
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
coldpizza72iWhats the default username/password for a xubuntu live cd?01:37
jpmhi want to disable the right key click on the desktop since i do not want people changing it - how do i do this01:42
David-Ajpmh: you don't want people to change what? background image?01:44
jpmhDavid-A: I do not want them changing anything, adding folders, background etc01:45
David-Ajpmh: is this a home computer or a "kiosk"? if home computer, create a user for every person you know, then it is okay for them to change everything they can, they can't destroy anything for anyone else.01:47
jpmhDavid-A: too all intents and puposes it is a kiosk - it is a public access computer in a coffee shop01:50
David-Ait is kind of impossible to try lock down the system by configuring the user interface. you can create folders using the file manager, the terminal. they will find a way.01:52
David-Ajpmh: would the default "guest" account work for you? people can create folders and files and change themes and everything, but when they logout, everytning is reset and all their files forgotten.01:54
jpmhDavid-A: I have over 500 that are nicely locked down under ubuntu and have never seen any sign of anyone getting past my lockdowns.  The file-mangnager etc are all not avaiolable to them and with appropriate file permissions I do a lot of limiti01:55
jpmhDavid-A: the guest account is what I used to use but I really prefer that they do not need to log on at all - looking at xubuntu since the machines really do not have the horsepower for unity01:56
David-Ajpmh: in settings>Desktop>Icons you can change Icon type to None, which will stop the desktop from being mapped to the ~/Desktop folder. In Menus tab you can remove the program menu from right-click on the desktop.02:06
David-Ajpmh: I don't know how tight a lock out this would be.02:07
David-Acoldpizza72i: (xubuntu 12.04)  username=xubuntu  password=<empty>02:12
xubuntu742can someone help me??02:51
GridCube!ask | xubuntu74202:53
ubottuxubuntu742: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:53
stephenfossai put xubuntu o a windows xp laptop using the windows installer, can i have xubuntu as the only os on my system?03:41
holsteinstephenfossa: sure.. you just do a normal full install, wiping the current windows and wubi xubuntu03:44
stephenfossahow would one go about doing that?03:46
holsteinstephenfossa: just download the iso, and burn it to cd.. boot the machine with it, and install03:49
stephenfossai thought so. i dont have any cds on hand, tried with usb though, seemed to take to long03:51
holsteinstephenfossa: i usually use unetbootin.. you can follow any guides for installing ubuntu03:53
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:53
stephenfossathanks for the help. you guys are awesome for helping people for free03:53
holsteinstephenfossa: cheers! anytime03:54
KingdaroHey guys, I'm trying to get a clock centered on my top panel, but I've run into some problems. With just throwing it up there, centered with expanded separators, it's never really centered, as the notification icons on the right always nudge it slightly more left or right than it should be...04:42
Kingdaro....I came up with the solution to just make another panel dedicated to keeping the clock centered, and just have it on top of the main one, but transparent. Doesn't work well, as when I use the main panel, it just goes behind and I can barely see it.04:42
KingdaroSo how would I go about keeping it centered?04:42
Cheri703Kingdaro: you might make 3 separate panels? one left, one center, one right?04:43
KingdaroCheri703: I also thought of that, I wasn't sure if it would work. There could be spaces between the three panels, but I could just use another one and put it behind the three.04:44
KingdaroWould a "filler" panel always stay in the back if unused?04:44
Cheri703why would there need to be spaces?04:44
KingdaroNo, no, I mean there would be spaces if i used different panels.04:45
Cheri703you can always just drag your existing panel out of the way and make new panels to play with, deleting them if it doesn't work04:45
KingdaroWell alright, I'll try it out. Thanks.04:45
Cheri703I'm a fan of "try it and see what happens" :)04:46
Cheri703good luck :)04:46
onuxhello anyone ?05:09
onux i would like to asked about xubuntu ?05:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:13
bazhang!xubuntu > onux05:14
ubottuonux, please see my private message05:14
onuxi am looking fo xbuntu live cd .iso around 30MB ?05:29
holsteinonux: its not. its bigger than that05:30
onuxanyone can help, i look for ubuntu GUI, around 30MB, less features would be alright . anyone knows ?05:31
holsteinonux: there wont be one.. they are bigger05:33
onuxwhat is the minimum of ubuntu without application ?05:34
holsteinhttp://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ maybe05:34
holsteinonux: bigger than that05:34
onuxis SDL ubuntu ?05:34
onuxis DSL ubuntu ?05:34
holsteinonux: no.. there are no ubuntu versions that small05:34
onuxi get the minimal05:34
onuxbut required to install online.05:34
holsteinonux: the minimal is not live05:34
holsteinonux: stop hitting the enter key so muh please05:35
onuxis minimal can run added program ?05:35
onuxwithout installing.05:35
holsteinonux: minimal is not live05:35
onuxwhat is minimal size of debian ?05:36
holsteinonux: similare.. bigger than that05:37
holsteinhttp://puppylinux.org/main/Download%20Latest%20Release.htm#ppup is an ubuntu compatible puppy that is small-ish05:37
onuxi only want to run program that required sudo -A cat grep05:37
onuxany live cd .iso can run that ?05:38
onuxi need os that run apt-get sudo lsb_release05:38
onuxto execute..05:38
onuxis there any ?05:39
holsteinonux: with size restritions...05:39
onuxsize around 30MB, that will run those instruction ?05:39
holsteinonux: not that im aware of05:41
onuxoh, ok.. im look for it.05:41
holsteinonux: you can try to install from minimal.. youcan try the puppy linux iso.. you can try dsl05:41
onuxi can ?05:42
onuxso after boot minimal what should i do to run .iso files ?05:43
onuxon it's flash05:43
holsteinonux: ?05:44
onuxbecause the only choice is to go online, which i am not prefered to make the network settings.05:44
onuxi choose to go out there, it showed console.. ?05:45
holsteinonux: what you want doesnt exist.. there is no live CD that is 30.. there is the minimal.. you can install that to a USB stick and boot it up.. it'll be bigger than 30mbs.. you can install/remove what you need05:45
onuxwhen the minimal ubuntu run it end with GUI, to go online right ?05:46
holsteinonux: ? end with gui?05:47
holsteinonux: you get minimal... just a command prompt05:47
holsteinonux: yes05:47
holsteinonux: that is its function.. its not up for debate.. you install and you get a minimal command line system05:47
onuxwhen i boot minimal, i end on GUI, and the GUI only allows me to get a network.05:48
holsteinonux: you dont nee a gui for networking05:48
onuxi already tried the quantal05:48
onuxit is stop on GUI to do network.05:48
onuxright ?05:49
holsteinonux: i dont know what that means.. "it is stop on network"05:49
onuxit meant boot>minimal>some text loading/commandprompt loading/GUI settings network.05:50
onuxright ?05:50
onuxso it's end on GUI05:50
holsteinno. minimal is just that.. no GUI. just text05:51
holsteinonux: and it will be bigger than 30 mb's05:51
onuxi tried the latest called quantal05:51
onux"quantal quetzal"05:51
holsteinonux: ok05:52
holsteinno.. im sorry, i dont.. you tried 12.10? and what?05:53
holsteinits too big? doesnt work? what?05:53
onuxi tried 12.10 entering GUI for installation, and i stop there.05:53
onuxit's a GUI.05:53
holsteinonux: the minimal is not a gui05:54
holsteinonux: no, im sorry, i dont see05:54
onuxdid you know GUI ?05:54
onuxGraphics User Interface.05:54
onuxright ?05:54
holsteinonux: ? xubuntu is uing XFCE05:54
holsteinonux: right.. GUI.. i know what it is, and i know that xubuntu 12.01 ships with one, and you tried it05:55
onuxthe minimal is using GUI.05:55
holsteinonux: no05:55
holsteinthe minimal has no gui05:55
onuxto get connected to the internet.05:55
onuxits on 12.1005:55
holsteinonux: it doesnt ship with, or install a gui by defaut05:55
bazhangonux, stop repeating05:55
onuxill stop there.05:55
holsteinonux: quantal, 12.01.. minimal.. doenst have  GUI. doesnt ship with one05:55
holsteinonux: no GUI installs with the minimal installtion CD.. you can install one if you need/want05:56
bazhangonux, the minimal is text only. NO GUI05:56
onuxok then.05:56
onuxso i want minimal with minimal GUI.05:56
holsteinonux: there is not such thing05:56
holsteinonux: the GUI is big, and takes up space.. the 2 suggestions i gave are the smallest i know of05:57
onuxwell that's too bad.05:57
onuxi only required smallest GUI.05:57
holsteinonux: there is no ubuntu version with GUI that is live and 30mb's05:57
onuxto run SUDO05:57
holsteinonux: no, you dont need a GUI to run sudo05:58
onuxso, is minimal way to access it's own flash disk ?05:59
holsteinonux: i mean no disrespect, but can i help you find a localized channel? maybe for your native language?05:59
holsteinonux: i dont know what that means05:59
onuxboot the minimal, and then console ? is that possible ?06:00
onuxand execute sudo ?06:00
onuxis that possible ?06:00
bazhanguse sudo to do what onux06:00
onuxand open flash data ?06:01
holsteinonux: the minimal is not a live CD. you install.. boot to a text prompt and do what you need06:01
bazhangwhat flash data onux06:01
onuxsudo todo file.sh06:03
bazhangonux, what is in the file. where is it from06:03
onuxwhat is already in minimal /bin06:03
bazhangonux, how much ram does your computer have, what video card, how much hdd space06:04
bazhangonux, give us the specs06:05
onuxenough spec.06:05
bazhangtell us some exact numbers onux06:05
onuxwhy ?06:05
bazhangonux, you want help, please answer some questions06:05
onuxi dont know, it will run windows XP at least.06:06
bazhangonux, so 128mb of ram06:06
onuxmaybe ?rn06:06
bazhangyeah ubuntu wont run on that, unless you have a very minimal system with no GUI at all06:07
onuxwhat ?06:07
holsteinonux: ubuntu needs more resources than 128 ram06:07
bazhangonux, your computer specs are not good enough for a GUI06:07
onuxit did great with GUi.06:07
onuxit pass win3.11 GUI06:08
bazhangno chance06:08
onuxit pass win 95 GUI06:08
onuxit pass win98 GUI06:08
onuxwhy not ubuntu06:08
onuxso ubuntu GUI is so efficient then.06:08
bazhangthose are decades old06:08
onuxi dont getit?06:08
holsteinonux: those numbers equate to years. win95,= 199506:08
holsteinonux: the modern windows 8 wont run on your hardware, and that is more of an analog to modern ubuntu06:09
bazhanga computer that old wont run any kernel that I can think of06:09
onuxjust like what i asked before looking for smallest GUI possible.06:09
holsteinonux: there is no gui for you06:09
holsteinonux: you can try puppy, and dsl06:09
bazhangonux, not going to happen, nothing runs on that poor and slow a computer06:10
onuxright puppy and dsl have alot smaller GUI.06:10
onuxbut i am trying to get it from ubuntu.06:10
onuxif possible.06:10
holsteinonux: i linked you a puppy version that is ubuntu based06:10
onuxno thank's06:11
onuxalready got puppy.06:11
holsteinonux: its not officially supported by ubuntu, but thats as close as you will get06:11
onuxis there puppy that is ubuntu based.06:11
onuxok then06:11
onuxplease tell me ?06:11
holsteinonux: sure. let me scroll up and grab the link again...06:12
onuxok. waiting.06:12
holsteinonux: http://puppylinux.org/main/Download%20Latest%20Release.htm#ppup06:12
bazhangonux, thats not supported here, go to the puppy channel for discussion and support06:14
bazhang!alis | onux have a search06:14
ubottuonux have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:14
onuxis it the lucid one ?06:15
holsteinonux: no worries.. maybe you didnt see me post it at the beginning of our chat.. and like bazhang , and i have said, its not officially supported here, or my ubuntu06:15
holsteinonux: "it" says in its documentation06:15
holsteinonux: it is literally the only one that you an download that is "ubuntu", with a GUI, live and small-ish06:15
bazhangonux /msg alis list *puppy*    to find their support channel06:15
onuxthank's it's still over 100MB. i will still search for under that.. thanks all.06:17
holsteinonux: cool!.. there is none though. but good luck!06:17
Unit193So AntiX or SliTaz then.06:21
holsteinUnit193: slitaz is a good one.. but i think even antiX is too big06:21
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misterjinxhello, i want to use the unity-greeter for lightdm, but when i do the apt-get install unity-greeter it saya  that it has to install a bunch of other packages as well. is this normal ? should I be ok with this ? I mean, can this broke something of my current packages ?08:02
jutasHi guys. Do you know if i'm using compiz the normal window manager in system settings menu why is disabled?08:39
misterjinxhello, i want to use the unity-greeter for lightdm, but when i do the apt-get install unity-greeter it saya  that it has to install a bunch of other packages as well. is this normal ? should I be ok with this ? I mean, can this broke something of my current packages ?09:42
xubuntu191just now installing via LXF live disk, happy to get a usable interface in comparison to Unity09:45
baizonmisterjinx: you try to install unity-greeter?09:46
baizonmisterjinx: well yes it does have some gnome3 dependencies09:48
misterjinxyep, that's what I was asking if it is normal to install all the othe dependencies, cause there are a lot of it09:48
baizonbecause most of them are gnome 3 stuff :)09:49
misterjinxok, i see09:49
baizonafter taht just go "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" and change "greeter-session=" to unity-greeter09:49
baizonthats all09:49
misterjinxok, thanks for the heads up09:50
xubuntu906my xubuntu 12.10 install is 'hanging' during > next (3rd party & download updates)10:07
xubuntu906what can i try?10:07
xubuntu906i tried to boot the notebook without the wifi card10:10
xubuntu906i tried to plugin more ram10:10
xubuntu906it still hangs on that screen, when i click next10:10
xubuntu906i can abort though, the computer is not freezed10:11
Loetmichelanyone hat problems with an IBM X60s and Wireless?10:18
Loetmichelmy notebook connects fine to my wlan if i boot XP first and then Xubuntu 12.10. If i Coldboot Xubuntu i can see the Wireless lans but cannt connect. Maybe the fres install doesent install the firmware or something?10:19
LoetmichelWhere can i search for this problem?10:19
well_laid_lawnLoetmichel:  I'd check   dmesg   ina terminsl first10:21
Loetmichelfor what?10:21
well_laid_lawntry   dmesg | grep -i wlan    maybe10:21
Loetmichel*reboot /coldboot*10:23
Loetmichel*gnah* wants to install 29 updates... ;-)10:23
Loetmichel... will be a moment10:24
Loetmichelhmm, now it runs...10:34
Loetmichelsorry for the stirrup. seems the updates have fixed ist.10:34
well_laid_lawnthat's fine :)10:35
RogachHello! I have a simple question: how does one change keyboard layouts in Xubuntu 12.04?11:42
toraxsettings->settings manager->keyboard->layout11:46
Rogachtorax: Well, I found that. But if I want to change my layout with some shorcut?11:47
Rogachtorax: I always kept two layouts - english and my native.11:47
Rogachtorax: And going into that setting manager each time I want to switch layout is quite daunting.11:48
toraxok, just a minute11:48
toraxRogach: rigt click on the panel, select panel->add new items->keyboard layout11:49
toraxthen flag appears in your panel, right click it and select properties11:50
Rogachtorax: Thanks, that worked!11:52
RogachAlso, I wanted to remap the CapsLock key to work as additional Ctrl. Is that possible?11:53
toraxyes, it is. I just dont know how :D11:53
Rogachtorax: Wow. That's quite frightening :( In gnome, that was all in global keyboard preferences, and was quite obvious.11:54
toraxI've never remapped anything11:55
Rogachtorax: Since I am emacs user, I use Ctrl a lot, and it's default position is very uncomfortable.11:55
toraxRogach: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?RemapCapsLock11:56
toraxthat might help you11:56
Rogachtorax: Thanks!11:56
toraxRogach: http://serverfault.com/questions/10437/how-do-you-swap-the-caps-lock-to-control-in-xfce11:57
toraxI hope you find some solution from those links =)11:58
Rogachtorax: Yes, the last link worked for me. Thanks!11:58
RogachWhere are "Startup Applications" located physically? In what directory?12:05
TheSheepRogach: in /etc/xdg/autostart/ and ~/.config/autostart/12:12
RogachTheSheep: Thanks!12:15
zorgborghi ive installed xubuntu alongside ubuntu, but when i run /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop the command is not found, how do i access my files on the ubuntu partition?12:17
Rogachtorax: Well, that second way to remap caps failed for me - it gets reset after a while.12:34
meh_hello, I was trying to play a dvd in vlc, but I got the error message main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called13:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 944454 in vlc (Ubuntu) "main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called" [Undecided,Invalid]13:25
meh_Hmmm. I took a look at the website, would you have any suggestions on how to fix it?13:27
meh_Would it work to install a version older than TwoFlower?13:28
TheSheepdo you have the codecs for playing dvd installed?13:29
meh_Is libdvdcss a codec?13:30
TheSheepyes, at least that's what I had in mind13:30
meh_Yes, so I'm not sure why it won't work.... is it a region setting thing?13:31
TheSheepis that a commercial dvd? some companies, (notably Sony) are known to produce broken dvds so that they don't play in computer dvd drives13:32
TheSheepbut I have no idea what error you get with them13:32
TheSheepalso, are you sure that this is the actual error, and not just a warning, and the error is something else?13:33
meh_Yes it's commercial. I tried looking at V=https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs13:33
meh_But I don't get the error messages they describe....13:33
misterjinxI just installed unity-greeter but I think something is not working properly because the login screen is looks like it's using some very old icons/windows theme (kinda like the debian icons). anyone have any idea what's going on and what should I do in order to fix this ?13:50
baizonmisterjinx: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68234/is-it-possible-to-use-the-unity-greeter-for-lightdm-on-xubuntu-11-1013:51
misterjinxbaizon: if you're reffering to the gnome-settings-daemon, it is already installed13:56
misterjinxbaizon: here's how it looks like http://i.imgur.com/lSsnng3.png and when i click to select the environment http://i.imgur.com/QTdu0Xo.png. I don't think this is the expected display14:15
baizonis this xubuntu 12.10?14:16
baizonmisterjinx: you need the suggested packages too14:21
baizonthat will fix it14:21
baizonmisterjinx: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117635/how-to-install-suggested-packages-in-apt-get14:22
baizonyou need the indicator stuff which will fix your problem14:22
misterjinxok, let me try this14:23
misterjinxif i do sudo apt-get --install-suggests install unity-greeter it says that unity-greeter is already the newest version and it has nothing to install14:25
baizonmisterjinx: try --install-recommends please14:26
baizonthere are no suggested packages14:26
baizononly recommended14:26
misterjinxnope, i get the same result14:27
misterjinxperhaps if i remove it and reinstall ?14:27
baizontry it :)14:28
misterjinxnope, the result is the same :|14:31
baizonmisterjinx: try and install ubuntu-mono14:34
misterjinxbaizon: the font family ?14:37
baizonmisterjinx: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/ubuntu-mono14:38
misterjinxanyway, i installed, but nothing changed. i think there is something broken with the theme, not the fonts14:38
misterjinxhmm...hold on14:39
misterjinxnope, nothing, those packages already existed14:40
podHi! Does anyone know what the "stick"-button in the window bar do?14:42
knomepod, it sticks the window to all workspaces14:42
podThanks, knome!14:44
podAre there any universal commands to which i can bind my Fn-media buttons (for play/pause, back, forward and stop) or are the commands application specific?15:06
baizonpod: yes15:11
baizonpod: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/keyboard#application_shortcuts15:12
baizonthere you can put your shortcuts15:12
laitethat's actually really interesting question; I think many applications follow some general dbus-commands you can bind15:12
baizonpod: and the second link... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XfceMultimediaKeys15:13
baizonthis 2 links should help15:14
podThanks!, I'll check them out!15:14
laitehm, I think MPRIS2 interface is what I'm thinking here, that should be able to create (almost) generic shortcut commands15:17
laiteI think most of the players support that15:17
sam123How do I stop the "crash report detected" icon and reminder from appearing until I get another crash report?15:18
nick07_my xubuntu stops or loops during install15:19
sam123How do I stop the "crash report detected" icon and reminder from appearing until I get another crash report? I am using Ubuntu Studio.15:20
nick07_it happend with the screen where you see that the power is connected and the internet is connected and I push next15:20
knome!patience | sam12315:23
ubottusam123: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:23
knomesam123, the answer is that you want to remove apport.15:23
sam123What is apport?15:24
knomesam123, that's the application that sends the error reports.15:24
sam123Will that disable all of them?15:25
knomesam123, if you remove it, you will not get notifications, as i said15:25
knomeyes, that will disable them all15:25
sam123Can I just get this one report gone?15:25
knome...you're welcome15:26
bullgard4[Xubuntu 12.04.2] How to make uxterm's output in color?15:29
nick07_is there anyone that can translate my error in the log file?15:30
baizonnick07_: your language installation didnt go well15:31
baizonhad that problem once15:31
baizoni would recommend to reinstall it15:32
nick07_if i install 'default' english, then it does this also...15:32
nick07_what would be your solution?15:32
baizoni had to reconfigure it15:32
nick07_how to do that?15:32
baizonit was a little bit tricky15:32
nick07_can you discripe it?15:33
baizonit was long time ago, sorry i dont remember15:35
baizonbut i think google can help you15:36
baizonnick07_: try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue15:36
milo64hello, anyone?15:38
milo64help me please15:38
baizon!ask | milo6415:38
ubottumilo64: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:38
milo64baizon: good, i caught your attention15:38
milo64now, what does Xubuntu (what package) that displays the USBs as icons on the desktop?15:39
TheSheepmisterjinx: xfdesktop15:43
TheSheepmisterjinx: sorry, tab fail15:43
milo64sorry, it was a weird tmux bug15:44
milo64did i misss anything?15:44
baizonmilo64: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-mount-plugin15:48
baizonmilo64: or you can try this: http://theubuntudocumentary.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/install-usb-safe-removal-indicator-applet-ubuntu-12-04/15:49
baizonyou mean desktop icon or indicator icon?15:49
baizonmilo64: for the desktop change settings... http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/preferences15:53
baizonlook at "Icons"15:53
milo64thank you baizon, i'm going now, brb15:54
knome!hi | xubuntu38316:40
ubottuxubuntu383: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:40
relapseDoes anyone here use google voice?16:44
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lightahi guys18:00
lightahow can I fix gedit color theme in xubuntu ?, all filemame in tab are written in black in a black area18:01
RogachWhy is there a "ctrlMask" and no "shiftMask" or "al18:06
RogachWhy is there a "shiftMask" and no "ctrlMask" or "altMask"?18:07
Rogachoops, sorry, wrong channel.18:08
bullgard4lighta:  Xfce applications menu > Settings > Settings Manager > Appearance > Style > select another Style item.18:31
misterjinxi finally found the missing package for unity-greeter to work (btw it was ubuntu-artwork) and now i would like to change the background, but in /etc/lightdm/ there is no unity-greeter.conf, just a lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf but if i change something here it is not taken into consideration. what should i do ?18:44
baizonmisterjinx: there are many sollutions ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/64001/how-do-i-change-the-wallpaper-in-lightdm18:49
baizonthe 4 one did it for me18:49
misterjinxbaizon: thanks18:50
guest-8Jv0t3hi to all, could someone help me with a problem with login via lightdm in xubuntu 12.04?19:45
sSswhats the problem?19:52
guest-8Jv0t3When I log in with my user the system seems to start correctly but then it return to the login screen.I can login only with the guest account. But if I use the console login I can log in with my user name19:57
guest-8Jv0t3I had to reinstall the system this morning, I have a separate /home and I used the same username that I had before for using it19:59
guest-8Jv0t3when I log in with the console the owner of the home is correct, I can't see any problem of permissions20:00
David-Aguest-8Jv0t3: can you see any hints in the ~/.xsession-errors ?20:04
David-Aguest-8Jv0t3: maybe something wrong in a dot-file. try move away (rename) the ~/.config folder. if that helps, then move back subfolders one at a time until login fails again.20:06
guest-8Jv0t3@David-A I don't have any recent .xsssion-errors file. But I'll try to do as you suggest. Thanks20:10
gtsTry this shot: $ ls -l /home/yourusername/.Xauthority I reproduced your issue in exact way when file is (somehow) owned by root, not by yourusername (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2037174).20:17
CHIexHello, I am new to Linux, am looking for distribution. You can give any advice about that? What  would be recommended minimum for XUBUNTU?20:50
sSsanything higher than a 386 with at least 512 RAM and 10GB HDD20:51
CHIexWhat about CPU?20:51
sSsanything but ARM based20:52
sSsand higher than 48620:52
sSsIE Pentium I or better20:52
sSsand 32MG graphics memory20:53
knomeeverything is subjective though.20:53
knome512 RAM will run xubuntu, but it might not be as smooth as you'd expect20:54
sSsactually i ran Xubuntu on a 16MB Diamond and it did fine20:54
CHIexso Xubuntu is perfect choice for old computers?20:56
sSsthats what its for20:56
David-ACHIex: can you tell us about your hardware? then maybe you will get more specific advice20:56
knomei disagree. it's not perfect for all older computers regardless of age.20:57
CHIexDo programs that are compatible with Ubuntu work on Xubuntu too? Are there some exceptions?20:57
CHIex1000 mhz Barton AMD20:57
sSsxubuntu is ubuntu20:57
David-ACHIex: even better for old computer is Lubuntu (lxde desktop), but I like the xfce desktop better.20:57
CHIexIT would be used to download podcasts-similarly than server20:58
CHIexI heard LXDE is buggy because its newer20:58
CHIexis that true?20:59
David-ACHIex: I have not tried lxde thoroly, but i don't think it is buggy20:59
CHIexso all programs for Ubuntu work on Xubuntu too?21:00
CHIexsupport on IRC for Xubuntu seems better, more people are here. Why is this so?21:00
RogachQ: How can I remap CapsLock to be additional Ctrl on Xubuntu 12.04?21:01
sSsubuntu has a large support community and xubuntu is very popular21:01
David-ACHIex: there are links to reviews and test for many many distros at http://distrowatch.com/21:01
CHIexI have been there21:01
sSsRogach, Launcher Menu -> settings -> settings manager -> keyboard -> shortcuts21:02
CHIexXubuntu and PuppyLinux were at the top for my needs21:02
sSspuppy is nice too21:02
CHIexbut for 1000 MHZ AMD , 1 GB  ram, XUBUNTU would be perfect, right?21:02
RogachsSs: There's only 'Application Shortcuts'.21:02
RogachCHIex: Yes.21:03
CHIexPuppy isnt compatible with Ubuntu software, right?21:03
David-ACHIex: crunchbang linux is supposed to be relatively lightweight too21:03
sSsi prefer xubuntu. and if it doesnt have a teensy tiny little hard drive, i prefur Ubuntu Studio ( it's pretty much the same as xubuntu)21:03
GridCubeCHIex, puppy its compatible, there is a "puppy ubuntu" or something like that in their page21:04
CHIexWell disk is 160 GB21:04
BillyZane2hi. something weird has happened on my desktop. while using xchat, a segment of the screen stoped working. There is a small square, about 2x2, that is frozen. i can still move my mouse over this region, but any window i move over this region is forced under this square. it is there regardless of the desktop i switch to21:05
CHIexwell I would like to have Xubuntu or Lubuntu, because there is more support and is more popular and for begginers21:05
BillyZane2i don't want to restart my computer out of principal21:05
GridCubethat happened to me the other day too, i restarted the x session because not even xkilling it worked, but i was playing with my monitors and what not so i assumed it was that21:06
BillyZane2are you talking to me?21:06
GridCubeBillyZane2, yup21:06
BillyZane2so restarting the x session solved it?21:07
sSsi used to have that happen a lot in 12.04. (and every version of windows)  only way i can get rid of it is restarting the PC (killing and restarting X didnt even help)21:07
GridCubeyou just need to relogin21:07
BillyZane2grid, i've never done that before. can i do this without terminating the applications that are running?21:07
BillyZane2grid: i persume the command it ctrl+alt+backspace21:07
BillyZane2isn't there a way to just shut down x21:08
CHIexWhich is better for begginers to Linux? Lubuntu or Xubuntu?21:08
GridCubeit used to, but i dont think that works inxubuntu21:08
GridCube!better | CHIex21:08
ubottuCHIex: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.21:08
BillyZane2CHIex: i'd probably go with Xubuntu, but i think you have to ask yourself, what desktop do you prefer21:08
CHIexwhich version of Xubuntu should I download?  Is extended support recommended?21:08
GridCubeCHIex, also you are asking on the xubuntu channel, what answer do you hope to get?21:08
GridCubeCHIex, if you care about that21:09
CHIexhheheheheh a honest one ;)21:09
knomexubuntu is the best and the team behind if are wonderful people, of course.21:09
knome*behind it21:09
GridCubeCHIex, xubuntu is more stable than lubuntu but lubuntu is faster21:09
David-ACHIex: if you have 160GB, you can spare 16GB for a second distro. so install both and try both and see for yourself.21:09
BillyZane2CHIex: the honest answer is that the two of them are very similar, aside from the GUI interface. just pick the interface you think is better. LXDE is a very minimal interface so it's good if you are running a very old computer. Xubuntu is also lightweight, but I think it is much nicer21:10
CHIexyou mean Xubuntu needs less restarts and crashes less?21:10
sSsi've never had any issue at all with lubuntu. but i still dont like it's "look and feel". i prefur Xubuntu (Or Ubuntu Studio)21:11
David-ACHIex: I am not aware of any differences in stability between xubuntu and lubuntu. my xubuntu is very stable thou.21:11
BillyZane2mine is not21:12
CHIexhow much faster is Lubuntu?21:12
David-ACHIex: where did you read that lxde was more buggy?21:12
BillyZane2i will have to restart soon because of its instability21:12
sSsevery one says its faster but i on the computers i've tried it on, i found kubuntu to run faster (that just shouldnt be)21:12
CHIexin few forums21:13
David-ACHIex: do you know how to partition a harddisk?21:13
CHIexin windows yes21:13
sSsno need. CHIex, you can try every version of ubuntu without actually installing them. the install disk runs exactly like a fully installed system21:14
CHIexPrecise Pangolin  and   Quantal Quetzal  are the options to download.  what should I pick, any suggestions?21:14
sSsPrecise for now.  a new version is comming out in april21:15
David-ACHIex: if you run a live cd (of any *buntu flavor or many other linuxes) you can run Gparted from it and re-partition a harddisk.21:15
CHIexdont they both have unlimited support forever?21:15
CHIexso Precise Pengolin has support for only 3 years?21:16
CHIexwhat happens after 3 years?21:16
sSsthats the one thats supported the longest21:16
sSsyou can still run it but you wont get any official support21:16
David-ACHIex: then make room for 2 or 3 distros (at least 16GB for each) and try them all yourself.21:16
CHIexhow come it wont be supported anymore?21:17
CHIexwill paid support be possible?21:17
sSsDavid-A, he doesnt need to do that. the install disk will let him try them all without having to partition the heck out of the hard drive21:17
knomepaid support isn't possible after the release is EOL (unsupported)21:17
CHIexI will manage to try it myself, no worries21:17
sSsEOL = End Of Life21:17
knomewhen a release is getting near it's EOL date, you are advised to upgrade21:18
CHIexso what is the difference in functionality and looks between Precise P and QQ?21:18
CHIexupgrade to what?21:19
knomeupgrade to a newer version.21:19
CHIexwhich will be a new version?21:19
David-ACHIex: it is not worth paying for support an end-of-life system, when there are newer systems for free. (it will probably be very expensive since you would be the only customer asking for that service)21:19
CHIexcan it be upgraded automatically?21:19
CHIexwhat options will I have for upgrade?21:20
David-ACHIex: there is an upgrade button in the update manager when new versiona are released21:20
CHIexXubuntu will not exist anymore after 3 years?21:20
CHIexor you want to tell me there will be new version and I will have an option to update or upgrade?21:21
David-ACHIex: please look at the bottom diagram at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_releases#Table_of_versions21:21
CHIexwhats the difference between PP and QQ?21:22
NickRivers_How would I configure the panel so I can move the items anywhere in the panel? (no snapping in place)21:23
CHIexso PP will work the longest, right?21:23
GridCuberight clic > Panel > panel settings, last tab items21:24
GridCubemove them as you please21:24
knomeCHIex, if you would slow down, we would be able to answer your questions21:24
CHIexwell just answer, please21:24
CHIexI am very curious..21:24
knomeCHIex, it's not fair for other users if you ask many questions and then wait for everybody to answer21:25
CHIexWhat happens for me after April 2017 for Precise P XUBUNTU version?21:25
David-ACHIex: did you look at the wikipedia table I linked?21:26
knomeCHIex, for starters, xubuntu LTS releases are supported for 3 years, so the support will end in april 2015.21:26
CHIexI wouldn't get any updates anymore? I would then need to install new operation system/new Linux distro?21:26
knomeCHIex, when a new LTS release (14.04) is available, you will be advised to upgrade to that. you can do that from your system, there's no need to reinstall21:26
knomeCHIex, please slow down so we're able to answer your questions.21:27
David-ACHIex: 1) did you look at the wikipedia table I linked 5 minutes ago?21:27
David-ACHIex: 2) I told you what will happen in the update manager 7 minutes ago21:28
CHIexaha after that I will just do a simple upgrade and I will still be able to use XUBUNTU precise Penguin?21:28
CHIex12.04 LTS    Precise Pangolin    26 April 2012[173]     April 2017[137]    3.221:28
David-ACHIex: no. when you around year 2014 or 2015 upgrade from Xubuntu 12.04 to e.g. Xubuntu 14.04, then you will use Xubuntu 14.04.21:29
knomeCHIex, as i said, xubuntu LTS releases are supported for 3 years. when you upgrade, you will then run a newer version, eg. not precise pangolin anymore21:29
CHIexaha ok21:30
knomeDavid-A, sorry, i'll let you answer to not duplicate:)21:30
CHIexthank you21:30
CHIexI will download XUBUNTU  precise p..21:30
CHIexold computers are 32 bit, right?21:30
knomenot necessarily. the 32-bit system will work on 64-bit processors too, though, so that's a safe choice21:31
knomeDavid-A, ermm, sorry again. :)21:31
David-ACHIex: it depends. you can tell us what cpu you have. if you don't know, a 32bit system will work on both a 32bit or 64bit cpu21:31
* knome goes to sit on the bench in the corner and shuts down21:32
David-Aknome: no problem, sometimes you are faster :)21:32
CHIexwould there be any real difference if I put 32 bit XUBUNTU and 64 bit processor?21:32
sSssome apps / drivers require 64bit21:33
CHIexI mean ON 64 bit processor..21:33
David-ACHIex: on an old computer, no real difference21:33
NickRivers_Thanks GridCube21:36
xubuntu240im having trouble installing xubuntu from an iso image (directly from grub)... it boots fine, but the install process just keep saying "detecting file system"22:04
xubuntu240any idea about whats happening ?22:05
xubuntu565Very Noobie can't get xubuntu to install.22:11
xubuntu565I have a hp laptop and have downloaded the file22:12
unheedingso where does this error happen?  is it when you are selecting the partitions?22:13
xubuntu565I have a Mac too but it won't burn the dvd22:13
unheedingdo you have a usb flash drive kicking around?22:13
dm_nightshadeHi! Am using 12.04 and it's great, but I want to use fglrx for a couple of games I play that would benefit. Since my card is 6 years old, I need to install an old fglrx which is not compatible with modern X. Right now I am thinking I need to re-install with Xubuntu 8.04 Hardy. Can anyone suggest a less destructive solution? Perhaps it's safe to roll back to the X Server used in Hardy, on 12.04?22:14
xubuntu565On the mac I have a windows partition but I think I deleted windows.22:14
unheedingdm_nightshade: check and see if your card is supported under ati's legacy drivers22:14
David-Axubuntu565: what is the problem, burning the .iso, booting from the cd/dvd or installing when running the cd/dvd?22:14
dm_nightshadeunheeding: Thanks, when I tried to use an old proprietary driver it said that the distro isn't supported. Some research indicated that modern versions of X conflict with old proprietary ATI releases.22:15
xubuntu565All of the above.  I have an iso on the hp windows machine in the download folder.22:15
xubuntu565I am running vista home premium22:17
David-Axubuntu565: the .iso should fit on a cd but you can burn a dvd as well. burn it as a "disk image" and not as "data files".22:18
unheedingi'm fond of using usb flash drives22:18
xubuntu565I will try that now22:19
David-Axubuntu565: there are programs to "burn" the .iso to a usb flash drive (maybe you already know this, but don't just copy the .iso onto the drive)22:21
unheedingyou can also do it from the command line on your mac22:21
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
dm_nightshade"dd if=/path/to/your.iso of=/dev/sd* bs=4M;sync" works great22:24
xubuntu565I appreciate your help.  On my windows machine I inserted disk clicked burn and it is22:27
xubuntu565the disk now shows the folder and files22:28
xubuntu565Now how do I get it installed22:29
unheedingboot from the CD/DVD22:29
unheedingusually this will happen automagically, but you might have to change your bios settings to look for the CD first22:29
xubuntu565were I edit the bios windows vista22:30
sSswhen you turn on the computer it should tell you what button to press to enter the bios setup22:33
sSsusually Del or F2 or F1022:33
David-Axubuntu565: you press a certain key when you restart the computer. to go into bios settings usually the Delete key. there is usually also a key to select boot drive, different key on different systems.22:33
CHIexHow do I put ISO file on CD/DVD? iiI   choose    write IMAGE FILE TO DISC?22:34
xubuntu565Thank you.  As Arnold says "I'll be back..."22:34
unheedinggood luck!22:34
dm_nightshadeHe said that right before crashing... probably not a good start to a computer adventure22:34
CHIexSO how do I put XUBUNTU on cd/dvd? I choose write image file to disc?22:39
Ribertyor make a bootable 4gb usb drive22:41
=== azeam is now known as azeam_afk
CHIexnow to test XUBUNTU from CD  I need to re install computer or how do I do it?22:50
sSsin the setup it will ask if you want to erase windows, install next to windows or "choose something else" (meaning you partition it yourself how you want it)22:51
unheedingCHIex: you just want to try it out?22:51
CHIexwell for a start yes, like you suggested here on IRC22:51
David-ACHIex: when you boot from the cd it will ask if you want to test run it (no install, live cd) or install it.22:52
CHIexI know it can be run from CD, without install22:52
CHIexhow do I boot it?22:52
sSsoh if you want to test it out you just pop it in the DVD ROM and restart the computer (if it doesnt boot from CD you gotta press f2 or del or f10 to get into the BIOS setup and change boot order so it checks CD first)22:52
CHIexaha ok thank you22:52
CHIexyou are very helpful, I appreciate it22:53
xubuntu291I changed the order of boot in my bios I still cannot boot I have the iso in the download folder but don't file a option to burn as an image in Vista23:36
xubuntu291I donloaded that too but somany ads I can't tell what is going on.23:39
sSsyou dont have a burning app like nero or roxio? (i havent used roxio since the 90s)23:41
sSsimgburn you just slect the ISO and click the folder > CD button23:42
David-Axubuntu291: 1) you burn the .iso to a cd first (burn as disk image). 2) then you boot from that cd (which may or may not require changing boot order in bios)23:42
xubuntu291sorry guys.  I have a folder called Xubuntu 12.10 desktop i38623:45
xubuntu291in the folder are many other folders23:46
sSssounds like you extracted the ISO23:46
sSslike it was a zip file23:46
xubuntu291I think you nailed it23:47
xubuntu291I used win RAR23:47
sSsif you have a thumbdrive you can spare this tool is super easy and works great: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download23:48
sSsyeah just burn the ISO with a burning app like nero or imgburn or use a tool like lili to burn the .ISO to USB23:48
sSshow to burn an image with imgburn: http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=guides23:51
xubuntu291thanks.  dinner then back on it,  stress level subsiding thanks to this chat.23:58
David-Awelcome back later then, night tea in this time zone :)23:59

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