
cinvokei can seem to get upstart to load /etc/init/uwsgi.conf.  please help00:04
xubuntu136Username/PW for xubuntu 12.10 in live mode (without install) is that documented anywhere?01:20
xubuntu136Should it be ubuntu/empty or ubuntu/ubuntu and just does not work?01:20
xubuntu581What's a good program to burn image files to a disc on linux?01:38
sSsxfburn and brasero are about ill i've used in a long time01:43
David-Axubuntu136: in xubuntu there is xfburn and brasero01:43
mark0vm0ntecarl0hello I'm trying to dualboot my macbook with xubuntu but I can't get it to read the iso. are there any other image files of xubuntu somewhere?01:47
sSswhat are you installing from and how did you make it?01:48
mark0vm0ntecarl0i haven't even had a chance to try to install it yet01:48
mark0vm0ntecarl0i've tried dumping the image onto a usb even01:49
sSsthen what do you mean it can read the ISO?01:49
mark0vm0ntecarl0when i burn the cd or dd the iso onto a usb, it says not readable01:50
sSsim not on the same page with you as to where you are or whats going on / what have you tried01:50
mark0vm0ntecarl0hmm maybe this will help01:50
sSsoh. and you have tried re-downloading it?01:50
mark0vm0ntecarl0i even tried downloading ubuntu and the iso still wasn't read01:52
sSsand your not getting CRC errors or curruption with anything else you download?01:52
mark0vm0ntecarl0oh wait01:53
sSsare you torrenting? or resuming a direct download?01:53
mark0vm0ntecarl0i think i figured out a fix01:53
mark0vm0ntecarl0it was a torrent01:53
mark0vm0ntecarl0but i think i got it to work by burning the original iso onto a new iso with toast01:54
mark0vm0ntecarl0seems silly but it worked01:54
sSsthat made no sense01:55
mark0vm0ntecarl0it isn't really "burning" an iso onto an iso01:56
mark0vm0ntecarl0toast has a setting that lets you burn iso 9660 files on a CD, but instead of a CD I just made a new ISO01:58
mark0vm0ntecarl0does that make sense?01:58
David-Amark0vm0ntecarl0: most cd-burning programs have an option to burn an "disk image" or "data files", for a linux live cd, burn the .iso as an image, not a data file.01:59
mark0vm0ntecarl0right that is what i did02:01
David-Amark0vm0ntecarl0: to make a live usb, use a program such as unetbootin or usb-creator02:01
sSsno idea whats out there for a mac02:01
mark0vm0ntecarl0actually i was just going to use dd in bash02:01
mark0vm0ntecarl0unless thats a bad idea02:02
David-Amark0vm0ntecarl0: I doubt that dd an .iso to an usb-stick will make a live usb02:02
toraxit will work02:02
sSsit will02:02
David-Aok, my wrong. (not to self, must try it)02:04
mark0vm0ntecarl0seems to work well so far02:04
mark0vm0ntecarl0is there anything for xubuntu like a package of common dependencies...if such things even exist02:05
sSswell if your already on a linux system you could use apt to build the dependencies. dont know other than that02:08
mark0vm0ntecarl0I'm just trying to get something called the OpenCog Framework built. After many painful hours of attempting to build it on OS X I decided to install a linux distro on a partition.02:09
mark0vm0ntecarl0anyway. thanks for your help folks02:14
ianharperHi there. Is there any way to group volumes on the left panel in Thunar? I have 4 OS's installed and i have a load like (500mb vol, 20G vol etc etc 20 of the to be exact) Just wonderin nothin serious.02:20
ianharperNo idea's anyone? :|02:27
David-Aianharper: if you'd have more patient I'd suggested set the file system Labels on the partitions, using e.g. the DiskUtility02:43
tgunrok, so I'm in xubuntu and accidently clicked on the calender thingee in the top menu bar, and now have a calendar that won't go away03:56
Unit193Click it again.03:57
tgunrand right now… i really would hate to have to reboot03:58
tgunri did, i clecked the damn thing everywhere03:58
tgunroh well, reboot time, and kill this calendar thing04:00
Unit19312.10?  Could restart the panel, but should be fine.04:01
tgunrhow to restart the panel? this is day 3 of being on linux04:02
Unit193alt+f2  then  xfce4-panel -r04:02
tgunrcc, trying04:02
tgunrnope still there04:03
synaesthetikok i am trying to install xubuntu 12.10 on my macbook. i made a partition for it and i had trouble getting my computer to recognize the install disc. then i finally was able to fix that, but when I try to boot from the cd i get stuck on the "keyboard = man" symbol06:13
sSspress any key06:31
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BillyZane2I have a problem when I click on links from within applications08:02
BillyZane2suppose I click on a link from within xchat, or mathematica, i get the same error08:02
BillyZane2"Failed to execute default web browser"08:02
BillyZane2below it says "failed to execute child process "chromium" (no such file or directory)."08:02
BillyZane2i know i did something to break this08:02
BillyZane2how do i fix it?08:03
baizonBillyZane2: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/exo/preferred-applications08:03
BillyZane2thank you, i'm clicking08:03
BillyZane2wow, that's not that bad08:04
BillyZane2ok, i'm in the preferred settings manager08:04
BillyZane2i really thought this was going to be some obscure linux settings file in some random directory08:04
BillyZane2and require scripting a shell command or something08:05
BillyZane2i don't know08:05
BillyZane2it's set to chromium, but this is a broken link08:05
BillyZane2wow.. my computer is running very slowly whenever chromium is open08:05
BillyZane2what the F08:06
baizonmaybe try another browser08:06
BillyZane2yeah, i should08:06
BillyZane2firefox perhaps08:06
BillyZane2dunno if i have that installed08:06
BillyZane2well well well, firefox opened08:07
BillyZane2this is ridiculous08:08
baizonmaybe something is wrong with chromium08:08
BillyZane2it's ridiculous08:09
BillyZane2i wish i could take a video of what's happening08:09
BillyZane2i have xsessions08:09
BillyZane2err.. you know, the xubuntu desktop08:09
BillyZane2and... i got like 10 desktops08:09
BillyZane2and typically, it runs very fast08:09
BillyZane2but.... it's sooooo slow08:09
BillyZane2i switch desktops, and it takes 2 seconds for a window to animate08:10
BillyZane2xchat... it literally loads from top to bottom08:10
BillyZane2it's like a traveling wave08:10
BillyZane2it was having this problem08:10
BillyZane2and.... i closed out chromium completely, all my tabs, all the windows08:10
BillyZane2and it fixed it. everything was snappy again08:10
BillyZane2now it's happening again08:10
BillyZane2and i have chrome completely closed08:11
BillyZane2ok, i closed firefox too now08:11
BillyZane2see what happens...08:11
BillyZane2still slow as milikan's oil drop experiment08:11
BillyZane2my CPU history? it's BUGGING08:12
BillyZane2i just shut down mathematica, still bugging08:12
sSsyou can use iotop to see whats using CPU and writing to the HDD08:13
sSsit could provide some clues as to whats up08:13
xubuntu736hello am looking for a bit of help with warcraft tft running on xubuntu 12.10 wine 1.4 anyone who can help me out..? i tried it with both cedega and with wine 1.4 every time i start it up i just get black screen no intro video no game login screen no errors anyone have any experience with this?08:14
sSsxubuntu136,  id say try #winhq08:14
BillyZane2i think i might have fixed it?08:15
xubuntu736i did the last post regarding warcraft 3 was in 2008 so dont think it's really active08:15
BillyZane2it's not fixed fixed, but man it's better...08:15
BillyZane2i did killall Thunar08:15
sSsoh yeah warcraft3.. i beta tested that back in the day....08:16
sSsnope i havent touched it since then08:16
xubuntu736hehe cant seem to let it go been playing it for the better part of a decade08:16
Guest44741would I be able to run adobe flash through Wine?08:17
sSsi hear ya. i've been playing Dark Reign since the mid '90s08:17
xubuntu736got to try something out or just keep my windows still but linux is so much better!!!08:18
sSshmmm its not listed under playsonlinux08:20
xubuntu736nope suprising it isnt but wowtrail is08:20
sSsseems to be a bunch of info on google08:22
xubuntu736cool will try to see if it helps appreciate taking the time to talk to me08:22
xubuntu202I found a dead link on the 'Get Xubuntu' page09:30
well_laid_lawnxubuntu202:  what's the link? you can paste the url?09:32
xubuntu706hi everyone, does anybody knows what are the minimum requisites for installing xubuntu ( e.g the last release) on a laptop?09:34
One-Man-Buckethow can i get the workspace switcher to put workspaces in two rows?12:46
One-Man-Bucketi want a 2x2 layout, but it seems the switcher puts all workspaces on a single row12:46
One-Man-Bucketoh i found it, it was under a different menu :)12:48
craigbass1976All of my icon pictures are gone.  Someone else logged into the computer doesn't have the same problem, so it's something specific to my account I guess13:14
laitecraigbass1976: try changing icon theme from Settings Manager -> Appearance -> Icons13:15
craigbass1976laite, miracle!13:17
craigbass1976What's the best way to get rid of unity?13:17
craigbass1976I can deal with GNOME3 in Fedora, but for some reason Unity in 12.04 hasn't gone well on three computers now.13:18
One-Man-Bucketcan i add an application to some kind of "focus blacklist" ?13:24
One-Man-Bucketso that it never steals focus13:24
kvarleyAnybody know if I can make a window maximise in XFCE when I drag it to the top edge of the screen. Currently it just fills the top half.13:27
GridCube!hi | rghvdberg15:02
ubotturghvdberg: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:02
rghvdbergwhen i started a ubuntu session my USB drive automounted, when I start my xubuntu session the disk isn't mounted15:03
rghvdbergjust recently removed ubuntu-desktop cause xubuntu suits my needs just fine and ubuntu is just overkill15:03
* rghvdberg getting coffee15:06
GridCuberghvdberg, if you plug your usb it should just mount15:12
GridCubeif it doesnt then its something faulty either with your usb port or device15:12
rghvdbergit does that, but it's allways plugged in15:13
GridCubemmmhm if its always plugged in then it doesnt "automount"15:13
GridCubeyou need to clic on i to mount it15:13
One-Man-Bucketcan i add an application to some kind of "focus blacklist" so that it never steals focus?15:13
GridCubeor you can add an fstab entry for it15:13
GridCubeand make it automount by default15:14
xfceguys, 36bit installation disk will be able to repair grub at 64bit system ?15:14
rghvdbergjust installed xfce4-mount plugin15:14
GridCubexfce, what kind of "repair"15:14
rghvdberg36bit is better :p15:14
GridCubeOne-Man-Bucket, explain15:15
xfcehad install backtrack, after xubuntu and now i use grub from bt, but want to use the one from xubuntu actually15:15
GridCubexfce, install boot-repair from its ppa15:15
xfceso i have to boot from install disk and repair it but cant find 64bit one, and got only 32 bit and just wonderin15:15
GridCubeand fix your grub15:15
GridCubeit wont really matter15:16
GridCubexfce, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair15:16
xfceleme have a look, tnx alot mate15:17
One-Man-BucketGridCube: i'm running automated browser (selenium) tests on my laptop. i wish to keep writing code in my editor / read chrome etc while the tests run. but the tests opens new firefox sessions and resizes them etc, and everytime they do something like that a firefox window pops up and blocks whatever i'm currently doing15:17
One-Man-BucketGridCube: if i turn off "new windows acquire focus" and the focus prevention tweak i can keep working15:17
One-Man-Bucketbut i want those settings to only affect firefox15:17
GridCubemmmhm i see, and, just to ask, cant you use a vm for that? (i would do that first becasue its easier XD)15:18
One-Man-Bucketheh no :)15:18
GridCubelet me find something else however15:18
One-Man-Bucketi made the switch to xubuntu from ubuntu a couple of hours ago, still a greenhorn =P15:19
GridCubewhat about sending the firefox to a secondary virtual desktop?15:19
GridCubewould that still take focus?15:19
One-Man-Bucketi can send them to their own workspace15:19
One-Man-Bucketas long as the browser doesn't steal focus15:19
One-Man-Bucketright now the active window pops up on my current workspace15:20
One-Man-Bucketi could record a movie to show you what it looks like if you want15:20
GridCubeoh i see15:20
GridCubeno no i understand15:20
GridCubemmm what if you launch a second xserver?15:20
GridCubeXD ahaha im so for lateral thinking15:21
One-Man-Bucketthat would be a bit impractical15:22
GridCubesudo xinit -- :115:22
One-Man-Bucketi occationally need to view the firefox window15:22
GridCubealt-f8 will host the second x server and you can alternate whit ctrl-alt-f7-815:23
One-Man-Bucketthat would also be a bit impractical15:23
GridCube:) ok15:23
GridCubeOne-Man-Bucket, go to about:config search for the browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground set it to true, new windows wont steal focus anymore15:24
One-Man-Buckethey, this might help15:24
One-Man-Bucketat least it won't pop up over my windows on other workspaces .)15:26
One-Man-Bucketand that was the first sentence i've been able to type without clicking on irssi with the mouse at least once =P15:26
GridCube:D awesome15:27
GridCubeOne-Man-Bucket, :P did you saw what i pointed you to?15:40
GridCubeOne-Man-Bucket, go to about:config search for the browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground set it to true, new windows wont steal focus anymore15:44
One-Man-Bucketoh, i can't change the firefox settings i think15:44
One-Man-Bucketi think selenium creates the profile each time the test starts15:44
One-Man-Bucketbut this works fine15:44
GridCubeoh :D good15:44
jtt_after installing latest updates my xubuntu doesn't boot17:01
jtt_has there been any similar subjects recently here?17:01
jtt_i'm on a dual-boot system xubuntu + win717:01
jtt_everything works until i press Ubuntu in the GRUB17:02
jtt_just a black screen appears17:02
TheSheepjtt_: "doesn't boot" is not much information17:02
TheSheepjtt_: try pressing 'e' instead of enter at that grub entry, and then removing the 'quiet' and 'splash' options from it17:03
jtt_in the latest update, it mentioned something about grub but i was too busy to actually read what it said17:03
TheSheepjtt_: that should show you a lot of messages17:03
jtt_i did that and pressed ctrl-x17:04
GridCubejtt_, you can also choose "previous linux versions" on the grub stage and boot from a previous kernel that used to boot17:04
jtt_nothing, just a black screen17:04
jtt_i'll try that next17:05
GridCubeif all that fails get a live-usb, install boot-repair on it and fix your grub https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:05
jtt_i'm fairly sure it's about my graphics card drivers17:06
jtt_is there any way i can re-install them using the live-usb?17:06
TheSheepjtt_: yes, you can also try adding 'nomodeset' option instead of that 'quiet' and 'splash' options, to make it boot in text mode initially and only switch to graphical mode at the very end17:08
GridCubeyou can simply delete any /etc/X11/xorg.conf files you might have and it should default to generic drivers17:08
GridCubeor do what TheSheep says17:08
jtt_even the nomodeset just gives me just a black screen17:21
jtt_in recovery mode i can just see a glimpse of a few lines of text and then it disappears17:22
jtt_ALSO, i can't boot from the live-usb17:22
holsteinjtt_: there are more options there too.. try them all17:22
holsteinjtt_: sometimes i just go to that F6 menu and try everything...17:22
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period3I create a directory with group 'foo', and give it 775 permissions.  I add myself to 'foo'.   I close the xterm and open it again, and try to create a file in 'foo'.  Permission denied.  However, if I do su - myname, then try it, it works.18:24
GridCubewho owns the directory?18:26
period3someone else.18:26
period3I can also type 'newgrp foo' instead of su - myname, and that works too18:27
period3Logging out and logging back in may work, but that's not an option.18:28
period3unless there's a way to do it without killing my x session18:28
GridCubepermisions should change in the fly18:29
period3they don't apparently18:29
GridCubemmm question, how are you making your change persistent if you are not the owner of the directory18:29
period3well i can use sudo18:30
GridCubemmhm, so you did?18:30
period3well i made the directory, then did a sudo chown -R someguy:foo thedirectory, and did a sudo chmod 775 thedir18:31
jtt_GridCube, i didn't get the live-usb working, but found an old live-cd which did boot.. i'm able to delete xorg.conf if i want to18:34
jtt_isn't that what you said earlier that should "reset" the graphics card driver?18:34
jtt_i'll try that then18:36
jtt_no luck18:41
jtt_still the same behaviour18:41
GridCubeyou might have some other probelm18:43
jtt_i'd be satisfied if i could install a fresh xubuntu but just can't get it to boot from usb18:44
jtt_i get no defaulr or ui configuration directive found18:44
jtt_gotta do some more googling on it18:44
ovasilis74hi, first visit, can I ask something?19:01
holsteinovasilis74: just ask19:01
ovasilis74is there an launch-icon / GUI for aircraft-manager in xubuntu12.04?19:03
holsteinovasilis74: it'll be the same19:03
ovasilis74can't find any in the menus, in terminal gives something about gnome, I'll see again now19:04
ovasilis74Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/bin/aircraft-manager", line 6, in <module>     import gnome ImportError: No module named gnome19:05
holsteinwhere did you install it from?19:07
ovasilis74it's a DellMini9, last Vostro BIOS but it's ok. I had ubuntu 10.10 working right19:07
ovasilis74installed fom PPA19:07
holsteinovasilis74: i would ask the ppa maintainer what you are supposed to do with it19:08
ovasilis74BrandonWilliams something19:08
holsteinovasilis74: i would consider building it yourself19:08
holsteinovasilis74: i would think about using an alternative19:08
ovasilis74I can't right code19:09
ovasilis74read much googling19:09
holsteinand im not suggesting you do.. i just suggest installing the software as it is inteneded to be installed... from the manufacturer19:10
holsteinit is challenging to maintain PPA's, and they can go "stale" or get "broken" easily19:10
ovasilis74just asked trying to be lucky, could had hapened to someone here. sorry for language mistakes, I am Greek19:11
holsteinovasilis74: no worries..19:11
holstein!info aircraft-manager19:11
ubottuPackage aircraft-manager does not exist in quantal19:11
holstein!info aircraft-manager hardy19:11
ubottuPackage aircraft-manager does not exist in hardy19:11
holsteinovasilis74: its not there either19:12
holstein!info aircraft-manager precise19:12
ubottuPackage aircraft-manager does not exist in precise19:12
holsteinovasilis74: and there could be a reason for that.. but the important thing you need to know is, XFCE is not "breaking" it.. it'll just work as it would in gnome, or main ubuntu19:12
ovasilis74oh! i just putted the ppa... didn't check19:13
Noskcajpossible bug. why does clicking install updates with the icon beside the clock not install kernal updates?19:13
holsteinNoskcaj: not sure.. i dont have a stock install in that state to test easily with either...19:15
sSshappens to me too but i never cared enough to report it19:16
Noskcajok, Should i report it? what's it a bug in?19:16
ovasilis74I was not wrong, it's here  https://launchpad.net/~opensource-subakutty/+archive/ppa19:17
ovasilis74I 'll see again and come again, thanks alot <holstein>19:18
holsteinovasilis74: good luck!19:20
xulionI need help installing xubuntu!19:36
sSswhat do you need help with19:37
xulionWell my cd drive doesnt work so I need to intall via USB stick19:37
xulionusing Mac lion19:37
xulionI've tried the methods to make a bootable usb stick, but none of them work19:38
sSswhat happened? error message? no boot?19:39
xulionShould the Xubuntu.iso be mountable once I download it?19:40
xulionthe screen goes black and thats it19:40
knomeplease note that xubuntu on mac is not officially supported19:42
xulionAh that would explain it19:42
sSsnot to say it doesnt work19:43
sSsyou just arent going to get any official support help19:43
knomeyup, and in the end, after unofficial support, there's no guarantee it will work, and the xubuntu team won't try to fix it19:43
knomebut yes, it might work. :)19:44
sSsfollow those directions i posted, thats the official answer for ubuntu on a mac19:44
xulionyeah ive tried it several times.19:45
xulionI think the issue is that My computer can't recognize the filesystem19:45
sSsyesterday some one got it working this way "<mark0vm0ntecarl0>toast has a setting that lets you burn iso 9660 files on a CD, but instead of a CD I just made a new ISO"19:47
sSsafter that it worked for him19:48
xulionHm ok Ill try that19:50
xulionThat will keep me occupied for a bit, thanks for the help.19:52
arbenasalaamu alaikum and hello to everyone :)20:15
EradanВсем привет! Русскоговорящие есть?)))20:15
arbenSo just got of Ubuntu and trying Xubuntu20:15
arbenand have to say it ralyy has helped with my performance issues20:16
arbenany one here or am I speaking to myself (wouldnt be a first)20:16
sSsyeah we're here20:16
sSsPersonally i prefer Ubuntu Studio (official fork of Xubuntu), Xubuntu is nice for computers with tinsy tiny HDDs20:20
sSsYes, I talk to myself sometimes because I'd like a professional opinion.20:23
holsteinsSs: ubuntustudio is not really a fork of xubuntu.. we both use the XFCE destop, but we are all "ubuntu"... though ubuntustudio uses a lot of the efforts that the xubuntu team puts forth20:25
jutasHi everyone, Can you help me? I use an Elegant Brit Theme and the problem with it, is that in some windows for example ubuntu software center when i click on file on the top , the list is white and the active links or buttons are also white. On most of the windows are the background is black. How can i fix this?20:28
holsteinjutas: i would edit the theme manually til it works as needed. or you can ask the theme maintainer20:29
sSsGreybird has the same issue20:29
sSsor at least similar20:29
holsteinyeah... sometimes the contrast is just a bit challenging to work with20:30
jutasHow can I edit the theme manually ?20:31
well_laid_lawnI'd copy it to ~/.Themes and edit it there20:34
well_laid_lawndepends on the theme you want to change20:35
TIMM_whats a fast, easy to use, resource light system backup program?20:40
genii-aroundrsync ?20:40
xubuntu199Hi I am having some kernel update issues.  When I updated to 35-23 I was presented with a grub prompt.  I manage to fix that.20:41
TIMM_thanks genii-around ill try that20:41
xubuntu199Then I upgraded to 25 and I got a kernel panic20:41
genii-aroundTIMM_: I think there's a graphical frontend version... perhaps called grsync20:42
genii-around!info grsync20:42
ubottugrsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (quantal), package size 136 kB, installed size 596 kB20:42
xubuntu199I have a raid system so their must be something different goingon.20:42
genii-aroundxubuntu199: Sometimes you need to rebuild the initrd with the raid driver you need20:43
xubuntu199Hmmm... Why now?  All past versions worked fine?20:43
TIMM_genii-around: gr sync is it20:44
xubuntu199If I pass the correct parrimeters to grub it does come back up.20:44
genii-aroundxubuntu199: What parameters?20:44
genii-aroundWork, back in a few minutes20:44
xubuntu199insmod linux, set root=(hdo,1)/boot/grub ......20:45
sSsoh sweet. didnt know there was a GUI version20:46
xubuntu199THanks for your help and interst by the way!20:46
xubuntu199There are more parrameters I had to pass to make it work.  I can present them at a different time.  I am at my office at the moment and not near the computer in question20:48
xubuntu199I will have to come back later.  Thanks again.20:54
xubuntu866Are firefox 19 in the updates ? I dont finde it.21:44
Spike29it is21:44
Spike29on Xubuntu 12.0421:45
xubuntu866It shows 18.02 xubuntu12.1021:45
Spike29maybe your repos aren't up-to-date yet21:46
Spike29I mean, the server's repos21:47
Unit19319.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.10.1  try sudo apt-get update21:47
xubuntu866I will reinstall xubunto soon. it shud show up then.21:49
xubuntu866What happens with this command sudo apt-get update? i get all updates ? i dont need to got terminal for that i think.21:52
Unit193Not what it does, and you don't need a terminal to do the same action.21:54
xubuntu866is it the same if i goto software updater ?21:55
Unit193Should be able to do it in there, yep.21:55
xubuntu866Do i need all updates to see the latest firfeox ?21:57
xubuntu866I finde 18.0221:58
Unit193Technically nope.21:59
Unit193Should be a reload sources button.21:59
craigbass1976Can I change the name that gets displayed on the login screen?22:00
Unit193Your name?  Yes, just change it in Users and Accounts.22:00
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craigbass1976An unknown error occurred...22:01
craigbass1976Oops.  :)22:02
jpmhis there an easy and safe way I can disable the right mouse key on the desktop?  I do not want my users changing the desktop22:03
xubuntu866I saw another problem. I cud not change the password without terminal. the Users and group hangs when i try to change password that way.22:03
xubuntu866It worked ok now..22:05
bullgard4[Xubuntu 12.04.2] /usr/share/applications/Disk Utility exists. Where can I find the associated Xfce applications menu entry?22:05
David-Abullgard4: in the *.desktop file (which is a text file) there is a Categories= value, that hints to in what submeny you may find the program. (For me DiskUtility is in System)22:16
David-Abullgard4: Thunar and Nautilus does not show *.desktop files as they are, but replace them with an icon and a phoney name find inside the file. Only in a terminal will you see the actual *.desktop files. But you can still open them to see the text using OpenWith>gedit or LeadPad or MousePad22:22
bullgard4David-A: I scrutinized Xfce applications menu > Applications > System. I cannot find it there. What is the Name of this menu item with you?22:26
bullgard4David-A: I know that Thunar does not show *.desktop files as they are, but replace them with an icon and a phoney name find inside the file. Only in a terminal will I see the actual *.desktop files. But I can still open them to see the text using OpenWith>gedit or LeadPad or MousePad.22:28
David-AIm on an old xubuntu but it's Disk Utility, the "real" name of the program is palimpsest, but that may have changed.22:29
David-Abullgard4: my *.desktop for DiskUtility also lists categories HardwareSettings and Settings. do you have similar submenus?22:31
David-Abullgard4: the ApplicationFinder finds it but does not tell in what menu it would be.22:31
bullgard4David-A: I found the entry in alacarte deactivated. I activated it Now I can access the program via the Xfce applications menu. [solved]22:37
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