[20:19] niemeyer, ping [21:37] fwereade__: you are working late [21:39] thumper, everybody's asleep :) [21:39] fwereade__: luckily it seems it was just my laptop that was screwed, not all raring [21:39] due to an old staging ppa I had enabled [21:39] which someone broke :( [21:40] thumper, good and bad news then ;) [21:40] fwereade__: so I now have a half functioning raring install, and I'm getting my quantal vm up to a state where I can run the go tests [21:40] fwereade__: I am a little confused though... [21:41] fwereade__: last week I was sure I merged one of my branches [21:41] but it doesn't seem to be the case [21:41] perhaps the lbox submit failed and I didn't notice [21:41] thumper, huh, strange [21:42] I'm just going to run all the tests again, make sure it has a recent trunk merged, and try again [21:42] the juju-core tests seem to be running fine inside the virtualbox quantal image I have [21:42] albiet slowly [21:44] thumper, I definitely can shave a few seconds off the uniter tests, at least, but I still haven't got around to it :( [21:45] * thumper shrugs [21:45] it is what it is [22:01] fwereade__: still around? [22:02] fwereade__: https://codereview.appspot.com/7370043/diff/3007/cmd/juju/constraints.go#newcode21 [22:02] thumper, heyhey [22:02] I think we need [ [ ...]] [22:02] but does that make sense? [22:02] the constraints are for the service [22:03] thumper, I still think that environment constraints make sense, and I think the tool handles them..? [22:04] [] [ ...] [22:04] is what you proposed [22:04] I'm wondering which is more normal? [22:04] thumper, wait, *get* constraints is just [] [22:04] fwereade__: for ones where we don't set a service? [22:04] fwereade__: well... I'm pretty sure the command treats the first param as a service name only [22:04] * thumper double checks [22:05] * fwereade__ looks in bafflement at that code, and is sure it made sense when he wrote it [22:05] yes, it seems that get is just [22:05] I should change that [22:06] thumper, incidentally I vaguely recall being a bit wishy-washy in the review -- but I'm very much +1 on init [22:06] fwereade__: yes, get takes zero or one params [22:06] fwereade__: but we should change the params for set to be... different [22:07] ah set requires --service [22:07] fwereade__: which makes me think that we have a mis-fit here [22:07] juju get wordpress [22:08] but juju set --service=wordpress [22:08] add -constraints to that if you like [22:08] thumper, yeah, I think you're right [22:08] but.. not for this branch [22:08] I'll fix the help text [22:08] but we should fix at some stage [22:09] thumper, the only source of inertia is a vague desire to avoid churn against the python version when it's ...merely icky, as opposed to wrong, if you like [22:10] fwereade__: oh, is this a direct copy of the python version? [22:10] if so, lets just leave it for now [22:10] and perhaps file a bug with a nice tag, like "cli-cleanup" :-) [22:11] * fwereade__ knows another bug that could use a tag like that :/ [22:12] (the hook tools all accept --format, even if they aren't meant to produce output) [22:12] fwereade__: so, I can at least run all the tests in an quantal environment to confirm prior to committing [22:12] thumper, great [22:20] fwereade__: with the thought of aiming for constency [22:20] fwereade__: we have the args for "set-constratins" to be [key=[value] ....] [22:21] thumper, yep, sgtm [22:21] fwereade__: shoudl we change the args for "set" to be " key=[value] ..." ? [22:21] thumper, ah: sorry... yes, I think that makes sense [22:22] kk [22:32] gah [22:32] typed lbox propose instead of submit [22:32] fwereade__: I'm going to try to change the account that lbox is using... to the work one, so email gets through [22:33] otherwise launchpad drops the email on the floow [22:33] floor [22:36] thumper, heh, unhelpful :( [22:37] fwereade__: well, launchpad isn't going to trust just anyone :) [22:37] thumper, quite so ;) [22:37] how long does the submit normally take? [22:39] fwereade__: it seems to be taking ages... [22:40] thumper, I think it still does all the propose work of generating the diff for the final rietveld push [22:41] hmm... [22:41] it has been going for minutes and minutes [22:41] with no feedback after the identification of the rietveld link [22:41] oh just done [22:41] geez [22:42] * thumper double checks launchpad to check [22:42] yep, in trunk now... [22:42] ok, back to the next pipe