
AlanBellso, who is going to attend the first remote UDS?20:01
IdleOneI'll check it out for sure, like I always do remotely20:05
IdleOneLittle sad though. This means i probably won't ever get to meet in person some people I always wanted to shake hands with.20:05
AlanBellyeah, that is the sad part for me too20:13
AlanBellbunch of people I will probably never meet, and some I will probably never meet again20:13
AlanBellI would like it if they did a pay-to-attend conference at some stage20:14
AlanBellso totally different content20:14
AlanBellnot a "come and work for free" thing20:15
AlanBellI used to pay thousands to go to conferences20:16
IdleOnemaybe they will revisit this and decide to do in person UDS for LTS releases20:17
IdleOnethat would be 1 every 2 years, little more financially digestible for them?20:18
IdleOneJust seems to me that it makes sense to get your best people together in one room every now and then20:20
pleia2AlanBell: too short notice :(20:33
pleia2I have a day job and all20:33
IdleOnehow did this affect your day job?20:33
pleia2IdleOne: a week is not enough time to schedule time off20:34
IdleOneoh, you won't be able to participate as much :/20:34
JoseeAntonioRsame here with school, I start on Monday20:35
AlanBellpleia2: yeah, this is really short notice20:35
IdleOneits almost like they don't want too many people actually involved20:35
AlanBellbit of an odd format for it as an online event, 8 things in parallel20:36
AlanBellthe reason for doing lots of tracks in parallel in person is that everyone is there, you have to occupy them20:36
AlanBellfor online it could have been done in a much more spread out way20:37
popeyi am not convinced UDS will never be in-person again20:43
AlanBellpopey is rarely negative, but when he is, it is a double negative \o/20:52
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as RyuKurisu
=== RyuKurisu is now known as MrChrisDruif

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