
ricotzjbicha, hi07:33
ricotzjbicha, please use a new changelog entry for new upstream releases, the changelogs can be merged at some point later07:36
britthey just a heads up, gtk2-engines-pixbuf is failing to install since this morning. It had an update but it reporting dpkg error15:41
brittdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/gtk2-engines-pixbuf_2.24.16-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):15:41
britt trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/gtk2-engines-pixbuf/README.gz', which is different from other instances of package gtk2-engines-pixbuf:amd6415:41
brittdpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)15:41
jbicharicotz: ok I can try to keep the more complete changelogs if it's helpful for you16:39
ricotzjbicha, thanks, what i am saying is if you are keeping track of your changes, then it is way better to be able to track then per upstream release16:41
jbichathanks for packaging the GTK2 update, I spent some time trying to figure out the one patch until I realized you had already fixed it16:42
jbichavinagre looks like just some bug fixes and translation updates so I can upload that to raring for you16:46
ricotzjbicha, not sure, but if you do, you should take both vino/vinagre16:50
atrusis anybody packaging gnome 3.7 stuff for ubuntu?16:56
atrussince 13.04 is supposed to stick to 3.6...16:56
jbicharicotz: I don't think that's necessary, vinagre is in universe and vino will require more checking to make sure it doesn't cause regressions16:57
jbichathis might not work right with Unity: http://git.gnome.org/browse/vino/commit/?id=875b2a16:59
ricotzjbicha, ok16:59
jbichaatrus: yes and I think we'll be moving some GNOME 3.7 stuff to the GNOME3 PPA later in the week17:00
atrusi may have to start playing with raring soon.17:00
ricotzjbicha, can you confirm the dnd in nautilus/gedit/.., is broken with mutter 3.7.90?20:31
darkxstricotz, dnd is working fine here, but britt was complaining about that yesterday20:33
darkxstalthough have your git mutter, not the gnome3 ppa one20:34
ricotzdarkxst, wonder was the difference is if you are not seeing this20:34
ricotzdarkxst, a local mutter build or jhbuild?20:35
darkxstthe ricotz/testing package20:36
ricotzah ok, i am using that one too ;)20:37
ricotzso i am curious why you are not seeing it20:37
ricotzyou updated today?20:37
ricotzi dropped the cogl-reverts from mutter which were probably hiding that problem20:38
darkxstah not yet, upgrading now20:40
ricotzif you want dnd keep working then dont ;)20:45
darkxstgtk is broken? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5565879/20:50
ricotzdarkxst, that is some dh_* problem20:50
ricotznot related to this20:50
ricotzjust force-overwrite it20:50
ricotzalthough the mentioned dnd problem seesm to be gtk3 fault (not mutter as assumed)20:51
darkxstricotz, I seem to have the latest gtk-3 though20:58
ricotzso, are you seeing the problem?21:00
ricotzmake sure to actually restart e.g. nautilus to check21:01
ricotz(and restarting the shell of course)21:01
ubot5Gnome bug 694217 in general "drag&drop half-broken – items get stuck while dragging" [Normal,Unconfirmed]21:02
jbichadarkxst: the gtk problem should be fixed with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/2.24.16-1ubuntu221:02
darkxstricotz, no, not seeing it21:03
jbicharicotz: yeah I can confirm the nautilus drag & drop problem, maybe see if a later snapshot fixes it?21:06
ricotzjbicha, i assume you confirmed with gnome3-staging only?21:06
ricotzand no, gtk3 git master doesnt fix it21:07
jbicharicotz: yes just gnome3-staging & gnome3 ppas21:07
jbichahow about nautilus git master?21:08
ricotzit is a gtk+ problem not restricted to nautilus21:08
ubot5Gnome bug 694217 in general "drag&drop half-broken – items get stuck while dragging" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:14

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