
apacheloggersomeone make me finish the plymouth scripty this week plz04:51
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ScottKyofel: Sad news: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/132351010/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armhf.kdepim_4%3A4.9.5-0ubuntu0.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:50
=== jono is now known as Guest76484
soeegood morning07:10
yofelScottK: I don't know moc well enough to understand what the problem is...08:10
agateauRiddell: do you have a tool to check pep8 conformance?09:34
Riddellagateau: it gets run during package build of ubiquity09:35
Riddelltest/run-pep8 I think09:35
agateauRiddell: ok09:36
agateauRiddell: just pushed pep8 fixes09:58
agateauRiddell: one things worries me though: I can't test the slideshow. The installer crashes before it reaches this step (same thing happens on trunk). Any clue?09:59
Riddellagateau: um nope, that's worrying09:59
RiddellI'll try it on a virtual machine in a bit10:00
agateauRiddell: I test it by running "ubiquity -d kde_ui" by hand, not through the install iso. Not sure if it matters10:00
vassiehello all10:01
xnoxagateau: we are not talking about "testing ubiquity" we are talking about running the unit tests =) / check target.10:06
agateauxnox: ?10:07
xnoxagateau: ./tests/run-pep8 ./tests/run-pyflakes10:07
agateauxnox: yes, I fixed those. I am talking about a different issue.10:07
xnoxnow that I catch up on backscroll =) sorry10:08
xnoxthere is automated ./tests/run as well, but i'm not sure it exercises Qt frontend or not.10:08
agateauinteresting, I'll give it a try10:09
Riddellhi vassie 10:16
vassieRiddell: hello10:21
vassieRiddell: who do i thank for the help with cantata?10:21
Riddellvassie: oh I think that was a team effort, but you should still test it to ensure it's working10:21
vassieRiddell: will do, if i can stay away, very jetlagged10:22
vassieRiddell: ^awake10:22
ScottKRiddell:  or apachelogger: Could you please help yofel and me with: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/132351010/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armhf.kdepim_4%3A4.9.5-0ubuntu0.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:25
Riddell"./templatedlg.moc:97:11: error: 'KDialoh' has not been declared"  mm is that moc making a typo for KDialog?10:32
RiddellScottK: have you tried recreating it on your arm machines?10:32
ScottKRiddell: No.10:56
ScottKAnd I'll be offline all day.10:56
ScottKMaybe hit retry first and see if that solves it.  I didn't so someone could see the logs.10:56
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Mirvhmm, how did the Ambiance theme using in Qt4 work? in Qt5 it seems no theme information is used anymore11:22
Mirvthe most up-to-date information I can find is in http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2012/10/30/cleaning-up-styles-in-qt5-and-adding-fusion/ and its comments, but mostly it'd seem gtkstyle is now just integrated and I don't know what more should be done11:23
MirvI initially thought we had some related patch in Qt4, but it seems there are no more patches that wouldn't have been upstreamed regarding themes11:24
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* Mirv found some missing dependencies12:14
Mirvand that system icon support is not yet implemented https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,4529112:15
Mirv(and that qtconfig building is currently disabled)12:15
RiddellMirv: I've added your queries to my todo queue for the day :)12:19
Mirv:) I'm trying another build now12:20
ovidiu-florinhello world :D12:23
BluesKajHey all12:46
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apacheloggerScottK: makes no sense13:30
apacheloggernow the log's gone :P13:36
Riddellapachelogger: I hit rebuild13:37
apacheloggergot the log still in cache or something?13:37
apacheloggerplease pasty somewhere13:38
Riddellapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/tmp/13:39
* apachelogger thinks the router here will soon explode13:41
apacheloggerhaving tedious connection drops all day13:41
apacheloggerthat's what I moc on quantal13:42
Riddellapachelogger: no mention of KDialoh13:42
Riddellmaybe moc really did make a typo13:43
apacheloggerKDialoh appears to be a result13:43
apachelogger_ckname should be _clname13:44
Riddellmaybe moc was having a bad day and spilled coke on its keyboard13:45
apacheloggerand that's internal13:45
apacheloggerquite possible ^^13:45
apachelogger7 seconds lag13:45
* apachelogger doesn't get it -.-13:45
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK, yofel: theory of the day: weird hiccups in moc on armhf13:47
apacheloggergod knows why13:47
Riddellhowdy leader in training13:58
DarkwingTaking a break after hour 3 lol13:58
DarkwingI hate wintery mix weather13:58
DarkwingRain, freezing rain, snow and more freezing rain.13:59
BluesKajyeah , we have the same 13:59
DarkwingWhere you located BluesKaj?14:00
BluesKajI'm a place callled , Sudbury Ontario, Canada , an you Darkwing ?14:01
DarkwingFort Wayne, Indiana... I'm about an hour south of Michigan and 25 minutes west of Ohio...14:02
BluesKajw' live close to one of the great lakes , Lake Huron/Georgian Bay14:02
BluesKajDarkwing, yes, I've driven thru your area , but it was a while back 14:03
DarkwingNot too far14:03
DarkwingI just moved here in last August. 14:03
DarkwingI used to be in San Diego lol14:03
BluesKaj,big diff there :)14:04
DarkwingAlso a HUGE difference in cost of living14:04
BluesKajreally ?  14:05
DarkwingMuch cheaper here 14:06
DarkwingIn San Diego, I had a medium 2 bed apartment that was 2400USD a month. Here I have a larger house for 600USD a month.14:06
BluesKajnice , that is cheap , a std 3 bedroom bungalow here goes for 900 minimum plus utilities  and heating bills can average 400-500/mos in winter14:11
BluesKajwell ,this winter anyway 14:11
BluesKajbeen damn cold 14:12
DarkwingI have 3 bed here... The heat is a bit more. Plus it does get warm here in summer too.14:12
DarkwingIt hasn't been too cold this year.14:12
QuintasanI have a crapton of snow here, want some Darkwing?14:13
DarkwingWe had a couple weeks where it was -15C14:13
DarkwingWe are supposed to get about 10cm in the next 24 hours Quintasan14:13
QuintasanI can send you 50cm of snow if you want :P14:14
Quintasanriiiiiiiiiiiiight away14:14
* yofel watches the 2cm snow outside14:15
yofelit's snowing right now, but +1°C14:15
BluesKajwe're running out of space to put the snow, the snow banks here are beginning to melt but not fast enough14:16
Darkwinglol yay for ice.14:17
QuintasanI can even send you a snowman14:18
Quintasanwhy the hell am I here where I should be making a snowman?14:18
DarkwingWhen my kids were here over christmas, we made a very very short snowman.14:18
BluesKajlast yr at this time we had just a little snow left , and by mar 3rd it was gone. I recall marking it on the calendar.14:20
QuintasanDarkwing: Say anything you want but I'm almost 20 and I'm not passing a chance to make an xbox huge snowman and then flykicking it :P14:20
DarkwingQuintasan: I just turned 30 and that sounds like wayyyyy too much fun :D14:21
Quintasan>too much fun14:21
Quintasanthere is not such a thing as "too much fun"14:21
* Quintasan doesn't believe in that14:22
DarkwingIt's a US phrase meaning let's do it.14:22
Quintasango on14:22
Quintasando eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet14:22
QuintasanI should be going to uni soon14:23
QuintasanI didn't go to lectures in the morning14:23
Quintasanaccording to my roomate, I woke about, took medicine14:23
Quintasanturned off the alarm14:24
DarkwingMy classes are online. :D A get to go to a good school with all online classes.14:24
Quintasanand went back to bed14:24
kubotuDarkwing meant: "My classes are online. :D I get to go to a good school with all online classes."14:24
QuintasanI woke up like 1 hour ago14:25
BluesKajI quit launchpad notices , pita with constant dupes 14:30
DarkwingI dump it all in a folder with a serverside sort14:36
BluesKajdunno how to do that 14:39
DarkwingI have cpanel and use IMAP14:39
QuintasanDarkwing: I do CTRL+A CTRL+R14:39
QuintasanWORKS EVERY TIME14:39
* Quintasan hides14:39
Quintasanthat's how I read mailing lists too14:40
* yofel uses quite a bit of serverside filtering - except for mails related to debian, those put their origin information into fields I can't use on server side and need client sorting14:46
BluesKajwell, what I did works , and I don't have to deal with unwanted emails at all , and I can't use kmail so my settings on t-bird are auto , including imap 14:46
BluesKajwow , blue sky and sunshine , finally after 3 days of dreariness14:48
Darkwingkmail and pgp is annoying14:48
Darkwinggpg rather14:48
BluesKajkmail segfaults after a few days here14:49
DarkwingI'm on the LTS and it's still annoying14:49
DarkwingI wish GMail could be used as a IMAP client14:49
yofelworks reasonably well here in 4.10, finally14:49
BluesKajso I haven't bothered retrying it ...no need for a server running a database here either , I'm just a home user14:49
BluesKajserver=akonadi 14:50
yofelit works reasonably fast these days. Someone just choose to use SQL instead of a plaintext database to make the data easier to share between applications.14:53
DarkwingSo, this is the worst in design I have seen ever from ASUS... Worst. Font Ever. http://imm.io/Xt4D15:12
DarkwingYes, it's in Windows15:13
JontheEchidnaI can picture a middle-aged manager looking over the engineer's shoulder telling him to use that font15:18
yofelthat's the enterprise version of the installer15:19
yofelsomeone accidentally used it for a public package15:19
agateauRiddell: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-plasma-windowedhz5759 <= current state of ubiquity refresh (powered by sheytan background texture)15:39
lordievaderLooks good to me agateau :)15:40
agateaulordievader: thanks!15:40
agateaubut I see I should take some inspiration from this awesome asus installer shared by Darkwing instead15:40
shadeslayerI kept thinking why my mouse doesn't move15:41
lordievaderOh yeah! Definitely go with that font!15:41
agateaushadeslayer: that's what happen when I clumsily take screenshots from a VM15:41
yofelshadeslayer: you turned it off? ^^15:41
yofeloh, lol15:41
shadeslayeryofel: heh, no, the image had a mouse and my actual mouse was at the bottom of the screen15:42
agateauowned by screenshot!15:42
shadeslayerhaven't recovered from the weekend clearly15:42
shadeslayerhm, ubuntu getting voice recognition15:53
Riddellagateau: ooh la la16:02
Riddellshadeslayer: time for a blog to say we already have simon?16:03
Riddellshadeslayer: where did you get to with ubiquity wifi and camera support?16:06
shadeslayercamera support is somewhat there, I need to fix it up according to apachelogger's recommendations16:06
shadeslayerI don't think I can do wifi support this cycle16:07
Riddellokay dokay16:07
shadeslayerUDS registrations still not up? 16:09
Riddellshadeslayer: seems not16:31
shadeslayerRiddell: they removed the info regarding where it'll be held16:39
shadeslayerhow weird16:39
shadeslayerhttp://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8ncz8ULJCz0J:uds.ubuntu.com/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk vs http://uds.ubuntu.com/16:39
Riddellshadeslayer: ah well maybe it's not in oakland then16:39
agateauwow, something weird is happening here16:40
RiddellScottK, yofel, apachelogger: kdepim got further this time, now at 60% was at 19% when moc made its typo https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/4:4.9.5-0ubuntu0.1/+build/432727616:41
* shadeslayer might buy a Nexus 10 soonish16:42
Riddellshadeslayer: why?16:42
shadeslayerRiddell: PA3 stuff 16:42
Riddellshadeslayer: but why a 10 and not a 7?16:43
shadeslayerbecause it has a better screen?16:43
Riddell"ooh shiny" :)16:43
shadeslayerheh :)16:44
Riddellshadeslayer: mind that it's different hardware so there's no guarantee any part of ubuntu would work on the 1016:44
shadeslayerRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:44
Riddellok I'm wrong16:44
shadeslayerI'm also trying to port it to my HTC One X16:44
shadeslayerunfortunately, no plasma interface for phones16:45
davmor2Riddell: infact it works better on the 10 than it does on the 7 :)16:45
shadeslayerdavmor2: how so?16:45
shadeslayermore powerful hardware?16:45
shadeslayerI just have to figure out logistics16:46
davmor2shadeslayer: cameras, sound and media all work on the 10 but not the 7, for touch rather than kubuntu the 7 doesn't have user login/switch or the sideshow so far amongst other things16:47
davmor2shadeslayer: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes16:50
* shadeslayer wants PA3 to work perfectly on atleast 1 device16:50
shadeslayercamera ... oooh16:51
shadeslayerRiddell: btw Kubuntu Raring doesn't boot on secure boot machines17:14
shadeslayerI tried it at DA IICT one someone's laptop17:14
RiddellI've been getting unclear results with this vaio17:14
Riddellit doesn't work with 12.04.1 but it does with quantal and 12.04.217:15
RiddellI suspect not all secure boot machines are created equal17:15
* Riddell spots https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/uds-project/virtual-changes/+merge/15062017:17
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shadeslayerVirtual UDS? 0.o17:24
Riddellshadeslayer: wibble17:34
Riddellmeaning i'm worried and upset by the idea at UDS might be virtual17:34
jonoRiddell, why upset and worried?17:38
Riddelljono: was looking forward to a nice UDS in oakland again17:42
Riddellwill be a shame to only do the video thing17:42
shadeslayernot to mention I have shitty internet and cannot do video streaming :(17:43
jonoRiddell, I agree that face to face time is always great, but there are some limitations in UDS17:43
jonoit is not as transparent as it could be17:43
jonofor those who don't attend in person17:44
jonowe want to help fix that17:44
jonoand have a more accountable record of the event instead of a handful of sessions videoed17:44
shadeslayerjono: so this UDS will be completely done online?17:44
jonoshadeslayer, yep17:44
jonoabout to announce the changes17:44
jonooverall this should be better for wider participation in the event17:44
shadeslayerbleh, I'll need to get better internets then17:45
jonoI will ping the blog when it goes online, just waiting for a few final changes17:45
yofelwell, at least I don't have to worry about applying then I guess17:51
* Riddell watches http://www.mobileworldlive.com/mobile-world-live-tv-live-stream17:51
yofeljono: what's the planned timezone for the session times?17:51
jonoyofel, UTC17:51
jonobut we picked a set of times that works as best as possible for Europe and America17:52
jonoRiddell, shadeslayer, yofel http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/02/26/ubuntu-developer-summits-now-online-and-every-three-months/18:03
yofel3 months? as a kind of milestone discussion?18:03
* yofel actually reads the page18:04
Riddellmm.. next week18:06
Riddellgood thing we're not got anything scheduled for next week, like feature freeze for example, cos that would be crazy to make those clash18:07
yofelbut yeah, great timing :/18:08
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone18:09
jonoRiddell, well, given the fact there wasn't an event scheduled for next week originally, you can always just schedule for the May UDS18:12
jonoRiddell, then you don't lose anything18:12
jonobut next week is available for those who do want to utilize it18:12
murthyyofel: hi18:21
murthyyofel: i have a copyright with hybrid licence. here is the copyright text . http://paste.kde.org/682100/   From this link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:BSD?rd=Licensing/BSD i can identify it as Hybrid BSD . What will be the keywork to be used in debian/copyright for this one?18:24
* yofel passes that to apachelogger18:27
murthyapachelogger: ^18:28
yofelmurthy: "If there are licenses present in the package without a standard short name, an arbitrary short name may be assigned for these licenses." so calling it 'Hybrid BSD' would be ok18:34
murthyyofel: will the standards accept it?18:35
yofelthat's from the dep5 documentation18:36
murthyyofel: can you point it out for me>?18:36
yofelso unless I understand it wrong, if dep5 doesn't define a name for a license, you may call it like you wish18:36
RiddellI agree with yofel's understanding18:37
yofelmurthy: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/#license-field18:37
murthyyofel: you are right, so shall i use "BSD-Hybrid" ?18:39
ovidiu-florinGotta go. See you soon. ;)18:41
murthyWhat should i do if there is no years of work is mentioned in a copyright ?18:57
Riddellmurthy: just leave it without then18:59
jussiRiddell: so is it yet possible to disclose the state of our finance? 19:24
murthyyofel: earlier you mentioned a file with dual license, i am on it right now, so what will be the license filed ?19:28
apacheloggermurthy, yofel: that reads like a 3clause bsd...19:31
apacheloggerwhat's hybrid about it?19:31
murthyapachelogger: clause 2 is removed19:31
murthyapachelogger: also check this out19:32
murthyapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/682226/19:32
apacheloggerthe thing you posted has 3 clauses19:32
yofelthe formulation his half bsd half zlib19:32
murthyapachelogger: ya19:33
apacheloggeryofel: no19:33
apacheloggersays exactly what the 3 cluase bsd says19:33
apacheloggeralas, it probably does not use the same wording19:33
murthyyofel: one i posted now has apple and bsd 3 clause19:33
yofelmurthy: what was the original one again?19:34
murthylet me check it again19:34
afiestasanyway to install kscreen in 12.10?19:34
apacheloggerdarwin's derived from bsd19:34
apacheloggerlast time I asked you said it's not ready :P19:34
apacheloggerafiestas: looking into a backport later19:37
murthyapachelogger: as you said this http://paste.kde.org/682100/  is using  bsd clause 3 with changed wording19:40
murthyapachelogger: what about this file with a dual license apple and bsd 3 http://paste.kde.org/682226/19:41
murthyapachelogger: what will the license field contain ?19:42
apachelogger3 clause bsd19:42
murthyapachelogger: apple?19:42
Riddelljussi: on the public document?19:42
yofelmurthy: http://paste.kde.org/682100/ is plain bsd-319:42
Riddelljussi: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AosntDLfgW_kdFQzWmZjTkt5X1lWQ3FFdXB3QkpTZ3c#gid=019:42
Riddelljussi: needs some tidying to separate KDE GB and Kubuntu accounts19:43
murthyyofel: ya19:43
yofelmurthy: the other one is apsl-2.0 and bsd-419:43
murthyyofel: so should i list them one below the other in the license field ?19:43
jussiRiddell: ahh, excellent, thanks19:44
yofelmurthy: well, as they are 2 licenses you can make a block for each one with the proper name. The license for the file would be apsl-2.0 and bsd-4-clause then19:48
murthyyofel: so apsl-2.0 is a proper keyword right?19:50
murthyMirv: what about this one http://paste.kde.org/682238/ ?19:50
murthyMirv: nm19:51
murthyyofel: ^19:51
apacheloggerlicense keys are self-defining19:54
apacheloggerit's why one needs to add the short version of the license19:54
murthyapachelogger: so i can just put bsd?19:55
yofelmurthy: if http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/#license-specification specifies a name, you should use it19:56
yofelotherwise use what you want - as long as you're consistent in the file19:56
murthyapachelogger: in this case its a bsd with just one point from cluase 4 so i can put BSD-4-Hybrid ?19:57
murthyyofel: ^19:57
murthyyofel: i can understand the point, but i need to know if there any restrictions in using a custom string?19:58
murthyyofel: previously i was not aware of the fact that it is necessary to limit the column width of a debian changelog to 80 chars19:59
yofelmurthy: unless dep5 says so, no20:01
yofeland IIRC it does not20:01
murthyyofel: ok20:01
apacheloggermurthy: whate are you talking about?20:02
murthyapachelogger: the license field string specs20:02
apacheloggerthere's still no such thing as a bsd-4-hybrid20:03
murthycan there be a blank line in a copyright text or it should be replaced with a period ?20:03
murthyapachelogger: ya thats a custom one20:04
murthyapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/682238/20:04
apacheloggerhow is that anything-4 with 1 clause Oo20:05
murthyapachelogger: that point is taken from bsd's 4 th clause20:06
apacheloggerthat is a bsd 1-clause license20:07
murthyapachelogger: donbt we have to match the keyword template?20:07
murthyapachelogger: *don't20:07
apacheloggersee what I wrote earlier20:07
apacheloggerit still has nothing to do with 4-clause20:08
murthyapachelogger: i mean 4th clause20:08
apacheloggerclosest relative20:08
apacheloggermurthy: it's simply a bst-style license20:08
murthyapachelogger: "* Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission."20:09
murthyapachelogger: thats the 4th clause of the bsd20:09
apacheloggerit's still bsd-style20:09
yofelmurthy: 4-clause relates to the number of clauses, not which one20:10
yofelbsd is pretty loose on the wording anyway20:10
murthyyofel: when people see the keyword they will know that the 4th clause is used in the license so thats why the number 420:11
apacheloggerit has nothing to do with bsd-4-clause20:12
apacheloggerit is a bsd-style license20:12
apacheloggerend of story20:12
murthyanyway i will use bsd-style20:12
murthyyofel: ok20:13
Riddelljussi: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AosntDLfgW_kdFQzWmZjTkt5X1lWQ3FFdXB3QkpTZ3c#gid=0 updated, £7744.99 in the kubuntu fund20:34
Riddelloh no, a bit more20:35
* Riddell fixes20:35
Riddellyofel, ScottK: kdepim compiled on armhf in quantal-proposed20:57
shadeslayerany recommendations on how to update the poppler symbols?20:58
yofelshadeslayer: what do you mean?20:59
shadeslayerfor some reasons it has foo.symbols.in and then debian/rules does some sed magic20:59
shadeslayerdebian/%.symbols: debian/%.symbols.in20:59
shadeslayer        cat $^ | sed -e 's/#CURVER#/$(UPSTREAM_VERSION)/g' > $@20:59
shadeslayerif you're interested21:01
shadeslayerhttps://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+build/4328955 and https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+build/432895621:01
yofelshadeslayer: found out how to do it?21:19
shadeslayererrr no21:19
shadeslayerI tried a couple of ways21:19
yofelwith C you can IIRC just apply the patch21:19
yofelbut you'll have the sed the version21:20
shadeslayerbut then there's i386 and amd6421:20
kubotuyofel meant: "but you'll have to sed the version"21:20
yofelshadeslayer: is there anything arch specific there?21:29
shadeslayerthe glib8 stuff seems the same, the qt4 stuff, not so much21:29
yofelI *think* it's fine from how I understand the subst stuff in pkgkde-symbolshelper21:36
yofelworst case, poke pino21:36
* apachelogger so tired :(21:37
* shadeslayer is still looking into it21:42
DarkwingNow I'm sad21:47
DarkwingOnline UDS....21:48
DarkwingNot very happy about this.21:48
yofelwe need to get you to Akademy somehow21:48
DarkwingUnless it changes date I can't.21:48
DarkwingI have my kids during the summer months.21:48
DarkwingI don't get them very often... I get them first week of June and have them through August.21:49
yofelnah, perfectly understandable. They do like to have it during summer though :/21:49
DarkwingMay would be perfect.21:49
DarkwingWell, Now I have some stuff to figure out.21:52
* shadeslayer is sad as well21:52
shadeslayerI had plans for stuff21:52
DarkwingSo did I... the weekend after I had family plans.21:52
shadeslayerplus, my 10 year US visa seems a bit pointless now :P21:53
DarkwingI have a feeling that this will not work out as well as people think.21:54
DarkwingTalk about taking away the personal touch21:54
shadeslayerI'm open to giving it a shot, except my bandwidth is shit for this kind of thing21:55
DarkwingSo is a lot of people.21:55
shadeslayernot to mention latency and other stuff21:55
RiddellDarkwing: so far I haven't heard from anyone who thinks it'll work out well21:55
DarkwingRiddell: :) This is going to cause a HUGE "It's not open" push21:56
BluesKajhaving a seminar during the summer is off the mark , ppl spend time on vacation etc ..maybe a geek vacation,for some , but for others totally wrong21:56
RiddellDarkwing: if the KDE office in barcelona is open we could have our own kubuntu sprint during UDS week21:58
DarkwingRiddell: I think it would be interesting to do something in person... 21:59
apacheloggerDarkwing: not that I am up-to-date on the matters but KDE usually has a counterpart event in NA22:06
shadeslayeryofel: hmm, what do you recommend I do for these two symbols that only appear in the amd64 builds : 22:06
shadeslayer+#MISSING: 0.22.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1# (optional=gccinternal)_ZN7Poppler10Annotation5Style7PrivateC1ERKS2_@Base 0.20.122:06
shadeslayer+#MISSING: 0.22.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1# (optional=gccinternal)_ZN7Poppler10Annotation5Style7PrivateC2ERKS2_@Base 0.20.122:06
* shadeslayer goes off to read dpkg-gensymbols to get a better idea22:09
shadeslayerso, according to dpkg-gensymbols, it's safe to just drop those symbols from the file22:11
yofeloptional ones you can drop, but what do you mean with amd64 only?22:12
* yofel reads both logs22:13
shadeslayerthose 2 symbols only appear in the amd64 log22:13
yofelhm, looks i386 specific then22:14
shadeslayeryou mean amd64 specific?22:14
yofelPoppler::Annotation::Style::Private::Private(Poppler::Annotation::Style::Private const&)22:14
yofelshadeslayer: it's only missing on amd64 => i386 specific to me22:14
shadeslayerright, I mis-interpreted that22:15
yofelpossibly add arch=, but if that's really gccinternal then it's unpredictable where it'll appear and where not22:16
yofelshadeslayer: just forget about it: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/128628490/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-amd64.poppler_0.20.5-1ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz22:17
shadeslayeroh lol22:18
murthyyofel: the files thirdparty/breakpad/third_party/glog/* has google's copyright with type bsd-3 clause  except the build scripts (9 files) which has FSF copyright with type GPL. Should i list the script files?22:18
shadeslayerI'll just use the i386 patch then22:18
yofelmurthy: yes22:18
murthyyofel: ok22:19
yofelyou list any files with copyright in them22:19
murthyyofel: ok22:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: when will the kpeople/ktp stuff getfixed :S22:19
yofeldo the *fixing* post-FF22:20
shadeslayerI thought I disabled the Quantal/Precise builds22:20
shadeslayershit is broken again22:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: rage at mck18222:20
shadeslayerI setup a email forward to forward all kpeople FTBFS's to him22:21
shadeslayereh wat22:21
shadeslayer libkpeople-dev : Depends: libkpeople4 (= 0+git20130218+r185-0ubuntu1~raring1) but it is not going to be installed22:21
murthyyofel: this is just GPL right? http://paste.kde.org/682346/22:23
yofelmurthy: GPL-2+22:24
yofelGPL-2+ with Autoconf exception22:25
apacheloggerI fear this is getting too detailed22:25
Riddellmurthy: you can ignore that22:26
apacheloggerin fact I know it is22:26
Riddell"you may include it under22:26
Riddell# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program"22:26
Riddellmeans you can ignore it22:26
murthysorry i overlooked it22:26
murthyits gpl2+22:26
* yofel is too tired for licensing today -.-22:26
murthyyofel: sorry22:27
murthyyofel: i am iterating through the dirs and its like the russian doll22:27
yofelnah, it's me that's sorry22:27
apacheloggeryofel: does buildstatus work with ppas?22:27
yofelwell, *that* is reality ^^22:27
apacheloggerkubotu: buildstatus kscreen22:27
apacheloggeryeah that looks broken alright22:27
murthyyofel: i will be finishing in 15 min22:28
yofelapachelogger: not really, seems to track the primary archive22:28
yofelnot like adding ppa support would be much work22:28
apacheloggerthe output is weird at any rate22:29
apacheloggeryofel: would be cool if you could make that happen ^^22:29
yofelremind me again if it's not done by weekend22:29
murthyRiddell: which one to ignore?22:29
apacheloggerkubotu: buildstatus amarok22:29
kubotu powerpc Successfully built22:29
kubotu i386 Successfully built22:29
kubotu armhf Successfully built22:29
kubotu armel Successfully built...22:29
apacheloggeralso I think one-line output would be nice22:29
* apachelogger wonders why kscreen is broken and sighs22:30
Riddellmurthy: ignore http://paste.kde.org/682346/22:30
murthyRiddell: you mean i can ignore the copyright for the build scripts?22:30
Riddellmurthy: yes22:30
murthyRiddell: cool22:31
apacheloggerafiestas: kscreen in ppa however lunchpad decided that today is a busy day and refuses to build it within the next couple of hours...22:31
apacheloggerbackports ppa22:31
murthyha ha ha22:33
murthyI am going to get mad today22:33
Riddelluh oh22:33
murthywhen open a dir and it contains a single dir and i thnk its going to end and then when i open it and i see several dir with many files :D22:35
murthymy prognosis is that i will take a day to finish22:36
* yofel usually uses licensecheck piped through several layers of grep for licensing fun22:36
murthyyofel: eventually i will do the same, but since this is my learning period , it will be good for me to do it manually22:37
shadeslayerwe should outsource licensing fixes to monkeys22:38
yofelthey're already busy making drafts for freedesktop standards and don't have time22:39
murthyoops i thought that was joke22:39
yofelit was :P22:39
murthysuch a team exist?22:39
murthyah :D22:40
yofelonly on the planet of apes22:40
murthyyofel: its like the google's april gag22:40
murthyyofel: after what Riddell, i am wondering if had wasted my time22:41
yofelmurthy: I think he meant the exception22:42
yofelit's still GPL-2+22:42
murthyyofel: thirdparty/breakpad/* has google's copyright with the exception of some22:42
shadeslayerfreedesktop standards are the lulz22:42
apacheloggeryes, they are a joke, lol22:42
murthyyofel: the breakpad has many files22:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: what are you lulzing at?22:43
murthyyofel: Riddell can you take a look at the dir tomahawk-0.6.0/thirdparty/breakpad and tell me if it needs the exceptions need to be listed?22:44
yofelmurthy: that's why I would run "licensecheck -c=* -r *" over it and only manually look at the stuff it doesn't recognise22:44
Riddellmurthy: where is the tar?22:44
yofelRiddell: pull-ppa-source tomahawk/ppa quantal22:45
yofelRiddell: pull-ppa-source tomahawk/ppa tomahawk quantal22:45
murthythis is work in process and there are pending corrections http://paste.kde.org/682394/ 22:46
murthythats the copyright for tomohawk 0.6.022:46
murthyapachelogger: ^22:46
yofelthe hell22:47
yofelthird_party/glog/compile: GPL (v2 or later) (with incorrect FSF address) GENERATED FILE22:47
Riddellmurthy: no they don't22:48
Riddellyofel: that's got an autoconf exception22:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: the fact that freedesktop standards exist22:49
yofelI was just surprised that licensecheck actually checks the FSF address o.O22:49
murthyRiddell: no need to add the exceptions? and totally sum as google's?22:49
murthyyofel: i am checking with the software and its very cool22:49
* shadeslayer is hungry22:50
shadeslayeryofel: fun22:50
Riddellmurthy: yes22:50
murthyRiddell: omg, thank you22:50
murthyshadeslayer: breakfast?22:52
shadeslayeroh lol22:52
shadeslayerlook at the time22:52
shadeslayer4.22 AM22:52
murthyya :)22:52
shadeslayercompletely lost track of time tonight22:52
* shadeslayer attributes that to House of Cards22:53
murthyshadeslayer: I am not feeling even a little bit sleepy22:53
murthyapachelogger: expect attaching the licenses text, i think its complete http://paste.kde.org/682418/23:19
apacheloggeractually lintian should tell you23:20
murthyapachelogger: no i mean the syntax23:20
murthyapachelogger: overall appearance and grouping 23:21
murthyapachelogger: are you ok with line 100 ?23:21
afiestasapachelogger: thanks :p23:23
murthyapachelogger: one small correction23:23
afiestasapachelogger: don't tell shadeslayer but you are my favorite Kubuntu packager, at least for this week :p23:23
apacheloggermurthy: no23:24
apacheloggerLicense: GPL-2+23:24
apacheloggernot defined23:24
apacheloggerLicense: LGPL-223:24
apacheloggernot defined23:24
apacheloggerLicense: LGPL-2.123:24
apacheloggernot defined23:24
murthyapachelogger: thats what i said in the previous comment, EXCEPT THAT23:25
murthyapachelogger: talk about the text formatting, i will come to the lintian checking part later23:26
apacheloggerthere's not much to look at :P23:26
apacheloggerif it parses it's fine23:26
murthyapachelogger: line 100?23:26
apacheloggerwould be nice to have linebreaks23:26
murthyapachelogger: 80 chars ok?23:26
apacheloggerif you can make stuff not exceed 80chars/line that is peferred23:26
apacheloggernot a requirement though23:26
murthyapachelogger: ok23:27
apacheloggerif a dep5 parser has problems with parsing a way too long line it probably has no business being a parser ^^23:27
murthyapachelogger: doing a lintian check after dpkg-buildpackage -s gives warning about these things.  example http://paste.ubuntu.com/5557229/23:28
murthyapachelogger: and i was asked to remove those https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdlna/+bug/112997723:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1129977 in libdlna (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] libdlna" [Undecided,Fix released]23:29
apacheloggerQuintasan: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-kubuntu-development23:32
apachelogger[kubuntu-dev] evaluate input methods ibus and fcitx and ensure they both work, decide which to ship: TODO23:32
apacheloggermurthy: so?23:32
murthyapachelogger: text formatting is a step that has to be taken care23:33
apacheloggernot in dep523:33
murthyapachelogger: unofficially23:35
murthyapachelogger: so shall i copy paste the license text from here http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/#license-field?23:37
murthyapachelogger: so shall i copy paste the license text from here http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/#license-field ?23:37
murthyapachelogger: give me reference for the license definition so that i can copy paste 23:39
apacheloggermurthy: inside the source you have a perfectly fine short license version to use :P23:41
murthyapachelogger: ok23:41
apacheloggerthen simply append the "On Debian systems, the full text of ...." aprt23:41
* apachelogger leaves for today23:42
ScottKRiddell: \o/23:45
ScottKjono: No.  It's the end of UDS.  When I'm at a UDS in person, I've taken off work and can focus.  I'm in a session virtually every slot.  There's no way that'll happen if I'm not there.  I know from how much I've participated when I'm not there before.  I doubt I'm at all atypical.23:47
ScottKPlus every three month makes zero sense.23:47
ScottKThat is until Canonical announces it's changed the release cycle too, so I'll wait for that one.23:47

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