwertmanThat was where I was going next, but it seems to hang.23:49
nwertmanI think I will do the software updates to 10.7.x (the latest) and try again23:50
bombardcan someone help me install ddo through winewq?23:50
SonikkuAmericanwertman: Good idea.23:50
SonikkuAmericabombard: Did you check in #wine first?23:50
bombardsonikkuamerica: im there fishing for a response23:51
SonikkuAmericaOr maybe not... it's a +i channel23:51
SonikkuAmericabombard: Is it rated Platinum or Gold in the AppDB?23:51
steven78francais ?23:51
SonikkuAmerica!fr | steven7823:52
ubottusteven78: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:52
InAndOutLandWhen I se the HP screen the usb is turned but when I get to the Windows XP screen the usb is off23:52
bombardsonikkuamerica: its not in the app database. wait let me double check23:52
InAndOutLandWhen I get to the welcome screen the usb is turned on23:52
k1lInAndOutLand: what are you trying to accomplish?23:52
InAndOutLandBoot from the usb23:53
SonikkuAmericabombard: I pulled it up, looks like Gold.23:53
k1lInAndOutLand: then set "boot usb" to first priority in the bios23:53
wiggmpkInAndOutLand: if your running Windows XP your computer might not be "new" enough to support booting from USB devices23:53
k1lwell that is the first one to get information from the manual of that mainboard.23:54
InAndOutLandIt does23:54
InAndOutLandI used Unetbootin to put Ubuntu on the usb23:54
JeruvyInAndOutLand, does your BIOS have a boot selection menu?23:55
k1lInAndOutLand: then change the boot order to usb first23:55
JeruvyInAndOutLand can you select it that way?23:55
InAndOutLandI did select USB device, but it booted me in to Windows XP.23:55
JeruvyInAndOutLand, how did you make your USB?23:56
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JeruvyInAndOutLand did you install a boot loader?23:56
InAndOutLandUnetbotin did that23:56
JeruvyInAndOutLand I don't think it did.23:56
yourimym1hello how to know if these packages installed already libc6-i386 ia32-libs-multiarch23:57
InAndOutLandIt said it did23:57
JeruvyInAndOutLand check it out with parted and see what it says.23:57
InAndOutLandWhat's parted?23:57
Jeruvy!info parted23:57
ubottuparted (source: parted): disk partition manipulator. In component main, is standard. Version 2.3-10ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 51 kB, installed size 187 kB23:57
InAndOutLandCan I check the USB from Windows?23:58
Jeruvyor gparted, or any similar tool23:58
JeruvyInAndOutLand, not unless you bought something to do that23:58
k1lInAndOutLand: try this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#From_Windows23:58
=== kyza14__ is now known as KYZA
InAndOutLandWhat shall I do from there?23:59
HHTdoes any1 having problem with 12.04.2 in networking. Mine always show "networking stop/waiting" when do "service networking status/start/restart"23:59
k1lInAndOutLand: use live usb creator instead of unetbootin23:59
InAndOutLandI did that, but that produced thae same resulats.323:59

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