
Quintasanyofel: the question is00:21
Quintasanif it has provides flashplugin-nonfree00:22
Quintasanthen why is restricted extras installer still whining about lack of flash00:22
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyyofel: if one of the copyright in a file reads "2011-2012, Hugo Lindström <hugolm84@gmail.com>" and another files contains "2010-2011, Hugo Lindström <hugolm84@gmail.com>" should i group them as "2010-2012, Hugo Lindström <hugolm84@gmail.com>" in debian/copyright ?00:30
Quintasanmurthy: Yes.00:31
murthyQuintasan: what is the later year signify ?00:32
murthyQuintasan: expiry of license ?  00:33
Quintasanmurthy: I'm not a copyright expert but I imagine it could mean that that certain individual made contribution to the code during those years00:33
murthythe years of contribution00:34
apacheloggerlicenses do not expire (unless the license says so...)00:34
murthyapachelogger: 50% of tomahawk copyright file update is over00:35
apacheloggercopyright in most countries does however00:35
Quintasanapachelogger: there is one thing that is not clear to me00:35
apacheloggerso the date of when a copyrighted contribution was made is significant for that00:35
Quintasanlet us suppose I made changes to the code in 201100:35
apacheloggerand just about only that really ^^00:35
Quintasanand it was under gpl2 at that time and they decided to go gpl3 in 201300:35
Quintasanwhat is the actual license00:36
apacheloggersimple example...00:36
apacheloggersay there is foo.cpp and that was gpl200:36
apacheloggerthen they rewrite it completely and license that gpl300:36
murthyoh, the actual license00:36
apacheloggerthe former version is gpl2 and the new is gpl300:37
apacheloggercourse that is not practical00:37
murthyya both are differennt00:37
apacheloggerso if they did not rewrite it and the code remained exactly the same it's still both00:37
Quintasanapachelogger: so it is gpl2+gpl3?00:37
apacheloggeri.e. you can license it gpl2 and say it was derived from the old version00:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: no00:37
apacheloggerthe code has different licensing depending on the time the code is from00:38
QuintasanYeah, I can understand that00:38
apacheloggerso if the code remained the same you can license it gpl2 or gpl3 as there is no difference00:38
murthyapachelogger: thats why they specify gpl2 or later00:38
Quintasanoh my god00:38
Quintasanso it can be either gpl3 or gpl2?00:38
apachelogger... a derived work may be00:39
Quintasanapachelogger: say you have to write copyright for such  code00:39
apacheloggerfor the actual work it was gpl2 in 2011 and gpl3 in 201300:39
Quintasanwhich license do you classify that as?00:39
apacheloggerif you package the 2013 version gpl300:39
apacheloggerif you package the 2011 version gpl200:39
QuintasanI see.00:40
apacheloggermurthy: has nothing to do with gpl2 or later really00:40
apacheloggerI can license something gpl2 and 2 only00:40
apacheloggerthen later relicense to gpl300:40
apacheloggeras long as the code is copyrighted by me I may relicense as often as I want etc.00:40
QuintasanThat's why I hate doing debian/copyright00:40
QuintasanIt's a freaking law mumbojumbo and unless you know the details you can't make a sense out of it00:41
apacheloggergpl2 or later only has impact on derived work00:41
apacheloggerso I create a piece of work and license it gpl2+00:41
apacheloggerQuintasan:  then takes my code and uses it in another project00:41
apacheloggerhe may then license this project gpl3 including my code00:42
Quintasanand the whole project would be licensed under gpl300:42
apacheloggerdoesn't need to be00:42
apacheloggercan be gpl2+ or gpl3+00:43
apacheloggeror both00:43
apacheloggercannot be gpl2 and gpl3+ though00:43
* Quintasan can't get used to the new keyboard00:43
apacheloggeras gpl2 and gpl3 are not compatible00:43
murthyQuintasan: i have fat fingers00:43
murthyQuintasan: happens all the time00:43
apacheloggeri.e. if Quintasan were to use gpl2+ and gpl3+ in the context of the project everything woudl be gpl3+00:44
Quintasanmurthy: I have a new laptop and I never had one so it's kind like a new keyboard00:44
apacheloggerhowever I can take out invidual pieces of the gpl2+ code and put it in a gpl2+ project without havign to uplicense00:44
Quintasanoh wow00:44
murthyQuintasan: oh00:44
Quintasanapachelogger: If somebody would be stubborn enough to go to court saying someone if violating his copyright00:45
Quintasanhe would actually lose the case00:45
Quintasanthis is like magic00:45
apacheloggerin what scenario?00:45
Quintasanin the scenario you outlined00:45
murthyQuintasan: the judge will pull his hair off00:45
Quintasanlike I reuse your code which is under gpl2+ in my gpl3+ project00:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: yeah which one? what are the licenses and what did the infringing party do? :P00:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: no problem there00:46
Quintasanso you would lose in courte00:46
apacheloggermy code remains gpl2+00:46
murthyapachelogger: ah i remeber seeing a part of the code marked as a different  license from rest of the file00:47
Quintasannow I understand why people hate doing copyright part of packaging00:48
Quintasanit's sometimes a total mess00:48
apacheloggerif it were gpl2 and you include it with gpl3 software and you'd not do what the gpl2 requires you to do, then you would be committing a license violation00:48
apacheloggermurthy: any number of licenses may be mixed in even one code file, the licenses just need to be compatible with one another00:49
Quintasanapachelogger: What do you do when they are not compatible?00:49
* Quintasan already hears "poke upstream"00:50
apacheloggerlicense violation for the better part of free software licenses00:50
apacheloggere.g. gpl is pretty clear about it not being compatible with anything that limits the freedoms outlined in the gpl00:50
apacheloggeralso duties for that matter00:51
apacheloggerreally gpl is very anal in every aspect :P00:51
Quintasanapachelogger: say I have piece of code that has BSD 2-clause, BSD 3-clause and GPLv300:52
Quintasanis that going to work?00:52
apacheloggergpl3 ensures freedom of the code00:52
apacheloggerbsd does not00:52
* Quintasan has to study licenses then00:52
Quintasanwho would have thought I would have to become a lawyer to be a packager00:53
apacheloggergpl2 requires you to publish the entire work's source00:53
apacheloggerbsd does not00:53
murthyapachelogger: in case an author has done work in 2011 with emailid1 and in 2012 with emailid2 should i use emailid2 ?00:53
apacheloggeror was it some other license that was incompatible00:54
QuintasanI'd use the email200:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: don't listen to me, I am drunk :P00:54
Quintasanimplying I'm sober00:54
murthyapachelogger: gpl3 is created when secure boot was launched?00:54
apacheloggermurthy: I'd use email200:54
apacheloggerwhat with it beng apparently more up to date00:54
Quintasansame logic process as apachelogger00:54
Quintasanproves I'm going insane00:55
murthyQuintasan: too much of copyright intoxification00:55
Quintasanmurthy: If you find yourself thing as apachelogger would do then it's time to take a break00:55
QuintasanI'm serious00:55
Quintasanthinking as apachelogger*00:56
* Quintasan can't type00:57
Quintasanapachelogger: I ignored the first symptoms so it's already too late for me00:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: you can mix gpl and bsd00:57
apacheloggerhowever you need to publish the entire work00:57
apacheloggeri.e. the entire work is then gpl00:57
apacheloggeryou can pick foo.cpp which is bsd and use it as bsd in another project00:57
Quintasanbut you can use it as gpl is another project?00:58
apacheloggerbut within source base A even foo.cpp is gpl00:58
Quintasanoh my god00:58
apacheloggerQuintasan: bsd is permissive so you can really do anything with it, it does not have to be remain a license of same freedom00:58
apacheloggerwith gpl it has to though00:58
murthyapachelogger: i didn't like vlc re-licensing its backend to lgpl00:59
apacheloggerit made perfect sense and was the reasonable thing to do00:59
murthyapachelogger: will stallman like that?00:59
Quintasanmurthy: well, they are upstream, they can do with their license whatever they want to as long as the contributors agree00:59
apacheloggerwho gives a shit?01:00
Quintasanmurthy: rms is a controversial charater in open source community IMO01:00
murthyapachelogger: what are you talking?01:00
murthyi like him and his vision01:00
Quintasanon one hand I agree with him but on the other hand what he says has no relation to the actual world of copyrights and whatnot01:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: generally you simply have to be careful how you think about code ... there is the indivual copyrighted work (which may be a function) and there is the entire code of a binary artifact (e.g. an executable)... the licenses may not necessarily be the same01:01
apacheloggeras in that bsd & gpl example01:01
apacheloggeronly the source has multiple licenses, however the gpl requires one to be able to replicate the executable that relies on gpl code, so the code of the binary is defacto gpl01:01
Quintasanthat kind of implies the rest of the code has to be gpl01:02
apacheloggermurthy: I tend to not care what one single person thinks about anything01:02
murthyapachelogger: its GNU LINUX01:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: the code is not gpl01:03
apacheloggerthe work is01:03
apacheloggeras I said01:03
QuintasanBUT the binary is01:03
apacheloggerfoo.cpp on its own is still BSD01:03
Quintasanbut binary is licensed on gpl01:03
apacheloggerbut since binary foo is gpl because it was built from partial gpl code even foo.cpp needs to be handled in accordance with the gpl01:03
* Quintasan slowly goes insane from license mumbojumbo01:04
apacheloggerso if the gpl says you need to print each line of code on toilet paper that is what you need to do with foo.cpp's code ^^01:04
apacheloggerQuintasan: hehe01:04
apacheloggernow that's of course one source only...01:04
apacheloggerit gets fun when talking about libraries :P01:04
apacheloggeralso less clear :P01:04
QuintasanI can imagine KDE licensing policy is not the strangest one I can ge01:05
apacheloggeror in general runtime loaded binary artifacts01:05
Quintasanlike half of the code is under gpl3+01:05
Quintasan1/3 is under GPLv301:05
Quintasanand the rest is under GPLv2+01:06
apacheloggeractually there's huge amounts of LGPL code :P01:06
apacheloggerexcept for cmake foo most stuff is (L)GPL fortunately enough01:07
apacheloggerso yeah, not too strange01:07
DarkwingIt always amazing me how free and open licencing is often more confusing than copyright. Also, that it causes more fights than copyright.01:33
murthyapachelogger: one of the class file contains this http://paste.kde.org/678890/ . there is no license type specified , what should i put in in debian/copyright?02:44
=== fenris is now known as Guest27064
murthyapachelogger: if lgpl v2.1 is i should put LGPL-2 or LGPL-2+ ?02:47
murthyapachelogger: if lgpl v2.1 is *used*as license type i should put LGPL-2 or LGPL-2+ ?02:48
murthythere are certain files with custom license, what should i put in debian/copyright03:21
murthyexample for the above http://paste.kde.org/678920/03:23
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
yofelmurthy_: That's BSD-3-Clause03:51
yofelmurthy_: and lgpl v2.1 is LGPL-2.103:51
shadeslayeryofel: like any usual FOSS trip, no sleep, loads of fixing Kubuntu04:13
shadeslayeryofel: Quintasan what fix?04:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayeryofel: oh and ofcourse, shitty wifi05:05
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell should have taken care of that06:32
murthyshadeslayer: good morning06:53
murthyshadeslayer: are you fixing bugs for kde?06:54
shadeslayerright now? nope06:54
murthyshadeslayer: are you familiar with kwallet code?06:55
murthyshadeslayer: plasma?06:55
shadeslayera *bit*06:56
murthyshadeslayer:  there is a bug i need to fix, i am not getting much support06:57
shadeslayer#plasma ?06:57
murthyshadeslayer: they give me imperfect solutions06:58
shadeslayeroh, can you pastebin the logs?06:58
murthyshadeslayer: i will tell the steps to reproduce06:58
murthyshadeslayer: use the microblogger widget and configure it. when you want to save the settings, just press the apply button and ok button simultaneously and fast06:59
murthyshadeslayer: simultaneously=in sequence07:00
shadeslayerokay, will try once I have some time07:01
murthyshadeslayer: sure07:01
murthyshadeslayer: just one thing07:01
murthyshadeslayer: I feel that some process is initiated when the apply button is clicked, but it gets terminated when i press the ok button , this also happens with the background wallpaper change, you are going to test it, apply a wallpaper thats not in the list07:04
murthyshadeslayer: i will give you the bug id07:04
murthyshadeslayer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30070807:05
ubottuKDE bug 300708 in wallpaper-image "Editing wallpaper file makes Plasma display a black background until cache is removed" [Minor,Confirmed]07:05
murthyshadeslayer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30226707:05
ubottuKDE bug 302267 in widget-microblogging "Plasma applet Microblogger doesn't work, crashes the plasma-desktop sometimes" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]07:05
murthyshadeslayer: for the last bug, only the crashing of plasma have to be taken care 07:06
murthyyofel: server up?07:07
shadeslayeryes, wallpaper stuff is actually a bug07:07
murthyshadeslayer: can you reproduce it?07:08
murthyshadeslayer: use a hd image07:08
murthyshadeslayer: When i run debuild -S for a libdlna package i can't see errors which are listed by a sponsor who tested, What am i doing wrong ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5557229/07:29
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
yofelmurthy_: it'll be going down now actually08:37
soeegood morning10:06
Quintasanyofel: Seems like everything works13:03
yofelyeah, just the session auto-restore failed13:03
Quintasanbut the rest works13:16
claydohwill there be a dvd iso for 12.04.2? 13:20
yofelclaydoh: I don't think those were even built for 12.04.213:25
claydohubuntu has em13:25
yofelbut I guess we could make some for 12.04.3 when we get the new kernel etc. in13:25
yofelclaydoh: I think you need to send in a list of images that you want to update13:26
yofelScottK or Riddell will know more13:26
claydohyofel: someone in the forum was asking, seemed odd it wasnt there13:26
yofelRiddell: btw. do you remember what kernel changes we did in the end for 12.04.2? Someone in #kubuntu reported that 12.04.2 doesn't work on non-pae CPU's13:28
yofel(the install image)13:29
claydohI notice xubuntu does not either, edubuntu does, and lubuntu doesn't have 12.04.2 at all yet13:29
yofelas I said, you need to request updated images. We only did for the desktop and alternate ones13:30
claydohthanks for the info, yofel13:36
BluesKajHey all14:18
* smartboyhw says hi to Riddell 14:24
smartboyhwOK calligra finally worked:)14:48
Quintasangj smartboyhw14:55
smartboyhwQuintasan, that's not joke it finally worked:)14:56
Quintasanand how did you come to conclusion I was joking14:56
QuintasanI'm always serio...oh wait14:56
Quintasannevermind :P14:56
QuintasanNonethless, good job.14:57
ScottKclaydoh: We don't usually for point releases, but we could if there was a volunteer to test.15:49
smartboyhwScottK, test what?15:51
ScottKAn updated dvd for
smartboyhwScottK, well I'll be fine to test these images, but preferably we need more than one person to test15:52
sheytanapachelogger: ping15:58
sheytanapachelogger: v.1: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/02/23/login2-no-bg2.png16:09
sheytanv.2: v16:09
claydohScottK: thanks, it was only one user looking for the dvd iso and asking why, so not a verified need for one at this point. I can definitely test this too if it comes up.16:39
claydohScottK: though there are dvd images for Hardy and Lucid16:47
ScottKOh, I guess we didn't feel like it. 17:07
claydohScottK: lol17:10
Quintasanyofel: Any experiences with fingerprint reading?17:39
* Quintasan tries17:40
Quintasanwhat the hell17:52
yofelQuintasan: not really, thinkwiki has some pointers I believe18:15
genii-aroundI used before FingerprintGUI with kdm and pam but it's been a while18:16
shadeslayerI'm going to try and put ubuntu on my phone :)18:17
Quintasangenii-around, yofel: well fml18:42
Quintasanfingerprint gui does not autodetect it in the dropdown menu18:43
Quintasanbut I can manually select the device18:43
Quintasanit goes to next screen18:43
Quintasanand I can actually scan my fingerprints18:43
Quintasanbut it does not get past scan/verify stage18:43
Quintasanin other words it asks me to scan my finger 4 times in a loop18:44
QuintasanIf fingerprint scanning was working I would say this laptop is too good to be true18:44
genii-aroundQuintasan: Do you have some line in your /etc/pam.d/kdm  (or lightdm) like auth optional pam_fingerprint-gui.so -d     ?19:36
* yofel gives kmail another try19:40
yofelhm, at least the speed seems to have improved some in 4.1019:45
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/02/23/cool-kde-users19:46
yofelkde bug 277912 is still no fixed :(19:47
ubottuKDE bug 277912 in general "Can't use my IMAP account's trash folder." [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27791219:47
shadeslayerfun, the servers are overloaded :|19:48
yofelwait, what o.O?19:51
yofelI set my mail account to go offline on kmail shutdown and it suddenly chooses the right trash folder19:51
* shadeslayer is sad19:52
* yofel passes shadeslayer a fresh mug of coffee19:54
shadeslayeryofel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting19:54
yofelmaybe useful at.. 2:30 am? ^^19:54
shadeslayerserver overloaded19:56
shadeslayerso you can't clone stuff19:56
yofelshadeslayer: github overloaded o.O?20:00
shadeslayerthe ubuntu servers20:00
yofelstill weird20:01
tsdgeosguys can anyone repro this? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31570322:44
ubottuKDE bug 315703 in general "Zoom, Selection, Text Selection (and possibly other) tools not working in 0.16.0 KDE 4.10 Kubuntu 12.04" [Major,Unconfirmed]22:44
tsdgeosRiddell: apachelogger: shadeslayer: ↑↑↑22:45
Riddelltsdgeos: 0.16.0?22:45
tsdgeosRiddell: that's the okular version number22:45
Riddelloh right, don't think I've tried 4.10 on 12.04 but I'll load up a virtual machine now22:46
Riddellworks in raring22:48
yofelworks in precise in virtualbox22:50
yofeltsdgeos: I can't reproduce it here...22:51
tsdgeosok, tx22:51

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