
len-1304Don't know if this is a known bug, but the sudoku game included on todays 13.04 daily ISO won't run.01:55
len-1304NotImplementedError: Setting properties of type 'GdkEventMask' is not implemented01:56
len-1304Wrong python version?01:56
len-1304install time01:57
len-dtThe slide show Network page needs to be updated, It says quantal and 12.10.02:05
bluesabreThe slideshow graphics are usually taken care of shortly before artwork freeze02:09
len-dtno problem then. I will bug the gnome-sudoku after I finish installing.02:10
len-dtgnome-sudoku bug #113260102:54
ubottubug 1132601 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) "gnome-sudoku won't start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113260102:54

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