
dwatkinshi folks09:00
jacobwmorning guys09:01
dwatkinsmy x86_64 machine at home has started randomly rebooting itself, I hope it's not the power supply09:02
dwatkinshas anyone else noticed this with the current AMD driver?09:02
ali1234dwatkins: no, and i use mine for bitcoin mining09:08
ali1234just updated it about a week ago too09:09
dwatkinsali1234: which card do you have?09:09
dwatkinsI think I simply need a more powerful PSU.09:09
dwatkinsPerhaps Ubuntu doesn't handle power management the same as Windows, and spins something additional up after a couple hours which takes it over the threshold and it runs out of amps.09:09
ali1234dwatkins: 587009:14
dwatkinssimilar to mine, probably needs at least a 750 Watt PSU, I imagine.09:15
ali1234hah, no09:15
ali1234i have a 400W PSU09:15
ali1234and the machine uses no more than 300W at the wall when running at maximum load09:15
dwatkinshmm, I wonder what else might be causing this, then - unless having two hard disks and a SATA blu-ray drive takes me over the limit of my PSU09:16
JamesTaitHappy Monday, all! :-D09:16
ali1234maybe but i doubt it09:16
ali1234the card is about 70% of power usage for me09:16
dwatkinsThere's nothing in the logs which suggests a crash, so ran memtest86 over night09:16
dwatkinsPerhaps I should just leave it running for a day or two just to be sure.09:17
popeycan anyone identify the url in this shockingly bad photo? http://popey.com/~alan/whatisthis.jpg ? (bonus points for not pointing out it was taken from a car)09:19
popeylooks like www.pin2... or www.pim2... something09:20
dwatkinspopey: where? on the black car?09:20
dwatkinswill see what I can find out09:21
bigcalmGood morning peeps09:22
dwatkinsthe elephant looks vaguely familiar in the logo09:22
bigcalmWas it a bad driver you need to report?09:23
ali1234checks out, same elephant logo09:23
ali1234bigcalm: fo that number plate would be enough :)09:23
bigcalmali1234: to the police, sure. But one might want to contact a company 1st09:24
=== michelle is now known as michelle_
AlanBellpopey: I thought I would try a google reverse image search of the logo09:30
diploMorning all09:30
AlanBellnever do that with pink things with safesearch turned off09:30
bigcalmNice way to start Monday morning09:31
ali1234"unless you're into that kind of thing"09:31
bigcalmAlanBell: your fault for having safe search turned off? :)09:31
popeyI did AlanBell ☺09:32
AlanBellI hadn't realised that it looked like that at all09:32
popeyand yes, found lots of odd unsavoury images, mostly of faces tho09:32
ali1234did nobody consider just using autolevels to enhance the image?09:33
mungbeangoogle image search seems mostly colour matching09:34
popeyi had a fiddle in gimp, but wasn't sure which tool to use tbh09:35
diploali1234: Installing Neccesitas ( sp? ) now, looks good so far though. Thanks for the heads up09:35
ali1234popey: colours->levels09:37
ali1234colour->hue and saturation sometimes helps too09:37
ali1234though you can do same thing from levels09:37
popeyhttp://www.theverge.com/2013/2/25/4027018/lg-buys-webos-smart-tv  #blimey09:37
ali1234in fact there's really only two operations, levels and convolve - these are the raw form of every other function09:38
ali1234hmm i thought webos went open source?09:38
ali1234so... thet bought the development team?09:38
diploLast year we heard that LG was working on a smart TV based on Open webOS09:39
diplo  #blimey09:40
diploc&p fail!09:40
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:42
redtape-renegademorning .. are the kids still on holiday ?10:57
popeynot ours10:59
diploDepends where you are, my kids were off the week before last. So this is their 2nd week back :)11:00
AzelphurI think in some places it's off for another 2 weeks11:01
davmor2Morning all11:05
AzelphurI had a fun morning, told my landlord I'm starting the process of suing him11:07
dwatkinsAzelphur: sounds like fun...11:09
dwatkinsmsy I ask what they did to you?11:09
Azelphurdwatkins: I've been living here for 4 months with a drain in my driveway with no cover, broken gutters that turn my driveway into a waterfall every time it rains, no letterbox, broken washing machine, oven, extractor fan, fire alarms sounding for up to 6 hour stints while the landlord ignores the "24/7 available emergency phone line" stipulated in the contract, he promised gated access to entice me to move in, then never did it...11:11
dwatkinsAzelphur: crikey :-/ on the up-side, it sounds like you have a strong case11:11
Azelphuroh also the area outside my house (which is the landlords property, but I have to walk through it to get to my house) is simply disgusting, trash everywhere, it's started accumulating dead animals.11:13
Azelphurand the lower level has busted drains, so it fills up with up to 3 inches of water, which makes the trash smell even nicer.11:13
Azelphurnothing like rain water and trash in the morning :P11:13
AzelphurI'm surprised those lower level flats havn't flooded in all honesty11:14
AzelphurI saw the water right up on their doorstep once11:14
Azelphurliterally 1cm higher and it would have been in11:14
brobostigonalso isnt that illegal, unhygenic living conditions. ?11:15
Azelphuryep, multiple section 11 violations, breaches of contract, etc11:15
Azelphurlegal advisor told me that I can sue him, get a forced repair order put out, and get compensation11:15
brobostigonsounds like a good start,11:16
mgdmI'd start looking for alternatives, too :-)11:16
Azelphurmgdm: plenty of alternatives in this road, they just built a really nice new block at the end of the street.11:17
Azelphurthis road has a government restoration project going on, so there's lots of new stuff available.11:17
* neuro yawns14:29
neurooscars are not conducive to sleep14:30
czajkowskiwere they any good?14:31
popeypeople watch that live!?14:31
neuroi would have watched it all in one go live14:32
neurobut i was watching it via NowTV14:32
neuro(aka Sky's "you don't have to subscribe to Sky to watch Sky Movies" IPTV thing)14:32
neuroit fell over very hard for about an hour and a quarter about 40 mins into the ceremony14:32
neuroand considering they'd lured new users in with a 30 day free trial, specifically promoting the fact they'd show the oscars live, it's a bit of a shame14:35
neuroand compared to netflix, nowtv is a bit of a joke14:35
neurovery poor catalogue (basically whatever's airing on sky movies right now), poor HD ondemand quality, no HD for live channels (you can watch all the sky movies channels as they air)14:36
neuroand they seem to crash a lot14:36
neuroczajkowski: and yes, i thought they were good14:36
neurodidn't agree with best director, but the right film won best film14:37
neurobit of a travesty that affleck wasn't nominated for best dir tho14:38
neuropopey: but yes, to more succinctly answer your question, because I consider myself a movie buff, yes, I usually watch the Oscars as they air14:41
neurolots of people do14:41
popeyyeah, I sit up and watch election results come in, same thing I guess14:45
neuroit's like watching a football game or a grand prix, i'd rather watch it live and find out the results in real time than have to dodge the news for up to 24h until I see the highlights or a recording :)14:50
BigRedSIs there an easy way to find out why a package that was once in the repos no longer is?15:27
popeydo you have a specific example or is this a general enq?15:27
BigRedSyeah, imapsync15:28
BigRedSbut, in general, it seems that there should be a link somewhere in my search results saying why lucid was the last to have it15:28
lubotu3Debian bug 609845 in ftp.debian.org "RM: imapsync -- ROM; no longer distributable" [Important,Open]15:28
popey"The author of the software cleary stated, that he wished to no longer15:28
popeyhave his software distributed in Debian."15:28
BigRedSOh, fair enough. I guess a lot of the time a package falls out of Ubuntu 'cause Debian stops packaging it?15:30
BigRedSjust would be nice to have an easy link for where a package went and what I'm supposed to do instead for any package that I might be expecting to still find15:30
davmor2Hmmmmmmmm Moby Extreme Ways is a funky tune god bless the bourne trilogy for highlighting it for me :)15:38
mgdmit's a good tune but it's more or less a clone of one off Play15:41
popeyBigRedS: yeah, i generally just google for "debian dropped <packagename" or "removed" and find out pretty quickly15:42
davmor2BigRedS: there is the ability to back track on https;//apps.ubuntu.com/cat/  search for the pacakge and then on the package details you can see version numbers, or via packages.ubuntu.com  tracking why it was dropped is something else all together15:45
BigRedSyeah, it's the why it was dropped that seemed to be something that would be obviously recorded somewhere linked to from the packages record on packages.[ubuntu|debian].[com|org]15:52
davmor2BigRedS: Yes I think the issue is how to display it if the package no longer exists if that makes sense16:07
neuro€50 for imapsync16:24
redtape-renegadeWent to Port Erin today for a Pint . Told a bloke he'd missed a sport , Bloke wasn't happy :) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/Port%20Erin%20at%202pm.JPG16:26
MartijnVdSredtape-renegade: that string is .. incredible16:45
MartijnVdShow does it stay up?16:45
mgdmI think it's more an artifact of the panorama generation16:46
MartijnVdSI know16:48
MartijnVdSbut still!16:48
MartijnVdSAlso... ISLE OF MAN, Y U STEAL SUN!?16:48
MartijnVdS(or clear skies at least)16:48
SuperMattwait, isle of man has sun?16:51
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: tax reasons16:56
SuperMattoh, of course16:57
SuperMattThe Sun has got to store all the money he saves for a rainy day16:58
redtape-renegadeMartijnVdS: Hi .. looks like I missed my 15 minutes of fame today ?18:51
ali1234we seem to have a bit of an explosion of mobile ux...19:05
ubuntubhoychoice is good ali123419:14
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redtape-renegadeI'm feeling slightly light headed on my left side . Not sure if it's my left ear or brain cancer ?? Is there a Doctor in the house ?19:29
AlanBellhttp://hackntalk.eventbrite.com/ weekend after next in London19:31
AlanBelland a hangout online19:32
redtape-renegadeooh cool ..19:32
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | next meeting 16/02/2013 20:00 | ubuntu | http://hackntalk.eventbrite.com/
popeyhmm, meeting date needs fixing19:35
davmor2popey: all the time in the world and you came up with this "Let’s talk about six, baby:" ........... What a steaming pile of Awesome :)19:35
redtape-renegademmm London .. do they do raspberry pi stuff ??19:35
redtape-renegadeat the meeting ?19:36
davmor2popey: the collective you then ;)19:36
redtape-renegadethis could possible be a cluster-fcuk  .. Lets address the problems ppl face with this topic to help them.19:37
redtape-renegadeWell how do we get there e.g. ?19:41
popeywhere? HackNTalk?19:41
popeyI would use whatever navigation system was at my disposal to get me to the address presented on the web page linked above.19:41
* AlanBell points in the direction of Google + hangouts19:41
redtape-renegadeCan we comment on a webpage, somewhere ?19:42
* AlanBell will be using a train to get there in person19:42
* AlanBell is slightly confused by the current conversation19:42
redtape-renegadeAlanBell: Is the 'hangout' scheduled ?19:42
* popey is also somewhat confused19:42
redtape-renegadeI'm just ironing out creases..19:43
popeyOh, I do enjoy ironing19:43
redtape-renegadeAlanBell: Is the 'hangout' scheduled ?19:43
AlanBellnot scheduled yet, things are flexible19:43
ali1234redtape-renegade: topics are decided on the day19:44
AlanBellwe can leave it running, and there might be other stuff going on that isn't related19:44
ahayzenis it where the lorry is on Google Street view? in the etc.venues? or is it the next block?19:44
ali1234it's highly likely raspberry pi will be involved somehow but if not, you can offer to do a presentation yourself19:44
redtape-renegadeAaah .. I read it is an un-conference type thingy , Oh I get it now .. a kinda drop-in.19:44
* AlanBell has not looked at the venue yet, but I am sure it will be findable19:44
redtape-renegadeSo if I get this correct.. it's basically a google  -bash ??19:46
AlanBellnot really19:47
redtape-renegadeoh OK.19:47
AlanBellthe venue happens to belong to Google, and Google hangouts happen to be good video conferencing technology19:47
AlanBellbut other than that Google is uninvolved19:47
ahayzenAlanBell, who is expected to be attending?19:48
redtape-renegadeWill ubuntupodcast uk be doing interviews on the day for the podcast ?19:48
AlanBellme \o/19:48
AlanBelland possibly some others19:48
popeyredtape-renegade: possibly, if one (or more) of us goes19:52
redtape-renegadepopey: cool.19:52
redtape-renegadecant wait till the 27th.19:53
* redtape-renegade requires a shave .. 20:17
=== redtape-renegade is now known as redtape-AFK
bubu\ahey dudes, any reason why I'm getting this trying to get to my router on a new isntall of 12.10? ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known20:38
bubu\athe ports open and I can ping
Azelphurbubu\a: route -n | pastebinit20:39
bubu\alooks ok no?20:41
Azelphuryea, says your router is
Azelphurso, dunno, odd.20:42
bubu\ai know20:42
Azelphurbubu\a: what happens if you telnet 2220:42
bubu\aI can hit it, get the banner20:43
Azelphurthat means your ssh server is running on port 22 not 2222 ;)20:44
bubu\ano its running on 222220:44
bubu\ai tenetted to 222220:44
Azelphurah ok, odd then20:44
* dwatkins suspects he is hitting bug 56121020:53
lubotu3bug 561210 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Writing big files to NFS target causes system lock up" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56121020:53
dwatkinsI increases the wsize and rsize sysctl values for a couple network parameters and the system hasn't rebooted itself this time around20:54
=== redtape-AFK is now known as redtape-renegade
redtape-renegadeAlanBell: Profiled haz I ?? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/Singles%20advert.png21:04
redtape-renegadehttp://youtu.be/u0I7dByeTt4?t=15m9s Nice .. I want one ...21:18
MartijnVdSredtape-renegade: three laps around the Isle and it's empty :P21:21
redtape-renegadeMartijnVdS: Haha ! .. I liked your posts earlier .. v. true.21:27
MartijnVdSTime for sleep.. more openwrt + 802.11s tomorrow :)21:28
redtape-renegadeok good luck .. my continental friend :)21:30
popeyblimey, he's a terrible public speaker21:31
czajkowskipopey: who is ?21:37
ali1234the tesla guy21:38
redtape-renegadepopey, true , but he chooses his sentences carefully.. thats why he's a billionaire ..21:43
ali1234he's a billionaire because he founded paypal21:43
AlanBellvery nice car though21:47
popeyyes, very nice car#21:49
popeyredtape-renegade: he so doesn't choose sentences carefully21:49
AlanBellthat wasn't well rehearsed, he should have had an autocue21:51
popeyhe said a few negative things about the car, which you should never do in a product launch21:52
AlanBellindeed, he said it was awkward getting into the third row or something21:53
AlanBellhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Elon_Musk.jpg/320px-Elon_Musk.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/31/ZeframCochrane1.jpg you be the judge21:59
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
dwatkinsali1234: my machine seems to have stopped rebooting itself since I implemented the sysctl changes in bug 561210, despite it being logged against a much older kernel :)22:42
lubotu3bug 561210 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Writing big files to NFS target causes system lock up" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56121022:42
ali1234wow... i don't use NFS22:43
ali1234never had anything but bad experiences with it22:43
dwatkinsali1234: what do you use to cross-mount filesystems between linux boxen?22:44
ali1234i don't22:44
dwatkinsahh :)22:44
ali1234i just scp everything22:44
ali1234i only have one "computer" anyway22:44
ali1234and the mythtv22:44
dwatkinsfair enough, I tend to mount filesystems and use them as an extension to my local disk, keeping media on them etc.22:44
ali1234but that streams on it's own protocol22:44
ali1234i have a NAS... it runs samba i guess. i dunno, it just appears in "my network"22:45
dwatkinsI like messing around with getting all my media accessible from every device, including the Raspberry Pi and the xbox.22:45
ali1234or whatever ubuntu calls it22:45
ali1234might be using the apple sharing stuff actually22:45
ali1234it "just works"22:45
* dwatkins nods22:45
dwatkinsI might see if I can mount via AFP, seeing as I have it setup for my laptop22:45
dwatkinslooks like it's not built-in22:46
dwatkinshmm, that's way too many i386 packages for worrying about at bedtime, will have a look tomorrow, ttfn folks22:48
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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