
_5m0k3mesq: Side stage on Nexus 7: https://plus.google.com/u/0/110587021591787005452/posts/HABB6LDYve3  Any tips for getting into landscape?00:00
Namidairosensors are whacked on the nexus 7 atm00:00
lilstevieoh shit it is a Namidairo00:01
lilstevieeveryone hide00:01
Namidairooh shit its you00:01
Namidairoplanning any ports?00:02
* Xavierdarkness waves to lilstevie 00:02
* dank101 waiting for i9300 port to port to SGS3 d2att00:03
Namidairoi don't know why you would wait00:04
lilstevieNamidairo, nope, not featured enough yet00:05
lilstevieXavierdarkness, hey00:05
Namidairothey were using the tf101 in dev then dropped it00:05
hellmongerhai evryone :)00:05
hellmongergot a litle project going here an i think i hit a wall00:06
AndChat|303536morning everybody00:06
hellmongermorning lol00:06
hellmongerroot@localhost:/# airmon-ng start wlan0   Found 3 processes that could cause trouble. If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!  PID     Name 801     NetworkManager 813     wpa_supplicant 870     dhclient Process with PID 870 (dhclient) is running on interface wlan0   Interface       Chipset         Driver  wlan0           Unknown         wcnss_wl00:06
hellmongerany one what the mount points should be?00:06
hellmongervas is dis?00:07
matthewsmRobbyF, I installed TWRP how do I flash the zip?00:07
rohan32wgrant, how can i add myself to the WIP section?00:08
rohan32i can't seem to find the link00:08
hellmongermatthewsm do you have a linux box?00:08
rohan32nevermind wgrant lol00:09
wgrantrohan32: You need to log into the wiki and then you can edit the page00:09
rohan32i missed the link at the top haha00:09
matthewsmim using linux, yes00:09
matthewsmI need to flash this? grouper.zip and phablet-armhf.zip00:10
ali1234flash completed, rebooting.....00:10
|aways|ali1234: on SGS ?00:10
AndChat|303536I use phablet-flash -b to flash all image00:11
wastrelcan I run touch os in a VM00:12
darthmuffinswastrel: i'm working on it :)00:12
wastrelah darthmuffins there you are ♥00:12
matthewsmhellmonger, how can I flash it manually using twrp?00:13
darthmuffinsworking hard AND hardly working ;-)00:13
AndChat|303536test string00:14
dank101How fucking long does it take login to Ubuntu wiki00:15
AlanBell!language | dank10100:15
ubot5dank101: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:15
AlanBellquite a long time00:15
dank101how many minutes00:16
AlanBellit depends, it kind of keeps you logged on for ages so you don't have to repeatedly do it00:16
AlanBellI think all this touch activity is giving the wiki a sound kicking today00:17
krabadorthen, somebody thinks to port ubuntu touch on galaxy s2?00:17
krabador( :D )00:17
AlanBell66,333 hits on the install page today00:18
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AlanBellkrabador: yeah, I would like the S2 as well00:18
tdsnaveHas anybody had trouble restoring to android?00:19
krabadorAlanBell, great, i'm really waiting for00:19
krabadortdsnave, what's your trouble?00:19
tdsnaveWell, adb doesn't detect my nexus 7, for some reason00:19
krabadortdsnave, can't you access to nexus 7 on recovery'00:20
tdsnaveI have CWM (just in case that makes a difference) and adb doesn't work either when I'm booted into ubuntu or in recovery.00:20
tdsnaveIt's strange00:21
hellmongermatthewsm i dint do it that way.... it complicatred00:21
krabadortdsnave, what's os you're using'00:21
tdsnaveDid you use fastboot? That doesn't detect it, either.00:22
|aways|ali1234: its work ?00:22
krabadortdsnave, then i think you must add the device on udev00:22
tdsnaveOh. Do you have a link to a tut or should I google?00:23
krabadortdsnave, yes, wait a moment00:23
ali1234rsalveti: chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory00:24
ali1234but the file definitely exists00:24
krabadortdsnave, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_build_prerequisites#Configure_the_udev_rule_for_your_phone00:24
rsalvetiali1234: did you added the kernel config files available at the wiki?00:25
ali1234rsalveti: yes00:25
rsalvetiwhat is the kernel version for your device?00:25
ali1234i think i did anyway00:25
rsalvetiali1234: see if you have /proc/config.gz00:25
krabadortdsnave, but i suggest you to run the recovery, wipe the phone, then flash the android image00:25
ali1234i just added them to the end of kernel config... ah good plan00:25
matthewsmHow would you go about flashing Ubuntu Touch to the unsupported Verizon Galaxy Nexus?00:25
dank101matthewsm, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3829487000:26
krabadortdsnave, it's the easiest way to reinstall android00:26
rsalvetiali1234: you need to check if they were defined before or not00:26
ali1234# Linux/arm 3.0.63 Kernel Configuration00:26
rsalvetiif yes, remove the old definition00:26
dank101any more ports?00:26
rsalvetiali1234: paste me your config using paste.ubuntu.com00:26
tdsnavekrabador, thanks! I'll give it a try!00:26
rsalvetiali1234: see if you have /proc/config.gz00:26
rsalvetiand get me that00:26
ali1234# Linux/arm 3.0.63 Kernel Configuration00:26
krabadortdsnave, or you can turn on your nexus 7 on download mode, then flash the android image00:27
davidjfuldegreetings all00:29
Lloirgreetings earthling00:29
dank101greetings men00:29
tdsnavekrabador, how do I do that?00:30
ali1234rsalveti: CONFIG_FANOTIFY_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS is missing (neither enable nor disable)00:30
ali1234all others check out00:30
rsalvetiali1234: that's ok00:30
rsalvetiali1234: which device are you trying to enable?00:30
ali1234rsalveti: galaxysmtd00:30
ali1234= galaxy S1 international00:30
ali1234= gt-i900000:30
ali1234it's exynos3, cortex a8, 512MB00:31
ali1234i know that's limited ram but it should be able to manage at least bash...00:31
Hairoit's possible to port to a cm7.2 device?? or it's only for cm10.100:31
rsalvetiit's doable00:31
rsalvetiHairo: not sure, might be00:31
rsalvetijust need way more effort :-)00:31
rsalvetiali1234: what happens with just ubuntu_chroot?00:32
Hairoyeah, i'm thinking about hwa00:32
rsalvetithink you tried that with ubuntu_chroot shell00:32
rsalvetiali1234: let me compare your config00:32
rsalvetiali1234: how did you get this config, via /proc/config.gz?00:32
ali1234rsalveti: yes00:32
chris062689Just installed Ubuntu phone on my Maguro device, but it seems frozen?  Stuck at the lock screen where it says 14 tweets recieved even though this is my first time booting the device?  o_O00:33
chris062689Interacting via touch doesn't seem to do anything.00:33
ali1234rsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5556724/00:33
krabadortdsnave, both vol. keys + power on00:33
rsalvetiali1234: the first commands shouldn't fail00:34
tdsnavekrabador, it's not showing up in lsusb. Is that a problem...?00:34
ali1234chris062689: you need to swipe all over00:34
ali1234chris062689: from one of the edges, to unlock00:34
chris062689Trust me, I tried, appeared device was frozen, going to reboot it.00:35
ali1234rsalveti: i;ve run it a couple of times already00:35
ali1234if that makes a difference00:35
rsalvetiali1234: right, nops00:35
rsalvetiali1234: try running the commands by hand00:35
rsalvetiali1234: first reboot00:35
chris062689There it goes.00:35
ali1234chris062689: swipe worked?00:35
rsalvetiali1234: then with mount see if anything is mounted there at /data/ubuntu/*00:36
chris062689Yes, was a little unintuitive though.00:36
krabadortdsnave, it's not properly a good thing. do you tried to reboot the nexus 7?00:36
tdsnavekrabador, Yeah, several times00:36
rsalvetiali1234: you should be able to call mount -o bind /dev/ /data/ubuntu/dev00:36
ali1234a few things mounted...00:37
rsalvetiali1234: check /system/bin/ubuntu_chroot00:37
krabadortdsnave,  now you've ubuntu touch?00:37
rsalvetiali1234: give the output of mount00:37
thlscostaHello every body00:37
chris062689Uhm... am I supposed to have all of these fake notifications?00:37
thlscostaAnybody from Brazil?00:37
chris062689I assume real ones will show up?00:37
ali1234chris062689: yes00:37
ali1234chris062689: no00:37
Lloiranyone come across this? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aGitU08500:38
tdsnavekrabador, Yes. It doesn't matter whether I'm booted into ubuntu touch or in recovery00:38
tdsnavekrabador, I'm going to try another usb cable, just in case00:38
_5m0k3If I implement a mainview within an item, the toolbar works.  If the mainview is my root (as the documentation suggests is ideal), the toolbar does not work.  Any tips?00:38
krabadortdsnave, yes, before the try of another cable, try lsusb on download mode, turning on the nexus with vol+ vol- and power button pressed00:39
rsalvetiali1234: weird, you have a few but not all00:39
rsalvetiali1234: try mount -o bind /dev/ /data/ubuntu/dev by hand00:40
ali1234mount: No such file or directory00:40
ali1234well /dev exists...00:40
ali1234/data/ubuntu/dev does not00:40
rsalveti /system/bin/mount -o bind /dev/ /data/ubuntu/dev by hand00:40
tdsnavekrabador, I have tried that. Still nothing. Trying the new cable, now.00:40
krabadortdsnave, ok00:41
rsalvetiali1234: try  /system/bin/mount -o bind /dev/ /data/ubuntu/dev00:41
rsalvetisee if you have /system/bin/mount00:41
ali1234rsalveti: not gonna work00:41
rsalvetiand call mount only to see00:41
tdsnavekrabador, This is the same cable I used earlier today to flash Ubuntu Touch, so this is known to be a good cable.00:41
ali1234/data/ubuntu/dev does not exist00:42
ali1234mount works fine00:42
rsalvetiali1234: what?00:42
rsalvetiali1234: did you flash the ubuntu zip file?00:42
ali1234rsalveti: i know rite?00:42
rsalvetiwith recovery00:42
ali1234rsalveti: yes00:42
ali1234well to be honest no00:42
ali1234i flashed it with CWM00:42
tdsnavekrabador, I got it in lsusb!! :D00:42
rsalvetiyeah, the same, should work00:42
krabadortdsnave, hahhahhaha!!!! :D00:42
rsalvetiali1234: do you have all the files at /data/ubuntu/ ?00:42
ali1234i don't know about "all"00:42
rsalvetimight be missing some other stuff00:42
ali1234i have "some"00:43
ali1234i have 400mb free00:43
rsalvetithat's probably the issue00:43
krabadortdsnave, burn the old cable00:43
ali1234does it unzip and then untar by any chance?00:43
rsalvetiali1234: it needs something around 2gb00:43
ali1234is that why the casper stuff?00:43
tdsnavekrabador, hahahaha I will, trust me. I've had troubles with it before, now that I think of it.00:43
ali1234can i just unpack it manually?00:43
rsalvetiyou could format /data at recovery, and then copy the ubuntu zip again and flash00:43
ali1234i have 4GB sd card in here00:43
ali1234and 16GB sd internal00:44
rsalvetiali1234: is /data your sdcard?00:44
rsalvetiit should be internal00:44
krabadortdsnave, good flash then00:44
ali1234/storage/sdcard0 and /storage/sdcard100:44
rsalvetiali1234: so, copy whatever files you need as backup, and format /data at recovery00:44
tdsnaveOk, I just did ./flash-all.sh and it's working.00:44
rsalvetithen try flashing the ubuntu part again00:44
jrgiffordso i flashed my nexus 7, it reported it was successful, but now it just has a black screen on boot.00:44
krabadortdsnave, what you think about ubuntu touch, today?00:44
ali1234rsalveti: /data is only 1.5GB00:44
jrgiffordshould i reflash stock android, and then try again?00:45
rsalvetiali1234: wtf00:45
rsalvetiali1234: where is the rest there?00:45
tdsnavekrabador, I absolutely loved it. I can't wait until the core apps get developed, and it can become my daily driver. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this. Do you work for Canonical?00:45
ali1234rsalveti: /system /vendor etc00:45
jrgiffordi see someone else had a similar problem. - http://askubuntu.com/questions/259483/ubuntu-touch-for-nexus-7-installation-issue00:45
rsalvetiali1234: but you have 16bg as internal00:46
rsalvetithe default partition map must be weird with this device00:46
krabadortdsnave, not, i'm only an old time ubuntu user00:46
ali1234rsalveti: no, that is sd card00:46
rsalvetiin general /data is part of the internal, and a big one00:46
ali1234rsalveti: internal is only 2GB on this phone00:46
rsalvetiali1234: you said 16gb :-)00:46
tdsnavekrabador, Ok, then, sounds good. Thank you so much for the assistance! Have you been able to try it, yourself?00:47
ali1234rsalveti: yes, 16GB internal sdcard00:47
ali1234and 4GB external (removable) sdcard00:47
ali1234and 2GB NAND00:47
krabadortdsnave, an old time ubuntu user that really hope that Canonical will support Samsung Exynos cpu OFFICIALLY :D00:47
rsalvetiali1234: right, we don't want nand00:47
rsalvetiguess /data is nand in your case00:47
rsalvetiwhich is weird, but anyway00:47
ali1234so i have to mess with fstab to move data on to sdcard?00:47
tdsnavekrabador, haha :D Best of luck to you!00:47
krabadortdsnave, i haven't a nexus device, i'm porting it for samsung galaxy s200:48
rsalvetiali1234: where is the rest of the 16gb stuff at your android side?00:48
ali1234rsalveti: currently not mounted00:48
rsalvetiali1234: not necessarily, we can put the ubuntu part somewhere else00:48
ali1234normally it would appear at /storage/sdcard000:48
krabadortdsnave, but for now, i can't expet so much from the porting, because the exynos support on cm 10.100:49
krabadortdsnave, really happy for your experience.00:49
rsalvetiali1234: do you have a /fstab.* ?00:49
tdsnavekrabador, Excellent! Good luck! I love to hear of people porting things themselves. If I wasn't so busy with school, I'd be helping as much as I could with any of this00:49
ali1234i edited one in the build, yes00:49
ali1234the nosuid thing00:49
rsalvetiali1234: right, so you should have at /fstab.* or similar at the android side00:50
tdsnavekrabador, Yeah, me too. It's really nice. It's just, as canonical said, not exactly ready, yet.00:50
rsalvetiwe can try to get your internal sdcard mounted somewhere00:50
rsalvetiand change /system/bin/ubuntu_chroot to use the new path00:50
ali1234^ that's from build00:50
tdsnavekrabador, as soon as I can, I'll probably switch to Ubuntu Touch permanently.00:50
rsalvetiwtf, it uses lvm00:51
krabadortdsnave, hahhaah!!! great. you really liked then :D00:51
tdsnavekrabador, yes, absolutely! I hope you get to try it out soon!00:51
rsalvetitdsnave: we're improving it everyday, I'm also trying to use as my main phone :-)00:51
ali1234rsalveti: yeah it's weird samsung stuff :)00:51
ali1234let me just check something00:51
rsalvetiali1234: ok00:51
thlscostaAlguem aqui fala portugues00:51
rsalvetithlscosta: yup00:51
rsalvetiali1234: but my suggestion would be to get this internal sdcard partition mounted somewhere00:52
rsalvetiand use that at /system/bin/ubuntu_chroot you know?00:52
rsalvetithat should get you going00:52
krabadortdsnave, i'm the type of user without the absolute need of a market full of shitty millions of apps00:52
ali1234nope, removed external sd card, it doesnt have "data" contents00:52
ali1234so it must be in nand00:52
tdsnaversalveti, I have an LG Revolution, and would love to see it on there, as well00:52
thlscostaPreciso so de uma informaçao00:53
rsalvetiali1234: yeah00:53
thlscostaquando vai estar disponivel o Ubuntu para Galaxy Nexus00:53
rsalvetitdsnave: cool00:53
sidneithlscosta: ja esta :)00:53
ali1234rsalveti: what if i unzip the zip to sdcard, then mouse it, and untar to /data? there should be enough room00:53
thlscostaOndo eu pego00:53
tdsnavekrabador, I'm exactly the same way. There are a few apps I like, but I don't use too many. And there will eventually be a lot available for Touch, anyway.00:53
sidneithlscosta: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install00:53
krabadortdsnave, if ubuntu touch, in the preview too, goes on the web without problem, do calls and sms, it's good enough, for my daily00:53
tdsnaversalveti, you said "we," do you work for Canonical?00:54
rsalvetiali1234: probably not, you should get your internal stuff mounted somwhere00:54
thlscostaInstall I know.00:54
krabadortdsnave, yes, it will be very easy to build for00:54
rsalvetitdsnave: yup00:54
tdsnavekrabador, that's pretty much all I need on my phone, too00:54
rsalvetibut the community is doing an incredible work adding new apps and devices00:54
rsalvetiwhich is awesome00:54
thlscostaEssa já é a versão final?00:55
sidneitdsnave: rsalveti is one of the unsung core arm hackers00:55
onlychevysI have been downloading for 8 hours now, maybe by 24 or so hours it will be done?00:55
krabadorwhere i can look changelogs?00:55
tdsnaversalveti, great! I wanted to pass along the message to someone in the company that I absolutely love the direction you guys are taking this.00:55
ali1234rsalveti: that means i'll have to change fstab and rebuild tho right? or i can just modify it directly in system?00:55
rsalvetisidnei: hey!00:55
ali1234but more important, how do i get recovery to install to sdcard?00:55
rsalvetitdsnave: yeah, it's awesome00:55
tdsnavesidnei, cool, thanks for the info!00:56
rsalvetiali1234: we can do that later00:56
rsalvetiali1234: it's easy00:56
rsalvetibut lets first get your stuff mounted correctly00:56
=== juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones
rsalvetiali1234: you probably need to rebuild and reflash as I believe the fstab is part of the boot image00:56
XavierdarknessLloir: well played good sir00:57
tdsnaversalveti, I will admit, at first I wasn't a huge fan of Unity, but the last Ubuntu release really won me over. I even got my dad to install it on his laptop that he got when he replaced his work laptop, and he loves it, too.00:57
Lloirty Xavierdarkness00:57
sidneithlscosta: tem bastante informacao ai nessa pagina, mas a maioria dos aplicativos ainda eh meio demo. da pra fazer ligacao e mandar sms, dados so via wifi, e a camera funciona o resto eh bem alfa00:57
rsalvetitdsnave: \o/ :-)00:57
tdsnaversalveti, and I'm really excited at the excellent way that the ubuntu phone and tablet versions of Touch pair with the full Unity interface00:57
=== Lloir is now known as Lloir|ZzzZzZz
rsalvetiyeah, I love it00:58
thlscostaa tá, entendi por que não funcionou direito. Outra coisa. Quando vai sair a versão final00:58
matthewsmdank101, thanks. I will attempt to flash it lol00:58
dank101ok XD00:59
sidneithlscosta: em outubro ja eh pra estar bem encaminhado, mas acredito que abril do ano que vem pra estar 100%. depende muito das contribuicoes da comunidade.00:59
thlscostasidnei: Ok tks for your help!!!01:00
thlscostasidnei: You speak from TupiniquisEARTH?01:01
mramos1004Hi, how do we clear all existing data? or is this really designed to not be usable like a daily driver?01:01
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ali1234rsalveti: i can see the devices but it won't let me mount them01:02
sidneithlscosta: yup, and rsalveti is brazilian too, one of the core contributors of the project. im just lurking and singing praises.01:02
mramos1004Hi, how do we clear all existing data? or is this really designed to not be usable like a daily driver?01:02
ali1234/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 etc01:02
sidnei(until my nexus arrives)01:02
varunaHi, how can I get the ipaddress of the phone ("ipaddr show wlan0" says ipaddr not found)?01:03
gizmo_varuna: ifconfig -a01:03
varunagizmo: it says ifconfig not found01:03
gizmo_put sudo in front01:03
jrgiffordgizmo_: so i'm guessing from that you can get to a terminal on the phone?01:04
varunagizmo: Thanks it worked.01:04
rsalvetiali1234: what happens when you try to mount by hand?01:04
rsalvetiadb root01:04
rsalvetiadb remount01:04
rsalvetiadb shell01:04
rsalvetiand try to mount the stuff01:04
ali1234rsalveti: it just spits out the mount syntax at me01:05
rsalvetimaybe there's no filessytem there01:05
ali1234well there was before01:06
rsalvetithere might be a recovery.fstab as well01:06
rsalvetithat might help identifying it01:06
ali1234the sdcard does not contain anything rom related at all01:06
rsalvetithat's fine01:06
ali1234it doesn't even get wiped when you reflash or do a factory reset01:06
tdsnavedoes anybody know if they're working on landscape mode on the nexus 7?01:07
ali1234the fstab on phone is same as from build system01:07
tdsnavekrabador, I'm completely up and running with android again. Thanks!01:08
krabadortdsnave, great :D01:08
ali1234rsalveti: ah found it!01:10
ali1234rsalveti: it's mounted at /datadata01:10
ali1234though for some reason /datadata              422M    86.1M   335.9M   409601:11
rsalvetiali1234: cool01:11
rsalvetihm, still not that01:11
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jrgiffordhow long does it normally take to boot on the n7?01:13
jrgiffordjust sitting there. for about 4 minutes now.01:13
ProGEEKhow am i still syncing this repo01:13
ProGEEKi mean, wow01:13
weisso5jrgifford, it could be stuck, run $ adb logcat to see what's going on01:14
ali1234rsalveti: can i go to recovery and then use adb?01:14
ali1234er, adb shell that is01:14
jrgiffordoh, it just started moving on the progress bar.01:14
tdsnaveali1234, I've had trouble with adb in recovery. That wouldn't work for me. fastboot worked out a little better01:15
jrgiffordweisso5: returns "/sbin/sh: exec: line 1: logcat: not found" when i run that (12.10 32)01:15
ali1234no fastboot for samsung01:15
ali1234woah recovery has ubuntu logo now01:15
dank101i know01:15
tdsnaveali1234, oh wow that sucks01:15
ali1234ok i'm in shell in recovery01:16
ali1234/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /sdcard type vfat01:16
gizmo_jrgifford: i've not been able to start a terminal on the device itself yet (or any other x application for that matter), but it is surely possible to install the open ssh server and then ssh into the n701:16
ali1234/dev/block/mmcblk0p1     13.4G      1.4G     12.0G  10% /sdcard01:16
krabadorali1234, no fastboot for other samsung than gnex?01:16
ali1234krabador: so i heard01:17
krabadorali1234, really great01:17
ali1234since i'm in recovery i will try formatting /data and reflash ubuntu-chroot01:18
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jrgiffordgizmo_: ah, ok.01:18
gizmo_jrgifford: actually i just did exactly that. works quite well01:19
ali1234i;m watching /data get filled on adb shell :)01:20
matthewsmOk, Somehow I wiped my phone of any Operating System. lol How can I put an OS on my phone to be flashed?01:20
juicyjonesmatthewsm can you get to the bootloader?01:22
matthewsmim in twrp01:22
juicyjonesgo to the boot loader and use fast boot to flash like normal01:23
matthewsmbootloader is fastboot?01:23
juicyjonesmatthewsm you use fastboot to flash things while the phone is in the bootoader01:23
matthewsmoooh ok01:23
juicyjonesmatthewsm so to begin, get in there, and just use flash-all01:23
matthewsmfrom ubuntu?01:24
krabadormatthewsm, not, bootloader isn't fastboot01:25
matthewsmhmmm, Let's say I don't have Android installed, just my bootloader and twrp. How do I install CM 10?01:26
matthewsmI have the cm10 zip file01:26
matthewsmbut I can't get it onto my phone o.o01:26
=== rohan32 is now known as rohan32|afk
matthewsmGalaxy Nexus Toolkit?01:27
juicyjonesmatthewsm all you need is fast boot and adb01:28
nikitisHello, i recently installed ubuntu onto my nexus 7, but i'm wanting to put android back on, however there is no flash-all.sh file as requested in the instructions01:28
matthewsmWhere is fast boot?01:28
chilicuilhi, good day, does anyone know if I can run the tablet interface on a 'normal' machine?, x86|amd64 with touchscreen ?01:28
slangasekfastboot is available as an Ubuntu package: android-tools-fastboot01:29
slangasekchilicuil: there are no builds for this currently01:29
matthewsmoh I have that lol01:29
juicyjonesmatthewsm you can get it for mac os x and linux from google here as well. http://code.google.com/p/adb-fastboot-install/01:29
chilicuilslangasek: got it, thanks01:29
juicyjonesnikitis are you sure you have the right image? they all have flash-all.sh or flash-all.bat in them01:30
nikitiswhich img?01:30
nikitisI installed it01:30
nikitisand it worked01:30
nikitisbut i see no flash-all.sh01:30
ali1234i think it worked this time01:30
ali1234i have /dev at least01:31
ali1234it went up to 96% usage01:31
juicyjonesnikitis i'm confused. you didn't use flash-all to install it?01:31
juicyjonesnikitis then you don't need flash-all obviously01:31
nikitisi followed instructions01:31
nikitisi do to install android back on01:31
juicyjonesI'm talking about android.01:31
nikitisno i have ubuntu installed01:31
nikitistrying to put android back on01:31
juicyjonesall the distress for your n7 have a flash-all.sh or flash-all.bat in them.01:31
ali1234AND IT WORKS01:32
juicyjonesnikitis step one: download the stock image from google for 4.2.2 for your device. in there you'll find a file called flash-all.sh. run that01:32
ali123414 TWEETS!!!!!01:32
RobbyFyour s3?01:32
ali1234no, my S101:33
RobbyFhow much ram us used?01:33
ali1234Mem:        378096       371100         6996            0        1020801:33
RobbyFnot bad really01:33
nikitisjuicyjones: oh okay, i didn't know i had to untar it.  I thought flash-all did all of that for the .tgz file from google01:34
ali1234i have 16mb free after buffers01:34
juicyjonesnikitis aha. ok then. should be easy from here on out01:34
ali1234it is pretty smooth though01:34
RobbyFusing 219/693 on galaxy01:34
_5m0k3For those that may not be aware, the new SDK includes some template files for creating apps.  Basically, you need a .desktop file to deploy to your device.  https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg00265.html01:35
ali1234this could be usable if memory usage gets cut01:35
roger_nHey guys I just compiled UT for the SGSII Skyrocket I'm sure this has been asked a lot how do I get around my device showing as offline to adb?01:35
ali1234rsalveti: it works!!01:35
rsalvetiali1234: \o/01:35
rsalvetiali1234: what did you do?01:35
ali1234roger_n: you need newer adb01:35
ali1234rsalveti: format /data and reflash01:35
juicyjonesroger_n i usually unplug and replug01:35
ali1234it went to 96% usage... so it just managed to unpack01:35
rsalvetiali1234: awesome01:36
roger_nali1234 its the latest avaiable and I tried plug and unplug and kill and restart server.01:36
ali1234roger_n: 1.0.31?01:36
ali1234rsalveti: the app shelf thingy is fast at least :)01:37
nikitisokay, i run flash-all.sh, but it just sits on waiting for device.01:37
nikitisit's in fastboot mode01:37
rsalvetiali1234: great! nice work!01:37
ali1234if anything this is faster than nexus 701:37
matthewsmjuicyjones, I am in the bootloader with my factory image in my downloads folder. what do I type into the terminal?01:37
ali1234the UI is all too big for the screen though01:37
roger_nali1234 Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.3101:37
ali1234roger_n: i don't know then, sorry01:37
juicyjonesmatthewsm go to the directory with the flash-all.sh file and run that.01:38
nikitismatthewsm: tar zxvf <factoryfilename.tgz>01:38
juicyjonesmatthewsm you may have to extract the archive01:38
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rsalvetiali1234: there's a way to change that01:38
nikitismy device says waiting for device when trying to run flash-all.sh01:38
ali1234the camera works :O01:38
nikitiswhat am I doing wrong01:38
rsalvetiali1234: \o/01:39
rsalvetiali1234: see videos01:39
rsalvetiali1234: check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Screen_Pixel_Ratio01:39
rsalvetiali1234: open  /usr/bin/ubuntu-session01:39
ali1234zoom works on camera too :)01:39
rsalvetiand change the values for GRID_UNIT_PX and QTWEBKIT_DPR01:40
ali1234do this on device, yes?01:40
rsalvetiI used 10 and 1.0 for my galaxy tab 2 7.001:40
rsalvetiali1234: yes, at the ubuntu part01:40
matthewsmjuicyjones, I ran the file and it was waiting for my device. I am in the bootloader plugged in01:41
nikitisanyone know?  Why does it say waiting on device?  When it's plugged in and in fastboot mode?01:41
nikitismatthewsm: i'm in the same boat01:41
EHHi all, just curious if it is possible to call out using google voice (via GSM cell) - I have a prepaid number which I don't publish and on android I use the google voice dialer; just use my google voice number for both outbound and inbound calls01:41
RobbyFnikitis, there would be tons of help for that in XDA and probably tutorials.01:41
RobbyFlet me help you look that up01:41
ali1234rsalveti: galaxy tab 2 is a huge thing though isn't it?01:42
matthewsmwell this isnt funy, nikitis01:42
rsalvetiali1234: resolution is not that high01:42
nikitisit should be on the developer page, but only says to run flash-all.sh01:42
rsalveti1024 x 768 I think01:42
rsalvetior similar01:42
ali1234this is 480 x 800, 4 inch01:42
RobbyFyes that's all you really need to do01:42
RobbyFnexus 7 right?01:42
nikitisdoesn't say how to get flash-all.sh to recognize your ubuntu nexes 701:42
rsalvetiali1234: then use 6 or similar01:42
matthewsmwhile in the bootloader?01:42
rsalvetiali1234: give that a try01:42
ali12346 and 0.6?01:42
nikitiswe're in the bootloader01:43
nikitisand it still saying waiting on device01:43
ali1234does this thing have a better editor than vi?01:43
rsalvetiali1234: not by default, need to get network and install the rest with apt-get01:43
nikitisuse the toolkit?01:43
matthewsmoh -_- I can do it with the galaxy nexus toolkit01:43
ali1234vi won't give me edit mode :(01:44
matthewsmhaha that would be easier01:44
RobbyFvim does.01:44
RobbyFnano/pico wouldn't01:44
rsalvetiali1234: it's kind of a pain01:44
rsalvetiI should install something better, like nano as default01:45
nikitisi don't have the toolkit on linux01:45
ali1234osk is too big for screen :(01:45
ali1234wifi works though01:45
nikitiswhat other linux options do I have to flash android back on?01:45
ali1234how can i bring up wifi from shell?01:46
rsalvetiali1234: awesome01:46
rsalvetiali1234: there's a script to help01:46
rsalvetiit might be too big for you01:46
ali1234can i sut down ui temporarily from terminal?01:46
ali1234damn this keyboard01:46
rsalvetisudo service ubuntu-session stop01:46
juicyjonesnikitis read this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=216025301:47
ali1234hah, it was obvious really :)01:47
juicyjonesnikitis you can get FASTBOOT and ADB with that link01:47
rsalvetiali1234: at the latest phablet-tools package you can find phablet-network-setup01:47
rsalvetiali1234: if you're using ubuntu as host, when running this script it'll copy your wireless connection to the phone01:47
rsalvetiif you're connected via wireless01:48
ali1234it spits out egrep usage...01:48
ali1234i'm not connected via wireless01:48
rsalvetiphablet-network-setup -i will set up the network and install openssh-server01:48
habstinatHas anyone been able to start a "real" X server with something like Openbox via ssh? I always get "no screens found" upon startx.01:48
nikitisjuicyjones: i have all that installed on linux, and i'm not installing ubuntu i'm trying to get back to android ...01:48
rsalvetior you could set up the network manually01:48
rsalvetichange the file at your host and push via adb root; adb push file /data/ubuntu/...01:49
ali1234what file though?01:49
ali1234i'll read script :)01:49
ali1234mmmmmm can i push debs with adb and then install with dpkg?01:50
ali1234that's going to be easiest i think... just push nano, fix ui01:50
movabohi guys01:54
movabois it possible to run my own apps on the phone atm?01:54
rsalvetiali1234: yup01:55
RobbyFmovabo, probably - I'm not sure how, i've installed putty but not sure how to launch it01:55
gizmo_movabo: consoleapps run fine01:56
movabono just console apps..01:56
movaboi want to run native or even html5 apps :/01:57
ali1234rsalveti: um... where does ubuntu keep arm packages?01:58
rsalvetiali1234: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/01:58
Wedgie_Hey, trying to flash a Nexus 7, I'm stuck on pushing the autodeploy.zip file, anyone come across this?01:58
Alessandro_same here01:58
ali1234rsalveti: tx01:59
gizmo_habstinat: not yet. thats what i've tried, too.02:00
juicyjonesNikitis that is the page to install the two thing you need to flash android.  Adb and fastboot02:01
gizmo_habstinat: but trying to kill the qml-phone-shell brings you to the loginscreen :)02:01
ali1234well, installing nano sure is taking a long time...02:04
ali1234in fact any kind f disk access seems suspiciously slow02:06
guilohazendoes anybody know if there is a plan for the Verizon galaxy nexus?02:06
ali1234nano isn't responding to enter key02:07
dank101use VI02:09
crypticmofohi all02:09
ali1234vi doesn;t work either!02:09
ali1234doesn't respond to 'i'02:09
crypticmofoubuntu os for android rocks .. even though the port for cdma won't let me make and recive and text once it will i won't look back02:09
crypticmofothe ui is just awesome02:10
dank101wrong name02:10
dank101this is UBUNTU FOR PHONES02:10
dank101sorry caps02:10
crypticmofoyea that02:10
crypticmofowell it just rocks period02:10
dank101ment to use capital02:10
dank101yeah doesn't need a name02:11
ali1234hmm i'm dumb02:11
ali1234i could have just pulled the file, edited it, and then pushed02:11
gizmochrooting aint exactly "native"02:11
dank101good point02:11
gizmoso ubuntu for android kind of fits02:12
EHhave any google voice users tested Ubuntu Phone?02:12
dank101we should make a text editor for lazy people02:12
ali1234ubuntuappmanager segfaulted when i did "sudo shutdown -r now"02:13
ali1234it's rebooting though02:13
habstinatgizmo: Odd; when I try to kill that it just restarts itself.02:14
gizmohabstinat: yes it does02:15
gizmonasty little thing02:15
jreinershey room02:17
rsalvetiali1234: check your TERM02:17
rsalvetiset export TERM=xterm02:17
rsalvetisee if it hels02:17
dank101is there a on device terminal emu now?02:18
rsalvetiali1234: this segfault is a known issue02:18
dank101we know02:19
ali1234rsalveti: i pushed back edited ubuntu-session and now it won't start02:19
rsalvetiali1234: permission issue02:19
ali1234correct :)02:20
dank101Set perms rw-r-r02:20
rsalvetineeds to have +x02:20
joaohi, is there no work around to install ubuntu touch on nexus 7 3g? it says that tilapia version is not supported.02:20
ali1234shouldn't "service start" complain or something?02:20
dank101or 4755 for Set UID bit02:20
dank101Joao not supported02:20
habstinatWhat is the $DISPLAY variable that needs to be set to run something on the main screen? (Ask if I'm not making myself clear)02:21
joaodank101 do you have any information regarding when it will be supported?02:21
dank101joao nope02:21
joaodank101 ok thanks, seems like im out of luck :)02:22
habstinatgizmo: You can do "service ubuntu-session stop" to get a black screen :P02:22
gizmohabstinat: uuh, splendid! :D02:23
Nikezfinally... got it to work on desire02:23
Nikez(more or less)02:23
ali1234rsalveti: ubuntu-session only writes to .bashrc if the settings don't already exist?02:23
ali1234thus editing it after first boot does nothing?02:23
dank101nikez pics?02:24
gizmohabstinat: can you then start openbox or something?02:24
dmj_webmhall119: you mentioned some issues with raring and the sdk?02:25
rsalvetiali1234: that's right02:25
habstinatgizmo: Not yet but I have some ideas; I think adding the 10-monitor.conf file from <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Getting_started> should work but I'm not sure of the equivalent X configuration location for Ubuntu/Debian02:26
gizmohabstinat: truth be told, i was quite happy with the pre "touch" release of ubuntu for the nexus7 until the touchscreen input went mad and did random clicks. lxde on the nexus7 was quite nice a couple of month ago. i'd love to have something similar again.02:26
dmj_webanyone using the sdk on 13.04?02:27
habstinatgizmo: It might just be that we're not explicitly stating that we want to use the vesa driver; if we say so in that file it won't attempt to use hardware accelerated graphics and fail.02:27
ali1234rsalveti: ok i edited .bashrc *and* uuntu-session and it hasn't affected UI size at all...02:27
ali1234with the UI so big all the gesture regions overlap and eveything you do also triggers three other things02:29
ali1234it's quite bad :)02:29
ali1234but it does all the things really fast, which is good02:29
juicyjonesali1234 it is quite bad interactive design.02:30
ali1234juicyjones: this is specific problem to my device which has low resolution02:30
juicyjonesi was attacked for saying so on XDA. there's plenty of time to improve it of course, but a few core concepts are not going to work.02:30
juicyjonesmine is 720p and it is flawed02:30
ali1234i have to agree broadly02:30
ali1234but w/e02:30
ali1234it's much worse for me02:31
ali1234because eg opening the hud also triggers the stuff at the top02:31
juicyjonesadopting android and iPhone's web apps directly interfere with the interface because swiping requires a contact area at the edges of the phone, where a lot of controls are placed on webkit html apps02:31
juicyjonesso you mess with buttons and accidentally trigger system os swipes trying to hit a button. a lot02:32
ali1234yep, noticed that too02:32
juicyjonesthe notification and settings controls are a merry-go-round of confusion02:32
ali1234i was trying to swipe through photos on another device that works properly, and i kept going to another app by accident02:32
ali1234quite frustrating02:32
ali1234and "back" is well hidden02:32
crypticmofowell its a new thing we wil have to get used to it02:33
crypticmofoi think ubuntu for phones is going to rocks02:33
ali1234well that's the brilliant thing02:34
crypticmofoit will be my main os i can see it already02:34
ali1234we don't have to get used to it02:34
juicyjonesrequires too much precision from the user to be practical.02:34
gizmowhat i don't get is why ubuntu touch has an itemized list of apps on the left side, then an itemized list o apps on the "desktop/wallpaper" and an swipeable list of running apps on the right side.. thats a _lot_ of places for basically the same thing.02:34
gizmokeep it simple02:34
ali1234throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks?02:34
gizmothat aint simple02:34
juicyjonesand no sense of context while swiping from the right02:34
gizmoit just looks cool02:35
ali1234honestly i think this release is more about "look, it can run on ANY android phone"02:35
ali1234and it really can as well02:35
crypticmofoyea it looks nice on my d2vzw just can't wait till stuff starts working02:35
juicyjonesthey need to sit down and have a tough love meeting about the gestures and such. IMHO02:35
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RobbyFkeep talking, I'm bored.02:37
rsalvetiali1234: that's weird, that settings should set that for shell02:38
dmj_web_anyone running the sdk on 13.04?02:38
rsalvetiali1234: can you paste your /usr/bin/ubuntu-session for me?02:38
sfriqueHello folks02:38
ali1234rsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5556974/02:38
denSMSgtLOL on 'merry-go-round of confusion'!  sums it up pretty well!02:38
sfriquedoes anyone here is woring on SGS I ?02:38
ali1234rsalveti: wait now i see i edited the wrong line02:39
juicyjonesdenSMSgt heh02:39
rsalvetiali1234: you also need to change the export lines02:39
ali1234rsalveti: yep, noticed &02:40
ali1234as i psted02:40
ali1234sfrique: yes i have it running on international version02:42
ali1234rsalveti: lol now it's TINY02:42
dank101im back02:42
rsalvetiali1234: cool, now just look for the values that work best for you02:43
ali1234seems like gestures are busted now too02:43
ali1234it's not crashed though, i can see the indicators bleeping02:43
dank101https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices bottom of the list02:44
dank101click on the lauchpad acc02:44
sfriqueali1234, can you help me to get it worning on the B version?02:44
ali1234sfrique: maybe, i don't really know what i am doing02:44
sfriqueali1234, lol02:44
dank101what are you doing to break this02:45
sfriqueali1234, anyway, did i am syncing the git right now02:45
ali1234sfrique: sync takes ages. it's 16GB02:45
ali1234suggest doing it over night02:45
sfriqueguess i have to change partitions lol02:46
sfriquethe one i am sync only have 10 free02:46
ali1234i deleted a bunch of old ubuntu isos to make room :)02:47
ali1234you'll need another few B to build as well02:47
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ali123420GB after build02:47
dank101i got 512 gigs left02:48
sfriquechanged to my Raid5 device lol02:49
sfriqueali1234, i don't know much of git or android02:50
ali1234sfrique: you don't need to02:50
ali1234i never used cyanogenmod before today02:50
sfriquei know the principles02:50
habstinatWhat exactly /is/ qml-phone-shell? Is it just a modified X binary?02:50
ali1234habstinat: no, it's a qml application02:51
ali1234there is no X02:51
sfriqueali1234, so tell me02:51
dank101we need more info02:51
habstinatali1234: But it also handles the display drivers?02:51
dank101we should ask canonical for more info02:51
ali1234habstinat: no, not at all02:51
sfriquewhat the wiki says i have to update on my manifest.xml ? I did not find any thing close enough02:51
ali1234habstinat: it just draws the UI02:51
ali1234sfrique: after you sync the repo you will get a folder called .repo02:52
habstinatali1234: So what package does that then? Has anyone successfully got X running (even if it's via Vesa or whatever) on Ubuntu Touch?02:52
ali1234manifest.xml is in there02:52
sfriquei saw it02:52
sfriquebut what to edit in it02:52
ali1234habstinat: no, nobody got X running. display is handled by android surface flinger02:52
_5m0k3Need to set system time?  Simple, just do dpkg-reconfigure tzdata02:53
ali1234sfrique: you add repositories needed by your device02:53
ali1234sfrique: look at last lines in that file02:53
ali1234you add lines similar to those02:54
sfriquelet me see02:54
sfriquethe lines is like this02:54
sfrique  <project path="kernel/asus/grouper" name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_asus_grouper" />02:54
ali1234find your device on cyanogen wiki02:55
ali1234and link it here02:55
sfriquealready did02:55
sfriqueali1234, http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Galaxysbmtd_Info02:55
ali1234so there's two git repos on that page. first one: http://www.github.com/cyanogenmod/android_device_samsung_galaxysbmtd02:56
sfriqueyes, but i mean, i cant figrueout how to add the line on my manifest02:56
sfriquecause i dont see any git repo02:56
ali1234this becomes <project path="device/samsung/galaxysbmtd" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxysbmtd" remote="github" revision="refs/head/cm-10.1">02:57
rsalvetiali1234: how is it working at your device?02:57
ali1234sorry <project path="device/samsung/galaxysbmtd" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxysbmtd" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1">02:57
ali1234sfrique: the other one follows similar pattern02:58
sfriquei see02:58
ali1234rsalveti: the QML is smoooooth02:58
rsalvetiali1234: \o/02:58
ali1234stuff takes a while to load though, not enough ram02:58
ali1234it seems to run slower the smaller the font is02:58
ali1234or DPI sorry02:58
ali1234i guess more on screen02:58
ali1234sfrique: you also need to add some other repos02:59
rsalvetiali1234: yeah, we need to do some memory optimization still02:59
ali1234sfrique: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxysbmtd/blob/cm-10.1/cm.dependencies <- here are some more repos02:59
ali1234you don't need the samsung service mode one, just the others02:59
gizmono x? :/ ..grmbl.. .oO(stupid android-sideloading)03:00
sfriquei have to add those on the begining of file righ?03:00
ali1234sfrique: you add <project ... lines like the others03:00
ali1234you have to work out the repo url, it follows a similar pattern03:00
sfriqueok thanks03:01
sfriquegona edit the files03:01
ali1234remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1" always03:01
ali1234the other two lines you can work out from repo url03:01
sfriquehow do i comment a line on xml?03:03
ali1234no idea03:03
wgrantsfrique: <!-- THIS IS A COMMENT -->03:04
wgrantIt can span multiple lines03:04
habstinatHow can one access the SQL table that, say, Notes is storing its notes in (accessed at /usr/share/notepad-qml/Models/DataModel.qml)? It seems to be named "notes", but MySQL isn't starting for me.03:04
dank101i have a question03:05
dank101if the ubuntu for phones firmware is ported to a device is it as easy to port it as CM10.1 (C&P files) to the carrier locked version of the device?)03:06
ad0leTrying to install via virtualbox on my Nexus 7 and it appears to go well until I get to the point where It tries to reboot and install the image. Says its unlocked and just sits there. Am I being impatient?03:06
ad0lethanks dank03:06
wgrantad0le: Check your device filters in VirtualBo03:06
ali1234dank101: if you can root them, sure03:06
wgrantad0le: The bootloader appears as a different device ID03:06
dank101ali1234: YES!!!!!!!03:06
ali1234dank101: nexus devices are officially supported because they don't need exploits to unlock03:07
ad0leright on... Im recopying the image now (slow as all hell) and ill be more patient this time. Thanks for the info guys03:07
dank101we are getting a SGS3 port for ATT device when the i9300 version is done!03:07
rathelI was following the instructions to get Ubuntu on my Nexus10.. I only got as far as unlocking the bootloader and now it just stays at the logo on boot, Any suggestions to get it working again?03:07
ali1234dank101: hardware differences...03:07
ali1234maybe, maybe not03:07
dank101ali1234: just the processer03:08
ali1234it's enough.03:08
dank101then copy the files from the vzw version03:08
ali1234dank101: no, probably not03:09
ali1234you just bring over cyanogenmod version of att rom03:09
sfriqueali1234, just one small thing.03:09
ali1234idk what crazy stuff american operators get up to03:09
dank101thats what i was going to do anyway03:09
ali1234in UK all phones are same03:09
ali1234across operators i mean03:09
sfriquethe lik you gave did not have "CyanogenMod" on the name03:10
ali1234just have different logos printed on them03:10
sfriqueshould i add like this03:10
sfrique  <project path="device/samsung/aries-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_aries" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1">03:10
ali1234sfrique: yes, it's implied03:10
ali1234yes, like that03:10
sfriqueall the 5 lines added03:10
ali1234you probably shouldn't be editing that file while it is still syncing03:10
sfriquei know03:10
sfriqueit is on other place03:11
ali1234after it finishes main sync you run repo sync again and it gets the repos you added03:11
ali1234then continue with porting guide :)03:11
sfriquei mean, you are using the ubuntu script03:11
ali1234no you only use that for initial sync03:12
sfriquethe next sync03:12
ali1234the phablet-bootstrap one03:12
ali1234next sync you just run "repo sync"03:12
sfriquei hed to ran it agin with he -c options03:12
sfriqueto continued to sync03:12
ali1234yeah that's ok03:12
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habstinatHow can one access the SQL table that, say, Notes is storing its notes in (accessed at /usr/share/notepad-qml/Models/DataModel.qml)? It seems to be named "notes", but MySQL isn't starting for me. (sorry for the double; two of only three max)03:13
ali1234habstinat: nobody knows :/03:14
ali1234habstinat: are you sure it is MySQL, not say SQLite?03:14
jv__can I try to install it on galaxy tab 2 7.0?03:15
habstinatali1234: I have no idea; just took a guess there. TBH I don't know a lot about SQL, but you can look at the aforementioned file to see the code that accesses the table.03:15
kevankI think it is sqllite03:16
sfriqueali1234, small question03:16
ali1234jv__: soon03:17
sfriqueafter building you get an intslable zip, but after instaling it. ow to get back?03:17
ali1234sfrique: depends on device03:17
sfriquestill have the CWM and just flash  some ROM?03:17
ali1234sfrique: your phone is unlocked with CWM or similar?03:17
sfriqueSlimRom current03:17
ali1234it actually replaces CWM with an ubuntu branded versio03:17
ali1234but yes03:17
ali1234it's still CWM03:18
sfriquedoes the nstalating ofrmat anything on my phone?03:18
kevankYou don't have to flash their recovery.03:18
sfriquemy phone is prtty much the same  as the i9000 international..03:18
ali1234sfrique: it formats the nand of the phone03:18
kevankI just instaleld on my N7 with TWRP03:18
ali1234kevank: i didn't flash their recovery03:18
ali1234i still got ubuntu logo in recovery03:18
ali1234i only flash two zips: the thing that i build, and the rootfs one03:19
sfriqueali1234, the nand is the internal sdcard?03:19
ali1234sfrique: no03:19
ali1234on smtd anyway03:19
ali1234you kinda need to know about this stuff :)03:19
sfriquetrying to learn =X03:19
sfriqueyou are helping a lot03:20
ali1234don't bet on anything surviving basically03:20
ali1234always backup everything03:20
CdmaJediI'm trying to flash this on my palm pixie plus and it isn't working. Any ideas why?03:20
ali1234especially backup /efs 100 times03:20
sfriqueas i said, doest know much about android...  just a regular user that know how to flash custon ROMs03:20
sfriquei have one backup03:20
trentololCdmaJedi, I don't think that it's supported yet03:21
sfriqueo have tiatium backup everything03:21
bpd1069I installed preview onto a Nexus 10, following the directions carefully and now the tablet doesn't boot - just shows a blank screen after the google boot screen - left running for upto 30 minutes - any suggestions on how to fix this, it is not being recognized by adb inorder to attempt 'phablet-flash -b' again03:21
CdmaJediEveryone has to start somewhere, man03:21
sfriqueand efs on my computer03:21
ad0leok, back to where I was... device is at the bootloader screen and appears to be stuck at the "LOCK STATE - UNLOCKED" line and phablet is stuck at <waiting for device>.... do I just need to wait longer?03:21
sfriquejust to be sure, before flashing i will backup the efs again!03:21
juicyjonesbpd1069 did you try pressing some buttons? I pressed the power button after about 30 seconds and it turned on03:21
bpd1069yes - it turns on but after the google logo it does nothing, there is power to the screen but it blank03:22
sfriqueali1234,  how didit ran on the phone?  too lagy?03:22
halfsoulbpd: same here03:22
bpd1069halfsoul :/03:23
ali1234sfrique: it's not great03:23
sfriquewish i had another phone03:24
MrCrowleyAnyone else not get a device listing when querying using command ( adb devices )?03:25
ad0lesorry to be a pain, im still stuck. Phablet is "< waiting for device >" and fast boot appears to be stuck at "LOCK STATE - UNLOCKED". Is there something I am missing. Using virtualbox as host.03:28
Diegohey for everyone03:28
DiegoI have a problem03:29
MrCrowleyI am also having trouble getting adb to show a phone.03:29
halfsoulmrcrowley, what version of android?03:29
polytheusdid you try "adb kill-server" and then launch adb under sudo?03:29
DiegoIm installing de ubuntu but the process install OS just frezee03:29
DiegoWhat i can do03:30
MrCrowleyi'll try it with sudo. I think I was doing it under user. BRB03:30
ali1234sfrique: actually since you are using many same repos as me, you can probably just directly use my patches...03:30
ali1234when i upload them to github, which i am doing now03:30
sfriqueali1234, thanks03:31
bpd1069hmmm seems i got recovery to restart (three button start / power + wol up + vol down) ran recovery 3 times, third time seems to be going03:31
sfriquedid you make lots of patches?03:31
ali1234no only needed to comment three lines :P03:31
bpd1069fingers crossed03:31
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MrCrowleyNo still gives me an output : List of devices attached but nothing is here. As i remember it show show a serial or something to that effect.03:32
sfriqueali1234, i have a vbackup efs, but people are telling me that to do a valid backup of efs i have to use stock rom.. is that right?03:32
halfsoulbpd1069 I got it to work03:33
AnotherNexus4UseHi everyone, I had some of the same issues as you, boot up just blank screen (looks powered).  I just watched a youtube video of some guy who just installed TWRP and flashed the .zip's in recovery.  (Must flash in the correct order, quantal-preinstalled-armel+mako.zip THEN this: quantal-preinstalled-armel+mako.zip)  Now playing around with Ubuntu for phone.03:33
bpd1069halfsoul do tell - waiting for the recovery to run through atm03:33
halfsoulI flashed the stock takju 4.2.2 image (I am installing on Galaxy Nexus) and then re-ran phablet-flash -b03:35
ali1234sfrique: quite possibly. i have no idea03:35
bpd1069ok if this doesn't work will reflash TWRP (had before) and manually flash the zips03:35
ali1234i just know i had to pay some guy $5 to fix it for me after i didn't make enough backups03:35
AnotherNexus4UseDownload the .img from the TWRP website and flash it using fastboot (sudo fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-, boot into recovery and once in there adb devices should show the recovery as a device.03:35
bpd1069bah no joy - reflashing TWRP03:36
AnotherNexus4UseThen adb push *.zip /sdcard03:36
halfsoulI don't know if my non-stock ROM (CyanogenMod) had anything to do with it, or just a bad install the first time.03:36
sfrique_ups,conections drop03:36
AnotherNexus4UseWipe system, data, factory reset in TWRP and install those zips in the correct order03:36
sfrique_ali1234,  i didn't get the answers, did you make alots os patches?03:36
MrCrowleyadb - has problem connecting to my Gnex03:36
ali1234sfrique_: not too many03:37
halfsoulMrCrowley, what version of android?03:37
MrCrowleyStock 4..2.203:37
bpd1069got it - going to try now - thanks AnotherNexus4Use03:37
MrCrowleyUnlocked bootloader03:37
halfsoulDid you accept the RSA hash on the phone when you tried adb devices?03:37
MrCrowleyin usb debug03:37
CdmaJediI have an i9300 and a n7100 right here just begging to be ported and flashed03:37
sfrique_ali1234, i have a vbackup efs, but people are telling me that to do a valid backup of efs i have to use stock rom.. is that right?03:38
AnotherNexus4Usegotta go, newborn crying, good luck everyone!03:38
MrCrowleyThe RSA hash never prompted.03:38
ali1234sfrique_: i don't know for sure03:39
ali1234it can't hurt to go stock, you are reflashing anyway03:39
halfsoulafter installing android-tools-adb, did you stop/start the adb server?03:39
CdmaJediWas it the first time you ssh'd?03:39
sfrique_don't have stock hahah03:40
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, What strange is when I first updated to 4.2.2 using a windows machine it prompted me to accept the hash then. But turning on debug connected to ubuntu doesn't force that promt03:40
sfrique_i have to start the sync over =/03:40
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, I did restart sever. both sudo and user03:40
halfsoulDid you unplug & re-plug the usb cable?03:41
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, Yes. But I will try again. Maybe a different order.03:41
halfsoulWhat version of Ubuntu?03:41
GusBrickerAnyone had any issues installing Ubuntu Touch? I just tried on my old Galaxy Nexus and the phone gets stuck on Android loading screen, the guy with the open chest and the loading bar down the bottom03:42
ali1234sfrique_: my patches are now on github03:42
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, 12.04. I just saw the RSA but it went away on the phone before I could accept. Let me see if it will identify now...03:42
TykinHow long should "sending 'system'" take?03:43
TykinMy Nexus 4 has been at it for about 5 minutes now03:43
denSMSgtno issues on GNex other than getting recovery to play nice, once I finally did TWRP, all went well03:43
catman232Hi, everyone!03:44
halfsoulMrCrowley, if that doesn't work I have only three more suggestions: 1. Reboot computer   2. Try different USB port/cable   3. Try adding udev rule (should not be needed): http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html03:44
denSMSgtinstalling that is03:44
GusBrickerdenSMSgt what did you have to do in recovery mode?03:44
halfsoulGusBricker, it took quite a while03:44
GusBrickerwait no its working now! yay03:44
denSMSgtI had to install a recovery mode that worked!  my first time!03:44
sfrique_ali1234, where?03:44
GusBrickerweird, had to enter recovery mode first03:45
denSMSgtnone would play until I did TWRP03:45
ali1234the repos have same names as cyanogen ones03:45
catman232I'm currently cloning the git respritory, and it's going at about 150 Kb/s max... Anyone else having that issue?03:45
denSMSgtnewb alert here.03:45
GusBrickerwhats TWRP?03:45
ali1234but branch is "ubuntu-touch"03:45
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, So.....kill-server > start-server > adb devices lists a blank line like it worked but no info. Thanks for your help thus far. I am sure I will get it. Just figured someone here might have the same pain.03:45
TykinGusBricker, it's a custom recovery03:45
ali1234catman232: yes abut 1 million other people :)03:45
Tykinsimilar to CWM03:45
GusBrickerdam, i think its hung03:45
catman232Oh, ok, just making sure :P03:45
catman232I'm hopefully going to get this running on my T-Mo GSIII03:46
TykinHas anyone successfully installed on a Nexus 4? I seem to be stuck at "sending system"03:46
halfsoulMrCrowley, good luck!03:46
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, thanks03:47
GusBrickerTykin, on my GNex, it took 13.621 seconds to send system03:47
TykinAlright, I suspect I ran in to an issue03:47
halfsoulMrCrowley, another thought: Does Ubuntu see the phone connected to the USB port?  Type lsusb and see if the phone is listed03:48
GusBrickerbut mine isnt working either :P haha03:48
Tykinis there a command to manually restart the install script?03:48
Tykinha, gotcha03:48
Tykinwell, maybe I should just flash back to stock03:48
Tykinwhile the bootloader is still working :-)03:48
GusBrickerwait no it is working duh03:48
catman232Is there a way to flash it via recovery?03:48
denSMSgtI just wish I could get some cell network data love now it's working!  This initial build looks really beautiful... need more to play with.  :-)03:48
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GusBrickerNot gunna lie, but this is a really smart user interface design, hats off to the devs03:49
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, no the phone is not showing on usb. Weird..fastboot worked?03:49
catman232The only thing I see being a problem is how the back-button is hidden03:49
ad0leI get stuck once Im in the fastboot screen... locked state - unlocked and phablet is stuck at < waiting for device >03:49
sfrique_ali1234, so you are saying i should add you repo to my manifest? or look the patchs on the github?03:49
halfsoulMrCrowley, And you for sure enabled USB debugging in settings?03:49
halfsoul(on the phone)03:49
ali1234sfrique_: you should use them instead of the cyanogen repos i have forked03:50
ali1234sfrique_: i'm just testing they actually work03:50
ali1234then i'll send the xml lines03:50
GusBrickerso whats involved in setting up a development system so i can do some debugging and make some apps?03:50
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, faulty cable03:51
MrCrowleyI think.03:51
halfsoulGusBricker: http://developer.android.com/develop/index.html03:51
MrCrowleyThats why the hash popped up an then disappeard too quickly.03:51
GusBrickercheers halfsoul03:51
sfrique_ali1234, ok, i am witing03:51
halfsoulMrCrowley, yep, that would explain it and match the symptoms (as you said)03:51
GusBrickerwait halfsoul, whied you give me an android dev link?03:52
catman232dank101: I personally can't say for sure, but if you're wanting to port Ubuntu I think it's already been done on AT&T, and if not, i'd suggest doing it yourself03:53
ad0leis there a way I can start fastboot without phablet to run the autodeploy.zip?03:53
halfsoulMy understanding is that GusBricker, just assuming most of the tools will be similar.03:53
GusBrickerthought that it used QT?03:53
halfsoulProbably right03:53
halfsoulmaybe I should stop talking out of my ass03:54
dank101catman232, ... it hasn't only for VZW03:54
ali1234ok it built03:54
MrCrowleyhalfsoul, Well I am going to carry on here. Thanks for getting me focused in on the correct problem. I had gedit open and was halfway through a udev rule. ;p03:54
sfrique_ali1234,  already built??03:55
halfsoulMrCrowley, sure thing.03:55
catman232Oh, I looked at the devices earlier and saw that it was on there, but I didn't realize there weren't any for the ATT version, sorry03:57
Diegojust start03:57
Diegobut is very slow03:57
dank101catman232, that was me who posted that XDDDDD03:58
catman232Oh :P03:58
Diegosomeone know why?03:58
catman232I think I might have to leave this download over-night, but I was hoping to get the build started03:58
GusBrickertook a while for mine to start Diego03:58
GusBrickerand then i thought it had hung, but its just the start screen has that appearance, swipe to the left03:59
catman232I'm assuming this takes a lot less time than Android to build, right?03:59
Diegoi know that but how i can kill apps03:59
Diegoor view the setting03:59
GusBrickersettings, pull down on the wifi icon for example04:00
thuai_hi everyone04:00
thuai_how to get ip address of my ubuntu phone04:00
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Diegohow i can sync my google contact04:01
dank101run in ADB04:01
dank101Diego: manually until someone makes a app for that04:01
ali1234sfrique_: everything is ready04:02
ali1234sfrique_ see http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/random/ubuntu-touch-galaxysmtd.txt04:02
ali1234when you see a repo with same name as one you added, replace it with mine04:02
ali1234you might still need to fix things in other repos04:03
ali1234^ that will build for galaxysmtd though04:03
ali1234rsalveti: ^04:03
ali1234added it to devices wiki too04:03
ali1234this whole adventure took 12 hours04:04
rsalvetiali1234: awesome04:04
rsalvetiali1234: let me know if you have a blog post or similar for it04:04
ali1234which is not bad considering i never used cyanogenmod or built a rom before04:04
rsalvetiwant to share that :-)04:04
ali1234i will write something proper up tomorrow but i need to sleep now :)04:04
rsalvetiyeah, me too04:04
ali1234sfrique__: see above04:05
Diego<dank101> dont work like an android?04:05
sfrique__already reading04:05
sfrique__i have to change the frist line04:05
sfrique__i guess it is the only diferent thing04:06
ali1234you shouldn't use that galaxysmtd repo probably04:06
ali1234only use my repo if you have one from cyanogenmod with identical name04:06
ali1234so eg the aries ones04:06
sfrique__yeah i am deen both rigth now to see the diferences04:07
sfrique__thanks anyway04:07
sfrique__but how often will you sync?04:07
ali1234sfrique__: honestly? never :)04:08
ali1234we'll see though04:08
ali1234if you want, you can fork my repo and pull upstream changes04:08
ali1234that's the beauty of git04:08
ali1234anyway ---------> bed04:08
sfrique__ali1234, thanks04:09
TykinOk, my phone is back to stock04:09
sfrique__i just have to learn how lol04:09
sfrique__i understand git..just don't know how to use =X04:09
Tykinwow, that was scary for a second. The problem turned out to be my computer, I believe04:09
Tykincan't maintain a proper connection to the phone and therefore could not send the system iamge04:10
MrCrowleyHmmm. now where is the text message feautre...04:10
Tykinluckily i could still get in to CWM and format the /system directory04:11
rukin5197Anybody know how much RAM is needed to flash ubuntu?04:11
RobbyFon the device? or desktop?04:14
RobbyFI've seen as long as 512mb04:15
RobbyFlong = low04:15
dank101anything that can run 4.2.*04:17
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ziffhas anyone installed any custom applications on touch?04:18
thuai_anyone could share it?04:18
weisso5*finally* got the demo working on my n7 after like 10 black screen attempts! Internal Storage space was the issue ><04:21
weisso5and formatting system04:22
mhall119dmj_nova: raring issues should all be fixed now04:23
RobbyFAnyone know where the daily updates will be available, and when they start? changelogs?04:25
UbuntuNutis there a way to run the autodeploy.zip directly from adb without using the phablet-flash tool?04:26
dank101channel dead?04:34
dank101k better04:35
yazoany one can help me04:35
RobbyFjust ask04:36
yazoi lose my internet conect when download a file04:38
yazothes my termnal04:39
yazoquantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip: FAILED md5sum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match Error while downloading, ensure connection04:39
yazohow to reinstall it04:39
JordanRulzhow much free memory do u guys have on the gnex04:43
yazoany one can help me ????04:44
vibhavyazo: rediw lo04:45
vibhavyazo: re download the image, it's corrupted04:45
yazoi now but how i re downlod it04:46
vibhavyazo: I exactly don't know the procedure, but you need art the procedure with a fresh new image04:46
vibhavI mean repeat, not art04:46
yazoyes try to repeat but is stk04:47
vibhavyazo: is it stuck?04:47
vibhavyazo: I think there is something not right with your Internet connection04:49
yazoall img is loaded but thes i lose my conect then i have thes erorr04:52
yazocan i delet the corrupted img from my mobil04:54
vibhavyazo: where have you downloaded the image to?04:55
yazoin the mobile i thnk04:56
vibhavyazo: Hmm, What is image name?04:57
HittingmanHey guys, I have successfully loaded ubuntu onto a yakju galaxy nexus, but when it boots it just sits at the lock screen with an unresponsive touchscreen, any suggestions?04:58
dank101battery pull04:58
jerelI was part way through the install when it appeared that the "system" push hung. After a while I hit the power button on the Nexus 7 and now I can't see it with adb. How can I get adb back?05:00
yazovibhav i will try something05:02
CdmaJediI distinctly remember chrooting into ubuntu's new arm distro a couple years back on my atrix. Why not further develop that rather than chroot from cm10?05:15
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ProGEEKCdmaJedi, cause CM10 already has such a vast array of devices it supports05:20
ProGEEKmakes porting it to those devices easier05:20
dank101im working on S3 port05:20
CdmaJediWell... it doesn't support my skyrocket :-/05:21
ProGEEKwhats the specs of your skyrocket ?05:21
CdmaJediWhich is what I'm working on05:21
CdmaJedi1.5 dual core snap, 1 gb ram05:21
ProGEEKCM supports Skyrocket, so it should be alot easier to get Ubuntu Touch running on it than trying to get a whole new distro running on it05:23
sphyyrHi all.05:23
ProGEEKheya sphyyr05:23
fish1209hope i can port this to my VS95005:23
CdmaJediCm10 isnt stable yet, so it'll be rough05:24
CdmaJediBut I don't disagree with your point05:24
CdmaJediOn the skyrocket, I mean05:25
fish1209that phone is similar to mine   http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_intuition_vs950-5005.php05:25
ProGEEKCdmaJedi, i think you'll find the dalvik side of things unstable05:25
ProGEEKsame goes with my mako, its not considered "stable"05:26
CdmaJediWell ut scrapped dalvik, did it not05:26
ProGEEKwhich is true, they keep breaking things, but the core android kernel and the core OS seem stable, on mine its the UI that keeps crashing (In Cm10)05:27
ProGEEKUT runs a breeze05:27
CdmaJediNice screen on that lg..05:27
ProGEEKbut yeah i see you only have a single "Experimental" build for your skyrocket in cm1005:28
CdmaJediI've got an i9300 I might try instead05:28
ProGEEKsomeone's working on the i9300 i think05:29
CdmaJediYeah, its listed as a wip on the wiki05:29
gennroAnyone working on the TF700t?05:29
CdmaJediHad a galaxy nexus an week ago. Wish I still had it05:29
gennroyeah I have a gnex sitting next to me here toroplus version05:30
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gennrogoing to start building for the asus TF700t here soon, downloading atm05:31
CdmaJediRight now its a choice between the i9300, an N7100, or the skyrocket, which is my daily driver05:32
napsterDoes anyone succeed in dualbooting a GNex?05:32
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CdmaJediI do believe there was an additional 300 megs found on that model that could lead to development of a chain loader05:33
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dank101Totally untested S3 port05:36
CdmaJediI just got an erection. Which s3 variant?05:37
dank101(Qualcomm AT&T S3)05:38
CdmaJediI've got a tmo with a cracked digitizer that I'm willing to test05:38
dank101based on the verizon build05:38
dank101ONLY ATT05:38
dank101i will make a TMO version05:38
CdmaJediYeah I see, chill05:38
CdmaJediAlso intl version. Only one I don't have right now is the att05:39
dank101the international version is being worked on05:39
dank101someone else05:39
dank101in my power i can only do GSM s3's05:40
mysticnzok never done a port before but played around with some rom building in past in windows, do i need to do this in linux or can i do it in windows still? (looking to port onto Galaxy Note 2 7105)05:40
CdmaJediI'm going to work on porting to a razr v3, a palm pixie, and a lumia 92005:40
CdmaJediIts in the wiki05:41
CdmaJediX64 of 12 or 1305:41
dank101makin the tmo version05:42
CdmaJediI was going to port to skyrocket, but I dont want to bother with prop broadcom drivers on this fresh 12.10 install05:43
dank101i am not responceable if your device turns into a pile of fried chicken05:43
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dank101FLASH AT YOUR RISK05:43
CdmaJediAlso I switched from red bull to red bull and vodka an hour ago, which isn't helping05:43
dank101then screw vodka05:44
dank101drink more bull05:44
CdmaJediThe reason I wanted to try with the s2 was the whole emmc bug. Samsung just replaces the phone if it's bricked05:44
CdmaJediCan't even jtag it back05:45
dank101im going to upload the TMO version soon05:46
CdmaJediHell yeah05:46
dank101it is 9999999999999% alpha05:47
dank101im am not responible if your phone turns to chicken05:47
ProGEEKmmmm chicken05:47
napsterI have installed Qt5 but I get a plugin-load error message! Does anyone else have this problem?05:47
roger_nHey guys I built UT on 4.2.2 for my skyrocket, adb shows my device as offline I think because of new Whitelist security feature in 4.2 does anyone know a work-around? I'm on the latest sdk and my build boots to a black screen so I can't accept the pop-up as I do with CM.05:48
ProGEEKnapster, make sure you have libbotan-1.10-0 installed05:48
napsterthanks ProGEEK05:48
napsterit works :)05:50
ProGEEKmissing dep05:50
vibhavUbuntu is not responsible if you get fired if Thea05:50
vibhavThe alarm clock doesn't function05:50
vibhavOops, wrong channel :)05:50
CdmaJediPreload the RSA key before the adb attempt05:51
roger_nCdmaJedi is that directed at me?05:51
CdmaJediIndeed it is05:52
roger_nAnd how would I do that the device boots to a black screen?05:52
ProGEEKroger_n, i assume you installed the zip you compiled and the phablet zip05:52
CdmaJediNo, I dont know where the keys and/or hashes are saved to. Time to start reading some jb source code05:53
ProGEEKwipe data, cache (and not needed, but dalvik too)05:53
roger_nProGEEK UT doesn't use dalvick.05:54
CdmaJedi^ try that first, as it will be several hours quicker than what air suggested05:54
ProGEEKhence my comment in brackets...05:54
ProGEEKbut some people has reported success after wiping data and cache05:55
CdmaJediBut some people have reported fowling of their devices05:56
ProGEEKright, back later05:56
CdmaJediStraight chickenized05:57
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CdmaJediThe next part may not exactly appeal to you, the Android-tinkering enthusiast. If your phone is rooted, has an unlocked bootloader, or is running custom firmware (eg, a custom recovery like ClockworkMod Recovery), there's a good chance you've created a potential workaround for this USB debug whitelist, and that a determined data thief could still find a way to your precious information. We won't go into specifics, but suffice to say, if your bootl05:58
CdmaJediMake a cwm zip install that loads your computer's rsa preboot05:59
CdmaJediTo where? To the bat-debugger!06:01
dank101it's alive06:02
dank101it being born...06:02
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thuai_is there anyone add remote devices of ubuntu phone to QtCreator?06:07
dank101CdmaJedi, http://code.google.com/p/s3buntu-tmo/downloads/detail?name=s3buntu-tmo%20v1.zip&can=2&q=#makechanges06:07
dank101for tmo06:08
CdmaJediRoger... http://nelenkov.blogspot.com/2013/02/secure-usb-debugging-in-android-422.html06:09
dank101you need another file06:09
dank101thats is also needed to be flashed in CWM/TWRP06:09
gennroso I understand this correctly you build the CM 10.1 underlying system, then zip you posted is the prebuilt Ubuntu touch?06:10
CdmaJediro.adb.secure 006:11
ducethuai_, Ive heard people are doing that but I have not see the list grow06:12
dank101you make a baseline CM10.1 then flash http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/quantal/mwc-demo/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip06:12
dank101CdmaJedi, Make a nandroid backup06:12
gennroThats what I figured, I am downloading the build environment right now06:13
napsterIs there a phone-app development tutorial available so far?06:14
dank101CdmaJedi, how far from it is it06:15
UbuntuNutdoes the touch preview require root before installation. I know it requires that the device be unlocked, but is root necessary?06:15
waais gps in working on galaxy nexus?06:17
gennrofrom what i read phones have a very basic functions at the time06:18
UbuntuNutI continue to get stuck installing the preview. I'm using virtualbox with a stock 12.10 distro on windows 7 trying to flash a Nexus 7... using the instructions from the official wiki. I get as far as phablet-flash -b and I get hung on the fastboot screen.... phablet-flash is stuvk with "< waiting for device >" and fastboot is stuck at "UNLOCK MODE - UNLOCKED"06:18
UbuntuNutany ideas on what I can do to move forward06:19
dank101reboot the Device06:19
UbuntuNutit boots back into android06:19
napsterOr atleast the source code for the preinstalled apps available?06:19
gennroinstalling on CDMA or GSM Gnex?06:19
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ptlwhere can I find applications to my Ubuntu Phone and how do I install them? dpkg ?06:23
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wgrantUbuntuNut: Recheck your VirtualBox USB device filters. The bootloader appears as a different device ID.06:25
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thuai_hi ptl  you can use apt-get command to install it on your ubuntu phone06:32
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dank101anyone here with a tmo S306:33
Guest28912after installing ubuntu touch i ran into the black screen of death (after the google screen flashes for a while) on the galaxy nexus06:33
Guest28912anyone else run into the same problem ?06:33
dank101Do adb root06:33
dank101Do adb shell and then the following commands:06:33
dank101ubuntu_chroot shell06:33
Guest28912i was running paranoid android before06:33
dank101Do adb root06:33
dank101Do adb shell and then the following commands:06:33
dank101ubuntu_chroot shell06:33
dank101Do that06:33
Guest28912i do remember there were a bunch of guys here with the same problem, when the preview had just come out06:34
Guest28912am wondering if anyone got it resolved, etc ?06:34
ptlthuai_: apt-get ? are all applications in the repository?06:34
dank101it happens on the xperia port06:34
dank101just do this06:34
dank101Do adb root06:34
dank101Do adb shell and then the following commands:06:34
dank101ubuntu_chroot shell06:34
napsterWhen trying to run the currency converted app on the phone, the just flashes for a second. Is there anyone else who is trying to develop a quick app for the phone?06:36
dank101It's alpha06:37
dank101anyone here with a TMO S306:38
thuai_hi napster, i want to develop a quick app for the phone06:38
thuai_but i can't add remote devices to QtCreator06:39
napsterI think you need to connect it to the lan before detecting the device06:39
thuai_hi ptl, maybe06:39
thuai_ptl, i had run sudo apt-get install openssh-server on my ubuntu phone06:40
dank101anyone here with a TMO S3?????06:41
napsterI think the Phone OS is not in the stage of developing apps for at the moment. We will probably need to wait a bit more before getting our hands dirty.06:41
dank101anyone here with a TMO S3?????06:41
thuai_hi napset,  my ubuntu phone has connected wifi. and i can ping it.06:41
napsterTry detecting the device and see if there is any errors in the "messages" tab thuai_06:42
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Duckie_are some of the apps simply images? like the calculator dosent work -_-06:46
Duckie_thanks, and i was wondering are there are data usage settings on here,06:47
Duckie_caise i wanna try and use it for a day but i dont have a data plan06:47
dank101data doesn't even work06:48
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Guest47119Duckie_: yes06:49
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dank101So Jedit06:54
dank101how did it go?06:54
dank101Turn phone to chicken?06:55
gennrohmmmm no response06:58
dank101i found the issues07:00
dank101forgot to edit updater-script07:00
gennrodank101, when the porting guide talks about retrieving the proprietary blobs from my device and says to "cd device/[manufacturer]/[codename]", trying to find what it is talking about and can't find it?07:03
dank101i skiddily made it07:04
dank101So idk07:04
dank101i took the first port (d2VZW) and edited updater script and updated to the latest CM10.1 drivers07:05
gennroah ok, I'm going to download the nexus 7 ubuntu touch file and take a look at it07:06
dank101gennro, how good are you at porting07:06
dank101with all the partition tables07:06
dank101if your good port this07:07
dank101get the kernel for your device at get.cm07:07
gennrotrying to learn to build from scratch for the most part right now07:09
dank101do it the hard way eh?07:10
gennroyeah once I figure this part out shouldn't be to hard after that, pretty much need to specify partition tables in fstab and enable some stuff in the kernel07:11
gennrothis github download is taking forver07:15
dank101get a coffee07:15
dank101you'll need it07:15
gennroah I figured it out, I gotta wait for the download to finish, so back to vodka and mountain dew I guess07:22
gennroatleast when this is finished I'll have all the data for any CM supported device07:22
dank101not really07:23
dank101DOwnload the CM for it and follow this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=159871307:24
dank101Only copy the files THAT ARE THERE07:24
Leo_I got W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  403  Forbidden07:27
Leo_does anyone know why?07:27
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tiagoscdhi guys, I'm trying to develop using SDK but I got "QML module not found" on Ubuntu.Components importation07:39
tiagoscdanyone know how I can fix it?07:39
Duckie_will there be an update version of the preview released later? (fixing the glitches/lags)07:41
gennroI was reading it will be switched to 13.04 in a few weeks07:45
dank101its true07:46
gennro13.04 runs much better then 12.1007:46
dank101it will soon be powered by Raring07:46
gennrothis laptop I am on had some issues with kernel panics and Libc6 but one of my older ones it works great07:47
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dank101i am accepting requests for device ports07:51
benkaiserjust to make sure I am doing this right, when porting to a new device I should run 'phablet-dev-bootstrap <device_name>' to setup that directory? this step is taking forever and sometimes hangs and I have to restart it (using the -c switch)07:52
benkaiserdank101: n7000 (Samung Galaxy Note 1)?07:53
rangoy_Has anyone considered to port this to the Asus TF101 (Transformer)07:53
dank101personally i was going to do the 2 anyway07:54
gennrobenkaiser, yeah it takes awhile to download about 15 to 20GB07:54
benkaiserCrap that could take several days on my Internet connection... :\07:54
tiagoscddank101: samsung galaxy i910007:54
dank101tiagoscd, already being worked on :/07:55
tiagoscdoh, nice :)07:55
benkaiserrangoy_: I was considering it... Anyone know if CM10 supported devices (not CM10.1) will work as well?07:55
dank101not offical07:55
benkaiserhmmm.... Might just stick to the note 1 then (if my download ever finishes)07:56
roxkYuI try to use Nexus Root Toolkit to backup and restore a single file, it seems not working very well..07:57
roxkYui don't get the app back.07:57
roxkYuany recommendation for a good backup app?07:58
rangoy_benkaiser: also considering to give it a try; but haven't gotten a clear understanding of the requirements yet.07:59
benkaiserdank101: How many device ports are you running atm?07:59
gennrodank101, I got my issues figured out using the CM build from scratch tutorial to get what I need, the Ubuntu porting guide isn't very clear on that part08:00
dank101benkaiser, 308:00
dank101gennro, help a porter out :)08:00
gennrodank101, what ya want to know?08:00
benkaiserrangoy_: I am not better either. I have never done any work with CM and the porting guide looks a bit daunting but I am hoping to get through it (once it downloads the 15-20gb!)08:00
benkaiserdank101 which devices? :)08:01
gennrodank101, this siw hat I am using for the TF700t http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_tf700t08:01
dank101benkaiser, S3 att, note 2, asus transformer08:02
gennrodank101, pretty much need the CM repo setup on your computer to get what you need I believe08:02
dank101gennro, totally diffrent from the ubuntu stuff08:03
benkaisersweet I would love to test the transformer image when you get it08:03
benkaiserdank101: I am also happy to host a mirror for the image if you want (on my own domain)08:04
dank101benkaiser, THANKS :DDDD08:04
gennrodank101, yeah but to get the device specfic blobs to build the CM10.1 base you need that08:04
dank101gennro, i know08:04
benkaiserdank101: can I pm you? just to give you my contact details08:05
gennrodank101, ah ok, yeah I am just figuring that out, I guess it helps if you already know how t work with CM in my case08:05
dank101benkaiser,  ok08:06
napsterHow to run a QML app on the phone? When I press Ctrl+F12 nothing happens08:23
ProGEEKYour app must be an "Ubuntu UI" project, either simple or tabbed08:26
napsterok let me try that08:27
napsterok ProGEEK now it seems to be running. It is listed under the "Running Apps" tab08:31
napsterbut it does not run foreground08:31
ProGEEKyep so swipe from the right to focus the app08:31
napsterProGEEK: oh, that is pretty weird :)08:32
napsterok thanks let me fiddle with it ProGEEK08:33
SferaDevHey! I'm trying to compile it to i9000 but I was getting fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly... I reseted my isp and restarted the task... Let's see... Should I do anything else?08:33
SferaDevFor now waiting in repo initialized in /root/utouch08:36
rmagyarhow can I close an app?08:38
napsterrmagyar: swipe from bottom08:38
napsteryou will see the HUD screen, from where you can close it08:38
SferaDevHow long should I wait in the repo initialized part?08:39
rmagyaryeah, but all the buttons are gray08:39
SferaDevali1234 are you afk?08:40
vanhoofSferaDev: use -c to continue08:42
vanhoofSferaDev: can take some time if you're pulling down everything08:42
gennroSferaDev, a very long time08:42
SferaDevyeah I knew that but it doesn't continue with the get08:42
vanhoofphablet-dev-bootstrap -c s2/ picked right up after a suspend08:43
vanhoofSferaDev: you on the latest version of phablet-tools ?08:44
vanhoof0.4-0phablet4 ?08:44
SferaDevnow receiving objects08:44
SferaDevI get it this morning08:44
SferaDevNow seems to be fetching items08:44
Michael-vHi.  Possibly stupid question, but is it normal that the image for the Nexus 7 comes loaded with a ton of contacts?08:45
gennroyes it comes with samples08:48
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Michael-vOk, good to know.  I just thought it was disconcerting it came with phone numbers and addresses of a lot of people who worked with Canonical... :P08:48
devilljhallo all08:49
gennroyeah it mentions that on the Ubuntu Wiki08:49
devilljim about to install ubuntu touch on my sgt 10.1... any pointers?08:50
SferaDevThere's a lot of people compiling... 5 KiB/s on my 1 MB/s connection...08:50
devilljany pointers for setting up a ddev environment on my desktop pc08:51
gennroSferaDev, Yeah I would imagine the github servers are pretty bogged down right now with all the people syncing08:51
gennroSferaDev, mine is going very slow08:52
SferaDevTime to relax then...08:52
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gennropretty much all you are doing with the porting guide is building the CM10.1 base for Ubuntu Touch08:55
SferaDevBut I like that cannonical uses CM instead AOSP08:56
gennrowhich makes way more since then trying to do everything from scratch08:56
gennroyeah because of the wide device support, why try to reinvent the wheel08:57
SferaDevWith the cm work you can port ubuntu to all cm-supported device and unofficial ports08:57
gennrothis should allow the use of native linux apps built in C which should allow much faster programs instead of the JVM android uses08:58
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gennroI'm looking forward of finally being able to play warzone 2100 on my tablet =)08:59
SferaDevYes because for now we are working with Our app - java - c - device08:59
SferaDevYour idea it's quite impossible08:59
gennrohows that?09:00
SferaDevIn android the linux must understand our app with the java translator, like in the pc. But google tried it to be native...09:00
elvis_I have an issue when installing ubuntu-sdk. I followed instructions on the page but when I run QT Creator I get a bunch of errors with plugins09:02
gennroyes, but Ubuntu touch doesn't use java....09:02
elvis_like this: Cannot load plugin because dependency failed to load: Debugger(2.6.82)09:02
napsterAnother problem. every time I run an app (ctrl+f12) an instance of qmlscene process is created. It makes the device slower.09:03
gennroso which means any linux based program compiled for arm will work09:04
SferaDevBut it's based on android = java09:04
SferaDevI dunno, someday I'll try09:04
gennroall Ubuntu touch uses is the Android based kernel and device drivers, no java09:05
gennroubuntu touch is a stripped down and optimized for arm(mobile devices) of Ubuntu 12.1009:06
fluximwhere do I find the source of ubuntu for phones? Is there a git rep available?09:06
napsterok we can also do a simpler "Ctrl+shift+f12" to kill all qmlscene on the phone.09:07
ogra_fluxim, http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb for the HW support side, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview for the UI stuff09:07
fluximogra_: thanks09:07
ogra_the layer inbetween is just a plain ubuntu rootfs09:07
vanhoofelvis_: sudo apt-get install libbotan*09:08
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ogra_hey vanhoof09:08
ogra_still awake ?09:08
vanhoofogra_: yup :D09:08
ogra_or talking in your sleep09:08
vanhoofogra_: waiting on this clone to complete :D09:08
ogra_ah, yeah, the git server is still loaded i guess09:08
gennro33KIB/s right now =/09:09
elvis_vanhoof: Thanks a lot! It works now!09:09
vanhoofogra_: have a s2 (i777) I havent turned on in months :)09:09
vanhoofelvis_: fwiw I ran into that and found that solution here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/259363/qtcreator-plugins-and-templates-missing09:10
vanhoofelvis_: and np09:10
ogra_heh, me to ... GT-I910009:10
* ogra_ sees we already have ports to 15 devices going on (reported ones) ... awesome !09:11
vanhoofogra_: i777 there already?09:11
Namidairowelp, i screwed surfaceflinger09:11
gennroI'm working on the TF700T right now09:11
ogra_vanhoof, doent look like09:12
vanhoofif i could finish this clone, I have a plentiful amount of cores to fire off a build :)09:12
Namidairogennro: your surfaceflinger segfaulting for you?09:12
vanhoofogra_: yeah its the at&t variant09:12
vanhoofogra_: runs cm10 just fine09:12
ogra_gennro, you should add yourself to teh ptable at the bottom on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices then :)09:12
gennroNamidairo, haven't gotten to far yet, still waiting on sync to get done09:12
vanhoofwell last i booted it :)09:12
gennrohave the latest CM10.1 22 feb nightly up and running on my TF700T as of now just waiting09:13
elvis_vanhoof: Funny thing is I searched yesterday but it wasn't there... Since I was at work I decided to try on irc today. Thanks in any case. Off to try to build something now ;-)09:13
vanhoofelvis_: yeah thats what i began playing with myself a couple hours ago, so good timing :)09:14
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gennroogra_, once I have something working I will09:14
vanhoofelvis_: might be worth filing a bug?09:14
gianguidogoodmorning chan!09:14
ogra_"good morning mr gianguido"09:15
gianguidosources finally downloaded :D09:15
* vanhoof is going to have to remember heimdall09:15
vanhoofogra_ got me hooked on fastboot <3 quite a while ago ;)09:16
elvis_vanhoof: I'll ask David Planella on G+09:16
grillapaWill my settings (logins etc.) remain when I upgrade to the next daily?09:19
fuss132waiting for the android part to be compiled... :D09:21
gennrogrillapa, Ubuntu touch is in alpha stages right now so don't expect not to lose any data09:21
SferaDevThere's any option to download quicker? It's mortal....09:23
gianguidofantastic, repo can't see i9300 repos09:24
grillapagennro,  ok! thx09:25
ogra_SferaDev, i heard you can us an existing CW tree and just have git download the diffs09:26
benkaiserAnyone know if the whole docking concept for the tablet is just a concept? or has work work actually been done so it can be enabled in ported devices? The TF101 with a keyboard would be great for the desktop when docked09:33
ogra_its more than a concept but not implemented in the current images yet09:34
SferaDevWOW Now on 223 KiB/s instead of 3 KiB/s09:34
benkaiserogra_ thanks :)09:34
ogra_and no, no work was added to the archive yet (forst the touch packages need to go into ubuntu proper)09:34
gennroyou should still be able to use the dock though09:35
ogra_right, but it wont show a desktop :)09:35
benkaisergennro: Yeh I know, but only for keyboard input (and trackpad?)09:35
gennrobenkaiser, correct09:35
Namidairoalot of the keys along the top wont work either09:36
ogra_i wouldnt count on it before 13.1009:36
gianguidonothing, i9300 repos won't sync09:36
gennroyeah ubuntu touch won't know what to do with them until someone figures it out09:36
Namidairosince they used to be handled in software09:36
benkaiserwill QML be going into 13.10? so we can actually write apps spanning the desktop and the phone09:36
ogra_you mean the media keys ?09:36
Namidairothe letters and the media keys should work though09:36
ogra_they will first just be mapped as F keys09:37
Namidairoits just that the random crap like the wifi, bt, etc09:37
ogra_unless they are hardwired09:37
Namidairono, they're F keys09:37
ogra_(our toshiba ac100 port works that way)09:37
gennroI would imagine once the community has time to work on it we should see a lot more functions09:38
ogra_but i.e. F9 is hardwired to toggle the touchpad on that kbd09:38
ogra_cant work around that in SW09:38
ogra_gennro, well, the community has it now :)09:38
gianguido"fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported" anyone knows how to fix?09:38
gianguidoi've wrote the right cm sources, i can reach them from my browser but repo seems to not see them09:40
sqrt7744alright, has anyone been able to successfully flash back to android? I'm on a nexus 7, I followed the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install about restoring android, but it hangs at the bootloader with "booting failed"09:45
sqrt7744I have a couple of programs I want to port to ubuntu tablet/phone, so I'm going to try the multiboot option (still need android)09:46
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elisescugianguido|away, try: "repo init -u git://phablet.ubuntu.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b phablet-10.1"09:46
napsterIs it possible to get the device's log? Like we do "logcat" when developing apps for Android?09:49
benkaisernapster: I could be wrong, because I have never used it... But I think in the hangout yesterday they said you could use logcat to find bugs09:50
napsterI see09:50
napsterlet me try. thanks benkaiser09:51
benkaisernapster: no worries :)09:52
gennroI'm waiting for the 13.04 update, should improve a lot09:56
gennroI mean I can't wait for the 13.04 update09:57
ogra_gennro, i would expect it to improve daily from next week on09:58
Namidairocode freeeeeeeze09:58
ogra_(we are starting daily builds early next week)09:58
gennroawesome, yeah been running 13.04 on another laptop I have09:58
gennro12.10 is a little more stable for development so that is what is running on this laptop I am on09:59
elisescuDo you guys know if it is possible to run the ubuntu phone on the android emulator? I can see that the emulator is still one of the choosecombo options when trying to build the source code10:00
egzeqtaWhere i can find source code and all dev stuff? Lunchpad is almost empty for this project.10:01
TilapiaHi everyone :)10:01
TilapiaBonjour ! :D10:01
fuss132Heyyy :D10:01
TilapiaHave you got some news about the Tilapia ? :-'(10:02
TilapiaThe unique which didn't work haha ;)10:02
TilapiaReally? Nobody had news ? x)10:03
fuss132@egzeqta meinst du den android teil oder den ubuntu touch teil?10:03
TilapiaEn français peut-^etre ? :D10:03
TilapiaWell, ok... :'(10:04
sqrt7744hey isn't there a QML tutorial today sometime10:04
egzeqta@fuss132 Right now I am in Germany but i dont speak deutsch10:04
egzeqta@fuss132 i meant ubuntu touch files10:05
TilapiaAnyone had try to put Ubuntu Touch on Nexus ? ;)10:05
gennroTilapia, what device is that?10:05
TilapiaTilapia is the Nexus 7 32GB 3G >_<10:06
sqrt7744Tilapia, I did10:06
TilapiaTilapia is the code name for Asus Nexus 7 32GB 3G10:06
TilapiaSo maybe sqrt7744 or gennro had try to ? :D10:07
sqrt7744Tilapia, now I'm trying to flash back to android... I was having trouble because I accidentally d/l the 3G version rather than the wifi version for nex 7 (they both have the same firmware revision/name)10:07
TilapiaOh :o10:07
sqrt7744Tilapia, what do you want to know?10:07
TilapiaI wanna know if I can push Ubuntu on these Device.10:07
TilapiaBecause on the 21, I can't.10:07
gennroTilapia, Nexus 7?10:08
gennroor any Nexus device?10:08
TilapiaNexus 7 3G10:08
sqrt7744It's cool to play with for a little while, but not really usable yet. I want to port some code to it, but since I actually need to use my tablet as well, i'll have to dual boot, maybe with multiboot10:08
sqrt7744i'm going to try that now10:08
TilapiaAt the moment, I have that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/259459/phablet-flash-detects-a-nexus-7-as-tilapia10:08
sqrt7744if i can multiboot without it being a major PITA (i.e. still able to install updates on both sides) then i'll keep it, otherwise... hey is there a simultor in the SDK?10:09
Tilapiagennro: Yes this is a Nexus 7 3G. Codename Tilapia.10:09
Tilapiagennro sqrt7744 you can see the error that display here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/259459/phablet-flash-detects-a-nexus-7-as-tilapia10:10
TilapiaI have the same ;)10:10
sqrt7744i have the wifi version so i can't help you10:12
TilapiaErf :/10:12
sqrt7744this is the first time i hear that the 3G version isn't supported though10:12
sqrt7744seems a bit odd, if it were my choice I'd just say the 3G aspect isn't supported but the rest is.10:13
TilapiaSo I must wait for a port/fix you guess ? :/10:13
sqrt7744Tilapia, did you try it?10:14
TilapiaWhen I try to phablet -b, I had this: Device detected as tilapia Unsupported device, autodetect fails device10:14
fuss132any one here that might could help me? I compiled the adnroid part but after flashingI got http://pastebin.com/aMUBfmFB10:15
ogra_Tilapia, i would assume it just works if you do a manual flash with the grouper images, the kerbnel shoouldnt differ (it doesnt for the ubuntu desktop image on nxeus7 we have)10:15
TilapiaHonestly, I don't know how to manuel flash my Nexus.. :/10:15
ogra_try that http://sergiusens.github.com/posts/installing-ubuntu-touch-preview-on-the-nexus-7-with-ubuntu-on-it.html10:16
sqrt7744Tilapia, if you just want to try Ubuntu Touch out for a few minutes, then it's probably not worth the trouble. It's really not very usable at this stage.10:16
TilapiaHmmm OK... :/10:17
ogra_it is more for developers, yes10:17
sqrt7744i'd let it bake for a few months10:17
Tilapiaogra_: is it for me ?10:17
TilapiaMaybe I must wait10:17
ogra_Tilapia, what do you plan to do with it ?10:17
TilapiaIt's because I had 3 tablets, so I really want to test Ubuntu Touch on one ;)10:18
ogra_it has a browser and a camera app that works ... everything else needs to be developed still10:18
wickwireHi, I'm using ubuntu phone on my galaxy nexus, trying to build apps10:18
sqrt7744they are all 3G version?10:18
TilapiaI use Ubuntu since 2/3 years, and I want to test on my Nexus.10:18
wickwireInstalling the SDK I got an error10:18
ogra_if you want to test the UI and dont have high expectations for apps, then go ahead indeed10:18
TilapiaI had a Nexus 7 3G and Galaxy Tab 2 7.010:18
wickwireQt creator started with a message saying that libbotan wasn't available10:19
ogra_wickwire, install it10:19
sqrt7744ogra_, even the UI is more proof of concept at this point i'd say. It's pretty laggy, especially when compared to finished products with similar software and lower specs, e.g. Nokia N9.10:19
wickwireI'm using mint 14 so I did yes and it worked - just wanted to share10:19
wickwireAlso, I now have my currency converter ready, it runs with qmlscene10:20
ogra_spon what device ?10:20
ogra_sqrt7744, on what device10:20
sqrt7744ogra_, nex 710:20
wickwire But I can't seem to send it to the nexus10:20
ogra_its definitely lots faster on the nexus410:20
ogra_(than android)10:21
wickwireThe nexus is detected by qtcreator, as I can reboot it10:21
vanhoofwickwire: sudo apt-get install libbotan*10:21
TilapiaWell I'll wait for a publish version I guess10:21
TilapiaThanks for your help guys ;)10:21
ogra_sqrt7744, there is no memory management for apps yet, if you start many, you run out of ram and it will become sluggish10:21
wickwireVanhoof: yes it is working now thanks10:22
ogra_but right after startup it shouldnt be any slower than android10:22
sqrt7744ogra_, that maybe true, some things about I really liked, like switching between web pages.10:22
wickwireNow when I want to pubilsh thewcurrency conveter, it says that I don't have an open project10:22
napsterok another question. How to do a simple console.log(message); ?10:22
sqrt7744ogra_, but generally it is still unusable. I'm really looking forward to a quality finished product10:23
ogra_napster, remotely ? just use adb and logcat like on android10:23
wickwireBut the nexus is available to the qt creator, it responds to reboot10:23
napsterogra_: No, I mean from code, I need to print some intermediate data.10:24
ogra_sqrt7744, well help making it one :) canonical doesnt have the resources to do it without help from the community :)10:24
wickwireQt creator seemed to only create a qml file, not an entire qt project10:24
wickwireSo I can't seem to be able to deploy to the phone10:25
netcurliwickwire: what template did you choose?10:25
sqrt7744ogra_, that's why i'm trying to dual boot. I have 3 programs to port10:25
wickwirenetcurli: Qtquick2 I think10:25
sqrt7744ogra_, but I can't really work on the UI, not my expertise10:26
roxkYumy GNex has just unlocked and rooted..10:26
roxkYuthen  i did the phablet-flash..10:26
netcurliwickwire: you might have to use Ubuntu -> Ubuntu UI Simple or Tabs10:26
roxkYuAnd it tried to copy some files to my GNex..but i got the error..."adbd cannot run as root in production builds"10:27
roxkYuwhy is it so?10:27
napsterogra_: Any idea?10:27
ogra_napster, sorry, not really a Qt guy (i do the lower level stuff and build images usually)10:28
napsterno problem10:28
ogra_sqrt7744, even though we dont encourage or support it, there is a dual boot option somewhere at the xda developers forum10:29
roxkYuhmm..i skipped the "phablet-flash -b", let me try it again10:29
wickwireNetcurli: ok I will try that10:29
ogra_roxkYu, is the bootloader already unlocked ?10:29
philhugjust installed it on a n7, but touch screen is not working. do I need to copy any firmware blobs to make it work?10:30
roxkYushould be.. i use the Nexus-Root-toolkit to do it in windows OS10:30
sqrt7744ogra_, yes, i know about it, multiboot. I'm going to try it out. If it doesn't work well I'll just port in the sdk and try the code out on device when i've gotten it to usable state10:30
ogra_philhug, nope, works out of the box usually, did you try to swipe from the left ?10:30
roxkYulet me try it again..and see how is it.10:30
chouchounephilhug: it worked without it for me10:30
philhugah, stupid user error ;)10:30
ogra_well, its not easily discoverable if you do it for the first time ... every edge has a function in ubuntu touoch10:31
edulixhi people10:31
Buntux1hi @ all10:35
saidahi all10:35
saidahas anyone tried flashing ubuntu on nexus 4??10:36
Buntux1I have an question: My friend send me an Phone from China and i want to root them to install the best OS of live (Ubuntu) but this Phone is not Original, so i cant root them.10:36
ogra_saida, plnty of people, yes10:36
saidaThx Ogra for your response, how was the performance, actually i want to try it now10:37
ogra_saida, same as android or even a bit faster since it runs less stuff ... dont expect uch though, there are no apps yet10:38
saidaflashing back to android is easy???10:39
ogra_saida, read the release notes from the channel topic link so you know what works and what doesn ...10:39
gennro_easy as flashing any rom10:39
ogra_flashing back is easy yes10:39
signal0rdamn. ubuntu for phones is so slow ;D10:40
saidathx ogra, nice talking to u:)10:40
ogra_signal0r, what device ?10:40
ogra_galayx nexus ?10:40
ogra_yeah, its the very low end we support10:40
roxkYumy GNex is rebooting now.. X-fingers10:40
ogra_and there is no memory management for apps ... so Gnex has low ram and nothig that prevents it from running out of ram ... thats indeed slow ...10:41
signal0rbut i like the look & feel ^^10:41
ogra_(will get better with one of the next images)10:42
buntux1sorry had relog10:42
gennro_the OMAP SoC the Gnex uses isn't very fast compared to todays SoCs10:42
ogra_yeah, that too10:43
=== Lloir|ZzzZzZz is now known as Lloir
gennro_7 to 8k on antutu benchmark compared to the 13k to 15k the tegra 3 can hit10:43
roxkYuthose demo in youtube are Nexus4 or GNex?10:43
ogra_i think there are various for both10:44
buntux1How Can I root an China Iphone to install ubuntu? Gives there an way too flash it from my Ubuntu desktop without routing The phone? Cause cant root it10:44
gennro_the videos I have seen have been the Gnex 1010:44
Lloirmorning gents and ladies10:45
signal0rbut i didn't figured out how to close apps :P10:45
gennro_A15 based SoC is very fast, lots of instructions per cycle10:45
ogra_signal0r, swipe from the bottom, wait until the looking glass icon appreas, click it, then there is an X at the bottom10:46
Lloiranyone comes across this when trying to "boot" ubuntu with ubuntu-session http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aGitU08510:46
SlamperIs the Ubuntu for Phones *.img available for download ? I want to run it on the Emulator10:46
gennro_buntux1, without knowing the hardware it is going to be tough to even help you10:46
signal0rogra_: is it possible to build and test an app already?10:46
roxkYuyes..it works.. Thanks a bunch for the great work!10:46
Wuestenschiffwich is quite complicated there shoul be a possibility to kill them out of the home screen10:46
ogra_signal0r, yes there is an SDK10:47
gennro_buntux1, if your phone isn't even supported by CM10.1 there will be very little chance as of right now10:47
buntux1its an MT6325 and MT 6235 Chip10:47
ogra_Slamper, what kind of emulator ? it would have to emulate one of the nexus devices10:47
ogra_Slamper, the images are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/quantal/mwc-demo/10:47
Wuestenschiffu can test on a real device...10:48
gennro_buntux1, ah a mediatek SoC I don't think there is any CM10.1 ports yet10:48
SlamperI want to run it  on the Android SDK Emulator is that possible ?10:48
Slamperthx for the link10:48
ogra_not sure, the SDK ships something to run apps in it (not the full OS though)10:48
buntux1gennro sorry for Stupid question . whats CN 10.1 ports?10:49
signal0rubuntu boots very fast. :)10:49
gennro_buntux1,  Ubuntu touch uses CM(Cyanogenmod)10.1 as the base layer( driver/kernel), which allows a stripped down version of ubuntu to run on top of that10:50
gennro_buntux1, very alpha stages at the time so not very good for running as all time OS10:50
buntux1okey its the basemand of android? Or? On the Phone runs Android 2.210:51
buntux1with an IOS template pack.. cant remove the template pack10:51
gennro_buntux1, I don't know much about the Iphone clones so I won't be able to help you much, for the most part those china phones are junk10:52
buntux1i know :/ but looks like good, for a present.. I love Ubuntu & opensource but dant want buy an MAcShit but the Design is very well10:53
signal0rso, ubuntu will run on every nexus device because the drivers are opensource for those devices?10:53
gennro_yeah just not much support for them10:53
ogra_signal0r, nope, no opensource drivers10:53
buntux1and a many freinds from asia want to know how can we flash this junk10:53
gennro_signal0r, more or less is CM10.1 supports all the nexus devices10:53
ogra_signal0r, but easily unlockable bootloaders :)10:54
ogra_CM support doesnt matter, the point that you can unlock it without voiding your warranty does10:54
buntux1other question... give an way to unlock an Smartphone  disk to test something withoeut routing  an Phone?10:55
ogra_if we had chosen other devices you would have to root them first, not something ubuntu wants to be responsible for :) so porting to these devices is left too the community10:55
signal0rthe other big thing - the update process, is it more like ubuntu or android? :) i like the daily updates for software with bugs or security problems.10:55
roxkYui got one issue..10:55
buntux1want see files like .bin . core10:55
roxkYui am able to make phone call..10:55
ogra_signal0r, see the release notes10:55
roxkYubut not able to surf the internet..10:56
signal0ri'll. thanks ;)10:56
roxkYuno data connection.10:56
ogra_rono GSM data support, only wlan currentlly10:56
gennro_roxkYu, ubuntu touch only supports WiFi only10:56
roxkYui see.. no wonder10:56
roxkYuthen too bad10:57
DAMONDif you see the log of kernel?10:57
DAMOND1 cpu is on and off10:57
gennro_Canonical really needs to say this is a very alpha stage of Ubuntu touch10:57
ogra_gennro_, thats why it is called "developer preview"10:57
ogra_DAMOND, to save battery the cores are shut down if they are not in use10:58
gennro_ogra_, yeah seems a lot of people think this is a full functioning OS10:58
ogra_gennro_, well, then they should learn reading ;)10:58
buntux1no only for freaks like us :P10:58
gennro_ogra_, true lol10:58
ogra_it was nowhere announced as a functional OS :)10:58
DAMONDyes but the device lag when the cpy turn of and on10:58
ogra_DAMOND, yeah, there is no optimization at all yet ...10:59
ogra_once there was some fine tuning that will change10:59
signal0rthe extra pixels on the desktop are great.10:59
hexadezimalionthe nexus7 will be supported in the future?11:00
DAMONDorga i wont write a new kernel baset on cyanogen11:00
ogra_DAMOND, ?? why wudl you do that11:00
vanhoofhexadezimalion: running on my n7 (grouper) now11:00
DAMONDfix the bugs11:01
gennro_vanhoof, did you install from stock N7 rom?11:01
ogra_DAMOND, well, go ahead then, the code is public11:01
vanhoofgennro_: ah no, since adbd is not on that image11:01
hexadezimalionI know, but I want to know for the future11:01
vanhoofgennro_: phased back to stock android then flashed11:01
gennro_vandhoof, ok thats what I was asking, I tried earlier from PA 3.0 and just got a soft brick11:02
vanhoofgennro_: rather, stock ubuntu n7 rom, or stock android rom?11:02
ogra_DAMOND, http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb for the android side of the OS, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview for UI stuff11:02
DAMONDis not easy yesterday i tried but the device crash11:02
ogra_what device is that ?11:02
ogra_there is no memory management for any of the apps yet, if you run out of ram stuff will crash11:03
hexadezimalionI will flash my n7 now, wish me luck. ;-)11:03
* ogra_ wishes you luck11:03
vanhoofhexadezimalion: lmk if you need a hand11:03
gennro_vanhoof, I figure ubuntu touch was looking for a stock rom on my N711:03
vanhoofhexadezimalion: note the adb push will take ~10m11:03
DAMONDthx orga11:03
gennro_well the wife's N7 =)11:04
vanhoofthen when booting out of recovery ~70-80% along the way (android guy with his guts out) it'll appear to hang, but all is well :)11:04
DAMONDi try aigan11:04
signal0rthe keyboard really needs a "close" button %)11:04
gennro_I have a Asus TF700T I am working on getting UT running on11:04
ogra_"android guy with his guts out"11:04
vanhoofsignal0r: swipe it dowm11:05
ogra_vanhoof, you clearly watch to many zombie movies (or play to much steam games)11:05
DAMONDfor the icon of sim?11:05
vanhoofogra_: 'tis true11:05
DAMONDis only for wifi11:05
vanhoofand its 6am :)11:05
hexadezimalionmy wife has an iPad, when ubuntu will run on her iPad, I will tell her.11:05
DAMONDi don't have a idea for put a icon here11:05
ogra_DAMOND, yes, no support for GSM networking yet ... only calls are possible via GSM11:05
DAMONDyes yes i conw11:06
hexadezimaliongreetings from Munich, I start flashing,  bye11:06
DAMONDgood luck :)11:06
* ogra_ waves from kassel11:06
DAMONDi italy11:06
* signal0r from aarau ;p11:06
netcurlilauter europäer hier..11:07
* vanhoof from ogra_'s place11:07
* ogra_ goes around the house to find where vanhoof might hide11:07
SferaDevDoes Touch maintains the CWM?11:07
ogra_well, the parts we use are maintained, yes11:08
vanhoofogra_: with all your goodies :) *cough* my screen *cough*11:08
gennro_i'm one of those american jerks11:08
signal0rgennro_: condolence11:08
ogra_vanhoof, oh, nobody said i need to get dressed11:08
DAMONDi write a kernel of francisco.franco for android 4.2.111:08
DAMONDbut crash in boot11:08
vanhoofogra_: nah its saturday, pants are optional11:08
DAMONDi don't know why11:09
ogra_DAMOND, i guess you need to use the Ubuntu config for your kernel when building11:09
ogra_it is different from the android one11:09
SferaDevIf I install Touch, I will stay with my recovery to then reload cm10.1?11:09
gennro_yeah was going to say there are some flags for the kernel that need to be enabled for UT to work11:10
vanhoofyes you will have a recovery cabpable of restoring11:10
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DAMONDune answare11:10
SferaDevBut the partitions are different?11:10
vanhoofhowever you should adb pull it first to be safe, then push it back11:10
ogra_gennro_, also many that need to be disabled11:10
benkaiserdoes flashing Ubuntu Touch wipe the phones internal memory?11:10
DAMONDi can take the original kernel of ubuntu?11:11
HQRajaHello everyone!11:11
ogra_DAMOND, http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb11:11
roxkYuogra_: i tried to use my notebook as a hotspot..so that i could use my GNex to connect to the Wi-Fi connection..11:11
roxkYubut it does not work..11:11
HQRajaIs there a way to take screenshots of ubuntu touch developer preview?11:11
roxkYui created a Ad-hoc Network..for the hotspot.11:11
ogra_roxkYu, might be that ad-hoc does not work yet, try with a real AP11:11
SferaDevHotspot is not available in developer preview, I think....11:11
ogra_HQRaja, https://plus.google.com/109365858706205035322/posts/2r6yUSL9W7911:12
benkaiserHQRaja: Also look here: http://vladfilippov.com/blog/2013-02-21-ubuntu-touch-preview11:13
SferaDevThen If I install Ubuntu Touch, I can restore with a WIPE and a flash zip to CM10.1?11:13
DAMONDno is avviable in shell11:13
vanhoofHQRaja: nothing out of the box yet11:13
vanhoofadb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png11:13
vanhoofadb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png screenshot.png11:13
gennro_SferaDev, according to the UT porting guide there are some changes that need to be done in fstab11:13
DAMONDyes you can11:13
SferaDevOk, we will see11:13
SferaDevI don't want to use download mode...11:14
DAMONDfor upload the sistem?11:14
DAMONDno you save a zip of cm 10,1 en flash from sdcard11:14
DAMONDfris wipe11:14
HQRajaThanks ogra_, benkaiser, vanhoof11:14
benkaiserMy download is only at 800mb out of the 15-20gb :(11:15
DAMONDfor upload??11:15
gennro_benkaiser, yeah mine has been going for about 6 hours now11:15
vanhoofogra_: when are we going out for lunch?11:16
HQRajaBTW speaking of ADB, my windows PC isn't detecting my Nexus 4 or Nexus 10 (both on ubuntu) in adb mode; the 'adb devices' command returns nothing. Do I have to enable ADB within ubuntu touch?11:16
benkaiserhow much has downloaded? check by du'ing the directory of the download like so 'du -h --max-depth=1'11:16
benkaisergennro_: ^^^^^11:16
ogra_vanhoof, well, i need to get rid of these 20cm of snow in the front yard first11:16
DAMONDfor updates?11:16
roxkYui shall walk-out of my house.. to test the wi-fi :=)11:17
ogra_wich i will actually do right now ...11:17
* ogra_ is afk shoveling snow for 1h11:17
DAMONDfor updates?11:17
vanhoofogra_: ooooh, lmk when you have a clear path for me, i'm fairly unstable on ice ;)11:17
ogra_DAMOND, read the release notes11:17
gennro_benkaiser, 826mb for me11:17
DAMONDi read11:17
DAMONDbut update only app11:17
ogra_it talks about updates11:17
DAMONDonly app update whis apt-get updates && apt-get updates11:18
vanhoof... 91 KiB/s11:18
ogra_currently you will need to re-flash if you want the android part updated... the ubuntu side just works with apt11:18
benkaisergennro_: Oh noes... thats the same as me... This is gonna take a long time by the looks of it... Guessing you at least have a landline internet connection that is stable though aha11:18
ogra_anyway ...11:18
* ogra_ grabs the shovel .... *sigh* i hate winter11:19
gennro_benkaiser, yeah running cable, but it seems the github server is way overloaded had to reset several times now11:19
benkaiservanhoof: You are at least a third of the way there though :)11:19
vanhoofbenkaiser: yeah think the hoards of clones are bogging things down :)11:19
DAMONDi have lunch bye!! thx all11:19
vanhoofogra_: pick up a pizza on your way back11:19
vanhoofi have to watch this git clone11:19
vanhoofserious business ;)11:20
benkaisergennro_: Yeh, I had to shut it down and restart it tonnes of time but it has been running stable for a while (I am on a 3G internet hotspot from my phone)11:20
SferaDev15Gb in a 3G conn11:21
SferaDevAre you crazy??11:21
gennro_I am downloading the CM10.1 repo at the same time though =)11:21
SferaDevCrazy then11:22
benkaiserSferaDev: I don't have any other connection... But don't worry my pre-paid plan is unlimited data, texts and calls11:22
SferaDevNext step is to clone paranoidandroid? or the aosp?11:22
SferaDevThen I understan it11:22
HQRajaSo, does anyone know if it is normal for a Windows PC to not detect a device running ubuntu touch in ADB mode?11:23
benkaiserSferaDev: I can normally get 600-700KiB/s but it looks like that doesn't matter as we are all getting < 100KiB/s11:23
gennro_the android part of this is a little new to me, been running various linux distros for about 14 years though11:24
vanhoofbenkaiser: yeah I just think it's the host that is overwhelmed, not on your end11:24
SferaDevbenkaiser: I get normally 1Mb/s and I'm also with 4-100Kb/s11:25
vanhoofthis was actually a bit faster before the porting bit yesterday11:25
benkaiservanhoof: Yeh...11:25
Nikezhttp://nikez.nu/images/desire_ubuntu.jpg < hehe11:25
benkaiserSferaDev: Yep :(11:25
gennro_HQRaja, could it possibly be the new 4.2.2 android where it changed ADB to require a authentication before hand?11:25
SferaDevgennro_: Could it be...11:26
vanhoofI just went and dug out my SGSII (i777) out of a burried box in hopes to get it going but this clone might send me to bed :)11:26
SferaDevIf Adb doesn't find try to upgrade platform-tools of the SDK11:26
NikezSure took a while to get it to work on Desire11:26
vanhoofHQRaja: unplug/replug after enabling usb debugging11:26
vanhoofHQRaja: thats what I have to do when starting from 4.2.211:27
gennro_SferaDev, yeah I installed the lastest nightly of CM10.1 on my Tf700T to I don't run into any ADB issues due to the 4.2.2 update11:27
gennro_SferaDev, not real sure if UT supports that part of 4.2.2 yet11:27
HQRajavanhoof: The device is on ubuntu touch already.11:28
SferaDevWhen the clone seems to be stucked what do you do? Restart the internet? Close terminal and make a -c?11:28
HQRajavanhoof: It got detected just fine when it was on Android; now after installing ubuntu touch on it, it's only getting detected in adb on Linux, and not on Windows.11:29
vanhoofHQRaja: should have no issues there, though i'm connecting to a x220 running 13.04 w/ abd tools 1.0.3111:29
gennro_SferaDev, I Ctrl+C then phablet-dev-bootstrap -c [folder]11:29
HQRajavanhoof: Yeah I'm able to detect it just fine in ADB on 12.1011:30
SferaDevMaybe the driver for windows?11:30
gennro_I blame windows =)11:30
gennro_yeah device driver for windows11:30
HQRajaThe drivers for GNex are installed =)11:30
* benkaiser afk11:30
HQRajaThat's how it was getting detected prior to installing ubuntu touch11:30
HQRajaOh well, no biggie; I'll just setup the SDK on ubuntu (need to use DDMS)11:31
T-MacgnoliaWho is tired of waiting on their repo? I have been going for almost 13 hours11:31
gennro_T-Macgnolia, hah I am only at 7 hours now =)11:31
TToivanenI got fatal: The remote hung up unexpectedly. Is it safe to continue syncing with -c switch?11:31
gennro_TToivanen, yes11:32
T-MacgnoliaYes but reboot your machine furst11:32
gennro_TToivanen, you will prolly have to do that a few times11:32
T-MacgnoliaI had to do that just a minute ago11:32
TToivanengennro, OK thanks for your help11:32
gennro_SferaDev, 889M11:33
fuss132ERROR: Library '/system/lib/libubuntu_application_api.so' not found any idea why? Shouldnt it get compiled?11:33
vanhoofsomeone serve this up in bt :)11:33
gennro_SferaDev, at this pace may take all weekend11:33
vanhoofgennro_: 7h and 900m?11:33
T-MacgnoliaThey should tell you in the porting guid to remove the nexus devices from the manifest.xml11:33
vanhoofim  in around the same time and just hit 7g11:34
gennro_vanhoof, yeah11:34
SferaDevgennro_: Yes... Fetching projects another time....11:34
T-Macgnoliafuss132 it is saying it could not find that file to continue compiling11:35
vanhoofhow about all of you quit11:35
vanhooflet me finish11:36
vanhoofthen ill go to bed :D11:36
SferaDevI say the same11:36
T-MacgnoliaHa ha ha ha11:36
T-MacgnoliaDamn another fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly11:36
Nikezfuss132: Do you have hybris and platform-api in ubuntu/?11:36
Nikezin our tree.11:37
fuss132sorry, I ment its alredy compiled (without any errors). I pushed it to my phone and its not booting, the logcat gives me that error11:38
NikezYes, and I asked you - Do you have it in your tree?11:39
NikezYou compiled it right?11:39
fuss132you mean device tree? Yes, but not in the compiled .zip11:39
fuss132yes right11:39
NikezI don't follow. You compiled the system.img and boot.img right?11:39
Nikez(or the tiny .zip)11:40
NikezIn your device tree, in the root of it (ie, where you see abi, android, build, device.. )11:40
NikezYou have a folder named ubuntu right?11:40
NikezWhich folders do you have in ubuntu?11:41
Nikezls -la ubuntu11:41
dataguttdamn all the connect reset by peer11:41
fuss132assets and chroot11:41
NikezYou're missing "hybris" and "platform-api"11:42
Nikezso backup to -1 of top11:42
Nikezand do phablet-dev-bootstrap -c nameofyourdevicetree11:42
Nikezand it should get them for you (They are bzr packages)11:42
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_panzersajtHy I would like to ask how can I port Ubuntu touch preview to a device that is not currently supported by cyanogenmod. It is a omap4460 based tablet, and it has a mixed rom built from AOKP CM etc. I haven't got the kernel source codes but I have uImage and uImage_recovery (cwm). Do I need to recompile the kernel for ubuntu?11:46
gennro__panzersajt, yes the kernel need sto be recompiled11:47
razvani have  a question11:47
_panzersajtgennro_, thanks but that means that I cannot make this build since the manufacturer would't release the source code for the kernel11:48
gennro__panzersajt, correct11:48
razvanwill make Canonical a ubuntu for galaxy mini?11:48
fuss132hm I tried it with the maguro, its fully syncing wihtout any errrors but no hybris there11:49
SferaDevEmmm... Nope11:49
fuss132they´re also not there at http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb11:49
SferaDevFor now Canonical has released  only for google devices11:49
SferaDevIf you'd like to have it in your mini, try to compile it11:50
SferaDevBut not now... Another client to the conn could be mortal.11:50
razvani  am new on this think with Linux ,how can i compile?11:51
fuss132are those files (hybrids and platform_api) common files means for every device the same?11:51
SferaDevrazvan: You'll need a good pc, good conn (now it doesn't matters), ubuntu 12 and patiente11:52
Nikezfuss132: get them11:52
Nikezand you're set.11:52
SferaDevAnd cm support for your device11:52
baabaare there steps for cross-compiling a c++ hello world via qt creator for ubuntu touch (arm)?11:52
baabai mean, documented somewhere11:52
gennro_razvan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting11:53
baabalast time i tried the build menu option via qt creator, but got stuck because it tries to run the entire build natively on the phone, and i couldn't find qt5-qmake that i could install onto the phone11:53
fuss132sorry for being stuped but from where should I get them? phablet-dev-bootstrap -c maguro does not download them11:53
SferaDevhave you installed phablet-tools ?11:54
NikezI told you to get -1 of your android root11:54
fuss132yes of course I´ve installed them11:54
Nikezmeaning /home/username/android/[ROOT]/11:54
Nikezso you need to stand in android11:55
SferaDevHave you started the project already? If not the -c doesn't work11:55
Nikezand do phablet-dev-boostrap -c [root]11:55
NikezSferaDev: probably as he synced it.11:55
SferaDevYep but is he building for maguro?11:56
SferaDevThen it's: phablet-dev-bootstrap -c -v maguro [folder]11:57
krabadorthen, how many hd space i'll download with sources?11:57
fuss132for syncing a second time I did phablet-dev-bootstrap -c -v maguro nameofmyfolder11:57
SferaDevkrabador, 15Gb + 2-3 Binary11:58
krabadorSferaDev, UH! :)11:58
fuss132I´m not at root directory where abi, bionic etc is, correct?11:59
razvani red but i have a single question:will (sometimes/somewere) launches ubuntu for galaxy mini11:59
fuss132* I´m now11:59
Nikezfuss132: How did you start the project?11:59
Nikezrepo init -u ~?11:59
SferaDevrazvan, I don't think so11:59
fuss132phablet-dev-bootstrap -c maguro ubtouch12:00
Nikezkk then just do phablet-dev-strap -c ubtouch12:00
IMarksdoes anyone how to flash the ubuntu for nexus 7 using my windows 8 system?12:00
SferaDevrazvan, because your device it's still on CM7 not 10.112:00
Nikezand it should fetch the hybris and platform-api12:00
SferaDevIMarks, You need Ubuntu 64bits12:00
IMarksso there no chance to install by windows? too bad, well then i guess i need to install a dual-boot12:01
SferaDevIMarks, I made a dual-boot with wubi in my win8 pc12:02
gizmoIMarks: a live-cd should be enough12:02
razvanhere`s the link:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=206060512:02
gennro_IMarks, yeah you can use wubi for quick dualboot install12:02
SferaDevrazvan, talk with this guy then12:02
SferaDevrazvan, In the post he shares the device tree. It could work12:03
razvani want very much12:03
SferaDevWOW, I arrived to 800 KiB/s and then went down to 20012:04
gennro_SferaDev, Have you looked at the manifest.xml yet?12:04
fuss132phablet-dev-bootstrap -c ubtouch gives me The remote end hung up unexpectedly yeah ^^12:04
SferaDevOf what device?12:04
dataguttERROR:phablet-dev-bootstrap:Error while trying to sync repository12:04
SferaDevFor i9000 I'm still loading objects12:04
dataguttgah i hate this12:04
datagutti let it run during the night12:04
dataguttand it ended12:05
datagutti expected to wake up to fully synced sources12:05
gennro_SferaDev, just the one located under /[device]/manifests12:05
dataguttbut no12:05
SferaDevNope yet12:05
SferaDevBut I have the device tree for my device12:05
dataguttReceiving objects:  37% (257844/683953), 100.06 MiB | 3.06 MiB/s12:06
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gennro_SferaDev, ah ok I am downloading for all since I am building for an unsupported device12:06
fuss132Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_external_speex ERROR:phablet-dev-bootstrap:Error while trying to sync repository ^12:06
SferaDevI have official support of cm12:07
dataguttSferaDev: what device do you have?12:07
datagutti have i930012:07
Sfiet_Konstantinhello everybody12:08
dataguttHm getting much better speeds now12:08
SferaDevMe too12:08
baabaso i'm trying to build a c++ app via qt creator's "Build -> Ubuntu -> Build & Install C++ project on Ubuntu Device (experimental)"12:08
Sfiet_Konstantindo anyone know where are the source code for ubuntu components ?12:08
datagutt4.38 MiB12:08
dataguttand rising12:08
TToivanenWoow! Over one Mbps!12:08
dataguttit is between 3-412:08
baabathe build fails at: "qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmake': No such file or directory"12:08
Sfiet_Konstantinand for extension, what's contained in the image released by ubuntu for nexuses ?12:08
gennro_1.8G downloaded so far12:08
vanhoofdatagutt: Sfiet_Konstantin: I asked to see if we can bump things up a bit12:08
Sfiet_Konstantinthanks in advance :)12:08
baabaand there's no qt5-qmake package12:09
razvanhere is  the device tree:https://github.com/cyanogenmod/android_device_samsung_tass12:09
SferaDevrazvan, you'll need also the kernel and the hardwars12:10
razvanjust a sec..........12:11
krabadorplease, tell me that someone are trying an samsung i9100 porting... i haven't enough disk space, and i really fear how many time i can take to build it with an athlon 2 x2 p34012:12
krabadorwhy i9100 is so hated....12:12
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gianguidohi guys12:15
razvanhere~ the hardware specs:Codename:  tass  Vendor:  Samsung  Type:  phone  GSM freq:  Quad-band GSM 850 900 1800 1900 MHz GPRS/EDGE Platform:  Qualcomm MSM7227  CPU:  600 MHz single-core ARM11  GPU:  Adreno 200  RAM:  384MB12:15
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gianguidoguys i've a problem when syncing with i9300 cm github12:16
gianguidorepo says12:16
gianguidoerror: Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_smdk4412-common12:16
gianguidoerror: Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_i930012:16
gianguidoerror: Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_smdk441212:16
razvanthe kernel12:16
gianguidorazvan, what device?12:16
razvangalaxy mini (gingerbread)12:16
gianguidorazvan, i don't think that ubuntu will support12:17
gianguidotoo few cpu power/ram/gpu power12:17
dataguttgianguido: Mine failed during the night12:17
datagutttry again12:17
gianguidoand the architecture isn't arm712:17
dataguttthere was some server problems just minutes ago12:17
gianguidodatagutt, trying12:17
dataguttphablet-dev-bootstrap -c folder12:18
gianguidodatagutt, i've downloaded the sources12:18
* vanhoof watches his badwidth begin to whiter ;)12:18
gianguidonow i'm adding i9300 repos12:18
gianguidobut repo says he can't reach any repo with that name12:19
gianguidothat's strange12:19
gianguidorepo names are all right12:19
dataguttare you sure it tries to fetch from github?12:19
razvancan`t be maked a lite version or something like thi?12:19
dataguttmaybe it tries to fetch from phablet.ubuntu.com12:20
gianguidodatagutt, how can i check?12:20
gianguidorazvan, i don't think12:20
SferaDevI go out! See you12:20
vanhoofits pulling from phablet.u.c via git12:20
gianguidovanhoof, how can i pull from github?12:21
kumikumi_for some reason I can't run qmlscene from qt creator12:21
vanhoofgianguido: dunno12:21
kumikumi_but it works when run from a terminal12:22
vanhoofworking using the phablet-tools package12:22
gianguidotrying with complete address12:22
netcurlikumikumi_: do you get an error message?12:22
kumikumi_Starting external tool '/qmlscene' /home/blahblah/application.qml12:23
kumikumi_that's all I get12:23
TToivanenWhen adding new device, I should remove the nexus stuff from manifest.xml  and only use model specific ones, right?12:24
gianguidohere's the error12:25
gianguidoi was missing remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1"12:25
gianguidoTToivanen, i'm not removing them12:26
netcurlikumikumi_: did you check if qmlscene is running then? ps -fC qmlscene12:26
dataguttyou don't need to remove them12:26
dataguttit will only build the model you specify as an argument to the phablet command12:26
dataguttthe build command12:26
TToivanengianguido datagutt , thanks12:27
kumikumi_netcurli: doesn't seem to be running12:27
kumikumi_netcurli: running "qmlscene /home/blahblah/application.qml" on terminal works btw.12:28
kumikumi_seems to be some kind of a problem with qt creator12:28
kumikumi_(also, trying to build and run the app on device does nothing, not sure if this is related)12:28
gianguidomake sure to add cm.dependencies when compiling12:28
netcurliis the path to qmlscene correct in qtcreator?12:29
kumikumi_could as well be wrong12:29
kumikumi_alright, I changed it to /usr/bin/qmlscene and it now works12:31
TToivanendatagutt I haven't specified any devices to the phablet command 'cause my device is not yet supported.12:31
gianguidogetting sgs3 i9300 sources now, hoping to have a funcional ubuntu /system tonight12:31
dataguttyou still don't need to remove it12:31
dataguttgianguido: sounds good12:32
gianguidodownloading at 1mb/s... github servers <312:32
TToivanendatagutt roger that12:33
OctaIs there a bug-tracker / mailinglist /FAQ to address UbuntuTouch developement (i.e. general concerns about UbuntuTouch)?12:37
gianguidoOcta, there's the ubuntu launchpad... but you need to tag the topic with a specified tag..12:38
Octabut you can't report bugs against the UbuntuTouch or UbuntuPhone project.12:38
ogra_Octa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Contribute12:43
gianguidohi ogra_ :)12:43
ogra_hey :)12:44
OctaI read this one already. the only thing about the OS mentioned is: Unfortunately, we can't really deal with bugs at this point12:44
Talhi, anyone mind helping with nexus7 black screen after trying to deploy?12:44
TalI've googled but didn't find any pure resolution12:44
ogra_Octa, it links to the mailing list at the bottom12:45
gianguidogot the sources!12:45
NikezLet's see how it runs on HTC Sensation..12:45
ogra_Tal, wipe (format) your data partition and start over. this happens if there was data before you flashed12:45
ogra_(to much data so the image couldnt unpack)12:46
Tala noob question, if I boot the blackscreen after wiping adb still works?12:46
ogra_if you only wipe the userdata partition all should be fine, yes, that only contains well ... user data :)12:47
Talogra_ -> Thanks! hope to have some test run with this. btw, anyone tried audio? is audio api is same as with Android or there's better latency?12:49
Sinan___LOL see what people say on the internet "Since Ubuntu Touch is just a CyanogenMod 10.1 base with the Ubuntu Touch interface"12:52
fuss132people saying this are just stupid12:55
Sinan___yep I gave their answer :D12:55
kumikumi_Any idea on how to get the "Run in Ubuntu device" option working in Qt creator?12:55
Sinan___and the who said this is one of XDA editors :D12:55
Sinan___xda-developers [dat] com/tag/cyanogenmod-10-1/12:56
Sinan___sorry here xda-developers [dat] com/android/porting-ubuntu-touch-is-as-simple-as-building-cm/12:57
kumikumi_ssh connection already works12:57
k1l_well, lets not judge people for that.12:57
Sinan___but this is not fair at all12:57
netcurlikumikumi_: you need to create a Ubuntu -> Ubuntu UI simple/tabs project.12:57
Sinan___Ubuntu Touch deserves much more12:58
k1l_Sinan___: afaik, it uses the cm base so far12:58
gianguidobuilding for i9300 now!12:59
gianguidoerror :D12:59
gianguidoR.stamp error13:00
gianguidomake: ***  Nessuna regola per generare l'obiettivo "/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp", necessario per "/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS3Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp".  Arresto.13:00
gianguido"nessuna regola per generare l'obiettivo" means "no rules to build the object", "necessario per" means "needed for"13:00
TalJust to get it right. current ubuntu touch is a shell over android core?13:00
k1l_Tal: android kernel to use their driver13:01
krabadorthe shutdown issue it's fixed'13:01
Sinan___k1l_: what do you mean ubuntu touch is cm based?13:02
Talkll_: so it's like desktop -> Linux kernel->ubuntu but with Andoird Kernel (for easier driver binaries)->ubuntu?13:02
dataguttUbuntu Phone OS uses cyanogenmod, but they removed dalvik and the java stuff13:02
Sinan___is it not based ubuntu desktop for arm PCs?13:02
dataguttubuntu runs on a chroot ontop13:02
dataguttWell it runs ubuntu ontop of android13:03
k1l_Sinan___: its not that easy to just throw a kernel onto a smartphone and they will have drivers and everything13:03
k1l_datagutt: is it a chroot?13:03
dataguttyes it is a chroot13:04
conrad_So what do early adopters say? Is the gui as smooth as advertised?13:04
gianguidoomg, compiling!13:04
gianguidonope, R.stamp error...13:04
dataguttgianguido: you removed the galaxys3settings part right?13:04
TigrouzenThat mean why Sunspider score its overall ?13:04
dataguttyou don't need galaxys3settings13:04
gianguidodatagutt, wat?13:04
dataguttgalaxys3settings is a java app13:04
dataguttused in android13:04
dataguttmight break build13:04
Tigrouzencompile with "m" first13:04
gianguidohow to remove?13:04
dataguttlemme see13:05
gianguidoTigrouzen, compile with "m"?13:05
Tigrouzenjust type : m13:05
ddalexhi guys13:05
dataguttcheck product_packages13:05
gianguidoTigrouzen, thanks, let's see13:05
Tigrouzenm command make apps13:05
gianguidoTigrouzen, thanks a lot13:06
gianguidoTigrouzen, and kernel!13:06
ddalexneed a bit of help with a port - have you seen this crash before ?13:06
ddalexI/DEBUG   (22797): backtrace:13:06
ddalexI/DEBUG   (22797):     #00  pc 0000ef38  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::RefBase::incStrong(void const*) const+1)13:06
ddalexI/DEBUG   (22797):     #01  pc 000115f3  /system/bin/ubuntuappmanager (android::sp<android::IApplicationManagerSession>::sp<android::BpApplicationManagerSession>(android::sp<android::BpApplicationManagerSession> const&)+20)13:06
dataguttPRODUCT_PACKAGES += \13:06
datagutt    GalaxyS3Settings \13:06
dataguttremove the galaxys3settings part13:06
Sinan___k1l_: can we download and compile linux programs in Ubuntu Touch?13:06
gianguidodatagutt, Tigrouzen suggest to run "m" firstly and then brunch13:06
Sinan___arm compatible of course13:06
dataguttgianguido: might work13:06
dataguttboth should work13:06
gianguidothis must be wrote on the wiki!13:06
dataguttall i know is that GalaxyS3Settings is not needed13:07
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gianguidodatagutt, yeah but now it's compiling hahaha13:07
SferaDevThe wiki needs some improves13:07
gianguidoi need to build ubuntu part too?13:07
Sinan___k1l_: can we download and compile arm compatible linux programs in Ubuntu Touch?13:07
gianguidoor i can use the provided zip?13:07
TigrouzenYes need some imrpove and correct ;)13:07
gianguidoSinan___, yes13:07
k1l_Sinan___: why should you want this?13:08
Sinan___So how come it is based CM then, I don't think we can do this in CM13:08
gianguidoif this build goes well, i'll add to the wiki that to build correctly you must execute "m" first and then "brunch"13:08
dataguttbecause it runs in a chroot13:08
Sinan___Just want to see its abilities13:08
Tigrouzenadd too need bzr ;)13:08
Sinan___I'd like run gnome mplayer when I connected to my TV via HDMI13:09
Sinan___or emesene or pidgin13:09
gianguidoSinan___, you must compile it for arm, with all its libraries and it might work13:09
Henk_Can anyone help me to get ADB working. I´ve installed ubuntu phone but now my pc doesn´t recognize my phone anymore. It only recognizes it when it is in recovery, but not if it is booted in ubuntu phone.13:11
gianguidogoing away for a bit, see you later!13:11
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Sinan___Does Ubuntu touch provide full desktop experience or not? What about USB devices support13:12
frnv_has anyone tried it on N7? Any better than the Galaxy Nexus version (totally laggy and incomplete)13:12
SferaDevRight, does it have USB OTG?13:12
daughain_Can anyone tell me which kernel is being used for Touch?13:13
Sinan___afaik, CM lacks of drivers for non aosp devices13:13
Sinan___if it is CM based, it'll be unusable as well13:13
ddalexdaughain_: the standard Android kernel that you have on your device13:14
Tigrouzenyou need modified kernel13:14
daughain_ddalex, so Touch adapts to the kernel on the device?13:15
ddalexdaughain_: It uses the same kernel, with few modifications; you it needs a recompile, but the13:15
ddalexbasic capabilities of the device don't change13:15
Sinan___ddalex: stock kernel or CM kernel ?13:16
ddalexSinan___: CM kernel13:16
daughain_And, currently it is AOSP only?13:16
Sinan___oh man this is a dead end then13:16
ddalexbasically, you need your device rooted and able to install a new kernel13:17
Sinan___CM kernel fully works only on Google devices13:17
SferaDevSinan___: CM works on lots of devices13:17
ddalexSinan___: not necessarely, CM has support for lots of devices13:17
SferaDevSinan___: Not only nexus13:17
Sinan___sort of works13:17
daughain_CM kernels work on all devices. :P You just need to mak some other edits to run them, depending on the base device.13:17
ddalexsee here http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Devices13:17
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Sinan___I've been using samsung devices and I know CM very well13:18
SferaDevwhat device13:18
KHendrikMy S3 is running CM 10.1 and its just awesome ...13:18
Sinan___Too many things don't work in CM roms such as MHL, some gpu features, sound chip etc13:18
TigrouzenChrooted can explain then why Ubuntu touch laggy and Sunspider x3 score then real Android rom ?13:19
Sinan___really? try to plug it to a TV via MHL see yourself13:19
Sinan___h264 hardware decoding is not working as well13:19
SferaDevMy i9000 works like a charm!13:19
SferaDevWith CM10.1 Nightly13:19
Sinan___I have had S,S2,Note213:19
KHendrikMHL is a problem thats true but everything else is fine for me13:19
Sinan___I used CM on these devices, don't tell me what it is13:20
baabaok, so i've got a c++ Qt GUI app compiled for the device now13:20
SferaDevAnd if your device doesn't support those things is not by CM, The problems it's Samsung!13:20
baabawhen i run it, i get "This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()" and nothing shows on the phone13:20
chouchounebaaba: did you compile on the device ?13:20
chouchounehow ? :P13:20
chouchounedid you get qmake ?13:21
baabaadd the qt5-edgers ppa, install all the missing qt5 bits13:21
chouchouneoh OK13:21
baabathere's actually a menu option in qt creator for that if you have the ubuntu sdk, Tools -> Ubuntu -> DEvice -> Enable -> Cpp compiling on Ubuntu Device13:22
Sinan___I didn't know Ubuntu Touch is derived from CM :( What a disappointment13:22
baabawhich installs pretty much everything13:22
daughain_Sinan___,  Do you need to wipe and remormat your sd to run CM on the note2?13:22
Sinan___Never tried on note 2 but shouldn't be necessary13:23
Sinan___never needed13:23
baabaanyway, now my c++ app appears to run, but nothing shows up13:23
Sinan___ah wait if your mean remove old system yes13:23
KHendrikSinan___, it is not ... it just uses some of the source which will be replaced in the release version13:23
baabais there something special i need to do to get the phone to show the app?13:23
daughain_Everything I've read on it says you need fat32, just not sure what Samsung uses.13:23
datagutt[14:18:56] <Sinan___> Too many things don't work in CM roms such as MHL, some gpu features, sound chip etc13:23
Sinan___removing previous samsung rom is necessary in note 213:23
baabarunning the same project on the desktop side works fine13:24
dataguttyou know that these problems are mostly only on samsung devices?13:24
chouchounebaaba: ah, didn't see that13:24
dataguttand that samsung is the main issue?13:24
dataguttexynos is terrible to make custom roms for13:24
dataguttsony devices have much more stuff working13:24
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SferaDevSamsung doesn't knows how to build a great rom.13:25
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Sinan___because sony is more close to aosp, even experia rumored to be in aosp stream once but google pulled it out13:25
KHendrikSferaDev, sad but true13:25
gianguidofinally compiling :D i'm so excited13:25
ddalexanybody porting on a device ?13:26
baabaoh, i guess i'm going to have to run the whole thing as a qmlscene?13:26
Sinan___The problem is Samsung is not willing to share exynos source codes or releasing vey outdated versions13:26
KHendrikgianguido, what are you compiling?13:26
Tigrouzenim working porting on Samsung Wave GT-8500 &853013:26
Sinan___Without source codes, CM can't don anything13:26
ddalexTigrouzen: have you got to starting ubuntuappmanager ?13:27
SferaDevAnd also CM doesn't work with Samsung bases, CM works with the AOSP13:27
dataguttSinnan__: yeh i know13:27
datagutti know all the i9300 devs13:27
datagutt(cm devs)13:27
Tigrouzenddalex, for the moment im on compiling some issue13:27
gianguidoKHendrik, i930013:28
ddalexTigrouzen: k, thanks13:28
dataguttSferaDev: Obviously, but they still need to samsung blobs to make shit work13:28
KHendrikgianguido, ubuntu-touch port?13:28
Tigrouzengalaxysmtd & Wave  GT same rom ;)13:28
gianguidoKHendrik, of course :)13:28
Sinan___I did hope Ubuntu devs could do some magic trick to achieve this :(13:28
KHendrikgianguido, nice13:28
gianguidoKHendrik, :)13:28
Tigrouzenlike we can use rom from i9000 and boot on wave of course with wave kernel13:28
dataguttand samsung blobs suck13:28
dataguttleaking memory13:29
SferaDevMy kernel of i9000 it's not from samsung was adapted by teamhacksamsung13:29
Sinan___anyway it's still its the first step (ubuntu touch)13:29
SferaDevBecause Samsung didn't want to upgrade from gingerbread to ics/jb13:30
Sinan___i9000 is identical to galaxy nexus13:30
Sinan___it's not hard to port it13:30
gianguidoi9000 = gnexus?13:30
Sinan___one of nexus I don't remember13:30
dataguttwell if the hw matches nexus13:30
gianguidonexus s ;)13:30
Sinan___may be13:30
dataguttyou can obviously use nexus sources13:30
dataguttlike with optimus g13:30
dataguttand nexus 413:31
k1l_Sinan___: its very easy. dont buy stuff that you know is not supported afterwards.13:31
Tigrouzenno not same....13:31
datagutt(much of the mako source is usable on optimus g)13:31
Sinan___Samsung makes very good hardwares but not good software13:31
Sinan___too many bugs like mmc superbrick13:32
KHendrikI got myself an s3 but from now on i will stick to nexus devices ... or whatever may be the equivalent for ubuntu-touch13:32
Sinan___yes google device is the only option but I want replaceable battery and mmc slot13:32
ddalexI'm using Semaphore kernel for i900013:33
KHendriki really want that too though im not making use of it with my s313:33
ddalexrecompiled with the needed options for Ubuntu13:34
gianguidoKHendrik, external mmc for music?13:34
Sinan___I have an 64gb microsd card in note 2, even further I can use 128 gb with a little mod13:34
KHendrikgianguido, i normally just use google music for my stuff and spotify for everything else got a 10GB flat13:34
Sinan___there is no option like that in nexus devices13:34
gianguidoso why you need so much space?13:35
Sinan___for watching videos on my tv via hdmi...13:35
Sinan___I'm using it as a media player13:36
gianguidowifi streaming?13:36
SferaDevBut you consume to much battery¿?13:36
KHendrikI really don't like the design decision google made there hope they will add sd and and removable battery again13:36
Sinan___wifi is not enough for blueray :D13:36
abbasHello everybody13:37
gianguidobut wifi bgn can stream everything lol13:37
gianguidohi abbas13:37
KHendrikhi abbas13:37
abbasHi So Whats Going on13:37
KHendriki ike plex if i want to watch a video on my phone13:37
abbasAny hopes that this DP will port to others Phones?13:37
gianguidocan someone add "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices" to the sticky?13:38
k1l_Sinan___: if you want that feature buy a device that includes that feature you want13:38
k1l_Sinan___: dont buy smth and argue afterwards that noone will implement your feature13:39
datagutt http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone | Instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch13:39
dataguttUbuntuPhone redirects to Touch13:39
dataguttso why have UbuntuPhone there in the first place?13:39
gianguidolinkception lol13:39
Tigrouzenbecause its same13:40
Tigrouzenphone-shell or qmlshell13:40
KHendrikwas anyone here brave enough to go with ubuntu-touch on his daily driver?13:42
gianguidoKHendrik, it's a screenshot container by now lol13:42
SferaDevwhy appears: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly??13:43
KHendrikgianguido, no you can do some stuff like phone movies music browse ...13:43
DeihmosCan this insta13:43
DeihmosInstalled using windows13:43
gianguidoKHendrik, in the zip provided from canonical i can't13:43
gianguidoDeihmos, yes13:43
KHendrikgianguido, which device?13:44
andrilKHendrik, i did but afte the locking and freezing - i can wait13:44
gianguidoexus 713:44
andrilGalaxy Nexus13:44
DeihmosDo you know of any instructions13:44
KHendrikgianguido, ok this only works on nexus 4 an galaxy nexus13:44
daughainIs there a port for non-Nexus devices using AOSP roms yet?13:44
gianguidoDeihmos, there are 2 zip to flash13:44
k1l_Deihmos: you can flash the zip. s13:45
DeihmosUsing clockwork?13:45
DeihmosI see13:45
andrildaughain, there is not enough in it to have it ported - "Preview" means alot to Canonical13:45
DeihmosHow buggy is this13:46
KHendrikandril, ahh ok i got a second phone so i was thinking on trying as much as i can on my nexus 413:46
andrilmore like Kiosk-Mode13:46
andrilthe problem with teh Nexus 4 is to pull the battery - you have to remove the glass back13:46
daughainandril, Granted, but since I dont have a Nexus device, I was hoping I could tinker with it on another device.13:46
TToivanenSferaDev It's normal just restart syncing with the -c switch13:47
KHendrikandril, yeah but only in rare cases and if the battery is drained fully also i got the tools here to open it if i need to13:47
DeihmosHolding down the power is basically the same as pulling the battery13:47
KHendrikI'm more worried about the heating issue13:47
andrildaughain, i know you are anxious too but look around for a Galaxy Nexus device and have fun13:48
KHendrikDeihmos, but its not enough for nexus 413:48
DeihmosWhat do you mean13:48
nono68200@KHendrik: I use Ubuntu Phone on my main phone but I must be the only one... ^_^13:48
KHendrikyou need to disconnect the battery if frozen13:48
andrilDeihmos, there have been reports that differ - but that would be great13:48
DeihmosHolding down the power will reset it13:49
KHendriknono68200, any regrets so far?13:49
TigrouzenR.stamp error corrected13:49
gianguidobuild failed13:49
Tigrouzenok maybe your java version13:49
andrilWhenthis is ready i see it being a great OS and competitor and even enough to save Nokia13:49
gianguidoi'm using openjdk13:49
Tigrouzenneed sun java 1.613:49
gianguidoTigrouzen, any ppa^13:50
nono68200@KHendrik: No I love the interface! And I don't use very often smartphone functions ;) Just internet and sms... I bought GNexus just for test Ubuntu Phone, I had a old Nokia before that...13:50
KHendrikandril, i think nokia is not going to switch anytime some form windows phone13:50
Tigrouzengianguido, no sorry go to go13:50
ralph_hi there13:50
gianguidoTigrouzen, thanks anyway13:50
DeihmosI don't see ubuntu making any ground against iOS and android13:51
ralph_where to find the phablet-tools for raring? the ppo I found only contains them for 12.04 and 12.1013:51
DeihmosToo late to the game.13:51
daughainOk, guess I'm stuck waiting then. Thanks. Touch was announced 2 months after I got a new phone.13:51
andrilKHendrik, imagine a N9 like device quad core  - 2 gb of ram , 4.7 -5 inch display running Ubuntu Mobile13:51
KHendriknono68200, same here bought a nexus 4 just for testing last wednesday arrived just in time on thursday (google is freaking fast)13:52
andrildaughain, it will be worth the wait after it gains functionality - look at the videos and reviews13:52
Tigrouzenraring just go to last daily realease13:52
KHendrikandril, really would love to see that but i bet microsoft has some non compete with nokia13:53
gianguidoAndreas_, tell us13:53
nono68200@KHendrik: I know Google and LG :p It's why I prefered to buy a Galaxy Nexus. But I am lucky, I bought it unused.13:53
gianguidoAndreas_, please, turn off your caps lock13:53
Andreas_how can i do it?13:53
gianguidothere are flashable-ready zips arount13:53
andrilKHendrik, ,Microsoft may be in trouble and trying to venture in hardware again :(13:54
daughainOk, new subject, can touch be compiled for the Android 3.3 kernel?13:54
daughainErrr...Linux 3.3 kernel.13:54
Andreas_are you talking about these?13:54
Tigrouzennexus 713:54
gianguidoAndreas_, eys13:54
fuss132any suggestion for GRID_UNIT_PX and QTWEBKIT_DPR for a s2? :)13:55
fuss132using 11 and 1.5 for now13:55
KHendriknono68200, yeah i liked the nexus devices from samsung but the galaxy nexus was more expensive so i choose the nexus 413:55
Andreas_ok and if i use ROM mnager13:55
Andreas_is it gonna work?13:55
KHendrikok i'm away for lunch see ou folks13:55
gianguidoAndreas_, use cwm for safety13:56
nono68200@KHendrik : Sure. And do you use it as your main phone or have you another?13:57
Andreas_@gianguido it doesnt work with rom manager13:58
gianguidoAndreas_, use cwm13:58
Andreas_i want to install ubuntu touch basically13:58
gianguidobut use cwm directly13:59
gianguidocopy zips on the sd and reboot into cwm13:59
gianguidomake a nandroid first13:59
HQRajaI have a problem. My PC running Ubuntu can successfully detect my Nexus 4 in ADB, but not my Nexus 10. Both these Nexus devices are on the Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview. Do I need to configure anything on the PC to detect the tablet? PS: The tablet was getting detected fine from the same Linux PC when on Android.14:00
Tigrouzengianguido,  sudo apt-get --purge remove openjdk-*14:01
Andreas_should i download all the zip files?14:02
Andreas_i am in a recovery mode14:02
CasellesHi everyone14:02
Tigrouzengianguido,  sun java http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u41-b02/jdk-6u41-linux-x64.bin?AuthParam=1361618560_1a3992fb8b9ae5a3026b79af4b01b9c714:02
HQRajaHas anyone else experienced the same problem by any chance BTW?14:02
gianguidoTigrouzen, installed but not working14:02
gianguidosame error14:02
HQRajaHello Caselles14:02
Tigrouzengianguido, sh jdk-6u41*14:02
gianguidoTigrouzen, i've installed jdk-7 etc14:03
Tigrouzengianguido,  sudo apt-get --purge remove openjdk-*14:03
Tigrouzenbrb i explain ;)14:03
gianguidoalready done, installed  from a ppa14:03
Andreas_@gianguido i need your help :/14:05
gianguidoAndreas_, tell me14:05
Andreas_is there any way of talking to you privately14:05
gianguidodm me14:05
wickwirehey guys, I've struggling with this, I can't deploy the currencyconverter demo app to my nexus,14:07
wickwireqt-creator asks for a project14:07
wickwireI followed the tutorial and I have the qml running on my laptop with qmlscene14:07
gianguidodatagutt, compiling again without galaxys3settings and going well by now14:08
wickwireare there any other instructions for deploying the apps on the device?14:08
CasellesI'm having trouble booting, my kernel stops loading, and it keeps the screen black, with backlight on. Does anybody know about this problem? my flashing procedure it's correct, and I've done it many times.14:09
Andreas_@gianguido should i install all the files? i have just install the 481MB one14:09
Andreas_but there no change14:09
gianguidoAndreas_, you must install the 50mb too14:09
HQRajaIs anyone with Nexus 10 around?14:09
HQRajaCaselles: Are you flashing using the recovery method?14:10
CasellesI'm flashing using multiROM14:10
Andreas_@gianguido which one?14:10
Andreas_because there are many!14:10
gianguidoAndreas_, the one with "grouper" if you're flashing on a non.-3g n7ù14:11
Andreas_@gianguido only those two?14:11
HQRajaCaselles: Caselles: OK I don't know about that. The easiest way is to just grab the quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip file (universal, for all devices) and the quantal-preinstalled-armel+<devicecodename>.zip file, and flash them one after the other from any custom recovery.14:12
gianguido(avoid the @, just write the name ;))14:12
gianguidoAndreas_, make a nandroid ;)14:12
HQRajaWorked like a charm for me on both Nexus 4 and Nexus 1014:12
Andreas_gianguido did you try the ubuntu touch?14:12
gianguidoAndreas_, yes on a nexus 7, now i'm building for sgs314:13
Andreas_is it smooth?14:13
CasellesHQRaja: I'm most certain MultiROM is not the problem, a lot of people have already flashed with it14:13
gianguidoisn't optimized14:13
gianguidoyet, ofc14:13
Andreas_gianguido i mean the ubuntu touch 12.1014:13
TassadarCaselles: I'm a bit concerned about the free space, can you free it up to, say, 1gb after installation?14:13
Andreas_not the desktop version14:13
gianguidoAndreas_, ubuntu for tablet right?14:14
CasellesTassadar: that was exactly my next step ;) I'll tell you when finished14:14
Andreas_yes gianguido14:14
gianguidoAndreas_, yeah, isn't smooth by now14:14
gianguidoit needs A LOT of optimization for tegra3 hardware14:15
gianguidofor all hardware lol14:15
Andreas_gianguido do you prefer the interface though?14:15
gianguidoAndreas_, prefer?14:15
nasosare there any u-touch images for intel?14:16
gianguidoerror :-/ /media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/product/i9300/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libandroid_runtime_intermediates/export_includes", necessario per "/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/product/i9300/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libsecosal_intermediates/import_includes".  Arresto.14:19
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
signal0rso guys.. after a few hours testing it's clear. i'll love ubuntu on my phone14:21
signal0ror tablet14:21
KHendriksignal0r, agreed14:21
CasellesTassadar: freed up to 3GB before flashing. Now flashing again14:21
fralsmesq: hey, nice work on the clock app mockups - could you breakout the assets of the analog clock face (i.e. the hands and the face with the hour indicators) and dump them somewhere?14:21
signal0rthe fact that i can install everything from apt is killer!14:22
HQRajaSo...anyone with a Nexus 10 around?14:28
dmj_testingdoes anyone know how to get xvfb to display into a window on ubuntu-phone?14:29
nasosdmj_testing: what have tried so far?14:34
gianguidocan anyone help me with an import issue?14:35
dmj_testingXvfb :19 -screen 0 1024x768x16 &14:35
dmj_testingexport DISPLAY=:1914:35
dmj_testing$APPNEEDINGXORG &14:36
dmj_testingultimately I'd like it to be possible (even if not recommended) to run non-qt applications that depend on X14:37
nasosdmj_testing: have tried to capture the buffer: xwd -display :19 -root -out buffer.xwd14:37
nasosand then you can convert it to whatever with imagemagick14:37
dmj_testingI haven't tried that yet14:38
nasosthis would be slow though14:38
dmj_testingnasos: I'd like it to be fast14:39
dmj_testingfor realtime use14:39
dmj_testingunless by slow you mean a small amount of overhead but still usable14:39
nasosit would be best if you pipe the xwd output (i.e. the buffer.xwd) to a small importer in your app14:40
nasosin what do you intent to program in?14:40
dmj_testingnasos: So right now I'm trying to see if I can get desktop apps to at least draw and respond to input on the mobile UI14:41
crypticmofoman im really loving this rom .. to bad cdma support isn't ready yet14:42
crypticmofowell this os*14:42
gianguidoasked on cm-dev chan if anyone know this error http://pastebin.com/qXGfKrnp14:42
dmj_testinglater I'm hoping it will be possible to use toolkits that haven't been ported to flinger/whatever canonical hasn't written yet14:42
gianguidosec_omx, you'll die14:43
nasosdmj_testing: I think it would be easy to write an app to pipe xwd through qt/qml and display it on ubuntu-mobile and make it efficient14:44
dank101gianguido, you back?14:44
gianguidodank101, i'm compiling right14:44
gianguidobut http://pastebin.com/qXGfKrnp14:44
dmj_testingnasos: okay, that might be a good tool to make, a sort of compatibility shim for desktop linux14:44
nasoshttp://www.xfree86.org/current/xwd.1.htmlI would also suggest displaying it on a simple textued quad14:44
nasossorry for the link, I was just checking the xwd format14:45
dank101we have a issue on the i9300 port14:45
gianguidodank101, it's my paste lol14:46
dank101i think its from stripping parts uneeded from CM14:46
dank101edit make14:46
dr_gogeta86is possible to run ubuntu qt apps upon o X14:47
dmj_testingnasos: So the app just displays the output of xwd on a textured quad in qml and (I assume) handles the task of forwarding input events from the qt app to X14:47
dmj_testingdr_gogeta86: qt works on X1114:47
nasosdmj_testing: I can picture the buffer display code, but I am not sure about the messages14:47
dr_gogeta86my nokia n9 waits for it14:47
sdadddasdsis it possible to run whatsapp on ubuntu phone os14:47
dr_gogeta86and I have also X.org accellerated drivers14:48
dr_gogeta86I've read about14:48
dr_gogeta86runs on top android compositor14:48
dmj_testingdr_gogeta86: n9 already uses qt14:48
dr_gogeta86I know14:48
dr_gogeta86but is an old version14:49
dmj_testingit's very obviously the same stuff, just a different backend to qt14:49
dr_gogeta86not the same14:49
dmj_testingdr_gogeta86: in that case, some widgets might be different14:49
dr_gogeta86where can I start14:49
dr_gogeta86to build whole platform14:49
dmj_testingdr_gogeta86: I'm having a similar issue in that Ubuntu Touch can't at this point run many apps that I use on my n90014:49
dr_gogeta86but non on topo cyanogen14:49
dr_gogeta86n9 apps14:50
nasosdmj_testing: you probably need to go through http://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/event-handling/XSendEvent.html for event forwarding.14:50
zebahi all, i'm trying to download the ubuntu code using phablet-dev-bootstrap to enable a new device.. but it says "--vendors is required". any help?14:56
crypticmofohi all i do'nt know if this is the right channel but .. how would i know any new news about the port of #ubuntu-phone  to my device .. i see that its still a work in progress and im using it on my phone to test out but when do i know when new updates come ?14:58
crypticmofoim on a d2vzw and im looking at the ubuntu os on my phone14:58
napsterDoes anyone here developed any apps for it so far?15:00
daughainThanks everyone.15:00
zebad2vzw is work in progress15:00
crypticmofozeba, yes how would i know of new updates and what not ?15:00
crypticmofook so that would give me more of a status or at the top once done it would say running fine correct ?15:01
pensterhave there been any updates since the release date15:01
napsterI developed a quick XKCD app for ubuntu phone. Anyone wants me to make a tutorial or something?15:02
zebashould give you more information yeah.. it's updated quite often..15:03
Tigrouzengianguido, its ok ?15:03
gianguidoTigrouzen, no15:03
Tigrouzenfor me compiled15:03
gianguidoanother error is showing up15:03
Tigrouzengianguido, tell15:03
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gianguidohttp://pastebin.com/qXGfKrnp Tigrouzen15:03
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Tigrouzengianguido, Italien ?15:05
CasellesTassadar HQRaja: eureka! you were right Tassadar, it was not enought free space15:05
dr_gogeta86eccolo un altro15:05
Tassadarnice, good to know15:05
gianguidoTigrouzen, yeah...15:05
gianguidoneed translation? lol15:05
Tigrouzengot it15:05
TassadarCaselles: I think that is actually CM bug, and ubuntu inherits it because it's based on CM15:05
dr_gogeta86but you building go gs315:05
dr_gogeta86but you building for gs315:05
gianguidodr_gogeta86, lol15:06
pensterWill installing on a nexus 4 void warrany?15:06
dr_gogeta86fu the warranty15:06
TassadarCaselles: you know that "You have don't have much free space" notification by Android? That's it, I thin CM refuses to boot with it.15:06
CasellesTassadar Thanks!!15:06
napsteryes. warranty will be void when you unlock the bootloader penster15:06
pensterthanks napster15:06
gianguidodr_gogeta86, tell me15:07
dr_gogeta86can you help me to quickly setup everything15:07
dr_gogeta86I wanna build for gs3 too15:07
dr_gogeta86but also for n915:07
gianguidodr_gogeta86, by now sgs3 isn't building, and n9 isn't supported by official cm10.1 sources15:07
Tigrouzengianguido, maybe wrong path15:08
gianguidowell, it's a bit difficult dr_gogeta86 :-/15:08
gianguidoTigrouzen, wrong path of what15:08
zebahi all, i'm trying to download the ubuntu code using phablet-dev-bootstrap to enable a new device.. but it says "--vendors is required". any help?15:08
legomaster181zeba, you must use it as phablet-dev-bootstrap -v (device code-name, eg grouper) (folder)15:09
zeba@legomaster181 but wiki says "If enabling a new device, you might not want to specify the vendor switch -v"15:11
Tigrouzengianguido, past bin your hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.c15:11
IRebootHQRaja: I read about your Nexus 10 adb connection issue, if you upgraded to 4.2.2 you would need to also update your PCs adb drivers. See: http://www.androidcentral.com/semi-pro-tip-android-422-here-your-android-sdk-might-need-updating15:11
legomaster181zeba ah, good point, I thought you were just downloading the source code for a current device15:11
gianguidoTigrouzen, http://pastebin.com/BF9HHwax15:11
legomaster181gianguido, guess what happened15:12
gianguidofound that :D15:12
gianguidolegomaster181, internet went down?15:12
legomaster181no, my terminal just stopped for some reason :'(15:12
legomaster181and it was so close too15:12
gianguidouse screen :)15:13
legomaster181sometimes, I hate vm's15:13
legomaster181and of course now I realize, after already clearing/restarting, I could've just continues with a repo sync15:15
gianguidomaybe i've found the bug15:16
Tigrouzengianguido, modif this hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h15:16
Tigrouzengianguido, change #include "OMX_Component.h" > #include <media/openmax/OMX_Component.h>15:17
gianguidobuilding :D15:17
gianguido#include "hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h"15:17
gianguido#include "hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Basecomponent.h"15:17
gianguido#include "hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/osal/SEC_OSAL_Memory.h"15:17
gianguido#include "hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/osal/SEC_OSAL_Mutex.h"15:17
gianguidothanks anyway Tigrouzen15:17
Tigrouzenwhat is the bug ?15:17
gianguidoTigrouzen, wrong import path15:18
RobbyFAnything new with ubuntu phone in the last day?15:19
RobbyFmaybe some new apps?15:19
Tigrouzenyou can try raring if you got nexus 715:19
onlychevysSo, I have finally synced! Now to add my device to the build can I just use the same local_manifest I use to build cm10.1?15:23
gianguidoonlychevys, it's all wrote in the wiki!15:23
onlychevysI know but I don't quite get it, I know I need to pull kernel and device from cm, plus all dependencies. Is that not what cm's local_manifest does?15:25
gianguidoonlychevys, yes but dunno why this method needs manifest.xml15:27
pawitpI'm trying to port ubuntu phone and my build is missing libubuntu_application_api and a couple of other libraries, any idea why?15:28
oneadventhi, can someone tell me how to access the terminal on the phone without a usb keyboard15:29
gianguidoon the cm chan they ask me to push these changes to gerrit.. wtf15:29
zebaonlychevys how did you checkout the code??15:30
legomaster181gianguido, guess what! (again)15:31
gianguidolegomaster181, terminal crash? :O15:32
legomaster181nope, it saved my place!15:32
legomaster181it just started downloading at where I left off15:32
gianguidoahhhh phablet-dev-bootstrap you say? yes! it saves where you left off15:33
legomaster181*happy dance*15:33
oneadventany cdma radio yet?15:34
IMarksguys, can anyone help me, im trying to install ubuntu, but all i get is errors in the installation and system recoverys in windows 8 (current OS), without even the option to choice installation drive...15:34
TreibholzI'm working on a port for the Motorola Xoom. It booted, I get a shell with adb, ubuntu-session is running, but nothing on the screen.15:35
smartboyhw!support | IMarks15:35
ubot5IMarks: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com15:35
IMarksoh wrong channel, im sorry15:35
pawitpTreibholz: try logcat15:35
pawitpI think I'm having the problem as well, missing libs15:35
onlychevysI started syncing yesterday at 10am and finished about an hour ago.15:35
pensterIMarks why dont you just install using virtualbox15:35
pensterespecially if its just to get phone os15:35
IMarkswill that be able to detect my tablet then?15:36
Treibholzpawitp: ahh15:36
TreibholzLibrary '/system/lib/libubuntu_application_api.so' not found15:36
pensteri used it to install phone os on my galaxy nexus15:36
NikezTreibholz: I take it you dont have platform-api and hybris in your ubuntu/ folder15:36
Nikezin your device tree.15:37
IMarksok thanks then, will try15:37
pensterno prob15:38
pawitpNikez: where do I get those?15:38
Nikezor bzr branch15:38
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Nikezphablet-dev-bootstrap -c yourdevelopmentree15:39
Nikezand it should start syncing15:39
Nikezand then add the bzr packages.15:39
MaulwurfHi. I really enjoy the developer preview and wanted to ask on which basis it's updated? Is it a daily like Cyanogenmod, weekly, etc? And where will/could a Versionhistory be found?15:41
TreibholzNikez: I took the zip, I guess I have to use phablet-dev-bootstrap15:42
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k1l_Maulwurf: i dont know that there is a roadmap for that, yet15:43
TreibholzNikez: thanks for the hint.15:43
oneadventcan someone help me? I'm looking for the terminal app and can't seem to find it...where might it be located?15:43
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RobbyFI don't think there is one for the phone yet.15:44
gianguidooneadvent, because there isn't one15:44
krabadorok, the guide tells to use 10.1 sources, but, in the case of samsung official jb and ics sources available, can i use them someway?15:44
gianguidoi don't think so15:44
Maulwurfk1l_: thanks - Really looking forward to this OS ant want to observe it's development15:44
oneadventwell wtf gianguido i thought that was a big part of it. i can't hack away like this15:45
gianguidooneadvent, use the integrated ssh server :)15:45
oneadventhey that is a good idea, what would the username and password be?15:45
oneadventsweet, looking into it now15:45
* juicyjones Textual is a seriously good IRC client for Mac OS X.15:47
oneadventum localhost is the hostname?15:47
oneadventgianguido: ^15:47
gianguidommm what are you trying to do?15:47
gianguidoguess what15:49
gianguidorif-ali@94-192-24-56.zone6.bethere.co.uk) è entrato in #ubuntu-phone15:49
gianguidoTigrouzen, http://pastebin.com/cX9p3K4R15:49
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oneadventgianguido: is it on a diff port?15:50
gianguidolocalhost is for local connection15:50
Tigrouzenkernel prob15:50
oneadventgianguido: i know, i'm saying what the host name is, trying to find the ip to connect to15:50
gianguidoTigrouzen, wtf, the kernel is compiled!15:51
oneadventi have one for some reason called "localhost" and so i figure that is the phone (from the routers standpoint) but i get a connection refused15:51
dataguttgianguido hey15:51
gianguidodatagutt, hey15:51
gianguidotarget thumb C: libSEC_OMX_Resourcemanager <= hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.c15:53
gianguidohardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.c:31:97: fatal error: hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h: No such file or directory15:53
gianguidocompilation terminated.15:53
gianguidomake: *** [/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/product/i9300/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libSEC_OMX_Resourcemanager_intermediates/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.o] Errore 115:53
AndroidUserhello gentlemen15:53
AndroidUserI have a question15:53
AndroidUserwhen can we expect a working ubuntu sdk for devices different from the nexus franchise?15:53
AndroidUserlike for galaxy s3?15:53
gianguidoAndroidUser, i'm working on the international version15:54
AndroidUserok since im an illiterate person i have to ask...15:54
Tigrouzengianguido, try "m"15:54
gianguidoTigrouzen, m has already worked15:54
gianguidofinished already15:54
AndroidUserI will not be able to install ths sdk due to core differences right?15:54
gianguidoAndroidUser, yes15:55
krabadorhere http://opensource.samsung.com/ i can take jb samsung sources for galaxy i9100, that don't works so well in cm 10.1 . Can i use what ubuntu touch need from android sources from here despite cm 10.1?15:55
gianguidoTigrouzen, hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.c:31:97: fatal error: hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h: No such file or directory15:55
gianguidobut the file is in the right directory!15:55
AndroidUserThank you Gianguido have a nice evening will be waiting impatiently for the SDK :)15:56
AndroidUserand ty for all your work15:56
gianguidoAndroidUser, ;)15:56
Tigrouzengianguido, change #include "OMX_Component.h" > #include <media/openmax/OMX_Component.h>15:56
Tigrouzengianguido, on this hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h15:56
gianguidomake can't find hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h15:58
gianguidobut he's ther15:58
dataguttwhy does this only happen for you16:00
Tigrouzengianguido, on this hardware/samsung/exynos/multimedia/openmax/component/common/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.c16:00
dataguttand not others compiling cm16:00
gianguidodatagutt, sincerely i don't know16:00
Tigrouzengianguido, change #include "SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h" > #include  <media/openmax/SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h>16:01
gianguidoa solution: complete path of the file in the include resolved the situatio16:03
Tigrouzeni false on path ^^16:03
gianguidoNo private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE i930016:03
gianguidomake -C kernel/samsung/smdk4412 O=/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/product/i9300/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=" /media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/arm-eabi-" headers_install16:03
gianguidomake[1]: ingresso nella directory "/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/kernel/samsung/smdk4412"16:04
gianguidomake: ***  Nessuna regola per generare l'obiettivo "/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/product/i9300/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libandroid_runtime_intermediates/export_includes", necessario per "/media/gianguido/Dati/UbuntuPhablet/ubuntu-phablet/out/target/product/i9300/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libsecosal_intermediates/import_includes".  Arresto.16:04
gianguidomake: *** Attesa per i processi non terminati....16:04
gianguidore-runned m16:04
krabadornobody knows if it's possible to use official samsung sources, despite the cm 10.1 sources of the same components, to build a port?16:05
Tigrouzeni sugesst u take a look about difference both manta or mugaro file and your with prob like meld16:05
jouteihey guys, does the dev preview support data on the phone ?16:06
gianguidomade recovery image16:07
gianguidobut it fails anyway16:07
krabadorjoutei, not, the dev preview only support data on wifi16:08
jouteioh damn16:09
jouteiim runnning it on my nexus 416:09
krabadorjoutei, eh, that's all for the moment16:09
jouteiseems everytime it sleeps it shuts down16:09
krabadorjoutei, it's better if you use it indoor...16:09
jouteiyeah i know16:10
jouteii just wanted to try it16:10
jouteiamazing though16:10
gianguidonothing, can't get why isn't compiling16:12
Tigrouzengianguido, many path prob16:12
gianguidopath prob? o.o16:12
Tigrouzeni9300 its based on qualcomm or omap ?16:13
gianguidoi9300 is exynos!16:13
Tigrouzenk same wave ^^16:14
Tigrouzengianguido, 32 or 64 bits ubuntu ?16:14
Tigrouzennow i get R.stamp prob ^^16:15
gianguidoR.stamp, delete galaxys3settings16:15
gianguidoi'm cleaning16:16
gianguidoi'll try a clean build16:16
gianguidowrong java version!?16:17
Tigrouzenyou need java 1.6 downloaded from sun and path on your bash.rc like that :16:17
ralph_any idea? Fetching projects:  10% (14/139)  fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common16:17
gianguidoralph_, you need to use this forme16:18
Tigrouzenexport PATH=${PATH}:~/Ubuntut/jdk1.6.0_41/bin/16:18
gianguidoralph_, <project path="device/samsung/i9300" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_i9300" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1" />16:18
gianguidochange name and path ofc16:18
Tigrouzenexport PATH=${PATH}:~/"folder"/jdk1.6.0_41/bin/16:18
gianguidook, a moment16:18
gianguidolink to jdk6?16:19
gianguidothanks a lot16:20
ralph_gianguido, thanks its almost working now16:22
ralph_Fetching projects:  54% (76/139)  error: Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_external_libvpx16:23
gianguidoralph_, ;)16:23
gianguidome too ralph_ can't get why16:23
gianguidomaybe server issues16:23
dataguttseems to be some  server issues yeh16:23
ralph_hmm... what happens if you add this repo with the same properties to manifest.xml?16:23
gianguidothere is already this repo in the manifest.xml16:24
ralph_i added  remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1" to this project and i got it, but the same failure i got now with the next16:26
dmj_testinghow do I kill apps run from qtcreator on the nexus?16:27
mattviatorAnyone know how to change the date / time16:30
mattviatorit doesnt seem to work :/16:30
TToivanenIn order to compile, do I need JDK?16:31
gianguidosee above16:31
mattviatorcan i get terminal ON the phone?16:32
xcvbchanging timezone is explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes16:32
gianguidothere isn't any terminal emulator on the phone now16:32
xcvbyou can use adb for a terminal16:33
Tigrouzenxterm -display :1 on chroot16:33
TToivanenI'm planning to delete the kernel repos for nexus devices from manifest.xml. It won't do any harm 'cause I'm not compiling for them right?16:34
jayejust installed on a nexus 7 - can anyone tell me quickest way to get root?16:35
gianguidoroot? for what?16:35
Treibholzadb root && adb shell16:35
ryansburgoyneI'm trying to install on my galaxy nexus. I successfully unlocked the bootloader, booted back into android, and then enabled usb debugging. I am running 4.2.2 so according to the how-to it should ask me to accept a host key, but it never does. It doesn't show up in adb devices.16:35
jayeTreibholz:  thanks alot! :)16:36
ZarmakaHeya, anybody not able to hear the other person when recieving a call? Galaxy Nexus16:36
xcvbread the release notes. there it's explained how to get a root shell.16:36
jayethanks xcvb16:37
jayei assume you mean in a different way than what Treib just pointed out16:37
jaye(which also works btw)16:37
xcvbsorry, i was too slow16:38
gianguidoopenmax error16:38
gianguidowhy the heck you're showing up?!16:39
ZarmakaHeya, anybody not able to hear the other person when recieving a call? Galaxy Nexus16:39
mattviatorryan  adb kill-server16:39
mattviatoradb start-server16:40
jayexvcb: no worries there is more and better info in the release notes anyway so thats a good tip and i should have read them already!  thanks! :)16:40
mattviatorworked for me16:40
llusatoHello, I'd like too know if I'll will be able to install ubuntu phone on my Motorola razr maxx16:40
gianguidoTigrouzen, http://pastebin.com/yeePNefz16:40
rymate1234llusato, if it gets ported, then yes16:41
TToivanenI don't have any extract-files.sh in my device folder. Would it be easier to extract them from a zip or from a github repo?16:41
Treibholzllusato: if it is already running CyanogenMod: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting16:41
llusatoAnd how And when will I know if it is ported?16:41
tiger2wanderHi there16:42
jayeso the interface is a bit sluggish compared to android and iOS on my nexus 7... is this because of not having benefits of chip optimizations or is this going to get better by improvements in kernel and user space ?16:42
llusatoOk many thanks!16:42
jayeanyone know ?16:43
RobbyFall of it16:43
tiger2wanderAnyone porting this one to HTC Desire Z?16:43
jayewhere will we see the quickest improvements?16:43
tiger2wanderI have tried but uchroot binary return call to clone error16:43
jayecuz at this rate i see it being difficult to comepte16:43
jayebeing so sluggish16:43
jayeits sort of the first thing that stands out16:44
ryansburgoynehey mattviator thanks. I did that, it didn't seem to work.16:44
jayehopefully we wont have to wait on new chips ?16:44
tiger2wanderI changed it to use built-in chroot and get bash shell but not know how to start qt shell :(16:44
jayeto see smoe decent improcement?16:44
ryansburgoyneI got adb kill-server; adb start-server * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully *16:44
ryansburgoyneStill no prompt on the phone.16:44
ryansburgoyneStill nothing under adb devices16:44
duceadb root16:44
Tigrouzendid you add on udev16:44
mimaketiJaye:  It s=is currently sandboxed on top of CM10.  its gonna be slow16:44
TToivanenCould someone please give me an example of files inside vendor/[manufacturer]/[codename]? Are the needed folders etc, firmware, and lib?16:44
mimaketiJaye: they also have no ram or CPU handling...  It will take time16:45
mimaketiJaye:  this is an alpha, it probably wont be out for a long time, this is just a release so that Devs can get a feel for what they will be working with, not for end users to use.16:46
Tigrouzengianguido, use meld program too compare your folder with manta folder then you can find maybe16:46
jayemimaketi: good points didnt relalize that yet... still just only 10 mins poking around inside of it and just setting up opensshd now to get a better working shell to poke around with16:46
jayemimaketi: understood about it being a preview but im excited about building products based on it and impatient to get started :)  been waiting for this already for around a year so im pretty excited to have a working version in my hands and of course hungry for more :)16:48
mimaketijaye:  well good luck.  I hope it takes off, the preview looks promising!16:49
TToivanenCould someone please give me an example of files inside vendor/[manufacturer]/[codename]?16:49
ralph_TToivanen, maybe ask a bit more specific16:49
ryansburgoyneAny other suggestions why my galaxy nexus isn't showing up under adb devices? I enabled usb debugging and plugged it in. I ran adb kill-server; adb start-server16:50
gianguidoTigrouzen, it's completely different :-/16:50
TToivanenralph_ I can not use the extract-files.sh so I need to pull them manually and I have no clue what files should I take from the cm10.1 zip.16:51
Tigrouzengianguido, try compare with i900016:51
gianguidoTigrouzen, exynos3?16:51
Tigrouzengianguido, exynos16:51
gianguidowhat, impossible16:52
gianguidomine build see for OMX files into that directory16:52
waaAny news about gps support I want it to my pet project https://github.com/wiliamsouza/4square16:52
Tigrouzengianguido, important its too look about path and understood how it is on conf file16:52
ralph_TToivanen, why you cannot use it?16:52
Tigrouzen  <project path="device/samsung/galaxysmtd" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxysmtd" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1" />16:53
Tigrouzen  <project path="kernel/samsung/aries" name="ali1234/android_kernel_samsung_aries" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/ubuntu-touch" />16:53
Tigrouzen  <project path="device/samsung/aries-common" name="ali1234/android_device_samsung_aries-common" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/ubuntu-touch" />16:53
Tigrouzen  <project path="hardware/samsung" name="ali1234/android_hardware_samsung" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/ubuntu-touch" />16:53
gianguidomaybe dank101 have a build for i930016:53
ali1234hi, what's going on?16:53
gianguidoali1234, build problems on i930016:54
dataguttTigrouzen: i already looked at aries repos and i don' t see any more changes gian could do16:54
dataguttit should work...16:54
TToivanenralph_ It doesn't exist in my device folder. Porting for htc endeavoru.16:54
ali1234openmax error?16:54
ali1234i saw that one16:54
gianguidoali1234, yes16:55
Tigrouzenbut i9000 compilation work ^^16:55
ali1234the R.stamp stuff16:55
dataguttali1234: we fixed r.stamp actually16:55
dataguttremoved galaxys3settings16:55
gianguidoali1234, openmax hate us16:55
ali1234so, got error log?16:55
gianguidoali1234, http://pastebin.com/yeePNefz16:56
ali1234yep i fixed ythat error on my repos16:56
ali1234let me check16:56
dataguttwas it the libandroid_runtime.so thing?16:56
dataguttor was  that a fix for some other error16:56
ralph_TToivanen, got a private message16:59
ali1234gianguido: ^ this patch made libsecosal compile for me16:59
ali1234for you, it might not work, due to different device17:00
gianguidoali1234, comment libandroid_runtime?17:00
mattviatori tried mhl and its worksing properly17:00
mattviatorthe only problem is it forces portrait17:00
ali1234mattviator: that is normal on all devices17:01
ali1234except N10 which is always landscape17:01
mattviatorrealy? under android it goes to landscape on the tv when i connect the galaxy nexus17:01
ali1234yes really17:02
=== juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away
gianguidoali1234, vendor/samsung/smdk4412-common/proprietary/system/media/Disconnected.qmg error17:04
hiimlearningcould anyone answer this question for me regarding the Ubuntu Touch on Nexus, I know there's a wiki page for installation, is there one for doing it in Windows?17:04
movabohiimlearning: I don't think so17:05
catman232Aww, git is really starting to test my patience :P17:06
hiimlearningthanks Movabo17:07
=== juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones
catman232Is there any way I can download the Cyanogen Mod stuff not using Canonical's servers?17:08
dataguttgianguido: Is that the full error?17:08
catman232And still have it integrated into the regular developer environment?17:09
gianguidodatagutt, no17:09
catman232Yay, it's actually starting to go now!17:10
* catman232 hopes to not see an error17:10
catman232Spoke too soon :/17:11
catman232Am I the only one having trouble syncing the respritory?17:11
catman232Or is it like a wide-spread thing?17:12
ali1234catman232: you can download regular cyanogen build system and then use reference option of bootstrap17:17
ali1234however it is still going to be 16GB download no matter what17:17
gianguidodunno why my build can't go ahead of the openmax error17:17
rrerollecatman232: i'm having a hard time syncing as well...keep getting remote end hung up errors for a few minutes17:20
catman232Me too17:20
catman232I'm trying to sync directly from Cyanogen mod now17:21
catman232But that's still having issues17:21
gianguido can't reach adb while running a ubuntu, ideas?17:21
aminHi , want kind of apps are we going to have on this touch ubuntu version (html, java?)? any ports for sgs3 international?17:22
evertheylenHi everyone. I want to port Ubuntu Touch to my Xperia Arc S. However, can I use CM 10 as base instead of CM 10.1?17:22
catman232The Canonical respritory is suprisingly more stable than the CyanogenMod one :/17:22
rrerollewell it started well but I'm now stuck with only 7.8GB of checkout17:24
dataguttamin: gianguido is working on sgs3 international port17:26
dataguttbut is having some problems17:26
gianguidoa lot of problems17:27
XistanceI'm working on GT-i9001 port17:27
gianguidoby now dank101 has built a package17:27
XistanceAlmost done with build17:27
gianguidoand now it's stuck at cm logo17:27
gianguidotouch keys lights are working17:27
gianguidobut not adb17:27
mattviatori set time zone over adb does the device need to be rebooted to take effect?17:28
gianguidostop for today, i'll see tomorrow17:28
TigrouzenI9000 compiled now porting on Wave kernel17:28
gianguidobye chan :)17:28
=== Lloir|afk is now known as Lloir
dataguttdank101 hey17:30
dataguttso its not booting ey17:30
dank101but the thing is17:31
dank101JB ROMS for me take FOREVER to install17:31
dank101it usually bootloops for me17:31
dank101out of the 2 times i had to reinstall CM10/10.1 it bootlooped all of them17:31
datagutthave you tried on another device17:32
dank101i had to hard reset17:32
dank101not yet17:32
dank101i need to port17:32
dank101anyone here with a d2att17:32
dank101or i77717:32
dataguttdank101: well i mean another i930017:32
dataguttif jb roms usually bootloop on your device17:32
dank101i don't17:32
dank101i only have one droid17:33
dank101and thats my S317:33
datagutt[18:31:20] <dank101> it usually bootloops for me17:33
abcduvwxyzwell, i might've jumped the gun a little bit17:33
abcduvwxyzi took some pics on the ubuntu phone17:33
dataguttI could try it out17:33
abcduvwxyzand now i am trying to get them out17:33
dataguttBut meh17:33
abcduvwxyzhow would i go about it ?17:33
dank101it bootlooped for gia too17:33
dataguttnot sure what could be wrong17:34
dank101proabably because i jumped from QComm to eyS17:34
dataguttcould be17:34
dataguttyou did do a clean build right17:34
dataguttmake clean17:34
dank101but i processer jumped17:35
dank101i used a QComm based ROM17:35
dank101and failingly ported to Exen17:35
dank101if i use another QComm based ROM17:36
dank101it (Should) boot17:36
dataguttwell i have no qcomm devices17:36
mattviatorcand get tzdata to change time over ssh17:38
dank101anyone here with a d2att17:38
mattviatorany ideas?17:39
ralph_any wen ideas because of the errors with repo sync?17:40
dank101are the partitions the same across ALL the American QComm S3's17:40
mattviatorecho "America/New_York" | sudo tee -a /etc/timezone then reconfig via dpkg dint work :/17:41
catman232I'm suprised thay canonical hasn't responded yet?17:42
XistanceThe build is done17:42
Xistanceit is 44.5 MB17:42
Xistanceis that correct?17:42
mattviatormine was about that size17:44
mattviatorgotta go later17:44
duceubnutu touch<317:50
duceMOAR DEVICES! \:D/17:50
catman232Does anyone else feel like Canonical is leaving us in the dark as far as the cause behind the git errors?17:53
duceis there a way to use a working cyanogenmod install for a device to port ubuntu touch? maybe a link...17:54
catman232You still need to do some kernel modifications to get it running, but i'm sure you could compile a new version of CM with the changes, then flash ubuntu on-top of that17:55
ali1234catman232: no, because it's flippin obvious17:55
catman232I'm going to try porting this manually now17:59
catman232Just compile a new CM Kernel, then flash the ubuntu image after that17:59
Jack25hi everyone18:07
Jack25ive got a question: i installed the old ubuntu developer preview on my nexus 7 and now i want to install over that18:08
Jack25but the installer doesnt let me do that without android18:08
duceIf I want to try and setup ubuntu touch on a device that is not supported how to I get ubuntu touch on the device? how do I deal with "Unsupported device, autodetect fails device"18:08
dank101flash in CWM/TWRP18:08
dank101like my soon-to-be-born S3 port18:09
ducedank101, I have cwm, is there a zip somewhere?18:09
dank101duce what device?18:09
ducesamsung galaxy tab 7 in CDMA18:10
duceor... SGS 118:10
duceI have both18:10
AlanBell!weekend | catman23218:10
ubot5catman232: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.18:10
duce(also have a samsung galaxy S 10.118:10
catman232Ok, thanks!18:10
duce7 in=7inch18:11
dank101duce, need to be made18:11
Jack25is there a zip for the nexus 7?18:11
Jack25for cwm18:11
dank101you do realize the script replaces the boot with necessary stuff18:12
Jack25yep, but i cant get it to work18:12
* nebulae waves18:12
ducedank101, I wanna try and make....I have rooted CM9 (cwm bootloader).  How do I begin building a port of ubuntu touch for these devices?18:12
jackbanditafter phablet-flash -b the device boots into the bootloader what to do next?18:12
Jack25cause as i understand it needs to connect to android, right?18:12
nebulaejust booted in and no touchy. sadface.18:12
dank101duce you need CM10.118:12
nebulaekdoes it take a while to initialize after boot?  anyone know?18:13
dank101hours and hours18:13
ducedank101, ok, will install that, then? how do I get the ubuntu touch part? tool? method?18:13
Jack25to install ubuntu touch over the old ubuntu developer preview using the installer, do i need to flash android first?18:15
dank101duce https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting18:15
Sinan___Guys, here I was told ubuntu touch is based CM but Ubuntu developers took java out from it. So do apps run c++ native code?18:15
ducedank101, ahhhh...thx18:16
dank101Sinan___, close... Qt5 mix of JS and C++18:18
duceqtcreator :)18:18
Sinan___so for battery life is it good or bad? I think android's JVM mechanism is not good for battery life?18:19
dank101Sinan___, neither it has the same battery life as CM10.118:19
mschlozanyone else having issues with syncing the repos?18:20
duceI heard there was a git error18:21
Sinan___CM's all frameworks are built on Java, if you removed java, how do things work ? :)18:21
KHendrikmschloz, yeah from what i heard catman232 has experience with that18:22
duceSinan___, good question18:23
mschlozthanks, I have been looking at the maifest... but it all looks good. I wil ask catman23218:23
Sinan___Is it true or not, there is no java in ubuntu touch?18:24
Sinan___without frameworks it would be a huge challange to make a os18:24
dank101Sinan___, No java18:25
dank101anyone here with a AT&T S3 and E-Balls18:25
IMarksguys im installing ubuntu on my nexus 7 but in step 4 it doenst reboot, the lastest text in the terminal is pushing ¨usual-stuff¨/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip to /sdcard/ and then i got a new open row. what do i need to do?18:27
IMarkswhat does ¨run as root in production builds¨ mean?18:30
Sinan___windows or linux?18:32
dank101Obviously linux18:32
Octahm, I'm getting an error if I try setting up my phone for c++ development. "libqt5webkit5-dev" requests a lower version of "libqt5webkit5"18:33
IMarksindeed, windows is not possible to push ubuntu on a nexus device, u need linux, im currently running a live CD of ubuntu 12.1018:33
Sinan___I never tried to build, I was guessing that he was asking how to run something as admin18:33
Octalibqt5webkit5-dev : Depends: libqt5webkit5 (= 5.0.0-0ubuntu1~quantal1~test5~withdebug~gstabs~patches) but 5.0.0-0ubuntu1~quantal1~test15~withdebug~gstabs~patches is to be installed18:33
IMarkshi aleckss18:34
Octadid someone sucessfully install the c++ environment on his phone?18:34
Aleckssi just saw the new about the ubuntu os for smartphone18:34
XistanceAnyone else having problems with syncing?18:34
dank101shut up and try harder18:35
Aleckssbut my SP is not supported... can someone tell me if the lg optimus blacl (p970}18:35
Aleckssbut my SP is not supported... can someone tell me if the lg optimus blacl (p970} will be supported in the future?18:35
IMarksdank101 u can just go if you dont like it here18:35
TreibholzAleckss: it is ported to CM10.1, so You could port it to Ubuntu, too...18:36
IMarksevery one has the right to ask18:36
dank101im giving a legit answer18:36
Treibholzdank101: no, you aren't18:36
IMarksbut not too the previous person18:36
dank101sorry about that :P18:37
Sinan___Who was he talking about?18:37
Aleckssooh ok ty ty18:37
TreibholzAleckss: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting18:38
TreibholzAleckss: it should be easy.18:38
Treibholzbut I don't think it will be fun.18:38
Treibholzthe P970 damn slow...18:39
AleckssTreibholz: idk how to do it, but ill read the info in the link. Im glad to learn new things. Thnks :D18:39
IMarksfinally, sudo fixed the error (i guess).18:39
AleckssIMarks thnks :D18:40
IMarksthanks for what?18:40
Alecksseverything :P18:40
Aleckssc ya u all18:40
napsterPlease let me know if anyone succeeds in dual booting your GNex with Android and Ubuntu18:41
IMarksis it possible to dual boot then?18:41
urgodfatherHello room, all is well.. What's the scoop on porting the source to other devices?18:41
napsteryes it should be18:42
IMarkscool, is there a how-to/tutorial for that?18:42
urgodfatherin particular, the bionic18:42
TheKinganyone now when Ubuntu for tablets will be in beta?18:42
Sinan___on S2 and S3 it is possible to dual boot with gokhanmoral's siyah kernel18:42
Sinan___may be you can check it out, that kernel also supports CM18:43
caldairi read that ubuntu touch was ported to the tab 2 p3110 by a dev from canonical. would it be a total waste of my time to start from scratch adding a new device if they are going to support itt anyway?18:43
dank101they won't18:43
Wayno123Help!  I flashed the Ubuntu-Phone developers ROM to my Verizon Galaxy Nexus and now I can not get back to one of my Android ROMs. Can anyone help me?18:44
caldair@dank101 They wont support p3110?18:45
Wayno123I love the beginning of the new Ubuntu Phone, but it is not functional for me.18:45
napsterYou need to get the correct stock image from the android website, and flash it back.18:45
centrelinkphone / # apt-get install gcc              │18:46
centrelinkbash: apt-get: command not found18:46
centrelinkhow 2 install gcc on my ubun2 phone18:46
Wayno123I have multiple roms on my phone (I think) but I can not get to a boot chooser screen.18:46
napsterWayno123: If you use the -b switch to flash ubuntu, it will be already erased I suppose.18:47
Wayno123Where do I add the -b switch... I have no terminal window.18:48
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napsterNo, I mean if you have used -b with the command to flash ubuntu, the bootloader will get erased.18:49
Wayno123Ahhh... no I did not load the Ubuntu rom that way.18:49
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napsterdank101: Am I wrong?18:51
dank101napster, it erases everything BUT bootloader18:52
phils3rI've installed ubuntu with phablet-tools from an openSUSE18:52
Wayno123I copied the UbuntuPhone .zip files to my Nexus SD card from JellyBean 4.1.1, then booted into Recovery Mode.18:52
napsterI see18:52
phils3rit boots well but then I can't do anything18:52
phils3rI see the welcome circle and the "desktop"18:52
dank101YO MUST BE ON 4.2.1/2 TO FLASH18:53
phils3rBut it seems that the touchscreen doesn't work18:53
phils3rah okay18:53
phils3rbefore ubuntu i used cm1018:53
Wayno123I think I was on 4.2.1... not 4.1.118:53
Sinan___wait a second, I see Ubuntu for Galaxy S3 is only 51 mb :S, is this correct?18:53
dank101Sinan___, what model18:53
Sinan___it says18:54
dank101Thats the note18:54
napsterphilhug: eh..? hope you tried to unlock the screen18:54
dank101what model S3 do you have18:54
Sinan___I mean my note 2's rom is more than 1 gb :S ubuntu only 51 mb :S is that possible18:54
dank101Thats the note one18:55
Wayno123Napser: Is it possible to get to a command prompt on my phone?18:55
Sinan___even it is, note stock rom is mor than 600mb18:55
dank101it's CM and highly stripped18:55
phils3r@napster: How do I unlock the screen18:55
Sinan___is ubuntu phone that much lightweight?18:55
napsterphils3r: swipe from left to right18:56
phils3romg :P18:56
dank101S3 d2att with busybox is only 64mb18:56
napsteror more correctly, from left edge ;)18:56
phils3rI didn't know that18:56
napsterI just guessed it XD18:56
Sinan___I want Ubuntu Phone for my note 2 now :D18:56
Wayno123Everything is done on the Ubuntu phone with swipes from any edge.18:56
dank101Sinan___, make it XD18:56
phils3rI didn't watched a video before so I was just to stupid to try that :D18:57
phils3rthanks napster :D18:57
napsterWayno123: You may connect to the phone using SSH18:57
napsterphils3r: np18:57
Wayno123The videos are helful18:57
Wayno123Wow... I can ssh to my phone? How do I know its IP addr and user?18:58
Wayno123Napster: is my user name root on the phone? Password?18:58
crypticmofohi all http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/quantal/mwc-demo/ .. are these just demos for pepole to try or are there completed image/os'es in here ?19:01
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Wayno123Anyone know how to SSH to their Ubuntu-Phone?19:04
Wayno123I need to reboot my phone back into Android. How do I do that?19:07
sidimJust went to the instalation process now I have a screen with a android laying down and a big Start button at the top. What next19:07
Wayno123Swipe from left edge to the right.19:08
TToivanenI got an R.stamp error while compiling. Here's full output: http://pastebin.com/2tUmi06H19:08
sidim@wayno123 got here for restoring android19:09
Wayno123yes... I need to get back to my original android ROM19:09
sidimswipinp left to right doesnt do anything19:10
Wayno123How to I get back to a ROM on my SD card?19:10
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andrilWayno123, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install  -Restoring Android-19:13
Wayno123Thanks, andril! Looking at it.19:14
mikiEveryone know that way.i think.19:15
dataguttandril: hey19:15
TToivanenCould somebody please give me assistance on how to deal with R.stamp error? http://pastebin.com/2tUmi06H19:15
andrilhey datagutt19:16
dataguttmiui user.. right?19:16
Wayno123@andril:   Do I need to ssh to my phone to follow the restore instructions from the wiki?  How do I ssh to phone?19:17
andrilWayno123: i did not have to ssh into it, just rand the commands19:18
andrilWayno123: what device19:19
Wayno123Where do you run the commands from? Terminal window?19:19
Wayno123Galaxy Nexus from Verizon.19:19
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andrilWayno123: it only works for Galaxy Nexus maguro (takju or yakju), VZW version is Toro not supported in this build19:21
ali1234TToivanen: you need to disable build of some dalvik apps19:21
andrildatagutt, what's good19:21
Wayno123Hmmm... someone loaded a Toro build and posted it in xda-developers.com19:22
andrilgot a linl19:22
Wayno123I'm no guru, so I follow the experts.19:22
ali1234SGS build: http://ubuntuone.com/0aGhALmE950fNzSn5Tp8vg19:23
TToivanenali1234 It seems to be an app framework-res_intermediates. How do I prevent it from building?19:23
ali1234TToivanen: it is in one of the git repos you added for device19:24
aeliotanyone managed to make a Tab 2 10.1 (p5110) port yet?19:24
ali1234TToivanen: show me manifest lines you added19:24
sellers86What is the init command?19:25
TToivanenali1234 http://pastebin.com/pAeHHFga19:25
andrilWayno123: i stand corrected, experimental port of the preview :/19:27
ali1234TToivanen: "Polly_intermediates" failed to build19:29
ali1234it means somewhere something called "Polly" is being built19:29
ali1234find it, remove it from makefiles, and restart build19:30
Wayno123@andril: so if I connect my GNex via USB, will I be able to run commands like "run adb reboot-bootloader"?19:30
TToivanenali1234 O' It's probably polly volume observer. Saw it the other day when running CM.19:30
ali1234TToivanen: it is this https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_endeavoru/tree/cm-10.1/jpolly19:30
ali1234you need to not build this19:31
TToivanenali1234 You're a lifesaver! Thousand thanks! :D19:31
ali1234TToivanen: hardware adaptations try to build dalvik applications but dalvik is removed from phablet so they will all fail to build19:31
ali1234you will have to find and rip out more stuff, probably19:32
TToivanenali1234 Roger that19:32
shadeslayerHi, I'm trying to use phablet-dev-bootstrap but I keep getting I keep getting : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5559201/19:36
ali1234shadeslayer: server is overloaded19:37
shadeslayerdaw :(19:37
ali1234mirrors are all overloaded too19:38
ali1234you can reference from any cyanogenmod tree19:39
shadeslayersigh, this is the only time I can download it since this uni has a decent internet connection19:39
dank101retry shadeslayer19:39
shadeslayerdank101: already retried a couple of times, retried again and it still fails19:39
shadeslayerali1234: can I set it to use the cm tree over phablet.ubuntu.com19:40
ali1234shadeslayer: what you just said makes no sense19:40
ali1234shadeslayer: look at the --reference option19:40
* shadeslayer is new to this19:41
shaneo1hi all, is there a setting on the phone that will allow me to reset the audio like killall pulseaudio, the dialer has been working but now when I make a call it rings on the receiving end, but I can't hear them and there is a broken sound at the recieving end.  I don't want to have to reflash the phone, where is the log file stored to see what is happening in teh dialer?19:41
ali1234shadeslayer: if you already have cm tree it will only pull the changes at phablet, which are much less than 16GB19:42
shadeslayerI do not :)19:42
ali1234if you use --reference option19:42
sellers86anyone having issues sync right now?19:42
shadeslayersellers86: overloaded servers19:42
schaschhi, get a "The remote end hung up unexpectedly" too...19:42
schaschdo i need"phablet-dev-bootstrap -c -v maguro" for the gcc19:42
ali1234shadeslayer: you may obtain CM tree from a mirror, but the mirrors are all overloaded too19:42
schaschto compile a simple hello world?19:42
ali1234schasch: no19:42
sellers86Ill just keep syncing til it finishes19:43
schaschali1234 : thanks...what do I need?19:43
ali1234schasch: you need ubuntu-sdk package http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/19:43
ali1234schasch: phablet-dev is only for hardware porting suff19:43
schaschali1234 : OK thanks...19:43
schaschali1234 : i thought the link was only qml-stuff...19:44
ali1234schasch: no it is full Qt5 SDK19:44
schaschali1234 : actually I installed it yet and let run the currencydemo on my gnex...19:45
shaneo1i get the following error when I run qt creator: Cannot load plugin because dependency failed to load: ProjectExplorer(2.6.82) Reason: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtcreator/plugins/QtProject/libProjectExplorer.so: Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtcreator/plugins/QtProject/libProjectExplorer.so: (libbotan-1.10.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)19:45
shaneo1but I am using ubuntu 13.0419:45
TToivanenali1234 You were right, there's plenty more of them.19:45
ali1234shaneo1: install libbotan?19:46
shaneo1ok ill give it a go19:46
ali1234this was known bug from yesterday19:46
dank101anyone here with a d2att phone19:48
shaneo1oh thanks that looks pretty :-)19:48
dank101and wants to test a port19:48
schaschali1234  : don't I need a crosscompiler to test helloworld.c on gnex? where is it in SDK?19:48
ali1234schasch: it';s in there19:48
ali1234ogra_ said it so it must be true19:49
schaschcan't find in /opt/qt519:49
labsinCan I ask here about the canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper/ubuntu/ repo and using Qt5?19:49
labsinI get error not found when importing QtQuick.Particles 2.019:50
labsinAnd i've installed libqt5quickparticles519:50
xcvbdid anyone try to bring a barcode reader to ubuntu phone yet?19:52
xcvbi guess this project seems to be a good starting point: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/ (symbian and maemo5 ports are already available)19:52
the-gibsonI came across an interesting issue on 12.04, if one uses the apt-get install command from the porting wiki, apt-get falls over and fails to resolve the dependencies.. but if you install build-essential first, its fine19:52
TToivanenali1234 I can't locate this problem. http://pastebin.com/bpG5pk66 Any ideas?19:57
ali1234libhardware... i fixed that one too19:57
ali1234TToivanen: grep -R libhardware_legacy *20:00
ali1234do that in top of repo20:00
plutolinuxhi to everyone20:02
ali1234libwpa_client grep for that20:02
TToivanenali1234 shit I already issued the command20:02
shaneo1how do I reset the telephony audio is playing up20:04
schaschali1234 : I just reinstalles SDK, can make a helloworld for x86,,,but gnex is armv7? not?20:08
schaschwhat is path of your arg-gcc?20:08
ali1234schasch: i don't have sdk installed20:09
ali1234my system is messed up from installing old sdk20:09
TToivanenali1234 I think I've found it but it ain't in one of the repos I added. It's in frameworks/base/core/jni/20:09
ali1234TToivanen: something in your repos is pulling it in20:10
ali1234try grepping for other one20:10
schaschali1234 : ??? do I need arm-linux-gcc? how can i install it?20:11
ali1234schasch: i don't knooooooow20:12
ali1234ask on monday20:12
schaschali1234  :OK, thanks...20:13
TToivanenali1234 So I only delete it once it is found in repos added by me?20:13
ali1234TToivanen: you have to figure out what to do with it20:13
andrilsorry Wayno123 yes - playing COD BO2 :)20:13
ali1234it's device specific20:14
TigrouzenPorted on Wave I & II20:14
ali1234everything in the default repos should work20:14
ali1234thus if it breaks, it's caused y something you added20:14
TToivanenali1234 ok20:14
shaneo1default repo has issues making calls for me20:18
shaneo1g nex20:18
T-MacgnoliaHello all I am still working on this. Finally got my source pulled and my blobs pulled. I just got to make 2 more edits before I can try to build20:19
guest1_evening, is there a easy way to get only the phablet changes in the cm repos, so i can add it manually to my repos ...?20:19
T-MacgnoliaWhere exactly in the cyanogenmod_[codename]_defconfig. file do I need to add the extra configurations20:20
mcchuck2357hello people...20:25
mrgoodcatanybody else having problems with phablet-dev-bootstrap?20:26
mcchuck2357any thought on putting this brand new shiny thing onto tablets outside of Samsung arena ?20:26
mrgoodcatafter "repo initialized" i'm getting "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly" a couple times20:26
mrgoodcati'm attempting motorola right now20:26
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mrgoodcatbut i'm getting "Fetching projects:  11% (15/129)  fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_stingray"20:27
mcchuck2357sounds like syntax of repo isn't correct20:28
mrgoodcatbut it downloaded 11% of it20:28
Tigrouzenpast bin your default.xml20:28
mrgoodcatwhere do I find that?20:29
mrgoodcati have manifest.xml is that what you mean?20:29
Tigrouzencd .repo/manifests/20:29
Tigrouzenyou should have only default.xml20:30
Tigrouzenon manifests folder20:30
Tigrouzenthere's not motorola stringray source .....20:33
mrgoodcatbut even before I modified the manifest.xml it was failing with the defaults20:34
mrgoodcatwhere its only "supported" devices20:34
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Tigrouzenremote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1" />20:34
shadeslayermrgoodcat: overloaded servers from what I've been told20:34
mrgoodcatthats what i'm thinking20:35
mrgoodcatseems to be the consensus on xda20:35
mrgoodcatso do I keep retrying? or do I give it a couple days to cool down?20:37
shadeslayerI'd say give it a couple of days to cool down20:38
mrgoodcatI really don't want to :(20:39
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shaneo1have an issue with qt creator i am testing the currency convertor and the 'import Ubuntu.Components 0.1' says there is an issue not installed.20:39
shaneo1QML module not installed.20:40
OvidsmuseSo, I can't seem to download the repo, anyone else having problems?20:46
OvidsmuseTrying to download the repo, getting errors20:48
OvidsmuseWondering if the server's getting hit hard and might need mirrors20:48
dank101We do20:48
OvidsmuseHard to mirror if I can't get it :)20:49
OvidsmuseJust to double check I'm using the right command, here is what I'm trying20:50
shaneo1anyone know how I find issues with the 'Telephoney' I can't hear ring tone or callers voice through gnex20:51
dank101No fix so far20:51
Ovidsmusegit clone git://phablet.ubuntu.com/.git20:51
OvidsmuseSo the git is totally down?20:52
the-gibsonOvidsmuse: its just overloaded20:55
the-gibsonim pulling from it currently20:55
the-gibsonim getting git://phablet.ubuntu.com/CyanogenMod/android.git20:55
OvidsmuseBut I am using the correct command to get the whole repo20:55
the-gibsonOvidsmuse: what are you trying to get at?20:55
the-gibsonare you trying to build it?20:56
gauso001anobody working on a LG optimus one port?20:56
OvidsmuseThats not the whole repo though, just one folder. Are you getting them one at a time?20:56
the-gibsonOvidsmuse: im getting things with the phablet-dev-bootstrap20:56
OvidsmuseI'm trying to get the source to build, for the captivatemtd20:56
the-gibsonuse the bootstrap tool20:57
OvidsmuseI've read the page,20:57
TigrouzenOn i9000 got screen size issue ?20:57
the-gibsonOvidsmuse: you should be using "phablet-dev-bootstrap [target_directory]"20:57
the-gibsonthat will grab you everything you need20:58
ali1234Tigrouzen: yes20:58
OvidsmuseI see20:58
Tigrouzensame on Wave20:58
ali1234Tigrouzen: you have to edit /usr/bin/ubuntu-session20:58
ali1234it's on porting guide20:58
OvidsmuseI thought i needed the source first, since it is listed first20:58
ali1234i used 10 and 1.0 on 480x800 4" screen20:58
ali1234Ovidsmuse: that command gets the source20:59
OvidsmuseI understand20:59
ali1234beware, repo sync is going to take days20:59
OvidsmuseIt's just not explained well, normally you would just use git to clone it.20:59
OvidsmuseAnd I'm working with multiple devices21:00
OvidsmuseWell, guess I'll just have to wait then :)21:00
TigrouzenOvidsmuse, 1day ^^21:00
TigrouzenWhen not overload21:00
ali1234Ovidsmuse: the repo is made up of lots and lots of small git repos21:01
ali1234Ovidsmuse: when you edit manifest with your devices you are actually adding even more git repos21:01
ali1234the bootstrapper and repo command just grab all git repos for you21:01
OvidsmuseOk, that makes sense.21:01
ali1234you can probably skip using phablet-bootstrap if you know what you are doing21:01
OvidsmuseSo it really is just like building Cyanogen21:02
ali1234and do it all manually21:02
ali1234Ovidsmuse: it is a fork of cyanogen21:02
Tigrouzenali1234, what about key work on I9000 ?21:02
ali1234Ovidsmuse: if you have cyanogen repo you can use it as reference to speed up initial bootstrap21:02
ali1234Ovidsmuse: see phablet-bootstrap --help21:02
mattviatorif canonical is using cyanogenmod code what have they been doing?21:03
mattviatori figured theyd atleast ship with a working calculator?21:03
CdmaJedigui dev21:03
ali1234mattviator: they've turned android into effectively a thin hardware abstraction layer, ripped out dalvik and other high level stuff, and then put an ubuntu chroot on top of it21:03
mattviatori understand that21:04
ali1234mattviator: this is technically very impressive, even if to the end user it looks like just some images on screen21:04
legomaster181I keep getting errors when I try to sync the source code21:05
ali1234legomaster181: server is overloaded21:05
the-gibsonlegomaster181: same21:05
legomaster181Few, it's not just me21:05
mrgoodcatthere don't seem to be any21:05
the-gibsonperhaps we should change that21:07
mrgoodcatnobody is mirroring. i'd mirror if i could download it21:08
CdmaJedii'd push for my shcool to host... i dont personall y have anything that woud hande the load21:09
CdmaJedibut it woul;d take days for them to respond21:09
dmorrison1004Can I download a rom through command-line to my phone?21:09
legomaster181that also explains why it was a lot slower this morning than last night21:10
dmorrison1004wget then the name of the rom?21:10
CdmaJedimanpages, bro21:10
CdmaJediin my time, all we had were manpages21:11
dmorrison1004manpages are manuals?21:11
mattviatorwell atleast they are eating their own dog food ie not having to use windows to install21:11
mattviatorman = manual yes21:11
dmorrison1004Are those the links above the chat?21:12
Tigrouzenali1234, have you got issue key in i9000 ?21:12
ali1234keys don't do anything on i900021:13
ali1234i don't know what "issue key" means21:13
Tigrouzenkey dont work21:13
mattviatorno in the terminal you can find manpages for most of whats installed in your system   an example would be21:13
mattviatorman wget21:13
ali1234that's because ubuntu touch doesn't use buttons21:13
dmorrison1004I have ubuntu loaded on my Galaxy Nexus and no wat to get back to a working rom. I can connect through shell, but no drag-in-drop windows.21:13
ali1234power button works21:13
ali1234that's the only one it uses21:13
Tigrouzenah ^^21:13
OvidsmuseSearch xda for the i9000 key issue21:14
mattviatorin other words what he just said was the ole standby of rtfm :/21:14
CdmaJedioh... dm your problems are way more involved than downloading a new rom21:14
CdmaJedidid you do a nandroid backup?21:14
ali1234Ovidsmuse: does xda have i9000 port?21:15
dmorrison1004I thought if I can download a rom I can reinstall it???21:15
OvidsmuseJust used the official CM repo as a reference for the download and it worked21:15
dmorrison1004no backyp21:15
dmorrison1004no backup21:15
OvidsmuseNot of Ubuntu Phone, but I remember there being a key issue with cyanogen21:15
CdmaJedino there's a key issue with UT as well21:16
OvidsmuseMy guess is the fix hasn't been applied in the repo and you need to add it21:16
CdmaJediat least for system halt21:16
OvidsmuseLot's of devices have had key issues with CM21:16
ali1234Ovidsmuse: ok21:17
OvidsmuseIf I remember, it has to do with how they are mapped in the kernel21:17
ali1234k, but this is not important for ubuntu touch, cos it is entirely gesture based21:17
CdmaJedianyone know if roger_n finished the i727 port?21:18
Tigrouzenlock unlock work21:19
labsinOk, I found the problem why qt5 wouldn't find the Particles Library in the sdk. The lib (libqt5quickparticles5) is installed as a dependy somewhere with the ubuntu-sdk but the plugin (qtdeclarative5-particles-plugin) is not.21:19
mrgoodcatso I keep hearing of people making ports to different devices but very little about real app development. Are there any good resources for getting started with simple app development? Does there need to be seperate touch versions of apps or is there a way to add a touch interface to an existing app21:21
GnomyHas their been a list of Ubuntu phone applications made or in progress yet? (besides the default set)21:22
the-gibsonok ive aimed a mirror script at the ubuntu server.. hopefully i can pull it down sooner than later21:22
CdmaJediToiletThere's an sdk available21:23
mrgoodcatyea some googling just gave me that21:23
CdmaJediToiletHell, if I don't have to write them in java anymore, I'll write all the damn apps21:24
mrgoodcatthey aren't java are they?21:24
CdmaJediToiletFirst thing on the wiki that gave me a hard on was reading c/c++21:24
ali1234Qt5 QML and/or C++ and egl are currently supported21:25
ali1234C++ isn't exactly great though21:25
GnomyCdmaJediToilet, have they released how to actually intergrate C++ into your application? I couldn't find how to compile it.21:25
CdmaJediToiletId love to see a python package eventually21:25
ali1234CdmaJedi you can just install it21:26
XistanceC++ is really bad. I hope no one tries to compile stuff with it.21:26
ali1234it probably doesn't have the right Qt5 binding yet but it will definitely come21:26
shaneo1how can i reflash my ubtunu phone with ubuntu phone daily.21:26
ali1234shaneo1: you can't yet21:26
CdmaJediToiletI really like c++21:26
Gnomypython is already on the os isn't it? The contact list and other such stuff is propigated with a python script21:26
ali1234shaneo1: when daily is available you will just use phablet-flash21:27
shaneo1thanks ali1234, just that the telephony seems to have hung up the sound21:27
shaneo1ok thanks21:27
ali1234Gnomy: yes21:27
CdmaJediToiletShared libs and optional packages may not be21:27
ali1234oh, in the image? maybe, don't know21:27
shaneo1does it use pulseaudio to control the phones ear speaker and mic21:28
ali1234and probably not Qt5 binding you need to make "apps"21:28
CdmaJediToiletI was waiting for someone to ask about pulseaudio21:28
ali1234it uses pulseaudio yes21:28
ali1234with a wrapper to android audio21:28
ali1234you know most pulseaudio problems are caused by incompatibility with alsa kernel drivers21:28
shaneo1ok can I restart pulse cos I think its being a litle bugger21:28
ali1234this might actually work better than desktop audio21:28
CdmaJediToiletYeah all that was a few years ago21:29
ali1234hah. i wish21:29
ali1234still plenty of PA problems persist21:29
CdmaJediToiletI just remember the pain transitioning from alsa to pa21:29
RobbyFis the final suppose to be built in the CM chrooted enviroment?21:29
ali1234yeah it is much better than it used to be :)21:29
shaneo1i wanna killall pulseaudio21:30
shaneo1can I install jackd lol21:30
CdmaJediToiletI'll tell you what I want to killall21:30
CdmaJediToiletIs unity21:30
shaneo1your phone would look boring if you did21:31
CdmaJediToiletI can't stand it on my pc21:31
ali1234shaneo1: you can install anything from ubuntu arm port, but it might not work - especially X11 stuff will not work21:31
CdmaJediToiletReminds me of macos21:31
shaneo1no i didn't think x11 would work21:31
CdmaJediToiletYeah I don't think anyone has gotten x11 working21:32
oneadventall i want to see is diablo 3 running on my phone through wine21:33
oneadventis that too much?21:33
CdmaJediToiletI'm hoping ut will lead to open source radios, but that's probably a pipe dream21:33
CdmaJediToiletI was surprised quake 3 was ported with amazing performance benchmarks21:34
CdmaJediToiletSo wait 10 years... your phone might run crysis =D21:34
oneadventany cdma radio yet?21:34
shaneo1is there a reason for abd shell to drop everytime I do sudo apt-get update21:34
obroshnijHi guys:)21:35
obroshnijis anybody here?21:35
CdmaJediToiletNobody is here21:35
scrammMe either21:35
shaneo1no no one is here21:35
CdmaJediToiletI'm hiding in the bathroom at work21:36
shaneo1im over there21:36
Tigrouzenwith cloud its possible21:36
obroshnijok, I have a question for anyone who might khow an answer21:36
shaneo1how can I restart pa then, killall dont seem to work21:36
CdmaJediToiletAaaand just realized that I left my irc terminal open on my workstation21:36
oneadventobroshnij: 42 + 121:36
=== CdmaJediToilet is now known as notCdmaJedi
obroshnijIs it possible to run Ubuntu Touch on a phone with ARM-6, 600Hz,  250 RAM? I can`t find any requirements21:37
notCdmaJediIn it?21:37
ali1234no chance21:38
obroshnijdamn, so what are basic requirements?21:38
notCdmaJediThe minimums they are calling for are dual core cortex a15 and 2gb ram21:38
ali1234ubuntu needs ARMv7 at minimum21:38
notCdmaJediSooo a krait or exynos21:38
ali1234dual core cortex a15 is BS :)21:38
ali1234single core a8 will run it21:39
notCdmaJediBut set your pixel density really.low, and just use a terminal? Lol21:39
obroshnijok, thx:)21:39
ali1234512mb ram and 1.5GB /data is currently bare minimum but hopefully those get optimized21:39
TigrouzenWave 260mo ^^21:39
ali1234(and i do mean literally bare minimum)21:39
notCdmaJediRun it, yeah, but they don't want anyone saying how it isn't as smooth as intended21:40
ali1234Tigrouzen: SGS has 512mb and 16mb free after boot21:40
notCdmaJediThat's running a tight ship21:40
ali1234it also reaches 96% disk usage on /data when unpacking rootfs21:40
ali123496% of 1.5GB21:40
shaneo1is there a way to reinstall 'telephoney'21:41
ali1234however, once unpacked it drops down to 63%21:41
ali1234that is just during flashing, it needs the extra space21:41
shaneo1like sudo apt-get install telephoney21:41
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
ali1234shaneo1: unless telephoney is some kind of fake telephony stack, i think you might have made a typo21:42
notCdmaJediPurge then install?21:42
shaneo1i made a typo21:42
Andrilali1234, i agree the Xoom should be the minimum for tablets21:42
shaneo1yes i would like to purge and reinstall telephony,21:43
shaneo1not sure of the package name21:43
shaneo1its not telephony21:43
ali1234shaneo1: no idea on that, sorry21:43
shaneo1ok thanks ali1234 i'll mute for a bit21:43
CdmaJediwell if the package name isnt telephony, then spt-get purge wouldnt find it21:45
sergiusensshaneo1: so you want to reinstall the telephony-app21:46
shaneo1yes sergiusens21:46
CdmaJedianyone know how to put a metropcs huawei m636 into usb diagnostic mode? /offtopic21:47
CdmaJedii need the damn MIN off of this phone21:49
=== rukin5197|afk is now known as rukin5197
sergiusensshaneo1: package name is the same21:53
legomaster181didn't realize my cursor was in here :P21:53
CdmaJediit is21:53
CdmaJediso is mine, though, so it's ok21:53
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
the-gibsonhmm does any one have a full copy of the git repo? Im setting up a mirror, but the initial DL is PAIN ful22:01
iskurihello ubuntu phone people22:01
iskurii have a weird issue22:02
CdmaJedisee a doctor. do not consult the internet22:02
CdmaJediand yes, it IS probably infected22:03
legomaster181what's going on iskuri22:03
CdmaJedibut what's up?22:03
iskuriyep, definitely in a linux discussion irc22:03
iskuriok so i am doing repo init on the repositories for cyanogenmod, as i am doing a port from source, and it keeps telling me public key not found22:04
mattviatorcant add ppa to the device?22:05
shaneo1am i doing this right 'phablet-flash' to reflash my device, if I bork ubuntu phone22:05
sergiusensshaneo1: yeah, that should work22:06
shaneo1says its pushing to the /sdcard/ so should it just reboot phone when its done.22:06
iskurihmm, no ideas guys?22:07
CdmaJedidid you add the key when you added the repo?22:08
iskuriit did it automatically using their command, then i tried the same command as root and my problems went on from there22:09
CdmaJediwell the command needs to be run as root22:10
sergiusensshaneo1: yes, reboots and deployins when done22:11
shaneo1ok thanks, its taking a while pushing 3rd file now22:11
iskurii'm talking about the repo init command22:13
Wieselwhere do i find that "voice recognition"?22:13
=== rukin5197 is now known as rukin5197|afk
shaneo1Wiesel: check out my video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6jHCcvTrU022:16
CdmaJediohhh. iskuri, servers are weeded. just keep trying22:17
shaneo1go 19 minutes22:17
iskurioh right, makes sense jedi22:17
iskurithanks babe22:17
CdmaJediand if you have a cluster and mass amounts of bandwidth, please mirror =D22:18
mattviatorwhts the command to force the device to rebbot over ssh?22:18
CdmaJedisame as it is in term22:19
iskurii'd host a mirror but my server consumes mucho power22:19
CdmaJedior shutdown -h now22:19
CdmaJedioh. you said reboot22:19
mrgoodcatwhat is your server?22:19
CdmaJedijust type22:20
xorrr_shaneo1: you need to change the privacy settings on your youtube vid22:20
brian__hey guys, scared by the "Nexus4 may get into a state where it may not boot at all after the battery is drained" line on the release notes22:20
brian__How rare is it / what triggers it?22:20
brian__(should I be worried?)22:20
CdmaJedidude its fixed by a battery pull22:20
shaneo1just did that xorrr22:20
CdmaJedinothing to worry about22:20
CdmaJedinot hard brick22:20
brian__CdmaJedi, I don't have Torx screws handy22:20
CdmaJedinot even a soft brick22:20
iskuria fuckoff old dell poweredge22:20
CdmaJedihell, not a brick at all22:20
brian__Sure, it's not a brick22:20
mrgoodcatwhat about devices without removable batteries? like my motorola xoom22:21
Wieselshaneo1, it's private22:21
brian__But how likely is it to happen?22:21
CdmaJedihtc sensations do the same thing22:21
Wieselnow it's working22:21
CdmaJediwell, how likely are you to drain your battery to 022:21
brian__Reasonably, I guess22:21
shaneo1I just changed the video settings from private22:21
iskuriwell, this has been fun22:21
CdmaJedimutliply that probablitity by n, n being the probability that you wont have time for a battery pull22:21
brian__Is it a cert to happen 100% of the time the battery drains?22:22
CdmaJedihonoestly, I don't know the answer to your question22:23
CdmaJedii didnt submit the bug22:23
CdmaJediand there isnt much more documentation on it22:23
CdmaJedibut i wouldnt worry about it22:23
shaneo1phablet-flash is not working for me, just hangs at pushing quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip22:23
brian__Heh, I'm an idiot22:24
brian__Should've checked Launchpad22:24
CdmaJedicheck your usb cable22:24
brian__Just trying to work out if I should order a Torx kit or not22:24
CdmaJediyes, but not for the phone22:24
OnizHi guys22:24
CdmaJedibut just because22:24
TToivanenIm about to flash a build. Afterwards I can restore a nandroid normally right?22:26
Onizi think yes22:26
Onizbut why don't u try first in dual boot?22:26
CdmaJedidual boot?22:27
Onizif ur phone have a kernel that supports dual boot u can install the ROM on SD card22:27
TToivanenNo S-OFF for us yet. (if you know htc phones)22:27
Onizur have to find it on xda22:27
TToivanenNah, impossible for my device. Gonna flash now, wish me luck22:28
CdmaJedioh... the sdcard image22:28
CdmaJedii was thinking grub22:28
OnizTToivanen: what's ur device?22:29
TToivanenOniz HTC One X endeavoru22:29
Onizi know only Samsung devices...22:30
Onizbut u can try22:30
OnizAnyone can help me with an N7000?22:31
korrydcan someone please explain how to get to a settings dialog of some sort?22:31
brian__Here's a dirty question: Does phablet-flash run on OSX? :)22:35
Onizsorry i must had to reboot22:35
Onizbrian__ the question is22:36
Onizur mac recognize ur device?22:36
Onizi think that u can flash it22:36
Onizmy mac doesn't recognize my N700022:37
CdmaJediyou need the n700 MTF to UUID adapter for the mac22:38
CdmaJedilol i just made tht up22:38
Onizsome time ago i found how to make connection via USB22:39
benkaiserOniz: are you porting to the n7000?22:39
Onizi'm tring to22:39
CdmaJedihave you tried turning on and off again?22:39
CdmaJedido you know how a button works?22:40
Onizi got problem with JB22:40
CdmaJediwhat decade are you calling from, sir?22:40
brian__CdmaJedi: Do you have to be such an ass?22:41
CdmaJedilol its from a tv show22:41
CdmaJedijust linked the scene22:41
brian__Sorry, totally missed the reference22:41
shaneo1doh!!! I forgot to type 'sudo phablet-flash' now its not hanging. :-/22:42
brian__"Are you from the past?!" is a fantastic line22:42
CdmaJedii dont know why everyone isnt just doing "sudo su" first22:42
CdmaJediwell, i know why22:43
CdmaJedibut it'd be easier22:43
shaneo1why does the 'Ubuntu Core Intaller' gui popup on ubuntu22:43
shaneo1I know why yes, but would be nice to see it in the wiki as well.22:43
Oniz"Are you from the past?!" Fantastic!22:44
CdmaJediyeah if none of you have seen the IT Crowd, then watch it22:45
Onizi'll do!22:45
brian__CdmaJedi: What's your favourite episode?22:45
shaneo1Yes I have seen the IT crowdm and the Big Band is better I think22:45
OnizGuys i dunno why but "phablet-dev-bootstrap" ever echo this error and stop fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:46
brian__Oniz: Run it again22:46
Onizi turn off and on the pc too!22:46
mattviatoris the web app installation framework broken/non existant?22:47
shaneo1yeah reflash has fixed my telephony-app issue.22:47
shaneo1grrr now I have to re-add my contacts lol22:48
shaneo1cant wait for apt-get install --reinstall 'mybrokenapp'22:48
mattviatoron some webpages i get to add this as a web app tap on arrow add to home screen but theres no arrow lol22:49
TToivanenMy build failed to boot. Is there any way of debugging while the device is booting?22:49
shaneo1I will give anyone £1 if they can find the ',' comma on the keyboard, the comma is a blooming '/' forward slash22:50
brian__This is presumably closed-source? I'd love to improve the keyboard22:51
=== rukin5197|afk is now known as rukin5197
mattviatorno i have a comma22:53
mattviatorits to the left of the spacebar22:53
shaneo1press it what you get22:53
mattviatorahh lol22:54
mattviatorits mapped wrong22:54
shaneo1no shit22:54
mattviatorcopy and paste a comma from somewhere :P22:54
mattviatorthats one thing that needs to be fixed the copy and past function22:55
mattviatornot working well22:55
shaneo1hmm so tell me how to copy paste when using the sms function... there is none22:55
Wieselshaneo1, i don't have a commandlist on that screen to crop an image or something, did you set up something somewhere?22:57
shaneo1the functions are in the gallery22:57
shaneo1if they are there in the app then you should be able to call them22:58
shaneo1no its just the stock image I flashed to the phone22:58
Wieselah, tried it again, now they are there23:01
mattviatori havent even tseen the sms app23:01
shaneo1sms app has a lot of work to be done to it, need to open up the typing window too small23:02
mattviatorya and the only thing i can copy and paste to/from is the browser23:03
mattviatori was able to copy a comma from a webpage but cant paste into anything native23:04
Wieselbtw. what browser is it? the user agent is from iphone 5 :)23:04
OnizGuys, i'm seen this episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=_lWD4OG5sZM23:07
Onizi'm Italian and having so laugh!23:07
CdmaJedilol i did that with a french girl i dated. when we texted, i would google translate everything23:08
CdmaJedieventually she found out that i didnt speak french23:08
Oniznice try23:09
dantalizinganyone else getting errors syncing?23:09
CdmaJediservers are slammed23:09
CdmaJedino mirrors23:09
Onizno party23:10
dantalizingkk ... i figured as much23:10
Onizi don't think that canonical expect so many people starts porting UbuntuOS23:10
dantalizingwould be cool if there was some scalable cloud solution for something like this23:11
dantalizingwait wut?23:11
oneadventany cdma ports yet?23:11
dantalizingoneadvent: thats what i was hoping to work on23:12
oneadventdantalizing: i bought the nexus galaxy just for this :(23:12
dantalizingoneadvent: a cdma one?23:12
doomlordi have one too but from what i'veread i resist installing this23:12
oneadventyea dantalizing i bought it like a month ago23:12
dank101there are CDMA ports23:12
doomlordi was after desktop convergance, so i really need an n7 + ubuntu-arm-desktop23:13
dank101toro or toroplus?23:13
oneadventdank101: toro23:13
mattviatortheyre getting ports wether they like them or not23:13
Cskater55there is a bootable .zip for galaxy nexus toroplus on xda23:13
lnorbiatohello guys, someone can tell me if the phone runs on ubuntu motorola droid 3?23:13
Cskater55but i dont think its an actual port23:13
oneadventCskater55: none for just toro?23:13
dantalizingtoro ports with actual workign radios?23:13
dank101oneadvent, flash this in TWRP/CWMR: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3829487023:13
Cskater55there is one for toro as well23:13
dank101Toro version: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3829487023:14
oneadventi saw one to make it boot but no calls23:14
xlenteeso has there been any progress in regards to the UI? I heard its laggy23:14
oneadventi played with it for a min, was def only for devs :P23:14
Cskater55it goes in and out from what I saw you just cant be doing too much at once23:14
lnorbiatohello guys, someone can tell me if the ubuntu-phone runs on motorola droid 3?23:15
CdmaJediinor- it's in the motd23:15
CdmaJediif there is cm10.1 support for your phone, it will be portable. check cm's site for official/unofficial 10.1 morts23:16
Cskater55this may be a dumb question but i'm working on an actual port for the toroplus but i'm having issues with the git repository it says fatal:could not read from remote repository anyone know how i could fix that?23:16
CdmaJedithe repo is getting slammed23:16
CdmaJedino mirrors23:16
CdmaJedii need to bind that to a key23:16
Cskater55i figured as much23:17
dantalizingagain ...23:17
Cskater55i got to like 75% downloaded then it cut out23:17
dantalizingwould be cool if there was some scalable cloud solution for something like this23:17
Cskater55i agree23:17
dantalizingthat was sarcasm23:17
Onizi was on 107/13623:18
Onizand kicked me off23:18
Onizdled all dependecies but can't sync repo :-(23:19
mattviatorproblem is people are thinking this is beta23:19
mattviatorwhen its pre-alpha23:19
ali1234mattviator: whut23:19
Onizi like to develop somethig23:20
ali1234it's a developer preview23:20
ali1234developers like to look at source code23:20
ali1234that's the problem23:20
ali1234well, the problem is source code is 16GB23:20
mattviatoralot of "regular" users are downloading23:20
CdmaJedihell, someone make a torrent23:21
Onizali1234: have u ever downloaded a CM repo?23:21
Onizlike 15G of files23:21
ali1234i would upload it to someone's mirror but i only have 20kb up23:22
onlychevysUMM, nevermind I'm not the only one that can't sync anything lol23:22
CdmaJedii wish there was an irc grep command23:22
CdmaJedii have 500, but it would still take forever23:23
Onizi have 1Mbit23:23
Onizcan help u23:23
CdmaJedino i mean i have 2mbit23:23
Onizmaybe at work23:23
Oniz24Mbit Up/Dk23:24
CdmaJediactually, that math doesnt add up23:24
Onizbut i'll go work on monday23:24
CdmaJedii want to move to KC for google fiber23:24
Onizhere in Italy only companies can get fiber... costs too much23:25
onlychevysI got first initial sync that tool 22 hrs. now I just want to pull my device files but keep getting: fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer23:25
dorganhello all23:26
CdmaJedigoogle deployed gigabit fiber in one city as a test23:26
CdmaJedibut it's frigging kansas city23:26
mattviator2 cities23:26
CdmaJedii have 50 down/20 up, bout would rather 1000/100023:26
dorgani have 60 down and 5 up23:27
CdmaJediare you counting KC as 2 cities?23:27
mattviatorkansas city kansas and kansas city missouri23:27
dantalizingmorning dorgan23:27
CdmaJedior is there really another city?23:27
Wiesel50/2.5 and 100/100 on my server23:27
CdmaJedicalled it23:27
dorganhey dantalizing, how goes it23:28
dorgandantalizing: morning??23:28
Onizguys where are u from'23:28
dantalizingas in fl-orida23:29
CdmaJediorlando, fl23:29
mattviatordont you get a "free" 5 mbit connection23:29
mattviator$300 install23:29
mattviatorfree forever after that?23:29
CdmaJedii think it's a data cap of 5gb/mo23:29
CdmaJedifull speeds though23:29
dank101CdmaJedi, yo23:30
dank101anyone with a AT&T galaxy SIII23:30
CdmaJedisup dank23:30
CdmaJedii might have one available23:30
CdmaJediwell, my coworker has one23:30
dank101Oh, don'y23:31
dank101it's for testing23:31
CdmaJediis wary of me flashing a developer preview to it23:31
dank101i possibly has a workin alpha for d2att23:31
Onizwhen ppl can finish to dl repos23:34
Onizi think that ppl can port on other devices23:35
* xIndirect gets to work on porting23:35
dorgani'm backup up my nexus7 right now using adb then I am going to install the alpha23:36
ali1234looks like the repo manifest is set up to use 4 parallel sync jobs. that probably isnt helping23:36
Onizonly 4?23:37
Onizi don't think so23:37
ali1234<default revision="refs/heads/phablet-10.1"           remote="phablet"           sync-c="true"           sync-j="4" />23:38
Onizreally nice23:39
mastermi1dIm installing tuch preview in my nexus 7 right now23:39
mastermi1dAny warnings or advice?23:39
dorganI just doing a backup and i will be doing the same23:39
ali1234http://code.google.com/p/gittorrent/ hmm...23:40
Onizali1234: nice idea23:41
ali1234unfortunately, not usable yet it seems23:42
Onizye, damm23:42
CdmaJeditorrent the thing, host it locally, and change the git address to in your /etc/hosts file?23:43
catrielmuller_Hello guys.23:43
CdmaJediyou wouldnt need to download it again after you... nevermind23:43
ali1234yeah i would make a torrent... but i only have 20kb upload...23:43
catrielmuller_i have this error http://pastebin.com/MLNLWhaR23:43
ali1234catrielmuller_: everyone has that error23:44
ali1234the server is on fire23:44
Onizand probably thinks a DDOS attack!23:44
dorganali1234: why is it not usable yet?23:44
mastermi1dWhat is not usable?23:44
Tigrouzenneed i7 core to use it23:45
dorganali1234: or should i say how is it not usable?23:45
ali1234dorgan: read what i linked23:45
CdmaJedianyone flash cdma phones?23:46
dorganoh i thought you meant the tablet preview wasnt usable23:46
ali1234well that's a different story23:46
Onizguys I go playing a little, i stay online. C u later23:47
mastermi1dI thought so also23:47
pigeonorany verizon galaxy nexus update?23:50
catrielmuller_Is not there a torrent available?23:50
pigeonoris it usable yet?23:51
ali1234how do i actually make torrent?23:51
pigeonorlike make calls?23:51
ali1234pigeonor: on some phones yes23:51
CdmaJediyou can make one through most torrent clients23:51
ali1234CdmaJedi: i don't know how to use torrent client23:51
pigeonorali1234: some? just not the verizon galaxy nexus?23:51
ali1234pigeonor: no idea on specifics23:52
CdmaJediyou've never used a torrent client?23:52
ali1234CdmaJedi: i click on torrent, i get file... this is all i know :)23:52
catrielmuller_someone can upload a zip of your mirror?23:52
CdmaJediwhat programs loads when you clock on a torrent23:52
CdmaJediyoure in ubuntu?23:52
pigeonorali1234: click on the plus sign23:53
CdmaJedi was going to suggest utorrent23:53
pigeonorit will make one23:53
bmwracer0catrielmuller_: also having trouble cloning?23:53
CdmaJedik, handing this off to pigeonor23:53
pigeonorali1234: you click the + sign, click the file23:54
pigeonorthen boom, done23:54
catrielmuller_bmwracer0: yes...23:54
ali1234pigeonor: i don't see any + but file -> new appears to work23:54
ali1234pigeonor: but, after i make torrent, then what?23:54
pigeonorthen you can share that torrent file23:54
pigeonoror upload it to a torrent site23:54
pigeonori use mac transmission23:55
ali1234don't i need a tracker or something?23:55
pigeonorno, not reALLY23:55
ali1234ok let me first clean up my repo23:55
pigeonorif you send me the torrent file, i should be able to dl it23:55
catrielmuller_i wanna that torrent file...23:56
mainerrorIs it just me or is the Qt5 API reference a bit confusing?23:56
pigeonori really want wait to get a working version on my verizon galaxy nexus23:56
mattviatorno its confusing23:57
ali1234i've got idea...23:57
ali1234i can clone cyanogen onto my server23:58
ali1234then pull from my workstation using cyanogen as reference23:58
ali1234then i avoid 20kb23:59
ali1234then i'll have it mirrored on fast server :)23:59
ali1234then i can make torrent23:59
mrgoodcatare you going to post torrent here?23:59
catrielmuller_Really Cool23:59
ali1234sure, if i can pull this off23:59
pigeonorwhat is the torrent for?23:59

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