
Kilosmorning all05:31
Squirmto be woken up when you don't need to be woken up :/05:32
Kilosaw thats not nice'05:34
Kilosneed to restart xchat05:36
Kilosmorning superfly Superhuman 06:13
SuperhumanMorning Mr Kilos!06:13
Superhumanaren't a Mr?06:13
Kilosall good there superfly ?06:14
superflymorning Kilos, Superhuman06:19
superflylong time no smell, Superhuman06:19
Superhumanawe superfly06:19
Superhumantoo long06:19
superflyKilos: alles is fine, I'm just dead06:19
SuperhumanHow's the cape?06:20
Kilosaw wassup06:20
superflyfine and sunny, looks like it'll be a warm day06:20
Kilosdead sucks. the worms eat you without salt06:20
superflytired and sore06:20
superflyI did gardening this weekend06:20
Kilosat 8 am?06:20
Kilosgonna be a long day06:21
Kilosarent you in a flat anymore06:22
Kilosno gardens there06:22
Kiloshi josvis 06:24
josvishi Kilos, seems quiet here, will join up this evening06:30
superflyKilos: never been in a flat06:36
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:36
Kilosoh my superfly i missed the bus somewhere06:37
Kiloshi vinnie06:51
superflyWow, the range of a level 7 portal in Ingress is MASSIVE06:51
Kiloshehe and you gotta try claim it for yourself06:52
Kilosyou gonna be more tired06:52
superflyNo, it'll be a mission to take down06:52
Kiloshi jrgns 06:54
jrgnsmorning Kilos, all06:55
superflyhi jrgns06:56
maiatodayHi Kilos, superfly and everyone else06:57
superflyhey maiatoday!06:57
Kilosmaiatoday, all good there? we miss you you know07:00
superflyhi Vince-007:03
Vince-0Its Monday! Be amped07:03
Vince-0I keep telling myself07:03
Kilosyou guys need to go to work to rest after the weekends07:04
ThatGraemeGuymorning :)07:42
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy you guys anti pc weekends hey07:46
Kiloshi henkj 07:46
henkjhi Kilos07:48
superflymorning ThatGraemeGuy07:49
ThatGraemeGuyyeah, if i'm firing up the laptop on a weekend it generally means something at work broke :)07:49
superflyKilos: ThatGraemeGuy also has 2 kiddos, one expecially new -- he's busy with reality over weekends :-)07:49
Kilosah lekker07:49
KilosThatGraemeGuy, did you buddy go for that job?07:50
Kiloshe is the server man right?07:50
ThatGraemeGuymy who now what now? :-~07:50
Kilosi forget his nickname07:51
Kilosjoined here same day as you07:51
ThatGraemeGuyoh CuttingEdge07:51
Kilosyeah him07:51
ThatGraemeGuyi don't know anything about it07:51
Kilosthere was need of a server man in bloem07:51
Kilosit was in the mailing list07:52
ThatGraemeGuythey have electricity there? :-o07:52
Kilosbloem varsity07:52
Kilosgot mean pc stuff07:52
Kilosim not sure if the varsity of technology and the main varsity are same thing07:53
Kilosmore inetpro 07:54
Squirmsuperfly: what's this 'reality' you talk about?07:55
superflySquirm: it's what happens when you meet a girl07:55
Squirmsuperfly: so you haven't met a girl?07:56
Kilosand you chase her till she catches you07:57
SquirmI need to get out of Mooi River if I'm going to find this 'reality' then07:58
achervhi @all09:09
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
zerefhmmmm debian10:51
zerefdecided to move all my pc's to debian.11:03
superflyzeref: I'm still kinda debating that... though I haven't really had any big issues with Kubuntu11:09
zerefserver is still ubuntu.11:13
zerefdont think i'll change that.11:13
zerefsuperfly: kde on debian?11:14
superflyzeref: yup11:14
zerefusing debian testing11:15
zerefhad to do a bit of configuring. but once up and running11:16
zerefonly issue i have is that vlc sound is weird. vlc on 100% is very low and 200% is like the usual 100%11:17
YusufHi All12:24
YusufAnyone here experiencing some weird behaviour on their 12.04 servers from the LAN?12:29
magespawnafternoon all12:33
charl_hi magespawn 13:03
charl_Yusuf: that is extremely vague, i think you need to be more specific :)13:04
magespawnhey charl_13:17
YusufHi Charl, sorry about being so vague. It seems to be related to my firewall, weird thing is it was working fine till a few days ago and none of the configs are changed13:46
YusufLooks like its just my luck or lack thereof13:46
zerefYusuf: what kind of problems?13:46
YusufWell I have two site running Zentyal13:47
YusufUp until three days ago client machines could access the servers easily13:47
YusufThen all of a sudden there is intermittent access13:47
zerefwhat does dmesg and syslog say :D13:48
YusufThe firewall policy is set to accept all fron the LAN connected interface13:48
YusufI did not look at the dmesg output, and syslog did not yield anything useful13:49
YusufMaybe I need to do some more verbose logging13:50
tonberry352_are the packets reaching the machine or not when connectivity fails?13:50
zereftry connect and look and dmesg at the same time13:50
tonberry352_you would probably need to have tcpdump running while it fails to make sure13:50
YusufI think they are, but I did not run TCPdump, I should have13:52
YusufWhen the firewall is off I get a response13:53
YusufThanks zeref and tonberry35213:54
YusufI am going back to the site now, will try your suggestions13:55
YusufAppreciate the direction :)13:55
magespawnhey kbmonkey15:12
Kiloshi kbmonkey magespawn and others15:12
magespawnhey Kilos15:13
* ThatGraemeGuy yawns15:15
kbmonkeyhooray work is done15:19
magespawnlater all, gotta go home15:39
kbmonkeycheers magespawn 15:40
Kilosyo Vince-0 16:13
Vince-0Hi oom16:13
Kiloshow you know im a oom?16:14
Vince-0I see others say oom16:14
Kilosso you believe them?16:14
Vince-0it's an Afrikaans thing to use uncle as a sign of respect16:15
Kilosyeah but only if the guy is 10 or more years older than you16:16
Vince-0im 2716:16
Kilosah we just over 10 years then16:17
Kilosmy son is 3616:17
Kilosonly 34 years out methinks16:17
Vince-0so when the dinosaurs roamed?16:18
Kilosoh no its 201316:18
Kilosyeah around there16:18
Vince-0I kid16:18
Kilosi know16:19
Vince-0need to go fix the garage door - bbl16:19
Kiloscaveman times is closer16:19
charl_quite happy that i can now finally use ipv6 from work natively all the way to my server in a different country16:25
charl_that took some years but we are getting there16:26
charl_nice, i can even do a speed test for ipv6 http://i.imgur.com/Um4CDCk.png16:33
Kilosi think i might have found why 12.04 keeps crashing16:33
charl_slightly slower over ipv6 than ipv4 though for some reason16:33
Kilosdont make me jealous charl_ 16:33
charl_ipv6 will come around eventually :)16:33
Kilosi found 3 quantal packages in archives16:33
charl_i don't have ipv6 natively on my home cable connection either16:33
Kilosall xserver.xorg16:34
Kilosbut ive put 10.10 on here and if that crashed too then its something in the hardware 16:35
charl_i'm off, have a good evening all!16:36
kbmonkeyhello kilos17:02
nuvolarihi kbmonkey 17:06
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 17:06
nuvolarikbmonkey: watched promethius17:06
nuvolarihowever you spell it17:06
Kiloslo nuvolari 17:07
nuvolariZero Dark Thirty was good17:07
nuvolarisies! oom kan nie met 'n mond vol kos chat nie :P17:07
Kiloslol nee man ek het net begin inskep toe pc bloep17:17
nuvolarioh :P askuus oom Kilos 17:18
Kilosnp boet17:18
Kilosgm=np ne?17:18
nuvolariaskuus oom?17:19
Kilosgeen moeite17:19
Kilosno prob17:19
nuvolarigeen probleem17:19
Kiloso ja17:20
nuvolarioom se afrikaans verroes17:20
Kilosslegte dag vandag17:20
Kiloshare kussing klap ietwat17:20
nuvolarihoekom oom Kilos ?17:20
Kiloshi Squirm 17:21
nuvolarihello's Squirm 17:21
nuvolarihow are you?17:21
Squirmanyone done any work with their GPIO on their rPi's?17:21
SquirmI'm very well nuvolari 17:21
Squirmstill waiting for that visit :P17:21
nuvolariSquirm: you hava a pi?17:22
* nuvolari turns yellow17:22
Squirmhad one for months. it's just sat around, haven't used it17:22
* Squirm wonders if it still works17:22
Kilosnuvolari, yellow?17:24
nuvolariKilos: geel van jaloesie17:24
Kilosmoet groen wees is dit nie17:25
nuvolariin afrikaans is dit geel17:25
Squirmnuvolari: it was R360 incl. delivery17:25
Kilosmy nooit geweet nie17:25
nuvolariSquirm: rs-online?17:25
Squirmnuvolari: yep17:26
nuvolariSquirm: where did they deliver to?17:26
nuvolarito door?17:26
Kilosnuvolari, dis groen man17:26
Kilosgeel is bangheid17:26
Squirmnuvolari: indeed17:26
nuvolariSquirm: is that the A or B model?17:27
Squirmidk if they've released A yet17:27
Squirmand B > A17:27
nuvolarioh, and do I need any extras? 17:27
nuvolariI keep on forgetting to ask the people that17:27
Squirmthe Pi has an HDMI out and a normal Video out17:28
Squirmso depends on what display you want to use17:28
Squirmand SD card17:28
Squirmand some form of Mini Usb B, so Blackberry Charger, etc17:28
=== jeandre is now known as theblazehen
theblazehenhi all.17:30
Tonberrygo for samsung chargers17:30
Kiloshi theblazehen 17:30
Tonberrymy blackberry charger does not give entirely enough voltage17:31
theblazehenBusy trying tmux and irssi :) I like it17:31
Tonberryif I push the pi17:31
theblazehenTonberry: Have you tried a iPad charger?17:31
Squirmtheblazehen: funny17:32
kbmonkeywelcome to the world of irssi theblazehen :)17:32
theblazehenkbmonkey: Thanks!17:32
theblazehenSquirm: what was funny?17:33
Squirmhow would you connect the iPad charger to the rPi17:33
kbmonkeypython <317:33
theblazehenSquirm: with usb17:33
Squirmdoesn't the ipad charge with a different connection?17:34
theblazehenSquirm: It plugs into the iPad with a different connection but the cable that plugs into the charger is USB17:34
Squirmthat makes more sense17:35
Kiloshey clever peeps is unplugging an external same as reboot17:35
theblazehenexternal what? hard drive?17:35
Kilosjust wrote mbr with testdisk and it said reboot to take effect17:35
kbmonkeytheblazehen, you might like to check out irssi scripts called adv_windowlist.pl, burl.pl and nickcolor.pl17:36
Kilosplugged into usb17:36
theblazehenNope it is allready in effect. You just need to reboot if you want to boot from it.17:36
theblazehenOr you could use a VM...17:36
magespawnevening all17:36
theblazehenhi magespawn 17:36
Kiloshey magespawn 17:36
theblazehenkbmonkey: thanks will check later17:37
kbmonkeywb mage17:37
kbmonkeyI type faster than my ssh connection allows :p17:37
Kilosgot some pics for you to look at of the drive with busted sata connection17:37
Kilosbut stupid thing shows only as 160G17:37
theblazehenKilos: even in cfdisk? 17:38
Kilosi dunno how to do that theblazehen 17:38
theblazehensudo cfdisk /dev/sd*17:39
Kilosah ty17:39
theblazeheneg /dev/sdb17:39
magespawnon the topic of snakes i just a herald out side the back door17:40
magespawnor maybe its hereld17:41
Kiloseek -- fatal error cannot read disk drive17:41
magespawnoops Kilos 17:41
kbmonkeyyou just a word, magespawn ? ;)17:41
theblazehentry using ddrescue - do sudo apt-get install ddrescue and then read the man page. Start with eg. a 4MB block size17:42
Kiloswill do ty17:42
kbmonkeythat sounds not too good, Kilos 17:42
theblazehennp, You did choose the correct device right?17:42
magespawnkbmonkey: whatndid you mean?17:43
kbmonkeymagespawn, I meant you left a word out in your sentence. It's a play on a similar meme.17:43
Kilosyeah lots of drives from ian that he tried to fix with his pc that has a virus in bios have strange stuff written to mbr that one sukkels to get rid of17:44
magespawnhah just read what i typed17:44
magespawncaught is the missing word17:44
Kilosyeah theblazehen only my drive and that one and testdisk saw it as sdb 17:44
theblazehenok... kinda sucks. And dd won't work?17:45
Kilosand gparted took ages to see it but says its 160g unallocated17:45
Kilosand cant write a partition table to it17:45
theblazehentry and ddrescue it to file and then attempt recovery from file17:45
theblazehenyea. The drive seems fucked. Just try and save the data17:46
Kilosi just wanna get the thing formatted and working17:46
Kilosdata np17:46
kbmonkeyddrescue only works if the device is recognized17:46
Kilosgparted and testdisk see it as sdb but show not filesystem17:47
theblazehenkbmonkey: ok. Thought it was recognising but not wanting to read. Thanks for clarification17:47
kbmonkeyKilos, you tried the disk manager app yet? it queries drive's SMART capabilities, self diagnostics that tell you if the drive is healthy17:47
Kilosdisk utility?17:48
kbmonkeyit is in the system menu if I recall17:48
Kilosyip got it17:48
Kilosive got 10.10 here17:48
kbmonkeyclick on the drive in the list17:49
Kilossays smart status not supported17:50
kbmonkeyokay, it must be too old for that. 17:50
Kilosno man 500g sta drives arent so old17:50
Kiloswill try format and partition function17:50
KilosError creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_create_partition_table: device_file=/dev/sdb, scheme=017:51
Kilosped_device_get() failed17:51
Kilosyet doesnt show its scrap17:52
kbmonkeynow it's a paper weight :p17:52
kbmonkeyoh my ears, my poor ears. neighbors singing karaoke17:53
Kilosill play with seatools and ubcd for a bit17:53
theblazehenkbmonkey: Poor you17:53
Kilosmaybe tomorrow17:54
Kilosnight all. have a good evening and sleep tight17:54
Kilostoods theblazehen 17:54
kbmonkeynite Kilos 17:54
theblazehennight Kilos 17:54
kbmonkeyI'm trying to add a hotkey mechanism to custom pygame UI buttons.17:57
kbmonkeypython is so much fun17:58
kbmonkeysup Vince-0 18:09
theblazehenanyone here use bitcoin?18:09
Cantidedid you read the article on Gizmag about bitcoin?18:10
Cantidetbh i didn't know much about it before i read that18:10
Cantideoh, just asking >_>18:10
* Cantide scurries off18:10
theblazehenhaha, no problem.18:10
theblazehenWrote a php script to automatically trade between btc and usd and was hoping for someone to review it.18:11
kbmonkeyI tried bitcoin but didnt have the cpu power to generate fast enough18:12
theblazehenkbmonkey: GPU?18:12
kbmonkeyperhaps I was impatient ;p18:12
theblazehenalso have a look at sites like coinad.com18:12
theblazehenyea... Also ATI is a lot better than Nvida18:12
kbmonkeyare there sites that take them as currency?18:12
theblazehenhave a look at the silk road.18:13
kbmonkeyno I did not have a GPU at the time18:13
theblazehenThere are also other sites but I don't remember them now18:13
theblazehenkbmonkey: Yea, CPU mining sucks18:13
kbmonkeyindeed. I only mine the tunnels in Moria now 18:14
Cantidethis is the article i was referring to: http://www.gizmag.com/bitcoin-creation-value-overview/26325/18:14
theblazehenkbmonkey: If you still want to try look at something like litecoin18:14
theblazehenCantide: Thanks18:14
Cantideit's more for people who don't know about bitcoin18:15
theblazehenI assumed so18:15
Cantidethan for those looking for more technical / detailed information18:15
Cantideanyhow, AFK time :p18:15
theblazehenMyself I still don't really understand some of the technical stuff.18:15
kbmonkeyI was also running folding@home so figured I'd dedicate the cpu to one task18:15
kbmonkeybut that also stopped.18:16
theblazehenkbmonkey: Why did you stop folding?18:16
kbmonkeyI travelled a bit and did not have a desktop18:17
theblazehenkbmonkey: ok18:17
kbmonkeylitecoin seems interesting18:18
theblazehenkbmonkey: I tried mining it on my phone and a VPS but I didn't make much. Only like 10 or so18:18
theblazehenIf you try it make sure you are using a litecoin pool. And a litecoin wallet.18:19
theblazehenThe best pools (imho) are proportional18:21
theblazehenfscking mosquitos18:24
magespawnhey superfly  fyi http://www.meegoexperts.com/2013/02/sailfish-os-jolla-sdk/ 18:27
theblazehenstill in dev right?18:28
superflyOh, our CEO's macbook air drowned, and while it is being repaired he is using Ubuntu... and he's fallen in love with Ubuntu.18:37
kbmonkeyoh that is good :)18:38
=== Cantide is now known as CantideAFK
kbmonkeysuperfly, I found a very neat trick for python to simulate ternary expressions18:40
superflykbmonkey: foo if bar else baf ?18:41
kbmonkeyfoo = (false_result, true_result)[somevalue == 42]18:41
kbmonkeypretty much18:41
kbmonkeysince True is 1, False is 0, you can use it as a tuple index18:41
superflykbmonkey: the ternary operator in python is "a if b else c"18:42
kbmonkeyI got to try this...18:42
superflyaka: true_result if expression else false_result18:42
kbmonkeyso it is, thanks for that :)18:43
superflybefore they introduced that, you used to have to do something like "expression and true_result or false_result"18:44
superflykbmonkey: next time, just ask ;-)18:44
kbmonkeyI did not know they introduced that. I remember needing that a and b or c thing18:44
kbmonkeyI saw this most horrendous code that tested if a point is within a recangle (pygame). meanwhile one can just use rect.collidepoint(position)18:46
kbmonkeyit looked like a stairway to heaven with all the else: blocks18:46
kbmonkeyenjoy what's left of Monday all, I'm out.19:12
=== ThatGraemeGuy_ is now known as ThatGraemeGuy
* ThatGraemeGuy waves19:32
superflyohi  ThatGraemeGuy19:45
ThatGraemeGuy'ello :)19:45
superflydeploy night?19:45
ThatGraemeGuyno, i'm just slapping vmware around a bit :)19:45
superflyoh right19:47
superflytumbleweed: I'm definitely coming to the Jam19:51
superflymight have to leave at about 1, but I'll be there from 1019:51
superfly(or a little earlier if you'd like)19:52
tumbleweedI'd better organise keys to the venue...19:52
magespawngood night all20:16
Vince-0peace out!20:16
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== CantideAFK is now known as Cantide
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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