
britthey guys01:14
brittI was getting a black screen at boot again today01:14
brittafter 3 attempts booting it finally worked01:14
brittany ideas?01:14
darkxstbritt, next time it fails grab the gdm logs03:43
brittwhere are the logs held?03:48
brittthere are a lot of them in there? Is there any one in particular?03:49
darkxstactually they appear to get rotated, so if you can find the one the corresponded to the black screen03:49
darkxststart with :0.log.* (they are the X server logs)03:49
darkxstgrep "(EE)" *03:50
britti'm reading through them now trying to find any mention of the black screen03:52
darkxstwell you should be looking for just "error" and/or "(EE)"03:53
brittI think I found the ones with the errors03:54
brittyeah the one I am looking in has lots of errors reported, whereas the other log files do not03:55
darkxstprobably they will all have errors, so make sure they where from about the right time03:55
brittthey dont have time stamps though03:56
darkxstthe file does03:56
brittyeah it's the right time03:57
darkxstpaste it03:57
brittthe whole file?03:57
darkxstyeh, to pastebin or something03:57
brittkk just a sec03:57
brittit took 3 attempts for me to get my computer to boot this last time, and the current log and the 3rd log and greater do not have any noticable errors04:02
britt1 and 2 are just about the same, and I believe each cooresponds to one of the failed attempts to boot, based on the time stamps04:02
darkxstbut it looks like that error is occuring on shutdown of the server04:04
darkxstperhaps look in corresponding (via file timestamps) -greeter and -slave.logs04:04
britthttp://pastebin.com/WJZZZG9W this is one of the logs for a successfull boot. Look where it talks about "Allocate new frame buffer"04:05
britton the failed one it says (II) RADEON(0): Allocate new frame buffer 3840x1088 stride 384004:05
britt(EE) RADEON(0): failed to set mode: Permission denied(EE) RADEON(0): failed to set mode: Permission denied(II) RADEON(0): VRAM usage limit set to 1864278K04:05
brittthe successfull one says:04:05
britt(II) RADEON(0): Allocate new frame buffer 1920x1088 stride 192004:05
britt(II) RADEON(0): VRAM usage limit set to 1872054K04:05
britton successfull boots it tries to allocated 1920x1088 stride 1920, on unsuccessfull it tries to allocate 3840x1088 stride 384004:07
brittwait actually nevermind they both allocate the 2840x1088, however on successfull ones it does get the permission denied error04:08
darkxstexcept this means something has told/caused the xserver to shutdown, (II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch04:08
darkxstX server appears to be loading fine04:09
brittit does. It shows the blue background for about 2 seconds. It then goes to a solid black screen about the time gdm would normally load04:10
darkxstany errors in the :0-greeter.log and -slave.log04:11
brittit looks like a lot of errors actually04:13
darkxstthat is definately an openGL issue, its trying to fallback to the old gtk2 greeter04:16
brittit didn't do it until I upgrade to the staging ppa though...04:17
brittno other files have changed04:17
brittThis is a greeter file from a successfull boot04:21
darkxstits not even trying to load gnome-shell, due to this failure (gnome-session[2287]: WARNING: Session 'gdm-shell' runnable check failed: Timed ou04:25
brittyeah on the successfull boots that line isn't there04:25
brittwhich would make sense lol04:26
britton both boot failures it is there and on all successes it isn't04:26
darkxstfile a bug against gnome-session04:30
brittwhat should I put in the report?04:30
brittdamn it wont let me use apport to report it04:32
brittis there a manual way to file a bug via launchpad?04:33
darkxstyeh just go to project page04:33
darkxstattach that greeter log04:34
darkxstand include the WARNING in the report04:34
darkxstI have to run, will be back later04:34
brittok thanks for the help04:35
britthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1133120 here is the bug report for when you get back04:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1133120 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "gnome-session failing to load dude to timeout error on random boots" [Undecided,New]04:41
brittjbicha are you around?04:55
darkxstjbicha, just out of interest have you test gdm fallback mode recently?05:10
jbichadarkxst: no, it's harder to test now that we've enabled llvmpipe05:17
darkxstjbicha, I think it might be broken05:17
jbichadarkxst: I'm surprised they didn't remove it yet; it seems they tried to remove every bit of integration with the old fallback mode this cycle05:19
jbichaI don't maintain a project but it seems that deprecating and removing all in the same short cycle is moving a bit too fast but anyway...05:21
darkxstyeh well the fallback stuff ties into a lot of different packages05:23
darkxsthmm it still works when I force the session05:32
darkxstbut is failing when britt 'fallsback' to it05:32
jbichadoes lightdm work in those cases?05:33
darkxstjbicha, in my case it did, but I had a mesa bug that only affected clutter05:34
darkxstdon't know if it works for britt05:34
jbichabecause if it lightdm fails too, I blame his drivers05:35
darkxstwell it could be many things, but X is starting up fine according to the logs05:37
brittricotz: hey can I ask you a question about fglrx drivers in raring?07:54
ricotzbritt, #ubuntu-x is a better place to ask that ;)07:55
britthah yeah, but I specifically wanted to ask you a question ;-)07:55
brittand I know you hang out around here07:55
britt(and me too lol)07:55
brittI can switch over though if that is better07:55
ricotzbritt, if you are asking about the xedgers packages, i am not using fglrx i am just updating those to give people a "safe" way to test/use them07:56
jbichadarkxst: ok, I uploaded the gnome-shell/mutter sru, when you get a chance could you add the extra SRU description to bug 1067265 and bug 113230817:23
ubot5bug 1067265 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Quantal) "gnome-shell (3.6) notification bar disappears" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106726517:23
ubot5bug 1132308 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Quantal) "~50px pointer barrier in gnome shell at bottom of primary monitor in raring" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113230817:23
darkxstjbicha, thanks, updated those 220:15
jbichadarkxst: thanks, also for SRUs they want the version number to use a decimal point so that it doesn't conflict with versions in the development release, i.e. 3.6.3-0ubuntu0.120:16
darkxstah right, I should have realised that!20:19
SpaceAanyone around?20:26
jbichadarkxst: and I copied bits from the NEWS file since some people pick & choose stable updates based on the debian changelog20:42
spaceadarkxst: sorry - what was the last message you got from me?20:43
darkxstspacea, "<SpaceA> anyone around?"20:44
spaceadarkxst: i was about to intall gnome remix on my new PC. Is the development still going on?20:45
darkxstspacea, yes, however no ISO's for raring version just yet20:46
spaceadarkxst: would you have any idea what size of updates I am looking for a fresh install of gnome remix 12.10?20:46
darkxstspacea, nope20:47
spaceadarkxst: this might be a very stupid request but could you check via a VM if you have a fast connection? My connection takes 9-12 hours to download the iso20:48
spaceayay third world country internet20:48
darkxstI have very fast internet, not sure how that will help you?20:49
spaceaIf its too big then I will have to go with something else unfortunately :(20:49
spaceaI just need to know the update size after install20:49
spaceadarkxst: Your help would be really appreciated20:51
spaceadarkxst: should I wait around or is that too much to ask? :/20:57
darkxstspacea, can't check right now21:05
spaceaall right sir21:05
robert_ancelljbicha, nice work on the tech board email btw21:10
gonyerejbicha: any idea when iso's for 13.04 will be out?21:19
gonyerealso I'm super happy to see that 13.04 will have libre office & firefox by default xD thank you!! :)21:20
jbichagonyere: if we're lucky we'll be official and we can get daily builds without too much work22:53
jbichaotherwise, whenever someone gets around to building the 2 images and checking that they work and then we'll call it an alpha22:53
jbicharobert_ancell: thanks, not much response yet, I'm guessing they'll have questions at Monday's tech board meeting though22:54

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