
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
bruceguanybody here?12:12
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== DrCode_ is now known as DrCode
bjaanesMan, this channel is really dead23:15
odraShame on it.23:16
odraIf there were more people here I could ask for help with making an image viewer. But I'm better off with google.23:16
bjaanesUbuntu App Development need to get better :P Community and everything around it23:16
bjaanesI know23:16
odraI need to figure out how to package my image viewer.23:18
stqntell us about it ;)23:19
odraI figured out how to debian package things with a tutorial.23:19
odraHowever, turns out you need to create the base linux directories where your app and your app stuff will go into in that debian archive23:20
odraAlso turns out I don't know how the linux directories work.23:20
stqnthis is for inclusion in the ubuntu software center?23:23
odraYes. I would like to include an image viewer I made yesterday.23:24
stqnthey have special rules for proprietary / open-source / paid / free software, I don’t remember everything :P23:27
stqnI know that proprietary & paid-for goes to /opt/yourpackagename/, it’s easy…23:28
odraDo they have a rule against cliched software packages made in two days?23:28
stqnahah :)23:28
stqnI was also surprised when you said « that I made yesterday »…23:29
stqndoes it do something that the other viewers don’t?23:30
odrastqn: No.23:32
odraNo no, I think it does something incredibly original that you can't find in most other viewers!23:37
odraYou can hide the scrollbars!23:38
odraYay! Originality!23:38
stqnhm I finally managed to get sound working in my sdl game… but I don’t know how23:44
odrastqn: Luck, perhaps?23:56

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