
anasemadwho's here19:04
iahvectorIslam Hassan reporting for duty :D19:05
mgamalmohammed gamal, roger!19:06
anasemadstarting meeting now ?19:06
mtantawy_anyone got this?19:08
mtantawy_okay cool19:08
anasemadmeeting agenda19:08
anasemad- update19:08
anasemad- council19:09
anasemad- new plan19:09
anasemad- weekly meeting19:09
anasemadany another points to Agenda ?19:10
anasemadanyone want to add points ?19:11
mtantawy_not me19:12
anasemadlet's start19:12
anasemad- update19:14
anasemad- today our member eslam make presentation at mansoura19:14
anasemadi sent details at facebook msg19:15
mgamalI see19:15
mgamaland what are the results?19:15
anasemad- we will participate at Open mind open source event at Cairo CIS after 4 days .. this thursday19:16
anasemadthis weekend ..19:16
anasemad- we are community partner with JDC 201319:16
anasemadand our members selected to join there19:17
anasemad- bas kda19:17
anasemadany comments and Q ?19:17
anasemadthese latest update19:17
iahvectoryeah, I have some19:18
anasemadat Cairo cis - hasebat - Mahmoud dawreesh or me will make presentation19:18
anasemadok, you can ask19:18
iahvector1 - What do we have in preparation for the CIS event?19:18
iahvector2- What's required from us as JDC partners?19:19
anasemadgood q19:20
anasemad1- we need to print our papers,19:20
anasemadwe first need to meet with dawreesh and choose our session's title19:21
anasemadwe didn't choose one :( yet19:21
anasemadok ?19:22
iahvectorOK, so we need to design the papers or use a previous design, print the papers, contact darweesh19:23
anasemaduse old one it's very good19:23
iahvectorand we also need to publicize for the event.19:23
iahvectorWhat is the sessions supposed to be about? just intro or some specific topic?19:23
anasemadi have a daily disscusion with darweesh , it's not easy to choose title for unique session19:23
anasemadunique intro19:24
iahvectorOK, what about publicity?19:25
iahvectorCan any one attend or just the CIS students?19:25
anasemadi will have a last decision tomorrow19:25
anasemadfrom our team19:25
anasemadfrom any where yes19:25
anasemadour channels will announce later after choose our session19:26
iahvectorOK, but we need to do it soon so people can get ready.19:26
anasemadthis event url19:27
iahvectorOut of topic: I want to add 2 items that I've just remembered to our agenda19:27
iahvector1st: A teacher assistant want an intro session to Cairo uni Biomedical 2nd year students19:28
iahvector2nd: Ref3atov as art director19:28
mgamalbut let's get through with agenda items and then we can discuss yours19:29
anasemadgood points19:29
mgamalok ,so what else do we need for the FCI event?19:30
anasemadour council team should attend19:30
anasemadwe may need t-shirts for new member will be at our booth19:31
anasemadneed someone will be responsible for our booth19:31
anasemadwho's can say me :D ?19:31
mgamalok ,since council members are here19:31
mgamalwho can attend?19:31
mgamalI say no :(19:31
mtantawy_i can't unfortunately :S19:32
anasemadha ?19:32
anasemadanybody here ?19:32
iahvectorI probably won't be able to attend, Can't leave work before 519:32
iahvectorBut I'll try19:32
anasemadso ...19:33
anasemadok, i will search for someone from group or mail list19:33
anasemadany q before next point ?19:34
anasemadCouncil Council Council Council Council Council Council Council Council Council Council19:34
anasemadour Council  ...19:34
anasemadOur Dear Council19:34
mgamalI have no question19:35
anasemadwe need to rebuild council or add new members or or or , ...19:35
mgamalI think we actually need to get new members to run the LoCo altogether19:36
mgamalpreferable students19:36
anasemadso any suggest ?19:36
mgamalI have no idea how we can do this with our very busy schedules really :(19:36
anasemadStandards of choosing ?19:36
mgamalmaybe we could reach out to the active facebook group members19:37
mtantawy_+1 mgamal for recommending students, & for our tight schedules :D19:37
anasemadwhy we start council ?19:37
mgamalyou're asking hard questions, anas? :D :D19:37
iahvectorThe Council with supposed to handle team structure so the team continues seamlessly independent from certain members.19:39
mgamalIt's clear that all of us are becoming too busy to actually run the council19:39
iahvectorAnd to create a process for electing new council members19:39
mgamalwho agrees?19:39
anasemadagree for what ?19:39
mgamalthat we are becoming too busy19:40
anasemadno one will leave council without select new member19:40
iahvector+1 But I think what we really lack is the initiative not time19:40
mgamalPersonally, I do lack both :)19:40
anasemadana 3andy ra2y19:41
anasemadok ?19:41
mgamalgo ahead19:41
anasemadkol wahed ye7'tar 2 new members --active - and training them, 2 meetings , orientation19:41
anasemadand be mentor of them19:41
anasemadso we will have after 2 weeks19:42
anasemadnew double new council members19:42
anasemadok ?19:42
mgamalI don't think i'd even have time for this19:42
anasemadusing hangout19:43
anasemadat weekend19:43
iahvectorThe idea is good, but train them for what?19:43
anasemadorientation for our team, our activities , how to organize events,19:44
anasemadi have another idea19:44
mtantawy_w leh kol wa7ed ygeb etnen w yo33od lw7do m3ahom?19:45
mtantawy_isn't that the definition of wasting time/effort?19:45
anasemadcan we have one online meeting orientation for all members, using google hangout19:45
anasemadand ask them who's can join and how to work19:45
anasemadso what ?19:46
anasemadand now ?19:47
mgamalI agree with the hangout19:47
mgamallet's do this19:47
mtantawy_i saw we first proceed with recruiting19:48
mgamalhere is what I have in mind19:48
mtantawy_then we figure out what is the best way to transfer our knowledge19:48
iahvectorI think we should have at least one physical meeting with them to get familiar with them quickly19:48
anasemadwhat about make weekly meeting (irc or hangout )19:48
iahvectorthen we can go on with online meetings19:48
mgamalconcentrate! please!19:48
mgamallet's first finish with the recruiting thing19:48
anasemadwe have 2 option :19:48
mgamalI think we should do the following19:48
anasemad1- close council19:49
mgamalannounce the need for new members on the facebook19:49
mgamalstart a google hangout for this19:49
mgamalexplain what we do and what membership19:49
anasemad2- work with same current situation19:49
mgamaland then recruite interested members19:49
anasemad3- try to build new council19:49
anasemadok, great19:50
iahvector@gamal: The hangout in step 3, is it like an interview for the selection or the training sessions?19:51
meetingologyiahvector: Error: "gamal:" is not a valid command.19:51
anasemadwhat criteria for new members ?19:51
iahvector@mgamal: The hangout in step 3, is it like an interview for the selection or the training sessions?19:51
meetingologyiahvector: Error: "mgamal:" is not a valid command.19:51
mgamalno interviews!19:51
mgamalwe are introducing new members to the team19:52
mgamalit's more like an info session19:52
iahvectorso, on what basis will we select the new members?19:52
mgamalinterested members will then move to step two19:52
mgamalwhich is recruitment19:52
mgamalwhich I don't know what it is in fact :D19:52
iahvectorif (find_out_how_will_we_do_recruitment) { +1; }19:53
mgamalexactly :)19:54
mgamalso I think we need to agree what will be our criteria for recruiting19:54
anasemadi wana to explain what i mean19:54
mgamalgo ahead Anas19:54
anasemadi need a council to help me to rebuild or discuss members system19:55
anasemadthat point19:55
mgamalI think we should destroy the council :D19:55
mgamalIT does absolutely nothing19:55
mgamalwe're still working the old way19:55
mgamaland quite frankly19:56
anasemadwe are so busy to discuss this point ...19:56
mgamalI think it works and there is no need to change it :D19:56
mgamalwhat we really need is to make sure the group continues running without us19:56
anasemadand i am agree, but afraid from disactive our old people19:56
mgamalthen those who run it AFTER us can choose to run a council or not19:56
iahvectorwell, the old way depended totally on Toulan, that's why we created the council and Toulan decided to stepdown19:57
mgamaland Toulan chose to step down at the EXACT wrong point in time19:57
mgamalwhen everyone was either graduating or getting into the army :)19:58
mgamaland so fat19:58
mgamal&and so far19:58
mtantawy_lol :D19:58
anasemadand me start my startup19:58
iahvectorfat works too :)19:58
mgamalthe group is not even having a formal structure19:58
iahvectorcuz we are :(19:58
mtantawy_yeah :D19:58
mgamalwhen we are having sessions19:58
mgamalwe are going and asking others for help19:58
mgamalwho are simply just volunteers19:58
mgamaland quite frankly19:58
mgamalI think this 'anarchic' structure is better and flexible and can work better19:59
mgamalno hierarchies needed19:59
mgamalthe only thing we need19:59
mgamalis more members19:59
mgamaland more members19:59
mgamaland more members19:59
mgamaland what you need to do is pull those active facebook group members to real life19:59
iahvector+1 ^20:00
iahvectorIf we could get them to real life, we won't be needing any council20:00
iahvectoror it will be just for solving conflicts20:00
mgamala council should evolve out of a real need for it20:01
mgamalnot just to satisfy some formality20:01
anasemadsome problems happen that need us to choose mentors or moderators, or admins, or formal speaker, formal leader, events speakers20:01
mgamalso if the group grows to the extent that it needs it20:01
mgamalit should form it20:01
mgamaland how did we solve them20:02
mgamalwe still got volunteers20:02
mgamalwho don't necessarily hold an ubuntu-eg badge20:02
anasemadi agree for open community but about moderation20:02
anasemadcan we make voice meeting, ?20:03
anasemadskype or google hangout20:03
anasemadto more understanding20:03
iahvectorIf the members became really active, they can self moderate the community20:03
anasemador can gamal descripe your idea more20:03
iahvector-1 vice :( USB modem20:03
mtantawy_i agree to letting the future members to choose their way of managing the thing20:04
anasemadok, am agree20:04
mtantawy_and if anything went dramatically wrong, we can step in then, but that won't be regular as we need them to mature & be held responsible20:04
anasemadbut about next actions, how can choose speaker or take actions ?20:05
mtantawy_event after event, speakers will show up, moderators will show up, admins will show up ... let them evolve ya anas20:06
mgamalcall for volunteers20:06
mgamaleverytime we have an event20:06
mgamalwe call for volunteers20:06
mgamalthe only drawback however20:06
anasemadi am totally agree20:06
iahvectorThe mailing list activity was great for that, I really miss it :(20:06
mgamalis that whenever there is an event20:06
mgamalwe need to know before it long enough20:07
mgamalnot like JDC or FCI this time20:07
mgamalbut to be honest20:07
anasemadmail list it's old fasion and new members not love it20:07
mgamaleven FCI doesn't seem to be prepared either20:07
anasemadi know :(20:07
mgamalabout the mailing list20:08
mgamalI think we should still use it20:08
mgamaljust like OpenEgypt20:08
anasemadbut i think it's simple, just we need to print and some members at booth, and dawreesh prepare his talk20:08
mgamalthey use both20:08
mgamalI know20:08
mgamalI mean that FCI and JDC gave us a short notice20:08
anasemadno, it's my problem20:09
anasemadi was overloaded at work20:09
iahvectorActually, FCI has been contacting us for monthes, but we didn't respond except for late.20:09
anasemadand at weekend , very tired to answer emails20:09
anasemadi am sorry for that20:09
anasemadbut we call members for our booth at jdc and they ready20:10
mgamalwe're not blaming anyone here20:10
mgamalI am just saying that in the future we should know about events long enough so that we can get enough volunteers20:10
anasemadtal7'es kol dah eh in actions ?20:12
anasemadare i should have weekly meeting with our members online ? every 2 weeks have offline meeting ?20:12
iahvectorI think we have two phases20:13
mgamal1- Dissolve the Council20:13
iahvectorgo on gamal20:13
mgamalI forgot what I wanted to say20:13
mgamalyou go on :)20:13
anasemadha ?20:14
mtantawy_and that, my friends, is the attention span of the council members ! :)20:14
iahvectorok, Phase 1: Get the members to be more active in real life so they can go in with out moderation.20:14
mgamalphase 220:15
iahvectorPhase 2: dissolve the council and transfer all the authority to the members20:15
mgamalتسليم السلطة للجروب :)20:15
mgamalso what you mean is that the council should stay as a moderating body for the rest of the group20:16
mgamalif that's the case, I fully agree20:16
iahvectorبالظبط، قبل ما ننتهي ب"هذه الإتهامات أنكرها تماما" :D20:16
iahvectorOK, We need to define how will we execute these 2 phases?20:17
mgamaljust like what we explained below20:18
mgamalthe council we remain20:18
mgamalthe group will remain20:18
mgamalwhenever there is an activity20:18
mgamalwe will reach out to the group and mailing list20:18
mgamalcall for volunteers20:18
mgamalget members20:19
mgamalwhen we feel the community is going by جفع ذاتي20:19
anasemadwho's manage activity or contacts ? or action ? who's will call volunteers ?20:19
mgamal*دفع ذاني20:19
mgamalwe can dissolve the council then20:19
mgamalthe FB moderators20:19
mgamalin addition to Anas and me since we lead the council20:20
mgamalwhat do you think?20:20
iahvectorWe need som large successive events to stir them up enough20:20
anasemadit's ok20:21
anasemadare we should have weekly meeting with our members online ? every 2 weeks have offline meeting ?20:21
iahvectorMeetings work on council scale onlym when you're talking about many members, we need something larger20:23
iahvectorwe should call for members gatherings just so they'd get familiar with each other20:24
iahvectormay be discuss some stuff, but no more20:24
iahvectorThe real decisions will be taken online20:24
iahvectorIRC + Mailing list20:25
iahvectoruntill we find some other way for discussion20:25
iahvectorCuz I think the noise is too much on the FB group20:25
anasemadi talking for weekly meeting , for make actions , talk about new news ?20:26
iahvectorIRC may work for that20:26
mtantawy_the problem ya anas is that we can't promise for weekly or even bi-weekly offline commitment20:26
mtantawy_so what's guaranteed is online meetings, be it IRC or hangouts, offline meetings can be managed later on time20:27
iahvectorI say we just this to the members and see wht will they prefer20:27
anasemadand next ?20:30
iahvectorWe still didn't agree to a solid plan to do this20:30
iahvectorHow will we get them to be more active20:31
anasemadwith make our actions like game ?20:32
anasemadand points20:32
anasemadi talk about gamification20:33
mtantawy_i guess what will make a member committed is when he does something & see output20:33
anasemadmake it like game20:34
mtantawy_like managing an event, making online campaign about an event, stuff like that20:34
iahvectorI thinks - as an old gamer - That whenever there's score, there will be cheating, we'll see too much fake activities :)20:34
iahvectorPlus I think it will be too sophisticated.20:34
iahvectorI agree with tantawy, but that means there will some authority there20:35
iahvectorDoesn't that conflict with the idea of removing the council?20:35
anasemadcan make a game and point automatic and people choose winners20:36
iahvectorWho will decide who enters and who doesn't?20:36
anasemadi try to make clear idea about that,20:37
iahvectorIn the pre-council era, there was no membership, any one can come and go as he like, the only condition is not to do any thing in the name of the team without taking a public vote :)20:37
mtantawy_simply ya ged3an, give them chance, let them try, make errors, evolve & learn ... while we watch mn b3eed & step in once things are about to get nasty or out of control20:38
mtantawy_and we can change council name to "Advisors" :D20:39
iahvectorNo, we will have no name at all20:40
iahvectorWhen we need to step in, we'll just give suggestions as normal members and try to earn members agreement20:40
anasemad+1000 to tantawy20:40
iahvectorI know I'm becoming annoying, but all this concerns phase two. We still didn't decide on phase 1 :)20:41
anasemadcan someone summarize meeting ?20:41
mtantawy_re-write phase 120:42
anasemadmake members active20:42
anasemadi think using meeting online20:42
anasemadall our members online long time everyday20:42
iahvectorGetting the members to be more active so they can take over seamlessly20:42
iahvectorMove them away from FB to real life action20:43
mtantawy_march is about to begin20:45
mtantawy_so in about 2 months there'll be a release !20:45
iahvectorNow we're getting somewhere :)20:45
mtantawy_that can be the new promising members first event20:45
iahvectorWe need to prepare for that release from now20:45
mtantawy_we can announce that, call for volunteers20:46
iahvector+1 ^20:46
mtantawy_listen from them, make them plan & in a not-so-obvious way, guide them20:46
mtantawy_i mean, we shouldn't tell them we do it THAT WAY20:46
mtantawy_we ask them to improvise, think what do THEY think it should look like20:46
mtantawy_and if we saw them missing something, we can "suggest" it to them & argue how it is helpful20:47
mtantawy_that way they'll feel in control & they'll feel responsible, not just side-players20:47
anasemadi should go ?20:47
anasemadcan gamal finish meeting ?20:47
anasemadcan someone summarize meeting ?20:48
anasemad:( sorry should go now20:48
mtantawy_i think gamal is away :D20:48
mtantawy_we can stop here, and continue late or summarize in the fb msg conversation20:48
anasemadcan anyone finish meeting and summarize it plz20:48
mtantawy_unless gamal can take over now :D20:48
anasemadbye now20:48
mgamalbye anas20:48
mgamalwe can continue guys20:48
mtantawy_awesome (Y)20:49
mgamaldo we have any further points to discuss20:49
iahvectorThe agenda was as follows:20:49
iahvector[21:08] <anasemad> - update [21:09] <anasemad> - council [21:09] <anasemad> - new plan [21:09] <anasemad> - weekly meeting20:49
iahvector+ CUFE event and ref3atov20:50
iahvector1- We now know of the FCI and JDC events20:50
iahvector1- We now are community partners with JDC20:50
iahvector2 - Take of and nuke the council.20:51
iahvector3 - Device an evil plan to make the member more active so they can take over20:51
iahvectorthat's all till now20:52
mgamalcan you summarize this Islam?20:53
iahvectorWhat still to be discussed: Meetings, CUFE event, ref3atov, and how The next release20:53
iahvectorHow? just collect the final decisions?20:53
mgamalThe Agenda points and final decisions20:55
mgamalregarding CUFE event20:55
mgamalI think we just need to see who can volunteer20:55
mgamalregarding Ref3atov20:55
mgamalwhat is to be discussed?20:55
iahvectorYes, Teacher Assisstant hady from biomedical dep. called yesterday, he wants a single intro session.20:56
iahvectorAs for ref3atov, Toulan contacted him earlier to be the head of the Art group, we were supposed to meet him and define how will this be run20:57
iahvectornow as the council will be removed, will the interest groups remain?20:58
mgamalbut I think ref3atov can still take over from Islam20:58
mgamalat least until he finishes military service20:59
iahvectorOK, we should notify toulan to tell him this.20:59
mtantawy_guys, i gotta go, sorry for that :/21:00
iahvectorand another one goes...and another one goes...21:00
mtantawy_i hope you can post the summary over the fb msgs conversation21:00
mtantawy_salam and sry again.21:00
iahvectorSalam :)21:00
iahvectorOK, What else to discuss?21:02
mgamalI guess that's it21:02
iahvectorOK, it says up there that the channel is logged, any one knows how to get the log of this conversation?21:03
EgyParadoxyou have to wait21:05
iahvectorWait for what?21:05
iahvectorThanks for the log :)21:06
EgyParadoxfor the rest of conversation21:06
EgyParadoxyou're welcome :D21:06
iahvectorIs there any thing else to discuss?21:06
iahvectorI think that we've finished :)21:06
iahvectorI'll summarize the log and post it to the FB thread21:07
mgamalI am off now21:07
iahvectorI'll go too21:09
iahvectorSalam Omar21:09

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