
=== Catbuntu is now known as Camel`
zrutyWhat can I do to not see those informational and preview messages in Pidgin ?00:36
zrutyI thought I already switched those features off but it doesn't seem to 'listen'00:36
Zelouillezruty: I think you can disable a plugin in Pidgin. Somewhere like : Tools > Plugins > Popup Libnotify00:43
zrutyZelouille: Ah, found it. I switched it off now. Thanks!00:44
Zelouillezruty: You're welcome.00:45
xubuntu878someone know how can i kill xserver in xubuntu for install nvidia drivers???01:01
genii-aroundxubuntu878: logout, then ctrl-alt-f1, login there. sudo stop lightdm     ... do the nvidia install stuff here... when done.. sudo start lightdm and then alt-f701:03
xubuntu878thanks friend :D i will try it01:12
GridCubegenii-around, ist is sudo servive lightdm stop01:15
genii-aroundGridCube: I think it's a native upstart job01:15
GridCubemmm okay01:15
xubuntu878i'm going to go to try it, i will back in few minutes ;)01:17
xubuntu471necesito help03:32
city_wokanyone here doing mono development in ubuntu/xubuntu?03:51
bullgard4What is the pathname of the Audio Library of Quod LIbet? See: http://code.google.com/p/quodlibet/wiki/Guide05:40
yarlHi there!08:31
yarlSorry for my english, I'm a french guy.08:31
yarlI have some trouble installing xubuntu, and I am wondering somebody already got that problem, which is: the terminal, during the installation, says me that I must choose a pam profile in the list but there's no list.08:33
yarlNo box appear or so.08:33
yarlIt is xubuntu 12.04.2 and I installed xubuntu 12.04.1 without any trouble before08:44
baizonyarl: have you tried to expand the information ?08:46
yarlWhat do you mean?08:47
baizonyarl: for example on this screenshot you see down "creating ext4..."  http://static.howtoforge.com/images/perfect_desktop_xubuntu_12.04/big/6.jpg08:48
baizonclick on the triangle and you will get more information08:49
baizonthere should be also the pam related info08:49
yarlthe link is forbidden.08:50
yarlOh, I just understand08:51
yarlWhat I said, the messages concerning pam, are in the box08:51
baizonyarl: http://i.imgur.com/xFSGckd.jpg08:51
baizonyou wont get an popup window08:51
baizonits terminal-based08:52
baizongood :)08:52
yarlI opened it up because it seemed long08:52
yarlAnd I saw that repetition of messages: you must choose a pam profile in the list or users will have su powers, etc (that was in french so that probably not exactly the message08:54
yarlthis happens on the end I guess08:55
yarlMaybe, that's a pam package that asks some conf on installation, but no confbox appear. Could I bypass this?08:59
yarlthe exact message is:09:11
yarlaucun profil pam n'a étélis en place pour ce système. N'en utiliser aucun donnerait a tous les utilisateurs un accès sans authentification, ce qui n'est pas autoriser, mercide bien vouloir choisir un profil pam dans la liste proposée.09:12
yarlit's pam-auth-uptade running andspamming that message09:13
yarlAnd if I try to lauch sudo pam-auth-update in another tty, it says /var/conf/config.dat is locked by another process, indeed.09:15
yarlI tried to kill the process pam-auth-update, the installer continue his job, but finnally error code.09:23
yarlI'm downloading debian.09:42
stdihello everybody. I'm a new xubuntu user (but I'm not new to linux), and I'm having an issue with the X server. Is this the place to ask or should I post the question on ubuntuforums.org?16:23
genii-aroundstdi: If you just state your actual issue well as you can to the channel, someone may take it up.16:24
stdialright, ty :)16:24
stdithen, I have a triple monitor setup on xubuntu 12.10. From the left: 1280x1024, HD, HD. I got it working with an xrandr command. Problem is, it doesn't always work. Sometimes the middle monitor displays nothing. But the monitor is still there: the mouse still have to travel through it to reach the screen on the left, and if I take a screenshot its content ends up in the screenshot. Could it be X-related or is the hardware (intel HD4000) the16:29
GridCubestdi, how do you load the configuration from xrandr to work?16:33
GridCubeits a script you launch at the startup?16:33
stdithe command is: xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 --pos 0x0  --left-of HDMI1 --output HDMI1 --auto --left-of HDMI2 --auto --output HDMI2 --auto16:34
stdiI tried to launch it at startup, but many times it didn't succeed16:34
stdiso I just bound a key to it, and when the monitors misbehave I try to adjust them that way16:35
stdialthough it doesn't always work16:35
GridCubestdi, i would do this, open arandr, make your settings to your likings, save the arandr script and add it to your on boot launch programs, then test it16:35
stdiI should add, the problem not only presents itself at startup. If the screens go to sleep, after they wake up it's more likely than not that the middle one doesn't show16:36
GridCubeoh... :|16:37
stdianyway, I will also try to launch it with arandr. Didn't know about the utility, thank you :)16:37
GridCubeim not proud to say that i havent had any good experience with sleeping and suspensions and stuffs like that, they NEVER worked for me16:38
stdiit'll be more convenient to set them up, but I'm afraid it can only partially solve the problem16:38
stdiah :(16:38
GridCubeso i disable all taht stuff and manually power down monitors if im leaving the computers working16:38
stdiis there a way to avoid sleeping? I turned everything off in the settings, but the monitors still shut themselves off after some time16:38
GridCubeon power settings16:39
GridCubeyou have to probably open the power settings for each monitor in each monitor or some silly thing like that16:39
stdican it be the driver?16:39
GridCubeits the generic driver, so, maybe?16:40
GridCubethere are no specific drivers for intel that i know of16:40
GridCubeyou can search your model on synaptic and see what it gots16:40
stdithere is the open source driver which is the only one around, which is installed16:41
GridCubeits not the generic?16:42
GridCubei never used something else than the generic for intels so i dont know16:42
stdiby generic do you mean vesa? no, it's "specific"16:42
GridCubenot vesa, just generic xorg drivers16:43
stdiI tried to uncheck "Monitor power management control". Maybe that'll do something16:43
stdiI have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed, that's the driver I guess16:47
GridCube!info xserver-xorg-video-intel16:48
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.20.9-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 642 kB, installed size 1760 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)16:48
GridCubewhat is your >> lspci | grep "VGA" << output?16:49
stdi00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)16:49
stdisry :)16:49
stdiat least it was not my password :P16:50
hmsckcan you reccomend me some good codec for Xubuntu...my sound in youtube is buggy16:58
GridCubehmsck, xubuntu doesnt use codecs, you probably need to fix your flash, probably disabling hardware acceleration17:00
hmsckGridCube, how can i do it please?17:01
GridCuberight clic on a video, go to settings and untick hardware acceleration17:01
hmsckok i will try it now17:01
GridCubestdi, http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Processors&ProductLine=Server&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+Xeon%C2%AE+processor+E3-1200+Product+Family17:02
hmsckGridCube, it doesn't work17:03
GridCubedecrease the video quality?17:03
GridCubeim sorry hmsck but there is no much you can do about flash on linux, you could try flash alternatives if you want17:04
hmsckGridCube, it's ok..i know that flash works pretty strange in linux sometimes:)17:05
GridCubestdi, that wont probably help sorry :/17:05
laiteIs there a way to get X recognize my second monitor correctly without having to log out and back in17:06
GridCubeit will load correctly if the second monitor is ON when you boot, else it will fail, that is my experience17:07
laiteGridCube: that's about it :/17:07
laiteAs my 'second monitor' is HDMI TV, I rarely remember to turn it on while booting17:08
laiteoh well17:08
stdiGridCube, I was looking into it, but actually I'd rather restart (or log in and out) until it works than fiddle with the firmware17:08
GridCubei've made myself a launcher that has "xfwm4 --replace" to fix that17:08
GridCubestdi, yes, true17:08
laiteuuh, I gotta try if that works :P17:08
stdiI wouldn't want to mess things further up :)17:08
stdiI know I would17:09
stdiI just load this... and it's broken17:09
GridCubelaite, same here, hence the launcher, i have 2 in fact, i called them "fix 1" and "fix 2" fix 1 is "xfwm4 --replace" and "fix 2" is "xfce4-panel -restart"17:09
GridCubeits been said that xfce 4.12 will be better at multi monitorings and stuffs, but i dont count many cows before the lamb lays some eggs, or... something like that17:12
GridCubestdi, you could look at this too https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads17:13
stdiGridCube, mmh, not really comfortable with that. I would need a newer kernel I fear, or updated headers or the like. I actually switched to xubuntu because after two years with archlinux I was fed up with manual configuration :D . I hoped that maybe the issue could be solved by some xrandr magic or something like that. I'd rather wait fro 13.04 and cross my fingers than install 3rd party (not ubuntu-provided) dirvers :)17:20
Cheri703stdi: I wasn't paying attention, but multi monitor stuff?17:23
GridCubestdi, you could also check the "proposed" channels of apt to see if there is an update (i dont think so tho)17:23
stdiI didn't know xfce 4.12 was just around the corner, maybe I'll have some luck with that.17:23
stdiCheri703, yes, tricky business I guess17:23
stdiGridCube, you mean dev repos or something like that?17:23
Cheri703I installed xfce 4.12 from here: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-use-multiple-monitors-in-xubuntu.html and it has been working completely fine17:23
Cheri703and it gives me native support for my two and it's happy17:24
Cheri703so...while not officially supported yet, it works :)17:24
stdiGridCube, that could actually be a maintenance free solution I could try, I'll search for them17:25
stdiand probably Cheri703 's link contains the right ppa for that, I'll definitely try it out!17:26
Cheri703one warning:17:26
GridCubestdi, on synaptic, or usc, go to the software sources config, the second tab has several repositorioes, one of them is "Proposed" there goes not so tested updates, but more uptodate than the main repo17:26
Cheri703you can't really downgrade from 4.12 back to 4.10 (at least when I attempted it it freaked the heck out)17:27
Cheri703entirely possible I did it wrong though17:27
GridCubebut thats not proposed stdi thats just a ppa, if you follow that path you will taint your xubuntu and therefor, not be using proper xubuntu anymore17:28
stdiyeah, downgrading is always tricky, but if it's not crashy I'm fine with that, the system is almost freshly installed, so it wouldn't be a tragedy if everything breaks17:28
Cheri703I have had zero issues17:29
Cheri703that are attributable to 4.12 at least ;)17:29
GridCubethat is *not* recommended if you wish to keep recieving support, as its not tested and you will become the experiend user on that, as Cheri703 is here at the moment17:29
stdiah, but I guess it would be an easy transition between 12.10 with 4.12 and 13.04 right?17:29
Cheri703yeah, I'm not saying "THIS IS THE BEST WAY" I'm just saying "for me, it worked because I didn't want to screw around with xrandr"17:30
GridCubemmmhm i dont know if 13.04 will come with 4.12 tho17:30
GridCubei wouldnt bet on that17:30
GridCubeknome, will 13.04 come with xfce 4.12?17:31
knomeGridCube, if it's released in the next few weeks, before FF17:32
GridCubeoh, okay then :) thank you17:33
stdibah, can't decide what to do. For now, GridCube , Cheri703 , thanks for the help, I'll be back later if I screw up my system :D Thanks again, bye17:49
Cheri703stdi: I have a thought17:49
Cheri703real quick17:49
Cheri703live usb, install xfce 4.12, see if it solves the issue17:49
stdihit me17:49
Cheri703well, if the issue is present on live boot, then you can do it17:50
Cheri703if for some reason it isn't, then it's not illustrative either way17:50
stdiI do have the install usb around, I'll sure try that17:50
Cheri703good luck!17:50
stdithanks :)17:50
nikolamwondershaper have a bug in 12.04 I think, that does not use Kilobits for shaping.18:21
nikolamok, I am not right.18:22
nikolamKilobits are much less then kilobytes.18:22
nikolamso to shape to 400KB/s one needs to enter 3276 Kilobits18:23
nikolamAm I right now?18:23
nikolamthat is because 1KB is 1024 Bytes and Byte has 8 bits in it.18:24
nikolamso 400KB/s is 400X1024X8=3276800bits or (/1000) = 3276.8 Kbits18:25
nikolamEather I forgot from last wondershaper usage, or usage changed from last time I were using it.18:25
=== mikeee is now known as Voyage
CCCP_Daemorogjust installed xubuntu on my vmare player to set up a linux network for testing linux security18:59
CCCP_Daemorogany way since it first time i test out xubuntu i would like to know how i can change the default login keyboard to azerty19:00
CCCP_Daemorogi googled a bit around and found that you can use sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup but i'm kinda lost after that19:02
CCCP_Daemoroghi there19:04
xubuntu237so i got a somewhat older laptop from a friend, not sure what the specs are like- and i just installed 12.04-  im super new to linux/ubuntu/xubuntu- im looking to update my various hardware drivers- any help would be appreciated19:06
CCCP_Daemorogcheck answer #7 in the faq @ http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1210-quantal-quetzal/19:07
CCCP_Daemorog i would like to know how i can change the default login keyboard to azerty19:10
xubuntu237i see other software, not additional softtware- is that that the same?19:10
nikolamCCCP_Daemorog, I think there is "Language support" under Settings menu.19:12
nikolamI suggest you use synaptic as packages installer.19:14
nikolamif it is not already installed, install synaptic first.19:14
nikolamalso, if you can not get the source code of the application with apt-get source <package> then, what's the point in being user of free software?19:17
=== Phantor is now known as PhantorGorth
xubuntu868hi there20:20
xubuntu868kind of new here20:21
xubuntu868I have got some issue with "start up disk creator"20:21
xubuntu868can anyone help me out?20:21
nikolamdescribe xubuntu86820:22
xubuntu319ubuntu <320:26
xubuntu868basically start disk creator do not load any of my .iso file20:27
xubuntu868it has an interface with 2 dialog box...the upper one to selct iso file , the lower one to select the USB drive....20:29
xubuntu868however the iso file selection does not seems to work at all...it is simply ignored...leaving the "source disk " field empty20:30
xubuntu868nikolam...any suggestion?20:31
nikolamI was always using unetbootin and it worked quite fine.20:31
nikolamAny disk burner can burn an .iso . brasero, k3b, xfburn...20:32
zorgborgxubuntu868: i had exactly the same issue with startupdiskcreator, just use brasero or unetbootin, both work great for me :)20:32
nikolamyou already have xfburn installed in multimedia20:32
xubuntu868zorgborg...are those app suitable for USB drive?20:33
zorgborgused unetbootin the other day to put parted magic on usb, works a treat, doesn't delete files already on there too20:33
nikolamunetbootin can boot anything you throw at it from usb drive20:33
xubuntu868nikolam, yes I do...never used before20:33
nikolamthe others are optical recording apps20:34
xubuntu868right...so is seems that unebootin is what i should look for20:34
* nikolam thhinks that all default apps from coming from ubuntu are a bit retarded. Xubunut isn't. :P20:35
nikolamAnd those that even can not type Xubuntu right are also :P20:36
* nikolam bangs himself in head. ;P20:36
xubuntu868you should distribute your own distro ...and call it xubunut...i'll give it a try..sound cool!20:36
xubuntu868at the end I managed to resolve my issue with comand line using dd20:37
xubuntu868but in all fairness I'm not so confident with CLI20:38
laitedd <320:38
xubuntu868did the job20:39
nikolamlol :P nut is the next gen tech keyword :P20:39
nikolammight bribg even some nice distro sponsors20:39
nikolamlets all praise dd :)20:39
xubuntu868I guess I should praise dd...or pray it20:43
zorgborgxubuntu868: be careful if you ever blank a cd/dvd with dd, i did it (copied the command from a linux based blog) and it became unrecognisable (blanked it a bit too much!)20:50
zorgborgor maybe just dont copy commands from the internet if you dont know they're going to work :P20:51
xubuntu868i know it is a quite dangerous comand20:51
xubuntu868however I failed to made disk creator to work...tried image writer (another GUI) to no avail20:52
nikolamunetbootin next time if USB is needed.20:53
xubuntu868I left dd as last resource ...didn't know unebootin20:53
xubuntu868nikolam ...sure thing20:55
VinceThePrinceI'm in the settings editor I have edited the key "<Super>d" but to what command do I have to bind it to show desktop?21:02
well_laid_lawnVinceThePrince:  have a look in the window manager settings for that command21:05
well_laid_lawnshould be mapped to ctrl+alt+d already afaik21:06
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn, thanks that's the location I am looking for :)21:07
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest65431
Guest65431installing xubuntu seems to be quite hard (12.10). First I tried a daily 13.04. After (successfull) install it took 10 seconds until kernel crash. Now, to be sure, I tried 12.10 release. But the live cd crashed after 2 seconds of the install screen (nouveau driver crash with my GTX580  + hdmi). :( At least the forums are ncie enough to tell me to use "nomodeset" ^^22:28
Guest65431(just deleted my win7 install to switch to linux)22:28
* xubuntu_ 's 3rd try to install xubuntu. Bad nouveau driver...23:16
* nikolam dreams vesa in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf before going to sleep23:19
xubuntu_restart for me, 3rd time a charm23:20
Genscher_hey - is there a way to change the scroll wheel speed?23:58
Genscher_it's just sooo slow23:58

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