
Sisyphus1"(2:43:24 PM) holstein: Sisyphus1: if you can see the hard drive from the live CD, then you dont have any issue with the kernel connecting to the hard drive"00:24
Sisyphus1Yessir, I can see the HDD.00:24
Sisyphus1Well, I gotta go to a family thing.01:07
Sisyphus1I hope you guys are around later.01:07
Sisyphus1All the best, folks.01:07
Sisyphus1Sisyphus out!01:07
=== lukjad_ is now known as lukjad007
holsteinSisyphus1: if you can see the hard drive, just install to it, and reboot, and share error messages, and we'll go from there03:18
holsteinSisyphus1: the live CD has no extra or updated drivers to access or see the hard drive via the esata device03:19
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sisyphus1"(8:18:47 PM) holstein: Sisyphus1: if you can see the hard drive, just install to it, and reboot, and share error messages, and we'll go from there"07:02
Sisyphus1Ok, when I do that, the ONLY message that's displayed is: "no operating system found.:07:03
Sisyphus1...and it just sits there doing nothing.07:03
Sisyphus1UNLESS I've installed Windows 7, WITH the 5000x chipset driver update, on the SAME HDD that Ubuntu is installed on.07:03
cerebratehow do i open 7z type files :318:48
escott!find p7zip-full18:52
ubot2maverick is not a valid distribution:18:52
escott!info p7zip-full18:52
ubot2'maverick' is not a valid distribution:18:52
escottubot2, what happened to you friend18:52
ubot2I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:52
escott!info p7zip-full quantal18:52
ubot2'quantal' is not a valid distribution:18:52
escott!info p7zip-full 12.0418:53
ubot2'12.04' is not a valid distribution:18:53
escotti give up18:53
geirhacerebrate: Open the Software Center, search for 7zip, install.19:01
geirhaYou should be able to open .7z files by double clicking them after that19:01
cerebratehow can i hotkey the windows picture button to open the start menu in lxde19:08
cerebratethanks so much deir geir :D19:08
blackrosebladeHello. Can I have some help with turning a liveusb into persistent?22:03
blackrosebladeI tried following this: http://shallowsky.com/blog/linux/install/ubuntu-persistent-live-cd.html22:05
blackrosebladeBut unfortunately it can't find casper-rw, and since its a liveusb, I'm not sure where to point it to.22:05
duanedesignhello blackroseblade22:32
blackrosebladehi there o/22:40
smcguinnessI'm getting a input timing error (Dell G2410) after installing 12.04 LTS22:41
smcguinnessI've found a couple posts regarding the issue (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1973856), but I'm unable to access the file system because I can't see anything22:41
smcguinnessI'm able to load Live CD, but I can't seem to access the /etc/default/grub from the filesystem that was installed22:42
smcguinnessHas anyone run into this before?22:42
duanedesignso the syatem wil not fully boot?22:42
smcguinnessduanedesign: I don't get an error and I can get it to show that it wants to boot into Grub22:43
smcguinnessbut once it tries, I get the timing error form my monitor22:43
duanedesignI ahve heard setting the boot option nomodeset might help22:43
smcguinnesshow can i set that mode? in Live CD?22:44
duanedesignI think in grub it is crtl + x to edit the boot options22:45
duanedesignthen at the end of the kernel you are using try no modset22:45
smcguinnessi can't get into Grub22:46
duanedesignhm, ok22:46
smcguinnessas soon as I see "loading Grub" screen flashes, then get monitor error22:46
duanedesignsmcguinness: ok let em check...You have a Live CD?22:48
smcguinnessi have the installer on a flash drive22:48
smcguinnessI'm trying to install Server 12.04 LTS22:49
duanedesigngksudo nano /etc/default/grub22:54
duanedesignthat is the file you should try and edit22:54
duanedesignif you can doot from the usb abd get access to that file22:55
duanedesignA similar person with a dell found commenting out the line "GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480" fixed it for him22:56
duanedesignyour second shot maybe to edit this line:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"22:57
duanedesignadding nomodeset as you see above22:57
smcguinnessduanedesign: when i get into the command line (busybox) from the installer i can't see the fild /etc/default/grub22:58
smcguinnessi'm assuming it is because it is looking at the filesystem of the usb drive22:58
smcguinnessis there a way to mount the partitioned drive and look at that filesystem?22:59
duanedesignsmcguinness: if you run the command:   sudo fdisk -l23:00
duanedesignthat will show available23:00
smcguinnessyep...sdc is where my drive23:01
duanedesignyou should be able to tell which is your main harddrive. Probablly sda1, or something23:01
duanedesignmkdir mnt23:01
blackrosebladeerm duanedesign, just one question please. can I turn my liveusb into persistent?23:01
duanedesignsudo mount /dev/sdc mnt23:01
duanedesignblackroseblade: i have never done it, i have not tried. But I know people who have. So the short answer is yes23:02
duanedesignreminder, before you shutdown unmoint the drive:  sudo umount mnt23:04

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