
infinityOh.  Or maybe the current trunk depends on something from a newer ubuntu-dev-tools.00:00
infinityDevelopers running precise.  Crazy talk.00:00
bjfstable kernel folks are allowed00:00
bjfwe actually support lts00:00
infinityI run both, to be fair.00:01
infinityJust that my laptop is raring.00:01
bjfi can try raring if that makes a diff (i also run multiple)00:01
infinityAnd all my other machines are precise.00:01
bjfsame here00:01
infinityWell, it works here on raring.00:01
bjfcan't hurt to try ...00:01
infinityAnyhow, if it doesn't work for some reason, I'll just copy it to a security PPA and be done with it.00:01
infinitySince I do have access to those.00:02
bjfnope, same error00:03
infinityIt could just be that you don't have ubuntu-dev-tools installed...?00:03
infinityAt least, I assume that's where that import is from.00:03
bjfinfinity, that seems to have made a diff00:04
bjfinfinity, it thinks it did it00:05
infinityWell, we'll know in a minute or two.00:05
infinitycopies are async.00:05
infinityYeahp, looks good.00:05
bjfi see a second one in the ppa00:05
* infinity scores those up.00:06
infinityYou should be able to delete the oopsed quantal one.00:06
bjfinfinity, the signed one is probably in the same situation00:06
infinityThe signed one was uploaded to the archive, not the PPA.00:06
bjfso we just leave it00:06
infinityI've got that covered, yeah.00:06
bjfok, i'm backing away, let me know if i need to do anything else00:07
infinityOther than prodding people for rebases, I think we're good now.00:07
infinityIs this already fixed in raring?00:08
bjfit had not hit linus' tree the last i looked00:10
bjfi mentioned it to rtg, i'm not sure what his plan is/was00:10
bjflet me look at our tree00:11
bjfinfinity, it's on our master-next00:12
infinitybjf: Say, not to nitpick, since this has been wrong for a few releases now, but why do the linux-signed changelogs say "precise"? :)00:56
infinitybjf: No point fixing it for this upload, but someone might want to get it right on the next.00:56
infinityOops. :)00:57
bjfinfinity, looking00:57
infinitybjf: I assume someone just made it precise somewhere in the distant past, and automated tooling has kept it broken. :)00:57
infinitybjf: And since you upload to the PPA in a targetted fashion, and I copy to the archive in a similarly targetted way, it's never actually mattered.00:58
infinitybjf: Anyhow.  No big deal for this round, just entertaining.00:59
bjfinfinity, yup, looks like i may have been the one to "break" it in jan.00:59
infinityThen you can fix it in a week or two. :)00:59
bjfinfinity, tomorrow most likely since this is the start of a cycle00:59
infinitybjf: Also curious that linux-signed-image doesn't depend on sbsigntool in quantal, but it does in precise and raring...01:01
bjfinfinity, your just all kinds of fun today01:02
infinityYeah, I'm great at parties.01:03
infinitybjf: Again, not world-ending, since that was already wrong in the previous uploads, but if you could fit it in git so it matches precise/raring on the next round, that'd be cool.01:09
bjfinfinity, i've noted it and will correct tomorrow01:09
infinitybjf: (Not sure how else the packaging differs between linux-signed/quantal and linux-signed-lts-quantal/precise, but it seems on that they should differ at all, except for the linux-extra dep.01:09
infinityTyping hard.01:09
infinitybjf: Anyhow, this all looks like it's going to build and be happy, so feel free to run away, I'll sort the promotions myself in a bit when it's all done and do bot/bug faffing.01:10
=== BruceMa is now known as BruceMa_afk
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brendandhenrix_, can you help re-orient me in the kernel cadence?08:18
brendandhenrix_, i'm starting to get lost08:18
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infinitybrendand: The current cadence is a bit out of whack due to emergency security releases.  We should be back in the normal flow of things in a day or three.08:54
infinityppisati: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/1132939 could use some urgent attention while I sleep, so I can deal with it in the morning. :)08:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 1132939 in kernel-sru-workflow "linux-ti-omap4: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]08:55
brendandinfinity, an estimated date for the next kernels to finish verification?08:55
infinitybrendand: Well, the current set are skipping the whole process, due to the aforementioned security urgency.08:56
ppisatiinfinity: saw it, doing the rebase right now08:56
infinitybrendand: So, after that, you'd have to ask bjf about the next cycle.08:56
apwbjf, linux-signed in Q differs from P or R in that it contains the full binaries, and so doesn't need those other deps as it works different.  we may want to change that, but it is "right" at least08:59
infinitybjf: Translation, I'll probably work with Andy to make sure it gets changed to match P and R, for sanity and consistency but, yes, it's "correct" right now, as explained.  False alarm earlier.09:02
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
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henrixapw: i understood that linux-3.5.y.z-queue was being built automatically from git but the latest build seems to be from Feb 1609:27
henrixapw: do i need to kick it off?09:28
apwhenrix, they are automatic, but i thought there was two parts, the parts i was doing which are based on tags appearing09:28
apwhenrix, and another part which herton did which was maybe a daily09:28
henrixapw: hmm... ok. so i pushed some commits to -queue yesterday. do you have any idea how do i start a build in there?09:29
henrixapw: anyway, i'll ping herton later about this. i have .debs i've created manually yesterday so i'll just use those for now09:31
apwhenrix, ack09:40
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apwhenrix, erm, there are builds in the mainline builds since the 16th ?10:53
apwhenrix, in the -review ?10:53
henrixapw: oh, i checked the -queue branch only10:54
* henrix goes look10:54
apwit is optimising only one build i think10:54
apwif they are the same10:54
henrixah, ok. makes sense10:55
* apw needs to check it is doing it a sane way round10:55
apwhenrix, yeah so if -review has built and matches -queue then we don't bother building that one too10:58
apwas they would be identicle10:58
henrixapw: yep, got it.  thanks10:58
apwi wonder if we should be linking it into there ... maybe we should10:59
henrixyou mean the 'current', right? it could make sense, yeah10:59
henrixbut since very few people will actually look at those, not sure if its worth the trouble11:00
apwi was more thinking the dates actually11:00
* apw watches raring crater ... great11:40
* rtg_ fixes quantal master-next build12:49
* henrix -> lunch13:02
* rtg_ preps raring kernel for upload, includes CVE-2013-176313:22
KurdistanHi my friend has fujitsu siemens amilo laptop and this is graphical card detail: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5567659/ . The issue is resume back from suspend. It goes to suspend, but when wake up it goes black screen. He really likes
KurdistanI think it is kernel related because there was no fglrx driver in jockey-gtk14:52
* cafetiere whines about i915 page flip hangs in v38 final 14:56
* cafetiere also wonders how he is the first to hit them14:57
Kurdistancafetiere, was your message to me? desperate to help my friend I made him switch from windows.. I do not want to look bad14:57
rtg_cafetiere, isn't there a SAUCE patch just forthat ?14:57
cafetiereI think that was p14:57
rtg_cafetiere, UBUNTU: SAUCE: drm/i915: Wait for pending flips to complete before tearing down the encoders14:58
Kurdistanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1082314 <<<-- I found this but I do not understand anything about it :(.14:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1082314 in mesa "Raring wake up from S3 broken" [Medium,Fix released]14:58
cafetiereKurdistan: nope whining about my own woes14:58
Kurdistancafetiere, oki sorry... :(14:59
cafetierertg_: that is the one but this is during normal boot running14:59
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cafetiereI have Somme pointer from the x people to try, but not being able to use ones own devel box is a pain15:01
smbKurdistan, The best way to help your friend is to open a seperate bug report. Just run "ubuntu-bug" on the affected machine. That runs you through some questions and opens a launchpad bug. 15:11
* ogasawara back in 2015:44
Kurdistansmb, he do not have launchpad account.15:47
Kurdistanbut I will ask him if I do not find out ha way and his laptop have really high temp. I am afriad of overheating.15:47
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:51
bjfbrendand, all you all sorted on what's happening wrt kernel SRU cadence now?16:27
infinityppisati: What's happening with ti-omap4/quantal?  Just waiting on one of your coworkers to upload to the PPA?16:30
ppisatibjf: henrix: herton ^^^16:31
ppisatibug 113293916:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1132939 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-ti-omap4: 3.5.0-220.29 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113293916:31
henrixinfinity: ppisati: ok, i guess we forgot about those branches. thanks16:33
brendandbjf, a clear idea of when the next testing week will be would be handy right now16:34
infinitybrendand: I'm not entirely clear on when your testing week is, but the next uploads should start today/tomorrow.16:36
infinitybrendand: So, testing is the week or two following, I assume.16:36
brendandinfinity, right16:37
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infinitybjf: So... Setting verification testing to invalid REALLY pissed off the bot.  Let's not do that again. :P16:38
bjfinfinity, lol16:38
henrixinfinity: last week i just set those to 'fix released'. and then, manually, set the 'promote-to-*' to 'confirmed'16:39
infinityhenrix: Yeah, I opted to set verification to fix released after I promoted, so everything stayed automated.16:41
infinityhenrix: But we'd earlier set verification to invalid and the bot commented on the bug every few hours, saying "SOMETHING'S WRONG, AND I REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS BUG, BUT I'LL STILL ADD COMMENTS, NYAH NYAH".16:41
infinityI think it's just being a brat for attention.16:42
henrixinfinity: heh, probably :)16:42
bjfbrendand, this is a prep week, next week is verification, the following week is regression testing16:49
brendandbjf, ok thanks16:50
bjfbrendand, there was a small error on the interlock schedule which i've just corrected: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseInterlock16:53
jsalisbury## Meeting starting now17:00
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues March 5th, 2013 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
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* ppisati -> EOD17:38
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* rtg_ -> lunch18:40
zequenceWoa, another Quantal -lowlatency update. What's going on?20:18
bjfzequence, yesterday was for a high priority CVE20:18
bjfzequence, today, it's the start of the regular 3 week cycle20:18
zequencebjf: Ok20:19
bjfzequence, c'mon, you didn't have anything else to do did you? :-)20:19
zequencebjf: Actually, I'm taking the chance while I'm being sick to get some mixing done :)20:20
zequence..not that updating the kernel takes me a long time20:21
zequenceI just run a script pretty much20:21
zequenceAnd try not mess up the changelog :P20:21
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infinitybjf: Not to harp, but should I be concerned that you're starting the new Q SRU cycle and no one's uploaded the ti-omap4/Q rebase for yesterday's CVE fiasco? :P20:28
* rtg_ -> EOD20:29
bjfinfinity, i guess i'll have to deal with that myself20:29
infinitybjf: I think that was the implication made earlier, yeah.20:31
BenCapw: I've had to revert a few of your config changes on ppc21:19
BenCapw: namely, all of the built-in self tests for FMAN/BMAN/QMAN were enabled, and really shouldn't be on unless doing extensive (performance hindering) debugging21:19
BenCAlso, had to disable CRASH_DUMP because it really mucks up ppc in general (especially kexec kernel loading)21:21
BenCCRASH_DUMP makes it so it will be only relocatable to page aligned memory, where as normally we can relocate to arbitrary memory21:21
BenCAnd kexec doesn't have a way to detect that and mask/offset the memory when loading the kernel21:22
infinityBenC: Those are probably valid points for kexec in general which, while we don't officially support on other arches, we probably don't want to hinder.21:36
infinityapw: ^21:36
BenCinfinity: I'm all for re-enabling it on non-freescale kernels, but as I can't test them with it enabled (and it appears it never was before), I'm hesitant of doing so21:56
infinityBenC: I was sort of arguing that your reverts might be valid across the board, not that you should revert the reverts anywhere. :)22:10
BenCinfinity: right, I was just saying that I know it keeps our equipment from even booting the kernels, just noting I don't mind if it's enabled in places where that isn't an issue :)22:10
infinityBenC: Booting is overrated.  What you have there is the fix for every CVE, past, present, and future.22:11
BenCOptimism runs strong in you22:12
infinityYeah, I get accused of that a lot.  Must be my sunny disposition and friendly personality.22:12
infinityBenC: Does this mean there's a linux-ppc upload coming soon?22:25
BenCinfinity: Yeah, recompiling now to make sure this all works22:25
infinityBenC: If so, give me a bit of warning, and I can make sure it lands on sagari.22:25
BenCOk, thanks22:26
* infinity should probably test your kernels on his PPC750 occasionally to make sure you haven't broken powerpc32.22:27
infinityI run raring's powerpc64 kernels on another machine, and they're not obviously broken, but my PPC750 is precise.  I suppose installing and boot-testing the odd kernel wouldn't hurt.22:27
antaruspeople still use powerpc32? :)22:28
antaruswe were discussing this at scale recently ;p22:28
infinityantarus: A fair few people do, AFAIK, though I'm just an "old hardware" case.22:28
infinityantarus: It's an ultra-low-power IBM PPC750 core, so despite being ancient, I don't really feel bad about running it, like I do with, say, old Pentiums.22:29
bjfinfinity, i've uploaded a ti-omap4. i'm prepared for you to tell me all the ways i've screwed it up.22:56
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
infinitybjf: Looks fine to me.23:08
infinitybjf: Sorry to disappoint.23:08
infinitybjf: I'll get it copied and released as soon as it's built tonight to clear the way for the normal SRU that should follow.23:09
bjfinfinity, still plenty of time to find fault, don't rush.23:10
infinitybjf: Well, the one thing you did wrong was to mangle the bug so the bot started lying about builds being completed. :P23:10
infinitybjf: But the source itself looks fine.23:10

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