
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue30500:36
dholbachgood morning07:22
cprofittanyone home with Fridge rights?15:42
akgranercprofitt, what's up?16:10
akgraneror rather what do you need help with16:10
JoseeAntonioRsame here16:13
cprofittakgraner: jono was looking for a person with editing rights to the Fridge16:27
akgranertell him to ping me16:27
akgranerand let me know what he wants adding16:28
akgraneror tweaking16:28
akgranerjono ^^^^16:28
jonoakgraner, thanks16:28
jonowill do in the next hour16:28
akgranerjono roger that - ping when ready16:28
pleia2jono: reminder, several people here do have access to fridge, so you can always just mention in here and we'll get your sorted (ping akgraner and ping pleia2 don't scale, so we have this channel :))18:05
akgranerpleia2, they asked in here - I just responded18:06
akgranerwell cprofitt asked on Jono's behalf18:06
akgranerUbuntu Developer Summits Now Online and Every Three Months - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/02/26/ubuntu-developer-summits-now-online-and-every-three-months/18:06
* pleia2 nods18:06
pleia2 I was getting all kinds of pings before I woke up18:07
jonothanks pleia2!18:08
akgranerpleia2, ahhh gotcha18:08
jonopleia2, sorry, I didn't actually ask anyone to ping you18:08
jonoI just asked if cprofitt had access18:08
jonootherwise I would have asked in here18:08
pleia2ah ok18:09
* akgraner didn't get pings so wasn't aware you did pleia2 now I get your concern18:09
akgranerjono, I've social media'd to all my areas hope that helps get the word out for ya18:09
jonothanks akgraner18:10
skellatCould somebody please push the UDS announcement to community-announce mailing list?18:25
pleia2good idea, jono, can you email to community-announce@lists.ubuntu.com ?18:26
pleia2I'll let it through18:26
jonopleia2, sure, one sec18:26
* skellat wanders off to run errands18:28
pleia2jono: thanks!18:32
jonopleia2, :-)18:33
jonopleia2, akgraner the fridge normally hits planet, right?19:45
JoseeAntonioRjono: only when categorized19:45
pleia2jono: the planet tag needs to be included19:45
* pleia2 checks19:45
pleia2ok, fixed19:46
jonoJoseeAntonioR, so tomorrow I think I am going to commit a chunk of my Q+A to the new UDS19:46
jonoJoseeAntonioR, go into more detail about the event, how it works, and answer people's questions19:47
akgranerpleia2, oops21:13
SilverLionakgraner: HEY! long time no read ma'am ;)21:14
akgranerSilverLion, hey  - I'll be in Hong Kong next week21:15
SilverLionI'll stay where I am :P21:15
SilverLionit's good to have a person I like talking to online ... have been through massive */$&% last few days21:16
akgranerSorry to hear that.  Hope it gets better for you.  I hate to run but I'll be afk for a couple hours.  Gotta pick up some stuff I need for my trip.21:19
SilverLionakgraner: i dont know you the other way :P so it's totally ok, but the light at the end of the tunnel is pretty far away ... if you get me ;)21:22
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as RyuKurisu
=== RyuKurisu is now known as MrChrisDruif

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