
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
shai_haludhelloooo -R... if there is a quick and simple way to make programs in ubuntu work, someone lay it on meeverything i attempt gets an error of some kind, mostly due to something called JACK04:07
shai_haluder, ubuntu-studio, of course04:07
holsteinshai_halud: yes.. what are you trying to do?04:09
shai_haludanything will do...hehe. i can get nothing to work besides lmms and audacity04:09
holsteinshai_halud: sure, but what are you trying to do?04:09
shai_haludmake music04:09
holsteinyou might not need it.. or want it04:09
shai_haludsynth music04:10
holsteinJACK is not trivial, and not necessary to "make music"04:10
shai_halud ok04:10
shai_haludworking on an lmms tute atm04:10
holsteinyou can do a lot with lmms and audacity04:10
holsteini would /join opensourcemusicans04:10
holsteinyou can search around about using JACK04:10
shai_haludi am getting the feeling i didn't need an entire distro, but it was too enticing04:10
holsteinJACK is something you start, and it "takes over"04:11
holsteinyou open the jack control panel and try hitting start, and share error messages04:11
holsteintry that, and let me know if you have any errors04:11
shai_haludone sec04:12
shai_haludlooks like a bunch of things are not as they should be04:14
shai_halud i think i would like to start things as services04:14
holsteinshai_halud: no.. you dont run JACK like that04:15
shai_haludanything that needs to be running all the time for the various programs i might want to try04:15
holsteinshai_halud: close everything and open a terminal04:15
holsteinrun.. gksudo qjackctl04:15
holsteintry starting JACK as root termporarily with that command to troubleshoot04:15
shai_haludok. it opened... hit start?04:16
holsteinand share errors as you did04:16
shai_haludappears fine04:17
shai_haludshut it down and try again with user privs?04:17
holsteinshai_halud: is this an ubuntustudio install?04:17
shai_haludyes hdd install04:18
holsteinor did you add the packages?04:18
shai_haludwouldn't run in vbox04:18
holsteinshai_halud: will you try adding yourself to the audio group please04:18
shai_haludonly one i added was lmms04:18
holsteinsudo adduser you audio04:18
shai_haludok one jiffy04:18
holsteinit should already be that way...04:19
holsteinyeah, lets try again as normal user.. you dont want to run it as root..04:19
shai_haludsame errors04:20
shai_haludand that is what i kept running into with each program i tried to start, and each time i attempted to start jack04:20
shai_haludall errors about jack04:21
shai_haludwell, and a few others, as you saw04:21
holsteinsome of them wont start without JACK04:21
shai_haludright. i noticed04:21
shai_haludcan't get a sound out of virtual keyboard even04:21
holsteinshai_halud: you can do "ps aux | grep jack" and check, but it shouldnt be running04:22
shai_haludi noticed the midi hookup thing, and experimented with it, to no avail04:22
holsteinshai_halud: virtual keyboard makes no sounds04:22
holsteinits just a keyboard. you connect it to a sound module04:22
shai_haludthat's what i meant. i tried to04:22
holsteinyeah, but you dont have jack running to route anything04:23
holsteincheck and see if jack is running somewhere04:23
shai_haludhm. it does appear to be04:23
shai_haludi don't understand output. one sec04:23
holsteinshai_halud: well, just kill it all04:24
holsteinor, restart if you dont feel comforatble, and come here *before* trying apps04:24
shai_haludi feel comfortable ... killall jack   ?04:25
shai_haludkillall -9 jack?04:25
shai_haludi forget how to run that04:25
holsteinsudo killall or that ^^ whatever04:25
holsteinkill -9 pid04:25
shai_haludin system monitor i am only showing jackdbus and jmcore04:28
shai_haludkill jackdbus?04:29
holsteinshai_halud: i would04:29
shai_haludok, that's dead. do you know if jmcore is related?04:30
holsteinshai_halud: i dont think so.. lets try jack as normal user04:30
shai_haludsame error04:30
shai_haludgot some warnings, but they're just for language support04:31
shai_haludarning: no translation found for 'en_US' locale: /usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_en_US.qm04:31
shai_haludWarning: no translation found for 'en_US' locale: /usr/share/locale/qjackctl_en_US.qm04:31
shai_haludthat shouldn't be of any significant consequence, should it?04:32
holsteinnah.. its something else04:32
holsteinshai_halud: its not trivial04:32
holsteini sould /join #opensourcemusicians and just start fiddling04:32
holsteinshai_halud: you can try looking in "setup", untick "realtime".. but that shouldnt matter04:34
holsteinthe fact that it starts as root makes me think its permissions04:34
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
TheGreyI have a M-audio 2496. In pavucontrol with ICE 1712 selected, I see the input volume jump up and down. But I here no audio..What can I do?13:18
TheGreyo/ I have a M-audio 2496. In pavucontrol with ICE 1712 selected, I see the input volume jump up and down. But I here no audio..What can I do?13:26
TheGrey 13:26
smartboyhwsam123, hi15:14
sam123How do I stop the "crash report detected" icon and reminder from appearing until I get another crash report?15:14
sam123Just delete the crash report?15:15
smartboyhwsam123, um... This is rather a more Xfce-generic question. Go to #xubuntu15:17
whooI just install updates automatically, without paying and mind. It seems a few updates ago , I assume that would be the reason that now I have l;ost the ability to change desktop wallpapers and the default is like a cobalt blue18:35
len-1304whoo, That doesn't make sense.18:36
whooIt's weird18:36
len-1304Which version?18:36
whoo12.10 or .0418:36
len-1304My 12.04 still has its BG. But I haven't tried to change it.18:37
len-1304In the settings app can you see the back grounds available?18:38
len-1304it would be in the settings manager->Desktop part, first tab.18:39
whooWhen I right click  for Change desktop background it brings up System Settings full screen18:39
whooYes desktop manager shows the wallpapers18:40
whoowhen I access though the main menu18:40
len-1304under "Image" there are three check boxes. You want the top one "single"18:41
whooclicking on any of the images does nadda18:41
len-1304It sounds like some app is not auto starting.18:42
whooCan I access Startup Options ?18:43
len-1304settings manger -> Session and strtup18:44
len-1304I am sorry, I don't know which app takes care of the desk background18:45
whooNothing that I can see stands out18:45
len-1304Well, you could reset things by removing .config/xfce4 and maybe .cache/sessions18:49
len-1304You may have to be at the logout screen and use atl-ctl-f1 to do that though.18:50
whooI am not familiar wit removing tings18:50
whooTheres a new ubuntu, doe s18:51
len-1304from a terminal use:18:51
len-1304rm -r .config/xfce418:51
len-1304rm -r .cache/sessions18:51
len-1304The first one should work while logged into the session, but the second one might get rewriten on logout :(18:53
whoodo I have to logout first ?18:53
whooso...pull up term and issue fist command only ?18:54
len-1304You would have to logout and in to see any change though18:54
whooor should I do both commands then logout ?18:55
len-1304You can try either way .18:56
len-1304I just thought of something. In settings manager -> Session and STartup->General make sure the Automatically save session on logout is unchecked.18:58
len-1304I just thought of something. In settings manager -> Session and STartup->General make sure the Automatically save session on logout is unchecked.18:58
whooThat was the case...unchecked18:59
len-1304Do you have a bg?18:59
whoothe same one that I had18:59
whoono..the one that went away...is now back19:00
whoo\It worked19:00
whooIwonder what caused it, prolly an update of some kind huh?19:00
len-1304It seems to me I had that happen once. way back. I have been using 12.04 for almost a year now daily.19:01
whoonice...making music ?19:01
len-1304SO hopefully you will not see it again.19:01
len-1304A little. I don't seem to have the time right now.19:02
whooI am gonna make a note with the commands you shared19:02
whooYou use studio anyway though ?19:02
len-1304I do testing so I use it so I find anything bad through daily use. On this machine I have 13.04 for testing right now.19:03
whooI do like Xfce with nautilus myself19:03
len-1304I run the audio apps to see what works, but I am not right now doing any serious recording.19:03
whooSo you are an ubuntu employeee?19:04
len-1304nautilus in 12.04 and 12.10 is nice. Yuck in 13.0419:04
whooreally...why ?19:04
len-1304No just a volunteer. UStudio is all volunteer work.19:05
len-1304nautilus for 13.04 is the new "files" version. It sort of looks like chrome.19:05
whooMy only prob with nautilus is the need to add an 'open as admin' script19:05
whoooh...I never took to chrome19:06
len-1304it is missing some things like a good search19:06
len-1304one of the tree view modes is gone too19:06
whooextra pane ?19:06
len-1304We have actually switched to thunar/catfish for 13.04 to get some functionality.19:07
len-1304Anyway the user can still install nautilus if they want it.19:07
whoocatfish being the text editor ?19:07
len-1304catfish is a search utility19:08
len-1304gedit is the editor.19:08
whooI guess i shouldlearn to use a search utility19:08
len-1304It is not needed for a lot of uses.19:09
len-1304but it sure is nice for tracking down system files.19:09
whooI have yet to plug in a microphone... so  i am a little slow having used a Tascam cassette recorder a few years back19:09
len-1304I had a Yamaha 4 track cassette back when19:10
len-1304Then an R8 open reel19:10
whooGot any tips on where to start ?19:10
len-1304digital is much easier.19:11
len-1304Depends on wht you want to do.19:11
whooGuitar bass drums 2 or  3 voives...simple stuff19:11
whooextra guitar19:12
len-1304if you do keyboard at all, qtracktor might work well for you, I do all audio stuff so I use ardour19:12
whooI have no keyboard skills19:12
len-1304I seem to use mostly one audio in at a time.19:12
len-1304I don't either :)19:12
whoothen record it and list to it for the next instrument ?19:13
whoowith a metronome or something ticking away there ?19:13
len-1304I start by recording just a vocal/voice track as scratch. the while listening to that I record another track. in the end I remove the first track.19:13
whoovoice with one instrument ?19:13
whoofirst track ?19:14
len-1304I sometimes us hydrogen to give me a beat to follow.19:14
len-1304Ya usually me singing with a guitar19:14
whooright...I had ..or have an alesiss that I used19:14
whoofor a drum sound  for timing19:15
len-1304Whatever works for you. There are lots of ways of doing things19:15
whooTrue...I just have to read up on it and do it19:15
len-1304Synth people tend to build up the beat and background first on keys and then start adding live instruments and voice.19:16
whooYep...but that's not me. I am unplugged....so to speak19:17
whooplugged but i=unplugged19:17
len-1304Anyway, I have to go. I'll talk to you later.19:18
whook thanks see you19:19
studio-user617greetings -R... doing ubuntu studio reinstall here, seems hung on "restoring proviously installed packages". been at same progress for about 10 minutes. anything i can do besides wait?20:07
studio-user617anyone here?20:12
zequencestudio-user617: I don't recognize that step during install.20:12
studio-user617it's a re-install20:13
studio-user617i was offline when i installled the first time, so i tried again with connection20:13
studio-user617selected re-install. it is still hung. about 20 minutes now20:13
sSsbackup your data and wipe it20:13
sSstehst the ISO first20:14
sSscould be a bad install media20:14
studio-user617did that already20:14
sSsthen wipe it20:14
studio-user617might as well. nothing i need to save here20:14
zequencestudio-user617: Why are you reinstalling? If you installed without connection, you should be fine just updateing20:15
studio-user617you would think so20:15
sSsevery time i've had issues with that step it was bad install media20:16
zequencestudio-user617: usb stick, or DVD?20:16
sSsISO was good, USB was bad20:16
studio-user617unetbootin / iso>usb20:16
studio-user617got no blank dvd's20:17
zequenceI prefer usb20:17
zequencesSs: I passed the A+ exam, btw20:23
sSsnaw couldnt have20:41
zequencesSs: I was sort of worried about the second part, as I don't use Windows, and there was a lot of questions about that. Also, some questions were never answered in the book, so that was kind of unfair20:57
sSsfor the most part all the tests revolve around windows20:58
zequenceWell, all the Windows related tests anyway21:00
zequenceI can see why one would include that in A+, but would be surprised to be asked about Windows tools on a Linux+ exam21:00
sSsthere are windows questions on linnux+ as well. you gotta know how to support windows as its the primary business OS.21:05
sSsit would be a good idea to download evaluation copies of windows pro n server n play around with client server stuff. like i said everything revolves around windows21:08
sSsmicrosoft provides demo copies of just about everything21:31
zequencemm, yeah. I've already got some Win OSs just for the purpose of studying them21:53
alexandrosDear Community of Ubuntu Studio22:58
alexandrosfirst of all I am glad to be here22:58
alexandrosIt is my first time ever using IRC22:58
alexandrosand the reason I am here today is that I would need your help and experience on problems I have with my fresh install Ubuntu studio 12.1022:59
GridCubeask away22:59
alexandrosHi, actually I have just installed yesterday ubuntu studio on my pc - 2 hard disks, on one disk installed studio and on the other I had Kubuntu 12.04 and Win XP (broken outdated system)23:01
alexandroshowever I have problems with the ubuntu studio23:02
alexandrosthe desktopt freezes often23:02
alexandrosI cannot even restart the computer23:02
alexandrosI have messages of "I/O error..."23:03
sSshard drive is bad or the cable the drive uses or there is a controller problem23:03
alexandrosas I am a  noob, I would highly appreciate any help23:03
GridCubethat could be a reason, yes23:03
GridCubethe hard drive might be faulty, or the power source, or the mobo might have a faulty capacitor23:04
alexandrosactually even during the installation process the installer would freeze sometimes with black sreen and messages of input/output error and then would have to start allover again23:04
GridCubemmhm sounds like faulty hardware23:05
alexandrosis there a way to really test this? for instance test the hard disk...? or how should I start investigating? :)23:06
sSstry changing cables on the hard drive, then check ther drives SMART logs to see if it can tell you what is wrong23:07
alexandrosthis is strange, because when I tried ubuntu studio from the live cd everything looked to be perfect, but after I tried to install on my second hard drive (not the one that runs Kubuntu)..problems23:07
zequencealexandros: The live DVD is just that, live. It will run even if you have no hard drive at all23:08
GridCubethen, asl sSs points, migh be a hard disk issue, if after that the hd install its being silly23:08
zequencealexandros: Sounds very much like the harddrive you are isntalling to is breaking23:08
alexandroszequence: thanks didnt know that :)23:08
GridCubealexandros, you can also run some fsck on the disks23:09
zequencealexandros: While booting to Kubuntu, use disk utility, or whatever it's called on KDE. Look for "smart". That deals with hard disk health23:09
alexandrossSs: what are the "SMART" logs, where do I find them?23:10
zequencealexandros: I mean, when on Kubuntu, not "botting into"..23:10
zequencealexandros: There are tools for running hard disk tests. I think a gui disk utility app might be the easiest23:11
GridCube!info smartmontools23:11
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 447 kB, installed size 1206 kB23:11
alexandrosOK, this I understood, I 'll try later to boot in Kubuntu and use the disk utility..23:12
alexandrosin the case that I see any kind of errors, would that practically mean that this hard drive is "for the waste bin"?23:13
alexandrosor at least it would mean to not install operating systems there, I suppose...:)23:14
zequencealexandros: Well, I would not use it for anything important anyway23:14
alexandroswell, I guess if there is no other feedback for the moment, I should start checking cables and testing the hard disk! Thanks a lot for the input, this is very helpful.23:17
alexandrosMost likely I 'll be back after those tests, See you!23:18
zequenceI started becoming nervous that my older hard drive was getting unreliable when I was working with a git repo23:18
zequenceApparently, if there's even the slightest amount of corruption in a git repo, I mean, one 0 in the wrong place, it'll error23:19
alexandroshm...should any new formatting of the disk do any good, or is it an irreversible situation?23:20
packetfrogMy dpkg/selinux/vmlinuz is trowing errors when installing unetbootin and others  tried purge  -f install    installl     http://pastebin.com/xaZie6yX   any ideas?23:21
sSsa disk diagnostic will tell you if the drive is bad (but you still want to try a known good cable on it to rule that out)23:21
alexandrossSs: thanks!23:22
sSsIDE cables are notorious for going bad just from being bent. also the outer layer if insulation easily comes off23:23
alexandrossSs: it is a SATA disk23:23
sSsalso with IDE there is "cable creep" it can unplug itself over time just from warming up and cooling down. make sure its plugged in snugly23:24
sSsold SATA can also unplug itself from cable creep23:25
alexandrosActually, I must say that I have changed a case some weeks ago, it sounds that could be possible that I messed up something in there (in the motherboard)...23:26
sSsa port could be bad. that you can test by using a diff plug23:27
alexandrosthanks sSs23:28
alexandrosI go testing :) see you after the tests ... and many thanks already!23:29
sSshopefully its something easy23:29
alexandrosI wish for it, thanks23:30

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