
Vivekanandaanyone here00:06
Vivekanandaguys pardon me if this is a very naive question but is it possible to really have a desktop like the ones they show in movies and tv series00:07
Vivekanandais it just aesthetically morphed or really existent ?00:07
cerebratewith the imagination the will and the energy what cannot be done cannot be done, other than that have fun00:08
nicferI created another usb with universal usb installer, but this one gives me a /casper/something not found error after the 'grub' thing00:13
nicferit's the desktop installer, not the alternate00:13
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nicferit seems my iso was corrupt after all00:48
nicferintegrity check from the lubuntu booter00:49
nicferwhat tool can I use to check md5 integrity under windows?00:49
cerebratemd5summer.org has some00:49
nicferwait, I'll see00:49
cerebrateoh ok00:49
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:51
nicferI just managed to do it myself00:53
nicferand yes, md5 of my iso is wrong00:54
cerebrateok :/00:55
nicferI'll download it from direct download, the two previous ones were from torrent00:55
phillwnicfer: which version do you need?00:56
nicfer12.10 alternate00:57
phillwnicfer: the mirror that I host is quite quick for direct downloads, saves putting any strain on the ubuntu servers http://phillw.net/isos/00:58
phillwit's on a 100 MB/s back bone and not too heavily used.00:58
nicferI had started already download from the ubuntu servers, at 38% right now01:06
phillwokies, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu#Mirror_Sites has the mirror sites. Handy to know round about release time :)01:08
phillwThe raring parts for 13.04 will start being uploaded as the beta testing starts.01:09
nicfercan I use the downloaded iso and use it as a seed for torrents?01:09
nicferI mean for the official torrent chain01:10
phillwnicfer: once you have got the iso MD5'd as okay, you are more than welcome to torrent share it.01:10
phillwjust add yourself to it.01:10
phillwlooking at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ it seems lubuntu people prefer to use direct downloads :)01:15
cerebratei like you01:17
cerebratei like you lubuntu01:18
phillwcerebrate: our aim is to please those who use it :)01:24
cerebratei want a different color scheme for lxde please :>01:24
* cerebrate isn't used to nice treatment on irc :S01:25
cerebratefiggered it out :D01:27
nicferhow can I add my file to the torrent?01:39
phillwnicfer: have a read of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent01:41
phillwtransmission is the regular system installed.01:42
cerebratehow can we cross all the gaps to make lubuntu as facile and intuitiveish as ubuntu?01:46
cerebratein a way, intuitive spontaneous and creative according to each user's needs i guess03:08
cerebratehow do you increase panel size to accomodate more03:28
cerebratebelayed: satisfactory gap crossing03:30
cerebratecan lxde create a 2d array instead of a 1d array for quicklaunch?03:31
cerebratebelayed: satisfactory gap crossing03:43
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inductiveloadcerebrate: did you get your multi-row launchbar working?10:32
Dii_PundiihHi. I have a question about the lxpanel, i run lubuntu 12.04.. I run two monitors in twinview with nvidas drivers 304.64 and it is like the desktop is a long stretched one even if, if i maximize a window it maximize to fill only one monitor.. the left namely. i would like to know if this is how it is in twinwiew.. or if one could make it so somehow that it can maximize in right monitor also and that there is seperated lxpanels for both monitors.. i have 10:59
inductiveloadDii_Pundiih: if you drag the window onto the right monitor, you can maximize it there as well12:10
inductiveloadi don't think you can have two complete lxpanels, one for each monitor - at least mine complained when I tried to start another one12:11
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cerebrateinductiveload yes :3 just had to modulate the parameters16:39
cerebratein panel settings16:40
inductiveloadexcellent :-)17:01
cerebrateok everything on my panel turned pretty much completely monotone17:48
cerebratetoggling edge position alleviated anomaly :D17:48
cerebratealright now i need to set my startup sequence to disable my touchpad18:52
cerebratei have a disability that prevents me from using a touchpad effectively, according to tentative experiment and experiance19:24
cerebratei want it disabled from startup19:26
cerebratebut don't know scripting19:26
cerebrateexcept for cheating in games 8)19:26
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nicferhi again...20:49
nicferI'm having issues with usb booting20:51
nicfermore specifically with the recording20:52
nicferI try to use various tools (linux live usb and dd mainly) but both result in corrupt boot drives20:55
zleapnicfer, what about unetbootln20:56
nicferit doesn't seem to have support for 12.10 alternate20:57
zleapyou can just chose the iso file and then use to write to a usb disk20:57
gomiboynicfer: have you checked the md5sum of the file you downloaded?20:58
zleapstart up disk creator is for ubuntu,  unetbootln can work with all iso files20:58
zleapgomiboy, good point20:58
nicfermd5 of the iso is correct20:58
gomiboynicfer: what do you mean with corrupt drives? Starts to boot and then stops, doesn't boot at all or...21:01
nicferI go to the check disk integrity and it reports a bad .deb file21:03
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zleapgomiboy, something to look into http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ support for lubuntu21:04
gomiboynicfer: always the same .deb or changes?21:06
nicferit varies if I use either linux live or dd21:10
nicferbut the debs are the same for each program21:11
gomiboynicfer: my guess is a broken usb drive... do you have another around to try?21:14
bulletrulzi have a problem with lubunut for some reason the top of the screen looks like a little tiny bit is cut off21:44
marsjemy skype seems broken... the skype window does not have a border... I 1st installed skype from skype.com, but after that I purged it and installed it from the canonical repository23:04
marsjeany idea what is wrong?23:04

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