[14:41] Is there a link to a website for stats on the number of users over a period of time for #ubuntu? I'm sure there was, but I can't remember the link [14:49] don't think so DJones [15:12] we don't track that in the logs on irclogs.ubuntu.com [15:36] @mark fetzbeast_ Possible trolling in German, warned once, left the channel & came back with more OT chat in German [15:36] The operation succeeded. [15:39] its just nonsense [18:59] DJones: We've had some users (including me) unofficially tracking stats off and on. Mine was only for the offtopic channel though. [19:00] DJones: I think Pici had a count for #ubuntu maybe? [19:00] !stats [19:00] !ircstats [19:00] hrm [19:03] !search stats [19:03] Found: stats-#ubuntu-uk, stats-#ubuntu-offtopic [19:04] I don't have mine anymore [19:04] !stats-#ubuntu-offtopic [19:04] Some fun statistics for this channel can be found on http://ircstats.tonyyarusso.com/ubuntu-offtopic.html or http://status.nullcortex.com/irc/offtopic/ [19:04] I think m4v was working with the code that I had going [19:04] !stats-#ubuntu-offtopic =~ s/ or.*$// [19:04] I'll remember that Pici [19:05] Hi everyone from Germany :) [19:05] * AlanBell is impressed that "think" is the top word [19:05] Hehe [19:05] hah [19:07] those URL stats don't look right [19:07] The loudest one was ubottu? [19:07] actually, most of that doesn't look right [19:09] I find this sad... "ubottu wrote the longest lines, averaging 122.7 letters per line." [19:10] aww, IdleOne's blog link doesn't work [19:10] jussi: Well, we try to cram so much into the factoids, so that makes sense [19:10] heh [19:10] Pici: that has been deleted for a while [19:10] I don't think hypatia has been on for a long time either [19:11] surprisingly, my site actually has rather current data on it... although I only wrote half of it before getting angry. [19:12] where do you see my blog link? [19:13] you nick on that list is a link [19:13] oh [19:14] I think the intention was to start over fresh and try and make it less personal, then realised I don't know what else to talk about but myself. [19:15] I started writing up a how-to on mine, and then hit my head against upstart for far too long. [19:27] !guidelines > LS\MFT [19:27] IdleOne:) [19:27] IdleOne: I was getting there [19:27] I know [19:29] !touch is phone [19:29] I'll remember that, IdleOne [19:29] !touch [19:29] Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch [20:50] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5564842/ it's my laptops distro in a serious messed up :( [20:52] ? [20:52] coolroot: you're not in #ubuntu [20:52] let me see if I can find out why [20:52] im there [20:53] but no one cares to answer :( [20:53] ok - so why are you pasting that in #ubuntu-ops [20:53] just tryin my luck if i could get some help [20:53] this isn't a support channel [20:53] channels don't like you joining and spamming them with offtopic stuff [20:53] joining random channels and asking isn't a good idea [20:53] i see sorry [20:53] no problem [20:54] unless you need something from the operator team for #ubuntu, please part this channel [20:54] just for now hope someone could possibly help me [20:54] aight i'll be out now thanx [20:54] sorry again [20:54] my bad [20:59] Looks like he's trying to boot off an extended partition === Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok