
=== spawn57 is now known as spawn[dead]
rottingdeadDoesn't this system like 8 GiB and/or 1 TB Hard Drives? Installed fine in VirtualBox, but I go to install it on hard drive, all it does is freeze up while booting, any ideas?02:55
rottingdead8 GiB RAM**02:55
clearyI'm hoping someone can give me a quick answer - in the kubuntu 12.10 livecd, there is a splash that hooks itself between the kdm login and the ksplash processes, where you can choose to install or try the live desktop03:12
clearywhat package provides this/where can I find out how to hook in there too?03:12
cleary250+ nicks and the channel is dead :(03:16
clearywhy are you here?03:16
clearylooks like it's ubiquity-dm03:25
SSE2_Jose_RamireHi all, I've been trying to make vpn work from my KDE Plasma widget and after a couple of days struggling I got openconnect working fine, however I cannot connect to pptp vpns now... any ideas on what logs can I look at to see what is going on?04:02
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SSE2_Jose_Ramireany ideas at all on what logs to check to diagnose a pptp vpn connection?04:12
nohanhola n___n04:50
Creakyevery time i try to start mozilla thunderbird i get a black screen and have to imput my password and thunderbird is not usable when i log back in05:07
Creakyanyone here or can anyone hear me?05:11
n8w|how do i adjust a window title for a remote host? all it shows now is "~:bash"08:16
stackynot able to successfully upgrade to kubuntu 12.10 from 12.0408:24
stackyafter up-gradation works fine for the first time reboot08:24
stackybut then all the subsequent reboots show nothing but a blank black screen after choosing kubuntu from boot loader in parallel to windows08:25
stackycan anyone help08:25
stackyseems some problem with graphics in hp-dv608:25
novaisabadcatI'm trying to compile ktorrent and make errors say "dtd/kdex.dtd" is missing...which it is.  Can anyone tell me why it's missing or how to go about getting it?  Seems related to somethign called docbook.08:45
LloydOsWhat is the default login for the live version of 12.10?09:03
LloydOsCan anyone help with login for KDE Plasma Workspace Live09:10
sveinseHi. I'm experimenting with alternate text editors, and I'm  trying out kate. Can kate be configure to always indent the line to the correct indentation when I press TAB? Like emacs does. I just cant live without that09:12
novaisabadcatlloyd try ubuntu or kubuntu and no pass09:14
novaisabadcatthough i dont think it should ask for one09:14
LloydOsI tried both kubuntu and ubuntu and neither works as user name...09:15
LloydOsI would have thought on the main page of user manual but not...09:17
yofelsveinse: kate does have some auto indentation support together with the syntax highlighting, see the Editing settings09:18
sveinseyofel: Yes. I've seens the indentation tab under editing. But there does not seem to be a TAB action which states "indent according to syntax highlight". Not sure though what "Default indentation mode" really is09:20
yofelhm, not sure if there is something. The editor is a bit vi-style, so going to a new line will auto-indent to the correct position, but TAB only shifts one indent level.09:22
yofelI don't use kate too much though so maybe it's doable after all09:22
sveinseyofel: OOI, what do you use?09:23
yofelVIM mostly09:23
LloydOsI have also tried the normal 'letmein' 'password' 'admin' and they will not me login either?09:24
novaisabadcatyoure booting from a cd/dvd?09:25
LloydOsbooting from USB iso09:25
novaisabadcatis it asking for an account in a pretty graphical way or does it lok like a terminal09:28
LloydOsIt is the Plasma graphical mode...09:29
novaisabadcatdo you have another computer you can try it on?09:32
LloydOsI do, although the one I am trying it on does install version 9.10 ok09:35
novaisabadcatjust the live  boot doesnt work right?09:36
novaisabadcatfrom what i can see it shouldnt ask you, and in some cases when it does its bad media..bad burn..bad download09:36
novaisabadcatone post i found said it worked on one pc with no loging but prompted on another09:37
LloydOsok, will try another download, also trying it on another pc, if I can get that to boot from USB...09:37
novaisabadcati would try booting that usb drive on another pc or try burning the iso to a disc and booting09:38
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LloydOsok, will give that a go. Been trawling though the helppages and manuals and there is no mention of a default user name....Thanks09:40
novaisabadcatim going to live boot 12.10 in a virtual machine to see09:41
LloydOsCool, let me know your findings09:41
novaisabadcatclicking on try kubuntu09:42
novaisabadcatwent right to the desktop09:42
novaisabadcatok im looking at users09:43
novaisabadcati see a system user with real name" live session user", username: "kubuntu"09:43
novaisabadcatlooks like it has no password09:44
LloydOsMine gave the option of Persistent Mode, Live Mode, Install etc on start up, which one did you opt for?09:46
novaisabadcatpersistent mode offers a small amount of persistent storage on a usb drive, live would boot without allowing anythign to be saved after shutting down09:47
novaisabadcati booted from an iso file directly so it cant be persistent09:47
novaisabadcatdid you do persistent?09:48
LloydOsoh, I see because it is a VM, just downloading fresh ISO now. I used Live last time09:49
novaisabadcatwhat did you create the usb installer with?09:50
LloydOsI used LinuxLive USB Creator 2.8.1909:51
LloydOsMaybe I should be using the LTS version instead of the DT although am using DT version 9.10 currently, it is an old P4 Shuttle PC09:55
novaisabadcat12.10 seems pretty stable09:56
novaisabadcatare you trying to boot from a usb drive to try it out, install it, or are you hoping to make a portable os to carry around?09:57
LloydOsI am booting from USB to install on that machine. I use Knoppix as my portable OS on another USB...09:58
novaisabadcathow much ram does it have?  I did see one forum post about the username prompting that was resolved by adding more ram I think09:59
novaisabadcatmore than 512?09:59
LloydOsit has 1024 - just trying it in another PC10:02
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LloydOsGo to go being collected for the gym, can I msg u later?10:04
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novaisabadcatCan anyone make any sense of this error I got when running "make" to compile ktorrent: "index.docbook:7: warning: failed to load external entity "dtd/kdex.dtd""?10:27
tsimpson!find dtd/kdex.dtd | novaisabadcat10:33
ubottunovaisabadcat: File dtd/kdex.dtd found in kdoctools10:34
tsimpsonbut it's clearly a warning, not an error10:34
novaisabadcati have kdoctools installed but the file doesn't exist.  theres several more lines of errors starting with this one involving docbook.  It does fail in the end though10:36
purplerainhai. after upgarding to KDE 4.10 in Precise, webcam video is flickering and i can10:37
purplerainhai. after upgarding to KDE 4.10 in Precise, webcam video is flickering and i can t open it with kamoso/kamerka only with cheese10:37
purplerainis this known issue??10:37
tsimpsonnovaisabadcat: it should be at /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/dtd/kdex.dtd10:41
novaisabadcatyeah i dont have a ksgmltools2 folder at all for some reason10:42
novaisabadcati just booted a live iso and it has one10:43
purplerainAlso im trying to get backported quantal kernel but i get this unmet dependencies error from kde packages http://paste.ubuntu.com/5567291/10:45
novaisabadcatI think I might have unknowingly let BleachBit delete "extra" language files..which might have included kdex.dtd10:47
reshelle_Здравствуйте, а есть здесь русскоязычные пользователи которые могли бы помочь10:50
reshelle_Здравствуйте, а есть здесь русскоязычные пользователи которые могли бы помочь10:53
novaisabadcatyeah  it appears it was bleachbit that removed the files (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bleachbit/+bug/1059260)10:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 1059260 in BleachBit "Bleachbit should not erase these files required by the kdelibs package" [Undecided,Fix released]10:54
novaisabadcattheir suggestion is to reinstall kdelibs...i have kdelibs-bin, or some kdelibs5 packages...I'm not sure how to reinstall any of it without it removing what appears to be most of kde.11:06
reshelle_Помогите с установкой и настройкой Wine11:10
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ovidiu-florinhello world :D12:23
BluesKajHey all12:46
dishantpHi, my machine is running KDE SC 4.10 on ubuntu, but due to broken packages, i am not able to install  all dependency packages  of kdelibs5.12:51
dishantpthe version table still shows 4.8.512:52
novaisabadcatyay i managed to compile ktorrent..that only took like 5 hours to figure out12:56
novaisabadcatstill doesnt seem to use the proxy its supposed to be using : |12:58
BluesKajno need to compile ktorrent , it's in the repos12:59
johnflux_novaisabadcat: apt-get source ktorrent ; apt-get build-dep ktorrent ; dpkg-deb --build ktorrent   ?12:59
johnflux_BluesKaj: sounds like he wanted custom compile flags13:00
ovidiu-florinI thought he wanted to change something to it13:00
novaisabadcati wanted to try 4.3.1.  I didnt see it in the repos13:00
ovidiu-florinor make a patch or something13:00
ovidiu-florinnovaisabadcat: how is it?13:01
novaisabadcatno nothing that sophisticated13:01
dishantpHi, my machine is running KDE SC 4.10 on ubuntu, but due to broken packages, i am not able to install  all dependency packages  of kdelibs5.13:01
novaisabadcatseems to work, it gives me an error on launch about not being able to do somethign with tor..which i dont use13:01
ovidiu-florindishantp: please do not double post13:01
ovidiu-florinwait for someone to answer your question13:02
dishantpsorry, i will be patient.13:02
novaisabadcatit tells me "Unable to create /home/nova/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor0/torrent: Permission denied" at startup...I hit OK and torrents still seem to download.13:02
ovidiu-florindishantp: have you tried: sudo apt-get install -f ?13:03
ovidiu-florinnovaisabadcat: check permissions13:03
dishantpyes, i tried apt-get -f install13:03
dishantpthen i tried dpkg --clear-avail13:03
novaisabadcatowner of that file is the user nova..which sounds right13:05
ovidiu-florinnovaisabadcat: what about the parent folders?13:05
novaisabadcati tried "sudo chown -R nova:nova /home/nova/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/"13:11
novaisabadcatstill get an error13:11
novaisabadcatscratch that...ktorrent seems happier when starting now...thank you ovidiu13:14
BluesKajdishantp, try sudo dpkg --configure -a , and pastebin th output, if any13:15
dishantpBluesKaj : well, i did it again today also trying to solve on my own. however,no output.13:18
dishantpBluesKaj : dpkg --clear-avail also shows no output13:19
BluesKajok , try update and dist-upgrade again13:20
dishantpBluesKaj : was updating before you told me to,so now i have executed both update and dist-upgrade13:23
ovidiu-florinnovaisabadcat: you're wellcome13:24
novaisabadcatstill giving me trouble actually..no more error on startup but it forgets my torrents each time i start it13:25
BluesKajdishantp, when upgrading to a new desktop or a new version , one should always update and upgrade first then add the ppa if necessary13:26
dishantpBluesKaj : Duly noted. :) so,should i  go for kdelibs5 installation?13:33
novaisabadcatfixed it ovidiu...seems like it was permissions or ownership issue.13:38
BluesKajdishantp, you can try13:45
novaisabadcatdoes anyone here sucessfully use a proxy with ktorrent?13:57
ovidiu-florinnovaisabadcat: why not use a system wide proxy?13:59
novaisabadcatim not sure that woudl work with btguard14:00
dishantpBluesKaj, if only i could provide you an error log, you could understand the problem more clearly, because it's not working.14:06
novaisabadcatthe socks proxy setting in system settings/network settings doesnt say anything about an account/password14:06
BluesKajlook in /var/log/syslog for errors , dishantp14:07
dishantpAlso, is doing apt-get autoremove preferred anytime?14:07
BluesKajand autoclean , after upgrades, dishantp14:08
dishantpBluesKaj, can i get your blog link,if you write?14:18
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BluesKajdishantp, i don't blog anymore '14:23
swexhelp me please14:55
swexmu kubuntu can't talk to /sys/class/backlight/nvidia_backlight/ interfae14:55
swexif I echo int > /sys/class/backlight/nvidia_backlight/brightness by hands everything works, but KDE ignoring key press events14:56
lordievaderswex: You could do a work around, make a script that does all that and call the script with the keyboard shortcuts.15:12
MichaelPAny idea's why pulseaudio EQ screws with system volume?  everytime i change setting on pulse eq i have to trun pc volume back up !!16:15
qwhello all17:17
qwhelp me pleae17:17
qwi woul like install irc client from my phone Samsung Galaxy Pocket DUOS17:18
LloydOsTried Kubuntu 12.10 on 2 PC from USB & DVD will not install17:39
* roggan tries an alias17:49
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murthyhello everyone18:09
Roger32any computer genius here?18:13
Roger32my computer is under attack18:13
Roger32and i need help18:13
Roger32please help18:14
grisutheguruhow do you recognise the attack?18:14
Roger32my firewall say its poisen dns attack18:15
Roger3223 attacks in 3 seconds, thats not good...18:15
Roger32im afraid :(18:15
grisutheguruand why is that an attack?18:16
Roger32the firewall say so18:16
Roger32he call it "poisen dns attack"18:16
Roger32and if you use your brain for 1 second, you know poisen kills humans18:17
BluesKajRoger32, show us the FW under attack message in pastebin18:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:19
Roger32theni have to wait for a new attack i guess18:19
Roger32the strange thing is that i serched the ip adr that the attack came from, and it was my routers adress.18:20
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Roger32while i wait for an attack,is there something else i can do ?18:22
Roger32other options we can try ?18:22
BluesKajRoger32, is it a router provided by your ISP? If so then they could be surveying for usage and installing new firmware18:22
Roger32it's a router i got my self, not from the isp.18:23
BluesKajdo you have your wifi turned on ?18:23
genii-aroundIt doesn't have to be some external attack, just misconfigured DNS/routes or so18:23
Roger32i do use wireless ipad, ps3 and xbox36018:23
Roger32so it must be on18:23
BluesKajsomebody could be trying to piggyback on your wifi and they were trying passwords to get in ...I've had that happen here18:24
Roger32it's possible18:25
Roger32since the neighbour kids have gotten alot of complaints from me18:25
Roger32i use wire on my pc18:27
Roger32from the router18:27
Roger32wireless is for gaming and ipad18:27
Roger32the thing is that only the payed version of my security system shows this attack18:30
Roger32it never happend when i use microsoft internet security18:30
BluesKajmaybe MS secuity doesn't see it and the FW just bounces it18:38
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BluesKajor there was no "instance" while you were on windows18:40
Roger32there has been none attack so far,18:40
Roger32not sure when it will happan again18:41
Roger32so i cant give you a screenshoot18:41
Roger32but ESET security is what i use18:41
ovidiu-florinGotta go. See you soon. ;)18:41
supermagnum357_Hello, does anyone know what type of interface i should point jackd to ?18:41
supermagnum357_i have tried /dev/snd , but that does not work.18:42
BluesKajsupermagnum357_, the ppl at #jack chatroom/support will have more knowledge than we do18:45
supermagnum357_ok. i will try there18:45
swexlordievader: r u here?19:09
swexanybody... how to debug powerdevil events?19:09
lordievaderHey swex, yes I am here.19:09
swexlordievader: about backlight bug19:10
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lordievaderswex: Remind me please, I know vaguely...19:10
swexmy laptop doesn't react to backlight buttons19:11
swexlordievader: but echo int > /sys/class/backlight/.../brightness is ok19:11
ed874564555hi I just I just downloaded some updates and one of them are nvida optimus support using the proprietary nvidia driver, does that mean that optimus is officialy supported or what?19:11
lordievaderswex: Ah yes, from earlier, right?19:12
swexlordievader: yep19:12
lordievaderswex: Ah ok, thanks. Did you find a solution?19:12
swexNo I didn't I can create script but don't know how to do it right.. I mean how to echo by root from userspace?19:13
lordievaderswex: Ah right, you need sudo for that... Well you can do some really dirty stuff... In the sudoers file you can specify commands that do not require the sudo password...19:15
swexlordievader: yep thats dirty19:15
swexlordievader: for now I'm trying to find way to debug powerdevil19:15
swexbut I can't find any documentation about that...19:16
swexI even can't find appropriate ticket in bugs.kde.org19:16
lordievaderswex: Does kde recognize the key-combo?19:16
lordievaderswex: If it doesn exist yet be sure to make one!19:17
swexlordievader: I think...so19:17
swexlordievader: I used xev to check input19:17
lordievaderswex: In the keyboard shortcuts of the systemsettings you can assign things to the keyboard shortcut?19:17
swexof course19:18
sorbiqhi all19:18
lordievaderswex: Ok, so that ain't broken ;)19:19
lordievaderswex: And the Screen Brightness shortcuts are also enabled within the Global Keyboard Shortcuts section (Under KDE Daemon)19:20
swexlordievader: yes...19:21
sorbiqi have 2 problems with kubuntu:19:21
sorbiq1. my pc is connected to tv 40' and my cursor looks to big on my laptop screen any way to fix it?19:21
sorbiq2. nepomuk crashes every time i reboot my pc19:21
sorbiqKubuntu is in version 12.04LTS and kde is 4.10 any idea how to fix it?19:21
FloodBotK1sorbiq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:21
swexlordievader: but pressing doesn't give anything19:22
lordievadersorbiq: Take a look at the resolution dependent mouse size (systemsettings -> Workspace Appearance -> Cursor Theme), nepomuk is quite broken in 4.10 crashes for a lot of people... Quite a number of bug reports about that one. You can disable nepomuk, this will stop it from crashing ;)19:25
Roger32where can i downlod music19:25
sorbiqlordievader: my resolution for cursor is fixed to 24 , how can i disable nepomuk ?19:26
lordievadersorbiq: Under Desktop Search, untick Enable Nepomuk.19:27
lordievaderswex: I'm wondering does the slider under the Power Settings still work?19:28
sorbiqlordievader: done, and what about that cursor, do you have any idea, what to do?19:28
sorbiqlordievader: it looks in some part of desktop normal and in others is big19:29
lordievadersorbiq: Is a different cursor theme smaller? I had it jump up in size too earlier today, don't really know why...19:29
sorbiqlordievader: when i'm trying to use i.e nadheld theme then cursor is normal size i mean 12 but in some part of screen it's switching magicaly to big oxygen theme have no idea why ?19:31
sorbiqlordievader: *handheld19:32
Roger32you cant serch for music downloads in windows19:32
Roger32wtf is wrogn with you19:32
Roger32you want some of this bitch ?19:33
IdleOne!language | Roger3219:34
ubottuRoger32: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:34
lordievaderRoger32: Can you watch your language, this is a family friendly channel.19:34
BluesKajRoger32, enough19:34
lordievadersorbiq: Hehehe, I'm experiencing the same thing was hoping a reboot would fix it, haven't rebooted yet though. Did you try rebooting?19:35
sorbiqlordievader: yep several times, no change, i've saw a bug report with this issue, but no workaround, so i thought maybe here19:37
sorbiqlordievader: oh at least my xbmc is working on second screen without issue :)19:38
sorbiqlordievader: thx for advice with nepomuk and cya :)19:39
Roger32i am a family friendly man19:41
Roger32i love kids19:41
lordievaderAhh, why did you leave, I think I have found the issue.19:41
Roger32love to do kids19:41
Roger32in there bed19:41
Roger32im bed im bad19:42
lordievaderGood he left, not the kind of people we want around here :(19:42
swexlordievader: no slider is not working too19:49
swexlordievader: thats why I need to debug powerdevil behavior...19:50
lordievaderswex: What kind of graphics card do you have? I once had my brightness keys not working fixed it by installing the closed-source driver.19:50
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »20:14
rosco_ymy Amarok keeps crashing, can anyone recommend an audio player alternative?20:58
rosco_yI've installed the virtualbox guest-additions in my Windows Virtual Machine, do I need to isntall a guest-additions in kubuntu too, so that I can share files?21:00
lordievaderrosco_y: Try Clementine, it's a amarok 1.4 fork :)21:01
BluesKajclementine is a nice player , easy and simpole21:02
rosco_ylordievader: ty :)  --I've figured out the file sharing thing with VirtualBox ^^takes a bow^^ "Please, just throw monoey" ^^21:22
lordievaderrosco_y: Good to hear :)21:23
rosco_ylordievader: I'm fine with Clementine so far--thanks for the suggestions!21:36
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Questhibernate button is not visible on my menu. i have installed hibernate package though22:05
Questany solution?22:05
Questhibernate:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.22:07
AciD`in an how to, I have to put some special configuration into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, but this folder doesn't exist. Is it ok to create it or is that deprecated with the newer version of xorg ?22:52
k4tZzI have a backup saved from backintime23:52
k4tZzI tar.gz'd the home dir23:53
k4tZzshould I just extract it into the new home dir that I have on my fresh install?23:53
k4tZzI feel like I'm lacking etiquette or proper procedures.23:53

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