
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
hatchgood morning13:55
frankbanhi hatch 13:55
hatchso how was everyones weekend?14:32
benjibac: http://pastebin.com/0M4PiXZD14:33
bachi hatch.  had a lovely long weekend.  hope yours was good14:34
hatchyeah it was really sunny here - which is a little odd for this time of year14:36
hatchtoday is looking like it's goign to be the same14:37
hatchthe supply of Fire Emblem Awakening for 3DS is so bad people are charging a $25 premium online for it hah!14:44
rick_h_benji: howdy14:52
benjihi rick_h_; so, post-merge...14:52
rick_h_yea, qa'ing fun for all14:52
benjido you have a card on the kanban board?14:52
rick_h_hmm, on ours. I didn't add one to yours14:53
benjiafter a merge the app is updated on http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/ you can go there to QA your change14:53
benjirick_h_: that prbably makes sense; I ask because there is a UI/UX review slot on ours that tracks if there is something for the UI/UX guys to review14:54
rick_h_ok, and then once qa'd just mark the bug as fix released? 14:54
rick_h_benji: ok, good to know. 14:54
benjirick_h_: right15:00
hatchbcsaller_: 'charmstore' is the default namespace correct? if no namespace is defined it's the default?15:07
bcsaller_hatch: yes, thats passed in at init and set as default15:09
hatchalright I'm going to change that to be something more generic - I just didn't want to change it if I was understanding incorrectly15:10
gary_posterhatch, I converted your kanban card to a prototype card as we discussed15:12
hatchfunny story I was watching a c# tutorial yesterday and the guy took a template and moved the opening curly brackets onto the new line....I cringed haha15:13
gary_posterhatch, and then I put the actual bugs as cards, to be moved through one at a time15:13
hatchgary_poster: sounds good! I'm fighting with edge cases right now :/15:13
gary_posterhatch, and they are all at the top of the board now15:13
gary_postercool hatch.  don't forget that, if you've proved the basic story in the prototype, you can just move on to the TDD approach.  OTOH, if you think these edge cases might affect the underlying design, go for it.15:14
hatchyeah unfortunately they do -  I woudln't feel right submitting it as is15:14
hatchsorry that's not entirely true15:15
hatchthe one I'm finishing now does15:15
hatchthen I can call it15:15
hatchI have a postit note that says "split it up"15:15
gary_posterActually doing the full TDD thing would be even more fab15:16
bacbenji: hangout died.  won't come back.  let's chat after call15:20
benjibac: k15:21
bacbenji: entityName is a string15:21
gary_posterrick_h_, thanks again for the fix for bug 1111730.  We will be making a release today, hopefully.  we've been experimenting with moving bugs to "fix committed" and then we actually will mark them as "fix released" when we make the tarball.  That may just be too annoying, but fwiw that's where we are15:21
_mup_Bug #1111730: Unit count widget misplaced <ie10> <juju-gui:Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1111730 >15:21
bacf(a,b type) means both a and b are of the same type15:21
benjibac: I figured, I was just wondering why it isn't declared as such15:21
rick_h_gary_poster: ah ok. Yea we battle the same idea of 'released' with things as well. 15:22
benjibac: saving those 7 characters is a big win15:22
hatchOK fixed now to split this up15:26
gary_posterjujugui call nowm oops15:30
bacbenji: quick hangout?15:48
benjibac: I do make a mean BBQ potato15:57
hatchmmmmmm BBQ15:58
hatchmine has been covered with about 2ft of snow for too long15:58
gary_postermove someplace warmer :-P15:58
jovan2gary_poster et al - prototype is at https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/#folders/0B1IM--9A1RkTV3FQLVJtbjZvUGM16:04
gary_posterthank you jovan2 looking now16:04
bcsaller_Makyo: rapi is further along than suspected , it should just be an improv thing, and the key is 'env'16:11
Makyobcsaller_, ah, awesome.16:17
hatchgary_poster: haha if anything i'd move somewhere with MORE snow :)16:20
hatchyikes lbox just rejected me because my indentation was wrong16:29
hatchnote to self....check indentation16:29
Makyohatch, make lint is what's catching that. make prep can help, too, if the beautifier can fix it.16:30
hatchit's also dumping on me because of an invalid jsdoc tag16:30
hatchI thought we used yuidoc?16:31
Makyohatch, we do.  Wonder what that's about?16:31
gary_posterhatch, if you can turn off the option probably fine16:31
hatchwill investimagate16:31
gary_poster(must be jshint)16:31
MakyoThe only jshint tag we're using is bitwise operations, right?16:32
hatch*shudder* bitwise in js16:33
hatchyou're a bitwise fan?16:35
MakyoI don't care too strongly either way, and the code that uses it isn't mine, but I do like tools that get the job done :)16:37
hatchvirtualenv/bin/gjslint --strict --nojsdoc --jslint_error=all16:39
hatchbut it's still flagging the jsdoc stuff16:39
benjihatch: do you mean yuidoc?16:41
hatchnope it's dumping on me because my indentation is off on a couple lines and because my documentation is not 'valid'16:43
benjihatch: if you pastebin the output I'll be glad to see if I can help16:44
hatchdamnit I can't claim that gist16:46
hatchohh we have the --strict tag16:49
hatchthat's why it's failing16:49
hatchanyone have any objections to me removing that?16:50
hatchhttps://developers.google.com/closure/utilities/docs/linter_howto?hl=en search for --strict16:50
benjihatch: I'm pretty sure we actively want --strict; we've had it enabled for quite a while without it killing us, so I'm curious why it is causing problems now16:55
hatchwell I'm using non jsdoc tags16:56
hatchthey are valid yuidoc tags though16:56
benjiif you push this to a branch that I can grab I will be glad to look at it16:56
hatchyup it's pushed16:56
benjiI can construct one, but a full branch URL would be more helpful.16:57
hatchif we want to be able to use all of the yuidoc syntax flag we have to drop --strict16:59
hatchOR, I could just delete those flags and indent the things as it likes16:59
benjihatch: re. @public: just remove it; re. indentation: I think you know what to do there ;); re. Type should be immediately after @param tag: reverse the name and type ("{object} config" not "config {object}")17:02
hatch♫ To the right, to the right, all of my tasks to the right to the right ♫17:03
benjire. "descriptions must end with valid punctuation such as a period.": do what it says :)17:03
hatchI can dooo eeet17:03
benjiI actualy prefer it the way you have it, but it's not worth enguaging with the linter about it.17:04
* hatch punches the linter for fun17:04
hatchyou got it17:04
* hatch grumbles and contemplates writing a blog post on how linters hinder innovation in hopes it gets picked up by Fox's hype machine17:05
hatchwow github support deleted that gist already...that was like 10m17:12
benjibac: I have a passing test!17:13
hatchO K jshint is a little nuts.... it won't let me use ++17:18
frankban+= 1 for jshint!17:20
hatchfrankban: lol yup17:21
hatchalthough it's not allowing me to use fallthrough's on my switch statement17:22
hatchrofl it says file must use "use strict" then it says strings must use single quotes17:23
bacbenji: yay17:24
hatchahah /* falls through */ is a workaround17:26
frankbangary_poster: re bug 1130793, what do you think about including the new helpers (from the charm) in the same MP? 17:28
_mup_Bug #1130793: For safety, Python charm-helpers juju-log command should insert a "--" before the log message. <Juju Charm Tools:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1130793 >17:28
hatch*sigh* tests are failing17:28
hatchhas anyone seen this error before?17:29
hatch  1) Application basics "before all" hook:17:29
hatch     TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'c._buildCfg')17:29
hatchit's on test-prod not test-debug17:32
benjibac: it isn't my greatest work, but this seems sufficient for the moment: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5565315/17:34
hatchohhh I didn't add the module to modules-prod17:35
hatch*the more you know*17:35
hatchhmm nope that shoudln't be it17:36
hatchwhenever someone has a second I'd like some input on why this branch won't pass test-prod - I am almost 100% sure it's because it's not loading in the new extension https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/juju-gui/1130787-subapp-app-extension17:43
hatch^ jujugui17:43
benjihatch: I can look; let me run the tests real quick to be sure I am seeing the same thing17:44
hatchsure I'm running `make test-prod`17:44
hatchI swear I'll get all of these procedures down ;)17:45
benjiarg, I have to reinstall mocha-phantomjs; one sec17:45
bacbenji: i think it is fine.  it did find a a real bug.17:47
bacbenji: how to proceed?  want me to merge it in and propose or do you want to?17:47
benjibac: have at it17:47
bacbenji: ok, thanks17:47
gary_posterfrankban, sorry don't know why I didn't see before.  Probably too late but +117:47
gary_posteroh, I was not here that's why. :-P  gradual lunching is the order of the day17:48
benjiit'd be really nice if the HACKING document was actually a literate shell script  or something that would just run all the commands... oh!  if we prefixed the commands with a command prompt, wwe could have a make target that pulled them out and ran them17:49
hatchI have to say I haven't used a makescript in YEARS until 2 weeks ago17:50
hatchwell at least directly17:51
benjiyou poor, poor deprived person; I'm glad we got to you when we did17:51
frankbangary_poster: not too late, thanks. We also have a gui branch implementing a log_hook context manager. we did that as a first attempt to workaround the juju-log gojuju problem. it could be worth proposing it anyway17:51
gary_posterfine by me frankban, yeah17:51
hatchbenji: lol iunnoo.....if I write a node script I can run it on windows too ;)17:51
hatchwell unless it relies on a unix tool17:52
benjiexactly!  good hygiene requires using tools that will never work on windows, therefore you needn't fear being forced to use it17:53
benjiok, hatch, I have reproduced the failure, looking quickly17:54
hatchok great17:54
benjihatch: I am seeing lots of merge conflict markers in the code, e.g., app/assets/javascripts/app-subapp-extension.js17:55
bacbenji: just curious, did you deploy and hit with your ws client?17:55
benjibac: nope17:55
bacwill do17:56
hatchbenji: that's interesting because the files doesn't exist in trunk17:56
benjihatch: I figured out where the conflicts came from, it is because I had modified my branch of your branch when looking at your lint issues; I've fixed it and am now looking at the test failure18:01
hatchahh ok18:01
benjihatch: if I apply this diff, all the tests pass: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5565397/18:03
benjiI suspect that translates to "you did something wrong" ;P18:04
benjibut at the moment I don't have anything more insiteful to say18:04
hatchlol - so if I make it so that it doesn't extend the extension then it works18:04
hatchi am pretty sure it has something to do with the module being loaded because test-debug passes just fine18:05
benjiso... maybe you need to initialize the config earlier, or defer calling some of the subclass code that needs the config until later18:05
hatchthe file is in assets/javascripts does that mean I need to include it manually in modules-prod?18:05
benjiI don't know without looking at how those files are used.  That sounds like something good to investigate though.18:06
benjiI'll check back after lunch and see if there is anything I can do to help.18:06
hatchyeah I think I'll go grab some lunch now then investigate18:07
hatchthanks for the help18:08
hatchand back18:41
hatchbenji: I figured it out - I needed to add it to the 'merge-files' file18:54
hatchI should probably document that somewhere18:55
benjihatch: hmm, that doesn't sound right; the dependency should be picked up automatically19:06
hatchall of the modules under the assets dir are in there19:06
hatchso I'm assuming that's correct19:06
benjihatch: oh, I thought you were adding code that you had written, not third-party code19:12
benjiwait, I think you are adding code you wrote, in that case, assets is not the best place for it19:13
hatchoh...darn I just proposed it19:15
hatchI put it in there because that's where I saw bcsaller_ put the new routing stuff19:15
hatchI could create another folder for extensions I suppose19:16
benjihatch: I suspect a location under "app" is most appropriate19:17
hatchalright I can fix that - can you comment that on the review?19:18
gary_posterhatch, if it is generic and potentially sharable then I don't think anyone can really complain that you put it in assets19:18
gary_postersharable == usable by others19:19
hatchok great - because yes it's very generic19:19
hatchwow that took way to long heh - at least now I know the processes :)19:20
benjiwe should consider an index of assets that catalogs things like where we got them from and what version they are, etc.19:21
gary_posterhatch if you are done with the prototype--you've gotten feedback from Ben and you like it and it works and stuff--then move it to "release: daily" on the board so other people can use your spot on the board please19:21
hatchok but the prototype I'm not proposing though...correct?19:22
gary_posterhatch, right you are done with it19:23
gary_posteras far as the board is concerned19:23
gary_posteryou won't work on it again--it's done.  yeah?19:24
hatchyep it's done19:24
gary_posterthen it is as released as it ever will be :-)19:24
hatchgreat can you triage bug #113294319:26
_mup_Bug #1132943: Create an app scaffold that others can use with Y.SubApp <juju-gui:New for hatch> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1132943 >19:26
hatchI already created a task for it19:26
benjibac: what can I do to push our card forward?19:28
bacbenji: i have it in review.  and i'm now trying to figure out how to get a single diff of the two pieces of work to annotate as a HOWTO.19:29
gary_posterhatch you have privileges to triage it, right?  If not, I'll change it so you do.  I am not the gate keeper, we (the team) are.  The bug is high importance, as you correctly triaged it.  This is demonstrable, because we have decided to work on it now, and that's what "high" means to us.  Since you triaged it, and you are on the team, it is triaged. :-)19:29
bacbenji: so, i think getting this add-get-2 branch landed and doing the write up is all that needs to be done to finish the card.  you agree?19:30
hatchgary_poster: OHHH ok, it said that the gatekeeper had reviewed....I assumed that was you :D19:30
gary_posterhatch I went ahead and triaged it, but (a) does that make sense?  and (b) could you verify that you see the option to change the status19:30
hatchyes I have the ability to change it19:30
gary_posterhatch completely understandable.  ok excellent19:30
benjibac: yep, I agree19:31
bacbenji: so...i'm not sure what there is to do collaboratively, except maybe review the draft of the doc once i get it.19:32
gary_posterthere's room to statr another command card if that makes sense19:32
hazmatbcsaller_, merged re ls annotations, thanks19:33
gary_posterbenji or you could do those design ones19:33
gary_posterbug 112542419:33
_mup_Bug #1125424: Tweaks to loading messages and login visuals <juju-gui:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1125424 >19:33
bcsaller_hazmat: thanks :)19:34
hatchjujugui: could I get some reviews on https://codereview.appspot.com/7381055/ please so I can open up my spot on the board19:35
bcsaller_hatch: I'll take one19:36
hatchthanks sir19:36
gary_posterhatch, I'm working on it.  (your tags are supposed to show you if anyone claimed it)19:36
hatchahhh I see now19:36
gary_posterhatch, I'm not sure how much we should care yet, but AFAICT your new js module does not show up in the docs (make view-docs)19:38
bcsaller_for some reason the diff on app/app.js is broken. wonder how that happened19:38
gary_posterhatch, if you don't think we should care then argue as such on Friday :-)  we talked about it before and we were/I was wishy washy about it19:38
hatchbcsaller_: actually all the diffs are broken19:39
hatchgary_poster: nope I agree docs are important19:39
bcsaller_except the new module19:39
gary_posterhatch, verified that bcsaller_ is correct.  I was hoping that there are not in fact changes in those other files, but they do have changes in fact19:40
gary_posterin fact in fact19:40
hatchyeah single line changes19:41
hatchI can try re-propose?19:41
bcsaller_hatch: yeah, try that 19:44
hatchok it's on it's way19:45
bcsaller_Makyo: the new rapi-rollup should have basic annotations if you didn't see that already 19:45
Makyobcsaller_, thanks, just saw.19:46
hatchlooks like the same issue wrt the diffs19:48
gary_posterIt's correct in the MP :-/ dunno what's going on with rietveld19:52
gary_posterhatch, re bug 1132933, you are right that it should be documented.  That is only necessary for the "assets" bits19:53
_mup_Bug #1132933: document the merge-files file <juju-gui:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1132933 >19:53
gary_posterI will comment to that effect19:53
hatchsounds good19:56
hatchok the second branch that I did has the same diff bug19:58
hatchwhat the heck is going on there19:58
benjibac: let me know if there is anything I can do to further the cause.  In the meantime I will start a new card19:58
gary_posterhatch, at least as far as I am concerned, don't worry about it.  The other files have trivial changes I see in the MP19:59
hatchok I'm just concerned that they result didn't have the actual changes19:59
gary_posterhatch, look at https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/juju-gui/1130787-subapp-app-extension/+merge/15041419:59
hatchOH i know why20:00
hatchit's "related" to two branches20:00
hatchthats gota be it20:00
gary_posterhatch,it is?20:01
gary_posterdon't see that20:01
_mup_Bug #1130790: Create Y.SubApp by extending Y.App <juju-gui:Triaged by hatch> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1130790 >20:01
hatchmaybe....? :)20:01
gary_posterhatch, maybe that is confusing to lbox/rietveld.  shouldn't be.  isn't to the MP.20:01
hatchyeah oh well20:02
gary_posterhatch, lbox is something we can hack on20:02
hatchI don't think you want me anywhere near a makefile :P20:03
gary_posternot that I have20:03
hatchoh man I have too many active branches heh - I think I need folder color coding in sublime :D20:23
hatchbcsaller: sorry I forgot to add to my reply - that I agree that the parent app should be a bubble target but I haven't implemented that yet because I don't have a real world example of how that should work20:25
hatchrebubbling is very 'expensive' so the parent app could simply listen for those events20:25
hatchbut it could also rebubble so its an internal event20:26
hatchboth have advantages/disadvantages20:26
hatchonce we have real code using this it's trivial to add one or the other20:26
hatchright now its 'listen to the sub event manually' option20:27
hatchfeel free to disagre and tell me I'm stupid ;)20:27
gary_posterhatch I'm distracted but will be back to review in a sec.  my biggest comment will be "where are the tests" :-)20:35
hatchoh boy I completely forgot about those in the rush to get the code in20:36
* hatch creates a test that returns true20:37
hatchdarn I'm getting that 'watch 'error again20:40
hatchdoes anyone know of a way to see how many watches are being used?20:44
hatchahah! Sublime Text also adds watchers in which I have a lot of files open20:47
bacbenji: i've got a first draft of the doc but am now EOD.  would you want to run with it for the rest of your day or are you now in the middle of something else?21:03
benjibac: I'm in the middle of something, plus the fact that I'll only have an hour to work on it suggests that it would be best for me to not put my fingers in it21:05
bacbenji: a-ok21:05
baci forgot that you were faking EST and thought you had two more hours21:05
baci'll pick it up tomorrow21:05
bacbye all21:05
hatchgary_poster: ok I spend the next couple hours learning mocha and writing tests for those two tasks that are blocking21:09
hatchif that's alright21:09
gary_posterhatch, blocking tasks?21:11
hatchwell they are in the review section21:12
hatchbut there is two of them21:12
hatchso they are blocking21:12
hatchmocha is looking pretty simple so it might not take 2h21:12
gary_posterI needed to refresh board21:12
gary_posterhatch, heh, no yo ucan hack that together quickly :-)21:12
gary_posterhatch, I made a review finally of the older revision of your first branch21:20
hatchalright - looks like your comments are still very valid on the latest version - I'll try and get to them soon21:24
gary_postercool thanks21:27
gary_posterhatch to reiterate I like what you are doing there generally21:27
bacgary_poster: i'm going to be starting a little late tomorrow.  have to take my mom to the airport.21:44
gary_posterok bac21:45
gary_posterbac how was the weekend trip?21:45
bacgary_poster: good.  had a lot of fun on the east coast and then went south on sunday21:45
gary_postercool bac, I'm glad21:46
bac100x35 miles means you can do a lot of exploring on a day trip21:46
Makyobcsaller, would you be willing to share your "improv landscape" work even if it's not finished?  Would like to make sure I'm heading down the right path.21:51
Makyobcsaller, s/share/push21:51
bcsallerMakyo: the change to support get_annotation('env') is already merged, I'm working to add the env annotations to the delta stream right now21:52
Makyobcsaller, thanks21:53
hatchhow do I go about running JUST one test suite?21:59
hatchdo we have that ability?21:59
gary_posterhatch yes.  See those links for each suite.  open them in a new tab or click on them in the same tab and reload22:00
hatchsorry I don't think I follow22:07
* Makyo walkinates dogalope.22:16
hatchgary_poster: are you saying there is a *.html file somewhere which doesn't automatically run all the tests?22:20
gary_posteroh, hatch!  I forgot you were not looking at these in the browser22:20
gary_posterhatch, start the test server, and look at them there22:20
gary_posterthe section headers will be links22:21
gary_posterI suggest you use those22:21
gary_posterMaybe there is a way to do it with the phantomjs integration but I don't know it22:21
hatchohhh now I see :)22:21
bcsallerMakyo: lp:~bcsaller/juju/delta-annotations has the delta streaming, its up for review now, but you can try it out,  lp:~bcsaller/juju-gui/landscape-links has the initial wiring22:35
gary_posterhatch, thanks for clarifying the dispatch binding stuff. cool23:33

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