[08:56] Hey guys [09:56] hi benkaiser [10:04] which state you from jea? [10:21] Queensland [10:22] what about you? [10:25] Victoria [10:26] Have you been using Ubuntu for long? [10:35] about 6 months... you? [10:38] since 2006 [10:38] but i haven't been using it quite as much recently [10:42] what do you use then? :) [10:43] when not on Ubuntu [10:44] mac [10:44] i used ubuntu full time for 2 years when i started uni, and really enjoyed it [10:45] but the hardware was not quite right for it, so chose a safer option that i knew would work properly [10:46] I still use ubuntu when I can [10:48] I am the opposite... Used to be obsessed with mac and iOS but then I made the jump to Ubuntu 6 months ago and have been loving it (now my laptop, desktop and work computer run Ubuntu)... Unfortunately almost all my stuff is still mac hardware though and AMD cards... waiting to switch out my desktop for a system76 :) [10:49] It is very nice [10:51] I find unity helps a lot with that [10:51] are you using unity or gnome shell? [10:51] wmii ;) a tiling window manager :) [10:51] oh, quite different then [10:53] yeh :) [10:53] the only reason I need a good graphics card is for html5 canvas rendering (which amd on linux is terrible at) [10:54] so you are a web developer? [10:54] yeh. you? [10:55] I am a uni student (3rd yr Software + Aero Engineering) [10:55] but I work mostly with web stuff [10:56] canvas is very fun - i did a fair bit of work with it [11:00] I am a uni student to.. got exams this week :P (Bachelor of Technology and a Bachelor of Business) [11:00] Canvas is awesome... and three.js is good too (for webGL stuff) [11:05] we were using raphael.js [11:05] d3js is also great [11:05] I am not up to exams yet though - we only just started back today [11:08] Yeh I study online, so we are just finishing SP4 and starting SP1 :) [11:11] SP? [11:12] Study Period... Its though Open Universities Australia [11:13] ok. We just have semester 1 and 2, plus summer semester [11:14] yeh, my brother is on campus and he has it the same :) [11:16] how many years do you have, and how far through are you? [11:19] With OUA its supposed to be flexible so you do however many you want, so I have been doing roughly three a semester for 2 years and I am about to finish :) [11:20] and you have 4 semesters? [11:20] yep [11:20] all back to back, all year round [11:23] that is quite a lot [11:23] i guess it is good to get it done quickly [11:24] yeh it is :) [11:24] and doing it online gives me a lot of flexibility [11:24] a lot more than i get [11:27] yeh... difference is you get 6 months of holidays :P aha [11:30] true [11:32] are you 21 yeh? apologies if I am way off with your age aha [11:32] turning 20 this year [11:35] sweet :) what is your dream career after finishing your software and aero engineering? [11:36] Hopefully web and app development [11:36] I am not sure if i will use the aero part ever [11:37] but i will have it if i ever want or need it [11:39] fair enough.. done much app development? [11:39] unfortunately not [11:39] I really want to, but don't get time to do it [11:40] do just do webdev? [11:46] sorry Internet just cut out... did you reply or? [11:46] that is alright, i can repeat it [11:47] I haven't done basically any app development, because i haven't had any time to get into it [11:49] what do you spend your holidays doing then? [11:50] I was working basically full time over the holidays [11:50] so by the time i get home, i really don't feel like doing much on the computer [11:52] yep know the feeling