[00:57] phillw, around? === salem_ is now known as _salem === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === yofel_ is now known as yofel [04:45] Good morning [14:04] morning! [14:32] hey smartboyhw [14:32] are you working on 1115655 ? [14:32] Hey SergioMeneses [14:32] SergioMeneses, which one? [14:32] Bug 1115655 [14:32] bug 1115655 in Ubuntu Manual Tests trunk "Test Needed: Transmission" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1115655 [14:32] SergioMeneses, yep. Shouldn't take more than 2 days [14:33] smartboyhw, perfect! [14:33] SergioMeneses, what's in plan for application testing in cadence week 7? [14:34] smartboyhw, do you see this code ready to merge? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1131961 [14:34] Launchpad bug 1131961 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Gedit test is unity centric" [Medium,Fix committed] [14:34] SergioMeneses, let me see (and let me run chilicuil's script) [14:34] smartboyhw, I think the plan is http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/258/builds [14:35] SergioMeneses, OK [14:36] smartboyhw, and balloons sent and email about cadence week 7 yesterday [14:36] SergioMeneses, I think that is a good one. [14:36] SergioMeneses, it's ready to merge [14:36] * smartboyhw goes posts about QA to Planet Ubuntu [14:37] smartboyhw, perfect I was needing another opinion [14:40] smartboyhw, done! thanks for your advice [14:40] SergioMeneses, make sure to put it in the QA Tracker too [14:40] smartboyhw, ok [14:41] smartboyhw, check it https://code.launchpad.net/~komputes/ubuntu-manual-tests/komputes-manual-tests/+merge/150170 [14:41] SergioMeneses, then mark the bug as "Fix Released" [14:41] Um SergioMeneses why is "Merged at revision" not available? [14:41] LOL [14:42] smartboyhw, the bug is mark as fixed [14:43] smartboyhw, is done! [14:43] SergioMeneses, ok [14:44] SergioMeneses, more weirdly: I accidentally found that balloons has merged it 15 hours ago! [14:44] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-testcase/ubuntu-manual-tests/trunk [14:45] you're right xD [15:05] SergioMeneses, http://smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw/?p=15 [15:06] Man, even I want a personal domain now. [15:06] smartboyhw, :O nice [15:06] vibhav, LOL [15:25] smartboyhw, I'm going to write something but in Spanish :) [15:26] SergioMeneses, LOL [15:26] That's fine [15:26] We are to deliver these messages to people getting in Ubuntu Global Jam [15:26] o0 [15:38] Strange balloons op'ed without de-op'ed [18:03] phillw, around? [18:03] SergioMenesesyes [18:04] just sorting out a google-email issue, but I am about :) [18:04] dont worry :) [19:24] are there any bugs people want me to confirm? [19:45] phillw, PING [19:48] Noskcaj: I'm about, just doing a couple of things. please feel free to ask :) [19:49] phillw, ok. the problem is, someone has ruined the lubuntu 13.04 installer http://imgur.com/wVG3AmE [19:51] Noskcaj: in what way? [19:52] note the window manager [19:52] i forget what it's called but it's an old one. and the maximise button does nothing [19:53] Noskcaj: I'll have a try, but I have bug 1131427 for KVM [19:53] bug 1131427 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity fail" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1131427 [19:54] ok, so many bugs [19:55] I'm not sure what VBox I have at the moment, I think I had been waiting for the update to test-drive so it can access VBox 4.2 [19:56] i have 12.10 with Vbox4.2, with the original patch from unit193 [19:58] I have not re-made test-drive on my system. [20:02] Noskcaj: do you see the same issue with xubuntu desktop install? [20:03] phillw, no. both had the black background, but only lubuntu had the changed window theme [20:04] Noskcaj: bug report it to lubuntu in that case. [20:05] ok, i will get the VM up soon and report it [20:14] phillw, it only happens if you go straight to the installer, not to the desktop first. [20:27] Noskcaj: does the same happen with xubuntu? sorry, I've been catching up on stuff after 36 - 48 hours away. [20:28] let me get my desktop iso's zsynced up [20:28] phillw, i don't think so, i will check now as i accidentaly cnfirmed that the minimise button works [20:31] zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/20130223/raring-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync [20:31] oops, sorry, wrong window! [20:34] Noskcaj: about 40 mins for the lubuntu desktop one. I'll then zsync the xubuntu iso. So, approx 1.5 - 2 hours to have both updated. [20:35] i doesn't affect xubuntu [20:37] Noskcaj: but you only see the error in Vbox and not with KVM? [20:37] phillw, checking now [20:38] I'm really going to have another desktop tester for you to exchange notes with! [20:39] *to find* [20:40] phillw, it still happens in kvm, but with brown colouring [20:43] Noskcaj: as we are seeing slightly different errors. I'll burn a CD with the lubuntu image, and then see if the desktop installer can see a LVM [20:47] Noskcaj: my version of test drive is TestDrive PyGTK 3.16 Is the newer one in the queue to be SRU'd? [20:48] I also do not see the other official flavors of ubuntu listed. Only Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu.... [20:54] phillw, 1. idk 2. that's the default. edit>preferences>distros will get you what you want [20:56] Noskcaj: yeah, found them [20:56] well, the names. but not where test drive keeps the isos. [20:58] iso's are in /.cache/testdrive/iso [20:58] but you can change that whenever you want [21:09] Noskcaj: I've set ISO Cache to /home/phillw/Desktop/isos [21:10] that should make it pick up on them, maybe you need to restart testdrive [21:12] http://pastebin.com/MYLcjWC4 [21:13] I'm assuming it does not use 'standard' naming? [21:16] oh, i remember. make sure testdrive is specificly set to "raring" then update the iso cache lsit [21:17] I did tell it raring.... but it being able to find stuff would be handy :) http://pastebin.com/mdeC4L1m [21:19] i assume you have already pressed the button to updae the iso list cache [21:20] where is that? [21:20] right above where you tell testdrive you want to use raring [21:21] Noskcaj: there is NO chance of it deleting any isos? [21:21] NONE [21:21] unless you press "clear" [21:25] Okies, I clicked Update, it is still set to /home/phillw/.cache/testdrive/cdimage [21:25] is that correct? [21:27] yep, now tick an iso, click sync and it should run zsyync/rsync [21:31] Noskcaj: yes, it says 1%... that iso has just been fully zsynced up. Where the heck is it trying to download it to? [21:32] It has obviously ignored where the fully updated iso is :( [21:32] phillw, yeah [21:33] I'm going to kill the process, else it will ~ 2 - 3 hours for me to drag in a completely new ISO [21:33] so it remains, i'm the only one here, capable of using testdrive [21:35] Noskcaj: well, the only one who tell be how to mis configure it so that it tries to download a full new iso when there is a fully updated one sat there. [21:35] phillw, a new bug? [21:36] Noskcaj: I've never used test drive to sync up an iso. all I know is that I told it where the iso's are, they were updated and I wanted to start from 0. [21:36] I'll stick with manually C+P'ing the command from the iso-tracker :) [21:37] ok [21:37] I do find test drive to be quite good and would be happy to work with the team further.